NA Digest, V. 17, # 19

NA Digest Sunday, July 30, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 19

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Daniel Dunlavy [email protected]
Date: July 30, 2017
Subject: IMPORTANT NOTE: Recent issues with NA Digest delivery

Recent changes to the email servers used for the NA Digest have led to
increased message header sizes. For many subscribers, this has led to
messages being rejected by their email servers and then the subscription
being deleted. We are currently addressing this issue, and we request your
patience as we try to find a long-term solution that will be acceptable. For
the next several issues of the Digest, messages will be sent out using my
work email address ([email protected]).

Until we have settled on a long-term solution, the processes for
submissions and archived materials will remain unchanged. Submissions
will still be accepted using the existing web form at
digest/websubmit.html . Archives will still be posted at

Subscriptions will still be handled using the current mechanisms as well
until further notice.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,
Danny Dunlavy (NA Digest Editor)

From: Michael Heath [email protected]
Date: July 23, 2017
Subject: Textbook Availability, Scientific Computing: An Introductory Survey

For instructors planning to use my textbook Scientific Computing: An
Introductory Survey for classes this Fall, copies of the domestic
hardbound edition are no longer available from the publisher's
warehouse, but it remains available from McGraw-Hill's print-on-demand
and ebook service through the following portal:, where it is preloaded and can be found
by a simple search. If there are any problems accessing or ordering
the book, please contact your local McGraw-Hill sales representative.

From: Michael C. Grant, Ph.D. [email protected]
Date: July 22, 2017
Subject: Call for Nominations, 2018 Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize

The Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize Excellence in Computational Mathematical
Programming is sponsored by the Mathematical Optimization Society, in
memory of Martin Beale and William Orchard-Hays, pioneers in
computational mathematical programming. Nominated works must have been
published between Jan 1, 2012 and Dec 31, 2017, and demonstrate
excellence in any aspect of computational mathematical programming.
"Computational mathematical programming" includes the development of
high-quality mathematical programming algorithms and software, the
experimental evaluation of mathematical programming algorithms, and
the development of new methods for the empirical testing of
mathematical programming techniques.

The members of the 2018 Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize committee are:
Michael Grant (Chair), CVX Research
Tobias Achterberg, Gurobi Optimization
Jeff Linderoth, University of Wisconsin
Petra Mutzel, University of Dortmund
Ted Ralphs, Lehigh University

Nominations should include detailed publication details of the
nominated work, and should include an attachment with the final
published version of the work. Supporting justification and any
supplementary material are strongly encouraged but not mandatory.
The prize committee reserves the right to request further supporting
material and justification from the nominees.

The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2018, and should be
submitted to Dr. Michael Grant at [email protected]. Full details of prize
rules and eligibility requirements can be found at

From: Dirk Laurie [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: Diagnosis of the source of the error in certain published tables

Three months ago Walter Gautschi alerted me to the fact that
the tables published in

@article{LR79, author="D. P. Laurie and L. Rolfes", title="Computation
of {G}aussian Quadrature Rules from Modified Moments", journal=JCAM,
volume=5, year=1979, pages="235 - 242"}

are not accurate to the 25 digits given, but in fact to only about 14
digits (single precision on the CDC Cyber on which the calculation was
made). The source of the error may interest readers of this
Digest. Briefly, the algorithm given in the paper is correct, but was
given inaccurate input. Neither the original hardware with its
compiler, nor machine-readable versions of the source code, is still
available nearly forty years after the original computation. We
therefore need to resort to indirect methods.

I have verified that the modified moments reconstructed from the
formulas agree with each other to 24 to 25 digits across the n-point
formulas as given for n=5,10,20,30, but agree with the correct
modified moments to only about 14 digits. The original modifed
moments were generated by a very simple linear inhomogeneous recursion
relation, but the reconstructed modified moments satisfy that
recursion relation to only about 14 digits. The obvious explanation
is that one or more of the numeric constants in the recursion relation
was overlooked in the conversion to double precision, thus introducing
an unpredictable perturbation after about 14 digits each time that the
constant is loaded.

4.0 instead of 4D0, that's all it takes.

