NA Digest, V. 18, # 12
NA Digest Sunday, March 25, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 12
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- A linear algebra query
- Design Optimisation, UK, Apr 2018
- Extended Deadline, NonLinear 2018, Spain, Jun 2018
- Domain Decomposition Methods, Canada, Jul 2018
- Call for Abstracts, SCAN2018, Japan, Sep 2018
- Postdoc Position, High order discretization, multilevel methods, performance portability
- Postdoc Position, SISSA mathLab, Trieste
- Postdoc Positions, Optimization, Argonne
- Assistantship Position, Maddocks Group, EPFL
- PhD Position, Computational Imaging, Univ of Edinburgh
- PhD Position, Limoges Univ, France
- Special Issue, Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discovery
- Special Issue, Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and Electrophysiology
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: John Pryce [email protected]
Date: March 19, 2018
Subject: A linear algebra query
Suppose in real n dimensional space you have a list of (column)
vectors q_1, ..., q_n that you know are orthonormal. How do you tell
in O(n^2) time whether it has positive or negative orientation?
Equivalently whether the orthogonal matrix Q that they form has
determinant +1 or -1?
From: Jens-Dominik Mueller [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2018
Subject: Design Optimisation, UK, Apr 2018
The Special Interest Group on Numerical Optimisation in Fluids under
the umbrella of the UK Fluids network is organising an introductory
training on
Design optimisation with metamodels and metaheuristics, structural
topology optimisation
Cambridge University, 16-17 April 2018
The lectures are presented by Prof Thompson (Leeds), Dr. Querin
(Leeds) and Prof Toropov (QMUL), the meeting his hosted by Prof.
Juniper (CAM).
This is an excellent training course to get your students up and
running with the basics of optimisation, in particular gradient-free
methods as well as structural optimisation with methods such as SIMP.
Registration will close once places are filled, at the latest on 9
April 2018. The cost for attendees is subsidised by the SIG.
The SIG is organising a second training on gradient-based
methods/adjoints in Glasgow preceding the Eccomas conference in June.
From: Julio Garralon Ruiz [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2018
Subject: Extended Deadline, NonLinear 2018, Spain, Jun 2018
International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics
When: 12th - 15th June, 2018
Where: Malaga (Spain)
New Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th April, 2018
New notice of acceptance: 10th May, 2018
Web page:
The 11th International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics
(NonLinear 2018) will provide an international forum for sharing
knowledge and results in theory and applications of different areas
related to nonlinear sciences. The fundamental topics are: Nonlinear
Science, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Chaos, Nonlinear
Waves and Solitons, Complex Systems, Computational Physics, Machine
Learning Algorithms, Complex Networks, evolutionary Computation and
Swarm Algorithms. And the areas of applications include, but are not
limited to: Physics, Chemistry, Ecology and Biology, Medicine and
Physiology; Mechanical Engineering; Communications Engineering;
Economics; Social Sciences; and other research areas related to
nonlinear science.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of their presentations through
the Conference Submission System
( in the
web page by April 15th, 2018, where
instructions and paper formatting guidelines can be found.
From: Ronald Haynes [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2018
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods, Canada, Jul 2018
The 25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD25) will be held at Memorial University, in St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada from July 23 to 27, 2018. The meeting will
discuss the latest results on domain decomposition methods, linear and
nonlinear solvers for PDEs etc. The conference will be proceeded by a
one day short course suitable for beginning graduate students, on
Sunday July 22, 2018. An opening reception will be held that evening
for all participants.
For speakers in accepted minisymposia, the minisymposium organizers
will be in touch to collect your abstracts. This is now our second
call for contributed talks at DD25. If you hope to give a talk in the
Contributed Talk session please send your name, institution, talk
title and abstract to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon
as possible. Deadline: April 15, 2018.
We are pleased to announce a poster session (and poster prize) during
the DD25 meeting. Please send an email to [email protected] with your name,
institution, poster title and abstract, if you are interested in
presenting a poster. Deadline: April 15, 2018.
The registration system for the meeting is now open, participants can
now register at the url The early
registration deadline is April 15, 2018 after which registration fees
will increase.
Information about accommodation choices, banquet and excursion is now
available on the conference website.
For more information, visit the conference website,, or email [email protected]
From: Shin'ichi Oishi [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2018
Subject: Call for Abstracts, SCAN2018, Japan, Sep 2018
Following is the call for abstracts of SCAN2018:
Please note that the deadline of extended abstract submission is April
24, 2018.
