NA Digest Monday, October 4, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Mahavier William Ted <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 93 21:36:45 CDT
Subject: Code Sought for Singular Boundary Value Problem

I am interested in acquiring codes for solving singular
boundary value problems of the type listed below,

Q(t) Y'(t) = F(t,Y(t)) on [a,b] with boundary conditions
A Y(a) + B Y(b) = C.

If anyone knows of such codes, please e-mail me at
[email protected].


From: Keith Briggs <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1993 15:45:43 +0930 (CST)
Subject: Computing Klein's Modular Function

How does one calculate Klein's modular function J(tau) numerically?
(Ref: Apostol, Modular functions and Dirichlet series in Number Theory, p. 15)
Presumably the Fourier series (thm 1.17) is slowly convergent.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


Keith Briggs, Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005.
Phone: (08) 303 5577 Fax: (08) 232 5670


From: Jan Mandel <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 11:24:36 -0600
Subject: Simple handling of IEEE exceptions on SUN

Here is what I put at the beginning of every program on SUN to see
where it went wrong instead of having Inf's and NaN's propagate:

external abort,ieee_handler
integer i,ieee_handler


Every IEEE machine should come with a simple flag on the compiler that would
cause abort if floating point exception occurs, just like the three lines
above do. In fact, it should be the DEFAULT so that those of us who do not
want to worry about NaN's do not have to.

Thanks to Joe Grcar for bringing this common gripe up!

Jan Mandel
[email protected]


From: Mike Peterson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 93 10:51:02 -0400
Subject: Re: IEEE Reality Check

>Dean Schulze <[email protected]> wrote
>Subject: Reality check for an IEEE arithmetic critic
> Joe Grcar's complaints about IEEE arithmetic need to be addressed because
>some of the things that he says are simply wrong. He made this complaint in
>August of 1991:
>>There is no machine epsilon.
> Yes there is. Numbers can underflow, however, to de-normalized values
>that result in a loss of precision. If you think this is a problem how are
>you dealing with non-IEEE arithmetic that simply underflows to zero without
>telling you about it?

While there is a machine epsilon, it is extremely difficult to determine
it using regular programming techniques, especially with the compiler
optimizations being used today. What you will get is the unnormalized
epsilon, while what is generally "wanted" is the normalized epsilon.
Codes I have seen lately have resorted to setting epsilon in a
DATA statement (or C equivalent), which is non-portable.

>>Pardon me for saying so, but I think your opinion
>>of ieee arithmetic would be different if you had
>>a real job instead of an academic one. Scientists
>>and engineers don't hae time to read arcane
>>documentation about trivia in some other field.
> Well, I am a scientist and I have to read many papers every month, and
>I found that reading Goldberg's paper was beneficial. But if Grcar doesn't
>have time to read one paper where does he get the time to write complaints
>about IEEE arithmetic for NA Digest?
> Also, I think that the people at Motorola, Intel, Sun, the Free Software
>Foundation, Symantec, etc., etc., who implement IEEE arithmetic in hardware
>and software, will be quite surprised to hear that they don't have real jobs.

I sympathize greatly with Joe Grcar - porting/creating/checking software
is made extremely difficult by the propagation of NaN/INF values.
The problem is not IEEE arithmetic, or anybody else's arithmetic;
the "villains" in this are the compiler vendors who set the compiler
default behaviour, and don't supply compiler switches to easily
modify the default behaviour (calling vendor-specific routines or
otherwise hacking on the source code is not an acceptable alternative
since this creates non-portable code).

Why anyone would want a default behaviour to allow a program to
continue executing after dividing by 0 (either integer or floating
point), or creating a NaN by whatever means (e.g. fp overflow), is
beyond me. In my many years of programming, I can't think of one
case where I would want this to happen. Performing such operations
is a clear indication of a program(mer) error, and I want to know about
it right away, not hours/days later when the job finishes printing
pages of NaNs, when debugging has become next to impossible.
It may be much more efficient for the cpu to deal with exceptions
automatically rather than trapping (and blowing away the instruction
pipeline), but it doesn't help the user much.
If IEEE specified the default behaviour to be "carry on regardless",
then the committee responsible for this doesn't live in the real world.


