NA Digest, V. 17, # 9
NA Digest Wednesday, April 26, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 9
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Smale Prize 2017 for Lek-Heng Lim
- MOOC on Programming for Correctness
- Interactive Educational Modules in Scientific Computing
- Finite Element Software deal.II Version 8.5.0 released
- INTLAB Version 10
- SAWdoubler 2.0 released, counting self-avoiding walks
- The OpenLB Project: Release 1.1 Available
- New Book, Iterative Solution of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Linear Systems
- New Book, Tensor Analysis
- Variational analysis, equilibria and optimization, Italy, May 2017
- Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Scotland, Jun 2017
- Compressive Sensing, UK, Jun 2017
- FEniCS Course, USA, Jun 2017
- Nonlocal Dynamics, USA, Jun 2017
- Optimization in Scientific Computing, Hong Kong, Jun 2017
- Random Dynamical Systems, Germany, Jun 2017
- Boundary Integral Methods, UK, Jul 2017
- Design and optimization under uncertainty, France, Jul 2017
- Numerical PDEs, in Memory of Jim Douglas Jr., USA, Jul 2017
- AMMCS International Conference, Canada, Aug 2017
- Model Order Reduction, UK, Aug 2017
- Optimization in Machine Learning and Data Science, Germany, Aug 2017
- SAMSI QMC Opening Workshop, USA, Aug 2017
- Applied Mathematics, Ukraine, Sep 2017
- Computational Methods in Finance, Portugal, Sep 2017
- Deadline extension, FrontUQ 2017, Germany, Sep 2017
- FGI Conference on Optimization, Germany, Sep 2017
- International Meshing Roundtable, Spain, Sep 2017
- SIAM PNW Biennial Meeting, USA, Oct 2017
- Graduate School on Evolution Equations, UK, Nov 2017
- Mathematics in Defence, UK, Nov 2017
- NA Position, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
- Professor Positions, CS Department, Univ Pisa, Italy
- Research Professor Positions, CFD and Data Science
- Lecturer Position, Mathematical Finance
- Postdoc Position, Applied Analysis/PDEs, Imperial College London
- Postdoc Position, CFD, France
- Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, Univ of Leeds
- Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Linz, Austria
- Postdoc Position, Painlevé equations. SMSAS, Univ of Kent, UK
- Postdoc Position, Parametric Shape Optimization, France
- Postdoc Position, Ultrasound Simulation, Univ College London
- Postdoc Positions, Inverse Problem/Data Assimilation /Machine Learning
- Researcher/Postdoc Position, Uppsala Univ
- PhD Position, Bio-inspired Fluid Mechanics
- PhD Position, Numerical PDE, USA
- PhD Position, RWTH Aachen Univ, Germany
- PhD Positions, Mathematics of Planet Earth, Reading, UK
- Phd Position, Computational Electromagnetics
- MSc/PhD Position, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster
- Call for Chapters, Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
- Call for Papers, ETNA Special Volume honoring Olof Widlund
- Special Issue, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology
- Contents, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 8 (1)
- Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 43 (2)
- Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 57 (1)
- Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (2)
- Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 37 (2)
- Contents, Information and Inference, 6 (1)
- Contents, J Scientific Computing, 71 (1-2)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 74 (4)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Angela Kunoth [email protected]
Date: April 22, 2017
Subject: Smale Prize 2017 for Lek-Heng Lim
The Prize is awarded by the Society for the Foundations of
Computational Mathematics to young researchers in recognition of major
achievements to strengthen the unity of mathematics and numerical
analysis, and to narrow the gap between pure and applied mathematics.
About the Prize winner: Professor Lek-Heng Lim, University of Chicago,
USA, receives the Smale Prize 2017 for his outstanding contributions
to the foundations of computational mathematics. His work seamlessly
integrates scientific computing with complexity theory, statistical
data analysis, and pure mathematics.
Read more about Lek-Heng Lim's work at:
The award will be made at the next Conference on the Foundations of
Computational Mathematics (FoCM 2017) at Barcelona, July 10th - 19th,
2017, see
From: Robert van de Geijn [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2017
Subject: MOOC on Programming for Correctness
"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never
to show their absence!" -- Edsger Dijkstra
On April 11, 2017, LAFF-On Programming for Correctness launches on
the edX platform:
This course builds upon the "FLAME" project that also yielded PLAPACK,
the libflame library, the SuperMatrix runtime system, and the
BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software (BLIS). It inspired the
Elemental library for distributed memory architectures. The course
exposes some of the "secret sauce" that has allowed us to rapidly
develop portable high- performance libraries with a high degree of
confidence . A short video that launches Week 0 is on YouTube:
Participants will learn not only how to prove programs correct, but
also how to apply the goal-oriented programming techniques (advocated
by Dijkstra and others) to many dense matrix computations that are
supported by libraries like BLAS, LAPACK, BLIS, libflame, and
Elemental. Importantly, the methodology yields families of algorithms
so that the most appropriate one for a given architecture can be
But what about round-off error? How does this apply to sparse matrix
computations? Enrichments in the final week point to papers on how to
similarly derive backward error analyses and Krylov subspace methods.
We have tried to make the course interesting to novice and expert
alike. We gratefully acknowledge support from MathWorks, the National
Science Foundation, and The University of Texas at Austin.
From: Michael Heath [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2017
Subject: Interactive Educational Modules in Scientific Computing
A stand-alone executable version of the Interactive Educational
Modules in Scientific Computing is now available for downloading from These interactive educational
modules assist students in learning basic concepts and algorithms of
scientific computing. The modules were previously available only as
Java applets accessed through a web browser, but the increasing
deprecation of Java by most modern web browsers often makes such
access problematic. Consequently, the modules have been adapted to
run stand-alone as an executable Java application, and can be run on
any computer having appropriate support for Java applications. The
modules were designed to accompany the textbook Scientific Computing,
An Introductory Survey, 2nd edition, by Michael T. Heath, published by
McGraw-Hill (, but they can also
be used in conjunction with or independent of any textbook. Please
direct questions, suggestions, or bug reports to [email protected].
From: Timo Heister [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2017
Subject: Finite Element Software deal.II Version 8.5.0 released
Version 8.5.0 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library
awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been
released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from
the deal.II homepage at
The major changes of this release are:
- The CellDataStorage class stores and communicates user-defined data.
- The MappingManifold class provides exact mapping between the
reference cell and a mesh cell.
- Various improvements for high-order elements.
- The LinearOperator class has been extended by a generic ``payload''
mechanism that allows the attachment of arbitrary additional
- A dedicated physics module to provide definitions and operations
used in continuum mechanics.
- The FE_Enriched class implements an enriched finite element space of
an underlying element. The FESeries namespace provides expansions of
a finite element solution in terms of different, hierarchical bases.
- New tutorial programs step-55, step-56, and step-57; as well as
updates to step-27, step-37, and step-44.
- More than 240 other features and bugfixes, see the full list of
changes at
The main features of deal.II are:
- Extensive documentation and 55 working example programs
- Support for dimension-independent programming
- Locally refined adaptive meshes and multigrid support
- A zoo of different finite elements
- Built-in support for shared memory and distributed parallel
computing, scaling from laptops to clusters with 100,000+ of
processor cores
- Interfaces to Trilinos, PETSc, METIS, UMFPACK and other external
From: Siegfried M. Rump [email protected]
Date: March 26, 2017
Subject: INTLAB Version 10
Version 10 of INTLAB, the Matlab/Octave toolbox for Reliable
Computing, is now available. Several functions of global nature have
been added, in particular
- Global minimization
- Global constraint minimization
- All roots of a nonlinear system R^n->R^n
- All roots of the gradient of a nonlinear system R^n->R
- Parameter identification
Results computed by INTLAB are verified to be correct in a rigorous
mathematical sense. That includes all possible computational
inaccuracies, from the input data to the output.
In particalur, input data may be afflicted with tolerances. In that
case error bounds for the solution of all problems for data within the
tolerances are computed.
Several other routines have been improved, in particular the sparse
linear system solver.
For more information please visit
INTLAB is entirely written in Matlab/Octave, running on the latest
Matlab 2017a and downward compatible.
From: Rob Bisseling [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2017
Subject: SAWdoubler 2.0 released, counting self-avoiding walks
We are happy to announce the release of SAWdoubler version 2.0, a
software package for counting the total number of Self-Avoiding Walks
on a regular lattice by the length-doubling method.
