NA Digest Sunday, October 31, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 40

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: F. M. G. Deza <[email protected]>
Date: 22 Oct 1993 11:56:49 +0100
Subject: Delaunay Triangulation Solver Sought

I am hoping to find a solver for the Delaunay triangulation of a set of
distinct arbitrarily distributed points in a plane. Any language okay,
FORTRAN preferred.
Would be grateful for any suggestions people might have.

[email protected]
Fancois Deza


From: Bill Gear <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 08:46:47 EDT
Subject: A Linear Algebra Problem?

Here is an example of a general classs of problems: this one is stated
in two dimensions:

Given a set of points P(i) in the plane which it is believed lie on a
collection of lines (number of lines unknown, but obviously
significantly less than half the number of points). Of course, there
are some errors in the given coordinate values of the points.
Problem: determine the lines. [The problem is not well specified,
and, at this stage, the specification could be partially dependent on
available algorithms. For example, one could ask for the minimum
number of lines subject to an error bound in a suitable norm. That
smells combinatorial.]

Bill Gear
NEC Research Inst. Inc.
4 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540

Inet: [email protected]
UUCP: princeton!nec!cwg
PHONE: (609) 951-2500
FAX : (609) 951-2480


From: Jim Daniel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 10:45:13 -0500
Subject: Experience with Mac-based Computer Labs

Our Departmental computer gurus are attacking the University decision to
create more Mac labs for students (software might include Mathematica,
Systat, MATLAB, etc.) on the grounds that "it is well known that Mac labs
all over the country fail" because students intentionally or
unintentionally mess them up---with viruses, by changing Configuration
files, modifying defaults, etc (all the stuff that you can do on
user-friendly systems). It has been my uninformed impression that Mac labs
were generally quite successful. Can anybody provide any information on
this based on their own institution's experience? Is it necessary to have
Unix labs in order to be successful, however unfriendly they might be?

Jim Daniel
Actuarial Studies
Mathematics Department
University of Texas
Austin, TX 78712
[email protected]


From: Michele Benzi <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 18:16:43 EDT
Subject: Change of Address for Michele Benzi

I am moving from N.C. State University to take up a position
at the University of Bologna. Beginning November 1, 1993 my
address will be the following:

Michele Benzi
Dipartimento di Matematica
Universita' di Bologna
P.zza di P.ta San Donato, 5
40127 Bologna

E_mail address: [email protected]


From: Georg Heinig <[email protected]>
Date: 25 Oct 93 14:31:21 GMT3
Subject: New Address for Georg Heinig

My new address is:
Georg Heinig, Dept.of Mathematics
P.O.Box 5969, Safat 13060, KUWAIT.

New e-mail:
[email protected]


From: K. in 't Hout <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 14:32:59 +0100
Subject: Change of Address for Karel in 't Hout

My stay at the University of Auckland has ended and now I
am working at the CWI in Amsterdam. My current address is:

K. in 't Hout
Department of Numerical Mathematics
P.O. Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam

Telephone: +31 20 5924102


From: E. Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 09:25 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Two One day courses -- Matlab, Mathematica

There are still some places available on the following courses:

16 November 1993 MATLAB: a titorial introduction
17 November 1993 Mathematica: a tutorial introduction

For further details contact

Mrs. E. Smith
Applied Mathematics and Operational Research Group,
School of Defence Management,
Royal Military College of Science,
Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts. SN6 8LA.
Tel: (0793) 785317
Fax: (0793) 782179
Email: [email protected]


From: Alan Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 09:37:07 -0700
Subject: Help With Bio-Medical Computing Sought

We are a small Bio-Medical Engineering Group here in the Department of
Electronics Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
We have one memeber of staff, soon to be two, one postdoc, four PhD
candidates and one Masters Candidate.
Since we are such a small group, and because people do not actually
know what we do (they still think we design wheelchairs or something),
we are lowest in the faculties priorities for computing resources,
software purchases and general support. One of our models of the
current and voltage distributions inside the thorax for an injected
current takes over a week to run on our DEC workstaiton!

