NA Digest Sunday, October 16, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 41
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Eric Grosse <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 12:57:31 EDT
Subject: Walking Through a Database of Algorithms for Appoximation
In na-digest/v88n40, Valeria Frontini writes
> I should like to know if anyone has implemented a numerical
> expert system, to help end-users finding the appropriate software.
In response, I am pleased to announce a service to help locate
approximation software, in netlib or elsewhere.
First, say "dial 201-582-1238" or "telnet" and in
response to "login:" type "walk". (No password is required.)
The first of these connects you, via our uucp gateway, to a database
machine; the second connects you to the Vax750 which handles all
arpanet traffic for AT&T and which therefore can be painfully slow.
You will be presented with a menu like
1. form (basis of approximating space)
2. norm (criteria of approximation, figure of merit, nonstandard data)
3. variable (coordinate transform, mesh generation)
4. diagnostics
5. tools from other fields
6. omitted topics
and should respond with a digit to begin traversing the tree. At the
leaves you will find citations to published algorithms and available
software. Instead of a digit, type a ^ to back up one question, ^^ to
start afresh, or . or control-d to exit.
Comments are welcome, especially pointers to software that has been overlooked.
Send mail to [email protected] or uunet!research!grosse or
Eric Grosse
Bell Labs 2T-504
Murray Hill NJ 07974
From: S. I. Chou <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 88 13:36:23 PDT
Subject: IEEE Digital Signal Processing Programs on IBM/PC
I am interested in knowing who has converted the IEEE
Digital Signal Processing Programs to be used on IBM/PC.
How much conversion is needed to run under the Microsoft
Fortran Compiler?
In particular, I am interested in getting hold of the code
for the Cepstral Analysis part for the moment.
Many Thanks. S.I. Chou 619-553-2541
Code 741 TS, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA 92152
From: Gerard Meurant <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 88 15:28:02 -0100
Subject: Conference on Computational Aeronautical Fluid Dynamics
in association with ERCOFTAC
co-organized by INRIA - SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS
MAY 17 - 19, 1989
Aim of the Conference
To inform developers and users of computational techniques in aeronautical
fluid dynamics of the current state of research and of recent achievements.
To inform mathematicians and numerical analysts about new problems and
challenges in this area.
Technical topics
Hypersonic problems, inviscid/viscous interactions, Euler and Navier-Stokes
solutions, transition modeling, turbulence modeling, vortex dynamics,
unsteady flows, optimum design problems, mesh generation and adaptation,
user interfaces to CFD.
Integral methods, spectral methods, finite element methods, coupled methods,
multilevel methods.
Areas of application
Civil and military aircraft design, hypersonic vehicles, helicopters,
propellers, turbo machinery and air intakes, problems of engine installation,
wing/body inlet integration and aerothermodynamics.
Format of the Conference
-Invited speakers
-Poster sessions followed by poster discussions
-Minisymposia on industrial problems
There will not be any contributed papers.
Call for posters
Participants who wish to present a poster should submit a summary (at most
2 pages, 3 copies) before January 31, 1989 to Dr. F. Fezoui,
INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France.
Scientific Committee
Dr. J.J. Chattot (Aerospatiale, F), Dr. J.C.R. Hunt (Cambridge, UK),
Pr. D. Jeandel (ECL, F), Pr. P. Le Tallec (Univ. Paris XI, F),
Dr. B. Mercier (Aerospatiale, F), Dr. G. Meurant (CEA, F),
Mr. J.H. McDonnell (British Aerospace, UK), Dr. J. Periaux
(Dassault, F), Pr. O. Pironneau (Univ. Paris VI and INRIA, F),
Mr. J.H.B. Smith (RAE, UK), Dr. P. Stow (Rolls Royce, UK),
Dr. H. Viviand (ONERA, F)
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. C. Begue (Dassault), Dr. A. Dervieux (INRIA Sophia Antipolis),
Dr. F. Fezoui (INRIA Sophia Antipolis), Dr. B. Larrouturou
(INRIA Sophia Antipolis), Dr. J. Periaux (GAMNI and Dassault),
Miss C. Richards (IMA, UK)
Conference Secretaries
Mrs C. Junker (INRIA Sophia Antipolis), Mrs G. Thaler (SMAI),
miss S. Wardie (IMA)
GAMNI/SMAI : Groupement pour l'Avancement des Methodes Numeriques de
l'Ingenieur, Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles
Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
IMA : Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Maitland House, Warrior Square, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 2JY, United Kingdom
ERCOFTAC : European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
INRIA : Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
Centre de Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France
For further information, please contact
Dr. F. FEZOUI, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 06560 Valbonne, France
phone : (33) 93 65 77 77
telex 970050 F
fax : 93 65 77 66
From: Ivar Stakgold <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 88 10:27:58 EDT
Subject: Senior Position in Numerical Analysis at Delaware
The Department of Mathematical Sciences anticipates a senior position
in numerical analysis, beginning 1 Sept. 1989. The department has a strong
research group in applied mathematics,including numerical analysis and
scientific computing.
