NA Digest Sunday, November 30, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 46
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Jacques Periaux <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 88 12:17:41
Subject: Short Corse in Hypersonics at Air Force Academy
The University of Texas at Austin and the United States
Air Force Academy
Groupe pour l'Avancement des Methodes Numeriques de l'Ingenieur -
Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles
16-20 JANUARY 1989
The First Joint Europe/U.S. Short Course in Hypersonics, which
was held in Paris in December 1987 (cf March 1988 SIAM News,
Hypersonics Experts Meet) brought together Chemists, Computer
Scientists, Engineers, Experimentalists, Mathematicians, and
Physicists to discuss hypersonics flows related to aerospace
applications. (Published proceedings will be available). Building
on this foundation, the second course will offer presentations by
internationally known hypersonic experts over a wide range of
subjects. Presentations on nonequilibrium thermochemistry,
rarefied gas dynamics, hypersonic boundary layers (including
transition), ground-based testing, computational fluid dynamics,
and flight testing should interest post-graduate students,
designers, and researchers.
For More Information, contact :
Center of Excellence for Hypersonics
(University of texas, Austin)
USAF Academy
Colorado Springs CO 80840 5701
Phone : (719) 472-4010
Ecole Polytechnique
Centre de Mathematiques Appliques
91128 Palaiseau Cedex
Phone : (33) 146 02 50 50 ext. 3789
From: Arthur Wouk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 88 10:56:12 EST
Subject: Army High Performance Computing Research Center
The following announcement is currently appearing the the
Commerce Business Daily. Please take it seriously and call it to the
attention of your institution. This is a very substantial
procurement of research, associated supporting hardware, operations,
training and maintenance, comparable in SOME, (but not all) ways to
the NSF Supercomputing Centers.
- - Arthur Wouk
The Army requires the establishment of an Army High
Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC). This is a three
part requirement consisting of research in High Performance Computing,
the acquisition of equipment and software to perform that research,
and user support in High Performance Computing.
The research and analysis will address issues appropriate to
near term High Performance Computing, including current Army
supercomputer needs, as well as long term issues, and will provide a
basis for advanced computing techniques within the Army. The research
will involve both systems programming and applications programming
with interdisciplinary research in the efficient utilization of
current advanced performance computers, networks of current computers,
and newly emerging architectures. The research will concentrate on the
development of advanced algorithms and software technology, focusing
on well chosen thrusts in mathematics, computer science and various
associated fields, which contribute to the needs of multiple Army
agencies, without duplicating the work of a specific Army research
Such focused areas will include:
simulation of physical phenomena and the efficient accurate
solution of the equations which govern their behavior,
investigation of very large data bases and information retrieval,
visualization and related interactive methods,
data analysis,
numerical analysis,
implementation of algorithms and software in a multiplicity of
computing environments, and optimal interfaces in emerging
heterogeneous parallel computing environments.
The period of performance for the research effort is five
years. The contractor shall acquire advanced computing systems to
support the required research. This requirement involves the
acquisition of emerging alternative technology and related
peripherals, for the most advanced state-of-the-art high performance
computing technology. The systems will be installed at the
contractor's facility. As a part of this requirement the contractor
shall provide operation and user support consisting of operation and
maintenance of these systems including supporting software and other
equipment required to support a multi-user computing research
environment, initial training, and communications interfaces and user
support. User support will be provided to both local and remote
users, including appropriate users from Government facilities.
On-site user support services directly related to the Army's
production supercomputers will be provided at two current and one
planned Army supercomputer centers as well as up to three remote
sites. The period of performance for the user support services is a
basic requirement of one year with four options for additional one
year periods of support.
A Pre-Solicitation Conference is planned for 16 December 1988,
9:00 a.m., in the auditorium of the Department of the Army, Harry
Diamond Laboratories, 2800 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, MD 20783.