Mike Peterson, SysAdmin, U/Toronto Chemistry
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: (416)978-7094 Fax: (416)978-8775


From: Gary Howell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 11:14:40 -0400
Subject: Complexity of Matrix Multiplication

We all know how to count operations. Clearly, for example, squaring
an n x n matrix requires n cubed multiplications, i.e., n squared inner
products of length n. For the last fifteen years or so, this clarity has
been quite suspect. Many algorithms have been proposed that lessen the
computational burden below order n cubed.
Some are clearly impractical. I would like to ask " given no more
than n processors, assuming practical communication overheads and storage",
what is the lowest parallel time for squaring a dense matrix. The practical
answer should be implementable on the current generation of machines
(Paradox, CM-5, SP-1, Meiko, etc.) using current software. I don't need
to implement this just now but do have an interest in the answer.

Gary Howell, Florida Tech, [email protected]


From: Paul Nevai <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 1993 08:08:34 -0400 (GMT-0400)
Subject: High School Mathematics Magazines - Inquiry

{I know this may not be the proper place to post it so I apologize. Still,
could you please help Dick out? Please respond to HIM directly at
[email protected]. Thanks. Paul]

Richard Askey wrote to Paul Nevai:

Dear Paul,
I am interested in knowing what countries have mathematics magazines for
high school students and which ones do not. You have even more contacts than
I do, so I wonder if you are also interested in this, and if so whether you
could write to some of your friends. I want to know about existence, and
what is included in such magazines.

Paul Nevai
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University


From: John Butcher <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 20:21:40 +0000 (NZS)
Subject: Brazillian Society for Applied and Computational Mathematics

XVI Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional
Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil
6 - 9 September 1993

The annual conference of the Brazillian Society for Applied and
Computational Mathematics was held this year in the charming city of
Uberlandia, some 500km North West of Rio de Janiero. The
plenary lecturers were U. Ascher, J. Butcher, G. Golub, J. Mackenzie,
M. Maierallo, J. Martins, R. Ohayan and R. Sampaio and the overall programme
included also 14 one hour lectures, several panel discussions, and a large
number of research seminars organised into 17 main divisions. Four
mini-courses, intended mainly for graduate students, had the titles
Computational Matrix Algebra, Introduction to Computational Fluid
Dynamics, Ecological Mathematics and Introduction to Supercomputing.
The local organising committee was chaired by the remarkable Celia A. Z.
Barcelos. Professor Barcelos seemed to be able to do many things
simultaneously, from attending to many strands of essential organisation
to entertaining the many guests to her University. Some nice features
of the conference, amongst many, were the large number of graduate
students taking part and the elegant certificates of participation
personally signed by Julio Clayessen, the President of the Society.
Interspersed with the scientific programme were some enjoyable
musical events. I tried, without much success, to teach myself some
basic Portuguese before going to Brazil but it was unnecessary
because the use of English is generously accepted. The only phrase
that seemed to me to be essential was "tudo bem" (pronounced like
tuda bay with the last vowell nasal). It means "all's well" and
sums up my lasting impression of the conference, the cuisine, the
warm and friendly people, and the country as a whole.


From: Jan Chleboun <UTAM%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 17:14:31 EDT
Subject: Help Sought for IMSL and Salford Fortran

Inst. of Theor. and Appl. Mechanics
Prague, Czech Republic

Salford FTN77/486 is a FORTRAN compiler running on IBM compatible PC/486.
The compiler has been developed at the Salford University, Great Britain.
IMSL Libraries for the Salford FTN77/486 compiler are available from Euro
Soft, Texas, USA. We possess both the compiler and the libraries.
However, we have problems to run linear system solvers.
That is why we would like to discuss our troubles with other users.

Is anyone familiar with the Euro Soft - IMSL Libraries for FTN77/486?

Any experience would be greatly appreciated.

Jan Chleboun [email protected]
Inst. of Theor. & Appl. Mechanics, Prague


From: Allison Bogardo <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 11:08:55 EST
Subject: SIAM Student Paper Prizes

SIAM Student Paper Prizes

The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the 1994 SIAM
Annual Meeting.