We are engaged in somewhat unique work, well of the beaten track and
as such the normal available software code is not up to spec.
Recently the faculty got delivered a DEC MPP12000 super-computer and it
is now up an running, further to this, Sun may be donating a SPARC1000
to the lab,providing that we can show that we really need it, otherwise
we get a SPARC10 and the Dean's own department get to keep the sun
sparc1000, incidently its the Dean's decision who gets the SPARC1000.

At this present time we need to find suitable software for both the
MPP12000 and SPARC10/1000 to show that we can actually exploit their
capabilities. Therefore does anyone know or have suitable software
that could be ftp/ip and installed here?

I personally have to model the acoustical shock wave response of the
Human Thorax and model the resonance to detect disorder, this system is
non-linear, even chaotic at time, inhomogenous, and time VARIANT, as
well as different for different people, there are also no papers, no
books and no software, so I do not have time to sit and spend 2 years
writting everything I need.

We are especially interested in the following

1. General Bio-Medical Engineering Software.
2. Monte Carlo Modelling
3. CHAOS Dyanamics****************
4. Non-Linear system modelling*****
5. Acoustical propagation (inside human thorax!)
6. N-Degree of freedom resonance modelling software
7. Electrical Bio-Impedance.
8. EEG,ECG Anaysis software.
9. Mathematics Libraries/tools etc***
10. WAVELET ANALYSIS **********
11. Digital Signal Processing.

If someone has "inverse problem" software that could map EEG signals
onto a plane to show the electrical activity of the brain then we would
be very interested indeed.

Any help, advice or general comments would be most welcome.
Alan Miller
Bio-Medical Lab
Chinese University of Hong Kong.


From: William E. Schiesser <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1993 11:58:32 EDT
Subject: Korteweg-de Vries Software Available

A complete Fortran code for the method of lines (MOL) integration of the
Korteweg-de Vries PDE (KdVE) is available (on a DOS-formatted diskette).
This code demonstrates the solitons of the KdVE, and gives a comparion of
the MOL solution with the analytical solution for the one-soliton case. A
two-soliton case is also included which demonstrates the merging and emerging
of solitons. A paper pertaining to the KdVE analytical solution and the MOL
approximation is included with the code. Requests should be sent to:

W. E. Schiesser
Iacocca Hall, D307
Lehigh University
111 Research Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015 USA

(215) 758-4264 (office)
(215) 758-5057 (fax)
[email protected] (Internet)


From: Xuanmin Wang <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 12:30 GMT
Subject: Transformations of Linear Second Order ODEs.

I am writing this message to ask for help.
One of my research areas is about the 'direct' numerical methods for
initial value problems of second order ordinary differential equations in
which the first derivative is present. It is the first derivative that
presents difficulties to the construction of such method. One of the problems
for these 'direct' algorithms is if the coupled ODEs can be written into the
form of uncoupled ones which have the same solution as the original problem.
The IVPs of second order ODEs can be written as

[M]x"+[C]x'+[K]x=f(t) (1)
known: x(0) and x'(0)

where [M], [C] and [K] are n by n symmetric matrices and x, x' and x" are

The technique assuming that the damping matrix [C] is proportional
to [M] and [K], i.e. [C]=a[M]+b[K], is commonly used in engineering
applications. Thus, a orthogonal transformation can be used to uncouple the

The simplified form of (1) is:

x"=-[C]x'-[K]x +f(t) (2)
known: x(0) and x'(0)

My question is: assuming that the [C] in (2) is an arbitrary symmetric
matrix, if we can find out the equivalent uncoupled equations with the
following procedure:

(a) To write the second order ODEs into the form of first order ones

(x") (-C -K) (x') (f)
( )= ( ) ( )+( ) (3)
(x') ( I 0) (x ) (0)

or y'=[B]y+F (4)

(b) The eigenvalues of the matrix [B] can be obtained with a similarity
transformation " [S]^(-1)[B][S] ", where " [S]^(-1) " denotes the inverse
matrix of [S]. Equation (4) is transformed to

z'=[S]^(-1)[B][S]z+[S]^(-1)F (5)

The initial values of z(0) and z'(0) can be obtained by


The eigenvalues of the matrix [B] are complex in general. The imaginary
part of a pair of conjugate complex eigenvalues is the frequency with damping
while the real part of the eigenvalues is the damping term. Obviously,
problem (5) and (2) have the same solution.

