[External Email]

NA Digest, V. 20, # 26

NA Digest Sunday, July 12, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 26

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives: http://www.netlib.org/na-digest-html/faq.html

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Tianran Chen [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2020
Subject: Tien-Yien (TY) Li, 1945 - 2020

We are saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Tien-Yien (aka TY) Li
on June 25, 2020, at the age of 75.

TY received his B.S. in mathematics from the National Tsinghua
University in Taiwan. He received his doctorate in 1974 from the
University of Maryland under the guidance of James Yorke. After 42
years of service and having supervised 26 Ph.D. dissertations at
Michigan State University, TY retired as a University Distinguished
Professor Emeritus in 2018.

Despite his numerous ailments, TY had been a trailblazer in several
fields of Applied and Computational Mathematics. He was best known for
his monumental paper, "Period three implies chaos", with Yorke. His
proof of Ulam's conjecture was fundamental to the computational
ergodic theory. In Numerical Analysis, his greatest contribution was
in his lifelong dedication to homotopy continuation methods which
started with his work on computing Brouwer's fixed point and extended
into many areas such as solving the eigenvalue problems and polynomial
systems. He received numerous honors and awards during his academic

A celebration of his life website is set up at

Though we have lost a brilliant mathematician, a witty speaker, a
friendly colleague, and a kind and caring teacher, his legacy will
continue to inspire us.

From: Santiago Badia [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: Gridap: A feature-rich finite element ecosystem 100% in Julia

We are pleased to announce Gridap.jl, a new Finite Element framework
written 100% in Julia for the numerical simulation of a wide range of
mathematical models governed by partial differential equations (PDEs).


Gridap is able to solve different types of PDEs (linear and nonlinear;
steady state, state-dependent, and time-dependent; single field and
multi- physics; PDEs in whatever dimension) with different types of
finite element techniques (continuous and Discontinuous Galerkin
methods, grad, div, and curl-conforming interpolations of arbitrary
order, embedded finite elements, finite elements dofs defined in the
physical space, etc), and can easily be extended. Gridap has
successfully run on tens of thousands of cores in distributed-memory

The main motivation behind Gridap.jl is to find an improved balance
between computational performance, user-experience and workflow
productivity in finite element libraries. To this end, the library
design is based on lazy data-structures that represent cell-wise
objects (e.g., elemental matrices and vectors) on the entire
computational domain. This allows us to hide assembly loops and other
core computations from the user-code, leading to a compact and
user-friendly, syntax, while providing a high degree of flexibility.

For more information, you can take a look at the tutorials:

Santiago Badia, Francesc Verdugo, and Gridap developers

From: Nicholas Fantuzzi [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2020
Subject: New Book, MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis, 2nd Ed.

This book illustrates how MATLAB compact and powerful programming
framework can be very useful in the finite element analysis of solids
and structures. The book shortly introduces finite element concepts
and an extensive list of MATLAB codes for readers to use and
modify. The book areas range from very simple springs and bars to more
complex beams and plates in static bending, free vibrations, buckling
and time transient problems. Moreover, laminated and functionally
graded material structures are introduced and solved.


From: Kamryn Scrivens [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: New Book, Practical Methods for Optimal Control Using

Nonlinear Programming

Practical Methods for Optimal Control Using Nonlinear Programming,
Third Edition by John T. Betts

This book presents practical methods for solving real optimal control
problems.The book focuses on the direct transcription method for
optimal control, and features a summary of relevant material in
constrained optimization, including nonlinear programming;
discretization techniques appropriate for ordinary differential
equations and differential-algebraic equations; and several examples
and descriptions of computational algorithm formulations that
implement this discretize-then-optimize strategy.

2020/ xiv + 731 pages/ Hardcover
ISBN: 978-1-611976-18-2/ Order Code: DC36
List Price:$119.00/ SIAM Member Price:$83.30

Link to book:
Browse more SIAM books by visiting: https://bookstore.siam.org

From: Randall J LeVeque [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2020
Subject: New Book, Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions

Riemann Problems and Jupyter Solutions
Theory and Approximate Solvers for Hyperbolic PDEs
by David I. Ketcheson, Randall J. LeVeque, and Mauricio J. del Razo
2020 / xii + 166 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611976-20-5 /
List $59.00 / Member $41.30 / FA16

It is also available as an ebook for those with access, e.g. if your
institution has a subscription:

This book is written entirely in the form of Jupyter notebooks. You
can download the notebooks, start them running on the cloud, and/or
view rendered html versions of them from this link:

The rendered versions include some animations, but running the
notebooks exposes many other interactive features. You can explore,
for example, how the Riemann solution varies in time, or how the
structure of the solution changes as you vary the left and right
states, and view the structure of characteristic curves from different
wave families in the x-t plane. Examples developed include advection,
acoustics, Burgers' equation, traffic flow, Buckley-Leverett, shallow
water equations, and the Euler equations of compressible flow.
Approximate Riemann solvers are also illustrated.