If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take part in the
competition, here are the details:

The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational mathematics
written by students and submitted to SIAM will be invited to attend the 1994
annual meeting in San Diego, July 25-29. Each winner must present his/her
paper at the meeting and will receive a $750 cash award as well as gratis
registration for the meeting. Winners will be awarded calligraphed
certificates at a special prize ceremony at the meeting. Papers must be
singly authored and not previously published or submitted for publication to
be eligible for consideration. To qualify, authors must be students in good
standing who have not received their PhDs at the time of submission.

In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to consider SIAM

Submissions must be received by SIAM on or before March 15, 1994.

Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail or fax.
Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER THAN 5 PAGES
(including bibliography); (2) the complete paper, which will be used solely
for clarification of any questions; (3) a statement by the student's faculty
advisor that the paper has been prepared by the author indicated and that the
author is a student in good standing; (4) a letter by the student's faculty
advisor describing and evaluating the paper's contribution; and (5) a short
biography of the student.

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and quality of

The winners will be notified by June 1, 1994.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Allison Bogardo
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
Telephone: (215) 382-9800
E-mail to [email protected]
Fax to (215) 386-7999


From: Jay Udupa <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 13:32:42 EDT
Subject: 3DVIEWNIX: A System for Multidimensional Visualization


3DVIEWNIX is a transportable, very inexpensive software system
developed by the Medical Image Processing Group, Department of
Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. It has
state-of-the-art capabilities for visualizing, manipulating, and
analyzing multidimensional image data. It is developed
to be as standard as one could possibly make. This educational
software system will be distributed with source code and all
documens for a fee of $1,000.


(1) To promote widespread use of 3D imaging
(2) To promote cooperative research - technical and applied -
in 3D imaging
(3) To enable end users and researchers to set up a very
inexpensive, state-of-the-art, 3D imaging system


(1) Transporable - based on UNIX, X-windows, and C
(2) Based on a multidimensional generalization of ACR-NEMA standards
of data representation
(3) Application-independent
(4) Image dimensionality independent
(5) Can handle rigid, non-rigid, static, and dynamic objects and
object assemblies
(6) Can handle object information from multiple modalities and
longitudinal acquisitions
(7) Multitudes of visualization, manipulation, and analysis
methods incorporated
(8) Open software system distributed with source code and


(1) Preprocessing: data conversion, ROI, filtering,interpolation,
segmentation, classification, isosurfacing
(2) Visualization: reslicing, several surface and volume rendering modes
(3) Manipulation: cutting, separation, reflection, segment movement
(4) Analysis: linear and curvilinear distance on surfaces, speed,rate
of change of distance,ROIstatistics, volume,rate of change of
volume, registration objects and scenes, kinematic analysis.

For further information contact:
Dr. Jayaram K. Udupa
Medical Image Processing Group
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Radiology
418 Service Drive - 4th Floor Blockley Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021

Phone: (215) 662-6780
FAX: (215) 898-9145
email: [email protected]


From: Bob Plemmons <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 93 15:15:30 EDT
Subject: Southeastern SIAM Meeting

Meeting Announcement - Call for Papers
Southeastern-Atlantic Section of SIAM
March 25-26, 1994
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Invited Speakers:
Shui-Nee Chow, Georgia Institute of Technology.
"Lattice Dynamics";
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge Nat. Lab.
"Recent Work in Parallel Algorithms for Linear Algebra";
Avner Friedman, Director IMA, University of MN, SIAM President.
"Free Boundary Problems for Systems of PDE".

Invited Minisymposia:
"Fluids and Waves"
Joel D. Avrin (organizer), North Carolina at Charlotte
J. Thomas Beale, Duke University
Michael Renardy, Virginia Tech
Michael E. Taylor, North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Applied Mathematics in Industry"
Robert E. Fennell (organizer), Clemson University
William Browning, Applied Mathematics Inc.
Karen Dunlap, Bellcore
Michael Grabbe, BDM Engineering Services Co.
Kevin Schweiker, Hercules Corporation

"Scientific Computing"
Robert E. Funderlic (organizer), NC State University
Steven L. Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Skip Thompson, Radford University
Jeffrey O. Young, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin.,
U.S. Department of Commerce

"Applications of Mathematics in Government Laboratories"
Esmond G. Y. Ng (organizer), Oak Ridge National Lab.
Michael Berry, University of Tennessee
Ed D'Azevedo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Noel Nachtigal, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Barry Peyton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Contributed Papers:
Several sessions of fifteen minute presentations of contributed
papers will be held. Papers in all areas of applied mathematics
are welcome. To contribute a paper send an abstract (preferably
by e-mail) of no more than 100 words by February 15, 1994,
in LATEX or ascii directly to the conference secretary:

Carol Lavis [email protected]

Abstracts should contain the title, author(s), affiliation(s), along
with the body of the abstract.

