NA Digest, V. 18, # 18

NA Digest Sunday, May 06, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 18

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Arpad [email protected]
Date: May 06, 2018
Subject: SLDGL

Dear NA Community,

Recently I was looking for a code for solving a 1d (ordinary)
boundary value problem, or a 1+1d parabolic initial-boundary value
problem. It would be nice to have adaptive stepsize control.
Looking through GAMS, SLDGL seemed ideal. However, its authors do
not have it any more. Has anyone archived it? At one point most
German computer centres had it installed. I hope this is a legal
question. In the paper describing it, the authors wrote that it is
available to interested people.

From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: An error in a Matlab PDE toolbox

In the framework of a contract with ANDRA (the French Agency for
nuclear waste), we found an error in the Matlab toolbox function
calculating the shear strain.

Please see:

As a general comment, we recommend to check such toolboxes and not to
make a blind use of them.

From: SIAM Prize Program [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2018
Subject: Last Call: Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software

The deadline is fast approaching for entries for the James
H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software. We are looking for
submissions of high- quality numerical software from early career
teams. If you or your team are developing numerical software for
scientific computing, act as a nominator and enter your software for
the prize.

The James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software is awarded every
four years to the authors of an outstanding piece of numerical
software. The prize is intended to recognize innovative software in
scientific computing and to encourage researchers in the earlier
stages of their career.

SIAM will award the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software at the SIAM
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19). The award
will consist of $3,000 and a plaque. As part of the award, the
recipient(s) will be expected to present a lecture at the conference.

Entry Deadline: June 1, 2018

See for
the complete call for entries. This includes eligibility and entry
requirements and a link to the SIAM Prize Portal, where you can create
an account and submit your entry.

For inquiries, contact [email protected]

Learn more about the SIAM Prize Program at

From: Vrushali Bokil [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Time Dependent Electromagnetic Wave Problems, USA, Jun 2018

I would like to bring to your attention a workshop on "Computational
Aspects of Time Dependent Electromagnetic Wave Problems in Complex
Materials" that will be held at the Institute for Computational and
Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), at Brown university,
during the period June 25-29, 2018.

This workshop aims to bring together different scientific communities,
including mathematicians, engineers, physicists, software developers
and other relevant people, to disseminate current progress in their
areas and develop potential collaborations to address challenges
involved in the solution of the time-domain Maxwell's equations in
complex materials through computational and experimental research with
the broad aim of addressing and solving real-world applications.

ICERM is now accepting applications for participation in this
workshop. Some funding for travel and lodging is available through
ICERM for participants.

Please see the workshop website for more details

From: Lei Zhang [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2018
Subject: Applied & Computational Mathematics, China, Jul 2018

Summer school on "Frontiers of Applied and Computational Mathematics"
will take place from 9 to 21 July 2018 at Shanghai Jiao Tong

Lecturers and (tentative) topics:
- Kazuo Aoki, Kyoto University, kinetic equation
- Carsten Carstensen, Humboldt University, adaptive finite element
- Francois Golse, Ecole Polytechnique, mathematical theory of kinetic
- Apala Majumdar, University of Bath, modeling and analysis of liquid crystal
- Itamar Procaccia , Weizmann Institute of Science, statistical mechanics
- Walter Schirmacher, University of Mainz, modeling and analysis of
disorder material
- Nicholas Zarbaras, University of Notre Dame, machine learning and
data science

Application Deadline: May 31, 2018

To apply for the school and for any further information please visit
the school's website:

From: Jennifer K. Ryan [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2018
Subject: Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD, USA, Aug 2018

Advances in PDEs: Theory, Computation and Application to CFD at ICERM,
August 20-24, 2018.