We are grateful to SIAM for allowing us to make these notebooks freely
available; see the webpage for license details.

From: Lehel Banjai [email protected]
Date: July 08, 2020
Subject: One World Numerical Analysis Series, ONLINE, Jul 2020

Inspired by other One World seminars, we are establishing a world wide
online seminar series for the numerical analysis and scientific
computing community: the One World Numerical Analysis Series. The
series will be hosted by the ICMS (https://www.icms.org.uk/) and will
(typically) run fortnightly on Mondays via the Zoom platform.
Attendance is open, but requires a basic initial registration via the
OW-NA Series webpage: https://www.icms.org.uk/V_OWNumAnal.php

The first scheduled seminars are

Monday 20 July 2020, 2pm British Summer Time (BST), 3pm Central
European Summer Time (CEST), 9pm Beijing, 9am New York: Alfio
Quarteroni (Politecnico di Milano/Ecole Polytechnique Federale de
Lausanne), Title: The mathematical heart: a computational model for
the simulation of the heart function


2) 07 September 2020, 3pm CEST:
Christoph Schwab (ETH Zurich)

3) 21 September 2020, 3pm CEST:
Ilaria Perugia (University of Vienna)

4) 05 October 2020, 3pm CEST:
Christian Lubich (University of Tubingen)

From: Lennard Kamenski [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2020
Subject: NUMGRID 2020 / Delaunay 130, Russia, Nov 2020

Please join us for the 10th International Conference on Numerical
Geometry, Grid Generation and Scientific Computing (NUMGRID 2020) on
Nov 25-27, 2020 at the Dorodnicyn Computing Center in Moscow
celebrating the 130th anniversary of Boris Delaunay.

NUMGRID 2020 will be online and, to the extent permitted by the
official regulations, we will offer the possibility to attend the
event at the conference location as well.

Particularly invited are technical papers presenting results in
numerical geometry, grid generation, and their theoretical foundations
(a detailed list of the relevant topics is provided at

Accepted papers presented by participants will be published in the
peer-reviewed conference proceedings (Springer LNCSE series).
Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for submission to
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics (CMMP).

The paper submission is open until August 16, 2020.

If you are planing to participate, we cordially ask you to submit an
abstract early to allow for better planing; the full paper can be
uploaded later within the paper submission deadline.

For details and updates, please visit the conference website at

Plenary speakers: http://www.ccas.ru/gridgen/numgrid2020/speakers.html
Important dates: http://www.ccas.ru/gridgen/numgrid2020/dates.html

From: Luis Nunes Vicente [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: Call for Site Pre-proposals, ISMP 2024

The Symposium Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Mathematical
Optimization Society issues a call for pre-proposals to organize and
host ISMP 2024, the triennial International Symposium on Mathematical
Programming. ISMP is the flagship event of our society, regularly
gathering over a thousand scientists from around the world. The
conference is usually held in or around the month of August. Hosting
ISMP provides a vital service to the mathematical optimization
community and often has a lasting effect on the visibility of the
hosting institution. This call for pre-proposals is addressed at local
groups willing to take up the challenge of this great enterprise.

Preliminary bids will be examined by the Symposium Advisory Committee
(SAC), which will then issue invitations for detailed bids. The final
decision will be made and announced during ISMP 2021 in

Preliminary bids should be brief and contain information pertaining to
1. location,
2. facilities,
3. logistics: accommodation and transportation, and
4. likely local organizers.

Further information can be obtained from any member of the SAC.
Please address your preliminary bids until October 15, 2020 to Luis
Nunes Vicente ([email protected]).

