Veil, RIP

All artwork is © copyright 2007 Veil (RIP). Images are courtesy of Blen.BNA, from Puerto Rico and ES from Bridgeport CT.

Veil.BNA.KD left this Earth in 2007. He was originally from Bridgeport Connecticut, but he lived his last years in Colorado. If you've done a memorial piece for him or have a good example of his work and would like it to be included on this page, please send it to [email protected]

veil_bna_kdx.jpg mec_and_veilx.jpg mvc_002l_1x.jpg veil_bna_prx.jpg veil_bna77cf31bx.jpg veil_bnax.jpg veil_kd_bnax.jpg veil_onex.jpg veilbombx.jpg

last_veil_in_coloradox.jpg Veil's last piece, in Colorado veil_blackbookx.jpg from ES's blackbook

veilrippiece_colorado07x.jpg RIP Veil by Breez (photo too)

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