The aim of this workshop is to review the recent progress in the type
of PDEs arising from fluid dynamics and other related physical areas,
in terms of their theory, computation, and applications. The invited
speakers include PDE analysts, applied and computational
mathematicians, and engineers. Many of the invited speakers have made
fundamental contributions to the development of PDE numerical methods
and mathematical analysis as well as cutting edge applications. In
harmony with ICERM's mission, the most significant aspect of this
workshop is cutting-edge computational mathematics, and reinforcing
the critical role played by computation in the mathematical and
experimental aspects of fluid dynamics. This workshop aims to
showcase recent advances in the theory and computation of PDEs with
applications in CFD. It is thus an excellent vehicle to commemorate
Professor Saul Abarbanel, who has made fundamental contributions to
fluid dynamics and PDEs, especially in their computation and
application to CFD. To honor his memory, this workshop will focus on
recent developments in the field, highlighting the exchange of current
research ideas and setting the stage for future research. More
details can be found on the workshop webpage:

If you would like to participate in the workshop, you are encouraged
to apply through the link provided on the workshop web page. All
approved applicants will be invited to present posters on their work.

Some funds are available to support participant travel. Those needing
travel support can request it on the application form.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2018
Subject: IMA Theoretical and Computational Discrete Mathematics, UK, Sep 2018

2nd IMA Conference on Theoretical and Computational Discrete
Mathematics, Friday 14 - Saturday 15 September 2018, The Enterprise
Centre, University of Derby

Discrete mathematics poses a wide range of challenging research
problems, giving rise to important applications in other fields such
as computer science, engineering, industry, business, finance and the
physical/biological sciences. It is a dynamic subject in which
techniques, theories and algorithms are drawn from many different
areas, and it offers a diverse and stimulating environment for those
whose work lies within it. This is a relatively new area that the IMA
is pleased to support through a second event of its kind at the
University of Derby. The conference will showcase theoretical and
computational advances in the general field of discrete
mathematics. It is open to researchers working with mathematical
structures and abstract constructs, and to those involved in the
theory and practise of discrete algorithmic computing. The purpose of
this event is to highlight progress in the field through the
development of novel theories, methodologies and applications
accordingly, and to inspire future work.

Abstracts of up to 500 words are invited to be submitted for either
oral or poster presentation via by Friday 1 June
2018, in areas including, but not limited to, the following:
Theoretical Computer Science (Algorithms, Automata, Codes,
Cryptography, Image Processing, Logic Gates and Circuits); Number
Theory (Computational, Elementary, Additive, Combinatorial); Set
Relations, Orderings, Words, Permutation Patterns; Graph Theory and
Network Problems; Number Sequences, Arithmetic Functions and
Partitions; Combinatorics (Algorithmic, Algebraic, Analytic,
Enumerative, Extremal, Probabilistic, Topological, Geometric, Theory
of Designs, Matroids, Percolation); Optimization (Discrete,
Combinatorial) and Game Theory; Operations Research.

Registration will open in May via

Conference webpage:

From: Axel Voigt [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Mathematics of Thin Structures, Germany, Sep 2018

The workshop will be held at TU Dresden (Faculty of Mathematics), Sept
26, 2018 (9am) - Sept 28, 2018 (6pm). Perspective: Many models in
mechanics, physics and biology invoke thin structures and physical
processes therein. With this workshop we intend to bring together
mathematicians and physicists working on the modeling, mathematical
analysis and numerics of such models. In particular, topics of
interest include variational models for thin films (e.g. featuring
wrinkling, prestrain and microstructure) and vector- and tensor-valued
partial differential equations on surface (e.g. models for surface
liquid crystals and surface fluids). The workshop features invited
presentations by

John Ball (Oxford, UK)
Soren Bartels (Freiburg, Germany)
Peter Bella (Leipzig, Germany)
Amin Doostmohammadi (Oxford, UK)
Marta Lewicka (Pittsburgh, USA)
Andreas Fery (Dresden, Germany)
Alain Goriely (Oxford, UK)
Peter Hansbo (Jonkoping, Sweden)
Patrizio Neff (Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Gaetano Napoli (Lecce, Italien)
Paul Plucinsky (Minnesota, USA)

In addition there will be contributed short talks. Registration for
participation is mandatory and possible till July 20, 2018. The fee is
70 EUR. For more details on the program and the registration please

From: Yousef Saad [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Preconditioning 2019, USA, Jul 2019

The 11th International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Scientific and Industrial Applications will take place from July 1 to
July 3, 2019 at the University of Minnesota, Twin cities. This event
will mark 20 years since the beginning of the series of
`Preconditioning' conferences, which started in Minneapolis in 1999.