From: Mikhail Solodov [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2020
Subject: Call for Site Proposals for ICCOPT 2022

The ICCOPT Steering Committee of the Mathematical Optimization Society

Mikhail Solodov - Chair (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, [email protected])
Coralia Cartis (University of Oxford, [email protected])
Maryam Fazel (University of Washington, [email protected])
Michael Hintermueller (Weierstrass Institute, Berlin,
[email protected]) Angelia Nedich (Arizona State
University, [email protected]) Takashi Tsuchiya (National
Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, [email protected] )

is requesting proposals for organizing ICCOPT VII, the Seventh
International Conference on Continuous Optimization, which is
scheduled to be held in or around August 2022. Being the flagship
conference of MOS in the area of continuous optimization, ICCOPT is
held every three years at a site to be selected according to the
criteria below. For information about the four prior ones, visit the


Further information can be obtained from any member of the Steering Committee.

Submission deadline: 12:00 GMT, August 31, 2020 to the Chair of the
ICCOPT Steering Committee: Mikhail Solodov ([email protected]). Hosts
of the candidate sites are encouraged to send an email as soon as
possible to the Committee Chair to indicate interest to submit a

From: Research Platform Data Science, University of Vienna
[email protected]
Date: July 06, 2020
Subject: Faculty/Postdoc/PhD Positions, Data Science, Univ Vienna

The research platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna has a number of open
positions. Please apply or distribute to persons of interest:

1 PostDoc position (40h) for research coordination Link:
https://tinyurl.com/yakvobo8 ; Deadline: 31.07.2020

1 PostDoc position in the area of visual data analysis (starting asap)
Link: https://tinyurl.com/y9jjap2c ; Deadline: 31.07.2020

3 fully-funded PhD positions in the area of transparent and
explainable models (with a focus on deep neural networks as well as
clustering); Starting 01.10.2020; Deadline: 31.07.2020

- with a focus on Mathematical Solutions: https://tinyurl.com/y7yt44sn
- with a focus on Data Mining Solutions: https://tinyurl.com/yafeydnk
- with a focus on Visual Analysis Solutions: https://tinyurl.com/ybwc5hg3

1 platform coordinator for the platform (admin position 25h per week)
Link: https://tinyurl.com/y73ggpo5
Deadline: 31.07.2020

We also want to bring to your attention 2 Tenure Track positions at
the Faculty for Computer Sciences both in cooperation with the
research platform at the University of Vienna:

- for the field of Stochastic Methods for Data Science
Link: https://tinyurl.com/y77a22lf ; Deadline: 23.09.2020

- for the field of Management of Massive Data
Link: tinyurl.com/ybsf2hym ; Deadline: 23.09.2020

The research platform Data Science @ Uni Vienna has been in existance
since 2018 and is growing rapidly. With 24 faculty members across 7
faculties, we are a very interdisciplinary group. We organize lecture
series, summer schools, scientific meetings, retreats, and coordinate
the three new master programs in Business Analytics, Data Science, and
Digital Humanities at the University of Vienna. While the University
of Vienna is the oldest German speaking university around, our
research and communication happens in English. Vienna is a very
multi-cultural and international city as well as very welcoming to
international researchers and visitors. In addition, Vienna is one of
the top rated cities to live in and a cultural hot spot of Europe.

From: Axel Klawonn [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2020
Subject: Associate Professor Position, Applied Math/Scientific ML,

Univ of Cologne

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University
of Cologne, Germany, aims to expand and strengthen its competence in
the field of scientific machine learning.

Applications are invited for a position of Associate Professor (W2) of
Applied Mathematics (Scientific Machine Learning) (f/m/d)

The deadline for application is August 7, 2020. Further details and
the full text of the advertisement (in German and English) can be
found at https://berufungen.uni-koeln.de/tender/showPdfData/186

From: Wen-shin Lee [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2020
Subject: Lecturer Position, CS and Maths, Univ of Stirling, Scotland, UK

The Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Stirling is
seeking to appoint a new Lecturer within the Division of Computing
Science and Mathematics (CSM) to help deliver an exciting portfolio of
graduate, post- graduate, on-line and graduate apprenticeship
programmes in Mathematics and Computing Science. These will help
strengthen our teaching and scholarship agenda. The post is aimed at a
statistician/mathematician or a computer scientist with strong a
statistics focus, with demonstrable top quality teaching and

We are seeking applicants who have an excellent academic teaching and
scholarship record with the potential to be a future teaching leader.
Candidates with academic or industrial research/knowledge exchange
experience in data science, statistics or mathematics, are
particularly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants will be
expected to significantly boost our activity in this area. The
University and the Division are committed to causing this area to


The closing date for applications is midnight on Monday 20 July 2020.
Interviews are expected to take place on Friday 31 July 2020 via
Microsoft Teams.