Student Papers:
Sessions of fifteen minute presentations of student papers
will be held, and cash prizes will be given for the best student papers.
Students who desire to contribute a paper should send a title and
abstract under the same guidelines as in the previous paragraph and should
clearly mark on the abstract that the contribution is a student paper.

Meeting Details:
The meeting will be held on the campus of Wake Forest University in
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Friday and Saturday, March 25-26, 1994.
It will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Friday March 25 and end early Saturday afternoon.
Winston-Salem is located in the Piedmont section of North Carolina on
Interstate 40 and is close to the intersections of Interstate 40 with both
Interstate 85 and Interstate 77. Several major airlines serve the region
through the Piedmont Triad International Airport located at Greensboro,
North Carolina which is twenty-five miles east of
Winston-Salem. Additionally a USAir serves Winston-Salem
directly from the Charlotte, North Carolina airport.

A second announcement of the meeting will be mailed in early
January 1994 and will contain additional information including
a list of motels and directions to the meeting site.
The registration fee will be minimal.

Bob Plemmons
[email protected]


From: Hassan Said <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 07:56:52 +0000 (MYT)
Subject: Computer Aided Geometric Design in Malaysia


Location: The conference will be held at the Ferringhi Beach Hotel,
Penang, Malaysia. The hotel is situated 12 Km from the city centre and
it overlooks the lovely stretch of the Ferringhi Beach.
Invited speakers:W.Boehm(Germany),Chui(USA),Dahmen(Germany),Farin(USA),
Proceedings: Papers will be published in the edited volume of Annals of
Numerical Mathematics, published by Baltzer publishing of Basel.
CALL FOR PAPER:For submitting a research talk, please submit your
abstract to the secretariat before Dec.31 1993.The abstract must be one
page maximum.
SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT: If you wish to receive our second announcement,
please let us know your address.
Secreteriat: Dr.H.B.Said
School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800, Penang, Malaysia
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Jiri Kadlec <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 10:12:02 +0100 (MET)
Subject: IEEE Control and Signal Processing Conference in Prague

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

First Announcement
Call for Papers

IEEE European Workshop on


Can We Beat the Curse of Dimensionality?

September 7-9, 1994
Prague, Czech Republic

Organized by
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
School of Engineering & Information Sciences
University of Reading, UK

Participating Society
IEEE Control Systems Society


The aim of this IEEE Workshop is to bring together
researchers and practitioners working in Academia, Government and
industry. Particular emphasis will be placed on ``The Curse of
Dimensionality'', i.e. the extreme dimensionality of computations
connected with the implementation of theoretically optimal
mathematical procedures of inference and decision making.


The extreme dimensionality of computations connected with
implementation of theoretically optimal mathematical procedures
of inference and decision-making is a serious obstacle in a
variety of fields such as control, signal processing, image
reconstruction, pattern recognition, nonparametric estimation,
expert systems etc. The ``curse of dimensionality'' has often
been cured by just 'ad hoc' simplifications at the cost of
losing a lot from the theoretical properties of the optimal
solution. Recent progress in attacking high-dimensional
problems in the above mentioned fields makes us believe that
it is the right time to think of picking up widely applicable
principles and methods of handling or at least approaching the
problem. The key idea of the Workshop is that the problem is
common to a number of different disciplines such as control theory,
mathematical statistics, system identification, information
theory, statistical mechanics, artificial intelligence (to name
a few), and that we can and we should learn from each other.

Because of the strongly inter-disciplinary character of the
Workshop, we plan to give a considerable space to invited
lectures by leading specialists in various fields. The Workshop
will further include several sessions of contributed papers,
poster sessions and computer demonstrations.

