NA Digest, V. 18, # 11

NA Digest Sunday, March 18, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 11

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: W. E. Schiesser [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: New Books, Space Fractional PDEs

Two recent books on space fractional PDEs are available:

The routines discussed in these books are available from a download

From: Marta Betcke [email protected]
Date: March 15, 2018
Subject: Numerical Analysis and Regularization for Inverse Problems, UK, Apr 2018

We would like to bring to your attention the workshop on numerical
analysis and regularization for inverse problems, 26-27 April
2018. The workshop is a part of both the series of EPSRC Inverse
Problems Network Meetings and LMS Workshops on Inverse Problems, and
it is hosted by the Centre of Inverse Problems at UCL.

Erik Burman, UCL, United Kingdom
Maarten de Hoop, Rice University, United States
Romina Gaburro, University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland
Ivan Graham, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Nuutti Hyvönen, Aalto University, Finland
Paul Ledger, Swansea University, United Kingdom
Peter Maass, University of Bremen, Germany
Virginia Selgas, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

Registration is open via the website until the 19th of April. If you
wish to present a poster please email the title and abstract to
m.betcke[at] by 19th of April.

Limited number of travel bursaries are available for UK-based PhD
students presenting a poster.

For further details please refer to the workshop's website

From: Sébastien Le Digabel [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2018
Subject: Extended Deadline, Optimization Days, Canada, May 2018

Due to multiple requests, we decided to extend the deadline for
submitting an abstract to the Optimization Days:

You now have until Friday, March 30 to do it.

We encourage you to submit an abstract and to encourage your students
to do the same. The early bird deadline for registration is April
13th. Prices are very advantageous ($70 CAD for students, $285 CAD

- Miguel F. Anjos, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada;
- Gianpaolo Ghiani and Emanuela Guerriero, Università del Salento, Italy;
- Martine Labbé, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium;
- Nenad Mladenović, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Serbia;
- Stefan M. Wild, Argonne National Laboratory, USA;
- Laurence A. Wolsey, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

- Charles Audet, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada;
- Jacques Desrosiers, HEC Montréal, Canada;
- Roussos Dimitrakopoulos Université McGill, Canada;
- Nadia Lahrichi, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada;
- Denis Larocque, HEC Montréal, Canada.

From: Paola Boito [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2018
Subject: Structured Matrix Days, France, May 2018

We are pleased to announce the workshop
"Structured Matrix Days 2018"
which will be held at ENS Lyon (France) on 14-15 May, 2018.

The study of structured matrices is an interdisciplinary field that
places itself at a crossroads between symbolic computation, numerical
linear algebra, and more generally all applications that involve
structured problems.

The workshop will provide an opportunity for researchers from several
fields to present their results, exchange ideas, develop and improve

Invited speakers :
- Stefano Massei (École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne)
- José Henrique de Morais Goulart (GIPSA-lab, CNRS, Grenoble)
- Bernard Mourrain (Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
- Françoise Tisseur (University of Manchester)
- Lloyd N. Trefethen (University of Oxford and LIP - ENS de Lyon)

Important dates:
- April 6: submission of abstracts for contributed talks,
- April 13: notification of acceptance,
- April 20: registration deadline.

From: Gabriel R. Barrenechea [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2018
Subject: Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL), UK, Jun 2018

The forthcoming BAIL conference, to be held in Glasgow during June
18-22, 2018, is approaching fast. This is to announce that the
deadlines for abstract and final registration have been extended as

- Abstract submission: April 15, 2018
- Abstract acceptance notification: April 30, 2018
- Final registration deadline: May 15, 2018

We also want to mention that the proceedings of the conference will be
published, after a standard refereeing process, as a volume in the
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering series
published by Springer Verlag.

More details about the conference and practical information can be
found in the webpage:

From: Karl Rupp [email protected]
Date: March 17, 2018
Subject: PETSc User Meeting, UK, Jun 2018

The PETSc User Meeting 2018 will be held at the Imperial College
London, UK, on June 4-6, 2018.