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: July 06, 2020
Subject: Research Technician Position, Machine Learning

Topics: Supervised learning via robust risk minimization

Requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their
Bachelor's or Master degree preferable in Computer Science,
Mathematics, Physics or related fields.

Skills and track-record: Good interpersonal skills. Demonstrated
ability to work independently and as part of a collaborative research
team. Ability to present and publish research outcomes in spoken
(talks) and written (papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate
and present research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with
different backgrounds.

Scientific Profile, The preferred candidate will have: Demonstrated
knowledge in Machine Learning techniques and Mathematics Good
programming skills in Python or Matlab

APPLY AT: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2020-07-research-technician-in-

From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: July 06, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, Computational Mathematics

Computational Mathematics

Requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their
PhD completed before 31.08.2020. PhD degree in mathematics, computer
science, or related area.

Skills and track-record: Ability to effectively communicate and
present research ideas to researchers with different background.
Ability to clearly present and publish research outcomes in spoken
(talks) and written (papers) form. Skilled in one of the following
programming languages: C, C++, C#, Python. High level of spoken and
written English. Good communication and interpersonal skills.

Scientific Profile: The researcher will work on an applied research
project, that deals with manufacturing of complex curved
objects. Possible research topics include, but are not limited to:
path planning algorithms for 5-axis computer numerically controlled
(CNC) machining and contact-based inspection, free-form surface
rationalization, and tool-shape design and optimization. Previous
experience in geometric modeling projects is particularly welcome.

APPLY AT: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2020-07-postdoctoral-fellowship-in-

From: David Dritschel [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, St Andrews

A new, four-year, post-doc (research fellow) position in St Andrews is
available starting late 2020 or early 2021. The project involves the
application and extension of a new particle-based (essentially
Lagrangian) model of the atmosphere, developed originally with
colleagues at the University of Leeds (Dr Steef Boeing, Profs Doug
Parker and Alan Blyth). Two papers have been published on the new
model in QJRMS, examining idealised buoyant flows including
condensation/evaporation. They demonstrate that the model can produce
a highly detailed representation of turbulent flows. The goal of the
current project is to get to the point where the model can be used for
real geophysical applications, as an alternative to LES that is more
detailed and has a more phenomenological representation of mixing
processes. We are also planning to build in a representation of
precipitation and perform a proof-of-concept study for an atmospheric
chemistry application, where the Lagrangian approach should be
particularly efficient.

A longer description of the position is here:


Note: the closing date in 21 August 2020 and interviews will be held
in September.

Feel free to contact David Dritschel at
[email protected] if you have any questions.

From: Luis Gustavo Nonato [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Mathematics

The Research Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID-CeMEAI) at USP in Sao Carlos / SP - Brazil opens a postdoctoral
position for a period of 1 year (extendable for 1 more year) in the
areas of Data Science and Visual Analytics to collaborate in the
project "Crime Analysis and Forecasting in Urban Environments - Tools
for Improving Public Policies in the Area of Security". The project
aims to develop techniques for analyzing spatio-temporal data to
identify crimine patterns and predict crime. The project is in
collaboration with the Center for the Study of Violence - USP and
Fundacao Getulio Vargas - RJ, Brazil. The postdoctoral student will
interact with members of those institutions, but s/he will be hosted
at ICMC-USP, Sao Carlos. We are looking for a postdoctoral fellow with
a doctorate in computer science, applied mathematics or related
fields, with proven experience and high quality
publications. Candidates must have advanced programming skills
(python) and a solid background in data science or visual analytic
techniques. Applicants must have completed their doctorate in the
past 7 years. Candidates are invited to send 1) cover letter, 2)
curriculum vitae with list of publications and 3) two letters of
recommendation by email to Prof. Luis Gustavo Nonato -
[email protected] (PDF files) until September 31, 2020.

From: Tomas Vejchodsky [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences

We invite applications of young researchers from all fields of
mathematics to join one of the research teams of the Institute in
Prague or Brno. Applicants must either have completed their PhD after
October 1, 2018 (subjected to exceptions), or if they have not
obtained their PhD yet, produce evidence that they will defend their
thesis before October 1, 2020.

Deadline for Applications: 15/8/2020
Position starting date: 1/1/2021
Appointment period: 2 years

For more information and instructions on how to apply, see

Applicants in Numerical Analysis are especially welcome.

