
cinepaint: CinePaint is a tool for manipulating images.

Name:cinepaint Vendor:StartCom Ltd.,
Version:0.21 License:GPL,LGPL,MIT
Release:0.ML5 URL:
CinePaint is a painting and retouching tool primarily used for motion picture frame-by-frame retouching and dust-busting. It was used on THE LAST SAMURAI, HARRY POTTER and many other films. CinePaint is different from other painting tools because it supports deep color depth image formats up to 32 bits per channel deep and ICC style colour management. CinePaint was originally based on GIMP and consequently is a GTK1-based application. A new FLTK-based version of CinePaint, called Glasgow, is nearing alpha. There's also a new image core in development, called img_img, That will enable CinePaint to operate on images from the command-line and to integrate with other projects such as Blender. Support from the film industry launched development in 1998. Motion picture technology company Silicon Grail (later acquired by Apple) and motion picture studio Rhythm & Hues led the development, with a goal of creating a deep paint alternative to the recently discontined SGI IRIX version of Adobe Photoshop and to support the emerging Linux platform. Although continuously in use in the film industry, it never had much awareness in the open source community. On July 4, 2002, Robin Rowe released CinePaint as a SourceForge project. The profile viewer 'ICC Examin' is available from

Arch: src

Build Date:Tue Apr 11 07:58:03 2006
Packager:Eddy Nigg <[email protected]>
Size:10.28 MiB


* Mon Mar 27 00:00:00 2006 Kai-Uwe Behrmann
- add locale info
* Sat Apr 12 01:00:00 2003 Robin Rowe
- filmgimp to cinepaint rename
- rename gimp files
* Wed Dec 4 00:00:00 2002 Sam Richards
- Changed include directory path.

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