(c) The questions are:
(i): IF the problem (5) can be rewritten to the form of uncoupled second
order ODEs (6) by using these eigenvalues.

w"+[D]w'+[Q]w=g(t) (6)
known: w(0), w'(0)

where both [D] and [Q] are diagonal matrices? If (2) can not be rewritten to
(6), what conditions are required?
(ii): Provided that the original problem (2) can be rewritten as (6), if
solving the original problem (2) with a numerical method is equivalent to
solving the uncoupled problem (6)?

Thank you very much for your time in advance. I sincerely hope I can
obtain reply from those who had seen this idea.

[email protected]

Xuanmin Wang


From: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 14:14:35 +0100 (MET)
Subject: New Book on Convex Analysis and Minimization Algorithms

New book:
Authors: J-B.HIRIART-URRUTY,Universite Paul Sabatier Toulouse
and C.LEMARECHAL, I.N.R.I.A. Rocquencourt, France.
2 volumes: Vol.1 FUNDAMENTALS, 440p.
Editors: Springer-Verlag,Publication : October 1993.
Convex analysis can be considered as a refinement of standard calculus, with
equalities and approximations replaced by inequalities.As such, it can easily
be integrated into a graduate study curriculum.Minimization algorithms, more
specifically those adapted to non-differentiable functions, provide an
immediate application of convex analysis to various fields related to
optimization and operation research.These two topics, making up the title of
the book, reflect the two origins of authors, who belong respectively to the
academic world and that of applications. The approach of their book is very
comprehensive without being encyclopaedic : the emphasis is on introducing
readers in a gradual and digestible manner to the concepts of convex analysis,
their interlinking and their implications, with algorithms ideas worked in.
Theory is interspersed with applications and vice versa; illustrative numerical
results are given, and over 170 pictures illustrate and support geometric
intuition . Throughout the book, ample comments help the reader further to
master the concepts and methods, and to understand the motivations, the
difficulties, and the relative significance of results.


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 14:06:07 -0400
Subject: Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems

We have just completed a book on iterative methods.
The book is primarily aimed at computational scientists who are
not specialists in computational linear algebra and would like to
incorporate state-of-the-art computational methods for solving
large sparse non-symmetric systems of linear equations.

The title of the book is ``Templates for the Solution of Linear
Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods'', is authored by
Richard Barrett, Mike Berry, Tony Chan, Jim Demmel, June Donato,
Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout, Roldan Pozo, Chuck Romine and
Henk van der Vorst, is being published by SIAM, and will be available
in bound form in mid-November. SIAM has set the price for the
Templates book at List Price $18.00 / SIAM Member Price $14.40.
We are putting the royalties from the book into a SIAM fund
to help support students attend SIAM meetings.

The book contains:

o) Mathematical descriptions of the flow of the iterations.
o) Algorithms described in Fortran-77 and MATLAB.
o) Discussion of convergence and stopping criteria.
o) Suggestions for extending each method to more specific matrix types
(for example, banded systems).
o) Suggestions for tuning (for example, which preconditioners
are applicable and which are not).
o) Performance: when to use a method and why.

SIAM is trying an experiment with this book and has allowed the
postscript file containing the book to be distributed over the
internet. It is available from netlib.

To retrieve the postscript file you can use one of the following methods:
1) anonymous ftp to
cd linalg
2) from any machine on the Internet type:
rcp [email protected]:linalg/
3) send email to [email protected] and in the message type:
send from linalg
4) use Xnetlib and click "library", click "linalg", click
"linalg/", click "download", click "Get Files Now".
(Xnetlib is an X-window interface to the netlib software
based on a client-server model. The software can
be found in netlib, ``send index from xnetlib'').

