NA Digest, V. 18, # 2

NA Digest Sunday, January 14, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 2

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

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Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Christian Himpe [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2018
Subject: Software Release: emgr 5.3

Version 5.3 of emgr - EMpirical GRamian framework - has been released.

In system theory and control engineering the system Gramian matrices
of linear input-output systems have wide-spread use, for example:
model reduction, decentralized control, optimal placement or
sensitivity analysis. Empirical Gramian matrices correspond to the
linear system Gramians, but extend to parametric and nonlinear systems
due to their data-driven computation. The empirical Gramian framework
is an open-source Matlab toolbox, compatible with Octave and MATLAB,
which enables the computation of the following empirical system

- Empirical controllability Gramian
- Empirical observability Gramian
- Empirical cross Gramian
- Empirical linear cross Gramian (fast variant for linear systems)
- Empirical sensitivity Gramian (controllability of state and
- Empirical identifiability Gramian (observability of state and
- Empirical joint Gramian (observability of parameters and minimality
of state)

For more information see:

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2018
Subject: New Book, Computing Highly Oscillatory Integrals

Computing Highly Oscillatory Integrals
Alfredo Deano, Daan Huybrechs, and Arieh Iserles
x + 180 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611975-11-6 / List Price $79.00
/ SIAM Member Price $55.30 / Order Code OT155

Highly oscillatory phenomena range across numerous areas in science
and engineering and their computation represents a difficult
challenge. A case in point is integrals of rapidly oscillating
functions in one or more variables. The quadrature of such integrals
has been historically considered very demanding. Research in the past
15 years (in which the authors played a major role) resulted in a
range of very effective and affordable algorithms for highly
oscillatory quadrature. This is the only monograph bringing together
the new body of ideas in this area in its entirety.

The text is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students,
as well as applied mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who
encounter highly oscillatory integrals as a critical difficulty in
their computations.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its Table of
Contents, Preface, and Index, please visit .

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2018
Subject: New Book, Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach

Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach (Updated with
MATLAB), S. D. Conte and Carl de Boor
xxiv + 456 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611975-19-2 / List Price
$76.00 / SIAM Member Price $53.20 / Order Code CL78

This book provides a thorough and careful introduction to the theory
and practice of scientific computing at an elementary, yet rigorous,
level, from theory via examples and algorithms to computer
programs. The original FORTRAN programs have been rewritten in MATLAB
and now appear in a new appendix and online, offering a modernized
version of this classic reference for basic numerical algorithms.

The intended audience is upper-division undergraduates in engineering,
mathematics, and the sciences, including computer science. The book
has served well as a text book.

To order or for more about this book, please visit .

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2018
Subject: New Book, Exploring ODEs

Exploring ODEs, Lloyd N. Trefethen, Asgeir Birkisson, Tobin
A. Driscoll
viii + 335 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611975-15-4 / List Price $64.00 /
SIAM Member Price $44.80 / Order Code OT157

Exploring ODEs is a textbook of ordinary differential equations for
advanced undergraduates, graduate students, scientists, and
engineers. It is unlike other books in this field in that each concept
is illustrated numerically via a few lines of Chebfun code. There are
about 400 computer-generated figures in all, and Appendix B presents
100 more examples as templates for further exploration.

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. First-order scalar linear ODEs;
3. First-order scalar nonlinear ODEs; 4. Second-order equations and
damped oscillations; 5. Boundary-value problems; 6. Eigenvalues of
linear BVPs; 7. Variable coefficients and adjoints; 8. Resonance;
9. Second-order equations in the phase plane; 10. Systems of
equations; 11. The fundamental existence theorem; 12. Random functions
and random ODEs; 13. Chaos; 14. Linear systems and linearization;
15. Stable and unstable fixed points; 16. Multiple solutions of
nonlinear BVPs; 17. Bifurcation; 18. Continuation and path-following;
19. Periodic ODEs; 20. Boundary and interior layers; 21. Into the
complex plane; 22. Time-dependent PDEs; Appendix A: Chebfun and its
ODE algorithms; Appendix B: 100 more examples

To order or for more about this book, including links to its Contents,
Introduction, and Index, please visit .

