NA Digest, V. 17, # 31

NA Digest Tuesday, November 28, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 31

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ute Ebert [email protected]
Date: November 14, 2017
Subject: Willem Hundsdorfer (CWI Amsterdam)

With sadness, we let you know that our colleague, Prof.dr. Willem
Hundsdorfer, passed away last Friday, Nov. 10, at the age of 63.

Since 1984, Willem was affiliated with CWI, first in the department
numerical mathematics where he built up an international reputation in
this field; he continued fundamental research in this field until
now. Since 2002, he was part of the group Multiscale Dynamics at CWI,
where he shared his expertise for developing simulations of electric
discharges that by now are widely recognized. Since 2009, he was also
full professor in part-time at the Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen.

He was a sharp and driven researcher, and he acted as journal editor
and conference organizer. And he was a social and caring person
towards PhD students and colleagues, with a fine humor and a tendency
to understatement. He was head of CWI's works council twice, and he
was CWI's internal person of trust for 12 years. We will miss him

The ceremony before the cremation will take place on Thursday,
November 16 at 14:00 at the aula of crematorium Westerveld, Duin- en
Kruidbergerweg 2-6, 1985 HG Driehuis, near IJmuiden, https://www.bc- After the ceremony condolences can be
offered at De IJmond Brasserie en Restaurant, Seinpostweg 40, 1976 BT

If you want to be there for a final good-bye or send a message, please
contact [email protected].

From: Bernard Beauzamy [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2017
Subject: 9th Competitive Game

The 9th annual Competitive Game, organized jointly by the French
Federation for Mathematical Games and SCM, has started. It is endowed
with 2 000 Euros of prizes. The topic this year is the organization of
the distribution of goods (logistics).

Please see:

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and students.

From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: November 12, 2017
Subject: MFEM Version 3.3.2

Version 3.3.2 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library
for finite element methods, is now available at The
goal of MFEM is to enable high-performance scalable finite element
discretization research and application development on a wide variety
of platforms, ranging from laptops to exascale supercomputers, see

It has many features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2, NURBS elements.
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming/nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), including
anisotropic refinement, derefenement and parallel load balancing.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, discontinuous Galerkin, hybridized,
and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
elements, including arbitrary order curvilinear meshes.
- Scalable algebraic multigrid, time integrators, and eigensolvers.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with the MFEM-based
GLVis tool,

Some of the new additions in version 3.3.2 are:
- High-order mesh optimization with the target-matrix optimization
paradigm (TMOP) by Knupp et al.
- Implementation of the community policies of the Extreme-scale
Scientific Software Development Kit (xSDK).
- Integration with the STRUMPACK parallel sparse direct solver and
- Several new linear interpolators, five new examples and miniapps.
- Various performance, discretization and solver improvements,
including physical-to-reference space mapping capabilities.
- Continuous integration testing on Linux, Mac and Windows.

MFEM is being developed in CASC, LLNL and is freely available under
LGPL 2.1.

For more details, see the documentation at
and the full description at

From: GEORGE ANASTASSIOU [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2017
Subject: New Book, Functional Numerical Methods

George A. Anastassiou, Ioannis K. Argyros
Functional Numerical Methods: Applications to Abstract Fractional
Calculus, SPRINGER 2018

This short monograph is regarding applications of Newton-like and
other iterative methods for solving abstract functional equations that
involve abstract fractional derivatives. The functions we are dealing
with are Banach space valued of a real domain. These are studied for
the first time in the literature, and chapters are self-contained and
can be read independently. Various issues related to the modeling and
analysis of fractional order systems have gained an increased
popularity and the purpose of our book is to provide a deeper and
formal analysis on some issues that are relevant to many areas for
instance: decision making, complex processes, systems modeling and
control. The above are deeply embedded in the fields of engineering,
computer science, physics, economics, social and life sciences. An
extensive list of references is given per chapter. The monograph is
suitable for researchers, graduate students, and seminars of the above
subjects, also to be in all science and engineering libraries.

From: Max Gunzburger [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2017
Subject: Surrogate Models for UQ in Complex Systems, UK, Feb 2018

Registration for this workshop is open through to 5 December 2017.

Our modern treatment of predicting the behavior of physical and
engineering problems relies on approximating solutions in terms of
physical and stochastic domains, particularly in the case of
uncertainty quantification (UQ), where the input data (coefficients,
forcing terms, boundary conditions, geometry, etc) are affected by
randomness. For higher resolution and accuracy, simulations must
increase the number of deterministic and stochastic variables, and
expend more effort resolving smooth or even discontinuous behavior
within each individual component. Simulating the entire complex
system at the level of fidelity that truly predicts the solution,
remains elusive outside of idealized situations. To combat this
resulting explosion in computational effort, surrogate models are
employed to quickly and efficiently predict the input-output map of
many complex simulations. As such, this workshop will be organized
around a set of themes in which surrogate models have become an
essential tool in enabling and accelerating UQ for a variety of
problems, including:
1. High-dimensional stochastic systems;
2. Inference, optimization, and control in the presence of
3. Stochastic multi-scale and multi-physics problems; and
4. Design of physical and computational experiments;

However, constructing accurate surrogates for such problems and
computing their predictions along with the uncertainties they
introduce, constitute additional challenges. This workshop will
explore a variety of approaches that have been developed to address
such challenges, including Gaussian processes, sparse interpolation
and projection, discrete least squares, compressed sensing, dimension
reduction, multi-fidelity formulations, Bayesian inference,
homogenization techniques, and atomistic to continuum coupling
methods. In addition to invited talks, a poster session will be
organized, as well as a two panel discussions. Please see the
workshop webpage for a list of speakers and tentative titles, and for
registration details. This workshop is the second event in a six-month
program on Uncertainty Quantification at the Isaac Newton Institute,

From: Shayne Waldron [email protected]
Date: November 12, 2017
Subject: Tight Frames and Approximation, New Zealand, Feb 2018

The New Zealand approximation theory group is pleased to announce its
fourth meeting:

Tight frames and Approximation
20-23 February 2018
Taipa, Doubtless Bay, New Zealand

The topic Tight frames and Approximation will be interpreted broadly.
We plan to allocate lots of time without lectures for informal
interactions, including the following working groups:

Zauner's conjecture (Shayne Waldron)
Pluripotential theory and algebraic geometry (Sione Ma'u)
Radial basis functions (Rick Beatson)

Do share this announcment with colleagues and students who might be

The registration fee is $NZ 120 ($50 for students) if paid before 31
December, 2017.

