amipro          AmiPro word processing macros, enhancements
animate         Computer animation files for Windows
archiver        Archiving programs (ZIP, ARJ, LZH, UC2, etc.)
astronmy        Astronomy related programs and utilities
bakernws        Baker's PC press releases for Windows
barcode         Barcode utilities
batch           Batch programs for Windows
bible           Bible and related programs
biology         Biology
business        Business related programs for Windows
cad             Computer Assisted Design for Windows
calc            Calculators and related programs
calendar        Calendar programs for Windows
capture         Screen capture utilities for Windows
cdrom           CD-ROM players and related utilities
chem            Chemistry
clipbrd         Windows clipboard related programs
clock           Windows clock variations
commprog        Communication programs for Windows
convert         General file conversion programs for Windows
database        Windows database programs and utilities
delphi          Delphi-related programming files
desktop         Windows desktop programs
diskutil        Disk utilities for Windows
dll             Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) for Windows
editor          Windows editors
educate         Educational and education related programs
eiffel          Eiffel Software Development
encode          Encode and decode programs for Windows
engineer        Engineering related programs
entertn         Entertainment, various
eudora          PC Eudora e-mail
fax             Fax and fax utilities for Windows
filedocs        SimTel indexes, utilities and information
fileman         Windows file manager programs
fileutil        Windows file utilities
finance         Finance and personal money management programs
font            Windows fonts and utilities
food            Food and drink, recipes, Nutrition
genealgy        Genealogy programs
gis             Geographic Information Systems, mapping, Cartography
graphics        Graphics editors, viewers, and utilities
hamradio        Ham radio, short-wave programs and info
handicap        Utilities to assist the physically challenged
health          Health related programs for Windows
home            Windows 3.xx programs for home management
humor           Humor programs and witticisms
icon            Windows icon editors and utilities
imaging         Document Imaging
info            General information files, various subjects
install         Windows install / uninstall utilities and information
internet        Internet programs and information
io_util         I/O utilities for Windows
java            Java programs/ information for Windows
lang            Language translation
mail            Electronic mail handling programs for Windows
math            Mathematics programs
mouse           Mouse and pointing device programs
multimed        Multi-media utilities
music           Music programs and files
network         LAN / WAN programs and information
neurlnet        Neural network applications
news            Usenet News readers and information
note            Windows notepad enhancements and information
novell          Novell software for Windows 
offline         Windows offline mail readers
pim             Personal Information Manager (PIM) programs
printer         Printer utilities for Windows
pgmtools        Program language tools
projmgr         Project management and time tracker programs
recorder        Windows macro recorder
schedule        Windows event schedulers and timers
scrsaver        Windows screen savers and utilities
security        Security programs for Windows
shell           Windows shell and command line interface (CLI) programs
sound           Windows sounds (.WAV) and utilities
sports          Sports related programs
spredsht        Windows spreadsheet programs
sysutil         Windows system programs
taskman         Windows task manager programs
taxes		Windows tax filing programs
tex             TeX typesetting programs and utilities
txtutil         Text utilities (other than editors)
undoc           Undocumented Windows features
utility         Miscellaneous Utilities for Windows
video           Video drivers and programs for Windows
virus           Anti-virus software
visbasic        Visual Basic programming language-related files
win32           Win32 extensions required
winhelp         Windows help file programs
winsock         WINSOCK programs and information
winwatch        WindoWatch ezine
winword         Word for Windows, word processing
wp              Word processing programs and information
wpwin           Word Perfect for Windows, word processing
x_10            Windows X-10 home automation