New features of version 2.0:
- The number of walks Z(N) of length N can now be determined for every
N, in particular odd N. The length-doubling method computes Z(N+M)
for every pair N, M.
- The method also computes the squared end-to-end distance P(N).
- New lattices have been added to the simple cubic (SC) lattice:
Body-Centred Cubic (BCC), Face-Centred Cubic (FCC).
- A parallel version is included based on the MulticoreBSP library.
From: Mathias J. Krause [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2017
Subject: The OpenLB Project: Release 1.1 Available
The OpenLB developer team is very happy to announce that a new release
of the open source Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) code is available
for download on the project website . Have a
look and be excited!
- New user-friendly features, like generation of real-time plots of
simulation data, realized with Gnuplot (see examples cylinder2d,
cavity2d and tgv3d), Hertz-Mindlin forces for particulate flows, new
3D slip boundary condition
- Performance improvements, speed-up of about 20 percent using vector
instruction sets of modern compilers
- New examples, powerLaw2d (non-Newtonian fluid), tgv3d (turbulence
model benchmark)
- Compatibility tested on MacOS X, Windows Cygwin, Windows 10 Ubuntu
bash and Linux with various compilers as gcc, clang, Intel
PS: Please consider to join the developer team, by contributing your
code and strengthen the LB community by sharing your research in an
open and reproducible way!
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2017
Subject: New Book, Iterative Solution of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Linear Systems
Iterative Solution of Symmetric Quasi-Definite Linear Systems
Dominique Orban and Mario Arioli
SIAM Spotlights 03
April 2017 / xiv + 93 pages / Softcover / 978-1-611974-72-0
List Price $39.00 / SIAM Member Price $27.30 / SL03
Numerous applications, including computational optimization and fluid
dynamics, give rise to block linear systems of equations said to have
the quasi-definite structure. In practical situations, the size or
density of those systems can preclude a factorization approach,
leaving only iterative methods as the solution technique. Known
iterative methods, however, are not specifically designed to take
advantage of the quasi- definite structure.
This book discusses the connection between quasi-definite systems and
linear least-squares problems, the most common and best understood
problems in applied mathematics, and explains how quasi- definite
systems can be solved using tailored iterative methods for linear
least squares (with half as much work!). To encourage researchers and
students to use the software, it is provided in MATLAB, Python, and
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit .
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: April 24, 2017
Subject: New Book, Tensor Analysis
Tensor Analysis: Spectral Theory and Special Tensors, Liqun Qi and
Ziyan Luo
xiv + 305 pages / Softcover / ISBN 978-1-611974-74-4 /
List Price $84.00 / SIAM Member Price $58.80 / OT151
Tensors, or hypermatrices, are multi-arrays with more than two
indices. In the last decade or so, many concepts and results in matrix
theory---some of which are nontrivial---have been extended to tensors
and have a wide range of applications (for example, spectral
hypergraph theory, higher order Markov chains, polynomial
optimization, magnetic resonance imaging, automatic control, and
quantum entanglement problems). The authors provide a comprehensive
discussion of this new theory of tensors.
Tensor Analysis: Spectral Theory and Special Tensors is unique in that
it is the first book on these three subject areas: spectral theory of
tensors; the theory of special tensors, including nonnegative tensors,
positive semidefinite tensors, completely positive tensors, and
copositive tensors; and the spectral hypergraph theory via tensors.
Contents: List of Figures; List of Algrithms; Chapter 1: Introduction;
Chapter 2: Eigenvalues of Tensors; Chapter 3: Nonnegative Tensors;
Chapter 4: Spectral Hypergraph Theory via Tensors; Chapter 5: Positive
Semidefinite Tensors; Chapter 6: Completely Positive Tensors and
Copositive Tensors; Bibliography; Index.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Giancarlo Bigi [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2017
Subject: Variational analysis, equilibria and optimization, Italy, May 2017
Variational analysis, equilibria and optimization
A workshop in honor of Gabor Kassay for his 60th birthday
29-30 May 2017
Departimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, Pisa
The workshop brings together experts in variational analysis,
equilibrium and optimization problems to have a nice overview of
recent trends in these intertwined research areas. The workshop aims
at celebrating the 60th birthday of Gabor Kassay, a renowned scholar
who contributed to the advancement of these areas. Kassay has strong
ties with Italy and long standing collaborations with colleagues in
L'Aquila, Milano and Pisa, who joined together to organize this
two-day meeting.
Attendance to the workshop is welcome and free of charge. Anyhow, you
are required to register by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] providing your name, affiliation and day/days
of attendance. The deadline for the registration is 12 May.
Organizing committee: Monica Bianchi (Università Cattolica del Sacro
Cuore), Giancarlo Bigi (Università di Pisa), Marco Castellani
(Università degli Studi dell'Aquila), Rita Pini (Università degli
Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
More detailed information at
From: Philip Knight [email protected]
Date: April 24, 2017
Subject: Biennial Numerical Analysis Conference, Scotland, Jun 2017
The 26th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis will take place
from June 27-30, 2017 at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
Scotland. This is a reminder that abstracts for contributed talks and
minisymposium presentations should be submitted as soon as possible.
Reduced "Early Bird" registration is still available.
Full details of the meeting, including information on how to submit
contributions and register, are available at
From: Silvia Gazzola [email protected]
Date: March 31, 2017
Subject: Compressive Sensing, UK, Jun 2017
The workshop "One Day on Compressive Sensing" will be held at the
University of Bath on June the 1st, 2017. This workshop aims at giving
the participants a common understanding of Compressive Sensing,
together with an overview of its most recent developments in theory,
algorithms, and applications. The atmosphere will be extremely
welcoming, interdisciplinary, and collaborative. Invited speakers are:
Marta Betcke (UCL), Thomas Blumensath (Southampton), Xiaohao Cai
(UCL), Yves van Gennip (Nottingham), Clarice Poon (Cambridge), and
Jared Tanner (Oxford). Limited financial support is available for
UK-based early career researchers. Details about the conference
(including deadline for registration) are available at This
workshop is supported by the London Mathematical Society and the Bath
Institute for Mathematical Innovation.
From: Ridgway Scott [email protected]
Date: April 26, 2017
Subject: FEniCS Course, USA, Jun 2017
Course on Solving PDEs with the FEniCS Project
26-30 June 2017 in Chicago
Lecturers: L. Ridgway Scott (Chicago), Patrick E. Farrell (Oxford)
In this course, students learn the basic concepts behind modeling
physical phenomena using partial differential equations and how to
easily implement fast finite element solvers for these equations with
the software provided by the FEniCS Project.
The course is aimed at those wanting to improve their skills in
modeling using PDEs, and it is ideal for industrial engineers and
graduate students.
There are reduced registration fees for academics and students
attending this course.
For more information, go to
From: Xiaofan Li [email protected]
Date: April 18, 2017
Subject: Nonlocal Dynamics, USA, Jun 2017
NSF/CBMS Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences
June 4 - 9, 2017,
at Departemnt of Applied Mathematics,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA
This conference features a series of lectures and several research
seminars on dynamical systems modeled by nonlocal differential
equations. More information is at the webpage:
From: Eric Chung [email protected]
Date: April 23, 2017
Subject: Optimization in Scientific Computing, Hong Kong, Jun 2017
A 3-day workshop on "Optimization in Scientific Computing" will be
held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on June 21-23, 2017.
This international workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers
working on optimization and scientific computing to gather and enhance
the interaction among them. In particular, the workshop gives a forum
for researchers to present their latest achievements and explore new
research directions. The workshop is also an opportunity for graduate
students and postdoc to learn basic knowledge and overall development
in the field.
For more details, please see
Some funding is available for graduate students and young researchers
to attend the workshop. For more details, please email to Prof. Eric
Chung at [email protected]
From: Wolf-Juergen Beyn [email protected]
Date: April 13, 2017
Subject: Random Dynamical Systems, Germany, Jun 2017
The Ninth Workshop on Random Dynamical Systems will take place at
Bielefeld University on 14-17 June 2017, see
for invited speakers and further information.
The program including the abstracts of the presentations will be
published on the same webpage by the end of May. This year's focus is
on analytical and numerical aspects of stochastic differential
equations. Everyone is welcome, but participants are kindly requested
to register by 1 June 2017 by sending an e-mail to
[email protected] , stating name and affiliation. Please
make sure to include "RDS 17" in the subject line.