From: Andreas Stathopoulos [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2017
Subject: Copper Mountain Student Paper Competition, USA, Mar 2018

The 15th Copper Mountain Conference On Iterative Methods (March 25-
30, 2018) invites submissions for the Student Paper Competition. Any
current student or new Ph.D. whose degree was awarded after Jan 1,
2017 is invited to submit a paper based on work performed as a
full-time student.

Submissions will be on EasyChair CM2018 Student Paper Competition

track. A two step process is required with the following deadlines:

1. Submit an abstract by December 13, 2017.
2. Submit the paper by January 10, 2018.

For submission links, the required latex template, and more
information about the competition, the conference, and its themes

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2017
Subject: IMA Mathematics 2018, UK, Mar 2018

Thursday 22 March 2018, Mary Ward House, London, WC1H 9SN

Mathematics 2018 is the twelfth in the series of annual IMA
conferences to promote mathematics. This series aims to demonstrate to
both mathematicians and non-mathematicians the many uses of modern
mathematics. We hope that the audience will have mathematicians, those
who work with mathematicians in policy forming roles, and anyone who
has an interest in developments in the applications of mathematics.

Please register via

If you are an IMA Member or you have previously registered for an IMA
conference, then you are already on our database. Please request a new
password using the email address previously used, to log in.

Conference webpage:

To register your interest in this conference, or for queries, please
contact the IMA Conferences Department: email
[email protected], tel +44 (0) 1702 354020, Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, Catherine Richards House, 16 Nelson
Street, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1EF, UK

From: Margot Gerritsen [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2017
Subject: Women in Data Science, USA, Mar 2018

We are very happy to announce the 3rd Women in Data Science
Conference, which will take place March 5, 2018. Registration for the
central event at Stanford is now open at Early
bird discounts end on 11/30. You can also join WIDS through the
livestream or one of over 100 regional events in 50+ countries.

The conference features outstanding women doing outstanding research
in a wide range of domains, from cybersecurity to astrophysics to
computational finance, and more.

New for 2018 is the WiDS Datathon, a joint effort between Stanford,
Kaggle/Google, Intuit, and the Gates Foundation. More details about
the challenge, criteria, and prizes will be available in early January

From: Nick Hale [email protected]
Date: November 13, 2017
Subject: SANUM2018, South Africa, Apr 2016

Registration is now open for the 2018 South African Symposium on
Numerical and Applied Mathematics (SANUM2018) at the University of
Stellenbosch, South Africa, from 4th to 6th April.

Confirmed plenary speakers include:
- Jon Chapman (University of Oxford)
- Patrick Dorey (University of Durham)
- Daan Huybrechs (KU Leuven)
- Kerstin Jordaan (University of South Africa)
- Kailash Patidar (University of the Western Cape)
- Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen University)
- Valeria Simoncini (Universita di Bologna)

In addition to the plenary and contributed talks, there will be
three special sessions dedicated to:
- Data Science
- Finite Element Methods and CFD
- Industrial Mathematics

Further details and a link to the registration page can be found at
the conference webpage:

From: Jakub Kurzak [email protected]
Date: November 27, 2017
Subject: Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT), Canada, May 2018

International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT) is
accepting paper submissions. The iWAPT 2018 will be held in
conjunction with IPDPS 2018 on May 25, 2018 at JW Marriott Parq
Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Please visit the workshop website for more detail:

Please use the EasyChair system for submissions:

The important dates are:
Submission closes: Friday, Dec 22, 2018 (AOE)
Author notification: Friday, Feb 9, 2018
Camera-ready: Friday, Feb 15, 2018
Workshop: Friday, May 25, 2018

From: Sébastien Le Digabel [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2017
Subject: Optimization Days, Canada, May 2018

The GERAD research center is pleased to announce that the next
Optimization Days conference will take place at HEC Montreal from May
7th to May 9th, 2018. Every year the Optimization Days conference
gathers students, researchers and faculty members to present and
discuss advances in both theoretical and application-oriented aspects
in the field of Operations Research.

The plenary speakers for the 2018 edition are Miguel F. Anjos
(Polytechnique Montreal), Gianpaolo Ghiani (Universita del Salento),
Martine Labbe (Universite Libre de Bruxelles), Nenad Mladenovic
(Serbian Academy of Science and Arts), Stefan M. Wild (Argonne
National Laboratory), and Laurence A. Wolsey (Universite Catholique de

All the details are available at .

From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2017
Subject: Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences, Bulgaria, Jun 2018

20-25 June 2018
Tenth Jubilee Conference of the Euro-American Consortium for
Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural
Black-Sea resort of Albena, Bulgaria

The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures
followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of the
conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
can be complemented by some specific topics in contributed special

The conference is organized by Euro-American Consortium for
Promoting the Application of Mathematics in Technical and Natural
Sciences Plc with cooperation with SIAM.

Tentative list of speakers: A. Sukhinin (USA), H. Tsuji (Japan),
V. Shaydurov (Russia), A. Kostenko (Austria), C. Schober (USA), T.
Taha (USA), R. Krechetnikov (Canada), H. Merdji (France), R.
Anguelov (South Africa),P. Rupsys (Lithuania), etc.

From: IABEM organizing committee [email protected]
Date: November 24, 2017
Subject: Deadline extended, IABEM 2018, France, Jun 2018

The next IABEM Symposium will take place on June 26-28 2018, on the
campus of University Paris 6 at Jussieu in Paris. The deadline for
submission of abstract has been extended.

