NA Digest, V. 17, # 14

NA Digest Monday, June 05, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 14

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ding Rujuan [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2017
Subject: Feng Kang Prize Awarded

The Announcement on 12th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing

The 12th Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing has been honored to:

Dr. Ruo Li,
Peking University, China
For their significant contributions in theory on globally hyperbolic
regularization of Grad's moment model for Boltzmann equation.

Dr. Michael K. Ng,
Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University, China
For their significant contributions in numerical linear algebra for
solving structured linear systems, mathematical and computational
methods in image processing.

The ceremony will be held at the General Assembly of the China Society
for Computational Mathematics, Xian, July21-23, 2017.

From: Nick Trefethen [email protected]
Date: June 03, 2017
Subject: Chebfun v5.7.0 release

The Chebfun team is pleased to announce the release of Chebfun v5.7.0
for numerical computing with functions in 1D, 2D, and 3D, available at or The new release
includes three major new capabilities:
* SPINSPHERE for reaction-diffusion equations on the sphere
* MINIMAX, most powerful code available for best rational
* RANDNFUN/2/SPHERE/DISK for random functions and ODEs

The random functions come with a new section of examples of random
ODEs at our web site In addition there are
some other notable changes in Chebfun:
* Vectorization now allows f*g instead of f.*g, etc.
* PLOTCOEFFS has a new look and feel
* ZEBRA option for black/white plots in 2D or on the sphere
* ROOTS now computes zero curves in 2D to high accuracy
* L - lambda*eye(L) and other algebra for chebops
* L' as an alternative to ADJOINT(L)
* ROTATE for fast rotation of a spherefun (exploiting fast NUFFT)
* ARROWPLOT for putting arrowheads on planar trajectories
* Updated class diagram

See for more information. If you have
questions or comments, we encourage you to visit the Chebfun users

From: W. E. Schiesser [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2017
Subject: New Book, Computational PDEs

A recent book in computational PDEs may be of interest to NA Digest

Please direct any questions to [email protected].

From: Ridgway Scott [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2017
Subject: Finite element modeling using FEniCS,USA, Jun 2017

Last call for the course

Solving PDEs with the FEniCS Project
26-30 June 2017 at the University of Chicago
Lecturers: L. Ridgway Scott (Chicago), Patrick E. Farrell (Oxford)

In this course, students learn the basic concepts behind modeling
physical phenomena using partial differential equations and how to
easily implement fast finite element solvers for these equations with
the software provided by the FEniCS Project.

The course is aimed at those wanting to improve their skills in
modeling using PDEs, and it is ideal for industrial engineers and
graduate students.

Registration closes Friday 9 June 2017. If tuition or housing cost is
an issue, please contact Ridgway Scott at [email protected].

For more information, go to

From: Martin J. Gander [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2017
Subject: Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC), Switzerland, Jun 2017

The PASC Conference is an interdisciplinary event in high performance
computing that brings together domain science, applied mathematics and
computer science - where computer science is focused on enabling the
realization of scientific computation. It will be held from June 26 to
28, 2017 at the Palazzo dei Congressi, located in Lugano, Switzerland,
and registration is now open at

Keynote speakers:
Katrin Amunts (Forschungszentrum Julich, Germany)
Haohuan Fu (TsInghua University, China)
Katrin Heitmann (University of Chicago, USA)
Horst Simon (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Matthias Troyer (Microsoft Research, USA)

Panel Discussions:
"Beyond Moore's Law"
John Shalf (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Joshua Fryman (Intel Corporation, USA)
Matthias Troyer (Microsof Research, USA)
Karlheinz Meier (Heidelberg University, Germany)

"Sustainable Software Development and Publication Practices in the
Computational Sciences"
Jack Wells (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Thomas Schulthess (CSCS / ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Walter Dehnen (University of Leicester, UK)
Robert Pincus (University of Colorado, USA)
Michael A. Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)

From: Eric Chung [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2017
Subject: Multiscale Methods and Large-scale Scientific Computing, China, Aug 2017

A 3-day workshop on "Multiscale Methods and Large-scale Scientific
Computing" will be held in Hunan University, Changsha, China on August
16-18, 2017.

