NA Digest, V. 18, # 10

NA Digest Sunday, March 11, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 10

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Guang Lin [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2018
Subject: Data Science & UQ, USA, Mar 2018

Purdue CCAM (Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics) is
hosting a Workshop on Current Trends and Challenges in Data Science
and Uncertainty Quantification on Saturday, Mar 31, 2018.

The location is:
LAWSON 1142, Department of Computer Science
305 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907
(Parking lot across street during the weekend.)

The purpose of the workshop is to discuss and exchange ideas on topics
related to data science, uncertainty quantification, structured
methods for advanced machine learning algorithms, big data analysis,
model reduction and high-performance data analysis, related
applications, and other relevant subjects. The organizers are Jie Shen
and Guang Lin.

We kindly invite you to participate in this workshop. The registration
is free.

From: Damon McDougall [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2018
Subject: Scientific Software Days, USA, Apr 2018

Registration is open for the 9th Annual Scientific Software Days
conference. Register here:

The 9th Annual Scientific Software Days Conference (SSD) targets users
and developers of scientific software. The conference will be held at
the University of Texas at Austin Thursday Apr 26 - Friday Apr 27,
2018 and focuses on two themes:
a) sharing best practices across scientific software communities;
b) sharing the latest tools and technology relevant to scientific

This year's list of speakers include: Ritu Arora (Texas Advanced
Computing Center); Tobin Isaac (Georgia Tech); Doaa Altarawy (Virginia
Tech); Alicia Klinvex (Naval Nuclear Laboratory); Sergey Fomel (UT
Austin); Lindley Graham (Amazon Web Services); Dan Katz (University of
Illinois); Robert McLay (Texas Advanced Computing Center)

In addition, we solicit poster submissions that share novel uses of
scientific software. Please send an abstract of less than 250 words
to [email protected]. Limited travel support is
available for. The funding application is on the website.

Register online here:

From: Max Gunzburger [email protected]
Date: March 08, 2018
Subject: Summer School, Fractional and Other Nonlocal Models, Spain, May 2018

Summer School on Fractional and Other Nonlocal Models
Dates: May 28-31, 2018
Venue: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)
Alameda Mazarredo 14, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain

In many settings, differential equation models do not always provide
adequate fidelity to the continuum phenomena being modeled. This
occurs in diverse areas such as crack nucleation and propagation in
solids, charge transport in semiconductors, subsurface and polymer
flows, and animal migration in ecological systems, just to name a
few. A common feature in these and other settings is that interactions
can occur at a distance and not just in infinitesimal neighborhoods as
is the case for differential equation models. The summer school
focuses on the continuum modeling, analysis, simulation, and numerical
analysis of settings that feature such nonlocal interaction. Although
the universe of continuum nonlocal models is large, two approaches
have gained popularity due to their wide applicability. On one hand,
we have fractional derivative models that can be used to describe many
non-Fickian diffusion processes that are observed in practice. Both
spatial and temporal fractional derivative models are used for this
purpose. On the other hand, we find integral equation models that can
treat problems such as those in solid mechanics, which cannot be
modeled using fractional derivatives. These integral equation models
can be viewed as generalizations of fractional derivative models and
can be treated through the use of a nonlocal vector calculus. The
general aim of the school is for students to become familiar with
these two approaches. In both cases, the lectures cover models arising
in applications, the mathematical analysis of the models, algorithms
for obtaining approximate solutions, and the numerical analysis of
those algorithms. In addition, the close connection between some of
the models discussed and stochastic processes is also a subject of
interest. Participants who are already working on problems related to
the subject matter of the school can present a lecture about their own
research. Attendance to the Summer School is free of charge but
registration through our online system is required. Full-board
accommodation at a discounted price (short distance from the school
venue) is still available for participants.

For more detailed information about the workshop and in order to
register, please go to

From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2018
Subject: AMiTaNS'18, Bulgaria, Jun 2018

Tenth Jubilee Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for Promoting
the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences,
Albena, Bulgaria, June 20-25, 2018

The Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Tenth Jubilee Conference AMiTaNS'18 to be held in Albena, which is
one of the top level vacation resorts in the Northern Bulgarian Black
Sea coast.

The conference is organized in cooperation with Society for Industrial
and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special
sessions. If you are interested in attending AMiTaNS'18 please prepare
a short abstract within 300 words clearly stating the goal and
tools. The deadline for submissions of Application forms with
abstracts is March 31, 2018. Please follow the instructions on the
conference website (

It is our pleasure to invite to attend the jubilee issue of the
conference everybody, who took part in its previous nine issues and
who shears the ideas and realization of this initiative.