- Parallel algorithms and architectures
- Neural nets
- Model reduction
- Finite-dimensional estimation, filtering and control
- Complexity
- Multivariate integration and optimization
- Non-traditional approaches


K. Warwick UK ... Chairman

P. Antsaklis USA J.G. McWhirter UK
D. Atherton UK V. Mehrman D
R.W. Brochett USA S.K. Mitter USA
A.R. Barron USA M. Moonen B
G. Cybenko USA P. Parks UK
R.M.C. De Keyser B E. Rogers UK
K. Hangos H W.J. Runggaldier I
K. Glover UK A. Smith UK
P. Kaczorek P Y. Tsypkin RUS
M.Karny CZ A. Zomaya AUS
R. Kulhavy CZ


M. Karny ...... Chairman
A. Halouskova
J. Kadlec
L. Kulhava .... Workshop Editor
P. Nedoma


M. Karny
IEEE Workshop ``CMP''
Institute of Information Theory and Automation
P.O. Box 18, 182 08 PRAGUE, Czech Republic
Tel : +(42)(2)6641 3421, Fax : +(42)(2)6641 4903
E-mail: [email protected] (Internet)


K. Warwick
IEEE Workshop ``CMP''
Department of Cybernetics
PO BOX 225, Whiteknights
Reading RG6 2AY, Berkshire, UK
Tel: +(734)318210, Fax: +(734)318220


From: Randy Leveque <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 02:37:04 +28416
Subject: Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

Seventh Annual
Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
Saturday October 9, 1993
Guggenheim 224, University of Washington, Seattle

Dave Chopp, University of Washington
"Computing Self-Similar Solutions for Mean Curvature Flow"

Jonathan Borwein, Simon Fraser University
"Experimental evaluation of a class of series involving Zeta functions"

Paul Carter, University of British Columbia
"Computational Methods for the Shape from Shading Problem"

Satish Reddy, Oregon State University
"Transient Growth in Numerical Analysis and Hydrodynamic Stability"

Tony Chan, UCLA
"Domain Decomposition Methods"

Dan Pierce, Boeing Computer Services
"Rank Deficient Sparse Direct Methods and Why"

For more information, send e-mail to [email protected]


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 13:05:35 EST
Subject: Mathematics and Computation from the Materials Sciences

Conference on Emerging Issues in Mathematics and Computation
from the Materials Sciences
April 18-20, 1994
Pittsburgh Vista Hotel
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Organized by the Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Carnegie
Mellon University, and SIAM.


Do not miss the opportunity. Submit now. Send via e-mail to:
[email protected] a title and 75-word abstract of your
presentation, and your name and address.

Thank you and we look forward to your participation.


From: Margaret Chapman <[email protected]>
Date: 1 Oct 93 10:17:33 PST
Subject: Object-Oriented Numerics Conference

Sunriver, Oregon
April 24-27, 1994

Richard Bartels, University of Waterloo
Ronald Goossens, Stanford University
Charlie Finan, Cray Research
Ian Angus, Boeing Computer Services
Allen Robinson, Sandia National Laboratories
Wouter Joosen, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Allan Vermeulen, Rogue Wave Software

Theme: OON-SKI provides a forum where computer scientists and
scientific programmers can discuss how to use object-oriented
programming techniques to more effectively write complex scientific

There will be four separate areas of focus:

* Object-Oriented Environments: Design, Development, and Debugging Tools
* Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies
* Object-Oriented Software Components & Class Libraries
* Applications


Panel proposals should include the title, a brief description of the
objectives and issues to be covered, the panel chair and probable
panelists (including short vitae). Panels will be selected according
to their substance and contributions to the conference program.
Panel submissions are due by December 15, 1993.


Authors should submit 8 copies of an extended abstract (via smail
mail) by December 15, 1993. A cover page should be attached which
includes the following:

* Name, affiliation, and complete address for each author
* A designated contact person including his/her telephone number,
fax number, and e-mail address (if available).
* A designated presenter should the paper be accepted.
* Title of submission

Mail abstract to: Allan Vermeulen
Rogue Wave Software
P.O. Box 2328
Corvallis, OR 97339


For general conference information and registration, contact:

Margaret Chapman, Program Coordinator
Rogue Wave Software
P.O. Box 2328
Corvallis, OR 97339
email: [email protected]
phone: (503) 754-3010, fax: (503) 757-6650