Extended abstract submission deadline: December 22, 2017

The IABEM symposium provides a forum for researchers and engineers
around the world to discuss recent developments in the Boundary
Element Method (BEM) and new challenges ahead. This event focuses on
boundary integral equations, and aims at gathering all scientists
interested in this subject, both from a theoretical and applied point
of view.

Further informations are posted on the website

From: Ferenc Izsák [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Mathematics for Industry, Hungary, Jun 2018

The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry(ECMI 2018)
will take place June 18-22, 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. The series of
European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) conferences are
devoted to enforce the interaction between academy and industry,
leading to innovations in both fields. These events have attracted
leading experts from business, science and academia, and have promoted
the application of novel mathematical technologies to industry.

Plenary speakers:
Paola Goatin , INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Team ACUMES, France
Stefan Kurz, TU Darmstadt and Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Digital, Math & Cybernetics, Oslo, Norway
Laszlo Lovasz, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Anna Marciniak-Czochra, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Christophe Prud'homme, University of Strasbourg and Cemosis, France
Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Gabor Stepan, BME, Hungary
Andrew Stuart, CalTech, USA

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: February 28th 2018
Deadline for early bird registration: April 15th 2018

Participants are also invited to organize minisymposia.

Further conference details including submission details, conference
topics and conference venue can be found at the conference website:

From: Arbenz Peter [email protected]
Date: November 13, 2017
Subject: Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Switzerland, Jun 2018

Workshop Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, Jun 27-29, 2018

This international workshop aims to be a forum for exchanging ideas,
insights and experiences in different areas of parallel computing in
which matrix algorithms play a key role. The Workshop will bring
together experts and practitioners from diverse disciplines with a
common interest in matrix computation. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to, the following:

- Parallel methods for solving large sparse or dense linear systems of
equations and eigenvalue problem
- Parallel environments and tools for enabling matrix applications.
- Large scale applications from any field that have an emphasis on
parallel matrix computation
- Novel architectural paradigms (e.g. GPU, MIC, etc.)
- Hybrid approaches to parallel programming
- Automatic tuning and performance modeling
- Combinatorial Scientific Computing

Invited speakers: Chao Yang (Berkeley), Inderjit Dhillon (Austin),
Frederic Nataf (Paris), Edgar Solomonik (Urbana-Champaign).

Important dates:
- March 15, 2018: Submission of Minisymposium proposals by e-mail to
[email protected]
- March 30, 2018: Submission of abstracts for MS and contributed talks

For more information see

From: Ronald Haynes [email protected]
Date: November 17, 2017
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods (DD25), Canada, Jul 2018

We are pleased to announce that the Centre for Numerical Analysis and
Scientific Computing at Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) will
host the 25th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD25) at MUN, in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada from July 23 to 27,
2018. The conference will be proceeded by a one day short course on
the theory and practice of domain decomposition methods, suitable for
beginning graduate students, on Sunday July 22, 2018.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss recent developments in
aspects of domain decomposition methods, bringing together
mathematicians, computational scientists and engineers. The conference
focuses on numerical analysis, scientific and industrial applications,
software development and high performance computing.

We would like to extend our invitation for your participation and
contributions. We are now ready to receive proposals for minisymposia,
via the email address [email protected] . Submissions should take the form
of a plain text email, with the title and a brief description of the
subject matter and timeliness of the minisymposium. Please indicate
the number of speakers expected in your minisymposium, including a
(tentative) list of speakers with titles/topics, if possible. The
deadline to receive minisymposia proposals is January 19, 2018.

Registration will open soon. Potential partcipants are asked to fill
out a quick (anonymous) google form now, to help us make local
arrangements for the meeting:

For more information, visit the conference website,,
or email [email protected]

From: Marco De Angelis [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2017
Subject: Reliable Engineering Computing (REC 2018), UK, Jul 2018

The 8th Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing will be hosted 16-
18 July 2018 (save the date) by the Institute for Risk and Uncertainty
at the University of Liverpool.

The theme of the Workshop is on "Computing with Confidence", even
though contributions on efficient computing, imprecise probability and
Bayesian methods are also welcome. Academic institutions, research
organisations and industries are invited to contribute to the Workshop
and to join in the discussions on needs and developments in the field.

The call for abstract is now open. Please submit your abstract by 15
January 2018 using the following link:

For any more details please visit the website:

The abstract templates can be found on the website.

From: Frank Kunkle [email protected]
Date: November 17, 2017
Subject: SIAM Annual Meeting, USA, Jul 2018

2018 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN18). This meeting is being held jointly
with The SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science
(MS18), The SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (ED18)
and the SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS18).

Oregon Convention Center (OCC), Portland, Oregon, USA
July 9-13, 2018

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

Twitter hashtag: #SIAMAN18

January 10, 2018: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
January 31, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts

January 19, 2018: SIAM Student Travel Award

Please visit for
detailed submission information.

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
([email protected]).

From: Juan Carlos De los Reyes [email protected]
Date: November 27, 2017
Subject: Optimization and Control, Ecuador, Sep 2018

The VI Latin American Workshop on Optimization and Control will take
place in Quito, Ecuador, September 3 - 7, 2018. The event is organized
on a biennial basis with the main goal of boosting the development and
interaction between these two scientific disciplines in Latin America,
by gathering together outstanding senior and junior researchers,
postdoctoral fellows and graduate students working in these fields.

The event focuses, among other, on the following topics:
- Optimal Control
- Inverse Problems
- Nonsmooth Optimization
- Control of PDEs

The first edition of this event was held in Quito, Ecuador, in July
2008, based on an initiative of researchers from the Escuela
Politecnica Nacional de Ecuador and the Universidad Nacional de
Rosario. The second edition was held in 2010 in Rosario, Argentina,
with the same organizers. Subsequently, a third edition took place in
2012 in Valparaiso, Chile; a fourth edition in 2014 in Lima, Peru; and
a fifth edition was held in 2016 in Tandil, Argentina.