From: Jose E. Castillo [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2018
Subject: Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Cuba, Jun 2018

The IX PanAmerican Workshop in applied mathematics and computational
science will be held in Varadero, Cuba June 11-18 2018 The objective
of these workshops is to create cooperative research activities based
on international collaboration and to promote the development of
applied and computational mathematics in Latin America. To accomplish
these goals, we must bring together practicing applied mathematicians
and computational scientists in the Americas to exchange research
information, and create a forum for researchers to refine, enhance and
implement research activities. The purpose is to continue to center in
areas of applied and computational mathematics, such as, computational
fluid dynamics, numerical optimization, high-performance computing,
grid generation, computer algebra, and dynamical systems aimed to
evaluate data related to areas of environmental, social and economic
development in the

From: Peter Rashkov [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Bulgaria, Jun 2018

BIOMATH 2018: International Conference of Mathematical Methods and
Models in Biosciences and Young Scientists School,
June 24-29, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract submission deadline approaching: 31 March 2018

This annual event is devoted to recent research in life sciences based
on applications of mathematics as well as mathematics applied to or
motivated by biological studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting
forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and
computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of
biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering,
environmental science, etc.

More information on:

From: Dr. Niraj Kumar Shukla [email protected]
Date: March 09, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing, India, Jul 2018

I would like to inform you that we are organising an international
conference whose details are as follows:

Title: International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computing (ICMMSC-2018)

Duration: July 19-21, 2018

Venue: Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India

From: Alessandra De Rossi [email protected]
Date: March 11, 2018
Subject: Dolomites Research Week on Approximation (DRWA18), Italy, Sep 2018

Dolomites Research Week on Approximation (DRWA18)
Alba di Canazei (Trento, Italy), September 10-14, 2018

DRWA18 is organized by the Department of Mathematics of the
Universities of Padova and Torino and the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Verona. It aims to provide a meeting
point and a forum for researchers in approximation theory and its
applications, with the formula of open lectures + invited working
groups and a poster session (see also the previous editions DRWA07,

The workshop will be held in Alba di Canazei, Val di Fassa (Trento),
Italy. Venue: University of Verona, via de Sorapera, 25-27, 38030
Alba di Canazei (TN). Registration fee (to be paid cash onsite):
Regular 150 euros; BSc/MSc/PhD Students and Post-Docs 100 euros

Tutorial: Reduced Basis Methods, Bernard Haasdonk (Stuttgart)

Working groups:
- Approximation methods in medical imaging
- Approximations in seismology (starting on Sept. 7 morning)
- Meshless methods and applications
- Multivariate polynomial approximation and pluripotential theory

Poster Session

For any further information, email to
Stefano De Marchi: [email protected]
Marco Vianello: [email protected]


From: Giulia Giordano [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Complex Dynamical Networks, TU Delft

Postdoctoral position: Complex Dynamical Networks
Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), Delft University of
Technology, The Netherlands.

We are looking for a talented post-doctoral research fellow with
background and interest in System Theory, Automatic Control,
Optimisation; strong mathematical skills; a track record of
publications in high-quality journals and/or conferences; and an
excellent command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not
required). Expertise in either networked dynamical systems,
decentralised control or systems biology is highly appreciated.

The researcher will conduct fundamental theoretical and algorithmic
research on complex dynamical networks, with possible applications to
systems in both engineering and biology.

Applicants should have the following qualifications
- Ph.D. degree (or close to completion) in Systems and Control,
Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, or
a related field.
- Strong mathematical skills, along with ability and interest to work
at the intersection of several technical research domains, in
particular System Theory, Automatic Control, Optimisation.
- Good programming skills (e.g., in Matlab).
- Excellent command of the English language and communication skills.

For more information on the position and how to apply, please consult

From: Mourad Sini [email protected]
Date: March 07, 2018
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, RICAM, Linz

One PhD and one Postdoc positions are available, for 36 months each,
starting from September 1st 2018. These positions are supported by the
project ‘Mathematical Analysis of Imaging Modalities using
Nanoparticles as Contrast Agents’ funded by the Austrian Science Fund

PhD position. The candidate is required to have a Master degree, or an
equivalent one, in mathematical analysis or applied mathematics. The
application for this position includes: CV, Master degree, Master
thesis and names/emails of at least two persons who are willing to
write recommendation letters if needed.

Postdoc position. The candidate is required to have a PhD degree or an
equivalent one in topics related to the analysis of PDE’s and
applications. We are, in particular, seeking for candidates who are
familiar with integral equations or /and asymptotic analysis
methods. The application for this position includes: CV, PhD degree,
PhD thesis (or research articles if available), motivation letter and
names/emails of at least two persons who are willing to write
recommendation letters if needed.