The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers working on multiscale
methods and computation, review recent advances in the field and
provide a forum for joint collaborations.

Confirmed invited speakers are: Xiaochuan Cai, University of Colorado,
USA; Victor Calo, Curtin University, Australia; Liqun Cao, Chinese
Academy of Science, China; Eric Chung, Chinese University of Hong
Kong, China; Huoyuan Duan, Wuhan University, China; Yalchin Efendiev,
Texas A&M University, USA; Viet Ha Hoang, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore; Lijian Jiang, Hunan University, China; George
Em Karniadakis, Brown University, USA; Hyea Hyun Kim, Kyung Hee
University, Korea; Ping Lin,University of Dundee,UK; Alexei Lozinski,
University of Franche-Comte, France; Pingbing Ming, Chinese Academy of
Science, China; Daniel Peterseim, University of Augsburg, Germany;
Dongwoo Sheen, Seoul National University, Korea; Huazhong Tang, Peking
University and Xiangtan University, China; Qi Wang, Beijing
Computational Science Research Center, China; Xiaoping Wang, Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology, China; Yuhe Wang, Texas A&M
University at Qatar, Qatar; Mary Wheeler, University of Texas at
Austin, USA; Haijun Wu, Nanjing University, China; Ziqing Xie, Hunan
Normal University, China; Jinchao Xu, Pennsylvania State Unversity,
USA; Zhijian Yang, Wuhan University, China; Jun Yao, Chinese
University of Petroleum, China; Dongxiao Zhang, Peking University,
China; Pingwen Zhang, Peking Unversity, China; Zhen Zhang, Southern
University of Science and Technology, China

A 1-day tutorial will also be held on August 15, 2017 for graduate
students and junior researchers to learn basic numerical multiscale

For more information, see the following website:

From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2017
Subject: Numerical Analysis, Denmark, Aug 2017

The workshop Computational Inverse Problems - Insight and Algorithms
will be held on August 23-25, 2013, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on the
occasion of Per Christian Hansen's 60th birthday.

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers who are interested
in computational aspects of inverse problems, including regularization
methods, parameter-choice methods, matrix computations, iterative
methods, and software.

The workshop will take place at IDA Modecenter, beautifully located in
the center of Copenhagen at the waterfront.

Registration deadline is June 25, 2017. The registration fee is 1000
DKK. Participants are invited to present their work by giving a talk
or through a poster.

From: Lenka Oravska [email protected]
Date: June 03, 2017
Subject: Computer Science and Engineering, Thailand, Nov 2017

The requirements demands in problem solving have been increasingly in
demand in exponential way. The new technologies in computer science
and engineering have reduced the dimension of data coverage
worldwide. Thus the recent inventions in ICT have inched towards
reducing the gaps, and coverage of domains globally. The digging of
information in a large data, and the soft-computing techniques have
contributed a strength in prediction, analysis, and decision
potentials in the niche areas such as Computer Science, Technology,
Management, Social Computing, Green Computing, and Telecom
etc. Nurturing the research in Technology and Computing are evident
that finding a right pattern in the ocean of data.

The topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited
to: Computer Science: Information Technology, Green Computing, Machine
Learning, Smart Computing, Predictive Analysis, Mobile Programming,
big data, Computer architecture, Computational & Synthetic Biology,
Computer Graphics, Vision, Animation, Game Science, Computing for
Development, Data Management, Human Computer Interaction, Natural
Language Processing, Programming Languages and Software Engineering,
Robotics, Security & Privacy, Systems and Networking, Theory of
Computation, Ubiquitous Computing, Wireless and Sensor Systems, Using
IT to reduce carbon emissions, Energy-aware computing, Smart grid and
micro grids, Sustainable computing. Optimization: Mathematical
Programming, Continues optimization, Combinatorial optimization,
Discreet optimization, Ant colony optimization, Fuzzy logic, Genetic
algorithm, Genetic programming, variable neighbourhood search, Support
vector machine, Cuckoo search, Simulated annealing, Bat algorithm,
Differential evolution, robust solutions and robust optimization,
online optimization Holistic optimization, meta-heuristics and
stochastic optimization, optimization in (video) games,
surrogate-assisted optimization, dynamic optimization, Network design
optimization, Optimization of energy- efficient protocols..

Contributions should be submitted electronically as PDF in Confy

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: June 02, 2017
Subject: IMA Mathematics in Defence, UK, Nov 2017

In conjunction with The Sandhurst Trust
Thursday 23 November 2017, The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Still time to submit!

This conference brings together a wide variety of mathematical methods
with defence and security applications. The programme will include
keynote speakers, presentations and poster sessions, as well as
refreshment breaks for informal discussions. It is aimed towards
mathematicians, scientists and engineers from both industry and
academia, in addition to government and military personnel who have an
interest in how mathematics can be applied to defence problems.

Contributed papers or posters are invited on all aspects of
mathematics in defence. Topics covered include (but are not limited
to) the following: Data Science and Machine Learning; Signal
Processing; Modelling and Estimation; Statistical Methods; Operational
Analysis; Cyber-physical Systems; Security.

Papers or posters will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word
abstract which should be submitted by the extended deadline 16 June
2017 via Abstracts are expected to conform to
the following template in Times New Roman, size 10 font:

Contributing author(s) Surname, Initials
Affiliation(s) Department, organisation.
Abstract: 300-500 words only.

Successful authors will be invited to submit a paper or poster for
inclusion in the conference proceedings by 8 September 2017. Authors
accepted for oral presentations will be requested to submit a paper;
authors accepted for poster presentations may optionally also submit
papers. This is an open conference and all papers and presentations
will be unclassified. The proceedings will be made available to
delegates on USB and for download from the conference webpage. Prizes
will be awarded at the conference for the best paper, the best poster
and the best early career researcher's presentation.

Conference webpage -

From: Phan Thanh An [email protected]
Date: June 01, 2017
Subject: High Performance Scientific Computing, Vietnam, Mar 2018

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
March 19-23, 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam

Topics: mathematical modeling; numerical simulation; methods for
optimization and control; parallel computing: architectures,
algorithms, tools and environments; software development; applications
of scientific computing in physics, mechanics, hydrology, chemistry,
biology, medicine, transport, logistics, site location, communication,
scheduling, industry, business, finance.

Detailed information can be found at the conference website
(Participants can register, reserve hotel and submit data needed for
applying for a Vietnamese visa by using this conference website.)

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: September 29, 2017.
Notification of acceptance for presentation: December 22, 2017.
Deadline for applying a business visa through the organizers: January 19, 2018.
Deadline for hotel reservation: January 19, 2018.

Contact address: [email protected]

From: Kengo Nakajima [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2017
Subject: Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP18), Japan, Mar 2018

Call for Presentations
SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP18)
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
March 7-10, 2018
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMPP18

Submission Deadlines:
Aug.21, 2017: Minisymposium proposal Submissions
Sep.18, 2017: Contributed Lecture, Poster and
Minisymposium Presentation Abstracts
Sep.08, 2017: SIAM Student Travel Award & Early Career
Travel Award Applications

Invited Speakers (Confirmed):
Takuya Akiba, Preferred Networks, Japan
Haohuan Fu, National Supercomputing Center, Wuxi, China
Tsuyoshi Ichimura, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Shin'ichi Oishi, Waseda University, Japan
John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Wim Vanroose, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Chao Yang, Chinese Academy of Science, China

From: Emanuele Zanchi [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2017
Subject: C++ Developer Position, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

At BSC, the Spanish National Center of Supercomputing based in
Barcelona (Spain), we are looking for a C++ Developer.