The first day consists of tutorials on various aspects and features of
PETSc. The second and third day are devoted to exchange, discussions,
and a refinement of strategies for the future with our users. We
encourage you to present work illustrating your own use of PETSc, for
example in applications or in libraries built on top of PETSc.

Abstract submissions for posters and oral presentations are due on
March 25. Early registration deadline is on April 11. We are looking
forward to meeting you in London!

Website with full information:

From: Peter Arbenz [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2018
Subject: Parallel Matrix Algorithms & Applications, Switzerland, Jun 2018

This international workshop aims to be a forum for exchanging ideas,
insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing in
which matrix algorithms play a key role. The Workshop will bring
together experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines with a
common interest in matrix computation. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:

- Parallel methods for solving large sparse or dense linear systems of
equations and eigenvalue problem
- Parallel environments and tools for enabling matrix applications.
- Large scale applications from any field that have an emphasis on parallel
matrix computation
- Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU, MIC, etc.)
- Hybrid approaches to parallel programming
- Automatic tuning and performance modeling
- Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Invited speakers: Chao Yang (Berkeley), Inderjit Dhillon (Austin),
Frederic Nataf (Paris), Edgar Solomonik (Urbana-Champaign).

Important dates:
- extended to April 8, 2018: Submission of Minisymposium proposals by
e-mail to [email protected]
- extended to April 15, 2018: Submission of abstracts for MS and
contributed talks

There will be a special issue of Parallel Computing dedicated to
PMAA'18. For more information see

From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2018
Subject: Extended Deadline, EURO 2018, Spain, Jul 2018

A Gentle Reminder - Please do not miss your chance!
Extended Deadline approaching: March 19 (Monday)

EURO 2018 ( - Our Festival on
Operational Research, Excellence and Friendship

ABSTRACTS and BIOS of our Plenary and Keynote Speakers: please see

Abstract submission system:
Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; extended deadline: March 19, 2018.

Registration: online via

From: Elise DE DONCKER [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2018
Subject: Large Scale Computational Physics, Jul 2018

This is an invitation for contributions for the Workshop on Large
Scale Computational Physics (LSCP), to be held with ICCSA 2018, July
2-5, 2018 in Melbourne, Australia,

LSCP focuses on symbolic and numerical methods and simulations,
algorithms and tools (software and hardware) for developing and
running large-scale computations in physical sciences. Special
attention goes to parallelism, scalability, high numerical precision,
and green computing for computational physics. System architectures
are also of interest as long as they support physics related
calculations, such as: massively parallel systems, GPUs,
many-integrated-cores, distributed (cluster, grid/cloud) computing,
and hybrid systems. Topics are chosen from areas including:
theoretical physics, plasma physics, condensed matter physics,
chemical physics, molecular dynamics, bio-physical system modeling,
material science/engineering, nanotechnology, fluid dynamics, complex
and turbulent systems, climate modeling.

Themes: Parallelism/Scalability, High numerical precision, Green

Paper submission:
Deadline: April 2, 2018
Format: 10-16 pages in LNCS format, see the ICCSA Conference
Instructions-for-authors and LNCS format for detailed information.

From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2018
Subject: Summer School, Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra, Russia/Italy, Aug-Sep 2018

The 2018 edition of the Rome-Moscow summer school of Matrix Methods
and Applied Linear Algebra will be held during the period 25 August
2018 - 23 September 2018

As for the previous editions it consists of two parts:

August 25 - September 8 (2018), Institute of Numerical Mathematics - RAS
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

September 9 - 23 (2018), Department of Mathematics
University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

The school is open to advanced undergraduate, master's and PhD
students. A preliminary list of courses is:
- Iterative Methods and Preconditioning for Large and Sparse Linear
Systems with Applications,
- Modern numerical methods of convex and non convex optimization,
- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices: theory and computation
- Extrapolation methods and their applications