A limited number of contributed talks can be accommodated and limited
financial support is available. If you would like to give a
contributed presentation, please include title and abstract with your
registration. Proposals for talks should be received at latest by 26
May 2017. Barbara Gentz and Wolf-Juergen Beyn
From: David Chappell [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2017
Subject: Boundary Integral Methods, UK, Jul 2017
UKBIM11: The 11th UK Conference on Boundary Integral Methods
10th-11th July 2017, Nottingham, UK
LMS conference grant funding is available to cover the accommodation
and travel expenses of a limited number of UK based PhD students, so
that they may attend the UKBIM11 conference. Unfortunately, the
registration fee of 125 is not covered by the funding.
Students working in the mathematical sciences who are interested in
receiving this funding should send an expression of interest to
[email protected], including a short description of their research
area. Funding to eligible students will be allocated on a first come,
first served basis.
More information can be found on the conference website
From: Bertrand Iooss [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2017
Subject: Design and optimization under uncertainty, France, Jul 2017
The next 2017 CEA-EDF-INRIA summer school in applied mathematics will
be entitled "Design and optimization under uncertainty of large-scale
numerical models". It will be located in Paris (Jussieu) from 3d July
to 7th July. The two main courses will be given by Anne Auger / Dime
Brockoff (INRIA Saclay) and Julien Bect / Emmanuel Vazquez
(CentraleSupelec). The detailed program and information to register
are here :
When dealing with complex and cpu-time expensive computer codes,
engineers and researchers have to adopt smart strategies in order to
improve the robustness and the precision of their study results.
Indeed, several uncertainties affect their physical and numerical
models, the required solving algorithms and the various model input
data and parameters.
The topic of dealing with uncertainty in numerical simulation is very
broad. In 2005, a CEA-EDF-INRIA summer school has covered the basics
of uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis with deterministic
and stochastic approaches. In 2011, another CEA-EDF-INRIA summer
school has explained several mathematical concepts of VV&UQ
(validation, verification and uncertainty quantification), by using in
particular Bayesian techniques.
The present proposition aims to cover techniques devoted to
optimization goals, by taking into account the remaining
uncertainties. Indeed, one of the main difficulties stands on cpu-time
expensive numerical models subject to environmental
uncertainties. Concepts of robustness and goal-oriented adaptive
algorithms have therefore to be developed. Among the applications, we
find the design of nuclear reactor, automotive, airplane, etc.
From: Jie Shen [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2017
Subject: Numerical PDEs, in Memory of Jim Douglas Jr., USA, Jul 2017
An International Conference on Current Trends and Challenges in
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations will be held at
Purdue University during July 7-8, 2017.
The purpose of this conference is to promote, enhance, and stimulate
international research interactions and collaborations in applied and
computational mathematics. A special feature of this conference is to
celebrate the scientific legacy of late Professor Jim Douglas Jr. who
served as the Compere and Marcella Loveless Distinguished Professor
and the Director of Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics
(CCAM) at Purdue University from 1987 until his retirement in 2006.
The conference is sponsored by NSF, IMA and Purdue University. We have
limited funding to partially support about 20 early career (advanced
graduate students, postdocs, tenure-track faculty without funding)
participants. For those who wish to apply for partial support, please
send in your application (a cover letter, CV, and a letter of
recommendation from your advisor/mentor if you are graduate student or
postdoc) to Professor Zhiqiang Cai at [email protected] by Apr 30,
2017. Decision will be made before May 15, 2017.
Conference web page:
In addition to an excellent list of plenary speakers, we plan to have
a poster session for those who wish to present their work at the
conference. Those who apply for support are particularly encouraged to
present a poster. The deadline for registration is June 15, 2017. The
registration is open now at the web page, no registration fee is
required but $50 will be collected if you choose to attend the banquet
in the evening of July 8. A block of rooms have been reserved at
Purdue Union Club Hotel and at the Hilton Garden Inn. More information
can be found at the conference web page.
From: Roderick Melnik [email protected]
Date: April 16, 2017
Subject: AMMCS International Conference, Canada, Aug 2017
This is the Final Call for abstracts for the IV AMMCS International
Conference that will take place in Waterloo, Canada, August 20-25,
2017 ( The AMMCS Conference Series aims
at promoting interdisciplinary research and collaboration involving
mathematical and computational sciences within a larger international
community, and highlighting recent advances in Applied Mathematics,
Modeling and Computational Science (AMMCS).
The Conference features many special and contributed sessions to
choose from, as well as many distinguished plenary and semi-speakers,
including Ivet Bahar (University of Pittsburgh), Vincent Conitzer
(Duke University), Andre Longtin (University of Ottawa), Andrew Majda
(New York University), Kavita Ramanan (Brown University), Harvy Stein
(Bloomberg LP and Columbia University), Francis Edward Su (Harvey Mudd
College), Alessandro Vespignani (Northeastern University), William
Welch (University of British Columbia), Mary Wheeler (University of
Texas at Austin), and Andrew Sutherland (M.I.T.).
Refereed proceedings will be published by Springer and selected
papers, presented at the conference, will be invited to several
journal issues. A number of prizes for students and young researchers
will be awarded at the Conference, including the Kolmogorov-Wiener
Prize. Travel scholarships for students are available on a competitive
Further details are at the conference website: (contact us at [email protected]).
From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2017
Subject: Model Order Reduction, UK, Aug 2017
The COST Action EU-MORNET will fund 10 early career researchers who
are located in eligible COST countries
to attend the LMS Durham Research Symposium "Model Order Reduction"
which will be held at Durham University from 7 to 17 August 2017.
The morning sessions of the symposium will consist of short courses on
various aspects of Model Order Reduction. The afternoon sessions will
consist of talks by selected participants of the symposium. In
addition there will be time for research discussions. You can express
your interest by sending an email to [email protected] including
your CV and a motivation letter (pdf files preferred).
In line with COST policies, a degree of preference will be given to:
- Early Stage Researchers (PhD students or researchers with 8 years or
fewer experience since obtaining their PhD);
- Women (since this is the underrepresented gender in this COST
- Applicants from COST inclusiveness target countries.
Therefore, please indicate in your email: your career stage, your
gender and the country in which you are located. The deadline for
applications is 1 May 2017.
From: Volker Schulz [email protected]
Date: April 06, 2017
Subject: Optimization in Machine Learning and Data Science, Germany, Aug 2017
Autumn School on Optimization in Machine Learning and Data Science
August 28-31, 2017, Trier University, Germany
Invited Speakers:
- Julian Hall, University of Edinburgh
- Tamara G. Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories
- Stephen Wright, University of Wisconsin
The autumn school is organized by the research training group
(Graduiertenkolleg) 'Algorithmic Optimization' in Trier.
Large parts of the new economy rely on data science and the
application of machine learning. For handling these modern
computational and statistical problems, optimization algorithms are of
utmost importance. The typically large data sets involved in this
context urge for new optimization techniques. Therefore, we are
delighted to host well-known experts in this field as speakers at this
upcoming Autumn School.
Deadline for application for travel stipend: June 15, 2017
From: Ilse Ipsen [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2017
Subject: SAMSI QMC Opening Workshop, USA, Aug 2017
Registration is now open for the
SAMSI QMC Opening Workshop, 28 August - 1 September 2017
Raleigh-Durham (RDU), North Carolina, USA
The Opening Workshop marks the official start of the 2017-18 SAMSI
Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for
Applied Mathematics. The first workshop day consists of tutorials
that introduce QMC methods, followed by a poster reception. The
remaining days feature research presentations, discussion panels, and
the formation of (virtual) research working groups.
Workshop topics: High-dimensional numerical integration and
approximation; low discrepancy and other high-dimensional sampling
schemes; information-based complexity; partial differential equations
(high-dimensional, random coefficients); digital nets, lattice rules,
and their randomization; as as well as applications of QMC to:
uncertainty quantification, stochastic wave propagation, Bayesian
computations, and industrial problems.
Organizers: Art Owen (Stanford), Frances Kuo (New South Wales), Fred
Hickernell (Illinois), Pierre L'Ecuyer (Montreal)
More information is available at:
Send questions to: [email protected]
From: Roman Chapko [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2017
Subject: Applied Mathematics, Ukraine, Sep 2017
We'd like to invite you to join us at the Ukrainian Conference on
Applied Mathematics held at the Ivan Franko National University of
Lviv (Ukraine) on September 28-30, 2017.