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: January 13, 2018
Subject: New Book, Fundamentals of Numerical Computation

Fundamentals of Numerical Computation
Tobin A. Driscoll and Richard J. Braun
xxx + 553 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-1-611975-07-9 / List Price
$104.00 / SIAM Member Price $72.80 / OT154

This is an advanced undergraduate-level introduction to the
mathematics and use of algorithms for the fundamental problems of
numerical computation: linear algebra, finding roots, approximating
data and functions, and solving differential equations. The book is
organized with simpler methods in the first half and more advanced
methods in the second half, allowing use for either a single course or
a sequence of two courses. The authors take readers from basic to
advanced methods, illustrating them with over 200 self-contained
MATLAB functions and examples designed for those with no prior MATLAB
experience. Although the text provides many examples, exercises, and
illustrations, the aim of the authors is not to provide a cookbook per
se, but rather an exploration of the principles of cooking.

Professors Driscoll and Braun have developed an online resource that
includes well-tested materials related to every chapter. Among these
materials are lecture-related slides and videos, ideas for student
projects, laboratory exercises, computational examples and scripts,
and all the functions presented in the book.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its Contents,
Preface, Index, and Additional Resources, please visit .

From: Jie Shen [email protected]
Date: January 14, 2018
Subject: Conference Honoring Professor Walter Gautschi, USA, Mar 2018

Conference on Scientific Computing and Approximation
In honor of Professor Walter Gautschi's 90th Birthday
Purdue University, March 30, 2018

This conference will honor the continuing work of Walter Gautschi
(Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics at Purdue
University), one of the world's leading scientists in the area of
numerical analysis, approximation theory, and special functions. There
is no cost to attend.

Conference Themes: Scientific Computing; High-Performance Computing;
Polynomials and Orthogonal Systems; Approximation Theory and

Keynote Speakers: Ron Devore, Texas A&M; Nick Higham, Manchester;
Gradimir Milanovic, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

We welcome the participation of colleagues, especially early-career
researchers, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students. A few slots
are available for talks, and many more for poster presentations.

To participate and present your work, please contact the organizers
(listed below) by Jan. 29, 2018.

Alex Pothen (Computer Science) [email protected]
Jie Shen (Mathematics) [email protected]

Associated Events
March 30: Dinner For All Conference Participants
March 29: Nick Higham Delivers the Conte Distinguished Lecture, 3 P.M.

From: Jakub Kurzak [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2018
Subject: Automatic Performance Tuning, Canada, May 2018

The Thirteenth International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning
(in conjunction with IPDPS 2018, Vancouver, Canada) is open for
submissions, with a new submission deadline set to Monday, January

Workshop website:
EasyChair page:

From: Umberto Villa [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2018
Subject: Gene Golub SIAM Summer School, Inverse Problems, USA, Jun 2018

2018 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School
Inverse Problems: Systematic Integration of Data with Models under
June 17-30, 2018
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 Gene Golub SIAM
Summer School (G2S3 2018), which will take place June 17-30, 2018, in
Breckenridge, Colorado, USA. The summer school aims to introduce
graduate students to the mathematical and computational aspects of
inverse problems, particularly modern developments that emphasize the
quantification of uncertainty in the inverse solution within the
framework of Bayesian inference. Applicants selected to participate
pay no registration fee, and costs of local accommodation and meals
will be covered for all participants. In addition, (at least partial)
travel support will be provided upon request.

Applications are being accepted now through February 1, 2018 via
Mathprograms ( More
information is available on the G2S3 2018 website (

From: Zvonimir Bujanovic [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2018
Subject: Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Croatia, Sep 2018

ApplMath18, 9th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific
Computing, 17-20 September 2018, Solaris (near Sibenik), Croatia

The conference is organized by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty
of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The aim of the Conference
is the exchange of ideas, methods and problems between various
disciplines of applied mathematics. Non mathematicians using
mathematics as a tool are also encouraged to take part in the

All relevant information, including registration forms, hotel
accommodation, abstract submission can be found on

Confirmed plenary speakers:
Jose Antonio Carrillo de la Plata, Imperial College, London
Suncica Canic, University of Houston
Daniel Kressner, EPFL
Andro Mikelic, Universite Lyon 1
Sarka Necasova, Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences
Endre Suli, University of Oxford
Enrique Zuazua, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Topics of the Conference: Mathematical methods in continuum mechanics
(main topic); Numerical linear algebra; Scientific computing; Ordinary
and partial differential equations; Integral equations; Singular
perturbation problems; Splines and wavelets with applications to CAGD,
CAD/CAM, computer graphics and differential equations; Numerical
mathematics in general; Optimization; Engineering

From: Alfio Borzi [email protected]
Date: January 12, 2018
Subject: Associate Professor Position, Discrete Harmonic Analysis

Open Position at the UNIVERSITAT WURZBURG - Inst. for Mathematics:
(W2) Associate Professor on Discrete Harmonic Analysis

Deadline: January 25, 2018

A description of the position can be found in

Submission to the Dean of the Faculty for Mathematics and Informatics
(Prof. C. Kanzow). See the instructions and use the online application
form provided through the link.

