NA Digest, V. 18, # 14

NA Digest Sunday, April 08, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Yvon Maday [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2018
Subject: Christine Bernardi

Our colleague Christine Bernardi died suddenly on the night of March
10, 2018. Director of research at CNRS within the Laboratoire
Jacques-Louis Lions where she had spent her entire career, since her
thesis with Pierre- Arnaud Raviart. She retired for health reasons a
year ago.

She collaborated with an incredible number of people; she was
recognized and appreciated worldwide for her seminal research on the
numerical analysis of partial differential equations.

We will always remember a colleague who was always available and very
involved in the life of the community. She carried out numerous
international initiatives, notably with Italy and the Maghreb (see
Christine's website). Her daily involvement, her scientific
initiatives and her constant good spirits have punctuated our daily
lives for over 35 years.

Her family has created a web page where you can leave a souvenir

From: Karen Devine [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2018
Subject: Joseph Flaherty (1943-2018)

Dr. Joseph Flaherty passed away on March 28, 2018. Joe studied at the
Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, where he earned degrees in
aerospace engineering and applied mechanics. In 1972, he joined the
faculty at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he remained until
his retirement in 2005. He was instrumental in the establishment of
RPI's Department of Computer Science and was its chairperson for seven
years. He achieved the rank of Amos Eaton Professor, an honor named
for the co-founder of RPI. He also served as the Dean of RPI's School
of Science. Joe's research focused on numerical analysis, adaptive
finite element methods, and high-performance computing. During his
tenure, he co-authored thirteen reference books, wrote countless
journal articles and papers, spoke at conferences around the world,
and served as a thesis advisor and mentor to numerous students and
doctoral candidates. He was a member of eight professional societies
and four honor societies. Memorial services will be held April 21,
9:30am, at The Chapel + Cultural Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic

From: Jichao Zhao [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2018
Subject: 2018 Atrial Segmentation Challenge

Segmentation of the 3D atrial chambers from MRIs provides vital
information for patient specific diagnostics and treatment. Nowadays,
gadolinium-based contrast agents are used in a third of all MRI scans
(GE-MRI) to improve the clarity of the images of a patient's internal
structures including the heart, by improving the visibility of often
disease associated structures, such as fibrosis.

Direct segmentation of the atrial chambers from GE-MRIs is very
challenging due to the attenuation of the contrast between normal
myocytes of the atrial tissue and background. Most existing structural
analysis studies, especially those that utilize GE-MRIs, have been
based on labour intensive, error/bias prone approaches. Hence, there
is a need for an intelligent algorithm that can perform fully
automatic atrial segmentation, particularly in the left atrium, to
accurately reconstruct and visualise its geometry for clinical usage.

The 2018 atrial segmentation challenge will provide the largest
dataset of such kind to participants: A total of 154 3D GE-MRIs for
training and testing. This challenge, in conjunction with 2018 STACOM
workshop and MICCAI conference (16-20 September 2018 in Granada,
Spain), will provide an open competition for wider communities to test
and validate their methods on image segmentation and further push the
state-of-the-art performance.

The atrial segmentation challenge will start on 4 April, 2018. For
detailed information including image data and prizes, please check the

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2018
Subject: IMA Early Career Mathematicians Conference, UK, Apr 2018

IMA Early Career Mathematicians' Spring Conference 2018
Saturday 21 April 2018, Durham University

Due to wintry weather, this conference had been deferred. Do you want
to get more involved with the IMA? Are you keen to rub shoulders with
your mathematical peers? Then come along to the Early Career
Mathematicians' Spring conference on Saturday 21 April 2018 at Durham
University. The conference will interest mathematicians early in their
career, be it in academia or industry, as well as students of
mathematics, and those with an interest in the subject. There will be
plenty of time to network; allowing you the opportunity to meet people
with similar interests and find out more about the wide range of
careers that are available.