The following sections are planned: Integral Equations for Applied
Problems; Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Equations; FEM with
Applications; Computer Science Problems.
For full details, please visit the conference website
We are looking forward to seeing you in Lviv! Please contact us at
[email protected] if you have any questions or comments.
From: João Paulo Janela [email protected]
Date: April 21, 2017
Subject: Computational Methods in Finance, Portugal, Sep 2017
International Conference on Computational Finance 2017 - ICCF 2017
Organized by ISEG & CEMAPRE-Universidade de Lisboa, in September 4-8.
ICCF 2017 is the 2nd of a biannual series of international conferences
in Computational Finance launched by the consortium of the European
project FP 7 Marie Curie ITN STRIKE - Novel Methods in Computational
Finance 2013-2016. The 1st edition took place in December 2015 at the
University of Greenwich.
Lisbon ICCF 2017 covers a large number of topics and offers several
Thematic Sessions and Mini-symposia for paper presentation.
Further details about ICCF 2017 can be found on the website, where you
can register and submit your paper.
Two special issues of the prestigious ISI journals
AMF - Applied Mathematical Finance
IJCM - International Journal of Computer Mathematics
will welcome high quality papers, accepted after review.
From: Elisabeth Ullmann [email protected]
Date: March 31, 2017
Subject: Deadline extension, FrontUQ 2017, Germany, Sep 2017
The GAMM Activity Group on Uncertainty Quantification organises an
outreach workshop Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in
Engineering (FrontUQ) on 6-8 September 2017 in Munich, Germany.
This workshop brings together mathematicians and engineers working in
Uncertainty Quantification. The goal is to create a forum for academic
and industrial researchers working on theoretical and practical
aspects of uncertainty quantification and its application to different
engineering fields, e.g. civil, mechanical, aerospace engineering and
material science. The workshop will have the following focus areas:
Rare events and reliability, Inverse problems and Bayesian analysis,
and Optimization under uncertainties.
Keynote speakers:
- Lori Graham-Brady, Johns Hopkins University
- Olivier Le Maitre, LIMSI-CNRS, France
- Tinsley Oden, University of Texas at Austin
- Costas Papadimitriou, University of Thessaly
- Dongbin Xiu, Ohio State University
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to April 30
2017. You are kindly invited to submit an abstract of maximum 300
words at the conference website []. Go to Submit
Contribution and follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
From: Andrea Walther [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2017
Subject: FGI Conference on Optimization, Germany, Sep 2017
18th French-German-Italian Conference on Optimization
Paderborn University, Germany
September 25th-28th, 2017
More information can be found at
Enquiries can also be sent to [email protected]
In addition to contributed talks, the programme committee of FGI 17
strongly supports the organization of minisymposia dedicated to
specific topics of interest, and organized by individuals who are well
positioned within the respective fields.
30 Jan '17: Extended abstract submission opening
30 Apr '17: Submission deadline for abstracts
12 Jun '17: Notification of abstract acceptance
1 Jul '17: Early registration deadline
From: Suzanne Shontz [email protected]
Date: April 17, 2017
Subject: International Meshing Roundtable, Spain, Sep 2017
The 26th International Meshing Roundtable (IMR) and User Forum will be
held September 18-21, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. We solicit technical
papers that present original results on meshing, gridding and related
technology. In addition, the 26th IMR also solicits short research
notes and posters that describe exploratory research, preliminary
results and techniques deemed to be relevant to the field of meshing.
User Forum: The 26th IMR will also host a user forum featuring
technical presentations and posters demonstrating novel application of
meshing tools as well as hands-on tutorials of state-of-the-art
commercial software tools for mesh generation. Abstracts and posters
are solicited from practitioners that highlight aspects of the model
preparation process and its application to relevant science and
engineering solutions. The IMR will also host a meshing contest,
allowing members of the meshing community to showcase their tools as
part of the User Forum.
A detailed description of conference topics can be found at
Important Dates:
May 30 - Full paper submission deadline
July 8 - Meshing contest commitment deadline
August 4 - Applications for student financial support due
August 8 - Research notes, poster and meshing contest deadline
OpenConf will be used for the paper submissions, details can be
found at
From: Ben Adcock [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2017
Subject: SIAM PNW Biennial Meeting, USA, Oct 2017
We are pleased to announce that Oregon State University will host the
1st Biennial Meeting of the SIAM Pacific Northwest Section on October
27-29, 2017 in Corvallis, Oregon. The conference will bring together
applied mathematicians in academia and industry located across the
Pacific Northwest. The meeting will be co-located with the Pacific
Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar. Some travel support will be
The conference will consist of plenary talks, thematic and contributed
sessions, and a poster session. The list of confirmed plenary
speakers includes:
Michael Friedlander (University of British Columbia)
Anne Greenbaum (University of Washington)
Juan Restrepo (Oregon State University)
Grady Wright (Boise State University)
If you would like to propose a thematic session or contribute a
presentation, please send an e-mail to
[email protected]. A list of existing thematic
sessions and their organizers can be found on the conference website:
The deadline for proposals of additional sessions is June 1. See the
conference website for other important deadlines and further
information about the conference.
From: Heiko Gimperlein [email protected]
Date: April 20, 2017
Subject: Graduate School on Evolution Equations, UK, Nov 2017
The 3rd Maxwell Institute Graduate School on Evolution Equations takes
place at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Edinburgh, from November 15 to 17, 2017.
This year the topics of the school are at the interface of numerical
analysis and mathematical biology, with two short courses given by
- Jean-Frederic Gerbeau (Inria / Paris),
topics: numerical analysis of fluid/structure interaction and the
cardiovascular system, inverse problems and data assimilation,
- Hans Othmer (Minnesota),
topics: modeling, shape analysis and the boundary integral method
in the context of cell movement.
The program will be filled by a variety of additional talks given by
senior participants. We also expect to have an afternoon of talks by
Ph.D. students and young postdocs.
Preliminary information may be found on the conference web page . It may be consulted for updates
as they arise.
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: April 07, 2017
Subject: Mathematics in Defence, UK, Nov 2017
In conjunction with The Sandhurst Trust, Thursday 23 November 2017,
The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
This conference brings together a wide variety of mathematical methods
with defence and security applications. The programme will include
keynote speakers, presentations and poster sessions, as well as
refreshment breaks for informal discussions. It is aimed towards
mathematicians, scientists and engineers from both industry and
academia, in addition to government and military personnel who have an
interest in how mathematics can be applied to defence problems.
Contributed papers or posters are invited on all aspects of
mathematics in defence. Topics covered include (but are not limited
to) the following: Data Science and Machine Learning; Signal
Processing; Modelling and Estimation; Statistical Methods; Operational
Analysis; and Cyber-physical Systems Security.
Papers or posters will be accepted on the basis of a 300-500 word
abstract which should be submitted by 12 May 2017 via Authors will be advised of acceptance by 16
June 2017.
Conference webpage:
From: Nick Gould [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2017
Subject: NA Position, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
We have an fixed-term opening for an outstanding, ambitious junior
researcher to join the Numerical Analysis Group at the STFC Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford, England. The Group's main focus is
on topics relating to large-scale numerical linear algebra and
The position will involve undertaking novel independent and
collaborative scientific research at an international level in an area
of computational numerical analysis that is closely related to the
existing research interests of the Group. The role will also
contribute to developing, supporting and maintaining software within
the Group's key software projects (notably HSL, SPRAL and GALAHAD).
Further responsibilities will include developing national and
international research collaborations, and working with colleagues on
the development and expansion of projects involving STFC scientific
facilities (notably the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source, Diamond
Light Source and RAL Space).
For further details, please visit
or contact us ([email protected], [email protected]) by
email for particular queries. The closing date for applications is the
14th of May 2017, with interviews scheduled for the 12th of June 2017.
From: Federico Poloni [email protected]
Date: April 22, 2017
Subject: Professor Positions, CS Department, Univ Pisa, Italy
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa is
seeking expressions of interest for tenured positions at the Associate
Professor and Full Professor level, to be covered, in multiple
selection rounds, in 2017-2019.
Outstanding candidates in all areas of Computer Science are invited to
apply. At this time, the Department seeks to expand its faculty in
particular into the following areas:
- Computational Science and Applied Mathematics including applications
to complex systems and models in the fields of physical sciences,
life sciences, social sciences, engineering and finance.
