NA Digest Sunday, February 25, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 08

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 20:15:47 JST
Subject: More on Cholesky

I wish to thank everyone for their mail and their contributions
to NA Digest about Cholesky. Dr. Le Roux (France) added the
following message:

The family of Cholesky would be established in the west of France
(Vandee or Charente) coming probably from Poland. A student in our
university was from this family who seems to know nothing about this
numerical method.

I now know a great deal about Cholesky's background, thanks to NA-net.

With best regards, T. Mitsui (Nagoya Univ., Japan)


From: Carl de Boor <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 20:25:19 CST
Subject: I. J. Schoenberg

I.J. Schoenberg, eminent mathematician, widely known as the father of splines,
died February 21, after a short illness, in his 87th year.


From: Fred Kus <FRED%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 90 09:11 EST
Subject: Routine for Roots of Complex Function Wanted

Does anyone have a public domain routine for finding the roots of a
complex function, using Muller's method. I would greatly appreciate
receiving a copy.
Thank you.

Fred Kus
[email protected]
Computing and Information Services
McMaster University
1280 Main Street W.
Hamiltin, On.
Canada L8S 4K1
(416) 525-9140 ext. 4160


From: Robin A. Meade <[email protected]>
Date: 20 Feb 90 00:58:52 GMT
Subject: Looking for Advice on PDE Software/Methods

I am working on a project that requires solving a complicated
system of coupled non-linear kinetics-diffusion equations in
ONE DIMENSION. I have almost no background in numerical analysis
and am looking for advice or references on source code that will
help with all or parts of this problem.

I had thought of using the METHOD OF LINES in which the spatial
derivatives are discretized and the resulting ODE's are solved
with an ODE solver package (like LSODI from ODEPACK) that handles
stiff, sparse systems.

However, there seem to be many choices for the method of spatial
discretization (e.g. Crank-Nicolson, Galerkin, B-splines) and I'm
not sure which I should use. Any recommendations for source code
for this step?

I am also looking for references that describe PDE software and
methods. The best I've found so for is "Digital Computer Treatment
of PDE's" by Vemuri and Karplus, Prentice-Hall 1981, and "A
Survey of Software for PDE's" by Machura and Sweet in ACM Trans.
Math Soft. Dec 1980.

If you have advice or suggestions for references, I would greatly
appreciate hearing from you.

Thank you -- Robin Meade email: [email protected]
Boston Univ. Col. of Eng.


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 12:18:12 CST
Subject: Ron Mitchell Birthday Issue of IMA NA Journal

Many readers of the digest have possibly met or heard of Ron Mitchell, who
of course was responsible for instigating the now famous and popular series
of biennial numerical analysis conferences at the University of Dundee in
Scotland. Ron is 70 in 1991 and a special issue of the IMA Journal of
Numerical Analysis will commemmorate that event. I attach the announcement
that appeared in the recent volume of the journal (volume 10 (1) .. Jan 1990)
and encourage digest readers to bear this in mind when submitting papers.

Commemoration of 70th Birthday of Professor A R Mitchell

A R (Ron) Mitchell celebrates his 70th birthday on 22 June
1991. He has contributed greatly to the development of
numerical analysis for the last 35 years, by his efforts to
promote the subject at both national and international level,
by his outstanding encouragement to young numerical analysts,
and by his leadership of the numerical analysis group at the
University of Dundee. He was the instigator of the Biennial
Conferences on Numerical Analysis at Dundee that have continued
for 25 years and are now regarded as the principal numerical
analysis meetings in Europe. He has also been an Associate
Editor of the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis since its
inception in 1981. His IMAJNA colleagues and the IMA wish to
show some of their gratitude to Ron, so the October 1991
issue of the Journal will commemorate his 70th birthday.
We will be delighted to receive contributions for this special
issue at any time although submissions should be received before
December 31 1990 in order that we can meet the deadlines for the
October 1991 issue. All such submissions will be refereed in the
usual way, except that a special effort will be made to take
decisions by March 1991 on the publication of papers that are
submitted by December 31 1990.
All numerical analysts are invited to join this commemoration
of Ron's 70th birthday.