The algorithm descriptions in Fortran and MATLAB can be found in netlib
under the directory linalg.

Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee at Knoxville


From: F. Cellier <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 15:37:28 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Multiconference on Computer Simulation



June 1-3 1994, Barcelona, Spain

Part of the 1994 SCS European Multiconference on Computer Simulation

The 1994 International Conference on Qualitative Information, Fuzzy
Techniques, and Neural Networks in Simulation brings together research paper
presentations, panel sessions, tutorials, workshops, seminars, industrial
applications, and software demonstrations that make use of qualitative
information of some sort or other in models of dynamic systems for the purpose
of simulation.

Research papers are welcome in the following categories of presentation

. Tutorials . Time-dependent Expert Systems
. Panel Discussions . Qualitative Data Bases
. Software and Tools for Simulation
. Theory . Associative Memory
. Common Sense Reasoning for Simulation
about Dynamical Processes . Fuzzy Information Models
. Inductive Reasoning . Fuzzification and Defuzzification
about Dynamical Processes . Treatment of Uncertainty
. Knowledge-based Reasoning in Dynamical Systems
about Dynamical Processes . Treatment of Incomplete Knowledge
. Naive Physics about Dynamical Systems
. Neural Networks . Assumptions and Belief Systems
for Dynamical Processes . Models of Human Reasoning Processes
. Fault Monitoring and Diagnosis

In recent years, more and more papers were published that combine several
of the known qualitative knowledge representation techniques in a combined
algorithm. For example, a number of papers were recently published on fuzzy
neural networks. We therefore believe that it makes sense to bring the experts
on and advocates of the various techniques together in one conference.

. November 30, 1993 Extended Abstracts or full paper drafts due.
. February 14, 1994 Notification of acceptance/rejection to authors.
. March 14, 1994 Camera Ready Copies due.

Please, send four copies of extended abstracts (from four to six pages
in typing excluding figures and tables) or drafts of full papers (a maximum of
twelve pages in typing) to:

Prof. Dr. Antoni Guasch
General Program Chairperson of ESM'94
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Diagonal 647, 2 planta

Phone: +34(3)401-6544
FAX: +34(3)401-6600
EMail: [email protected]

Please, add a cover letter stating your name, affiliation, mailing address,
telephone number, FAX number, and EMail address. Indicate clearly that your
paper is being submitted to ICQFN'94. Each manuscript will be reviewed by
at least two members of the International Program Committee of ICQFN'94.


From: John R. Gilbert <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1993 10:18:40 PDT
Subject: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra


Sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra

June 15-18, 1994
Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort
Snowbird, Utah


December 1, 1993: Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposal
December 13, 1993: Deadline for submission of reply card
March 7, 1994: Deadline for camera-ready papers for conference proceedings
March 21, 1994: Deadline for advance registration for contributed participants
June 15-18, 1994: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra


To get a complete copy of the call for papers for this conference,
either use anonymous ftp to machine (IP number
and retrieve file "pub/la-net/call94.text", or send e-mail with the body
"send call94.text from la-net" to [email protected]. Hard copy of
the call is being mailed to SIAM members, as usual.

This meeting will experiment with a new format for contributed papers,
in response to concerns about conflicts between parallel sessions.
The new format is described in the complete call for papers.


* Eigenvalue Computation
James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley
* Geometry and Eigenvalues
Persi Diaconis, Harvard University
* Matrix Theory
Israel Gohberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Anne Greenbaum, Courant Institute, New York University
* Nonnegative Matrices: Can the Next Century Top This One?
Charles R. Johnson, College of William and Mary
* Parallel Matrix Computations
Robert S. Schreiber, RIACS-NASA Ames Research Center
* Linear Algebraic Duality for Discrete Optimization
Leslie E. Trotter, Cornell University