A Pari-GP routine for the generation of the Jacobi matrix from the
modified moments by the algorithm of the paper is available on

From: Irina Sokolova (Intel) [email protected]
Date: July 25, 2017
Subject: New Eigensolver for Hermitian matrices

Intel(R) Math Kernel Library (Intel(R) MKL) Extended Eigensolver is
based on the accelerated subspace iteration FEAST algorithm[1]. This
eigensolver calculates all of the eigenvalues, and optionally all the
associated eigenvectors, within a specified interval. The Intel MKL
team has implemented new preprocessing functions that returns the
interval containing the k largest or smallest eigenvalues using
techniques described in [2]. These functions are now available for
early evaluation as part of a special library that must be linked
against an existing Intel MKL library. Go to [3] to read more about
this new library and how to request an evaluation copy.

[1] Intel MKL Extended Eigensolver:
us/node/521730 [2] E. Di Napoli, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad, Efficient
Estimation of Eigenvalue Counts in an Interval

[2] E. Di Napoli, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad, Efficient Estimation of
Eigenvalue Counts in an Interval


From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: New Book, An Introduction to Data Analysis and UQ for Inverse Problems

An Introduction to Data Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification for
Inverse Problems, Luis Tenorio, Mathematics in Industry 03

To solve an inverse problem is to recover an object from noisy,
usually indirect observations. Solutions to inverse problems are
subject to many potential sources of error introduced by approximate
mathematical models, regularization methods, numerical approximations
for efficient computations, noisy data, and limitations in the number
of observations; thus it is important to include an assessment of the
uncertainties as part of the solution. Such assessment is
interdisciplinary by nature, as it requires, in addition to knowledge
of the particular application, methods from applied mathematics,
probability, and statistics.

This book bridges applied mathematics and statistics by providing a
basic introduction to probability and statistics for uncertainty
quantification in the context of inverse problems, as well as an
introduction to statistical regularization of inverse problems. The
author covers basic statistical inference, introduces the framework of
ill-posed inverse problems, and explains statistical questions that
arise in their applications.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: New Book, Formulation & Numerical Solution of Quantum Control Problems

Formulation and Numerical Solution of Quantum Control Problems
Alfio Borzi, Gabriele Ciaramella, and Martin Sprengel
Computational Science and Engineering 16

x + 390 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-83-6
List Price $99.00 / SIAM Member Price $69.30 / Order Code CS16

This book provides an introduction to representative nonrelativistic
quantum control problems and their theoretical analysis and solution
via modern computational techniques. The quantum theory framework is
based on the Schrodinger picture, and the optimization theory, which
focuses on functional spaces, is based on the Lagrange formalism. The
computational techniques represent recent developments that have
resulted from combining modern numerical techniques for quantum
evolutionary equations with sophisticated optimization schemes. Both
finite and infinite-dimensional models are discussed, including the
three- level Lambda system arising in quantum optics, multispin
systems in NMR, a charged particle in a well potential, Bose-Einstein
condensates, multiparticle spin systems, and multiparticle models in
the time- dependent density functional framework.

This self-contained book covers the formulation, analysis, and
numerical solution of quantum control problems and bridges scientific
computing, optimal control and exact controllability, optimization
with differential models, and the sciences and engineering that
require quantum control methods.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: New Book, Foundations of Mathematics, Vol. 1: Mathematical Analysis

Foundations of Applied Mathematics, Volume 1: Mathematical Analysis
Jeffrey Humpherys, Tyler J. Jarvis, and Emily J. Evans
xx + 689 pages / Hardcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-89-8
List Price $89.00 / SIAM Member Price $62.30 / Order Code OT152

"Humpherys, Jarvis, and their collaborators are in the process of
achieving something extraordinary: the creation of an entire
curriculum of rigorous graduate-level applied mathematics with a
four-volume series of first-rate books to support it."
-Lloyd N. Trefethen, University of Oxford

This book provides the foundations of both linear and nonlinear
analysis necessary for understanding and working in twenty-first
century applied and computational mathematics. In addition to the
standard topics, this text includes several key concepts of modern
applied mathematical analysis that should be, but are not typically,
included in advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate mathematics
curricula. When used in concert with the free supplemental lab
materials, this text teaches students both the theory and the
computational practice of modern mathematical analysis. Carefully
thought out exercises and examples are built on each other to
reinforce and retain concepts and ideas and to achieve greater depth.
The text and labs combine to make students technically proficient and
to answer the age-old question, "When am I going to use this?"

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit

From: Vladimir Liseikin [email protected]
Date: July 11, 2017
Subject: New Book, Grid Generation Methods

Springer has published the third edition of the book " Grid Generation
Methods" by Liseikin V. D.