From: Richard Bartels <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 17:08:25 EST
Subject: SIAM Great Lakes Regional Meeting

The Great Lakes Chapter of SIAM will hold a semi-formal, two-day
meeting at the University of Waterloo, March 29+30. Local
hosts will be the Computer Graphics Laboratory and the Institute
of Computer Research. This meeting is the second of a series initiated
by the Great Lakes SIAM Chapter, to help the Great Lakes
Area SIAM members from universities and industry become better
acquainted with each other.

The first day will consist of presentations, demonstrations, and
a laboratory tour by the local hosts to feature work in computer
aided geometric design by the Computer Graphics Laboratory. The
second day will be open for contributed presentations. Lunches and
refreshments will be provided, but attendees must be responsible for
their own travel and lodging.

For information about giving a talk, contact

David A. Field
General Motors Research Laboratories
30500 Mound Road
Warren, Michigan
U.S.A. 48090-9055
(313) 986-1121
[email protected]

For information about Waterloo, the local hosts, the first day's
plans, and the activities, contact

Richard H. Bartels
Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1
(519) 888-4534
[email protected]


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 90 17:47:35 cst
Subject: IMA Applied Linear Algebra Year, 1991-1992


of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis for the academic year
1991-1992 will be on APPLIED LINEAR ALGEBRA. The organizing committee
consists of: R.A. Brualdi, G. Cybenko, A. George, G. Golub, M.B. Luskin
and P. van Dooren. The program for the year is divided into three
parts, corresponding to the fall, winter and spring quarters of the academic
year. This division is one for reasons of emphasizing various important
topics throughout the year. It is expected that there will be considerable
fluidity between the various parts. The description of the three parts is:

I. (September 1991-December 1991): Discrete Matrix Analysis with emphasis
on the mathematical analysis of sparse matrices and combinatorial structure.

II. (January 1992-March 1992): Matrix Computatations with special emphasis
on iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations and eigenvalue
computation of sparse and structured matrices.

III. (April 1992-June 1992): Signal Processing, Systems and Control with
emphasis on the matrix analysis and computations that arise in this area
of application.

Senior people who expect sabbaticals from their institutions in 1991-1992
are encouraged to take them at the IMA. For newer Ph.D.s there are
10 postdoctoral fellowships to be given out. The formal announcement of
the postdoctoral fellowship program (including application procedures)
will be made in September 1991.

Confirmed long term visitors thus far are:

I. September 1991-December 1991: Ake Bjorck, Richard Brualdi, Shmuel Friedland,
Alan George, John Gilbert, Victor Klee, Joseph Liu, Mitchell Luskin.

II. January 1991-March 1992: Adam Bojanczyk, Richard Brualdi, James Demmel,
Gene Golub, Anne Greenbaum, Nicholas Higham, Mitchell Luskin, Robert Plemmons,
G.W. Stewart.

III. April 1992-June 1992: Adam Bojanczyk, George Cybenko, James Demmel,
Gene Golub, Mitchell Luskin, Robert Plemmons, G.W. Stewart, Paul van Dooren.

The preliminary planning stage of four of the six workshops is now complete
and descriptions of them follow. There will also be two workshops in part
III of the program on Linear Algebra in Signal Processing and Linear Algebra
in Control. Announcement of these will be made after the preliminary planning
stage is complete. During the year there may also be one or two minisymposia
on special topics.

Inquiries etc. can be made to Richard Brualdi ([email protected] or
[email protected]). Postal address is: Mathematics Department,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.

organized by
Alan George and John Gilbert and Joseph Liu
October 14-18, 1992

Attempts to solve efficiently very large sparse systems of equations
have spawned a multitude of important and interesting problems.
Some of these problems are numerical, some are combinatorial, some
can be phrased in terms of questions about graphs, and some
are "core computer science" questions, involving the design
and implementation of good (and sometimes provably optimal)
data structures. The purpose of this workshop is to bring
together people who work in sparse matrix computation with
those who conduct research in applied graph theory and
graph algorithms.
The intent of the workshop would be to foster active
cross-fertilization. Those in sparse matrix computation
would have the opportunity to describe some of the outstanding
major graph theory questions that are prompted by sparse
matrix computation. Equally, those in graph theory would have the
opportunity to describe some problems that might be
beneficially attacked through the use of modern sparse
matrix algorithms and technology. Specific topics will include:
chordal graphs, elimination trees, the minimum degree algorithm,
graph separator theory and algorithms, finding independent sets,
graph matching, simulated annealing, clique trees, graph
traversals in sparse matrix computation.