From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 11:46:04 EDT
Subject: IMACS Workshop on Turbulence

Second Announcement

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
February 10-11, 1994

In order for CFD to get to new levels of usefulness to industry, there
is a need for better turbulence models for high Re flows. An honest
appraisal by industry on needs, and a similar word by academia and
researchers at national labs on what can be done now is probably
necessary. The workshop will deal with the numerical analysis and CFD
algorithms that could bridge the gap, and will include those aspects
of turbulence theory that have relevance to modeling used in
simulation. Topics to include: Modeling, Non-equilibrium Turbulence,
Spectral and High Order Methods, Adaptive Grids, Lagrangian Methods,
Ocean Dynamics. It is currently planned to have proceedings published
after the workshop, and a special issue of the IMACS journal APPLIED
NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS will be devoted to this meeting.

Organized by the IMACS Technical Committee on Computational Fluid Dynamics
and Rutgers University

Organizing Committee: Prof. R. Pelz (Rutgers University)
Dr. R. Agarwal (McDonnell Douglas Aerospace)

CURRENT LIST OF SPEAKERS: G. Berkooz (Cornell Univ.), M. Deville (EPFL
- Switzerland), D. Fishelov (Hebrew Univ.), R. Krasny (U. of
Michigan), A. Majda (Princeton Univ.), E. Weinan (IAS, Princeton), N.
Zabusky (Rutgers Univ.)

CALL FOR PAPERS/CALL FOR SESSIONS: Those wishing to contribute a paper,
or to organize a session are invited to make themselves known to the
Workshop Committee as soon as possible by writing to the address below.

IMACS Turbulence Workshop
c/o Karen Hahn
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: 908-932-0537


From: Tom Hagstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 14:01:48 MDT
Subject: Positions at the U. of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Subject to administrative approval, the Department
anticipates that several tenure track positions will be available,
beginning in the Fall Semester, 1994. We are particularly
interested in candidates at the assistant professor level.
Candidates must have a strong research record and a commitment
to excellence in teaching.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics currently has
41 faculty members and an active and expanding graduate
program. The Department has close research ties with Los Alamos
and Sandia National Laboratories, and access to major computing
facilities. Joint appointments with other departments are possible.

Review of applications will begin January 3, 1994, and will
continue until the positions are filled. All exceptionally strong
candidates are urged to apply. Please have curriculum vitae,
(including email address if possible) and three letters of reference
sent to:

Professor Benjamin Mann, Chair
Hiring Committee
Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics
The University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131



From: Anton Wakolbinger <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 13:05:36 +0100
Subject: Position at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt

Professorship in Applied and Instrumental Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Frankfurt am Main
Federal Republic of Germany

Applications are invited for a full professorship in instrumental and
applied mathematics in the Mathematics Department of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe
University. Here is the official announcement:

"Am Fachbereich Mathematik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am
Main ist die C4-Professur fuer Angewandte und Instrumentelle Mathematik
wiederzubesetzen. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt des/der zu Berufenden soll in der
Numerik einschliesslich mathematischer Optimierung liegen. Erwartet wird die
Bereitschaft zu Zusammenarbeit mit benachbarten Faechern und dem
Hochschulrechenzentrum sowie die Beteiligung am Grundausbildungsprogramm des
Fachbereichs Mathematik. Einstellungsvoraussetzungen sind die Habilitation oder
gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Die Universitaet strebt eine
Erhoehung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb
qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdruecklich um ihre Bewerbung. Bewerbungen
mit den ueblichen Unterlagen werden bis 15.10.1993 erbeten an den Praesidenten
der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt am Main, D-60054 Frankfurt/M."


From: Fred Hickernell <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 09:48:12 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Positions at Hong Kong Baptist College

Department of Mathematics
Department of Computing Studies

Baptist College provides whole-person education leading to bachelors, masters
and doctoral degrees. Beginning in September 1994 the Mathematics and
Computing Studies Departments will jointly offer an MSc degree in Scientific
Computing. Due to this expansion we anticipate openings for 2-3 experts in
scientific computing within the coming two years.