An additional goal of the workshop is to increase visibility of
Optimization and Control among advanced undergraduate students (in
Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Economics and

Information and Registration:

From: Fidel Hernandez [email protected]
Date: November 08, 2017
Subject: Signal Processing and Condition Monitoring, Cuba, Nov 2018

Newer and sophisticated Signal Processing (SP) techniques are
continuously applied on different fields of science and technology.
Condition Monitoring (CM) is an area that receives significant
benefits from the development of Signal Processing techniques. In
order to expose some of the more relevant findings involved in the
application of SP techniques in CM, the First International Symposium
on Signal Processing & Condition Monitoring (ISSPCM), this time as
Special Session at the International Conference on Technologies
Applied to Intelligent Electrical Networks, CITREI 2018, is organized.
Research works on the development or improvement of signal processing
techniques for condition monitoring applications are exposed at
scientific events that cover a significant number of topics about
prognostics and health management, non-destructive testing, etc., and
this event intends to gather researchers involved in a more specific
research field. The First ISSPCM will be held in Havana, Cuba, from
November 26th to November 30th, 2018, and it should provide a meeting
place for the researchers and industry specialists could exchange
knowledge and experiences.

Relevant topics in this special session include but are not limited
to: Characteristic/properties of stationary, cyclo-stationary &
non-stationary signals; Vibration Analysis and Diagnostics; Infrared
Thermography Images Processing for Machinery Inspection; Motor
Condition Monitoring and Motor current signature analysis; Acoustic
emission analysis; Model-based voltage and current systems; Flow rate
monitoring; Pressure and temperature monitoring; Virtual Sensing.

Authors should meet the standards set by the event. The template
for the paper can be downloaded at To send the
paper authors must first register at

Paper Submission Deadline: June 15th, 2018.
Notification of Acceptance: August 20th, 2018
Camera-Ready Papers: September 30th, 2018

From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: November 20, 2017
Subject: Department Chair Position, Rice Univ

Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Rice University

The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics at Rice
University located in Houston, Texas seeks applications for the
position of Department Chair. The successful candidate will be an
outstanding scholar noted for leadership in computational and
applied mathematics broadly interpreted, demonstrate a proven track
record of instruction and mentoring at both the graduate and
undergraduate levels, and be committed to service of their academic
community. The candidate must have qualifications, including a
doctoral degree in an appropriate field, commensurate with being
appointed a tenured full professor at Rice University.

Beyond academic qualifications, the successful candidate will have the
creative strategic visioning skills necessary to help define the
Department and lead it to attainment of its goals. This individual
will embrace that the Department's research and educational objectives
cross disciplinary lines, both internal and external to the
University. The individual will create and exploit connections to the
local community including with industry, improve departmental
visibility, and lead departmental development efforts.

For the complete ad and instructions on how to apply, please follow
this link:

The submission deadline for ensuring full consideration is January 15,
2018, with review of applications and interviews occurring early in
2018. However, applications will be considered until the appointment
is made.

Equal Opportunity Employer: Females / Minorities / Veterans /
Disabled / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity.

From: Sergio González-Andrade [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Math-Scientific Computing, Ecuador

The Department of Mathematics at Escuela Politecnica Nacional del
Ecuador (EPN) has an open position in Applied Mathematics focused on
Modeling and Scientific Computing, at the associate professor level.
Applicants must hold (i) a PhD in Applied or Computational Mathematics
or a closely related field, officially apostilled (ii) at least three
years of experience as an academic staff in prestigious higher
education or research institutions. (iii) at least 3 articles
published (ISI/ SCOPUS) in the area of Mathematical Modeling, Applied
Analysis, Scientific Computing and/or Numerical Analysis, (iv) a
demonstrated strong record of independent research, including at least
two years in official research projects. The successful candidate is
expected to perform research in the development and implementation of
computational and applied mathematics methods to real-life
applications. The successful candidate will work closely with
researchers affiliated with the Mathematics Department, the members of
the Research Center of Mathematical Modeling - ModeMat
( and external collaborators in applications to
compelling problems in science and engineering. Information regarding
the application can be found in this link (Spanish) Applications
must be sent until December 15, 2017 and the process will continue
until the position is filled (final results will be announced by
January 12th, 2018). Incomplete applications are not guaranteed full
consideration. Please direct any questions to the Head of the
Mathematics Department, Sergio Gonzalez-Andrade at
[email protected] or [email protected]. The
appointment will start in Spring 2018.

From: Chefi Triki [email protected]
Date: November 28, 2017
Subject: Faculty Position, Industrial Engineering, Oman

The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Sultan
Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman invites qualified candidates for
faculty position in Industrial Engineering (Automation/Industrial
Systems) . Application Deadline 31st of December 2017

A single opening is available for the applications meeting the

Areas of research interest may include, but are not limited to
research addressing: Concurrent Engineering, Bioinspired
Manufacturing, Automation, Robotics & Controls in Manufacturing and
Assembly Rapid Manufacturing, prototyping and Design, Modeling &
Optimization of Conventional Manufacturing processes, Computer
Integrated Design (CIM), Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
(CAD/CAM), Sustainable Systems, Health Systems Engineering, Systems
Modelling, Operations Research, and Decision Support, Human Systems
Engineering, System Informatics, Human-System Integration and

Interested candidates should fill and submit the Application Form and
CV to:

Dr. Mahmood Al-Kindi, HoD, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University
P.O. Box 33, Al-Khod 123, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Tel: (968) 24141352, Fax: (968) 2441316
Email: [email protected]

Application Deadline 31st of December 2017.

From: Michael Friedlander [email protected]
Date: November 15, 2017
Subject: Faculty Positions, Computer Science, Univ of British Columbia

The Department of Computer Science at the University of British
Columbia (Vancouver) invites applications for up to three positions to
be filled at the rank of Assistant Professor. Applicants in all areas
of Computer Science are invited to apply. The anticipated start date
is July 1, 2018. Applications are due December 17, 2017.

For complete details, and to apply online, please visit

For questions about the application process, contact Michael
Friedlander, Chair of Faculty Recruiting, at [email protected] .