organized by
Richard A. Brualdi, Shmuel Friedland and Victor Klee
November 11-15, 1991

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the diverse
group of people who work on problems in linear algebra and
matrix theory in which combinatorial or graph-theoretic
analysis is a major component. Specific topics to be covered
include: the use of graph theory and general combinatorial
ideas in matrix analysis, eigenvalue estimates for graphs and
finite Markov chains, qualitative properties of matrices with
applications to chemistry and economics, spectra of
nonnegative integral matrices with application to symbolic
dynamical systems, matrices with some generic entries with
application to systems analysis and controllability, the use
of linear algebraic ideas in the graph isomorphism problem,
and issues of computational complexity as they pertain to the
problems above.

organized by
James McKenna, Robert J. Plemmons and G.W.Stewart
January 13-17, 1992

Markov chains and queuing models are playing an increasing role
in the understanding of complex systems such as computer,
communication and transportation systems.
Three areas are important in the construction and numerical
solution of these problems: linear algebra, Markov chains,
and queuing network models. The object of this workshop
is to bring together experts from these three areas to
share their different points of view of the subject.
The first two days of the workshop will be devoted to
technical surveys by experts, two from each of the three areas.
The last three days will be devoted to special topics.
All speakers will be asked to furnish a tentative proceedings
paper before the workshop. The survey papers will be
distributed far enough in advance that the people speaking
on special topics can use them in preparing theor papers.
There will be an opportunity for the participants to
organize informal evening sessions.
Among the topics to be treated are
1. Iterative methods for large Markov chains
2. Dealing with the exponential explosion of the state
space in queuing networks.
3. Transient behavior
4. Matrix geometric methods

organized by
Gene Golub, Anne Greenbaum, and Mitchell Luskin
February 24-March 1, 1992

Large systems of matrix equations arise frequently
in applications and they have the property
that they are sparse and/or structured.
Important applications await techniques for solving
large nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
and eigenvalue problems. The purpose of this
workshop is to bring together researchers in
numerical analysis and various application areas
to discuss where such problems arise and possible
methods of solution. Problems involving both
convection and dissipation as well as statistical
applications lead to nonsymmetric and indefinite
linear systems and eigenvalue problems. We intend
to explore recent developments in the nonsymmetric
Lanczos/Loewy algorithm, domain decomposition
and substructuring, conjugate gradient - like methods,
preconditioners for nonsymmetric linear systems,
and other new ideas in this area.
Methods that are particularly efficient on modern
computer architectures will be emphasized.


The last two days of this workshop will be a celebration dedicated
to Gene Golub on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday (Feb. 29, 1992).
This program for this part of the workshop is being arranged by
Jack Dongarra and Paul van Dooren.


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 13:17:29 cst
Subject: SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra

Preliminary Announcement:
Fourth SIAM Triennial Conference on

The fourth conference will be held on September 16-19, 1991
in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The timing and location of the
conference has been chosen to coincide with the beginning of the
year on Applied Linear Algebra at the Institute for Mathematics
and its Applications(IMA) at the University of Minnesota. The conference
hotel, the Radisson University Inn, is adjacent to the campus and
the IMA and some of the sessions of the conference will be held in
the University's new Electrical and Computer Engineering building.
The organizing committee consists of: R.A. Brualdi, D. Carlson,
G. Cybenko, A. George, G. Golub, R. Horn, J. Lewis, M. Luskin,
S. Morgera, G. Styan, and P. van Dooren.

The committee has selected a group of eight distinquished scientists
to highlight the conference with plenary lectures. They are:

A.C. ANTOULAS (Rice University), Matrix functions with applications to
systems theory: Interpolation problems.
A. BJORCK (Linkoping University), Matrix computations and sparsity issues.
M. FIEDLER (Czechoslovakia Academy of Sciences), Combinatorial aspects in
matrix theory.
I. KAPLANSKY (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute-Berkeley), Basis
free methods in linear algebra.
C. van LOAN (Cornell University), The design and analysis of block
matrix algorithms.
G.W. STEWART (University of Maryland), Numerical methods for Markov
A. WILLSKY (MIT) Multiresolutional statistical signal processing.
M. WRIGHT (A.T.& T. Bell Laboratories), Linear algebra issues in
interior methods.