This new edition provides a description of current developments
relating to grid methods, grid codes, and their applications to actual
problems. Adaptive grid-mapping techniques, in particular, are the
main focus and represent a promising tool to deal with systems with
singularities. This 3rd edition includes three new chapters on
numerical implementations (10), control of grid properties (11), and
applications to mechanical, fluid, and plasma related problems
(13). Also the other chapters have been updated including new topics,
such as curvatures of discrete surfaces (3). Concise descriptions of
unstructured and hybrid mesh generation, drag and sweeping methods,
parallel algorithms for mesh generation have been included too.This
new edition addresses a broad range of readers: students, researchers,
and practitioners in applied mathematics, mechanics, engineering,
physics and other areas of applications. More information is at

From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: New Book, Model Reduction and Approximation: Theory and Algorithms

Model Reduction and Approximation: Theory and Algorithms
Edited by Peter Benner, Albert Cohen, Mario Ohlberger, and Karen Willcox
Computational Science and Engineering 15
xxii + 412 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-81-2 /
List Price $99.00 / SIAM Member Price $69.30 / Order Code CS15

Many physical, chemical, biomedical, and technical processes can be
described by partial differential equations or dynamical systems. In
spite of increasing computational capacities, many problems are of
such high complexity that they are solvable only with severe
simplifications, and the design of efficient numerical schemes remains
a central research challenge. This book presents a tutorial
introduction to recent developments in mathematical methods for model
reduction and approximation of complex systems.

It contains three parts that cover (I) sampling-based methods, such as
the reduced basis method and proper orthogonal decomposition, (II)
approximation of high-dimensional problems by low-rank tensor
techniques, and (III) system-theoretic methods, such as balanced
truncation, interpolatory methods, and the Loewner framework.

To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit

From: Are Magnus Bruaset [email protected]
Date: July 11, 2017
Subject: CSE, In Memory of Hans Petter Langtangen, Norway, Oct 2017

On October 23-25, Simula Research Laboratory hosts an international
CSE conference in Oslo, Norway in memory of our much missed colleague
Hans Petter Langtangen. The program is now finalized and the
registration is open, see Participation is free
of charge (except travel and accommodation).

From: Gradimir V. Milovanovic [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2017
Subject: Approximation and Computation, Serbia, Nov-Dec 2017

International Conference Approximation and Computation - Theory and
Applications (Dedicated to Professor Walter Gautschi on the Occasion
of his 90th Anniversary)

November 30-December 2, 2017
Belgrade, Serbia

From: Manolo Venturin [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2017
Subject: CAE Simulation Poster Award, Italy, Nov 2017

I inform you that the call for the "Poster Award" 2017 edition is
open: the competition has become a standing date to promote the
simulation culture and to grow the community of CAE analysts.

The novelty of this edition consists in the contribution, as partial
coverage of expenditure (travel / board and lodging), which is
recognized to the authors of some of the poster finalists. The 5
winners will also receive a cash prize.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place on 6 November in Vicenza,
within the International CAE Conference (November 6 - 7), one of the
most important European appointment on numerical simulation.

The participation is free and is open to students, graduates,
researchers and faculty members from Universities and Research

The deadline for submission is 30 September 2017.

I invite you to attend this year as well and to spread the news to
your colleagues and collaborators.

More details on the contest:

From: Krassimir Georgiev [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2017
Subject: BGSIAM Annual Meeting, Bulgaria, Dec 2017

The 12-th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian SIAM Section (BGSIAM) will
take place in Sofia, December 20-22, 2017. More information about
this event can be found at

There are no Conference fees for 2017 SIAM members.

We kindly invite you to participate and give a talk during this
meeting. A booklet with the extended abstracts will be available
before the meeting. Proceedings of refereed and presented papers will
be published as a special volume of Studies in Computational
Intelligence, Springer. You are welcome to invite your colleagues and
students to this meeting!

From: John Butcher [email protected]
Date: July 21, 2017
Subject: Numerical ODE Conference, New Zealand, Feb 2018

These popular ANODE conferences have been held from time to time
during the last 20 years, the most recent being in 2013.

In February 2018, ANODE will be revived, with a very simple format in
which participants will be allotted generous speaking times, with
everyone on an equal basis. It will be held in the beautiful city of
Auckland towards the end of what is expected to be a mild and pleasant

This preliminary announcement is a call for expressions of interest
from possible participants. For a copy of an expanded version of this
announcement, and further details and updates as they become
available, see

If you are interested and wish to be on the mailing list for further
informtaion as it comes to hand, pleaae write to John Butcher at
[email protected].