From: Nicolas Gillis [email protected]
Date: January 09, 2018
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Positions, Low-Rank Approximations, Univ of Mons

The research group of Nicolas Gillis at the University of Mons
(Belgium) is seeking highly qualified candidates for one doctoral and
one postdoctoral position funded by the ERC (European Research

This project, entitled Constrained Low-Rank Matrix Approximations -
Theoretical and Algorithmic Developments for Practitioners, focuses on
the theory, algorithms and applications of low-dimensional
representations of high-dimensional data based on low-rank matrix
approximations; see for a
description of the project and the objectives. The successful
candidate will have the flexibility to choose a topic within the range
of this project.

Your profile is a MSc/PhD in applied mathematics, mathematics,
computer science, or a related discipline. You must have an expertise
in at least one of these fields: optimization, computational
complexity, numerical linear algebra, data mining and machine
learning, hyperspectral imaging. You should have excellent programming
skills in a numerical language (such as Matlab), and good
communications skills, both written and oral, in English.

The positions remain open until they are filled.

Please see
for more details.

From: Min Hadler [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2018
Subject: Postdoc / PhD Positions, Univ of Vienna

From: Stefano De Marchi [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2018
Subject: Contents, Dolomites Res Notes on Approx, 10 and Special Issue

Table of content of Volume 10 (2017) and of the Special Issue of Vol
10, dedicated to Annie Cuyt on the occasion of her 60th birthday.

Len Bos, A Simple Recipe for Modelling a d-cube by Lissajous curves

Federico Piazzon, Alvise Sommariva, Marco Vianello,
Caratheodory-Tchakaloff Subsampling

Andras Kroo, Schur type inequalities for multivariate polynomials on
convex bodies

Andre Camargo, A comparison between extended Floater-Hormann
interpolants and trigonometric interpolation

Emilio Porcu, Viktor P.Zastavnyi, Moreno Bevilacqua, Buhmann
Covariance Functions, their Compact Supports, and their Smoothness

Len Bos, Francesca Polato, An Explicit Example of Leave-One-Out
Cross-Validation Parameter Estimation for a Univariate Radial Basis

Chongyang Deng, Huining Meng, Huixia Xu, Interpolating given tangent
vectors or curvatures by preprocessed incenter subdivision scheme

Peter Zitnan, Chebyshev-like interpolation points on the unit disc
based on quasi- random sampling

Volume 10 - Special Issue - Dedicated to Annie Cuyt on the occasion of
her 60th birthday (2017)

J.A.C. Weideman, Annie@60: A Life in Approximation

Marten Gulliksson, The Discrete Dynamical Functional Particle Method
for Solving Constrained Optimization Problems

Gokalp Alpan, Alexander Goncharov, Some Open Problems Concerning
Orthogonal Polynomials on Fractals and Related Questions

Paul Leopardi, Alvise Sommariva, Marco Vianello, Optimal polynomial
meshes and Caratheodory-Tchakaloff submeshes on the sphere

Elisa Francomano, Frank M. Hilker, Marta Paliaga, Ezio Venturino, An
efficient method to reconstruct invariant manifolds of saddle points

Costanza Conti, Mariantonia Cotronei, Lucia Romani, Beyond B-splines:
exponential pseudo-splines and subdivision schemes reproducing
exponential polynomials

Sina Bittens, Sparse FFT for Functions with Short Frequency Support

Peter Junghanns, Robert Kaiser, A numerical approach for a special
crack problem

Gabriele Santin, Bernard Haasdonk, Convergence rate of the
data-independent P-greedy algorithm in kernel- based approximation

Gradimir V. Milovanovic, Computing Integrals of Highly Oscillatory
Special Functions Using Complex Integration Methods and Gaussian

Maria Carmela De Bonis, Donatella Occorsio, Numerical methods for
hypersingular integrals on the real line

Khadijeh Nedaiasl, Ali Foroush Bastani, On the Numerical Approximation
of Some Non-standard Volterra Integral Equations

Stefano De Marchi, Wolfgang Erb, Francesco Marchetti, Spectral
filtering for the reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon for polynomial
approximation methods on Lissajous curves with applications in MPI