The banquet will feature a talk by ALAN HOFFMAN of IBM.

Two minisymposia have been invited as "seeds" for suggestions from
the linear algebra community for other minisymposia on topics of
current interest. They are:

Direct Sparse Methods, organized by J. Liu (York University)

Abstract Algebra and its Application to Statistical Signal Processing,
organized by S. Morgera (McGill University).

Suggestions for minisymposia and general inquiries should be directed to:
Richard A. Brualdi ([email protected] or [email protected]).
Postal address is Mathematics Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI 53706.


From: Bertil Gustafsson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 90 11:43 +0100
Subject: Conference on Hyperbolic Problems in Sweden


June 11-15, 1990

The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers with interest
in the theoretical, applied and computational aspects of hyperbolic partial
differential equations. Theory of hyperbolic partial differential equations and
in particular nonlinear problems will be discussed. Analysis and applications
of numerical methods will be an important part of the conference. Application
to different fields such as aerodynamics, meteorology, oceanography, elastic
and electromagnetic wave propagation and combustion will be considered.

This is the third in a series of conferences on hyperbolic problems. The first
was held in St. Etienne, France in 1986, the second in Aachen, Federal Republic
of Germany in 1988 and the fourth will take place in Italy 1992.

Professor Heinz-Otto Kreiss will be 60 years old during 1990. The significance
of his contributions to all research areas in hyperbolic problems is well
known. In 1965 he became the first professor in Numerical Analysis at Uppsala
University; this was the first chair in the newly formed Department of
Scientific Computing. It is therefore natural to dedicate this conference to
Professor Kreiss.

ORGANISATION: Department of Scientific Computing, Uppsala University

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Bjorn Engquist, Bertil Gustafsson


REGISTRATION: The registration fee 900 SEK can be paid by check issued to
"Department of Scientific Cmputing". The fee is 1200 SEK if paid after May 1,

H.-O. Kreiss C. Johnson
L. Bengtsson B. Keyfitz
G. Browning P. Lax
J. Cole B. van Leer
J. Douglas P.L. Lions
J.G. Glimm T.P. Liu
D. Gottlieb K.W. Morton
A. Harten S. Osher
W.D. Henshaw P.A. Raviart
T. Hughes A. Rizzi
D. H{nel E. Tadmor
F. John P. Woodward

C. Carasso B. van Leer
B. Engquist S. Osher
J.G. Glimm M. Pandolfi
B. Gustafsson A. Rizzi
R. Jeltsch Y. Shokin
C. Johnson

LOCATION: The conference will be held in the Main University Building in the
center of Uppsala. The city is located 70 km:s north of Stockholm with easy
access to the Stockholm Airport. Uppsala has old historical traditions dating
back to the Viking time. The university was founded 1477 and is among the
oldest in Europe.

ACCOMODATION: A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at discount prices for
the conference participants. The price range is 600-1000 SEK per day in single
room. Double rooms are also available.

Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for International Scientific Cooperation
Swedish Board for Technical Development (STU)
Swedish Research Council for Science (NFR)
Swedish Institute for Applied Mathematics (ITM)
IBM Sweden
SAAB-SCANIA, Aircraft Division
U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSC)
Aeronautical Research Institute of Sweden (FFA)

If you want to attend the conference or reserve a hotel room
please write to

Lena Jutestahl
Dept of Scientific Computing
Uppsala University
Sturegatan 4B
S-75223 Uppsala

Fax: 018-123049; Int: +46 18123049
E-mail: "LENA at TDB.UU.SE"


From: Horst Simon <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 90 14:50:40 -0800
Subject: Conference Announcement -- Parallel CFD 90

Conference Announcement:
PARALLEL CFD '90 in Indianapolis, May 6-8, 1990

NASA, Intel, IBM, RIACS, and Indiana University/Purdue
University at Indianapolis (UIPUI) will host the Parallel
Computational Fluid Dynamics 1990 Conference. Parallel CFD
will be held in Indianapolis on the campus of UIPUI from
May 6 to May 8.