Please tell John, if you can, how likely you are to take part in ANODE
2018 and, if so, whether you will wish to give a talk. You are of
course welcome to ask questions about the plans for this conference.

Saghir Ahmad, [email protected]
John Butcher, [email protected]
Nicolette Rattenbury, [email protected]
Shixiao Wang, [email protected]

From: Bernard Haasdonk [email protected]
Date: July 14, 2017
Subject: Model Reduction of Coupled Systems, Germany, May 2018

We announce the symposium MORCOS 2018 on "Model Reduction of Coupled
Systems" which will take place at the University of Stuttgart from
22-25 May 2018. The chairman of the event is Jun.-Prof. Jorg Fehr, the
workshop has been accepted to be an official IUTAM Symposium.

The call for papers is now open, see the corresponding website for
information on the invited speakers, the program format, abstract
templates and further details:

From: Gabriel R. Barrenechea [email protected]
Date: July 19, 2017
Subject: BAIL 2018 Conference, UK, Jun 2018

We are pleased to announce that the forthcoming International
Conference in Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL) will take place at
the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK), during June 18-22, 2018.
This conference continues a long series of meetings devoted to the
numerical, and asymptotic, analysis of problems presented sharp
layers, with an emphasis on the development and analysis of novel and
robust methods.

The following are the confirmed plenary speakers:
- Victor Calo (Curtin University, Perth, Australia)
- Alexandre Ern (ENPC, Paris, France)
- Emmanuil Georgoulis (Leicester, UK, and Athens, Greece)
- Volker John (WIAS, and Free University, Berlin, Germany)
- Frederic Valentin (LNCC, Petropolis, Brazil)

The timeline for the Conference is as follows:
- Early September: web page with all the information for the
conference will be live (this will include registration fees and all
the practical information);
- November 1/2017 - March 1/2018: Reception of minisymposia proposals;
- November 1/2017 - March 30/2018: Reception of abstracts for
contributed talks;
- April 15/2018: Acceptance of abstracts for contributed talks;
- May 15/2018: Final registration and payment deadline.

From: Christian Clason [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2017
Subject: System Modeling and Optimization, Germany, Jul 2018

We would like to draw your attention to the 28th IFIP TC7 Conference
on System Modeling and Optimization, to be held July 23-27, 2018, in
Essen, Germany. You can find a preliminary web page with some
important dates at

The IFIP TC7 conference series addresses a broad range of topics of
applied optimization such as optimal control of ordinary and partial
differential equations, modeling and simulation, inverse problems,
nonlinear, discrete, and stochastic optimization, and industrial
applications. In particular, submission of minisymposium proposals on
one of these or related topics are welcome (deadline is November
2017). We hope to see you next year in Essen!

From: Heike Fassbender [email protected]
Date: July 30, 2017
Subject: Householder Symposium XXI, June 2020

The Householder Symposium XXI on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
at Hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy, 14-19 June
2020. Preliminary information can be found at

This symposium is the twenty-first in a series, previously called the
Gatlinburg Symposia, and will be organized in cooperation with the
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM
Activity Group on Linear Algebra.

The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and
established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to
attend the entire meeting. The seventeenth Householder Award for the
best thesis in numerical linear algebra since 1 January 2017 will be

Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications will be
solicited from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory,
and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal
processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity
to present a talk or a poster. Some talks will be plenary lectures,
while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel

The application deadline will be some time in Fall 2019.

It is expected that partial support will be available for some
students, early career participants, and participants from countries
with limited resources.

From: Matthew Saltzman [email protected]
Date: July 24, 2017
Subject: Department Chair Position, Mathematical Sciences, Clemson Univ

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University invites
applications and nominations for the position of Department Chair.
Candidates are expected to hold the rank of Full Professor, or
equivalent, and possess administrative and leadership experience. The
department is the largest unit within the College of Science and
offers B.A., B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. programs. It houses 52
tenured/tenure-track faculty members, 28 lecturers, 8 full-time staff
members, as well as 116 graduate and 231 undergraduate
students. Research areas of the faculty include algebra, discrete
mathematics, applied analysis, bioinformatics, computational
mathematics, operations research, probability, and pure and applied

Applications received by August 15, 2017 will receive full
consideration, but later applications may be considered until the
position is filled. For the complete job posting and more details,
please visit

From: Ruediger Verfuerth [email protected]
Date: July 26, 2017
Subject: Professorship Positions, Numerical Analysis, RUB

Ruhr-Universitat Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany's leading research
universities. The University draws its strengths from both the
diversity and the proximity of scientific and engineering disciplines
on a single, coherent campus. This highly dynamic setting enables
students and researchers to work across traditional boundaries of
academic subjects and faculties.