Confirmed talks include:
- Teaching Mathematics in Schools, Dr Linda (Yuqian) Wang
- Cluster algebras, mutations and triangulated surfaces, Dr Anna Felikson

Confirmed workshops include:
- Knowing, understanding, and owning your traits, Nicholas Brusby
- CPD -- how to keep up with your maths for employment purposes, Dr
Christopher Baker
- Becoming Chartered - is it worth the effort? Dagmar Waller
- Time Management while doing a PhD, Maciej Matuszewski

Registration is open via:

Conference Webpage:

For further information to students, including the 'IMA eStudent'

From: Ken Jackson [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2018
Subject: Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day, Canada, May 2018

The 36th Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day (SONAD 2018)
will be held at the University of Toronto on Friday, 4 May 2018. The
invited speakers are:

- Rob Corless, Western University,
"Optimal Backward Error and the Leaky Bucket"

- Justin Wan, University of Waterloo,
"Multigrid Methods for Solving Cooperative, Non-cooperative
and Mean Field Games arising from Economics"

There will also be contributed short talks by graduate students,
post-docs and others in the local numerical analysis community.

There is no registration fee for this event, but we do ask you to
register through the webpage listed below by 1 May 2018, so that we
will know how much coffee, snacks etc to order.

More information about SONAD 2018 can be found through the webpage

or by contacting the organizers:

Christina Christara [email protected]
Wayne Enright [email protected]
Tom Fairgrieve [email protected]
Ken Jackson [email protected]

From: Jose E. Castillo [email protected]
Date: April 02, 2018
Subject: Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Cuba, Jun 2018

The IX PanAmerican Workshop in applied mathematics and computational
science will be held in Varadero, Cuba June 11-18 2018 The objective
of these workshops is to create cooperative research activities based
on international collaboration and to promote the development of
applied and computational mathematics in Latin America. To accomplish
these goals, we must bring together practicing applied mathematicians
and computational scientists in the Americas to exchange research
information, and create a forum for researchers to refine, enhance and
implement research activities. The purpose is to continue to center in
areas of applied and computational mathematics, such as, computational
fluid dynamics, numerical optimization, high-performance computing,
grid generation, computer algebra, and dynamical systems aimed to
evaluate data related to areas of environmental, social and economic
development in the

From: Skander Belhaj [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Reliability, Tunisia, Jul 2018

will held between JULY 4 and JULY 6, 2018 in DJERBA, TUNISIA

The Euro-Mediterranen Conferences on Mathematical Reliability (ECMR)
will serve as a forum for the presentation and discussion of
theoretical or applied research in reliability and risk
management. This series of conferences provides an invaluable
opportunity to bring together probabilistic or statistician colleagues
experts in Reliability of all around the Mediterranean sea. This would
help in particular those with limited financial support to attend the
conferences. Its objective is to promote research in mathematical
reliability. Propositions for invited sessions are welcomed.

Plenary Speakers:
Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Mac master Univ. Hamitton, Canada
Massimiliano Giorgio, Univ. of Naples, Italy
Fouladirad Mitra, Univ. of Technology of Troyes, France
Rezg Nidhal, Univ. of Lorraine, France

Conference Event Location:
Hotel Hasdrubal Djerba Prestige, 5*
Address : Sidi Mahrez, Djerba 4180, Tunisia

Key dates:
15 April 2018, Deadline for abstract and full paper submission
30 April 2018, Deadline for early bird registration
4-6 July 2018, ECMR 2018, Djerba, Tunisia

From: Rolf Stenberg [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2018
Subject: BIT Circus 2018, Finland, Aug 2018

The bi-annual BIT Circus (the Nordic descendant of the many U.S.
circus, fair and rodeos) will take place at Aalto University, Finland
August 20-22, 2018.

The circus motto is "everybody is welcome, nobody is invited", and the
main idea is that PhD students, Post-docs, and young researchers are
presenting their on-going work and exchanging ideas in their research.

The circus is free of charge, including accommodation for
Ph.D.-students and PostDoc's. Travel expenses are not
covered. However, advance registration is required so that we can
prepare the circus and the accommodation.