Enrico Clementi, IBM;
Justin Rattner, Intel;
Richard Blech, NASA-Lewis;
Horst Simon, NASA-Ames;
Spiro Lekoudis, Office of Naval Research;
Richard Sincovec, RIACS;
Antony Jameson, Princeton University;
Anthony Patera, MIT;
Akin Ecer, UIPUI.


F. Ron Bailey, NASA Ames Research Center will be the keynote speaker.

Invited Presentations:

David Caughey, Cornell University
Block Implicit Multi-grid Solution of the Euler Equations
on Parallel Computers;

Avi Lin, Temple University
Degenerate Parallel Algorithms for Parallel CFD;

Wolfgang Schmidt and Bernhard Wagner, Dornier Luftfahrt
Impact on Aircraft Design of Vector and Parallel CFD Applications;

Pierre Leca, ONERA
Experiments in Parallel CFD Using Distributed Memory Multiprocessors;

J. Michael Summa, Analytical Methods Inc.
Recent CFD Applications in the Automobile Industry;

William Van Dalsem and Horst Simon, NASA Ames Research Center
Recent Experiences and Future Directions in CFD at NASA-Ames.

Panel Discussion:

"Parallel Application Software -- Issues and Answers,"
led by Dan Anderson of Ford Motor Company.
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University;
John Van Rosendale, ICASE Langley;
David Gelernter, Yale University;
Anthony Patera, MIT;
Jacques Periaux, Avions Marcel Dassault;
Ramesh Agarwal, McDonnell-Douglas.

Contributed Papers:

The Parallel CFD organizing committee is soliciting
contributed presentations of 15 minutes on subjects
that will complement the invited papers. Proposed
title and abstract should be sent to

Pat Fox
School of Engineering nad Technology
799 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5160
(317) 274-0806


Advance registration ($200) by check or MasterCard/VISA will be
accepted by Pat Fox, Indiana University/Purdue University at
Indianapolis, 799 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis IN 46202 (317-274-0806).
Because registration is limited, advanced registration
is recommended.
Registration at the conference will be $225, and on a first come
first served basis.


A block of rooms has been reserved at the University Hotel
and Conference Center. Contact the hotel at 1-800-627-2700
to make hotel reservations. Identify yourself as a Parallel
CFD Conference participant to receive the discounted room rate.
The conference will take place in the Unviersity Hotel and
Conference Center, located on the UIPUI campus.

For any questions call Pat Fox at (317) 274-0806.


From: Rusty Lusk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 90 16:21:46 -0600
Subject: Minority Internship at Argonne

Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory is seeking outstanding candidates to fill a
position in the NSF-sponsored minority internship program in parallel
computation. The position is open to all minorities that are underrepresented
in science and engineering.

Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a strong
background in computing and be interested in acquiring knowledge and
experience in the area of parallel computing.

The goal of the program is to allow current university faculty and
post-doctoral researchers to master techniques and conduct research in
parallel processing. The intern will work with computer scientists in
Argonne's Mathematics and Computer Science Division in numerical and/or
symbolic parallel computing and will use the parallel computers in the
Advanced Computing Research Facility.

The Advanced Computing Research Facility at Argonne contains nine parallel
computers of various architectures, including an Alliant FX/8, Thinking
Machines Inc. CM-2, and BBN TC-2000.

The appointment is for one year. Applications or nominations should be
addressed to Ed Smith, Human Resources, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,
IL 60439. Applications should include a resume, a statement of career goals,
and the names of three references. The closing date for applications is April
1, 1990. The appointment will begin during 1990.

Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.


