NA Digest Thursday, March 12, 1987 Volume 87 : Issue 16

This weeks Editor: Gene Golub

Today's Topics:


Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 11:15:15 cst
From: [email protected] (Jim Cody)
To: [email protected]
Subject: A new floating-point standard

As of 11:32 EST this morning, 3/12/87, P854, the draft
Radix-Independent Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic,
is an official IEEE standard. This culminates an effort
that began in 1977 with the first work on what is now
ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985, the standard for binary
floating-point arithmetic.


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 12-Mar-87 14:20:19
Mail-From: TAJNAI created at 12-Mar-87 14:13:24
Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 14:13:24-PST
From: Carolyn Tajnai <[email protected]>
Subject: Reunion/Symposium March 26-28
To: [email protected]
ReSent-Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 14:20:18-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]

Computer Science at Stanford
The Impact of the First Ten Years
1987 March 26-28

Thursday, March 26 5:30 to 8:00 reception at Faculty Club
Red and Gold Lounges
(no-host bar)

Friday, March 27

7:30 a.m. reg & continental brk Terman Bldg Loobby

8:30 Welcome - Jim Gibbons Terman Aud

8:40 symposium Intro - John Levy

8:50 Computer Science ADvisory Com. - Cuthbert Hurd

9:00 Origins of CS at Stanfrod - Bill Miller

9:35 Impact of Stanford CS on Academia and Industry
Tom Bredt

10:10 coffee break

10:40 resources for computing at Stanford
Ed Feigenbaum

11:15 CS program at Stanford
Nils Nilsson

11:50 lunch at Tresidder

1:20 Theoretical Foundations: Then and Now - Don Knuth

1:55 Numerical Analysis: Then and Now - Gene Golub

2:30 Systems and Languages: Then and Now - Forest Baskett

3:05 coffee break

3:35 AI: then and now - John McCarthy

4:10 Student Perspectives: Then and Now
panel discussion (current and former students)

4:45 closing presentations

5:00 end of symposium session

5:30 cocktails (cash bar) faculty club

6:30 banquet faculty club
(prime rib, salmon, chicken, veggie dish - buffet)

7:30 Keynote address: "Has Computer Science Instruction
Helped the Development of High Quality Software?"
Edsger W. Dijkstra, Professor, CSD, UT Austin

8:30 What's Happening: open microphone
CS Alumni - 5 minutes per speaker

11:30 end of banquet session

Saturday, March 28

10:00 Tours of various facilities -- meet at Palm Drive Circle

12:00 picnic lunch -- Memorial Court at Inner Quad

COST: full conference $110 ($75 for current faculty & Staff - $55 for
current students) (includes Thursday reception, full day
Friday symposium [cont. brk., coffee breaks and lunch,]
banquet, Sat. picnic, t-shirt, proceedings).

banquet only $30
picnic only 9
proceedings only 20
t-shirt only (s, m, l, xl) $8

For registration: contact John Levy (Levy@sushi) or call
Computer Structures, 580 College Ave., Palo Alto, CA

The Computer Science Department is sponsoring the reunion/symposium,
but not underwriting it. IF there is a profit, it will be turned over
to the department. If there is a deficit (heaven help us).

General Chairman John Levy
Program Tod Bredt & Bill White
Local Arrangements Linda Lorenzetti & Carolyn Tajnai
Registration Skip Stritter & John Levy
Archiving arrangements John Shoch (includes videotaping)
picnic arrangements Dani Beaudry
Student coordinator Haym Hirsh


Mail-From: GOLUB created at 12-Mar-87 22:57:26
From: scott%[email protected]
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 87 23:12:17 est
To: [email protected]
Subject: Announcement for NA-net
ReSent-Date: Thu 12 Mar 87 22:57:25-PST
ReSent-From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
ReSent-To: [email protected]


Special Sessions at
The 833rd Meeting of the American Mathematical Society
Kent State University -- Student Union

Friday, April 3, 1987
Special Session on Scientific Computation, I Room 313

9:00- 9:30 Jesse Barlow 833-65- 22
Dept. of Computer Science
Pennsylvania State Univ.

9:40-10:10 Max Gunzburger 833-65-117
Dept. of Mathematics
Carnegie-Mellon Univ.

10:20-10:50 Bill Hager 833-65- 46
Dept. of Mathematics
Pennsylvania State Univ.

Invited Hour Address Kiva Auditorium
11:00-12:00 Ridgway Scott 833-65- 46
Dept's of Computer Science and Mathematics
Pennsylvania State Univ.

Special Session on Scientific Computation, II Room 313

3:00- 3:30 Janet Petersen 833-65-130
Computer Research and Applications
Los Alamos National Laboratory

3:40- 4:10 George Majda 833-65- 76
Dept. of Mathematics
Ohio State Univ.

4:20- 4:50 Ricardo Nochetto 833-65- 58
Inst. for Math. & Applic.
Univ. of Minnesota

5:00- 5:30 Nic Nicolaides 833-65-125
Dept. of Mathematics
Carnegie-Mellon Univ.

Saturday, April 4, 1987
Special Session on Scientific Computation, III Room 313

9:00- 9:30 Werner Rheinboldt 833-65- 63
Dept. of Mathematics
Univ. of Pittsburgh

9:40-10:10 Bram van Leer 833-65- 36
Dept. of Aero.Eng.
Univ. of Michigan

10:20-10:50 Ed Overman 833-65- 60
Dept. of Mathematics
Ohio State Univ.

For further information, see the January and February issues
of the NOTICES of the American Mathematical Society


End of NA Digest