From: Daniela di Serafino [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Maths & Physics, Univ Campania L. Vanvitelli, Italy

Postdoc position in numerical methods for spectral shape optimization
problems, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, Caserta, Italy.

The Department of Mathematics and Physics at University of Campania L.
Vanvitelli is seeking a motivated and skilled postdoc student to work
on numerical methods for spectral shape optimization problems, under
the supervision of Prof. Daniela di Serafino
(https://sites.google.com/view/danieladiserafino/home). A 12-month
position is available, funded by the VALERE Program of University
Vanvitelli under the project "Variational methods and numerical
techniques: shape optimization and nonlinear partial differential

The gross annual salary is EUR 23,786.55, corresponding to a net
monthly salary of about EUR 1,700. Financial support can be also
provided to participate in relevant conferences and workshops. The
selection of candidates will take place in November 2020. The position
is starting on December 1, 2020, but earlier selection and start is
possible. Talented postgraduate students can apply for the position

Please, contact Prof. Daniela di Serafino,
[email protected], for details (application rules,
research program, etc.).

From: Kathrin Welker [email protected]
Date: July 08, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization in Shape Spaces, HSU Hamburg, Germany

The Helmut-Schmidt-University / University of the Federal Armed Forces
in Hamburg (Germany) offers a position as a Research Assistant (f/m/d)
to be filled by a post-doctoral researcher. The position is initially
limited to 3 years.

The successful candidate will be working in the project "Efficient
methods for optimization in diffeological spaces". The main aim of
this project is the formulation and investigation of efficient
numerical methods for constrained optimization problems.

We offer the possibility to participate in special programs to promote
young scientists, funding to participate in conferences and summer
schools, new personalized IT setup and access to university
laboratories including powerful computing clusters.

Requirements for employment are a PhD degree in mathematics,
programming skills, a strong background in optimization and sound
knowledge in differential geometry.

For information about research topics and projects of the working
group, please see https://www.hsu-hh.de/mathematik/forschung/

Inquiries and applications (including at least a cover letter, CV,
certificates of academic degrees and references for possible
recommendation letters) should be directed by e-mail to
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Welker ([email protected]) by August 15, 2020. Late
applications will be considered until the position is filled.

From: Daniel Ruprecht [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Power System Simulations, Cyprus Univ of Technology

The Sustainable Power Systems Lab at the Cyprus University of
Technology (CUT), in collaboration with RTE France, is announcing a 4-
year, fully-funded Ph.D. position on "Open-source numerical methods
for power system simulations". The project is in cooperation with the
University of Manchester and the Technical University of Hamburg.

Interested candidates can find details about the project at

CUT is located in Limassol, Cyprus, with vibrant student life, and a
wealthy cultural and academic background. Within the last four years,
CUT has received more than 48M Euros for research projects. In less
than 15 years of operation, the CUT has occupied high positions in
international rankings. In 2019-2020 THE World University Rankings,
CUT ranked 301- 350 worldwide. In THE Young University Ranking
(universities less than 50 years old), CUT ranks 57th.

From: Cecilia Pagliantini [email protected]
Date: July 07, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology
(TU/e) in the Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and
Applications (CASA).

The topic of the PhD project is structure-preserving computational
methods and model order reduction for time-dependent nonlinear
differential equations (ODEs and PDEs). The successful applicant will
work on aspects related to the development, analysis, and application
of numerical approximations and reduced order models that respect
fundamental properties of the physics of the problem, e.g.,
conservation of invariants, Hamiltonian, energy balances, etc.

Candidates are expected to have finished, or be about to finish, a
master's degree in mathematics, applied mathematics or computational
sciences. A good knowledge of numerical analysis, numerical methods
for differential equations and scientific computing is
required. Experience in model order reduction and/or
structure-preserving approximations is considered an advantage but is
not essential.

The starting date is open for discussion, and there is flexibility
given the COVID-19 situation. The interested candidates should submit
their curriculum vitae, transcript of records, a concise (max. 1 page)
motivation letter and contact information of two
references. Applicants are encouraged to send their applications as
early as possible; the position will be filled as soon as a suitable
candidate is found.

PhD positions at TU/e are fixed-term, four-year positions. The salary
is in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement of the Dutch
Universities, increasing from approximately Euro 2.395 per month in
the first year, to Euro 3.061 in the fourth year. The position comes
with some teaching responsibilities.

