NA Digest Sunday, May 15, 1988 Volume 88 : Issue 20

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: David Levine <levine%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 9 May 88 17:09:48 CDT
Subject: Argonne Parallel Programming Class

Argonne National Laboratory has set up an Advanced Computing Research
Facility (ACRF) for the study of parallel computing. Machines currently
in the ACRF are:

8-processor Alliant FX/8
16-processor Intel iPSC-VX hypercube
20-processor Encore Multimax
24-processor Sequent Balance 21000
32-processor Intel iPSC hypercube
1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Projects at Argonne utilizing the ACRF include investigations in parallel
logic programming and parallel linear algebra, the development of portable
parallel programming methodologies, and studying the potential of parallel
processing for large-scale scientific computing.

To encourage the use of the ACRF as an international facility, Argonne
is sponsoring classes to familiarize potential users with the ACRF
multiprocessors and parallel programming in general. The next class
will be held June 15-17, 1988.

Topics to be covered include parallelizing compilers, the Monitor
and Schedule packages for portable parallel programming, hypercube
programming, programming the DAP, and programming the Connection Machine.
A portion of the third day will be devoted to consideration of each
attendee's particular project. Fortran will be emphasized as the
primary programming language. This will be a hands-on class; at its
completion participants will have written and run programs on each
machine, and should be familiar with the ACRF environment.

Those interested in the classes should contact

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4844
(312) 972-7163
[email protected]

There will be a $25.00 charge for this class, no financial support for
attendees is available.


From: Heinz Engl <K310773%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 May 88 08:49:50 EDT
Subject: "Industrial Mathematics" Course in Linz

Postgraduate course "Industrial Mathematics" in Linz, Austria

Starting in October 1988, a 4-semester postgraduate course in
Industrial Mathematics will be held at the Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet
in Linz, Austria.
This course is held under the auspices of the European Consortium
for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) in cooperation with other
ECMI-centers ( the universities of Oxford,U.K.; Kaiserslautern, FGR;
Bari and Florence, Italy; Eindhoven, Holland).
The course is intended for graduates of a university education in
mathematics or a closely related field like physics or electrical
engineering and consists of a "core phase" (courses ranging from
analytical and numerical methods for differential equations to
combinatorial otpimization) common to all participating centers,
a "special phase" emphasizing the specialization of the different
ECMI-centers, and a "project phase", where a concrete industrial
project has to be treated.
Each participant has to spend one semester at one of the other
participating ECMI-centers.
Limited financial support is available.
Direct written enquiries as soon as possible to
Dr. Wolfgang Schloeglmann
Institut fuer Mathematik
A-4040 Linz, Austria.

By e-mail, you can obtain information from Prof. Heinz W. Engl at
the University of Linz, e-mail addresses:
k310773 at aearn.bitnet
na.engl at

In any case, also include your ordinary mail address.


From: Jim Kelly <[email protected]>
Date: 10 May 88 17:21:01 GMT
Subject: LISP Matrix Inversion Routine

Anybody have common lisp source code or a pointer to same to invert
numeric matrices? Gaussian elimination with pivoting would be great,
and something optimized for symmetric matrices would be ideal.


Jim Kelly
[email protected]


From: Pat Gaffney <FSCPG%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 May 88 09:15:28 EMT
Subject: Deadline for Tromsoe Meeting

SIAM/SIAG on Supercomputing

JUNE 6 -- 10, 1988
in Tromsoe, Norway


Some of you who are coming to the Tromsoe meeting have not yet made
either your hotel reservations or your flight arrangements to Tromsoe.
Please do not delay any longer. We have had a large number of NEW
registrants since the last mailing and if you delay any longer you could
be unlucky.


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 May 88 17:18:08 EST
Subject: Nominations for Wilkinson Prize

The James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

As many of you know, SIAM has established the Wilkinson Prize in honor
of Jim Wilkinson who contributed so much to numerical mathematics. The
Prize has been given previously to Bjorn Engquist (1982) and Charles
Peskin (1986). It will be given again in 1990. We would be very
pleased to receive your nomination. The principle guideline is given
below; the prize is $1000.

Please send your nomination and a covering letter to me:
[email protected]. The committee consists of Gene Golub
(chairman), and previous winners Bjorn Engquist and Charles Peskin.

Thanks for your help.



The James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing is
awarded for research in, or other contributions to, numerical analysis and
scientific computing during the six years preceding the award. The purpose of
the prize is to stimulate younger contributors and to help them in their


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 May 88 16:14:04 cdt
Subject: Hans Schneider Honored

Hans Schneider is now the James Joseph Sylvester Professor
of Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
This special professorship is in recognition of his
distinquished record in research, leadership, and service.
All of us who know Hans know that this honor is richly

Richard A. Brualdi


End of NA Digest