From: Prof. Nuutti Hyvönen [email protected]
Date: November 23, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Aalto Univ, Helsinki

The Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis at Aalto University
(Helsinki, Finland) invites applications from talented individuals for
a tenure track or tenured position in applied mathematics. The
position is targeted primarily at candidates for the Assistant and
Associate Professor levels. However, applicants with an indisputably
outstanding record for the Full Professor level may also be

Experience in numerical analysis, optimization, scientific computing
or uncertainty quantification is considered an asset. The application
deadline is December 18, 2017.

For more information, see the job advertisement at

From: Wei Cai [email protected]
Date: November 15, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Dept of Math, SMU

Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in
Computational and Applied Mathematics to begin in the fall semester of
2018. The department is searching for a junior scholar with
outstanding records of research in computational and applied
mathematics, with a commitment to interdisciplinary research and to
teaching. We are seeking candidates whose interests align with those
of members of the department and who would contribute in a substantial
way to the university's initiatives in high performance computing,
data science and interdisciplinary research. Our faculty are currently
working in emerging areas such in computational applied mathematics,
neuroscience and electric power grid.

The Department of Mathematics offers graduate degrees in Computational
and Applied Mathematics. All 17 tenured and tenure-track faculty, work
in application areas. Visit for more
information. Interested applicants need to submit a curriculum vitae,
a list of publications, research and teaching statements, and request
three references to be addressed to the Faculty Search Committee,
Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University, P.O. Box
750156, Dallas, Texas, 75275-0156. Applications and supporting
documentation for the position must be submitted online via Applications received by January 2, 2018
will receive full consideration, but will continue to be accepted
until the position is filled. A Ph.D. in applied mathematics or a
related field is required and postdoctoral experience is
preferred. Applicants will be notified when the search is concluded.

From: Constance Schober [email protected]
Date: November 10, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Computational Mathematics, Univ of Central FL

The Department of Mathematics at the University of Central Florida
(UCF) invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the
Assistant Professor level anticipated to begin in August 2018. The
first position (37381) is in the field of computational mathematics
with emphasis in areas of high dimensional data analysis, theoretical
machine learning, nonlinear optimization, probabilistic numerical
methods, and related areas. The second position (38834) is in the
more broadly defined field of computational mathematics.

Responsibilities: Successful candidates will be expected to teach both
undergraduate and graduate level courses, conduct a vigorous research
program, pursue external funding, advise and mentor students, and
participate in department and university governance.

Qualifications: All applicants must possess a Ph.D. in Mathematics or
a closely related field from an accredited institution, at time of
application. Some postdoctoral experience is desirable. Other
requirements include: strong research potential, and effective
communication skills in English.

How to Apply: UCF requires all applications and supporting documents
to be submitted electronically through the Human Resources website, where the official job posting can also be found.
For questions regarding this search, please contact Constance Schober,
search committee chair, at [email protected].

Application Deadline: January 11, 2018

From: Ken Jackson [email protected]
Date: November 07, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Computer Science, Univ of Toronto

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto
invites applications for several tenure-stream faculty positions in

- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Data Visualization (joint position with the Department of
Statistical Sciences)
- Robotics
- Computer Systems
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Computer Science Education
- Sustainability and Climate Informatics (joint position with
the School of the Environment)

For further information, please go to the website

From: Yves Lucet [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Tenure Track and Limited Positions, Computer Science and Statistics

The Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences at the University of
British Columbia, Okanagan Campus, invites applications for the
following 3 positions in Data Science:

1) Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
Applicants must have a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related
field with a focus area related to data science. Broad areas: (i)
cloud computing and distributed systems; (ii) machine learning, data
analytics, and big data; (iii) cyber security and networking; or (iv)
data visualization, especially in AR/VR/MR.

2) Assistant Professor (Limited Term)
This is a limited-term position for a maximum duration of 3-years,
renewable annually. Same requirements and profile as 1) above.

3) Instructor (Limited Term)
This is a limited-term position. The appointment is for a maximum
duration of 3-years, renewable annually. Applicants must have a PhD in
Statistics or a closely related field. Knowledge of analytics
techniques is essential, as is familiarity with analytics tools.

From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: November 09, 2017
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Rice Univ

The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
( at Rice University in Houston, Texas, seeks
outstanding candidates for a tenure-track assistant professorship
beginning July 1, 2018 or later.

The Department offers an excellent research environment and hosts
research programs in optimization, numerical linear algebra, control
and inverse problems, numerical methods for partial differential and
integral equations, and large scale computing. Interdisciplinary work
is a fundamental aspect of the Department's program.

Candidates must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics or a related field,
in addition to an exceptional record of research and teaching in
Applied Mathematics. Applications consisting of a letter of
application, current curriculum vitae containing a list of
publications, a description of research, and a statement on teaching
should be submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition,
candidates should arrange for at least three letters of
recommendations, which may be submitted on the same website. To
receive full consideration, the complete application must be received
by December 15, 2017, but the committee will continue to consider
applications until the position is filled.

Equal Opportunity Employer:
Females/Minorities/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender

From: Alfio Borzi [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Visiting Professorship Position, Mathematics, Wurzburg Univ

The Giovanni Prodi chair professorship in Mathematics at Wurzburg
University in Germany for visiting professorships in the academic year
2018/19. The application deadline is January 9, 2018. Please see

In particular applications of leading scientists who may have strong
and/or promising research connections with members of our institute
are very welcome.

Applications from all fields of mathematics are welcome with the
applicant at the level of an associate or full professor. Only persons
coming from outside Germany are eligible. Female applicants are
especially encouraged to apply. The professorship carries a teaching
load of 4 hours per week plus the obligation to run a seminar or
exercise group for 2 hours per week.