* Numerical Methods for Structured Matrices
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, University of Bremen, Germany
* Linear Algebra in Optimization
Thomas F. Coleman, Cornell University
* Direct Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Iain Duff, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, U.K., and CERFACS, France
* Iterative Methods for Large Sparse Systems
Roland Freund, AT&T Bell Laboratories
* The Algebraic Riccati Equation and Applications
Peter Lancaster, University of Calgary, Canada
* Graph Theory and Linear Algebra
Alex Pothen, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Teaching of Linear Algebra
Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Six minisymposia will be selected from contributed proposals to
complete the set of conference themes. Minisymposia will be two-hour
sessions, intended to provide a high-level survey of current research
in an important area of applied linear algebra. This conference will
have significantly fewer minisymposia than previous Applied Linear
Algebra meetings; most of the topics that would otherwise be minisymposia
will instead be discussed in the common-interest sessions (see below).
The complete call for papers contains instructions for proposing a


As an experiment, this meeting has been organized so that the
presentation of contributed papers will be a dialogue rather than
a monologue. Each paper may be presented in three forms: in a
proceedings volume, as a poster display, and as part of a 2-hour
"common interest" discussion session. We expect most of the
contributed papers to be presented in all three forms, though this
is not required. The complete call for papers contains details.


The conference program and registration information will be available
in early March 1994. To ensure receiving your copy, complete the reply
card attached to the complete call for papers and return it to SIAM by
either email or hard mail.

**Prospective participants must complete and return this card by
December 13, 1993.**

Hard copy of the call for papers and reply card is (as usual) being
mailed to SIAM members.


Beresford N. Parlett (Chair), University of California, Berkeley
Harm Bart, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Richard A. Brualdi, University of Wisconsin
John R. Gilbert, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Sven Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group
John G. Lewis, Boeing Computer Services
Paul Van Dooren, University of Illinois


From: Robert W. Leland <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 93 14:58:19 MDT
Subject: Research Fellowship at Sandia

Applied Mathematical Sciences
Research Fellowship
Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Computational Sciences, Computer Sciences and Mathematics Center
at Sandia National Laboratories invites outstanding candidates to
apply for the 1994 Applied Mathematical Sciences (AMS) Research
Fellowship. The Fellowship is supported by the Officer of Scientific
Computing of the U.S. Department of Energy. AMS Fellowships at
Sandia provide an exceptional opportunity for innovative research
in scientific computing on advanced architectures. They are intended
to promote the transfer of technology from the laboratory research
environment to industry and academia through the advanced training
of new computational scientists. Candidates must be U.S. citizens,
have recently earned a Ph.D. degree or the equivalent, and have a
strong interest in advanced computing research.

The Center maintains strong programs in a variety of areas, including
analytical and computational mathematics, discrete mathematics and
algorithms, computational physics and engineering, advanced
computational approaches for parallel computers, graphics, and
architectures and languages. Preference will be given to candidates
applying in the fields of numerical analysis, computational science
and parallel algorithm development. Candidates with knowledge of
an application area (e.g., semiconductor device modeling, CFD,
climate modeling) are especially encouraged to apply.

Sandia provides a unique parallel computing environment, including
a 1,872-processor Intel Paragon, a 1024-processor nCUBE 2, a
64-processor Intel IPSC, and two Cray supercomputers.

The fellowship appointment is for a period of one year and may be
renewed for a second year. It includes a highly competitive salary,
moving expenses, and a generous professional travel allowance.
Applicants should send a resume, a statement of research goals, and
three letters of recommendation to: Robert H. Banks, Division
7531-121, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque,
NM 87185. The closing date for applications is January 31, 1994,
although applications will be considered until the fellowship is
awarded. The position will commence during 1994.

For further information contact Richard C. Allen, Jr., at (505)
845-7825 or by e-mail, [email protected].

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/V/H U.S. Citizenship is Required


From: Brent Lindquist <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 14:04:59 EDT
Subject: Position at SUNY Stony Brook

Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The department invites applications for one or more possible positions
at the assistant or associate professor level. The department is seeking
candidates with interests in the areas of computational applied
mathematics, industrial statistics, or industrial engineering/operations
research. Requirements include an earned doctorate in a relevant field,
and demonstrated potential for research excellence and leadership.
Research interests that overlap those of existing departmental areas
will be preferred.