The documents can be sent (in one pdf file) to Mourad Sini
([email protected]). The deadline for application is May 31st

The motivated candidates can feel free to contact Mourad Sini for any
information regarding these positions (as the detailed research
topics, duties and benefits of the positions, etc.). We offer a yearly
gross salary of EUR 29.573,60 within a 75% employment (30 hours per
week) for the PhD position and a yearly gross salary of EUR 51.955,40
within a 100% employment (40 hours per week) for the Postdoc position.

The selected candidates will be located at RICAM
(, Linz, Austria. The institute, which
is part of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, offers high standard
research and life conditions. The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an
equal opportunity employer.

From: Robert McLachlan [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2018
Subject: Contents, Data Processing and Automatic Computing Machines, 1957

The Proceedings of the Conference on Data Processing and Automatic
Computing Machines, vol I, Weapons Research Establishment,
Salisbury, South Australia, 1957, is online at A snapshot of scientific
computing 60 years ago. Papers by James Wilkinson, Maurice Wilkes,
Tom Cherry, Sandy Douglas and others. The Merson paper inspired
John Butcher to create the modern theory of Runge-Kutta methods.


W C J White, Introduction to the WRE data processing system

J A Ovenstone, The WREDAC system

T M Cherry and F Hirst, The Machine CSIRAC

J M Bennett and B E Swire, The SILLIAC

R G Smart, The UTECOM digital computer

T Pearcey, Data reduction in pure scientific research

A D Booth, Machine translation of languaes

F W Harwood, Linguistic applications of computing machinery

M V Wilkes, Some remarks on the numerical solution of ordinary
differential equations

J W Carr III, Generalised functional round-off error analysis

R H Merson, An operational method for the study of integration

J M Bennett, Continuant matrices in numerical analysis

J H Wilkinson, The calculation of the eigenvectors of codiagonal
matrices produced by the Givens and Lanczos processes

A Jones, Eigenvalues and vectors of a symmetric matrix using Jacobi's

A S Douglas, On the solution of parabolic partial differential
equations by difference methods

T M Cherry, Numerical solution of a problem in forced convection

B A Chartres, Monte Carlo calculation of the multiple scattering of

J C Butcher, On the numerical inversion of Laplace and Mellin

P J Claringbold, The automatic design and analysis of biological

A S Douglas, Computers and Crystallography

H C Freeman, 'SILLIAC' computer programs for X-ray crystal structure

C L Hamblin, An addressless coding scheme based on mathematical

G W Hill and J G Sanderson, Automatic computing

R G Smart, The DEUCE matrix interpretive scheme

I M Bassett, Interpretive programming

J M Bennett, J C Butcher, M Chapple, A new diagnostic routine block

From: Daniel Szyld [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2018
Subject: Contents, ETNA Special Volume Dedicated to Olof Widlund

The first of the papers in the special volume of the Electronic
Transactions on Numerical Analysis dedicated to Olof B Widlund on the
occasion of his 80th birthday (11 February 2018) has been posted
(together with the preface/dedication). See

As the papers continue to be accepted and go through production, they
will be posted throughout the year.

Happy Birthday Olof!

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2018
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 23 (1)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:

Volume 23, Issue 1

Mohammad Pirhaji, Maryam Zangiabadi, Hossein Mansouri and Saman
H. Amin, An Arc Search Interior-Point Algorithm for Monotone Linear
Complementarity, Problems over Symmetric Cones

Fanchao Kong, Zhiguo Luo and Hongjun Qiu, Solitary Wave and Periodic
Wave Solutions for a Class of Singular $p$-Laplacian Systems with
Impulsive Effects

Hui Zhu, Jing Niu, Ruimin Zhang and Yingzhen Lin, A New Approach for
Solving Nonlinear Singular Boundary Value Problems

Beibei Guo, Yu Xiao and Chiping Zhang, Graph-Theoretic Approach to
Exponential Stability of Delayed Coupled Systems on Networks under
Periodically Intermittent Control

A.S.V. Ravi Kanth and P. Murali Mohan Kumar, A Numerical Technique for
Solving Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations

Mar\'ia-Consuelo Casab\'an, Juan-Carlos Cort\'es and Lucas J\'odar,
Analytic-Numerical Solution of Random Parabolic Models: A Mean Square
Fourier Transform Approach

Wan Munirah Wan Mohamad, Tahir Ahmad, Niki Anis Ab Karim and Azmirul
Ashaari, Fuzzy Arithmetical Modeling of a Steam Turbine and a Boiler

Rafael Company, Vera N. Egorova, Lucas J\'{o}dar and Fazlollah
Soleymani, A Local Radial Basis Function Method for High-Dimensional
American Option Pricing Problems

Helmi Temimi and Mohamed Ben-Romdhane, Numerical Solution of
Falkner-Skan Equation by Iterative Transformation Method

Nesir Huseyin, Anar Huseyin Khalik Guseinov, Approximation of the Set
of Trajectories of the Nonlinear Control System with Limited Control

End of Digest