System Environment/Base

dkms: Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework

Name:dkms Vendor:
Version:2.0.10 License:GPL
Release:1.al2 URL:
This package contains the framework for the Dynamic Kernel Module Support (DKMS) method for installing module RPMS as originally developed by the Dell Computer Corporation.

Arch: src

Build Date:Thu May 11 09:14:19 2006
Size:92 KiB


* Fri Mar 17 16:00:00 2006 Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch{%}dell{*}com> 2.0.10-1
- Update to 2.0.10
  - add PRE_INSTALL dkms.conf directive
  - add SuSE Kernel Module Package (mkkmp) support
  - patch from Eric Devolder enables mkinitrd for Debian Sarge
  - include debian/ directory in upstream tarball
* Sun Feb 12 16:00:00 2006 Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch{%}dell{*}com> 2.0.9-2
- rebuild for FC5
* Sat Dec 10 16:00:00 2005 Matt Domsch <Matt_Domsch{%}dell{*}com> 2.0.9-1
- Added URL tag
- Update to 2.0.9
  - fix DF28947 (remove word 'only') from a printed message
  - gzip -9 dkms.8 manpage
  - look to DKMS_DIRECTIVE* environment variables to override dkms.conf settings
  - don't create/remove (unused) /var/lock/subsys/dkms files in autoinstaller
  - Multi driver suse driver disk support (thanks to [email protected])
  - Cleanup tempdir when ldtarball fails
  - mkrpm now is built with -ba, not -bb (creates source RPM)

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