SCAN2018 @ Tokyo: Sep. 10-15, 2018
The 18th International Symposium on Scientific Computing,
Computer Arithmetic, and Verified Numerical Computations
SCAN2018 will be held to disseminate progress in the state-of-the-art
of verified numerical computations and its application to
computational engineering and science. This event is to bring
together outstanding researchers in the following areas to share their
expertise and experience.
Topics of interest (including but not limited to): Theory, algorithms
and arithmetic for verified numerical computations; Symbolic and
algebraic methods; Computer-assisted proofs; Hardware and software
support and programming tools for verified numerical computations;
Interval analysis and applications; Treatment of uncertainty;
Constraint programming; Verification in optimization and simulation;
Ordinary and partial differential equations; Supercomputing and
reliability; Industrial and scientific applications of verified
numerical computations; Reliability in computer graphics
All participants interested in presenting a contribution are asked to
submit a short abstract (1 to 2 pages in PDF-format) using the
provided LaTeX template. The deadline of the submission is April 24, 2018.
From: Jed Brown [email protected]
Date: March 24, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, High order discretization, multilevel methods, performance portability
CU Boulder Computer Science has an immediate opening for a
postdoctoral researcher in the development of robust and efficient
methods for high order/compatible PDE discretization and multilevel
solvers, including deployment in open source libraries. The project
is especially interested in strategies to provide performance
portability on emerging architectures and novel parallelization
techniques to improve time to solution in the strong scaling limit.
The methods will be applied in a variety of applications areas
including sustainable energy and geophysics.
Successful applicants will have experience with PDE
discretization,scalable algebraic solvers, and high-performance
computing, with an interest in developing high-quality community
software. Effective written and verbal communication skills will be
needed to collaborate effectively with a distributed
inter-disciplinary team and to disseminate results via publications
and presentations.
Applications received by April 10 will receive full consideration and
the position will remain open until filled. Apply here:
From: Luca Heltai [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, SISSA mathLab, Trieste
A one year postdoctoral position is available at SISSA @ mathLab,
starting from May 1, 2018 (see for the
application procedure and the position details)
Fields of the research activity:
- Numerical modeling and simulation of nanometric electronic devices
- Modeling the electrical properties of materials, including
structural defects and interfaces, providing a link between
ab-initio simulation software and the traditional Technology-CAD
software used in the semiconductor industry.
- 3D Finite Element simulations of the potential and temperature
fields in the device and of the charge continuity and
drift-diffusion equations using the deal.II (
The candidate will work closely with the MDLSOFT company
( Candidates are required to have at least
two confidential letters of reference sent to the address
[email protected], before the deadline (13th of April
2018). Requisites for the admission to the selection procedure:
University degree: Master's degree in Mathematical Engineering,
Physics Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering
(Aerospace, Mechanics, Nuclear, Energetics, or equivalent), Civil
Engineering, Mathematics, Physics. Proven experience in: Mathematical
modeling, numerical analysis, and simulation for complex systems
governed by PDEs - advanced C++ programming skills - knowledge / use
of development platforms in Windows and Linux for scientific
computing. Preferential Title: PhD in Mathematical Engineering,
Electronic Engineering, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Industrial
Engineering, Numerical Analysis, Computational Science and
Engineering. Excellent knowledge of high-level programming languages,
such as C / C ++ / Python; Use of advanced software libraries for
Scientific Computing; Finite element discretization techniques.
From: Sven Leyffer [email protected]
Date: March 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Optimization, Argonne
The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National
Laboratory seeks two postdoctoral fellows in numerical
optimization. The first candidate will develop and implement
algorithms at the intersection of optimization, statistics, and
quantum computing. While the other candidate will develop and
implement new algorithms for derivative-free, mixed- integer
nonlinear, and robust optimization.
For more information, and to apply, go to and enter
the requisition numbers, 403158 and 403992, or follow the links below: for 403158 for 403992
From: John Maddocks [email protected]
Date: March 22, 2018
Subject: Assistantship Position, Maddocks Group, EPFL
A position is available to work on a combined analytical, numerical
and experimental study of uniform elastic rods in two contexts:
1) the characterisation of helical equilibria, including stability
properties, in both the cases of self-avoiding and self-contacting
2) the equilibria of knots in the presence of friction.
The first project will be carried out in collaboration with the group
of Prof J. Kolinski ( and the second in collaboration
with the group of Prof Pedro Reis (fleXLab: Flexible Structures
Preferences will be given to applications at the postdoctoral level,
although doctoral level applications will also be considered. Review
of applications will start April 15 and will continue until the post
is filled. The position is available immediately, with the desired
starting date being as soon as practicable, with December 2018 being
the latest possible start date.