Sione Ma'u, Newton-Okounkov bodies and transfinite diameter

Miroslaw Baran, Leokadia Bialas-Ciez, Raimondo Eggink, Agnieszka
Kowalska, Be la Nagy, Rafal Pierzchala, Selected open problems in
polynomial approximation and potential theory

The Fourth Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and

From: Lothar Reichel [email protected]
Date: January 10, 2018
Subject: Contents, ETNA, 46

M. P. Friedlander and G. Goh, Efficient evaluation of scaled proximal

S. Kunis and I. Melzer, Fast evaluation of real and complex
exponential sums

S. Morigi and M. Huska, Sparsity-inducing variational shape

D. Janovska and G. Opfer, The number of zeros of unilateral
polynomials over coquaternions and related algebras

H. Zeybek and S. Battal Gazi Karakoc, Application of the collocation
method with B-splines to the GEW equation

J. Niebsch, R. Ramlau, and K. M. Soodhalter, Solution of coupled
differential equations arising from imbalance problems

V. Hari and E. Begovic Kovac, Convergence of the cyclic and quasi-
cyclic block Jacobi methods

J. L. Lopez and P. J. Pagola, A simplification of the stationary phase
method: application to the Anger and Weber functions

K.M. Soodhalter, Stagnation of block GMRES and its relationship to
block FOM

S.C. Brenner, E.-H. Park, and L.-Y. Sung, A BDDC preconditioner for a
symmetric interior penalty Galerkin method

M. August, M. Carmen Banuls, and T. Huckle, On the approximation of
functionals of very large Hermitian matrices represented as matrix
product operators

D. Gerth, Convergence rates for l1-regularization without the help of
a variational inequality

J.-P. M. Zemke, Variants of IDR with partial orthonormalization

C. Pechstein and C. R. Dohrmann, A unified framework for adaptive BDDC

M. O. Adewole, Almost optimal convergence of FEM-FDM for a linear
parabolic interface problem

R. M. Asharabi, Approximating eigenvalues of boundary value problems
by using the Hermite-Gauss sampling method

M. de Jong, A. van der Ploeg, A. Ditzel, and K. Vuik, Fine-grain
parallel RRB-solver for 5-/9-point stencil problems suitable for
GPU-type processors

A.-K. Baum, M. Kolmbauer, and G. Offner, Topological solvability and
DAE-index conditions for mass flow controlled pumps in liquid flow

M. Zou and K. Neymeyr, Sharp Ritz value estimates for restarted Krylov
subspace iterations

J. L. Aurentz, T. Mach, R. Vandebril, and D. S. Watkins, Computing the
eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices via a Cayley

M. Addam, M. Heyouni, and H. Sadok, The block Hessenberg process for
matrix equations

A. K. Jumaat and K. Chen, An optimization-based multilevel algorithm
for variational image segmentation models

Z. Teng and L.-H. Zhang, A block Lanczos method for the linear
response eigenvalue problem parabolic problems

From: Romas Baronas [email protected]
Date: January 08, 2018
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 23 (1)

Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 23, Number 1, 2018
A free on-line edition is available at:


Xiao-Li Ding, Juan J. Nieto, Controllability of nonlinear fractional
delay dynamical systems with prescribed controls.

Jurga Ruksenaite, Pranas Vaitkus, Povilas Asijavicius, Prediction of
composite indicators using locally weighted quantile regression.

Yujun Cui, Wenjie Ma, Qiao Sun, Xinwei Su, New uniqueness results for
boundary value problem of fractional differential equation.

Limin Zou, Yang Peng, Yuming Feng, Zhengwen Tu, Impulsive control of
nonlinear systems with impulse time window and bounded gain error.

Jesus Martin-Vaquero, Ascension Hernandez Encinas, Araceli Queiruga-
Dios, Victor Gayoso-Martinez, Angel Martin del Rey, Numerical schemes
for general Klein-Gordon equations with Dirichlet and nonlocal
boundary conditions.

Fei Wang, Yongqing Yang, Impulsive mean square exponential
synchronization of stochastic dynamical networks with hybrid
time-varying delays.

Adnene Arbi, Jinde Cao, Ahmed Alsaedi, Improved synchronization
analysis of competitive neural networks with time-varying delays.

Feliz Manuel Minhos, Robert de Sousa, Impulsive coupled systems with
generalized jump conditions.

Yuliya Mishura, Kostiantyn Ralchenko, Sergiy Shklyar, Maximum
likelihood estimation for Gaussian process with nonlinear drift.

End of Digest