NA Digest, V. 18, # 45

NA Digest Sunday, November 11, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 45

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Hans De Sterck [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2018
Subject: Call for Nominations, SIAG/CSE Best Paper Prize

Final call: nominations close on November 15 for the new Best Paper
Prize of the SIAM Activity Group on Computational Science and
Engineering (CSE).

The prize recognizes a paper that makes an outstanding and potentially
long-lasting contribution to the CSE field, as determined by the prize

Papers published in the years 2014 - 2017 across the field of CSE are
eligible for nomination.

The online nomination process requires uploading a nominator's letter
of recommendation for the candidate paper (along with bibliographic
citation information and pdf digital version of the candidate paper).

Please see
for further information and for instructions on submitting a

From: Eric Polizzi [email protected]
Date: November 10, 2018
Subject: Announcing SPIKE-OpenMP banded solver v1.0

SPIKE is a parallel algorithm for solving banded linear
systems. Banded matrices frequently arise in many applications from
reordering sparse matrices. In other instances, they are constructed
as effective preconditioners to general sparse systems where they are
solved via iterative methods. SPIKE is a domain decomposition
algorithm that can efficiently balance communication overhead with
arithmetic cost for achieving better scalability than other
traditional LU-based methods on parallel architectures.

This new library package v1.0 includes a feature complete SPIKE-
OpenMP banded solver. This solver can significantly outperform the
traditional LAPACK-LU banded solvers on shared memory multi-core
systems. It is also designed as an easy to use 'black-box' replacement
to the standard LAPACK banded interfaces. The library includes support
for single and double precision arithmetic using real or complex
system matrices, C and Fortran interfaces, as well options for
transpose solve, pivoting and non-pivoting factorizations.

The software can be downloaded from the following website:

From: Krassimir Georgiev [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2018
Subject: Bulgarian SIAM Section Meeting, Bulgaria, Dec 2018

The 13-th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian SIAM Section (BGSIAM) will
take place in Sofia, December 18 - 20, 2018. More information about
this event can be found at

We kindly invite you to participate and give a talk during this

A booklet with the extended abstracts will be available before the
meeting. Proceedings of refereed and presented papers will be
published as a special volume of Studies in Computational
Intelligence, Springer.

You are welcome to invite your colleagues and students to this

From: Harbir Antil [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2018
Subject: East Coast Optimization Meeting, USA, Apr 2019

We cordially invite you to attend the first annual East Coast
Optimization Meeting (ECOM) on April 4-5, 2019.

ECOM is an annual two day workshop hosted at George Mason University
in Fairfax, VA, which is in the Washington DC metropolitan area. The
goal of ECOM is to introduce students and early-career researchers to
current trends in optimization as well as to provide a strong
networking environment between academia, industry, and the national
laboratories. This year's focus for ECOM is stochastic
optimization. The keynote speakers for the first ECOM are:

- Prof. Alexander Shapiro (Georgia Tech)
- Dr. Jean-Paul Watson (Sandia National Labs)

More details and registration information is available here

Please forward to the interested colleagues.

From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2018
Subject: European Conference on Operational Research, Ireland, Jun 2019

EURO 2019
30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 30th),
Dublin, Ireland, June 23-26, 2019,

We have the great pleasure of inviting you to take part in the 30th
EURO Conference to be held in Dublin, Ireland on 23-26 June, 2019.

We have selected several outstanding Plenaries & Tutorial Speakers
that will present the state-of-the-art in Operations Research and
outline pathways of its future developments. More information on their
presentations will be announced soon. Please follow up further
information at the EURO 30th Conference webpage:

Researchers, academics, practitioners, and students interested in any
branch of Operational Research, mathematical modelling or economic
analysis are invited to submit abstracts or organize sessions.
Invited and contributed papers will be organized in parallel
sessions. In general, sessions will be a part of the Conference
streams, and streams are grouped in different areas. The list of areas
and streams will be available shortly. No participant can present more
than one paper at the Conference. Abstract submission system is
available online, via the Conference web page
( Abstracts: max. 1500
characters; submission deadline: February 8, 2019. Researchers who
wish to organize a stream or an invited session or contribute with a
paper within an invited session should contact a PC member of the
corresponding area.

Abstract submission start: Monday, October 22, 2018
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, February 8, 2019

Parties interested in having a booth or exhibition area during the
Conference are kindly requested to contact the EURO 2019 Conference
Secretariat (Sponsorship & Exhibition Manager Emma Power:
[email protected]). An exhibitor's guide will be available shortly.

From: Nick Higham [email protected]
Date: November 09, 2018
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Manchester

The School of Mathematics is seeking mathematical scientists of
outstanding ability or potential for appointments at Lecturer, Senior
Lecturer or Reader level.

Applicants with research experience in numerical linear algebra, or at
the interfaces with pure mathematics or probability and statistics,
are particularly encouraged.