If you may be interested in this opportunity we invite you to find out
more at the following link:

From: Joel Phillips [email protected]
Date: June 02, 2017
Subject: R&D Position, Cadence Design Systems

Cadence Design Systems is seeking candidates with a scientific
computing background for an R&D position in the area of electrical
circuit simulation. The candidate should possess an advanced degree
in applied mathematics, electrical engineering, computer science or a
related area, with focused experience in one or more areas of
scientific computing such as numerical linear algebra, sparse matrix
techniques, parallel algorithm design and implementation,
ordinary/differential-algebraic equation solution. Candidate should be
proficient in C/C++ development with a good understanding of efficient
implementation of high-performance numerical algorithms and associated
data structure design. Large-scale parallel computing exposure is
desirable. This position is responsible for creating and advancing
state-of-the-art electrical circuit simulation technologies and a
successful candidate will be expected to work with an engineering
cross-functional team to deliver innovative technologies in a
production environment. Previous exposure to integrated circuit
design/analysis is a positive but not a requirement. Position is
located in San Jose, California, USA.

Interested parties should directly contact Dr. Joel Phillips,
[email protected].

From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2017
Subject: Research Position, Numerical Linear Algebra

The Innovative Computing Lab (ICL, of the
University of Tennessee is looking for a bright, motivated person(s)
to join as a staff researcher. The primary duties of this position
are: to assist in the design, development and maintenance of numerical
software libraries for solving linear algebra problems on large
distributed memory machines with multicore processors and hardware
accelerators; write research papers documenting research findings;
present material at conferences; direct students and research team in
their research endeavors as related to ongoing and future
projects. There will be opportunities for publication, travel, and
high profile professional networking in academia, labs, and industry.

Education: PhD in Computer Science or related field with demonstrable
background in applied mathematics and computer science, in particular
distributed computing, multicore computing, GPU computing; or MS in
Computer Science or related field + 3-5 years relevant research or
work experience.

Experience: Background in applied mathematics, technical experience in
parallel computing, distributed computing, multithreading; familiarity
with numerical software libraries; experience with performance
diagnostics and optimization techniques, tracing,
profiling. Experience with developing mathematical software
desired. Track record of contributing to open source projects a
plus. Experience with GPU computing highly desired.

Job Skills Required: background in applied mathematics, familiarity
with numerical software; extensive knowledge of programming
techniques, highly proficient in C/C++, basic understanding of Fortran
language; proficiency with MPI and OpenMP, familiarity with CUDA or
OpenCL; technical writing and presentation skills, excellent
communication skills and a strong publication record.

Salary starting at $60,000/year, depending on experience and
qualifications. For consideration, send CV and contact information for
three references to Tracy Rafferty at [email protected].

From: David Gleich [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Matrix computations & fault tolerance, Purdue Univ

We are looking for a full time postdoctoral researcher in the Computer
Science Department at Purdue to work on a new class of algorithms in
numerical linear algebra that are robust to faults and failures in
distributed systems and the next generation of exascale machines.

An ideal candidate will have expertise and experience in:
- matrix computations and sparse matrix computations, with some
background on the convergence theory of stationary algorithms or
Krylov methods
- distributed and large scale implementations of matrix computations
in engineering applications, such as linear system solvers,
eigenvalue computations, and advanced matrix-based data analytics
(e.g. PCA, clustering, etc.)

We will consider exceptional candidates with experience in only one of
these areas who wish to develop expertise in the other area. The
postdoctoral advisors are David Gleich & Ananth Grama.