The application procedure and further information is described at
From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: March 21, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Imaging, Univ of Edinburgh
Applications are invited for a postgraduate research position leading
to a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at the Institute for Digital
Communications within the School of Engineering at the University of
Edinburgh. The position is fully funded for UK and EU applicants, who
have a background in computer science, applied maths or engineering.
Description: Chemical Species Tomography (CST) is a diagnostic
modality for gases and other optically transparent fluids, based on
measurements and models of spectroscopic absorption and laser
attenuation. Although still in its early stages of development, CST is
considered as an effective solution for imaging in-situ the
concentration of chemical species such as pollutants in the exhaust
plumes of gas turbines, aviation engines and power generators. Its
application in the aerospace sector is motivated by the need to
provide combustion diagnostics for jet engines in order to prevent
malfunction and failure. At the same time, CST provides an adjunct
tool for assessing the performance and environmental footprint of
alternative, cleaner aviation fuels. The focus of the project is to
investigate the properties of the inverse problem and develop image
reconstruction algorithms that are better equipped to deal with
fitting model parameters with a relatively few data. Extensions to
this work are also applicable in other application areas such as
spectral X-ray tomography from limited angle acquisitions.
The project will benefit from the collaboration with academics and
researchers within an existing network of collaborators from a number
of UK universities, as well as national and international industrial
partners in the photonics, aviation and fuels sectors.
Please send your CV along with a cover letter to
[email protected] or [email protected] .
For more information, please contact me at the above addresses or
Deadline: 15th April 2018
From: Mariaux [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Limoges Univ, France
This PhD work, conducted in partnership with DGA (French Defense
Agency) and Safran group, deals with the study and development of an
innovative coating process aimed to produce thick and
mechanically-resilient finely-structured thermal barrier coatings and
dense environmental barrier coatings for aeronautic and land
turbines. The objective of the study consists in studying and
optimizing the geometry and operating parameters of the process by
modeling and numerical simulation to assisting the design and
operation of the experimental device.
Application restriction: as the PhD thesis is co-funded by the French
Defense Agency, only National of European Union or Swiss can apply,
master degree and skills in modeling/numerical methods/applied
Key words: modeling, numerical simulation and methods, coating, plasma
process, vapor deposition, PVD, rarefied flow (DSMC, Monte-Carlo),
CFD, nucleation and growth.
Required skills: modeling/numerical methods/applied mathematics, good
physical feeling, curiosity and tenacity, C language programming.
Open: to Numerical modeling/applied mathematics master diploma
Application procedure: send by email a detailed CV and cover letter,
including references of people who can recommend you and copy of
master diploma to:
Gilles MARIAUX and Christophe CHAZELAS
[email protected], [email protected]
Tel : 33.(0)
Application deadline : 04/20/2018
From: Duc Nguyen [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2018
Subject: Special Issue, Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discovery
We are currently accepting submissions for our upcoming special issue
entitled “Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discoveryâ€,
which will be published in the journal, Computational and Mathematical
Biophysics (CMB). The purpose of this special issue is to provide a
medium for researchers from mathematical and biophysical sciences and
other related disciplines to report novel mathematical models,
analysis, computational algorithms, and biological applications to
explore the mechanism of drug and protein interaction, and drug’s
physical property and activity. As a recently established journal, CMB
( is the formal continuation of
Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, published by De Gruyter. The
mission of CMB is to publish the highest quality work that promotes
the development of theoretical formulations, mathematical models,
numerical algorithms, and computational techniques for elucidating
molecular mechanisms and for solving open problems at the forefront of
molecular bioscience and biophysics. The deadline for the submissions
is July 1, 2018, but individual papers will be reviewed and published
online as they arrive.
Important Dates:
Manuscript Due, July 1, 2018;
First round of reviews: August 15, 2018;
Anticipated publication date: December 1, 2018.
For more information, please refer to the web page:
or contact Duc Nguyen at: [email protected]
From: Shenggao Zhou [email protected]
Date: March 23, 2018
Subject: Special Issue, Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and Electrophysiology
A special issue on Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and
Electrophysiology will appear in the journal, Computational and
Mathematical Biophysics (CMB). The purpose of this special issue is to
provide a medium for researchers from mathematical and biophysical
sciences and other related disciplines to report recent advances and
challenges on biomolecular systems and electrophysiology.
The special issue will focus on molecular to subcelluar scale
biosciences including biochemistry, biophysics, and electrophysiology,
and the corresponding mathematical models, analysis, computational
algorithms, and biological applications. Please find more details on
the potential topics, submission, and important dates in the webpage:
We are looking forward to your submission. If you have any questions,
please contact Dr. Shenggao Zhou, Email: [email protected].
End of Digest