The closing date is January 11, 2019.
More information available at

From: Andreas Stathopoulos [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing/Machine Learning, William and Mary

Applications are invited for a postdoc position in the Computer
Science Department at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,
VA, USA. The position is initially for one year, renewable for a
second year based upon performance. The candidate is expected to lead
together with professors A. Stathopoulos and Z. Liu an NSF-funded
project of designing and implementing large scale Singular Value
Decomposition solvers optimized for modern machine learning
algorithms. It has two specific objectives. First, to provide high
performance implementations of state-of- the-art Singular Value
Decomposition (SVD) techniques, including randomized, streaming, and
iterative methods, which will deliver consistent user experience for a
diverge range of problems and requirements. Second, to implement high
level interfaces that enable downstream applications in machine
learning and SVD solvers to interoperate. The candidates will also be
exposed to opportunities to tackle tough, large scale machine learning
problems alongside with statisticians and engineers.

Required Qualifications: Ph.D. In a scientific computing area, with
strong programming skills in C/C++/Python. Strong background in two of
the three areas: numerical linear algebra, high performance computing,
and machine learning applications.

Preferred Qualifications: Strong background in all above three areas,
and experience in creating/maintaining open source software at public

To apply submit a vita and the names of at least two references at , Position Number: F0991W.
Reviewing of applications starts on Dec 10, 2018, and continues until
the position is filled.

From: Tim Burns [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Applied & Computational Mathematics, NIST

The Applied and Computational Mathematics Division (ACMD) of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites
applications for two-year NRC postdoctoral research positions at NIST
Laboratories in Gaithersburg, Maryland and Boulder, Colorado. NIST is
a Federal government research laboratory specializing in measurement
science. ACMD consists of some 46 full-time professional staff, along
with part-time faculty appointees and guest researchers. Staff members
engage in collaborative research with scientists throughout NIST,
providing expertise in applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, and
computational science and engineering.

Research areas of interest include complex systems and networks,
computational materials science, computational fluid dynamics,
computational electromagnetics, computational biology, orthogonal
polynomials and special functions, applied optimization and
simulation, combinatorial software testing, data mining and
visualization, parallel and distributed algorithms, quantum
information science, and uncertainty quantification in scientific

Candidates and their research proposals are evaluated in a competitive
process managed by the National Research Council (NRC) Associateship
Programs. The current stipend is $71,128 per year; there is also a
$5500 travel and equipment allowance. For further details, see Application
deadlines are February 1 and August 1. Appointments commence within
one year of selection. For questions, contact Tim Burns,
[email protected].

NIST is an equal opportunity employer. The NRC Associateship Program
at NIST is restricted to US citizens.

From: Carolin Gietz [email protected]
Date: November 09, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Young Research Groups

The Cluster of Excellence Mathematics M\unster: Dynamics - Geometry -
Structure offers several Postdoctoral Positions and Young Research
Groups (salary level E13 TV-L) in all fields of mathematics related to
the cluster. The duration of these positions is up to 3 years, for
research groups up to 4 years. Expected starting date is no later than
October 2019. Generally there are no teaching obligations but such
opportunities are provided if desired by the candidates. The main
selection criterion is scientific excellence.

For Postdoctoral Positions you apply on your own. Applications for
Young Research Groups are applications from groups of two or three
postdoctoral researchers, who plan to collaborate intensively on
research topics relevant to the cluster. Your application should
contain a cover letter, your CVs (with the grade for the dissertation
if applicable), a publication list and a research plan relating to the
research of Mathematics Munster. Moreover, you have to choose one or
two of the Research Areas as well as one or two potential local
postdoctoral mentors from among the Munster based professors listed as
investigators of the respective research area. Applicants who have not
yet completed their PhD are requested to include a two-page outline of
their dissertation project comprising results up to now. Please
arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent within the
deadline to [email protected]. The University of Munster
is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the
proportion of women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage
applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent
qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially
considered within the framework of the legal possibilities. We also
welcome applications from candidates with severe
disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will
be preferentially considered.

If you have any questions please contact
[email protected].

Please apply using our online application form at:

The evaluation for the current application round will start at
December 1st 2018. Later applications may also be considered.

From: Lieven De Lathauwer [email protected]
Date: November 06, 2018
Subject: PhD and Postdoc Positions, EOS Project KULeuven/VUB/UCL/UMons

We are advertising several PhD and postdoctoral positions for an EOS
project on "Structured Low-Rank Matrix/Tensor Approximation: Numerical
Optimization-Based Algorithms and Applications" (2018-2021). This
excellence-of-science project involves a consortium of four Belgian
universities: KULeuven (L. De Lathauwer, B. De Moor, P. Patrinos,
M. Van Barel), VUB (I. Markovsky, M. Ishteva), UCL (P.A. Absil,
F. Glineur) and UMons (N. Gillis).