The Department of Mathematics at Ruhr-University Bochum, invites
applications for the position of a PROFESSOR FOR NUMERICS (SALARY
W3) to start as soon as possible.

We are looking for scientists with a sustainable research program,
make significant scholarly contributions to the subject of Numerics,
showing great promise to applications, and be an effective teacher and
mentor of both undergraduate and graduate students. We are looking for
scientists with an internationally visible research profile that
complements the existing research expertise of the department and of
the interdisciplinary collaborative research expertise at the
Ruhr-University Bochum and the University Alliance Ruhr. Teaching
responsibilities will include service teaching duties of the
Department of Mathematics.

Positive evaluation as a junior professor or equivalent academic
achievement (e.g. Habilitation) and evidence of special aptitude are
as much required as the willingness to participate in the
self-governing bodies of the RUB.

We expect for both professorships: strong commitment to academic
teaching at graduate and undergraduate level; readiness to participate
in interdisciplinary research; willingness and ability to attract
external funding; readiness to contribute to joint research projects
of the department.

The Ruhr-University Bochum is an equal opportunity employer.

Complete applications including CV, copies of academic certificates,
lists of publications and research funding, list of self-raised
third-party funds, teaching record, and a statement of research
interests as well as a concept for gender equality should be sent by
email to the Dean of the Department of Mathematics, Prof. Dr. Peter
Eichelsbacher; mathe- [email protected] not later than October 15th
2017. Further information can be obtained at our website at

From: Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb [email protected]
Date: July 12, 2017
Subject: Research Associate/Senior Research Associate Position, Cambridge, UK

Research Associate/Senior Research Associate in the Mathematics of
Measurement (Fixed Term)

The Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information
(CCIMI) in collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
are seeking strong candidates for a Research Associate / Senior
Research Associate position to work on a collaborative project in
the. Mathematics of Measurement. The postholder will be employed by
the University of Cambridge and affiliated with both CCIMI and NPL,
with part of their time spent in the CCIMI based in the Centre for
Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge and the other part in the NPL
offices based in the Maxwell Centre in Cambridge or at the NPL main
site in Teddington, Southwest London. The exact percentage of time
spent at each institution will vary as appropriate over the course of
the project, with the expectation of a minimum of 20% of time spent at
NPL (either at the Maxwell Centre in Cambridge or the main site in
Teddington) and the University of Cambridge throughout.

Applicants must have a PhD degree in mathematics or statistics (or
closely related discipline), and have a demonstrably excellent
research record and future research potential.

Interviews are expected to be held in the week beginning 18 September.

Informal enquiries about the position may be made to the coordinator for
this recruitment at: [email protected].

Please quote reference LE12567 on your application and in any
correspondence about this vacancy.

Further information can be found here:

CLOSING DATE: 15 August 2017

From: Thomas Slawig [email protected]
Date: July 25, 2017
Subject: Research Position, Optimization of Climate Models, Kiel Univ

The Research Group "Algorithmic Optimal Control - Oceanic CO2 Uptake"
in the Department of Computer Science at Kiel University (CAU),
Germany, is offering a Researcher Position starting as soon as
possible. The position is initially limited until August 31,
2019. The salary corresponds to 50% of a full position (19,35 hours
per week) at the level of TV-L E13 of the German public service salary
scale. We offer the opportunity to undertake doctoral research.

The position is part of the research project "Optimization of quality
and performance" in the german national climate modeling initiative
"From the Last Interglacial to the Anthropocene: Modeling a Complete
Glacial Cycle (PalMod,", which aims at simulating the
climate from the peak of the last interglacial up to the present using
comprehensive Earth System Models. A project extension beyond 2019 is
planned. Task of the researcher is performance optimization of a high
resolution climate model, beginning with the realization of a version
of the atmospheric radiation module in single precision arithmetic.

Requirements are: Diploma or M.Sc. in computer science, mathematics,
climate sciences or related fields; proficiency in procedural
programming and handling Unix/Linux systems; experience (or the
willingness to familiarize oneself) with FORTRAN- based simulation
programs on high-performance computers.