Application documents and questions about the position should be
directed to Cecilia Pagliantini, [email protected].

From: Jon Eivind Vatne [email protected]
Date: July 08, 2020
Subject: PhD Position, Western Norway Univ of Applied Sciences

There is a vacancy for a four-year PhD research fellow position in
engineering computing/mathematics at the Department of computer
science, electrical engineering and mathematical sciences, Western
Norway University of Applied Sciences (Bergen).

The deadline is August 10th 2020.

For more information, see

From: Marco Donatelli [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy

Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and high Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy

The call for the application is available at the website

The application deadline is 7th August 2020.

The applicants will be interviewed in the first half of September

The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the 3 years of the Ph.D. program, the students will
attend 4 courses with final exam, and summer schools. The students
will carry out original research in Computational Mathematics and the
results of their work will be reported in their Phd thesis.

For further information the applicants may contact the deputy
coordinator Prof. Marco Donatelli ([email protected])

From: Shan Zhao [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2020
Subject: CFP, Computational and Mathematical Bioscience for COVID-19

The Computational and Mathematical Biophysics (CMB)
https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmb will publish a special on
"Computational and Mathematical Bioscience for COVID-19". We are
looking for innovative and unpublished research on mathematical,
statistical or computational studies in all areas of bioscience for
combating the COVID-19. Potential topics include, but are not limited
to: Diagnostic technology; Therapeutic medicine; Drug design,
screening, delivery; Public health, preventive vaccine; Virology,
biomarkers identification; Epidemic modeling; Transmission dynamics
and control; and Population projections.

All manuscripts are subject to the standard peer review process. A
fast processing will be offered, and the Article Processing Charges
will be waived. Prospective authors should submit their manuscript
online at https://www.editorialmanager.com/mlbmb/default.aspx. If you
have any questions, please contact the CMB Journal Editor at:
[email protected]

Important Dates: Manuscript Due: September 1st, 2020; First round of
reviews: October 15th, 2020; Anticipated publication date: December
31st, 2020

Guest editors: Dr. Youcef Mammeri, University of Picardie Jules Verne,
France (Lead); Dr. Adilson de Jesus Martins da Silva, University of
Cape Verde, Cape Verde; Dr. Krishna Kiran Vamsi Dasu, Sri Sathya Sai
Institute of Higher Learning, India; Dr. Xinhua Yu, University of
Memphis, USA

From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2020
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 19 (2)

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal,
Vol.19, No.2, June 2020


Weight Enumerators and Macwilliams Identities for Linear Codes Over F2
[u, v]/, Minjia Shi, Liqin Qian

Sinc-Chebyshev Collocation Method for Time-Fractional Order Telegraph
Equation, N.H. Sweilam, A.M. Nagy, A.A. El-Sayed

Stability Estimates for Delay Parabolic Differential and Difference
Equations, A. Ashyralyev, D. Agirseven, R.P. Agarwal

Quadratic Programming Problems on Time Scales, Rasheed Al-Salih,
Martin Bohner

An Efficient Evolutionary Algorithm for a Shape Optimization Problem,
M. Nachaoui, A. Chakib, A. Nachaoui

Spectral Analysis for Discontinuous Conformable Sturm-Liouville
Problems With Spectral Parameter Contained in Boundary Conditions,
A. Ercan, E.S. Panakhov

Decision Making Analysis Based on Sine Trigonometric Operational Laws
For Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets and Their Applications, Harish

Call for papers: Special Issue on "Fuzzy logic and its application to
modeling epidemies: Coronavirus and beyond"

From: lasiecka [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2020
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and control Theory (EECT), 9 (3)

Contents EECT:vol 9 Nr 3, 2020.

1.Forward controllability of a random attractor for the non-autonomous
stochastic sine-Gordon equation on an unbounded domain, Shuang Yang
and Yangrong Li

2.Local null controllability of coupled degenerate systems with
nonlocal terms and one control force, R. Demarque, J. Limaco and
L. Viana

3. Semiglobal exponential stabilization of nonautonomous semilinear
parabolic-like systems, Sergio S. Rodrigues

4. Boundary controllability of the Korteweg-de Vries equation on a
tree- shaped network, Eduardo Cerpa, Emmanuelle Crepeau and Julie

5. Pointwise control of the linearized Gear-Grimshaw system, Roberto
de A. Capistrano-Filho, Vilmos Komornik and Ademir F. Pazoto

