NA Digest Tuesday, May 19, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 44
This weeks Editor: Gene Golub
Today's Topics:
Mail-From: GOLUB created at 19-May-87 10:16:46
Date: Tue, 19 May 87 10:45:09 EDT
From: [email protected] (D G Wilson)
To: [email protected]
ReSent-Date: Tue 19 May 87 10:16:46-PDT
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]
The Scientific Software Support Project maintains a high level
of expertise and awareness about state-of-the-art mathematical
algorithms and software and offers advice and consulting support on
these topics to computer users at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Participation in research projects in numerical analysis, computer
science and scientific computing at the ORNL is available but not
Responsibilities associated with this position include:
Maintaining an awareness of current research and development work in
mathematical software. Providing a consulting service for computer
users at the ORNL about algorithms, numerical methods and software.
(This service is limited to giving advice and verbal, or possibly
written, suggestions, programming is NOT included.) Evaluating and
selecting software appropriate for the hardware available at the ORNL
(including: CRAY X/MP, two IBM 3033's, two VAX 8600's, INTEL hypercube,
SEQUENT, numerous VAX 780's and other mini's and micro's) and
applicable to the problems confronted by computer users at the ORNL.
Acquiring and maintaining a library of state-of-the-art mathematical
software. Organizing the software and its documentation, including
insights gained in the evaluation process, to maximize the utility
and effectiveness of the library and to minimize the users' discomfort
in using it. Maintaining and extending existing automated tools
available to assist users in selecting appropriate software.
Coordinating the work of two numerical analysts and a co-op student
in fulfilling the responsibilities outlined above.
This is a high visibility position. The ideal candidate would possess
a Ph. D. in computer science or mathematics with a strong orientation
toward numerical analysis and scientific computing. Superior oral and
written communications skills are required.
Apply to Dr. Robert C. Ward
Head, Mathematics Section
Engineering Physics & Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
(615) 574 - 3125
[email protected]
Date: Tue, 19 May 87 20:39:50 EDT
From: Ken Jackson <krj%[email protected]>
To: na%[email protected]
Subject: 1988 Conference on Numerical Methods for IVPs for ODEs
1988 Conference on Numerical Methods for IVPs for ODEs
Wayne Enright and I have begun organising a small international
conference on numerical methods for initial-value problems for ordinary
differential equations to be held at the University of Toronto during
the week 20-24 June 1988. We expect from 50 to 100 participants. The
main purpose of this note is to inform the NA community of the dates
for this conference so that those who are interested can note it in
their calendars and also so as to avoid conflicts with other meetings
that might be scheduled at this time. More information about this
meeting will be distribute over NA-Net as our plans develop.
If you plan to attend, please send me your name, address, and e-mail
address. This will help us estimate how many participants to expect.
Also, we'll place your name on our direct-mailing list.
Ken Jackson,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5S 1A4
EAN: [email protected]
CSNET: [email protected]
ARPA: [email protected]
BITNET: krj%[email protected]
UUCP: krj@utcsri
End of NA Digest