Additional information can be found at

From: Axel Voigt [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Junior Professorship Position, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, TU Dresden

As part of the Tenure Track Programme, the Faculty of Mathematics
invites applications for the Junior Professorship (W1) in Mathematics
(W2 with tenure track) initially limited to a four-year contract as a
temporary public official, to be filled at the earliest possible
date. If the interim evaluation is positive, the employment contract
will be extended to a total of six years. In the fifth year, a tenure
evaluation will be carried out by a faculty-wide and school-wide
commission. Following a positive evaluation, a permanent Chair (W2) of
Mathemat- ics will be granted without a renewed call for
applications. Evaluation criteria mutually agreed upon when the
position is accepted will form the basis of the evaluation
procedures. Essential elements of the evaluations will be scientific
success in the form of publications, the successful acquisition of
third-party funds, the promotion of young scientists, teaching classes
in your specialisation with a positively evaluated teaching
performance in German and English. The Faculty of Mathematics, which
has two research priority areas: "Discrete Structures" (algebra,
geometry and optimisation) as well as "Partial Differential Equations
and their applications" (analysis, numerical mathematics, stochastics
and scientific computation), is looking for an outstanding scientist
who has a proven track record in a current field of pure or applied
mathematics and who will strengthen one of the two research lines. The
successful candidate should cooperate with colleagues within
mathematics but also in other specialist areas at TU Dresden to
initiate coordinated third-party funded projects. In teaching, we
expect you to be involved in all of the faculty's courses of study as
well as in non- mathematical courses of study, and to provide teaching
services in both German and English. We expect you to be actively
involved in academic self-administration and in the academic
committees of the faculty. Applicants must fulfil the employment
qualification requirements of Section 63 of the Act on the Autonomy of
Institutions of Higher Education in the Free State of Saxony (Higher
Education Act of the Free State of Saxony - SachsHSFG). In addition,
we expect a minimum of two years postdoc experience at the time of
application. TU Dresden supports tenure track professors with a
programme specifically tailored to their needs. Mentoring, various
coaching sessions, and special continuing education programmes and
support offers provide active professional guidance throughout the
duration of the temporary Junior Professorship. TU Dresden seeks to
employ more female professors. Hence we particularly encourage women
to apply. Applications from disabled candidates or those with
additional support needs are very welcome. The University is a
certified family-friendly university and offers a Dual Career
Service. If you have any questions about these topics, please contact
the Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Mathematics
(Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Fischer +49 351 463-34979) or the
Representative of Employees with Disabilities (Ms. Birgit Kliemann +49
351 463-33175). Please submit your application including CV,
description of your scientific career, a list of your scientific
papers, a list of courses taught including results of evaluations from
the last three years, and a certified copy of your highest academic
degree by mail by 14.06.2018 (stamped arrival date of the university
central mail service applies) to: TU Dresden, Dekan der Fakultat
Mathematik, Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Axel Voigt,Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden,
Germany and in electronic form via
the TU Dresden SecureMail Portal https://securemail.tu- by
sending it to [email protected].

From: Peter Robbins [email protected]
Date: May 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Modelling and Parameter Estimation, Oxford Univ

This position is for a central role in an interdisciplinary research
team that aims to apply new technologies from the physical sciences to
improve the diagnosis and management of patients in intensive care and
with particular diseases of the airways. At the heart of this work is
a computational model of the physiology of the patient. The parameters
of the model require identification from data collected by physicians
using the novel sensors from the physical sciences. It is the
recovered values for these parameters that we hope will ultimately
guide therapy. The modelling and parameter estimation is integral to
the whole programme.

Further details can be found at:

From: Stephen Wright [email protected]
Date: May 04, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, U. Wisconsin-Madison

Several postdoctoral research positions are available at the
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department and the Wisconsin
Institute for Discovery to work on funded projects involving nonconvex
optimization, parallel/distributed optimization, and other
optimization paradigms and algorithms that are motivated by data
science applications.