From: Emanuele Zanchi [email protected]
Date: November 28, 2017
Subject: Multiple Positions, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de
Supercomputacion) is the National Supercomputing Facility in Spain and
manages MareNostrum, one of the most powerful supercomputers in
Europe. The mission of BSC-CNS is to investigate, develop and manage
information technology in order to facilitate scientific
progress. With this aim, special dedication has been taken to areas
such as Computer Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and
Computational Applications in Science and Engineering.

Developer for TANGO project

Key Duties: Support to the development of the necessary software to
integrate the COMPSs and OmpSs programming models (,; Development of the necessary software to support FPGAs as
execution platform for the COMPSs+OmpSs programming model; Support to
the project use cases from industrial partners; Development of a set
of mini-apps on top these programming models; Test the new features
with benchmarks and applications; Attend project meetings. See further
information in the website. Ref. 117

PhD Student in LEGaTO project R1

Responsibilities: Complete a PhD relating to task-based programming
models and runtime systems, including abstractions and runtime
techniques for portable support of irregular data structures
(e.g. meshes and graphs) on distributed memories; Collaborate with
research teams across Europe in the ExaNode, EuroEXA and LEGaTO
projects. See further information in the website. Ref.206

Junior Developer for performance analysis on High Performance
Computing (RE1/RE2) Context and Mission

Key Duties: Performance analysis of parallel applications (MPI,
OpenMP/OmpSs and hybrid MPI+OpenMP/OmpSs) with the corresponding tools
(e.g. Paraver or similar); Performance improvement of parallel
applications: previous experience working with MPI, OpenMP/OmpSs
and/or hybrid MPI+OpenMP/OmpSs programming models is required;
Interaction with users requesting a performance analysis of their
code; Participation in the preparation of project deliverables;
Participation in dissemination tasks. See further information in the
website. Ref.204

From: Martin Lazar [email protected]
Date: November 10, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Control Theory, Dubrovnik

Post-doc position (6 months) at University of Dubrovnik, within
ConDyS (Control of Dynamical Systems) project.

Starting Date: Negotiable, with a preference on February 1, 2018.

Location: Dubrovnik (historical city under UNESCO protection), Croatia

Sallary (gross): 15.000 HRK (approx. 2.000 Euro).

Responsibilities: The candidate will work on problems related to the
Work package 1 (Control of parameter dependent problems) of the
project. He/she will be expected to work effectively within the
project team, to have the ability to develop and apply new concepts,
to write numerical codes and run the simulations, as well as to write
clearly and concisely for publication.

Qualifications: A PhD in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, or
related field, is required at the time of the appointment. Preference
will be given to candidates with an experience in control theory and a
successful research record.

How to Apply for the Position: To apply, candidates must email to
Professor Martin Lazar at [email protected] the following: a CV, with a
detailed research record and the list of publications, and two letters
of recommendation.

Deadline: The call is open until appropriate candidate is selected.

Contact: For additional information please contact Professor Martin
Lazar ([email protected] ).

From: Roderick Melnik [email protected]
Date: November 15, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, M2NeTLab/MS2Discovery, WLU, Waterloo, Canada

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Position in Modeling for
Complex Systems, with focus on coupled problems and multiscale
modelling. The position is based at the M2NeT Lab which is part of the
MS2Discovery Interdisciplinary Research Institute, located at Wilfrid
Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada. Further information about the
position and how to apply can be found at the following website:

The position is available from January 1, 2018 and will start at the
mutually agreed date. The review of applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled.

From: Prof. Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista [email protected]
Date: November 17, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Machine Learning and Data Mining

The Institute of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at University of
Sao Paulo (ICMC-USP) opens one post-doctoral research position in
Machine Learning, and Data Mining applied to Data Streams. The
selected candidate will work at ICMC-USP located in Sao Carlos/SP,
Brazil. Sao Paulo Research Foundation provides the financial support
with a monthly salary of R$ 7.174,80. Financial support can also be
provided to cover transportation expenses as to the move to Sao Carlos
- Brazil. An additional grant is also provided to cover participation
in highly relevant conferences and workshops, as well as research
trips (limited to 15% of the annual amount of the fellowship). The
position is for one year. The start date is negotiable but must occur
before May 2018.

Project: Intelligent Traps and Sensors: an Innovative Approach to
Control Insect Pests and Disease Vectors
Supervisor: Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista

Job Description: The post-doc will work with Machine Learning
techniques applied to Data Streams for classification and
quantification. The proposed method will be applied to the task of
classifying and counting insect pests and vectors captured by an
automatic insect trap, among other benchmark problems. Such a trap
uses a sensor that we have developed over the last years to recognize
insect species using wingbeat data. The insect recognition will allow
the creation of real-time insect density maps that can be used to
support local interventions. Requirements: Applicants should have
Ph.D. in Computer Science or related fields with experience in Machine
Learning and Data Mining. Candidates must have got their Ph.D. in the
last five years. Application: Please send your application before
January 31, 2018, to [email protected]. Please indicate
"post-doctoral application - Machine Learning" in the subject
line. Applications should include curriculum vitae, statement of
research interests and two contacts information for recommendation
letters (PDF files only).

Contract Condition: Grant from FAPESP funding agency, approved as part
of the e-Science research projects.

From: Kody Law [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Machine Learning for Monte-Carlo Methods

Postdoctoral Research Associate - Machine Learning for Monte-Carlo
Methods NB50646270

The National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) within the
Computational Sciences Directorate at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking to fill a postdoctoral position for
development and application of novel, scalable machine learning
methods to accelerate Monte-Carlo calculations for scientific
computing. This position will involve collaboration between
researchers in the National Center for Computational Sciences, the
Computer Science and Mathematics Division, and the Materials Science
and Technology Division. This project is situated at the fertile
interface of computational science, stochastic simulation, machine
learning, and materials science.

Basic Requirements:
- This position requires a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Statistics,
Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, or a related field.
- A strong background in the development, implementation and
application of machine learning or Monte-Carlo methods.

The Ph.D. degree should have been earned no more than five years prior
to the date of the application and all degree requirements must be
complete before starting the appointment.