- Ubiquitous computing including Internet of Things, Cloud and Fog
computing, mobile applications, wearable and cyber-physical systems,
programming languages, formal methods and verification.
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science including analysis and
management of big data, machine learning, and high-performance
architectures for related computations.
Candidates must have obtained a national habilitation for the
applied-for position (associate or full professor), or already hold an
equivalent academic position.
For more detail, please see .
From: Miguel A. Benítez [email protected]
Date: April 26, 2017
Subject: Research Professor Positions, CFD and Data Science
The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), together with Ikerbasque, the Basque
Foundation for Science, invites applications
for one Research Professor position in Computational Fluid Dynamics
and one Research Professor position in Data Science. This Research
Professor call offers permanent contract positions for experienced
Research Professor position in Computational Fluid Dynamics
Research Professor position in Data Science PDF website
We encourage immediate applications as the selection process will be
ongoing. All applications must be submitted on-line at:
BCAM is a young research centre that is facing its consolidation
phase. In this sense, the scientific strategy of the Centre is based
on three Scientific Platforms that have been set up in order to
establish an interdisciplinary system capable of facing the challenges
of Mathematical Science in a broad manner by bringing together
Mathematics, Engineering and Sciences:
Core in Applied Mathematics: PDE, Numerical Analysis, Fourier
Analysis, Algebraic Geometry, Probability and Statistics.
Computational Mathematics: Modeling and computer simulations using
numerical, stochastic and Monte Carlo methods. Applications of
Mathematics to Industry, Social Sciences and Health Sciences.
Candidates should provide: CV. Letter of interest, including your
research interest. 2 recommendation letters (additional references
may be requested during the evaluation) Statement of past experience
(2-3 pages). Please, highlight your main results. Only researchers
with a strong record of research will be considered. Women candidates
are especially welcome.
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and
potential candidates. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you
need further information: [email protected]
From: Simon Hubbert [email protected]
Date: April 18, 2017
Subject: Lecturer Position, Mathematical Finance
The Department of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics at Birkbeck,
University of London invites applications for a Lecturer B position in
Mathematical Finance. The successful applicant will have an excellent
research profile with an impressive list of publications (commensurate
with experience) in an area of Financial Mathematics, or in an area of
Applied Mathematics that has strong interdisciplinary links with
Finance. They will participate in the organization and teaching of
quantitative modules within our portfolio of finance courses and, as
such, will have the ability and flexibility to teach across a wide
range of topics, with an emphasis on credit risk, option pricing and
portfolio theory. They will be expected to develop a research platform
within the department or to contribute to an existing one. We are
looking to strengthen our research and teaching provision in finance
in a way that will build on our existing strengths, which are in the
areas of numerical analysis, partial differential equations and
approximation theory.
Closing date: May 7th 2017.
You can apply on-line using links from,6023716213&key=112525849&c=34027158879859&pagestamp=sevcbufvpqklloiryi
From: Grigorios A. Pavliotis [email protected]
Date: April 20, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Applied Analysis/PDEs, Imperial College London
Applications are invited for Research Associate position in the
Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London to work in the
areas of nonlocal Partial Differential Equations. The position is
funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
through the EPSRC Grant EP/P031587/1 Nonlocal Partial Differential
Equations: entropies, gradient flows, phase transitions and
applications. The Research Associate will work directly with
Professors J.A. Carrillo and G.A. Pavliotis and they will join a
large, vibrant research group working on problems related to partial
differential equations, statistical mechanics and stochastic
differential equations with current research activities on gradient
flows, nonlocal PDEs, phase transitions and numerical analysis for
multiscale systems.
For additional information please contact Professor J.A. Carrillo
([email protected]) or Professor G.A. Pavliotis
([email protected]).
Our preferred method of application is online via our website (please select "Job Search"
then enter the job title or vacancy reference number NS2017064KL into
"Keywords"). Please complete and upload an application form as
directed, also providing a CV (including list of publications) and a
cover letter.
Should you have any queries regarding the application process, please
contact Mrs Rusudan Svanidze, Research Operations Manager, Email:
[email protected] Imperial Managers lead by example.
Closing date: 10 May 2017
Committed to equality and valuing diversity. We are also an Athena
SWAN Silver Award winner, a Stonewall Diversity Champion a Two Ticks
Employer and are working in partnership with GIRES to promote respect
for trans people.
From: Denis Gueyffier [email protected]
Date: April 03, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, CFD, France
Title: Accelerating elsA CFD software using fast linear algebra
Keywords : CFD, Implicit time integration, fast linear algebra,
parallel computing, multicore architectures
Context : elsA is a CFD simulation platform developed in the framework
of a cooperation between ONERA, Airbus and Safran. elsA deals with
internal and external aerodynamics from the low subsonic to the high
supersonic flow regime. In addition, this platform interoperates with
multidisciplinary simulation platforms in order to integrate CFD
simulation capabilities into industrial workflows.
Subject description : The postdoc will take part in the current effort
by the elsA team to design numerical schemes for flows on hybrid
meshes around complex geometries. He/she will help us design novel
numerical strategies to enhance the performance of these schemes on
parallel supercomputers.
External collaborations: INRIA
Duration: 12 to 24 months
Requested profile: PhD to be defended no later than Dec. 31, 2016 in
(Numerical) Fluid Dynamics or Applied Mathematics
Desirable skills :
- Knowledge of numerical linear algebra will be expected.
- Experience of sparse linear algebra would be appreciated.
From: Daniel Ruprecht [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Engineering, Univ of Leeds
A fixed term (12 months) Grade 7 position in computational engineering
is available at the University of Leeds, UK, as part of an EPSRC
funded project in collaboration with the Culham Centre for Fusion
Energy (CCFE).
The project will develop a novel time stepping algorithm to speed up
simulations of fast ions in fusion reactors and integrate it into
CCFE's GPU-accelerated simulation suite LOCUST. Development of the new
algorithm will be based on a recent combination of the widely used
Boris method for the Lorentz equations with spectral deferred
For more information and to apply please consult
Deadline for applications is 3 May 2017.
From: Axel Kittenberger [email protected]
Date: April 06, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Linz, Austria
At the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
Mathematics (RICAM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz,
Austria, the "Inverse Problems and Imaging Group" is searching a
PostDoc with a strong background in Tomography or Regularization. The
research focus will be adjusted according to the interests of the
successful candidate, although expert knowledge in either one of the
following topics Mathematical Tomography, Integral Geometry,
Regularization Theory, Stability Estimates is preferential.
A doctorate in mathematics or a closely related field is required. The
working language is English. For more information contact Prof. O.
Scherzer at: [email protected]
RICAM went into operation on January 1, 2003 and has established
research groups in six areas: Computational Methods for PDEs; Geometry
in Simulations; Optimization and Optimal Control; Inverse Problems and
Mathematical; Symbolic Computation; Transfer Group. The Institute is
located on the campus of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, a
city with approx. 205,000 inhabitants. Linz is located on the Danube,
close to the Austrian Alps and half-way between Vienna and
Salzburg. Further information is available at:
Applications with personal and scientific data and a compact statement
about scientific interests and achievements should be sent by May 31,
2017, by email to the address above.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences is an equal opportunity employer. We
are approaching interested candidates, prepared to exercise the
aforementioned duties for a yearly gross salary of 50.772,40 EUR. We
offer a fixed-term contract for an initial period of one year (with
possible extensions up to a maximum of six years). Starting date will
be October 1, 2017.
From: Alfredo Deaño [email protected]
Date: April 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Painlevé equations. SMSAS, Univ of Kent, UK
A postdoctoral research associate (RA) is sought for Dr Alfredo
Deano's 2- year EPSRC First Grant project "Painleve equations:
analytical properties and numerical computation". The aim of this
project is to explore analytical, asymptotic and computational
properties of Painleve equations in the complex plane, with special
emphasis on special function solutions.
This project requires the participation of a postdoctoral researcher
with a strong research track record, as well as relevant skills and
experience in one or more areas appropriate to the project (special
functions, asymptotic and complex analysis, numerical
techniques). Part of the project involves programming in Mathematica
and Matlab, so experience in this direction is highly desirable.