Prior experience in developing optimization theory and algorithms is
required. Experience with data science applications is desirable.

Positions are available from the present time until August 31, 2019,
with a possible extension of one year.

If interested, please send your CV to Steve Wright
([email protected]) together with a description of relevant prior
work and the names of several references.

From: Carolin Gietz [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Research Associate Position, Computational Partial Differential Equations

The Institute of Applied Mathematics at the University of M\374nster
is seeking to fill the post of a Research Associate (part-time 0.75
fte), Salary Level E 13 TV-L. This fixed-term position is available
from the earliest possible date. The initial appointment is for one
year with the possibility of a prolongation by another two years.
Currently, the regular full employment time is 39 hours and 50 minutes
per week. All posts can, as a rule, also be filled as part-time
positions if there are no compelling work-related reasons against
doing so.

The PhD student will be part of the work group "Computational Partial
Differential Equations" and contribute to the research and teaching
activities of the workgroup. Furthermore, the student will work on the
topic of her/his dissertation. This topic will be concretized together
with the candidate and will be devoted to the development and analysis
of numerical schemes for partial differential equations. The
independent numerical realization and the performance of numerical
experiments are also part of the project. Teaching load is 4 hours per
week for a full-time position. The following requirements must be
met: Candidates hold a Master degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics
with focus on numerics; Candidates have a strong background in finite
element methods and their analysis; Candidates have programming skills
and experience in Matlab or other programming language; Candidates
have sufficient proficiency in English.

The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered.

Please submit your application by e-mail together with the usual
documents by May30th, to the following address:
Institute for Applied Mathematics
JProf. Dr. Mira Schedensack
Einsteinstr. 62
48149 Munster
[email protected]

From: Matthias Rottmann [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Wuppertal, Germany

We offer a 3-year PhD student position at the Applied Computer Science
Group and the Statistics Group, Department of Mathematics, University
of Wuppertal, Germany. The focus is on uncertainty quantification in
deep learning. In collaboration with Volkswagen we will develop
measures for quantifying temporal and spacial uncertainty in the
semantic segmentation of street scenes. This position requires good
communication skills, ability for team work and programming skills,
preferably in python and common deep learning frameworks. The position
starts in June or July 2018, Applications (CV and motivation letter)
received by May 10 will receive full consideration. Mail to: rottmann

Further information can be found here:

From: Luca F. Pavarino [email protected]
Date: May 01, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences

We are seeking highly motivated and high-profile graduate students for
our new international PhD program in Computational Mathematics and
Decision Sciences, jointly organized by the University of Pavia
(UNIPV), Italy and the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI),
Lugano, Switzerland. The program will start in October 2018. Each PhD
candidate is expected to complete his/her coursework and dissertation
within 3 years.

We have openings for 4 new PhD positions, fully funded with a
competitive salary and an additional research budget for the second
and third year. The application deadline is June 13, 2018. For
details, see the program webpage The
application procedure can be found at

The PhD research areas are Computational Mathematics, Computational
Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Decision Sciences,
Optimization, Machine Learning, with an interdisciplinary view of
Applied Mathematics, Physics and decision processes under uncertainty.

Established in 1361, the University of Pavia is one of the oldest
academic institutions in the world, combining a prestigious history
with cutting-edge scientific innovation. In January 2018, the
Departments of Mathematics and Physics were awarded the National
Departments of Excellence Grant. Students benefit from working in
internationally recognized research teams and from the intense
cultural life of Pavia's city-campus; see

The Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI) is a young and lively
university, member of the Swiss University System, together with ETH
and EPFL. This new joint PhD program leverages on USI's Institute of
Computational Sciences (ICS) and on USI's strengths in scientific
computing, data science, informatics and biomedicine; see

From: Danielle Walker [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2018
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 44 (2)

NO. 2, 2018,

Convergence and quasi-optimality of an adaptive finite element method
for optimal control problems with integral control constraint, Haitao
Leng & Yanping Chen

Uniform and high-order discretization schemes for Sturm-Liouville
problems via Fer streamers, Alberto Gil C. P. Ramos