Prospective offerors who intend to attend the Pre-Solicitation
Conference should so advise the Contact Point. This is a competitive
procurement with competition limited to educational institutions or
consortiums of educational institutions. No telephone requests for
the solicitation will be accepted.
Contact Point: Patty Cannan, (202) 394-1088,
Contracting Officer, Patricia Silsby, (202) 394-3438
RFP DAAL02-89-R-9029
From: Olavi Nevanlinna <MAT-ON%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 88 09:23:42 EET
Subject: Year on Numerical Analysis in Finland
The Rolf Nevanlinna Institute will host a special Year on Numerical Analysis
beginning in August of 1989. The focus will be on numerical aspects of
differential and integral equations.
Limited funds have been reserved to support visiting scientists for periods
of up to two months.
Coordinator: Olavi Nevanlinna (Academy of Finland)
A number of important scientific convocations will take place in Finland
during the year:
Advances in Scientific Computing Gene Golub (Stanford U.)
(With Emphasis on Linear Problems) Olavi Nevanlinna
August 21-25, 1989 (Academy of Finland)
Workshop on Numerical Methods Juhani Pitkaranta
for Elliptic Systems (Helsinki U. of Technology)
October 25-27, 1989 Jukka Saranen (U. of Oulu)
The 1990 Conference on the Numerical Olavi Nevanlinna
Solution of Ordinary Differential (Academy of Finland)
June 18-22, 1990
Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Pekka Neittaanmaki
Problems (U. of Jyvaskyla)
July 23-27, 1990
In addition, the Institute will host the regular meetings of the Nordic
Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
August 28-29, 1989, and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry
(ECMI), June 6-9, 1990.
The Rolf Nevanlinna Institute is a national research institute with activities
in both basic and service research in all fields of pure and applied
mathematics. The institute is governed by a board selected jointly by all
the mathematics departments of the various universities of Finland. The
members of the board represent both industry and academia.
For more information about any of the mentioned conferences or any other
aspect of the Year on Numerical Analysis, please contact:
Rolf Nevanlinna Institute
Teollisuuskatu 23
00510 Helsinki
From: Doug Arnold <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 88 13:23:08 EST
Subject: Graduate Study in Numerical Analysis at Maryland
We in the numerical analysis group here at Maryland would appreciate
your informing your students of the possibilities for graduate study in
numerical analysis at the University of Maryland at College Park.
Below you will find some information on our graduate program.
Thanks - - Doug Arnold ([email protected] or [email protected])
FACULTY AND FIELD REPRESENTED. Faculty involved with numerical
analysis include D. Arnold, I. Babuska, H. Elman, R. Fontecilla,
H. Glaz, R. B. Kellogg, T.-P. Liu, R. Nochetto, D. O'Leary,
F. Olver, J. Osborn, G. W. Stewart, and M. Vogelius. Faculty in-
terests include numerical solution of partial differential equa-
tions, numerical linear algebra, parallel computation, numerical
solution of nonlinear algebraic systems, optimization, computa-
tional solid and fluid mechanics, statistical computation, in-
verse problems, and free boundary problems.
GRADUATE PROGRAM. Graduate study in numerical analysis leading to
the M.A. or Ph.D. degree can be pursued in the Mathematics or the
Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics Program. There are about
150 full-time graduate students enrolled in these programs, in-
cluding about 50 women and 50 foreign students. Approximately
110 students are teaching assistants and 45 hold research assis-
tantships or fellowships. In the last year 6 Ph.D. and 10
M.A. degrees were awarded. Graduate courses are regularly offered
in virtually all areas of applied and pure mathematics and ap-
plied mathematics students take many courses in other depart-
FINANCIAL AID. Financial support is available through teaching
assistantships in the Mathematics Department, research assistant-
ships, and fellowships. Stipends range from $8,175 and $9,175 per
academic year and include tuition waiver.