We are seeking a lively researcher and teacher who can lead our efforts
in numerical analysis. Applications with curriculum vitae and at least three
letters of reference should be sent to
Ivar Stakgold
Dept. of Math. Sciences
Univ. of Delaware
Newark, De 19716 ( Tel. 302-451-2651)
The first deadline for applications is 1 Jan. 1989. The University
encourages applications from women and minorities.
From: UNPARK%[email protected]
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 88 13:54 EST
Subject: Available Faculty Position at Chapel Hill
Available Faculty Position
The Department of Operations Research seeks candidates for a
tenure-track faculty position in Operations Research at the
assistant professor level. Preference will be given to
individuals with demonstrated interests in discrete optimization
and the analysis of algorithms. The department principally consists
of a graduate-level program offering masters and doctoral degrees in
Operations Research with 10 faculty, 25 students and an extremely
active program of basic research.
Minimally, a candidate should have a Ph.D. in Operations Research
or in a related field. Candidates are expected to have a strong
commitment to graduate level teaching and basic research. The
appointment will become effective on July 1, 1989. To receive
full consideration for this position, an application must be
received by January 9, 1989.
Please send a curriculum vitae and a list of four references.
Professor George S. Fishman
Department of Operations Research
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB#3180, Smith Building
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3180
Further inquiries should be made to Professor Fishman at
(919) 962 6997
The University of North Carolina is an equal Opportunity,
From: Baker Kearfott <rbk%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 88 15:26:01 CDT
Subject: Positions at Southwestern Louisiana
The Department of Mathematics at the University of
Southwestern Louisiana is actively seeking applications in
the area of computational mathematics. We anticipate making
two tenure-track appointments at the assistant professor
level or above beginning in the fall of 1989. A formal
letter of application along with a resume' and three letters
of recommendation should be sent to Bradd Clark, Chairman of
Mathematics, U.S.L., Lafayette, LA 70504.
From: Jack Dongarra <dongarra%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 88 16:52:36 CDT
Subject: Wilkinson Followship at Argonne National Laboratory
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory is seeking outstanding
candidates in the general area of computational mathematics
to fill the newly created J.H. Wilkinson Fellowship in
Computational Mathematics.
This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James
Hardy Wilkinson, F.R.S., who for many years had a close
association with the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division at Argonne, where he acted as a consultant and
guiding spirit for such efforts as the EISPACK and LINPACK
The J.H. Wilkinson Fellowship is intended to encourage
young scientists who are actively engaged in state-of-the-
art research in computational mathematics-including, but not
limited to, the development and implementation of numerical
algorithms for linear algebra. The candidate must have
earned (or be about to earn) a Ph.D. degree or the
equivalent during the past three years and should have a
strong background in numerical computation. The candidate
should also be interested in expanding into the area of
advanced computing research. Argonne's Mathematics and
Computer Science Division has strong programs in
computational mathematics and advanced computing, as well as
in software engineering and applied analysis.
This one-year appointment includes a competitive
salary, moving expenses, and a generous professional travel
allotment. Applications from qualified candidates, as well
as nominations for the position of Wilkinson Fellow, should
be addressed to Rosalie L. Bottino, Box D-MCS-WF89-83,
Employment and Placement, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne
National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439-4844.
Applications should include a resume and a statement of
research goals, and the names of three references. The
closing date for applications is December 1, 1988. The
applications will be reviewed during January 1989, by an
international selection committee. The position will
commence during 1989.
Further inquiries can be made by calling 312-972-7163
or by sending electronic mail to [email protected].
Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
From: Ralph Byers <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 88 15:10 CDT
Subject: Positions Available at the University of Kansas
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
Applications are invited for tenure-track and temporary
positions at all levels, commencing August 16, 1989 or as
negotiated. Field is unrestricted but preference will be
given to numerical analysis, probability/statistics and to
areas meshing well with the department's needs. A Ph.D. (or
Ph.D. dissertation accepted with only formalities to be com-
pleted) is required.
Application, detailed resume with description of research
and three recommendation letters should be sent to C. J.
Himmelberg, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University
of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2142.
For details, contact Ralph Byers at the above address, by
email at [email protected] or by telephone (913)864-3651.
Deadlines: December 1, 1988 for first consideration, then
monthly until August 1, 1989.
The University of Kansas is an AA/EOE.
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 88 09:45:43 PDT
Subject: Field Positions with Ardent Computer
At Ardent Computer we are looking to fill a couple of field technical
support positions. You would work out of one of our sales offices
(there are over a dozen, including three in Europe), and have a
range of technical responsibilities. You would report to the local
regional sales manager, but would have a lot of contact with our
Scientific Software group in the Sunnyvale headquarters. You would need
a strong background in scientific computing, especially Fortran, UNIX,
mathematics and graphics. An advanced degree and/or several years of
experience are desirable. Contact me and I will pass your name on to
the appropriate field office.
--Cleve Moler
[email protected]
FAX 408-732-2806
800 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
End of NA Digest