On the dimension of trivariate spline spaces with the highest order
smoothness on 3D T-meshes, Chao Zeng & Jiansong Deng

The inverse scattering problem by an elastic inclusion, Roman Chapko,
Drossos Gintides & Leonidas Mindrinos

Unconditional and optimal H 2-error estimates of two linear and
conservative finite difference schemes for the
Klein-Gordon-Schrodinger equation in high dimensions, Tingchun Wang,
Xiaofei Zhao & Jiaping Jiang

Second order unconditionally convergent and energy stable linearized
scheme for MHD equations, Guo-Dong Zhang, Jinjin Yang & Chunjia Bi

Finite element approximation to global stabilization of the Burgers'
equation by Neumann boundary feedback control law, Sudeep Kundu &
Amiya Kumar Pani

a posteriori stabilized sixth-order finite volume scheme for
one-dimensional steady-state hyperbolic equations, Stephane Clain,
Raphael Loubere & Gaspar J. Machado

Erratum to: a posteriori stabilized sixth-order finite volume scheme
for one-dimensional steady-state hyperbolic equations, Stephane Clain,
Raphael Loubere & Gaspar J. Machado

From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: April 30, 2018
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38 (1)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Banded, stable, skew-symmetric differentiation matrices of high order,
Ernst Hairer, Arieh Iserles

Analysis of a splitting method for stochastic balance laws, K H
Karlsen; E B Storrosten

Closing the gap between trigonometric integrators and splitting
methods for highly oscillatory differential equations, Simone
Buchholz, Ludwig Gauckler, Volker Grimm, Marlis Hochbruck, and Tobias

Maximum norm analysis of implicit-explicit backward difference
formulae for nonlinear parabolic equations, Georgios Akrivis and
Buyang Li

On the use of Hahn's asymptotic formula and stabilized recurrence for
a fast, simple and stable Chebyshev-Jacobi transform, Richard Mikael

Divided difference estimates and accuracy enhancement of discontinuous
Galerkin methods for nonlinear symmetric systems of hyperbolic
conservation laws, Xiong Meng and Jennifer K Ryan

Augmented Lagrangian Method for Optimal Partial Transportation,
Noureddine Igbida and Van Thanh Nguyen

Finite element approximations for second-order stochastic differential
equation driven by fractional Brownian motion, Yanzhao Cao, Jialin
Hong, and Zhihui Liu

An a posteriori error analysis for an optimal control problem
involving the fractional Laplacian, Harbir Antil and Enrique Otarola

High-dimensional finite elements for multiscale Maxwell-type
equations, Van Tiep Chu and Viet Ha Hoang

A posteriori error control for stationary coupled bulk-surface
equations, Martin Eigel and Rudiger Muller

Grad-div stabilized discretizations on S-type meshes for the Oseen
problem, Sebastian Franz, Katharina Hohne, and Gunar Matthies

Analysis of a multiphysics finite element method for a poroelasticity
model, Xiaobing Feng, Zhihao Ge, and Yukun Li

Convergence of a normalized gradient algorithm for computing ground
states, Erwan Faou and Tiphaine Jezequel

Properties of Hamiltonian variational integrators, Jeremy M Schmitt;
Melvin Leok

Weak multi-symplectic reformulation and geometric numerical
integration for the nonlinear Schrodinger equations with delta
potentials, Jiejing Bai; Chun Li; Xiao-Yan Liu

High-order evolving surface finite element method for parabolic
problems on evolving surfaces, Balazs Kovacs

Higher order time discretizations with ALE finite elements for
parabolic problems on evolving surfaces, Balazs Kovacs; Christian
Andreas Power Guerra

The Riemannian Barzilai-Borwein method with nonmonotone line search
and the matrix geometric mean computation, Bruno Iannazzo; Margherita

An analysis of the Crank-Nicolson method for subdiffusion, Bangti Jin;
Buyang Li; Zhi Zhou

From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: May 02, 2018
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38 (2)

Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38(2)
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

A simple scheme for the approximation of self-avoiding inextensible
curves, Soren Bartels, Philipp Reiter, and Johannes Riege