Application Deadline: April 16, 2018

To apply for the school and for any further information please visit
the school's website: (2018

From: Fathalla A. Rihan [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2018
Subject: Delay Differential Equations, UAE, Oct 2018

The department of mathematical sciences, UAE University, is organizing
a focused workshop on “Delay Differential Equations: Theory,
Applications and New Trends” (DDEs-TANTs 18), from 3—4 October 2018,
UAE University.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the new developments in the
field of delay differential equations and their applications. So, we
cordially invite you, as an expertise in this filed, to participate in
this workshop. If you are interested in this occasion, please send the
title of the talk as well as the abstract to [email protected].

Professor G. Bocharov and Professor Y. Kuang are the keynote speakers
in this workshop.

The registration is free.

Important dates:
August 15, 2018, 5:00 pm : Deadline of abstract submissions
September 1, 2018: Notifications
October 3—4, 2018 : Workshop days

For more information, please visit the website

From: Suzanne Shontz [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: International Meshing Roundtable, USA, Oct 2018

Call for Papers to 2018 International Meshing Roundtable

The 27th International Meshing Roundtable (
will be held October 1-5, 2018 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A. We
solicit technical papers that present original meshing results. List
of conference topics:

Important dates:
May 30 - - Full paper submission deadline
Jul 20 - Initial acceptance notification for papers sent to authors.
Jul 30 - Modification for "accepted with revisions" papers are due
Aug 1 - Final acceptance for "accepted with revisions” papers
Sept 10 - Final camera ready full paper due
Oct 1-5 - Conference

Papers should contain significant technical content. Simultaneous
submission to other publications or conferences is not permitted.
Selected papers to be published in a special peer-reviewed edition of

Submission details can be found at:

From: Kamil Bradler [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: Full-time Position, Linear Algebra/Discrete Mathematics, Xanadu Inc

Summary of Position and Responsibilities
The main responsibility of the candidate will be to develop and extend
quantum algorithms for XANADU’s quantum computational platform. This
includes a study of linear interferometers, the analytical properties
of quadratic and higher-order Hamiltonians using the methods of
symplectic geometry and the related matrix functions with a strong
emphasis on applications in discrete combinatorial optimization and
universal quantum computation.

Qualification and Experience
- PhD in Mathematics or Computer Science
- Demonstrated track-record of excellence in research

Required Knowledge and Skills

- Demonstrated expertise in matrix/linear algebra and discrete
mathematics (graph theory) and combinatorics
- Expertise in group theory, both continuous and discrete, is
welcome as well as symplectic geometry and representation theory
- Expertise in complexity theory or machine learning/probabilistic
graphical models would be considered an asset
- Background in quantum mechanics and quantum information theory
would be considered an asset but is not required
- Self-motivated with a willingness to learn
- Comfortable working in a fast-paced environment

For more information about the company, please check our website:

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email your attached
CV together with a representative article or preprint to Kamil Brádler
([email protected]) and with the headline “Interest in Xanadu –

From: Nick Higham [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: Numerical Software Developer Position, NAG and Univ of Manchester

KTP Associate (with NAG Ltd.)
School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK.
Reference: S&E-11631

Applications are invited by April 9, 2018 for the above 3-year post,
which aims to incorporate new numerical linear algebra routines into
NAG software in order to exploit emerging computer architectures. This
is a collaborative project between the School of Mathematics at The
University of Manchester and NAG.

Salary is GBP 31,604 to GBP 38,833 per annum.

Informal enquiries to [email protected]

Further particulars can be downloaded from

From: Clemens Heitzinger [email protected]
Date: March 14, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Large-Scale Scientific Computing, TU Wien

Open Position at TU WIEN -- Institute for Analysis and Scientific
Computing, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Large-Scale Scientific

Deadline: April 13, 2018

The full description of the position can be found at .

Possible focus areas are hyperbolic problems, fluid mechanics,
optimization, and uncertainty quantification.