For more information, see BIT Circus 2018 web page, with the
registration form (dead-line May 31):

From: Osni Marques [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2018
Subject: VECPAR 2018, Brazil, Sep 2018

13th International Meeting on High-Performance Computing for
Computational Science (VECPAR 2018)
September 17-19, 2018
Sao Pedro - SP, Brazil

Deadline for paper submission: June 15th, 2018
Workshop proposal submission: May 15th, 2018

The International Meeting on High Performance Computing for
Computational Science (VECPAR) is a venue for presenting and
discussing the latest research and practices in high end computer
modelling of complex systems. VECPAR encourages submissions of
research contributions from academia, research laboratories and
industry to address pressing issues in computational science resulting
from applications of interest to society as well as hardware
innovations. VECPAR 18, the 13th edition of the VECPAR series of
conferences is organized by the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP),
Brazil, and by the Federal University of Sao Carlos (UFSCAR), Brazil.

Contributions are solicited in all areas of computational science and
engineering (CS&E), including (but not limited to) the following
topics: Large scale Simulations in CS&E; Parallel and Distributed
Computing; Parallel Algorithms; Numerical Algorithms on Multicore,
GPUs and Emerging Architectures; Symbolic algorithms on Multicore,
GPUs and Emerging Architectures; Support Tools and Environments;
Scheduling and Load Balancing; Performance Analysis, Evaluation and
Tuning; Parallel and high performance machine learning algorithms and

Submissions should be made through EasyChair at Papers should
not exceed 14 pages in length and should be formatted according to the
rules of the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), .

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: April 06, 2018
Subject: The Mathematical Challenges of Big Data, UK, Dec 2018

Monday 10th - Tuesday 11th December 2018
Double Tree by Hilton Hotel London - West End

Data-driven analysis is increasingly on the critical path for
performance advantage in many organisations, both public and
commercial. This raises continuous challenges for rigorous analysis
to derive reliable insights from data at very large scale, often with
potential artefacts and sampling bias, adding to change
variation. This conference brings together researchers and
practitioners to signpost developments in the state-of-the-art and
find common ground where theory and practice meet to maximise impact
in the digital economy. It is a forum for networking and to showcase
the very latest research in a broad range of topics. Each session
will feature an invited talk by an expert speaker.

Topics of interest: Mathematical challenges arising from Big Data;
Mathematical Innovation in Data Science; Multidisciplinary
applications of Big Data; Data assimilation and inverse problems from
novel sensors; Applications of block-chain including cryptocurrencies;
Persistent homology; Optimal and dynamic sampling; Stream data
management; Uncertainty modelling & generalisation error bounds;
Network analysis & web mining methods; Trend tracking & novelty
detection; Dynamic segmentation & clustering; Deep learning; Transfer
learning; Context awareness; Multimodal data linkage; Integration of
multi-scale models; Mining of unstructured, spatio-temporal &
multimedia data; IoT and large sensor networks; Predictive analytics
and recommender systems; Real-time forecasting; Access on-demand in
distributed databases; Privacy protecting data mining; Homomorphic
encryption; Data integrity & provenance methods; Visualization
methods; Mathematics underpinning large-scale use cases.

Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300-500 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. We welcome abstracts to be
submitted by Friday 29 September 2018 via
Please indicate whether your title is intended for oral or poster
presentation. Note: If you are an IMA Member or you have previously
registered for an IMA conference, then you are already on our
database. Please "request a new password" using the email address
previously used, to log in.

For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:

From: Jakub Kurzak [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2018
Subject: Full Time Position, High Performance Computing

The Innovative Computing Laboratory (ICL, at
the University of Tennessee is looking for bright, motivated people to
join our leading edge research team. The primary duties of this
position are: to participate in the design, development and
maintenance of numerical software libraries for solving linear algebra
problems on large distributed memory machines with multicore
processors and hardware accelerators; to help write research papers
documenting research findings; to present the team's work at
conferences; and to help lead students and research team in their
research endeavors as related to ongoing and future projects. Given
the nature of the work, there will be opportunities for publication,
travel, and high profile professional networking in academia, labs,
and industry.