At present the Mathematics Department has 12 teaching staff and the Computing
Studies Department has 17. Staff engage in undergraduate and graduate
teaching, supervision of project students, research and some administration.
Since we are a growing institution, all staff have the opportunity to
participate in developing our academic programs. As a publicly funded
university-style institution Baptist College offers salaries and benefits
(medical, housing and education) comparable to other Hong Kong tertiary

Applicants should have a PhD and be committed to teaching and research in an
interdisciplinary environment. If you wish to apply, please send your CV and
three confidential letters of reference to the Personnel Department, Hong Kong
Baptist College, 224 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, HONG KONG. Inquiries may also be
made to the Fred J. Hickernell, Head of Mathematics (at Department of
Statistics, Stanford University through January 31, 1994), Email:
[email protected] or [email protected].


From: David Keyes <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 17:21:21 EDT
Subject: Position at Old Dominion University

Old Dominion University
Computer Science Department

The ODU Computer Science Department solicits applications for an
anticipated junior-level tenure track position starting as early as
January 1, 1994. A PhD in Computer Science or a related field, a
research record in high performance computing and communication, and
excellence in teaching are required.

The atmosphere of the department is strongly supportive of research,
with an active faculty of 17 and over 100 graduate students. The
department has over 100 SPARC workstations and special equipment needs
can be accommodated. NASA's Langley Research Center, ICASE, and DOE's
CEBAF facility are all within a thirty-minute drive from campus.

Salary is competitive with the best. We would like to receive
applications by September 25, 1993 but will continue to consider
candidates until the position is filled. To apply, send curriculum
vita, copies of recent articles or technical reports, and the names of
three to five references to:

Kurt Maly
Kaufman Professor and Chair
Department of Computer Science
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
FAX: 804-683-4900
E-mail: [email protected]

Old Dominion University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

[Submitter's note: An antecedent to this announcement with less
specificity in the research area ran in the September issue of the
Communications of the ACM. The university has since then designated
HPCC as one of five strategic areas that align with ODU's current
strengths and natural geographical advantages; therefore, the search has
been prolonged and the NA-net audience targeted. I would be glad to
respond by e-mail to questions about the search from potential
candidates. Actual candidates should contact Prof. Maly directly.
-- D. Keyes]


From: Michael C. Ferris <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 16:04:42 -0500
Subject: New Journal, Optimization MEthods and Software

The first volume of the new journal OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SOFTWARE,
published by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, is now available. A
complimentary copy of the first issue may be obtained by sending an
email request to [email protected].


OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SOFTWARE publishes refereed papers on the
latest developments in the theory and imple<mentation of optimization
methods, with particular emphasis on the interface between software
development and algorithm design. Topics include:

* Theory, implementation and performance evaluation of algorithms and
computer codes for linear, nonlinear, discrete, nonsmooth and
multicriteria optimization and optimal control.

* Algorithms and software for solving systems of nonlinear equations
and the numerical study of parameter dependent operators and their

* Parallel optimization algorithms.

* Various aspects of efficient and user-friendly implementations:
e.g. automatic differentiation, error sensitivity and validity
analysis, problem scaling and stopping criteris and symbolic/numeric

* Methodology of optimization software development, including
interactive interfaces, hybrid systems, artificial intelligence and
knowledge-based approaches.

The contents of the first two issues are as follows:

Vol. 1 No. 1.

Vladimir A. Bushenkov and Georgi V. Smirnov,
"A New Approach to the Regulator Design Problem"

Jean-Charles Gilbert,
"Automatic Differentiation and Iterative Processes"

Kristin P. Bennett and Olvi L. Mangasarian,
"Robust Linear Programming Discrimination of Two Linearly
Inseparable Sets"

Andreas Griewank,
"Achieving Logarithmic Growth of Temporal and Spatial
Complexity in Reverse Automatic Differentiation"

Robert S. Maier,
"Large-Scale Minimzation on the CM-200"

Chi-Geun Han, Panos M. Pardalos and Yinyu Ye,
"Implementation of Interior-Point Algorithms for some
Entropy Optimization Problems"

Vol. 1 No. 2.