Documents: the usual documents (CV and degree certificates) as well as
a research statement (past and planned research). Furthermore, a
description of concrete areas of possible cooperations with institutes
in other departments at TU Wien is requested. The five most important
publications should be marked in the CV and included in the

Online applications should be sent to
mailto:[email protected] .

From: Christian Gerhards [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Geomathematics/Geoinformatics, TU Freiberg

Postdoctoral Position: Geomathematics/Geoinformatics (3+3years) TU
Freiberg, Department of Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining,

We are looking for a Research and Teaching Associate with sound
mathematical background and focus in at least one of the areas:
Geomodelling, Visualization and Imaging of Geodata, (Geo)scientific
Computing. Programming skills in Matlab and a further common
programming language as well as experience with GIS software is
desirable. Good command of the English language; additionally, good
command of German, or the willingness to obtain such, is required for
the teaching part of the position.

The candidate shall have a strong interest in interdisciplinary
research at the intersection of mathematics and

The position will be at the new Geomathematics and Geoinformatics
Group. More details on the position can be found on
(Job-ID 52/E/2018 and 52/2018). For further information, contact
Dr. Christian Gerhards (from Oct. 1, 2018, Professor for
Geomathematics and Geoinformatics at TU Freiberg; currently at the
University of Vienna; e-Mail: [email protected]).
Application deadline is April 22, 2018, starting date should be no
later than October 1, 2018.

From: Hugo A. de la Cruz [email protected]
Date: March 16, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position,Applied Mathematics, FGV/EMAp, Brazil

The school of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), of the Getulio Vargas
Foundation (FGV) ( is hiring two postdoctoral
researchers in Applied Mathematics. We invite potential candidates to
apply for a two-year post-doctorate position (possibly renewable for
one year) with a monthly fellowship of BRL 10.000,00. The positions
are intended for young researchers working on Applied and/or
Computational Mathematics.

Candidates must have completed their doctoral degree after March 31,
2014 or are about to complete it. A PhD degree is required by the
starting date of the contract.

Applications should be sent to the email: [email protected] until July 15th,
2018; including: research plan, publication list, curriculum vitae
(containing, at least, birth date, institution and date of doctoral
degree, thesis title and advisor’s name) Candidates must indicate at
least 3 names and e-mails from renowned researchers to send letters of

The postdoctoral researchers are expected to focus on scientific
research, but also to participate in teaching.

The decision will be announced on August 15, 2018.

The selected candidates should start their activities at EMAp between
September 2018 and March 2019.

Further inquiries should be addressed to [email protected]

From: Guowei Wei [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Numerical PDE/Mathbio/Data Science, Michigan State Univ

One or two postdoc positions are available in one of following fields:
-Mathematical biology
-Topological data analysis
-Numerical PDEs
-Machine learning/deep learning

The ideal candidate will hold a Ph.D. degree in computational
mathematics, or computer science, or computational biophysics, or
bioinformatics, have extensive experience in code development and have
demonstrated the potential for excellence in research. Applications
consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and descriptions
of research plans and teaching experience should be submitted via (Michigan State University). In addition,
candidates should arrange for at least three letters of
recommendations, which may be submitted on the same website. To
receive full consideration the complete application must be received
by April 20, 2018, but applications will be accepted until the
position is filled. Please send an email to [email protected] to
acknowledge your application.

From: Martin Schmidt [email protected]
Date: March 13, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

The Chair of Economics, Discrete Optimization and Mathematics of the
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg invites applications
for a PhD position in optimization to be filled for a period of three
years. The successful applicant will work in a research project in the
area of energy network optimization.

We seek open-minded and team-spirited PhD candidates that should have
completed their studies at master level in a program with a strong
mathematical background in optimization. The applicants should have
very good programming skills and the willingness to apply mathematical
research results to real-world problems.

Please send your complete application documents (motivation letter,
CV, certificates, and a list of MSc courses with grades) as one PDF to
[email protected].