The department also expects to have postdoctoral positions in computational
applied mathematics available for the 1994-95 academic year. Qualified
candidates should have computational experience in one or more areas of:
fluid dynamics, parallel computing, hyperbolic conservation laws, flows
in elastic and plastic media, and flows in porous media.

Applicants should send vita, descriptions of research interests, and
three recommendation letters to: James Glimm, Chair, Department of
Applied Mathematics and Statistics, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook,
NY 11794-3600.

SUNY at Stony Brook is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer and educator.


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 93 10:57:19 -0500
Oubject: Scalable High Performance Computing Conference

SPONSORED BY: IEEE Computer Society

The 1994 Scalable High Performance Computing Conference (SHPCC94) is
a continuation of the highly successful Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications (HCCA), and Distributed Memory Concurrent Computing (DMCC)
conference series. SHPCC takes place biennially, alternating with the
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing.

Guy Blelloch, CMU Phil Colella, UC Berkeley
David Culler, UC Berkeley Monica Lam, Stanford Univ
Marc Snir, IBM

SHPCC94 will provide a forum in which researchers in the field of high
performance computing from government, academia, and industry can
presents results and exchange ideas and information. SHPCC94 will cover
a broad range of topics relevant to the field of high performance
computing. These topics will include, but are not limited to, the following;
Architectures Fault Tolerance Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence Image Processing Non-numerical Algorithms
C++ Large-scale Applications Operating Systems
Compilers Load Balancing Programming Environments
Concurrent Languages Linear Algebra Scalable Libraries

THE SHPCC94 program will include invited talks, contributed talks, posters, and
tutorials. SHPCC94 will take place at the Holiday Inn Convention Center in
Knoxville, Tennessee.

Instructions for Submitting Papers
Papers presented at the conference will be published in the Proceedings.

1. Submit 3 copies of an extended abstract of approximately 4 pages. Abstracts
should include a succinct statement of the problems that are considered
in the paper, the main results achieved, an explanation of the significance
of the work, and a comparison with past research. To ensure a high academic
standard, the abstracts of all contributed papers will be refereed.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by January 14, 1994
The final complete paper should not exceed 10 pages.
2. Each copy of the extended abstract should have a separate title page
indicating that the paper is being submitted to SHPCC94. The title page
should also give the title of the paper and the names and addresses of
the authors. The presenting author, and the author to whom notification
of acceptance should both be sent, should be clearly indicated on the title
page, together with their phone, fax, and email.
3. Extended abstracts should be sent to the Program Chair, David Walker.
For further information contact David Walker at [email protected]


From: Richard Sincovec <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 08:54:29 -0400
Subject: Householder Fellowship at Oak Ridge


The Mathematical Sciences Section of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
invites outstanding candidates to apply for the 1994 Alston
S. Householder Fellowship in Scientific Computing.

Alston S. Householder was the organizer and founding Director of the
Mathematics Division (precursor of the current Mathematical Sciences
Section) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In recognition of
the seminal research contributions of Dr. Householder to the fields of
numerical analysis and scientific computing, a distinguished
postdoctoral fellowship program has been established at ORNL and named
in his honor. The Householder Fellowship is supported by the Office
of Scientific Computing of the U.S. Department of Energy.

The purposes of the Householder Fellowship are to promote innovative
research in scientific computing on advanced computer architectures
and to facilitate technology transfer from the laboratory research
environment to industry and academia through advanced training of new
computational scientists. The Householder Fellowship is a one year
appointment that is renewable for a second year. Benefits of the
Fellowship include a competitive salary, fringe benefits, travel
opportunities, access to state-of-the-art computational facilities
(including both parallel architectures and high-performance personal
workstations), and collaborative research opportunities in a very
active research program in advanced scientific computing. Competition
for the appointment is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Applicants should have completed a doctoral degree in computer
science, mathematics, or statistics within three years prior to the
appointment and have a strong background and research interest in
large-scale scientific computing.