We accept Word(.doc, .docx), Excel(.xls, .xlsx), PowerPoint(.ppt,
.pptx), Adobe(.pdf), Rich Text Format(.rtf), HTML(.htm, .hmtl) and
text files(.txt) up to 2MB in size. Resumes from third party vendors
will not be accepted; these resumes will be deleted and the candidates
submitted will not be considered for employment.

If you have trouble applying for a position, please email
[email protected].

ORNL is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants,
including individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, are
encouraged to apply. UT-Battelle is an E-Verify Employer.

From: Federico Poloni [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Pisa, Italy

The University of Pisa announces a public selection procedure (by
qualifications and interview) to assign 1 temporary research associate
position at the Department of Computer Science within the following
research program: "Innovative Models and Algorithms for large,
structured or sparse computational Problems". The application form,
attachments and all information about the call can be downloaded from .

From: Cosmin Safta [email protected]
Date: November 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Software Development, Chemical Systems

We have an immediate opening for a postdoc position in the Reacting
Flow Research Department at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore,
CA. We seek a postdoctoral researcher with a strong computational
science background who will pursue research in the development of
software tools for the computation and analysis of chemical
systems. The selected applicant will be part of a multi-disciplinary
multi-institutional team and will focus on the development of
GPU-enabled open-source chemical systems computation and analysis
software, targeting heterogeneous exascale computational
architectures, with application in both gas-phase kinetics and
heterogeneous catalysis. The postdoctoral fellow will work under the
supervision of one or more research staff, and collaborate with other
researchers at Sandia, other National Laboratories, and in academia.

Please visit and search for position 659059 for
more information.

From: Christoph Ortner [email protected]
Date: November 10, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Warwick Univ

Two 3-year postdoctoral positions are available at the University of
Warwick as part of a Leverhulme Trust funded project "The Nature of
Interatomic Forces in Metallic Systems" to assist the investigators,
Prof. Christoph Ortner (Mathematics) and Dr James Kermode (Warwick
Centre for Predictive Modelling/Engineering). Close collaboration
between mathematics (random matrices, approximation theory, numerical
analysis) and materials modelling (density functional theory, tight
binding, interatomic potentials) will be required.

For the mathematics position experience in one or more of the
following areas is required: (1) approximation theory and numerical
analysis; (2) random matrix theory, weak localisation, Anderson
localisation; (3) electronic structure models. Scientific computing
skills and/or exposure to machine learning would be an advantage.

For the engineering position experience with first principles
calculations at the level of density functional theory and proven
scientific software development skills using C, Fortran, Python or
Julia is required. Experience with machine learning approaches,
development of interatomic potentials and/or tight binding models
would be an advantage. Start date is April 2018 or as soon as
possible thereafter. The closing date for applications is 7 Jan
2018. For more information see
(Mathematics position) or
fellow-80991-117 (Engineering position). Informal enquiries may be
addressed to [email protected]

From: Tony Shardlow [email protected]
Date: November 28, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Bayesian inference for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

We invite applications for a PhD position in a project on Bayesian
inference for low-resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in
porous media, to be supervised by Silvia Gazzola and Tony Shardlow in
the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath
jointly with Edmund Fordham at Schlumberger Gould Research. The
position will suit students with interests in Bayesian statistics,
numerical linear algebra, and numerical optimisation. Full funding is
available to UK and EU students. Further details are available at

Enquiries can be made to Silvia Gazzola ([email protected]) or Tony
Shardlow ([email protected]).

From: Trond Kvamsdal [email protected]
Date: November 28, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Reduced Order Modelling, NTNU, Norway

The KPN-project OPWIND (cofunded by the Research Council of Norway and
industrial partners) will develop knowledge and tools for optimizing
the operational control of offshore wind power plants. Such
optimization using state-of-the-art high fidelity simulation tools is
not convenient and efficient. There has also been an increasing demand
of computationally efficient real-time simulation tools. To this end
part of the current project focuses on developing Reduced Order Models
(ROMs) for aerodynamic applications.

These questions to be addressed are: How do we choose the simulation
set-up for high fidelity simulations so that we span the solution
space in an optimal way? Which method should be utilized to construct
the reduced order basis for the flow dynamics, from which we can
reconstruct the solution for a new scenario, based on available input
conditions? What are relevant quality criteria for the ROM in the
context of aerodynamics of wind turbines, and how can the
approximation properties of the ROM be optimized?

We seek a highly motivated individual with good analytical and
communication skills holding a Master's degree in applied/numerical
mathematics or corresponding education with a solid background in
finite element analysis. Familiarity with atmospheric flow and fluid
mechanics is an advantage. Applicants must have significant
programming experience ideally in C, C++ and/or Python.

Deadline for application is 10th of December 2017, see more
information at:

From: Carolin GIETZ [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Munster

The Institute for Analysis and Numerics at the University of Munster
invites applications for a PhD student position(salary scale 13 TV-L /
75%) in the group of Prof. Dr. Mira Schedensack. The position will
start on the earliest possible date. The contract will be fixed-term
for three years. The regular weekly working time is 39 hours and 50
minutes. All posts can, as a rule, also be filled as part-time
positions if there are no compelling work-related reasons against it.

The PhD student will work on the topic of her/his dissertation. The
topic will be concretized together with the candidate and will deal
with the development and analysis of numerical schemes for partial
differential equations. The independent numerical realisation and the
performance of numerical experiments are also part of the project.

Candidates hold a Master degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics with
focus on numerics; Candidates have a strong background in finite
element methods and their analysis; Candidates have programming skills
and experience in Matlab or other programming language; Candidates
have good English skills.

The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women in academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be referentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
severe disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent
qualifications will be preferentially considered. Please submit your
application preferably by e-mail together with the usual documents by
31st of December 2017 to

Angewandte Mathematik
Institut fur Analysis und Numerik
z.Hd. Frau Carolin Gietz
Einsteinstr. 62
48149 Munster
Email: [email protected]

From: Lena Scholz [email protected]
Date: November 21, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization

Eleven open PhD position for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) are
available in the ROMSOC Project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017).