Joining this team will offer qualified candidates exciting career
opportunities, such as participation in the Exascale Computing
Projects (ECP) by the U.S. Department of Energy, such as SLATE
(, PEEKS (, xSDK
(, and others.

We encourage both fresh PhD graduates, as well as seasoned HPC
veterans to apply. For more information, check out the job offer at (section "Research
Position in Numerical Linear Algebra"). For consideration, send CV and
contact information for three references to Tracy Rafferty at
[email protected].

From: erika hausenblas [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2018
Subject: Lecturer Position, Mathematics and Information Technology

A senior lecturer position is available at the department of
mathematics and information technology at the Montanuniversitaet
Leoben, Austria. The position is mainly for teaching in Numerical
Analysis and related topics. One should have a PhD in
mathematics. Further details about this position are available at

For informal enquiries please contact [email protected].

From: Georg Stadler [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Comp Inverse Problems, NYU Courant

There is an opening for a 2-year postdoctoral position at the Courant
Institute in New York. The research focus in on the development of
methods for inverse problems governed by PDEs, and for uncertainty
quantification. The main application target are inverse problems in
the geosciences, in particular in glaciology and earth science
modeling. Successful applicants have experience in at least two of
the following areas: Bayesian inverse problems; PDE discretization and
solvers; PDE- constrained optimization; data assimilation;
high-performance computing. Since this is a collaborative and
interdisciplinary project, good written and verbal communication
skills are required. The position starts in fall 2018. Applications
received by April 15 will receive full consideration. More information
and how to apply can be found here:

From: Dennis Adelhütte [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2018
Subject: Research Positions, Mixed-integer Non-linear Optimisation

The MINOA (Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation: Algorithms and
Applications) consortium is seeking highly motivated and qualified
Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs) that are looking for obtaining a PhD
degree in applied mathematics, operations research, and computer

Once recruited, you will study relevant applications in areas such as
energy, logistics, engineering, analytics, and natural sciences. You
will be trained through an innovative training programme based on
individual research projects motivated by these applications. As
special challenges, you will work on dynamic aspects and optimisation
in real time, optimisation under uncertainty, multilevel optimisation
or on non-commutativity in quantum computing.

More information can be found here:

From: Fred Roosta [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, ML, Stats and Applied Math, Univ of Queensland and Boeing

The university of Queensland in partnership with Boeing seeks
applications from qualified students for a fully-funded PhD position
working at the interface of machine learning, computational
statistics, and applied mathematics. The end-goal is to develop
methods for validation of outputs from aviation ecosystem simulations.

For further information and details, please see:

Application deadline is 30 April 2018.

From: Nicola Guglielmi [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Gran Sasso Science Institute

The Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), based in l'Aquila, Italy,
offers 8 post-graduate training to obtain Ph.D degrees in Applied

The PhD programs last four years. The Academic Year will start on
November 1st 2018.

GSSI awards scholarships until the thesis dissertation and for a
maximum of four years.

The yearly amount of the scholarship is of 16.159,91 Euro gross. An
additional 50% on monthly basis may be awarded for research period
aboard if approved by the GSSI.

Official language of the PhD Programs: English.

Facilities and benefits
- all PhD students will have free accommodation at the GSSI guest
house and, starting from the second year, another accommodation or a
financial substitute of 350,00 Euros gross/month (to obtain the
contribution, the students would have to present a rental agreement
in L'Aquila);
- all PhD students will have free luncheon vouchers (1 per day,
working days, except school closures, missions, other situations
contemplated by the GSSI rules);
- all PhD students will have tuition fees waived;
- all PhD students will be covered by insurance against any accident
and/or injury that may occur while carrying out their PhD activities

For details see the webpage

From: Prof. Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2018
Subject: Contents, Intl J of Mathematics and Computer Science, 13 (2)

Contents, Vol. 13, no, 2, International Journal of Mathematics and
Computer Science:

1) Vagner Jikia, Ilia Lomidze, New properties of Special Functions and

2) Umer Shuaib, Muhammad Shaheryar, Waseem Asghar, On Some
Characterizations of o-fuzzy subgroups.