Devising superconvergent HDG methods with symmetric approximate
stresses for linear elasticity by M-decompositions, Bernardo Cockburn
and Guosheng Fu

Two-grid methods for a class of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue
problems, Eric Cances, Rachida Chakir, Lianhua He, and Yvon Maday

Robust flux error estimation of an unfitted Nitsche method for high-
contrast interface problems, Erik Burman, Johnny Guzman, Manuel A
Sanchez, and Marcus Sarkis

Error estimate for the upwind scheme for the linear transport equation
with boundary data, Nina Aguillon and Franck Boyer

R-linear convergence of limited memory steepest descent, Frank E
Curtis and Wei Guo

Convergence analysis of high-order commutator-free quasi-Magnus
exponential integrators for nonautonomous linear evolution equations
of parabolic type, Sergio Blanes, Fernando Casas, and Mechthild

BEM coupling with the FEM fictitious domain approach for the solution
of the exterior Poisson problem and of wave scattering by rotating
rigid bodies, S Falletta

Wavenumber explicit analysis for time-harmonic Maxwell equations in a
spherical shell and spectral approximations, Lina Ma, Jie Shen,
Li-Lian Wang, and Zhiguo Yang

Some applications of weighted norm inequalities to the error analysis
of PDE-constrained optimization problems, Harbir Antil, Enrique
Otarola, and Abner J Salgado

A robust, mass conservative scheme for two-phase flow in porous media
including Holder continuous nonlinearities, Florin A Radu, Kundan
Kumar, Jan M Nordbotten, and Iuliu S Pop

Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for contact problems
approximated by Nitsche's method, Franz Chouly, Mathieu Fabre, Patrick
Hild, Jerome Pousin, and Yves Renard

Inf-sup stability of isogeometric Taylor-Hood and Sub-Grid methods for
the Stokes problem with hierarchical splines, Andrea Bressan and Bert

A parametrized barycentric approximation for inverse problems with
application to the Black-Scholes formula, Oliver Salazar Celis

A finite difference scheme for conservation laws driven by Levy noise,
Ujjwal Koley, Ananta K Majee, and Guy Vallet

On the wavelet-based SWIFT method for backward stochastic differential
equations, Ki Wai Chau; Cornelis W Oosterlee

Corrigendum to: A variational H(div)H(div) finite-element
discretization approach for perfect incompressible fluids, Andrea
Natale; Colin J Cotter

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: May 03, 2018
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 23 (2)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:
Volume 23, Issue 2, 2018

Kaushik Mukherjee, Parameter-Uniform Improved Hybrid Numerical Scheme
for Singularly Perturbed Problems with Interior Layers

Kre\v{s}imir Burazin, Jelena Jankov and Marko Vrdoljak, Homogenization
of Elastic Plate Equation

Hongli Wang and Jianwei Yang, Inviscid Quasi-Neutral Limit of a
Navier-Stokes-Poisson-Korteweg System

Said R. Grace and John R. Graef, Oscillatory Behavior of Second Order
Nonlinear Differential Equations with a Sublinear Neutral Term

Mahmoud A. Zaky, Eid H. Doha, Taha M. Taha and Dumitru Baleanu, New
Recursive Approximations for Variable-Order Fractional Operators with

Yujian Jiao, Tianjun Wang, Xiandong Shi and Wenjie Liu, Mixed
Jacobi-Fourier Spectral Method for Fisher Equation

Bin Han and Yukang Chen, Global Regularity to the Navier-Stokes
Equations for a Class of Large Initial Data

Owe Axelsson, Maya Neytcheva and Zhao-Zheng Liang, Parallel Solution
Methods and Preconditioners for Evolution Equations

Audrius Ne\v{c}i\={u}nas, Martynas Pata\v{s}ius and Rimantas
Barauskas, Calculating Dispersion Relations for Waveguide Immersed in
Perfect Fluid

Harijs Kalis, Maksims Marinaki, Uldis Strautins and Maija Zake, On
Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Field Effects in the
Combustion Process

End of Digest