FACILITIES. Faculty and graduate student offices are mostly in
the Mathematics Building. This building also houses the Engineer-
ing and Science Library, with a collection of over 225,000 books
and subscriptions to 2,600 scientific journals. The Math Depart-
ment maintains a network of Sun Workstations and a variety of
smaller computers with connections to the Internet. The campus
Computer Science Center maintains numerous mainframes and mini-
computers as well as satellite access to a CRAY X-MP/48 supercom-
RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT. The Mathematics Department maintains a
dynamic research climate including weekly seminars in numerical
analysis and ten other fields, and a departmental colloquium.
More than ten faculty members pursue research in various areas of
numerical analysis with the active collaboration of graduate stu-
dents. Our visitor program brings many long and short term visi-
tors in numerical analysis from around the world each year.
LOCATION. The University is located in College Park, a suburban
area twenty minutes from Washington, D.C. and half an hour from
454-4900 or write to the Associate Chairman for Graduate Studies,
Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD 20742. Completed applications for admission and financial aid
should be received by February 15 for U.S. citizens and January
15 for foreign students.
From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 88 13:12:05 cst
Subject: IMA Applied Linear Algebra Year at Minnesota
Applied Linear Algebra Year
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications(IMA)
University of Minnesota
The Board of Governors of the IMA has approved a program on
Applied Linear Algebra for the year 1991-1992. The program is
under the organization of: Richard A. Brualdi, George
Cybenko, Alan George, Gene Golub, and Paul van Dooren. The
plans are to focus the program on three themes as indicated
Fall quarter: DISCRETE MATRIX ANALYSIS, with emphasis on the
mathematical analysis of sparse matrices and combinatorial
Winter quarter: MATRIX COMPUTATIONS, with special emphasis on
iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations and
computing the eigenvalues of sparse, possibly structured
emphasis on the matrix analysis and computations that arise
in this area of application.
We expect there to be considerable fluidity between the
various parts of the program, which is still evolving.
The following workshops are being planned:
Fall quarter: (1) Sparse Matrices,
(2) Combinatorial and Qualitative Matrix
Winter quarter: (1) Iterative Methods for Dense Problems,
(2) Markov Chains, Networking, and Queuing.
Spring quarter: (1) Signal Processing Applications of Linear
(2) Systems and Control Applications of
Linear Algebra.
In addition we expect that there will be opportunities for
minisymposia on other special topics of interest in linear
algebra and its applications. To a considerable extent the
activity at any time during the year will be influenced by
the interests of the people in residence then at the IMA.
( At non-workshop periods this has been averaging for past
programs to be 30-35.) Specialized seminars on topics in both
core and applied linear algebra will be held throughout the
year. It is anticipated that twelve postdoctoral fellowships
will be awarded for the year 1991-1992. In addition there
will be a very limited amount of money available for senior
people who will spend one or more quarters at the IMA with
preference given to persons with sabbatical leaves,
fellowships or other stipends. This does not include money
available for expenses for those invited to be in residence
for one month or less, in particular for workshop
The organizers believe that 1991-1992 will be an exciting
time at the IMA for linear algebraists. We encourage people
who have sabbaticals coming up to consider spending that
sabbatical at the IMA in 1991-1992.
From: Gary King <[email protected]>
Date: 16 Nov 88 18:59:43 GMT
Subject: Maximum Likelihood Programmer Wanted
Aptech systems (makers of Gauss) are looking to hire someone to
rewrite their general maximum likelihood procedure. Interested?
Do not send email; instead, contact:
Sam Jones, President
Aptech Systems
Lake Union Place, Suite 301
1914 North 34th Street
Seattle, WA. 98103
From: Bob Ward <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 88 08:29:32 EST
Subject: SIAG/LA Election Results
The ballots of the recent SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra
election have been tallied. The following have been elected to fill
the positions shown:
Chair David H. Carlson
Vice Chair Michael T. Heath
Secretary Pamela G. Coxson
Program Director John G. Lewis
Congratulations to the elected officers. The SIAG/LA is in very
capable hands for the next three years.
- - Bob Ward
End of NA Digest