3) Armend Salihu, A modern modification of Gjonbalaj-Salihu cornice
determinant, transformation to semi-diagonal determinant.

4) Warud Nakkhasen, Bundit Pibaljommee, Intuitionistic Fuzzy
k-\Gamma-Hyperideals of \Gamma-Semihyperrings.

5) S. M. Abrarov, B. M. Quine, Efficient computation of pi by the
Newton--Raphson iteration and a two-term Machin-like formula.

6) Uzoamaka A. Ezeafulukwe, Maslina Darus, Olubunmi Abidemi Fadipe-
Joseph, On Analytic Properties of a Sigmoid.

7) John Patrick Fulgencio Solano, Sudaporn Suebsung, Ronnason Chinram,
On ideals of fuzzy points n-ary semigroups.

8) Rabah Kellil, Sum and product of Fuzzy ideals of a ring.

9) Garima Sharma, Amit B. Singh, Strongly r-Clean Rings.

10) Andreas Boukas, Picard Approximation of the Matrix Elements of
Quantum Stochastic Differential Equations and Quantum Flows and Basic
Error Estimates.

11) Emel Bicer, Cemil Tunc, New Theorems for Hyers-Ulam Stability of
Lienard Equation with Variable Time Lags.

From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: April 08, 2018
Subject: Contents, J Computational Analysis and Applications, 26 (1)


An application of Binomial distribution series on certain analytic
functions, Waqas Nazeer, Qaisar Mehmood, Shin Min Kang, and Absar Ul

Soft rough approximation operators via ideal, Heba.I. Mustafa

Stability of C*-ternary quadratic 3-homomorphisms, Hossein Piri, S. H.
Aslani, V. Keshavarz, Choonkil Park, and Sun Young Jang

Stability of functional equations in Serstnev probabilistic normed
spaces, Choonkil Park, V. Arasu, and M. Angayarkanni

New subclass of analytic functions in conic domains associated with q
- Salagean differential operator involving complex order, R. Vijaya,
T. V. Sudharsan, M. Govindaraj, and S. Sivasubramanian

Fourier series of sums of products of ordered Bell and Genocchi
Functions, Taekyun Kim, Dae San Kim, Lee Chae Jang, and D. V. Dolgy

Two transformation formulas on the bilateral basic hypergeometric
series, Qing Zou

The p-moment exponential estimates for neutral stochastic functional
differential equations in the G-framework, Faiz Faizullah, A.A. Memom,
M.A. Rana, and M. Hanif

Generalized contractions with triangular \alpha-orbital admissible
mappings with respect to \eta on partial rectangular metric spaces,
Suparat Baiya and Anchalee Kaewcharoen

On stability problems of a functional equation deriving from a quintic
function, D. Kang and H. Koh

Comparisons of isolation numbers and semiring ranks of fuzzy matrices,
Seok-Zun Song and Young Bae Jun

Some properties of certain difference polynomials, Yong Liu, Yuqing
Zhang, and Xiaoguang Qi

Stability of ternary Jordan bi-derivations on C*-ternary algebras for
bi- Jensen functional equation, Sedigheh Jahedi, Vahid Keshavarz,
Choonkil Park, and Sungsik Yun

A nonmonotone smoothing Newton algorithm for circular cone
complementarity problems, Xiaoni Chi, Hongjin Wei, Zhongping Wan, and
Zhibin Zhu

Duality in nondifferentiable multiobjective fractional programming
problems involving second order (F, b, \phi, \rho, \theta) - univex
functions, Meraj Ali Khan, Amira A. Ishan, and Falleh R. Al-Solamy

Coupled coincidence point theorems and cone b-metric spaces over
Banach algebras, Young-Oh Yang and Hong Joon Choi

End of Digest