The position will be available starting September 2017 (negotiable),
and interviews are expected to be held in June 2017
Full details about teaching and research in the School of Mathematics,
Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Kent can be
found on our website:
Informal enquiries are encouraged and should be directed to A.Deano-
[email protected]
From: Pablo Tassi [email protected]
Date: March 31, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Parametric Shape Optimization, France
The Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory seeks to fill a 18 month post-
doctoral position in the field of parametric shape optimization for
hydraulic and environmental problems, with the following main topics:
Robust shape and topology optimization applied to river and/or coastal
applications and Identification of optimal zones and/or boundaries to
improve the efficiency or to minimize costs while guaranteeing the
design constrains of hydraulic structures (e.g. water intakes) subject
to different forcing effects. The aim of this post-doctoral position
is to develop an efficient numerical tool based on the Telemac
Modelling system (a widely used open- source code
able to deliver optimal shape design for hydraulic engineering
applications. The work will be mainly based on the implementation,
improvement and development of computational methods capable to solve
optimization problems based on derivative-free and gradient
algorithms. These algorithms will be first verified and validated on
simple configurations and then applied to selected industrial cases.
Successful applicants should, by the start of the appointment, have a
Ph.D., or equivalent experience in Applied Mathematics, Applied
Physics, Computer Sciences or Mechanical/Civil Engineering.
Experience of high performance numerical computing and/or programming
are highly desirable. The researcher will be employed by Ecole des
Ponts ParisTech. Salary and benefits will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience.
How to apply: Applicants should send to Drs. Riadh Ata
([email protected]) and Cedric Goeury ([email protected]) a CV and a
cover letter. All applications completed by May 15th 2017 will receive
full consideration, but candidates are urged to submit all required
material as soon as possible. Applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.
From: Timo Betcke [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Ultrasound Simulation, Univ College London
The UCL Departments of Mechanical Engineering and of Mathematics are
jointly seeking a two year post-doctoral research associate to develop
and validate computational models based on coupling finite element and
boundary element methods for the simulation of ultrasonic wave
propagation inside the abdomen. A strong emphasis will be placed on
developing computationally efficient algorithms and on robust software
development. The numerical schemes will be fully integrated within the
OptimUS treatment planning software. This appointment will involve
interactions within a multi-disciplinary team, which includes
engineers, physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists and
This appointment presents an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic
researcher with skills in computational modelling, biomedical
ultrasound and in software development to join internationally leading
university research groups.
The ideal candidate will possess strong skills in physics, mathematics
and computing, and a track record of publishing articles in
high-quality peer- reviewed journals and of disseminating research at
an international level. The PDRA will be split evenly between UCL
Mechanical Engineering and UCL Mathematics during years 1 and 2 of the
project, respectively.
For the full job-description, salary information and online
application please go to and search for
Reference Number 1636954.
Application deadline is 30 April 2017. For further information
regarding the content of the research please contact either Prof Nader
Saffari ([email protected]) or Dr Timo Betcke ([email protected])
From: Alex Thiery [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Inverse Problem/Data Assimilation /Machine Learning
Applications are invited for 3 Postdoc positions in Bayesian Inverse
problems / Data Assimilation / Deep Learning / Machine Learning at the
National University of Singapore (NUS).
PhD in statistics, optimization, computer science, applied
mathematics, engineering, machine learning or a related discipline is
required. Strong research track record is essential.
Duration: 2 years (renewable up to 3 years)
Starting date: As soon as possible
Salary Range: 70k to 85k S$
Research travel budget available.
More information:
For informal inquiries, contact Alex Thiery (a.h.thiery at
From: Lina von Sydow [email protected]
Date: March 31, 2017
Subject: Researcher/Postdoc Position, Uppsala Univ
The researcher/postdoc will work in the research project described
below within the research group headed by associate professor Andreas
Hellander, see
Within the research group, simulation methodology for spatial
stochastic simulation governed by the reaction-diffusion master
equation, in particular multiscale methods, is developed. This is
complemented by work on both theory and software. Recent advances on
methods and software make it possible to handle the greater challenge
of building smart systems for automatic model exploration. Here, the
researcher/postdoc will focus on a key enabling element: The
development of adaptive, automatic multiscale methods for robust
spatial stochastic solvers for the reaction-diffusion master equation
with a specific focus on the parameter regimes in the far end of the
diffusion-limited spectrum.
See the advertisements:
For further information about the position please contact the Head of
Division, Lina von Sydow, Ph. +4618 471 2785 or the Head of the
Research Program in Computational Science, Sverker Holmgren,
[email protected], Ph. +4670 425 0797.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 2017-04-17.
From: Andreas Carlson [email protected]
Date: April 04, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Bio-inspired Fluid Mechanics
A 3-year doctoral research fellowship is available at the Department
of Mathematics, Mechanics Division at the University of Oslo. The
project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and focuses on the
development of mathematical models and numerical simulations of cell
membrane dynamics by adopting a multiphase flow formalism. More
specifically, it will address the basic mechanochemical processes that
regulate one of the most fundamental communication pathways in cell
biology - the encapsulation and internalization of liquid and
transmembrane cargo at intracellular membranes. The project work will
be conducted in close collaboration with experimental cell biologists
at Oslo University Hospital.
As a candidate, you must have a Master's degree or equivalent in:
Mechanics, fluid dynamics, physics, computational science, biophysics,
applied mathematics or similar. A special emphasis will be placed on
documented interest in research activities such as your Master's
thesis. Candidates without a Master's degree have until 30. June 2017
to complete the final exam.
Previous research experience is a regarded as an advantageous
qualification and particularly in: Mathematical modeling, numerical
simulations and programming (e.g. Matlab, C++, C, Fortran, Python) of
partial differential equations of fluid dynamic problems or similar.
In addition to the traditional academic merits; a relevant degree
project and international experience are regarded as beneficial. The
candidate must have knowledge in fluid dynamics.
More info at;
or Contact Assoc. Prof. Andreas Carlson ([email protected])
From: Mingchao Cai [email protected]
Date: April 09, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical PDE, USA
I am looking for ONE ambitious, excellent PhD student in Applied and
Computational Mathematics for the Doctoral Program at Morgan State
University, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- Requirement: the applicant MUST BE a greencard holder or US citizen.
- Topics: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation. The abstract of the
topic can be found from
AWD_ID=1700328&HistoricalAwards=false The homepage of the supervisor
can be found
- Benefits: For the first 3 years, the student will receive stipend
$18,000/year. For the additional years, the student will need to do
teaching and research. Exciting and dynamic scientific environment,
structured PhD program, intensive supervision.
- Applications can be submitted anytime. Email:
[email protected]
The selection will be made starting from 26 April 2017.
From: Marek Behr [email protected]
Date: April 20, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, RWTH Aachen Univ, Germany
Simulation techniques have become an important instrument for the
development, design and quality assurance of engineering components.
Since its foundation in 2004, the Chair for Computational Analysis of
Technical Systems conducts active research at the interface between
mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Our main focus is the
development and implementation of numerical methods. Currently, we are
searching for new doctoral candidates to complement our group in one
of the following areas:
- Biomedical engineering: Modeling of blood flow and blood damage;
Shape optimization of biomedical devices; Fluid-structure
interaction in biomedical devices
- Aerospace engineering: Static and dynamic aeroelasticity; Optimal
control and uncertainty quantification; Vortex-induced vibrations
- Production technology: Modeling of plastics melts in injection
moulding, welding, or extrusion; Modeling of high-pressure die
casting; Shape optimization for mould-based manufacturing processes;
Heat transport in manufacturing processes
Requirement for the position is a university master's degree in
engineering, applied mathematics or a similar subject, with a superior
academic record. Practical programming experience in Fortran or C as
well as in parallelization (MPI or OpenMP) are of advantage. We expect
you to contribute to general tasks at the institute, such as teaching
and advising master or project theses. In particular, the teaching
will involve the course Mechanics I and II.
The candidates will be employed as a full-time employee and must meet
required personal qualifications; the salary level is according to
TV-L E13 scale. The initial appointment will be for one year, but is
renewable for up to five years. Applications are being reviewed now.
Applications should be sent to:
Prof. Marek Behr
Chair for Computational Analysis of Technical Systems
Center for Computational Engineering Science
RWTH Aachen University,
Schinkelstr. 252062 Aachen
tel.: +49 241 80 999 01
e-mail: [email protected]
Further information can be found on:
From: Jennifer Scott [email protected]
Date: April 10, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Mathematics of Planet Earth, Reading, UK
The Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training (MPE CDT)
has a small number of fully funded PhD positions still available at
the University of Reading for UK or EU students starting in September
2017. Applications are sought from outstanding candidates who have (or
expect to receive) a first class degree in mathematics, statistics,
physics or closely related subject.
