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compiz-kde: KDE Window decorator for Compiz Fusion and Utilities

Name:compiz-kde Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:0.5.2 License:GPL
Release:0.1.ML5 URL:
Compiz brings to life a variety of visual effects that make the Linux desktop easier to use, more powerful and intuitive, and more accessible for users with special needs. This package contains a window decorator that uses KDE to provide a look and feel similar to that of the default KDE window manager. This package will also install together the other compiz utilities

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Sun Oct 14 04:10:40 2007
Packager:Eddy Nigg <[email protected]>
Size:217 KiB


* Mon Oct 1 00:00:00 2007 Eddy Nigg <eddy_nigg{%}startcom{*}org>
- Rebuild for StartCom Linux 5.0.x
* Wed Aug 15 01:00:00 2007 Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail <mohd{*}izhar{*}firdaus{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.5.2-0.1
- 0.5.2 release
* Sat Jul 21 01:00:00 2007 Mohd Izhar Firdaus Ismail <mohd{*}izhar{*}firdaus{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.5.1-0.11.20070720git
- 20070720git
- applied fedora-logo and composite-cube-extension patch

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