Contact [email protected] for new-link requests, dead links, and changed links. Graphic thanks to Slick.
In general, only pages dedicated to a graffiti artist, crew,
stencilist or subvertiser will be considered for this page.
Please report dead links and request new links via [email protected]
Remember to include the city, country, URL, and artist's name if you want a new link.
Frustratingly for everyone, I am years behind making new links.
My sincere apologies. I wish I could do better, but this website is a hobby, not a job, and it's too big for one person to manage.
Please feel free to ask for links but I can't promise to get to them until I find some volunteer help
to set up a Mechanical Turk project. - Susan
Note: Apparently fotolog deletes sites of
graffiti artists, especially in China. Flickr is a better place to be.
Some of these sites might be able to help make a page for you if you don't have one yet. If you can, hire one of the graffik designers to make a site for you.
We recommend rolling your own website. See our FAQ for links to HTML tutorials and scanning information, if you'd like to make your own pages. It's easy and lots of fun. And you'll have total control over your content.
Thanks to Genius for all the help with this page design.
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