Interested candidates should send an application letter including
curriculum vitae and copies of transcripts via e-mail to Prof. Thomas
Slawig, [email protected] Please refrain from submitting
application photos. Closing date for applications: August 15th, 2017.

From: Daniel C Reuman [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Population Modelling

Dr Daniel Reuman is recruiting into his lab in the University of
Kansas Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). At least
3 years of funding are available to carry out modelling and numerical
analysis of spatial population dynamics. The postdoc will join an
interdisciplinary team consisting of Reuman, three postdocs and one
student currently in the Reuman lab, collaborators in EEB and in the
Math Department at KU, and collaborators at several institutions in
the USA and UK. Funding is from the NSF Mathematical Biology program
and the James S McDonnell Foundation.

We seek individuals from biological or physical-science backgrounds
with skills and demonstrable interests in modelling and related
areas. Experience with stochastic process modelling and Fourier or
wavelet approaches is a plus. Experience with population models and
linear and nonlinear dynamical systems is a plus, as are computational
skills, particularly if applied in a statistical or modelling
context. A PhD or ABD in a related field is required. Applicants from
underrepresented groups are encouraged.

The University of Kansas (KU) is a major research university with
special strength in quantitative ecology and evolutionary biology. KU
is located in Lawrence, Kansas, about 30 miles from Kansas City.
Lawrence is a progressive and cosmopolitan university town with
vibrant art, music, and sports scenes that has been ranked among the
top ten college towns in the country for liveability.

See for further information about the
Reuman lab and links to past publications. See
for more details of the position. Email [email protected] or call 785 864
1542 with questions. A start date during or before autumn/winter 2017
is preferred. To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter of up to two
pages, the names and contact information of two references, and one
publication to [email protected]. Position open until filled.

From: Milan Mihajlovic [email protected]
Date: July 20, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Manchester

The University seeks to appoint a research associate in the School of
Computer Science for a period of 12 months to work on an
interdisciplinary project related to the development and
implementation of a simulation tool for the analysis of thermal
stability in emerging 3-D Integrated Circuit technologies with liquid

The specific tasks within the simulator design related to this post
include development of the internal liquid cooling and the external
free and forced convection cooling models and development of parallel
adaptive time integration methods.

Specific skills: specialist knowledge in computational science and
engineering, strong mathematical skills, knowledge of the finite
element method (experience with deal.II desirable), solution of
initial value problems, Krylov methods, multigrid, strong C++
programming skills.

Further details about the post can be found at:

From: Noemi Petra [email protected]
Date: July 17, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of California, Merced

There is an opening for a postdoc position in Professor Noemi Petra's
research group in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of
California, Merced.

The postdoctoral researcher will work under an NSF-funded
Collaborative Research (with UC Merced, UT Austin and MIT) entitled:
Integrating Data with Complex Predictive Models under Uncertainty: An
Extensible Software Framework for Large-Scale Bayesian Inversion (see for a general overview of the project).

The postdoctoral researcher will perform research in the field of
large-scale Bayesian inverse problems, and on the implementation of
new features in hIPPYlib. The postdoc will contribute to the research
dissemination and will also help build the user/developer community by
attending and speaking at conferences, workshops and summer schools at
local and international events.

Interested candidates should contact Noemi Petra at
[email protected] and apply at:

From: Valeriya Naumova [email protected]
Date: July 27, 2017
Subject: Senior Postdoc Position, Machine Learning, Simula Research Lab, Norway

We are searching for candidates for a senior postdoctoral position in
data science at Simula Research Laboratory, Norway. The position is
part of a recently established strategic initiative addressing Data
Science with emphasis on Machine Learning. The successful candidate
will play a vital role in this initiative and is expected to
participate both scientifically and strategically.

The project will have an initial funding for four years, and it is
expected to spin out sustainable research activities in the field. The
goal is to advance theoretical and methodological frameworks for
complex high-dimensional data and systems analysis, with
simultaneously addressing applied problems encountered in biomedicine,
image and video processing, communication systems, and software
engineering. The project will also play an important overarching role
for machine learning at Simula. It particular, the project will
provide a venue for researchers across both applied and theoretically
oriented research projects. Prospective applicants should have a PhD
in machine learning, signal processing, applied mathematics,
statistics, or related fields. Applicants with 2++ years of
postdoctoral experience in machine learning, data analysis or related
fields are particularly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate
could have flexibility in the choice of research topics given
alignment with project goals.