ROMSOC is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) that brings together
15 international academic institutions and 11 industry partners. Each
ESR will be working on an individual research project. The research is
focused on three major topics: coupling methods, model reduction
methods, and optimization methods, for industrial applications in well
selected areas, such as optical and electronic systems, economic
processes, and materials. A detailed description on the individual
research projects and eligibility criteria can be found under

The ROMSOC EID Network offers a unique research environment, where
leading academics and innovative industries will integrate ESRs into
their research teams for the training period, providing an excellent
structured training programme in modelling, simulation and
optimization of whole products and processes. We seek excellent
open-minded and team-spirited PhD candidates who will get unique
international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral training in
scientific and transferable skills by distinguished leaders from
academia and industry.

For more information on the project and on the application procedure
please contact the project coordinator Prof. Volker Mehrmann
([email protected]).

From: Sue Minkoff [email protected]
Date: November 11, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Texas at Dallas

PhD Positions available in Computational Seismic Imaging, Inversion
and Time-Lapse Monitoring
University of Texas at Dallas

We have openings for 4 new PhD positions starting in August 2018;
applications are due Jan-Feb 2018.

Our research group focuses on computational seismic imaging, inversion
and time-lapse monitoring using advanced wave-theoretic and
high-performance computational methods for seismic modeling, imaging,
and full waveform inversion (FWI); using active-source or passive
seismic datasets recorded in surface, borehole and ocean-bottom
arrays, including continuous recordings of ambient seismic noise. Our
research goal is to extract more information from seismic data than
can be achieved via traditional methods, by using more accurate
physics, enhancing signal/noise and resolution, and using the full
scattering coda in seismic wavefields to more accurately image and
monitor the most difficult complex fluid-flow and geologic
scenarios. Applications include hydrocarbon and groundwater
reservoirs, CO2 injection and storage, subsurface fluid flow and
stress transients, and monitoring of both natural and induced (micro)
earthquake seismicity. Applicants must have a strong background in
applied physics, mathematics and computation. Prior research
experience and a Master's degree is recommended.

For further information, contact one of us below as your intended
PhD Supervisor:
Prof David Lumley Green Chair in Geophysics [email protected]
Prof Sue Minkoff Mathematical Sciences [email protected]
A/Prof Hejun Zhu Computational Seismology [email protected]

From: Marie-Therese Wolfram [email protected]
Date: November 13, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Warwick

The MASDOC programme, hosted at the Mathematics Institute of the
University of Warwick, is welcoming applications for fully funded PhD
studentships starting in October 2018. The MASDOC programme covers a
broad spectrum of mathematics sciences rooting in one of the following
major areas: analysis and partial differential equations, numerical
analysis and scientific computing, probability and stochastic
analysis, applied mathematics and statistics.

The four year programme comprises a unique integration of innovative
taught modules and PhD research of the highest standard with group
work, international partnerships, communication and the acquisition of
generic research skills. All students are supervised by two members of
our faculty. Further information on the institute, our activities and
events as well as current and finished PhD projects are posted on on
our website

Details on the application procedure can be found at

From: Danielle Walker [email protected]
Date: November 13, 2017
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 42 (5)


Parameter-uniform numerical method for singularly perturbed
convection-diffusion problem on a circular domain, A. F. Hegarty &
E. O'Riordan

A fractional spectral method with applications to some singular
problem,s Dianming Hou & Chuanju Xu

Multiobjective PDE-constrained optimization using the reduced-basis
method, L. Iapichino, S. Ulbrich & S. Volkwein

A fast discrete spectral method for stochastic partial differential
equations, Yanzhao Cao, Ying Jiang & Yuesheng Xu

Improved maximum-norm a posteriori error estimates for linear and
semilinear parabolic equations, Natalia Kopteva & Torsten Linss

Dimension-by-dimension moment-based central Hermite WENO schemes for
directly solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Zhanjing Tao & Jianxian

Hermite subdivision on manifolds via parallel transport, Caroline

Second kind boundary integral equation for multi-subdomain diffusion
problems, X. Claeys, R. Hiptmair & E. Spindler

A study of the influence of center conditions on the domain of
parameters of Newton's method by using recurrence relations,
J. A. Ezquerro & M. A. Hernandez-Veron

Families of univariate and bivariate subdivision schemes originated
from quartic B-spline, Ghulam Mustafa & Rabia Hameed

Construction and analysis of higher order variational integrators for
dynamical systems with holonomic constraints, Theresa Wenger, Sina
Ober-Blobaum & Sigrid Leyendecker

A well-balanced van Leer-type numerical scheme for shallow water
equations with variable topography, Dao Huy Cuong & Mai Duc Thanh

From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: November 22, 2017
Subject: Contents, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 20 (4)

CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 20, No. 4, 2017

For information to contributors and about subscriptions

Voronin K.V., Laevsky Yu.M., The flux predictor-corrector scheme for
solving a 3D heat transfer problem

Gasnikov A., Gasnikova E., Dvurechensky P., Mohammed A., Chernousova
E., About the power law of the PageRank vector distribution. Part~1.
Numerical methods for finding the PageRank vector

Kelmanov A.V., Romanchenko S.M., Khamidullin S.A., An approximation
scheme for a problem of finding a subsequence

Kurdyaeva Yu., Kshevetskii S., Gavrilov N., Golikova E., Correctness
of the problem of propagation of nonlinear acoustic- gravity waves in
the atmosphere from pressure variations on the lower boundary

Popov A.S., The cubature formulas on a sphere invariant to the
icosahedral group of rotations with inversion

Urev M.V., Imomnazarov Kh.Kh., Tang Jian-Gang, A boundary value
problem for one overdetermined stationary system emerging in the
two-velocity hydrodynamics

Chugunov V.N., Ikramov Kh.D., A description of pairs of the quasi-
commuting Toeplitz and Hankel matrices

Shevaldin V.T., Shevaldina O.Ya., The Lebesgue constant of local cubic
splines with equally-spaced knots

End of Digest