Yu. Nesterov and A. Nemirovsky,
"Conic Formualtion of a Convex Programming Problem and Duality"

Y. Yuan,
"On Self-Dual Update Formulae in the Broyden Family"

J.M. Martinez and M.C. Zambaldi,
"An Inverse Column-Updating Method for Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear
Systems of Equations"

L.C.W. Dixon and D.J. Mills,
"Neural Networks and Nonlinear Optimisation I: The Representation of
Continuous Functions"

J.L. Morales-Perez and R.W.H. Sargent,
"On the Implementation and Performance of an Interior Point Method for
Large Sparse Convex Quadratic Programming"


To facilitate rapid publication, authors are encouraged to submit
their papers electronically in LaTeX format. Figures may be sent in
the form of postscript files, but hard copies must also be provided. A
style file and instructions can be obtained from the editors or the
publisher. In the refereeing process we communicate be email whenever
possible to avoid the delays of intenational mailings.

Editor in Chief: Prof. Yu. G. Evtushenko,
Computer Center,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
40, Vavilov Street,
117967 Moscow GSP-1,
email: [email protected]

Managing Editor: Dr. Oleg P. Burdakov,
Computer Center,
Russian Academy of Sciences,
40, Vavilov Street,
117967 Moscow GSP-1,
email: [email protected]

Associate Editor: Prof. M. Ferris
(Americas) Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin
1210 West Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
email: [email protected]

Associate Editor: Prof. M. Iri,
(Asia) Department of Mathematical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of Tokyo,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113,
email: [email protected]

Associate Editor: Prof. K. Schittkowski,
(Europe) University of Bayreuth,
Institute of Mathematics,
POB 3008, Bayreuth, D-8580,
email: [email protected]


From: [email protected]
Date: 27 Sep 93 08:55:54 CDT
Subject: Contents, Journal Computation and Applied Mathematics

Volume 47, No. 3,
30 SEPTEMBER (1993) (contents)

L. Berg, On the discretization of generalized
Riccati differential equations with constant
coefficients 277

M.A. Noor, K.I. Noor and Th.M. Rassias, Some aspects
of variational inequalities 285

K. Pan, On orthogonal systems of rational functions
on the unit circle and polynomials orthogonal with
respect to varying measures 313

L.F. Caudill Jr and B.D. Lowe, On the construction
of a potential from Cauchy data 323

Y. Lin and R.J. Tait, Finite-difference
approximations for a class of nonlocal parabolic
boundary value problems 335

B. Cahlon, I.E. Schochetman and M. Shillor,
Convective cooling and optimal placement of
electronic components with variable ambient
temperature I. The linear model 351

D.S. Lubinsky and T. Mthembu, Mean convergence of
Lagrange interpolation for Erd\H{o}s weights 369

J.M. McNamee, A bibliography on roots of polynomials
(Bibliography 16) 391

D.J. Jones, Use of a shooting method to compute
eigenvalues of fourth-order two-point boundary value
problems (Letter) 395


From: Ron Boisvert <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 13:04:30 EDT
Subject: Contents, ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software

Table of Contents
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
Volume 19 Number 3 (September 1993)

Template Driven Interfaces for Numerical Subroutines
Jon L. Bentley, Mary F. Fernandez, B. W. Kernighan and Norman L. Schryer
pp. 265-287

Algorithm 719: Multiprecision Translation and Execution of FORTRAN Programs
David H. Bailey
pp. 288-319

Algorithm 720: An Algorithm for Adaptive Cubature Over a Collection
of 3-Dimensional Simplices
Jarle Berntsen, Ronald Cools and Terje O. Espelid
pp. 320-332

On the Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms: Comparison of Three
New Methods on Characteristic Problems from Applications
Dean G. Duffy
pp. 333-359

Mathematical Software for Sturn-Liouville Problems
Steven Pruess and Charles T. Fulton
pp. 360-376

The Computation of Eigenvalues and Solutions of Mathieu's
Differential Equation for Noninteger and Integer Order
Randall B. Shirts
pp. 391-406

Algorithm 721: MTIEU1 and MTIEU2: Two Subroutines to Compute Eigenvalues
and Solutions of Mathieu's Differential Equation for Noninteger and
Integer Order
Randall B. Shirts
pp. 391-406

QR-Like Algorithms for the Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Problem
J. B. Haag and D. S. Watkins
pp. 407-418

Implementation and Computational Results for the Hierarchical
Algorithm for Making Sparse Matrices Sparser
S. Frank Chang and S. Thomas McCormick
pp. 419-441


End of NA Digest
