NA Digest Monday, June 25, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 23
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Mon Jun 25 07:43:12 PDT 1990
Subject: Interruption of NA Net Services
Our apologies for the interruption of NA Net services.
As you may have noticed, NA Net has been silent for three weeks.
While Gene and I were both travelling, an unannounced upgrade of
the operating system on the machines we use at Stanford was
undertaken. The "na.lastname" mail forwarding service has not
been working correctly and we probably lost some submissions to
the NA Net News. I'm not even sure that everything is back in
order now; we'll try to straighten it out.
(The Householder XI meeting in Sweden was excellent! We'll have
a more complete report later.)
-- Cleve
From: Nick Trefethen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 90 17:57:42 EDT
Subject: Addresses for Anne and Nick Trefethen.
For the next fourteen months, we will be on sabbatical from MIT and
Thinking Machines. Throughout this period, we plan to read e-mail
regularly at our home computers: [email protected] and [email protected].
Our principal destinations are as follows:
September-November 1990:
School of Mathematics, Univ. of NSW, Kensington, NSW 2033, Australia
January-June 1991: (Nick's address)
Analyse Numerique, Univ. P. & M. Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75230 Paris, France
July-August 1991: (Nick's address)
Computing Laboratory, 8-11 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3QD, England
In the fall of 1991 we will move to Ithaca, NY, where Nick will join
the Department of Computer Science, Cornell University.
Nick and Anne Trefethen
From: David Hough <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 90 14:41:27 PDT
Subject: Back Issues of Journals For Sale
I have run out of room at home to store scholarly journals. In order
to clear those piled up on the floor (by the October earthquake)
I have to clear out some of the
older ones that I don't use. Most start in the mid-1970's and end in the
late 1980's.
For more info, send a message to
uunet!validgh!dgh or
[email protected]
Price is $1 each, but complete volumes will only be sold complete:
ACM SIG act ada apl bdp graph micro map ops sam sen
ACM Transactions On PLAS CS OIS DS GS
IEEE: Spectrum, Design & Test, Expert, Software, etc.
SIAM Journal on Computing
Price is $5 each, but complete volumes will only be sold complete:
Springer Verlag: Numerische Mathematik, Computing, Acta Informatica
Wiley: Software Practice and Experience
and others in a similar vein.
Solicitations from tax-deductible charitable organizations will be considered
for what I can't sell in a reasonable time.
I'm sure it's painful for the many authors, referees, and editors on this
mailing list that their journals were rated more disposable than others,
but I am only reducing my accumulation by about half, which should allow
another decade's worth to pile up before I have to do this again.
David Hough
From: Giuseppe Rodriguez <GPPE%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 JUN 90 11:42 N
Subject: CAM Conference in Sardinia
International Conference
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Second Announcement
Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita' di Cagliari
15-19 october 1990
Cagliari, Sardinia - Italy
Purpose of the Conference.
The conference will be structured with invited lectures aiming to give a
perspective of mathematical methods related to definite applicative fields of
present prominence.
Scientific Committee.
M. Bertero (Genova) C. Pagani. (Milano)
S. Seatzu (Cagliari) G. Talenti (Firenze)
Sponsored by
Universiti di Cagliari Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Facolti di Ingegneria Istituto Bancario S. Paolo di Torino
Invited Speakers.
A. Bellen (Trieste) D. Pagani (Milano)
M. Bertero (Genova) E.R. Pike (Great Malvern, UK)
F. Brezzi (Pavia) A. Quarteroni (Milano)
P. Colli Franzone (Pavia) T. Ruggeri (Bologna)
P. De Mottoni (Roma) P. Sabatier (Montpellier)
W. Gautschi (Purdue, USA) S. Seatzu (Cagliari)
F. Gori (Roma) G. Talenti (Firenze)
J.T. Marti (Zurich) V. Vasin (Sverdlovsk USSR)
J.C. Mason (Shrivenham, UK) F. Zirilli (Roma)
F. Natterer (Munster, RFD)
General Information
The Conference will be held at the Aula Magna, Facolt di Ingegneria,
Piazza d'Armi, Cagliari. Social events include a visit to some important
Sardinian archaeological sites and lunch in a characteristic restaurant.
For further information please contact:
Scientific Secretariat C.A.M. Conference
Dipartimento di Matematica
V.le Merello 92 Tel. +39 70 2000404 - 2000408
09123 Cagliari (Italy) Fax. +39 70 2000420
E-mail (Dr. Giuseppe Rodriguez): [email protected]
From: David Levine <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 90 11:16:58 CDT
Subject: NSF/DOE Summer Institute in Parallel Computing
A Two-Week Institute at the Advanced Computing Research Facility
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
September 4-14, 1990
Summer Institute Faculty Computer Facilities
Arvind, MIT ALLIANT FX/8 (8 processors)
Mani Chandy, CALTECH AMT DAP (1024 processors)
Jack Dongarra, UNIV. OF STARDENT Titan (4 processors)
Josh Fisher, HEWLETT-PACKARD LABS* BBN Butterfly GP1000 (96 processors)
David Gelernter, YALE UNIVERSITY BBN Butterfly TC2000 (45 processors)
Paul Huray, UNIV. OF SOUTH ENCORE MULTIMAX (20 processors)
with vector capability)
Justin Rattner, INTEL SCIENTIFIC SEQUENT BALANCE (24 processors)
* A paper version of this announcement lists Josh Fisher's affiliation as Yale
University. This is incorrect. He is with Hewlett-Packard Laboratories.
Eligibility and Selection Criteria
Institute limited to 25 graduate students and postdoctoral
researchers. Preference given to those likely to advance
parallel computing research. Only one person from the same
institution and department accepted. Applications due
July 15, 1990, supported by a letter of recommendation.
Note: Participants will receive free lodging for September 4-14
and a stipend for meals and incidental expenses.
Travel costs will be reimbursed up to $750.
For further information, write or call
Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4844
The Institute is supported by the National Science
Foundation and by the U.S. Department of Energy.
End of NA Digest