We are seeking outstanding candidates who have obtained a master's or
doctoral degree in mathematical engineering, computer science,
electrical engineering, mathematics or physics. Strong candidates have
a proven record in numerical mathematics, optimization, systems &
control, machine learning and/or signal processing. A good knowledge
of linear algebra is mandatory but experience with tensor techniques
is not required. Candidates must be fluent in English.

Further information and application form are available from .

From: Mike O'Neil [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2018
Subject: New Journal, Pure and Applied Analysis

Pure and Applied Analysis (PAA) is a not-for-profit journal devoted to
original research at the interface of mathematical modeling,
scientific computation, numerical methods and harmonic/functional
analysis, partial differential equations and related subjects.

In order to remain friendly to mathematicians' interests, the policies
of Pure and Applied Analysis are set by the board of MSP and the
editorial board of PAA - both groups of working mathematicians -
rather than by a profit-oriented company.

For rapid handling, papers are submitted online. Based on peer-review
reports, the articles are accepted or rejected by the editorial board,
which contains experts in many subfields, through a process of online
discussion and consensus.

Articles with supplementary materials, such as programs, datasets or
visualizations, are welcome. We strongly encourage submissions from
our colleagues working in Numerical Analysis.

See for more information.

From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2018
Subject: Special Issue, Discrete Applied Mathematics

Special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization (dedicated to CTW18)

We are calling for full papers to be published on a special issue of
Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) dedicated to the broad topics of
graph theory and combinatorial optimization. This issue follows the
16th edition of the Cologne-Twente Workshop (CTW) on those same
topics. The CTW18 took place at the Conservatoire National des Arts et
M\'etiers (CNAM), in Paris, on 18-20 june 2018.

This special issue is open to the topics of graph theory,
combinatorial optimization, discrete algorithms and/or mathematical
programming. It is not restricted to papers by authors who attended
the CTW18 workshop, and we are not inviting ``best papers'' presented
to the workshop, as is sometimes customary in computer science
today. Instead, anyone who wishes to submit a paper to this issue on
the aforementioned topics is welcome to. Of course, those who did
attended CTW18 are specially encouraged to submit a paper. The CTW
culture is closer to mathematics (light peer-review at the workshop,
and rigorous peer-review for the journal issue) than computer science
(in general, the reverse). Accordingly, papers will be reviewed
following the high standard of DAM, requiring two out of two positive
recommendations for acceptance. We have a tentative submission
deadline set to 31st March 2019, but this deadline is not necessarily
strict *to the day*. Interested authors should apply to us for
extensions. Any paper submitted before deadline will be treated
immediately. So, if your paper is ready, feel free to submit it now.

In order to submit, log on (as an Author) to Elsevier's EES Editorial
Manager for DAM at , click on "Submit new manuscript", then, at the
bottom of the first screen, for "Choose article type", select "SI:
CTW18" from the menu. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: if you do not select the
CTW18 Special Issue explicitly, your paper will be handled by DAM's
Editor-in-Chief (Endre Boros), and will NOT go to this special issue.

From: David G. Yu [email protected]
Date: November 11, 2018
Subject: Contents, Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 6 (4)

Contents,Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 6 (4)
This issue is available at

Inequalities on Generalized Tensor Functions with Diagonalizable and
Symmetric Positive Definite Tensors, Maolin Che, Dragana S. Cvetkovic
Ilic, Yimin Wei

Weighted Machine Learning,Mahdi Hashemi, Hassan A. Karimi

Improved Mean Methods of Imputation, Choukri Mohamed, Stephen
A. Sedory, Sarjinder Singh

The Use of the Extended Generalized Lambda Distribution for
Controlling the Statistical Process in Individual Measurements, Sajad
Noorian, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi

Characterization of Lifetime Distribution Based on Generalized
Interval Entropy, Vikas Kumar, Nirdesh Singh

Optimal Surplus and Minimum Benefits for a Defined Contribution
Pension Plan: a Mean-variance Approach, Charles I Nkeki

Expeditious Contrast Enhancement for Grayscale Images Using a New
Swift Algorithm, Zohair Al-Ameen

Applying Bayesian Decision Theory in RBF Neural Network to Improve
Network precision in Data Classification, Nader Rezazadeh

Nonlinear Approximation in the Large Deviations Principle, Oksana
Yarova, Ya. I. Yeleyko

A Quartic Subdomain Finite Element Method for the Modified KdV
Equation, Seydi Battal Gazi Karakoc

An Efficient Satellite Image Super Resolution Technique for Shift-
Variant Images using Improved New Edge Directed Interpolation, Pooja
Solanki, Dippal Israni, Arpita Shah

On the Dynamics of a Viral Marketing Model with Optimal Control using
Indirect and Direct Methods, Joao N.C. Goncalves, M. Teresa
T. Monteiro, Helena Sofia Rodrigues

End of Digest