The MPE CDT brings together the Department of Mathematics and the
Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College London and
the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of
Reading, as well as external partners such as the UK Met Office, NPL
and ECMWF, and representatives of key commercial sectors, including
energy, water, marine, and insurance, where there is large demand for
our graduates.
For further details of the MPE programme and how to apply, see
From: Markus Clemens [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2017
Subject: Phd Position, Computational Electromagnetics
The Chair of Electromagnetic Theory (Prof. Dr. Markus Clemens) at the
University of Wuppertal, School of Electrical, Information and Media
Engineering, invites applications for a Phd Research Position,
"Computational Electromagnetics" with 100 % fulltime position, limited
to three years (Tariff group: E 13 TV-L NRW)
Qualification profile: Master degree (or similar) in Computational
Electromagnetics, in Applied Mathematics, Compu-tational Engineering
Sciences (with good or excellent marks); Excellent knowledge in
Electromagnetic Theory and Applied Mathematics; Programming skills in
C, C++, Matlab; candidates must work with and contribute to the finite
element method research codes of the Chair of Electromagnetic Theory;
Excellent command of German and (!) English language (spoken and
written). The ideal candidate will have knowledge in Scientific
Computing, Computational Electromag-netics/Multiphysics, Applied
Mathematics, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations,
Numerical Linear Algebra, Model Order Reductions/Surrogate Modelling,
Artifical Inteli-gence/Deep-Learning Techniques.
The position corresponds to the regulations of the German
"Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes (WissZeitVG)", in order to support
the scientific or artistic qualification by contributing to the above
mentioned research project. The position is initially limited to a
three-year duration. An extension to finish a phd project is
eventually possible within the limits of the WissZeitVG regulations.
Application call number: 17049. Please send applications (with CV,
certificates, references, exam results,...) including the applica-tion
call number to
University of Wuppertal,
Prof. Dr. Markus Clemens, Chair of Electromagnetic Theory
School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering,
Rainer-Gruenter-Strasse 21,
42119 Wuppertal, Germany
Electronic applications may be send by email to:
clemens(at) . The University of Wuppertal is an
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and is commit-ted to
increasing the diversity of its faculty. We especially encourage
applications from women, minorities, and other under-represented
groups. Review of applications will begin Mai 1, 2017.
From: Bartosz Protas [email protected]
Date: March 27, 2017
Subject: MSc/PhD Position, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, McMaster
An opening for a graduate student (Master's or Ph.D.) is anticipated
in Dr. Protas' research group at McMaster University. The focus of
this position will be fundamental investigations of extreme behavior,
such as potential singularity formation, in fluid flow models using a
combination of mathematical analysis and large-scale
computations. Expected background involves (ideally, a combination of)
theoretical fluid mechanics, large-scale scientific computing
(including numerical optimization) and PDE analysis. Details
concerning application procedures are available at the web address
Interested candidates may also contact
Dr. Bartosz Protas
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4K1
Email: [email protected]
for additional information.
From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: April 05, 2017
Subject: Call for Chapters, Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
Call for Chapters
Proposals Submission Deadline: April 30, 2017
Full Chapters Due: June 16, 2017
Submission Date: June 16, 2017
Target Audience: Students, researchers, academics, engineers working
on Computational Fluid Dynamics, High-Performance Computing,
Scientific/Engineering Tools, Numerical/Flow Simulations, etc.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Parallel Programming/Implementations of LBM. LBM on parallel
architectures, multicore, hardware accelerators, distributed memory
computers. Programming optimizations for LBM simulations. Numerical
optimizations for LBM simulations. Numerical Analysis for LBM. CFD
Applications using LBM. LBM models. Fluid-Solid Interaction on LBM.
LBM extensions. LBM+Multiphysics. LBM+Mesh-Refinement.
LBM+Free-Surface. LBM+Shallow-Waters.
Submission Procedure: Researchers and practitioners are invited to
submit on or before April 30, 2017, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to
2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her
proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by May 5, 2017 about the
status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters
are expected to be submitted by May 30, 2017, and all interested
authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at
prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
as reviewers for this project.
Inquiries: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: March 30, 2017
Subject: Call for Papers, ETNA Special Volume honoring Olof Widlund
Submissions are invited to a special volume of ETNA, the Electronic
Transactions on Numerical Analysis, honoring Olof B. Widlund for his
many contributions to numerical analysis and scientific computing, on
the occasion of his 80th birthday (2018).
Submissions are accepted anytime until the deadline for submissions
which is September 1st, 2017.
Special editors are: Susanne Brenner, Xiao-Chuan Cai, Martin Gander,
Axel Klawonn, Marcus Sarkis, and Daniel Szyld.
Send papers or any other correspondence to [email protected]
From: Duan Chen [email protected]
Date: March 27, 2017
Subject: Special Issue, Molecular Based Mathematical Biology
The journal Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB) will publish a
special issue entitled "Microscopic charge/particle transport at
molecular level". The purpose of this special issue is to create a
medium for researchers from mathematical and biological sciences and
other related disciplines to report novel mathematical models,
analysis, computational algorithms, and biological applications to the
dynamics of charge or biological particle transport, in ion channel,
industrial nano-devices, or complicated cellular environment. More
detailed information at
MBMB ( is a recently established
journal, whose aim is to promote the mathematical study and findings
of biological structure, functions and dynamics at the molecular
scale. Original papers and high-quality review articles on the
aforementioned topics are solicited for this special issue.
From: Aliev Fikret [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 8 (1)
Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 8, No.1, 2017
1. On q- Bernardi Integral Operator, K.I. Noor, S. Riaz, M.A. Noor
2. Research and Development of Johnson's Algorithm Parallel Schemes in
GPGPU Technology, S.D. Pogorilyy, M.S. Slynko, Y.I. Rustamov
3. Structure of the General Solution of the Moment Problem in Normed
Spaces and its Applications, M.I. Mustafayev, A.O. Atagun, M. Ekici
4. Some New Fixed Point Results in Ultra Metric Space, Lj. Gajic,
M. Arshad, S.U. Khan, Latif ur Rahman
5. Riesz Lacunary Almost Convergent Double Sequence Spaces Defined by
Sequence of Orlicz Functions over N-Normed Spaces, M. Mursaleen,
S.K. Sharma
6. Characterizations of Bi-Hyperideals and Prime Bi-Hyperideals in
Ordered Krasner Hyperrings, S. Omidi , B. Davvaz
7. Stability and Bifurcation Analysis in a Discrete-Time Generalist
Predator-Prey Dynamics Model with Fractional-Order, M. El-Shahed,
A.M. Ahmed, I.M.E. Abdelstar
8. On Ideal Convergence of Double Sequences in the Topology Induced by
a Fuzzy 2-Norm, L.D.R. Kocinac, M.H.M. Rashid
From: Nicholas Valente [email protected]
Date: March 27, 2017
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics, 43 (2)
MATHEMATICS, VOL. 43, NO. 2, 2017
IMPORTANT NEWS: Submit to the Special Issue on Model Reduction of
Complex Dynamical Systems. Submit your latest paper to this special
issue from the Advances in Computational Mathematics journal. Deadline
to submit: 31 May 2017.