ORNL's Mathematical Sciences Section has research programs in
computational techniques and tools for solving grand challenge
problems, heterogeneous distributed computing, algorithms and software
for advanced computer architectures, performance evaluation of
parallel computers and programs, mathematical modeling of
environmental problems and their solution on parallel computers and
computational statistics and biostatistics. The Householder Fellow is
expected to participate in existing projects consistent with the
research interests of the selected Fellow.

Applicants should send a resume, statement of research goals, and
three letters of recommendation to Kyle Johnson, PhD Employment, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6216,
marked ATTN: Householder Fellowship. The deadline for applying is
January 14, 1994. Finalists will be invited to visit ORNL in February
1994, and the selection committee's decision on the winning candidate
will be announced in March 1994. The fellowship will commence in

For further information, contact Richard F. Sincovec by phone at
615-574-3125 or by electronic mail at [email protected].


From: Kazufumi Ito <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 13:19:15 -0400
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at North Carolina State

The Department of Mathematics and the Center for Research in Scientific
Computation at North Carolina State University expect to make several
post-doctoral appointments for the following positions (the availability of
positions is contingent upon fundings), starting July 1, 1994.

1. Two year Visiting Assistant Professorships in the department.
The department is interested in applicants who work in research areas
of ordinary differential equation, algebra, symbolic computation and analysis.

2. The appointments in the Center will be in the area of applied mathematics
and scientific computation. The research interests of the Center include
mathematical modeling, analysis and control of partial differential equations,
numerical optimization, computational fluids and flow control and
high-performance computation and biomathematics. The successful applicants
will be involved in research programs between the Center and other research
groups at NCSU which offer a unique opportunity for post-doctoral research on
mathematical projects arising in industrial/governmental laboratories.

Applicants should send a vita and brief description of research interests and
have three letters of recommendation sent to Professor K. Ito, Department
of Mathematics, Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
27695-8205. Applications will be considered at any time after January 15,
1994, as funding becomes available.

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From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 11:43:29 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis

Table of Contents
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
Vol. 31, No. 1, February 1994

The Convergence Rate of Godunov Type Schemes
Haim Nessyahu, Eitan Tadmor, and Tamir Tassa

On Godunov-Type Schemes for Lagrangian Gas Dynamics
C.D. Munz

On the Accuracy of Fractional Step Methods for Conservation Laws in Two
Zhen-Huan Teng

Radiation Boundary Conditions for Dispersive Waves
Robert L. Higdon

On Certain Hybrid Iterative Methods for Solving Boundary Value Problems
Vladimir Kozlov, Vladimir Maz'ya, Leonid Rozin

Numerical Analysis of a Nonconvex Variational Problem Related to
Solid-Solid Phase Transitions
Pierre-Alain Gremaud

Approximated Convex Envelope of a Function
Bernard Brighi and Michel Chipot

A Posteriori Error Estimation with Finite Element Semi- and Fully
Discrete Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations in One Space
Peter K. Moore

Semidiscretization in Time of Nonlinear Parabolic Equations with
Blowup of the Solution
Marie-Noelle Le Roux

A Tetrahedral Mixed Finite Element Method for the Stationary
Semiconductor Continuity Equations
J.J.H. Miller and S. Wang

SOR-Secant Methods
Jose Mario Martinez

Krylov Subspace Methods for Solving Large Lyapunov Equations
Imad M. Jaimoukha and Ebrahim M. Kasenally

Efficient Numerical Validation of Solutions of Nonlinear Systems
G. Alefeld, A. Gienger, and F. Potra

Unitary Integrators and Applications to Continuous Orthonormalization Techniques
Luca Dieci, Robert D. Russell, and Erik S. Van Vleck

A Multiscale Algorithm for Image Segmentation by Variational Method
G. Koepfler, C. Lopez, and J.M. Morel


End of NA Digest