From: J. C. Diaz <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 90 17:52:48 CST
Subject: Two Faculty Positions in Applied Math or CS at U Tulsa

Applied Math or CS Position
Tulsa, OKlahoma

Applications are invited for tenure track positions in
MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE at junior and senior ranks.
Salary is open and competitive Responsibilities include
teaching 6 hours per semester at the undergraduate and
graduate level, continuing scholarly activity, and pursuit
of extramural funding. Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D.
in mathematics, computer science or a related discipline and
a strong commitment to teaching and research. Candidates
with research specialties in Applied Mathematics, Numerical
Analysis, Mathematics of Computation, and Computer Science
are of particular interest. Send vita, transcripts, and
three letters of reference to William A. Coberly, Chairman,
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences.
Applications will be evaluated beginning February 15, 1990.
Late applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. The University of Tulsa is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
CS Position


The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at the
University of Tulsa invites applications for tenure track
positions in Computer Science to begin in September of 1990.
Responsibilities include teaching 6 hours per semester at
the undergraduate and graduate level, continuing scholarly
activity, and pursuit of extramural funding. Minimum
qualifications are a Ph.D. in computer science or a related
discipline and a strong commitment to teaching and research.
Candidates with research specialties in Parallel and
Scientific Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer
Graphics are of particular interest; however, all research
areas will be considered.
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences offers
the PhD degree in Computer Science; has ten Sun 3 systems,
two MicroVAX II systems, a BBN Butterfly, and an Intel
Hypercube for faculty and student research; and is a member
of NSFnet and BITnet.
Applications will be evaluated beginning February 15, 1990.
The position will be considered open until filled. Send
vita, transcripts, and three letters of reference to:
William A. Coberly, Chairman; Mathematical and Computer
Sciences; University of Tulsa; 600 S. College; Tulsa, OK
74104. email: [email protected]. The
University of Tulsa has an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative
Action Program for students and employees.


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1990 23:30:12 PST
Subject: NA Net Additions

Here are some recent addresses which have been added to NA-net. A complete
list of persons on NA-net can be obtained from netlib.


IMACS: [email protected]
aboba: [email protected]
academia_sinica: bmadis%[email protected]
agui: [email protected]
alefeld: AE02%[email protected]
allen:[email protected]
avila: [email protected]
awatson: [email protected]
axelsson: [email protected]
baden: [email protected]
beauwens: [email protected]
block: [email protected]
bratvold: [email protected]
butcher: [email protected]
callahan: ERVIN%[email protected]
chun: [email protected]
dee: SEODP%[email protected]
degroen:[email protected]
dhough: [email protected]
doi: [email protected]
einfeld: [email protected]
elliott: [email protected]
eydeland: [email protected]
fausett: [email protected]
fletcher: [email protected]
flores: [email protected]
gersztenkorn: [email protected]
goldberg: [email protected]
greenberg: [email protected]
greenstadt:[email protected]
griewank: [email protected]
haber:[email protected]
harvard: [email protected]
hasegawa: [email protected]
herbin: [email protected]
hodel: [email protected]
huerta: [email protected]
hull: [email protected]
ikebe: [email protected]
iserles: ai%[email protected]
jea: fjut006%[email protected]
jennings: [email protected]
jimack: [email protected]
jjuang: JJUANG%[email protected]
jouvelot: [email protected]
kahaner: [email protected]
kamath: [email protected]
kanada: [email protected]
kershaw: [email protected]
kriegsmann: [email protected]
kstewart: [email protected]
levesley: [email protected]
leyk: [email protected]
liebling: [email protected]
lwatson: [email protected]
maechler: [email protected]
math_sinica: [email protected]
mathias: [email protected]
mcenery: SCMP6012%[email protected]
meir: [email protected]
mitchell: [email protected]
niethammer: [email protected]
orel: bojan.orel%[email protected]
osborne: [email protected]
oser: [email protected]
osterman: [email protected]
otoole: [email protected]
overton: [email protected]
parady: [email protected]
peterson: [email protected]
petiton: [email protected]
pitsianis: [email protected]
ptang: [email protected]
ringertz: [email protected]
rothblum: [email protected]
rwright: [email protected]
saad: [email protected]
sanz-serna: [email protected]
schlick: [email protected]
schumitzky: [email protected]
shirakawa: [email protected]
smale: [email protected]
spaeht: 040624%[email protected]
springer: [email protected]
tanabe: [email protected]
tanner: NA%[email protected]
tuminaro:[email protected]
widlund: [email protected]
wimp: [email protected]
yun: [email protected]
zarantonello: [email protected]
zha: [email protected]


End of NA Digest