For more details please see the full advertisement:

For informal enquiries please contact Dr. Valeriya Naumova:
[email protected]

From: Thomas Richter [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2017
Subject: PhD / Post-Doc Position, Numerical Analysis

The group of Thomas Richter at the Otto-von-Guericke University of
Magdeburg is looking for a PhD candidate (Post-Doc possible) in
Numerical Analysis. The position is available from 01.10.2017 and
limited to three years.

Candidates must bring a degree (Masters or Diploma) in mathematics
above average and a focus on numerical mathematics for partial
differential equations, preferable finite elements. Good knowledge of
German is required.

For details see:

From: Jichao Zhao [email protected]
Date: July 11, 2017
Subject: Postdoc/PhD Positions, Univ of Auckland, New Zealand

Improving our understanding of human atrial ionic mechanisms of
arrhythmogenesis (Postdoc position and funded PhD opportunities

About the project: Atrial fibrillation (AF), characterized by rapid or
irregular electrical activity in the upper chambers of the heart, is
the most common heart rhythm disturbance. AF is associated with
substantial morbidity and mortality. Anti-arrhythmic drug therapy is
a frontline treatment for AF by targeting specific ionic channels with
variable success rates due to our incomplete understanding of the
basic mechanisms of atrial cellular behaviours in patients under
normal and diseased conditions. Computer activation models provide a
powerful framework for investigating exact mechanisms behind AF and
testing effectiveness of proposed novel treatment strategies by
providing a flexible way to dissect highly intertwined contributing
factors and set up series of control studies.

The potential projects for one Postdoc and couple of PhD students are
1) To develop biophysics-based human atrial cellular models to
understand the pathophysiology of AF associated with gene mutations
and to identify a potential effective, targeted treatment;
2) To develop biophysics-based human sino-atrial node (SAN) models to
determine the contribution of heart-failure induced structural and
molecular substrates to SAN dysfunction, and potential targeted
3) To develop biophysics-based human atrial cellular models to
understand the precise ionic mechanism of new-onset AF under diabetic
conditions and to identify a potential upstream therapy.

To find out more about this project please contact Dr Jichao Zhao
([email protected]), Auckland Bioengieering Institute, The
University of Auckland, New Zealand.

From: Lubomir Banas [email protected]
Date: July 25, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, SPDEs and Stochastic Games, Bielefeld Univ

Applications are invited for a PhD position in Numerical Analysis of
stochastic PDEs and Stochastic Games. The position is associated with
the newly establishes CRC 1283 (

The deadline for applications is 17th August 2017.

For more details please visit:

From: Marco Donatelli [email protected]
Date: July 18, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Insubria (Varese-Como), Italy

Outstanding students are sought for 7 Ph.D. fellowships in "Computer
Science and Computational Mathematics" at the Department of Science
and High Technology, University of INSUBRIA Varese-Como, Italy,
The call for the application is available at the website

The application deadline is 1th September 2017.

The applicants will be interviewed 12th or 13th September 2017.

The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary
environment, developing skills in Computer Science and Scientific
Computing. During the Ph.D. program, the students will attend 4
courses with final exam, and summer schools. Short visits abroad will
be also supported. The students will carry out original research in
Computational Mathematics, and the results of their work will be
reported in their Ph.D. theses.

For further information the applicants may contact the Coordinator
Prof. Marco Donatelli ([email protected])

From: SĂ©bastien Le Digabel [email protected]
Date: July 23, 2017
Subject: CFP, Continuous Optim and Appl in ML and Data Analytics

On the occasion of the 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous
Optimization, the first edition of this workshop to be held in Canada,
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, the journal of
the Canadian Operations Research Society, will publish a peer-
reviewed special issue entitled "Continuous Optimization and
Applications in Machine Learning and Data Analytics". INFOR is
published by Taylor & Francis and is included in the ISI Web of
Science (now Clarivate Analytics).

You can read the call for papers here:
or directly at: .

The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2018.