Please send application materials to [email protected]

Materials should consist of:
- A 1-2 paragraph introduction explaining why you want the position.
- A standard CV with your publications highlighted.
- Two to four people who could provide references.
- (Optional, but encouraged) an annotated CV explaining your specific
contribution to 1-3 publications on your CV in 1-2 paragraphs each.
Highlight the intellectual depth and engineering efforts in your work.

Applications will be screened immediately upon receipt and will be
accepted until the position has been filled. The starting date for the
postdoc is negotiable, but no later than Fall 2017. This information
can be easily shared through the web-page

From: Jan S Hesthaven [email protected]
Date: May 26, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Multi-scale methods for plasma physics, EPFL (CH)

The Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science at EPFL
( is inviting applications for a postdoctoral
researcher. The research project focuses on the development, analysis,
and application of temporal multi-scale computational methods with
applications in kinetic plasma physics.

Candidates are expected to have a strong background in numerical
analysis for differential equations (ODE/PDE) and preference will be
given to candidates with demonstrated experience in multi-scale
techniques and/or kinetic plasma physics.

The position is available from September 1, 2017 or as soon as
possible thereafter. The initial appointment is for one year but with
the possibility of extension. Some minor teaching responsibilities
will be expected.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Applicants should prepare a CV and a list of 3 references that can be
contacted. This should be forwarded as a single PDF file to Mrs Vieira
([email protected]).

Questions about the position or requests for further information can
directed to Prof Jan S Hesthaven ([email protected]).

EPFL is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis
on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are
therefore strongly encouraged to apply.

From: Ninoslav Truhar [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization, Univ of Osijek, Croatia

The Univeristy of Osijek, Department of Mathematics
( has an opening position
for a postdoctoral researcher in Numerical Linear Algebra for 18

The postdoc holder will join the Department of Mathematics, starting
from 1. October, 2017 within the project "Optimization of parameter
dependent mechanical systems" which has been fully financed by
Croatian Science Foundation

The candidates need to have PhD in mathematics, computer science, or
some related area. Essential qualifications are a strong background in
numerical linear algebra, control theory and especially Quadratic
eigenvalue problems and basics in optimization methods. Part of the
project involves programming in Matlab, (or some similar programs
Maple or Mathematica) so experience in this direction is highly

The closing date for receipt of applications, including reference
letters, is 30th June 2017.

Informal enquiries are encouraged; please contact Professor Ninoslav
Truhar initially by e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. dr. sc. Ninoslav Truhar
Department of Mathematics
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6
Osijek, HR-31000, Croatia
phone: +385-31-224-817
fax: +385-31-224-801
email: [email protected]

From: Jan S Hesthaven [email protected]
Date: May 26, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Structure Preserving ROM, EPFL (CH)

The Chair of Computational Mathematics and Simulation Science at EPFL
( is inviting applications for a postdoctoral
researcher. The research project focuses on a number of aspects
related to the development, analysis, and application of reduced order
models (ROM) for time-dependent systems of nonlinear ODEs and PDEs
with structure, e.g., conservation of moments, Casimirs, Hamiltonians

Candidates are expected to have a strong background in numerical
analysis for differential equations (ODE/PDE) and preference will be
given to candidates with demonstrated experience in reduced order
models and/or structure preserving computational methods.

The position is available from August 15, 2017 or as soon as possible
thereafter. The initial appointment is for one year but with the
possibility of extension to up to 3 years. Some minor teaching
responsibilities will be expected.

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Applicants should prepare a CV and a list of 3 references that can be
contacted. This should be forwarded as a single PDF file to Mrs Vieira
([email protected]).

Questions about the position or requests for further information can
be directed to Prof Jan S Hesthaven ([email protected]).

EPFL is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis
on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are
therefore strongly encouraged to apply.