The deadline for applications is April 15, 2018.

From: Matteo Giacomini [email protected]
Date: March 18, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, Scientific Comp and Comp Mechanics, UPC-BarcelonaTech

Several PhD positions are available within the Laboratori de CÃ lcul
Numeric (LaCÃ N) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya -
BarcelonaTech. The projects belong to the line of investigation on
high-fidelity numerical methods and reduced order models for complex
industrial problems. They are funded within the framework of the
Spanish national project CrediblE "Data assimilation for credible
Engineering simulations" and the H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN
ProTechTion "Industrial decision- making on complex Production
Technologies supported by simulaTion- based engineering". Fields of
application include computational fluid dynamics, nonlinear mechanics,
electromagnetism and inverse problems in computational geoscience.
The prospective PhD students will integrate a very active research
group of experts in numerical methods and computational mechanics. The
supervisory team will include Prof. A. Huerta, Prof. P. Díez,
Dr. S. Zlotnik, Dr. A. García-González and Dr. M. Giacomini.

Prerequisites: knowledge of numerical approximation of PDEs and finite
element method; good programming skills (Matlab and/or Fortran); hard-
working and enthusiastic attitude; commitment to develop high-quality

Starting date is flexible during 2018.

Applications should include CV, cover letter and the contact
information of at least two references. Deadline for applications is
April 30th, 2018. Evaluation of applications will begin May 2nd, 2018
although the positions will remain open until suitable candidates are
identified. For inquiries and applications, please refer to
Dr. M. Giacomini ([email protected]).

From: Lars Eldén [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58 (1)

Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics

A posteriori error estimates for the one and one-half Dimensional
Relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell system, Mohammad Asadzadeh and Christoffer

Multivariate polynomial interpolation using even and odd polynomials,
J. M. Carnicer and C. Godes

Evaluation schemes in the ring of quaternionic polynomials, M. Irene
Falcao, Fernando Miranda, Ricardo Severino and M. Joana Soares

A splitting method for the augmented Burgers equation, Liviu I. Ignat
and Alejandro Pozo

Adaptive semi-discrete formulation of BSQI–WENO scheme for the
modified Burgers’ equation, Rakesh Kumar

On restarting the tensor infinite Arnoldi method, Giampaolo Mele and
Elias Jarlebring

Explicit pseudo-symplectic methods for stochastic Hamiltonian systems,
Xinyan Niu, Jianbo Cui, Jialin Hong and Zhihui Liu

Anti-Gaussian quadrature formulae based on the zeros of Stieltjes
polynomials, Sotirios E. Notaris

Theoretical analysis of Sinc-collocation methods and Sinc-Nystrom
methods for systems of initial value problems, Tomoaki Okayama

Pointwise estimates of SDFEM on Shishkin triangular meshes for
problems with exponential layers, Jin Zhang and Xiaowei Liu

Correction to: Multilevel Monte Carlo front-tracking for random scalar
conservation laws, Nils Henrik Risebro, Christoph Schwab and Franziska

From: Edward B. Saff [email protected]
Date: March 12, 2018
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 47 (2)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 47, Issue 2, April 2018

Bergman Orthogonal Polynomials and the Grunsky Matrix,
Bernhard Beckermann, Nikos Stylianopoulos

Subdivision and Spline Spaces, Hal Schenck, Tatyana Sorokina

Distributed Kernel-Based Gradient Descent Algorithms, Shao-Bo Lin,
Ding-Xuan Zhou

Regularity of Gaussian Processes on Dirichlet Spaces, Gerard
Kerkyacharian, Shigeyoshi Ogawa, Pencho Petrushev, Dominique Picard

Approximation by Proper Holomorphic Maps and Tropical Power Series,
Evgeny Abakumov, Evgueni Doubtsov

Extremal Signatures, Friedrich Littmann, Mark Spanier

Metric Entropy of Classes of Sets with Positive Reach, James
Cockreham, Fuchang Gao

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

End of Digest