Sebastien Le Digabel, on behalf of this special issue editors;
Miguel Anjos, Fabian Bastin, Sebastien Le Digabel, Andrea Lodi

From: Edward Saff [email protected]
Date: July 14, 2017
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation 46 (1)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 46 Number 1
Table of Contents

Spectrally Optimized Pointset Configurations, Braxton Osting, Jeremy

How Many Zolotarev Fractions are There? A. B. Bogatyrev

On the Order Derivatives of Bessel Functions, T. M. Dunster

Change of Variable in Spaces of Mixed Smoothness and Numerical
Integration of Multivariate Functions on the Unit Cube, Van Kien
Nguyen, Mario Ullrich, Tino Ullrich

Orthogonal Polynomials for a Class of Measures with Discrete
Rotational Symmetries in the Complex Plane, F. Balogh, T. Grava,
D. Merzi

Orthogonal Polynomial Projection Error Measured in Sobolev Norms in
the Unit Disk, Leonardo E. Figueroa

Bounds on Order of Indeterminate Moment Sequences, Raphael Pruckner,
Roman Romanov, Harald Woracek

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

From: Raimondas Ciegis [email protected]
Date: July 15, 2017
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 22 (4)

The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations
ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online, Electronical edition:

Volume 22, Number 4, July 2017

Harijs Kalis, Andris Buikis, Aivars Aboltins and Ilmars Kangro,
Special Splines of Hyperbolic Type for the Solutions of Heat and Mass
Transfer 3-D Problems in Porous Multi-Layered Axial Symmetry Domain

Amin Esfahani and Hamideh B. Mohammadi, Global Existence and
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for the Cauchy Problem of a
Dissipative Boussinesq-Type Equation

Rehana Naz and Azam Chaudhry, Comparison of Closed-Form Solutions for
the Lucas-Uzawa Model via the Partial Hamiltonian Approach and the
Classical Approach

Pengyan Liu, Liang Zhang, Shitao Liu and Lifei Zheng, Global
Exponential Stability of Almost Periodic Solutions for Nicholson's
Blowflies System with Nonlinear Density-Dependent Mortality Terms and
Patch Structure

Fei Wang and Yongqing Yang, Fractional Order Barbalat's Lemma and Its
Applications in the Stability of Fractional Order Nonlinear Systems

Evely Kirsiaed, Peeter Oja and Gul Wali Shah, Cubic Spline

Pedro Almenar and Lucas J{\'{o}}dar, Solvability of a Class of
\textit{N}-th Order Linear Focal Problems

Urve Kangro,
Cordial Volterra Integral Equations and Singular Fractional
Equations in Spaces of Analytic Functions

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: July 26, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 75 (4)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 75, No. 4

Hong-lin Liao, Pin Lyu, Seakweng Vong, Ying Zhao, Stability of fully
discrete schemes with interpolation-type fractional formulas for
distributed-order subdiffusion equations

M. Chau, A. Laouar, T. Garcia, P. Spiteri, Grid solution of problem
with unilateral constraints

Xianyang Zeng, Hongli Yang, Xinyuan Wu, An improved tri-coloured
rooted-tree theory and order conditions for ERKN methods for general
multi-frequency oscillatory systems

Prabir Daripa, Aditi Ghosh, The FFTRR-based fast direct algorithms for
complex inhomogeneous biharmonic problems with applications to
incompressible flows

M.J. Senosiain, A. Tocino, Two-step strong order 1.5 schemes for
stochastic differential equations

Fu-jun Liu, Hui-yuan Li, Zhong-qing Wang, Spectral methods using
generalized Laguerre functions for second and fourth order problems

M. Jani, E. Babolian, S. Javadi, D. Bhatta, Banded operational
matrices for Bernstein polynomials and application to the fractional
advection-dispersion equation

Wataru Takahashi, The split common null point problem for generalized
resolvents in two banach spaces

Kanae Akaiwa, Yoshimasa Nakamura, Masashi Iwasaki, Akira Yoshida,
Koichi Kondo, An arbitrary band structure construction of totally
nonnegative matrices with prescribed eigenvalues

Yi-Fen Ke, Chang-Feng Ma, An inexact modified relaxed splitting
preconditioner for the generalized saddle point problems from the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

Rui-Ping Wen, Fu-Jiao Ren, Guo-Yan Meng, Modified quasi-Chebyshev
acceleration to nonoverlapping parallel multisplitting method

Oliver J. Sutton, The virtual element method in 50 lines of MATLAB

Zheng-Ge Huang, Li-Gong Wang, Zhong Xu, Jing-Jing Cui, A generalized
variant of the deteriorated PSS preconditioner for nonsymmetric saddle
point problems

Stoil I. Ivanov, A unified semilocal convergence analysis of a family
of iterative algorithms for computing all zeros of a polynomial

End of Digest