5. Remarks on the damped nonlinear Schrodinger equation, Tarek

6. Approximate continuous data assimilation of the 2D Navier-Stokes
equations via the Voigt-regularization with observable data, Adam
Larios and Yuan Pei

7.Existence and asymptotic stability of periodic solutions for neutral
evolution equations with delay, Qiang Li and Mei Wei

8.Continuity with respect to fractional order of the time fractional
diffusion-wave equation, Nguyen Huy Tuan, Donal O'Regan and Tran Bao

9. Design of boundary stabilizers for the non-autonomous cubic
semilinear heat equation driven by a multiplicative noise, Ionut

10. On stochastic maximum principle for risk-sensitive of fully
coupled forward-backward stochastic control of mean-field type with
application, Adel Chala and Dahbia Hafayed

11. Time-varying integro-differential inclusions with Clarke sub-
differential and non-local initial conditions: existence and
approximate controllability, Yong-Kui Chang and Xiaojing Liu

12. On the management fourth-order Schrodinger-Hartree equation,
Carlos Banquet and Elder J. Villamizar-Roa

Nonlocal final value problem governed by semilinear anomalous
diffusion equations, Dinh-Ke Tran and Tran-Phuong-Thuy Lam

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: July 10, 2020
Subject: Contents, MMA Journal, 25 (3)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:

Raimondas {\v{C}}iegis (Editor) Volume 25, Issue 3, 2020


Souvik Kundu and Rupanwita Gayen, Surface Wave Scattering by an
Elastic Plate Submerged in Water with Uneven Bottom Term

Samia Challal and Abdeslem Lyaghfouri, Regularity Results for a
Quasilinear Free Boundary Problem

Aissa Guesmia, New General Decay Rates of Solutions for Two
Viscoelastic Wave Equations with Infinite Memory

Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Calogero Vetro and Francesca Vetro, Constant
Sign and Nodal Solutions for Nonlinear Robin Equations with Locally
Defined Source Term

Eugene Smolkin and Yury Smirnov, Mathematical Theory of Normal Waves
in an Open Metal-Dielectric Regular Waveguide of Arbitrary Cross

Saleh S. Almuthaybiri and Christopher C. Tisdell, Sharper Existence
and Uniqueness Results for Solutions to Third-Order Boundary Value

Rekha P. Kulkarni and Gobinda Rakshit, Discrete Modified Projection
Methods for Urysohn Integral Equations with Green's Function Type

Boina Anil Kumar, Susanta Kumar Paikray and Umakanta Misra,
Two-Storage Fuzzy Inventory Model with Time Dependent Demand and
Holding Cost under Acceptable Delay in Payment

Gabriella Bogn\'{a}r and Kriszti\'{a}n Hricz\'{o}, Ferrofluid Flow in
Magnetic Field Above Stretching Sheet with Suction and Injection

Boleslaw Borkowski, Artur Wili\'nski, Wieslaw Szczesny and Zbigniew
Binderman, Mathematical Analysis of Synthetic Meters Based on Radar

Yuriy Semerich
Analytical Modelling of Perforated Geometrical Domain

From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2020
Subject: Contents, Proc of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, 9 (1)

Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.9, N.1, 2020
ISSN 2225-0530, CONTENTS

Aliev Fikret A., Aliev N.A, Parametrizations larina v.b. for the
solving the problem of analytical design of the optimal regulator of
oscillatory systems with liquid dampers

Mohammed A. Abdlhusein and Manal N. Al-Harere, Pitchfork domination
and its inverse for complement graphs

Ismayilova A.F., Isayev F.A, Multi-sublinear operators generated by
Multilinear fractional integral operators on Product generalized
morrey spaces

Yuldashev T.K., On a non-local inverse problem for a benney-luke type
multidimensional integro-differential equation with spectral

Mostafa A. O., -Hawsh G. M. El, Differential subordination
applications to a class of p- valent functions associated with
mittag-leffler function

Varadharajan S., Lakshmi S., Selvaraj C., Certain results of analytic
function associated with conic sections and quasi subordination using

Magerramov I.A., Numerical algorithms for solving the optimization
problem with unseparated boundary conditions

Sadulla Jafarov, Direct and converse theorems of the theory of
approximation in morrey spaces

Mutallimov M.M., Review of the textbook Maharramov Z.T., Veliyev
G.P. "Data Structures and Algorithms"

End of Digest