From: benoit noetinger [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, IFPEN

IFPEN opens a PhD position in oct
2017. Scale-up two-phase fronts in heterogeneous porous media and
application to EOR techniques

Modelling multiphase flow in porous media remains a challenging issue,
especially when simulating unstable flows in natural heterogeneous
media. These instabilities are a key phenomenon that control the
overall efficiency of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes, a major
stake for most oil companies. The understanding of the coupling
between these instabilities and the unavoidable natural rock
multiscale heterogeneities that leads to an amplified channeling is
far from being complete. In addition, in the current practice, it is
no possible to simulate directly these flows using directly the high
resolution geological model of the reservoir. A grid coarsening step
is required. So the basic question is : is it possible to perform that
coarsening without losing too much accuracy of the simulation? In
this topic, the student will set up high resolution simulations that
will serve as a basis to build robust up-scaling procedures. The main
idea is to be able to track the front at some up scaled scale,
allowing to use standard single phase flow up scaling techniques far
from the front. Local flow details near the front will be accounted
for by several techniques, including multiscale zooming techniques, or
effective large scale equations accounting for details in a averaged
sense by means of a modification of fractional flow function,
including dispersivity. These approaches are particularly attractive
if random small scale heterogeneities are considered. Alternative
techniques such as Volume of Fluids, Fast Marching Method, Phase field
of potential interest for attacking the problem will be studied.

The retained student will have skills in applied mathematics; fluid
mechanics, computer programming including parallel computing. The
project will be shared between the Applied math department of IFPEN
and the Geoscience Direction. A collaboration with Pr B Riviere from
Rice University, USA is scheduled.

Interested students should send to Dr Noetinger, cover letter, master
marks, 2 recommendation letters

From: Chefi Triki [email protected]
Date: May 31, 2017
Subject: Special Issue, Transportation and Logistics: Deadline Extension

EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics
Deadline Extension to submit manuscripts: JULY 25, 2017

Special issue on: Models and Methods for the Supply Chain and
Logistics Management
Guest editors: Chefi Triki and Teodor Gabriel Crainic

Topics covered include:
- Supply chain design and control
- Transportation, vehicle routing and fleet management
- Manufacturing & warehousing operations
- Sustainable development
- Decision Making in Industry and Services
- Maritime and Port logistics
- Modelling & simulation of logistics systems
- Planning and scheduling
- IT for Supply Chain Management and logistics
- Reverse and green logistics
- Design and management of logistic infrastructure and networks
- Heuristic and meta-heuristic implementation in logistic-related models
- Smart city logistics
- Strategies and operations of logistic service providers

In order to submit a paper for a Special Issue:
1. Log on the Author Login.
2. Select Submit New Manuscript in the main menu.
3. In the drop down list associated with Choose Article Type, select
the entry corresponding to "S.I.: Models and Methods for the Supply
Chain and Logistics Management"

From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: May 30, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 75 (2)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 75, No. 2

Special Issue: Recent Progress on Iterative Methods for Large
Systems of Equations

Accelerated modulus-based matrix splitting iteration methods for a
restricted class of nonlinear complementarity problems, Rui Li,
Jun-Feng Yin

On the computation of a truncated SVD of a large linear discrete
ill-posed problem, Enyinda Onunwor, Lothar Reichel

A contribution to perturbation analysis for total least squares
problems, Pengpeng Xie, Hua Xiang, Yimin Wei

Variants of the groupwise update strategy for short-recurrence Krylov
subspace methods, Kensuke Aihara

Block Krylov-type complex moment-based eigensolvers for solving
generalized eigenvalue problems, Akira Imakura, Tetsuya Sakurai

Small sample statistical condition estimation for the total least
squares problem, Huai-An Diao, Yimin Wei, Pengpeng Xie

Multistep matrix splitting iteration preconditioning for singular
linear systems, Keiichi Morikuni

Circulant preconditioners for discrete ill-posed Toeplitz systems,
L. Dykes, S. Noschese, L. Reichel

Updating preconditioners for modified least squares problems,
J. Marin, J. Mas, D. Guerrero, K. Hayami

End of Digest