Hierarchical spline spaces: quasi-interpolants and local approximation
estimates, Hendrik Speleers
Reduced basis methods with adaptive snapshot computations, Mazen Ali,
Kristina Steih & Karsten Urban
Microlocal analysis of edge flatness through directional multiscale
representations, Kanghui Guo & Demetrio Labate
The practical Gauss type rules for Hadamard finite-part integrals
using Puiseux expansions, Tongke Wang, Zhiyue Zhang & Zhifang Liu
An integral equation technique for scattering problems with mixed
boundary conditions, Adrianna Gillman
Homotopy analysis Sumudu transform method for time-fractional third
order dispersive partial differential equation, Rishi Kumar Pandey &
Hradyesh Kumar Mishra
Piecewise spectral collocation method for system of Volterra integral
equations, Zhendong Gu
QTT-finite-element approximation for multiscale problems I: model
problems in one dimension, Vladimir Kazeev, Ivan Oseledets, Maxim
Rakhuba & Christoph Schwab
Explicit constructions and properties of generalized shift-invariant
systems in $L^{2}(\mathbb {R})$, Ole Christensen, Marzieh Hasannasab &
Jakob Lemvig
From: Lars Elden [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 57 (1)
BIT Numerical Mathematics. Volume 57 Number 1, 2017
Superconvergent Nystrom method for Urysohn integral equations, Chafik
Allouch, Driss Sbibih and Mohamed Tahrichi
Mean-square convergence of the BDF2-Maruyama and backward Euler
schemes for SDE satisfying a global monotonicity condition, Adam
Andersson and Raphael Kruse
Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear
evolution equations. Part I: Construction of optimized schemes and
pairs of schemes, Winfried Auzinger, Harald Hofstatter, David
Ketcheson and Othmar Koch
On estimating the separation of two periodic matrix sequences, Xiao
Shan Chen
A convergent finite difference scheme for the Ostrovsky-Hunter
equation on a bounded domain, G. M. Coclite, J. Ridder and
N. H. Risebro
Locally Linearized methods for the simulation of stochastic
oscillators driven by random forces, H. de la Cruz, J. C. Jimenez and
J. P. Zubelli
Cheap arbitrary high order methods for single integrand SDEs, Kristian
Debrabant and Anne Kvaerno
Inheritance properties and sum-of-squares decomposition of Hankel
tensors: theory and algorithms, Weiyang Ding, Liqun Qi and Yimin Wei
Generalized Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto formulas with Jacobi weight
functions, Guergana Petrova
Parameter-uniform numerical methods for general nonlinear singularly
perturbed reaction diffusion problems having a stable reduced
solution, Jason Quinn
Efficient weak second-order stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for Ito
stochastic differential equations, Xiao Tang and Aiguo Xiao
From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (2)
On the Efficiency of a Family of Steffensen-Like Methods with Frozen
Divided Differences, Amat, Sergio / Busquier, Sonia / Grau-Sanchez,
Miquel / Hernandez-Veron, Miguel A. (pp. 187-200)
Preconditioning Techniques Based on the Birkhoff-von Neumann
Decomposition, Benzi, Michele / Ucar, Bora (pp. 201-216)
A Priori and A Posteriori Estimates of Conforming and Mixed FEM for a
Kirchhoff Equation of Elliptic Type, Dond, Asha K. / Pani, Amiya
K. (pp. 217-236)
A Time-Stepping DPG Scheme for the Heat Equation, Fuhrer, Thomas /
Heuer, Norbert / Sen Gupta, Jhuma (pp. 237-252)
Hybrid Spectral Difference Methods for an Elliptic Equation, Jeon,
Youngmok / Park, Eun-Jae / Shin, Dong-wook (pp. 253-268)
Simplified Iterated Lavrentiev Regularization for Nonlinear Ill-Posed
Monotone Operator Equations, Mahale, Pallavi (pp. 269-286)
Monotone Difference Schemes for Weakly Coupled Elliptic and Parabolic
Systems, Matus, Piotr / Gaspar, Francisco / Hieu, Le Minh / Tuyen, Vo
Thi Kim (pp. 287-298)
An Introduction to the Analysis and Implementation of Sparse Grid
Finite Element Methods, Russell, Stephen / Madden, Niall (pp. 299-322)
Factorized Schemes of Second-Order Accuracy for Numerically Solving
Unsteady Problems, Vabishchevich, Petr N. (pp. 323-336)
A Parameter Robust Finite Element Method for Fourth Order Singularly
Perturbed Problems, Xenophontos, Christos (pp. 337-349)
From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: April 21, 2017
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 37 (2)
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:
On approximations of the curve shortening flow and of the mean
curvature flow based on the DeTurck trick, Charles M. Elliott, Hans
Computable error bounds for finite element approximation on
nonpolygonal domains, Mark Ainsworth, Richard Rankin
Auxiliary space preconditioners for SIP-DG discretizations of
H(curl)-elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients, Blanca
Ayuso de Dios, Ralf Hiptmair, Cecilia Pagliantini
Energy-corrected finite element methods for the Stokes system, Lorenz
John, Petra Pustejovska, Barbara Wohlmuth, Ulrich Rude
A note on the devising of superconvergent HDG methods for Stokes flow
by M-decompositions, Bernardo Cockburn, Guosheng Fu, Weifeng Qiu
A guaranteed equilibrated error estimator for the $\mathbf{A}-\varphi$
and $\mathbf{T}-\Omega$ magnetodynamic harmonic formulations of the
Maxwell system, Emmanuel Creuse, Serge Nicaise, Roberta Tittarelli
A radial basis function method for computing Helmholtz-Hodge
decompositions, Edward J. Fuselier, Grady B. Wright
Convergence analysis of the Modified Craig-Sneyd scheme for
two-dimensional convection-diffusion equations with nonsmooth initial
data, Maarten Wyns
Convergence of an adaptive lowest-order Raviart-Thomas element method
for general second-order linear elliptic problems, Asha K. Dond, Neela
Nataraj, Amiya Kumar Pani
Potential theoretic approach to design of accurate formulas for
function approximation in symmetric weighted Hardy spaces, Ken'ichiro
Tanaka, Tomoaki Okayama, Masaaki Sugihara
An unconditionally monotone numerical scheme for the two-factor
uncertain volatility model, K Ma, P. A. Forsyth
Finite volume element method for two-dimensional fractional
subdiffusion problems, Samir Karaa, Kassem Mustapha, Amiya K. Pani
Strong convergence rates of the linear implicit Euler method for the
finite element discretization of SPDEs with additive noise, Xiaojie
Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the
gyrokinetic-waterbag equations, Nicolas Besse
Mean-square convergence of a symplectic local discontinuous Galerkin
method applied to stochastic linear Schrodinger equation, Chuchu Chen,
Jialin Hong, Lihai Ji
Basc: constrained approximation by semidefinite programming, Simon
Foucart, Vladlena Powers
From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: March 28, 2017
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 6 (1)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
This issue is available at
High-dimensional estimation with geometric constraints, Y. Plan;
R. Vershynin; E. Yudovina,
Consistency and convergence rate for nearest subspace classifier, Yi
(Grace) Wang,
Spectral convergence of the connection Laplacian from random samples,
Amit Singer; Hau-Tieng Wu,
From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: March 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, J Scientific Computing, 71 (1-2)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 71, Number 1, April 2017
A Collocation Boundary Value Method for Linear Volterra Integral
Equations, Junjie Ma and Shuhuang Xiang, pp.1-20.
Decoupled, Unconditionally Stable, Higher Order Discretizations for
MHD Flow Simulation, Timo Heister, Muhammad Mohebujjaman and Leo G.
Rebholz, pp.21-43.
Positivity-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Lax-Wendroff
Time Discretizations, Scott A. Moe, James A. Rossmanith and David C.
Seal, pp.44-70.
An Approximation of the M2 Closure: Application to Radiotherapy Dose
Simulation, T. Pichard, G.W. Alldredge, S. Brull, B. Dubroca and
M. Frank, pp.71-108.
A Fourth-Order Symmetric WENO Scheme with Improved Performance by New
Linear and Nonlinear Optimizations, Qin Li, Qilong Guo, Dong Sun,
Pengxin Liu and Hanxin Zhang, pp.109-143.
Solving 1D Conservation Laws Using Pontryagin's Minimum Principle, Wei
Kang and Lucas C. Wilcox, pp.144-165.
A Second-Order Finite-Volume Scheme for Euler Equations: Kinetic
Energy Preserving and Staggering Effects, Andrea Perrotta and Bernardo
Favini, pp.166-194.
A Weak Galerkin Method with an Over-Relaxed Stabilization for Low
Regularity Elliptic Problems, Lunji Song, Kaifang Liu and Shan Zhao,
Convergence of Summation-by-Parts Finite Difference Methods for the
Wave Equation, Siyang Wang and Gunilla Kreiss, pp.219-245.
An Approximate Lax-Wendroff-Type Procedure for High Order Accurate
Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, D. Zorio, A. Baeza and
P. Mulet, pp.246-273.
A Locally Gradient-Preserving Reinitialization for Level Set
Functions, Lei Li, Xiaoqian Xu and Saverio E. Spagnolie, pp.274-302.
Exponentially Accurate Spectral Element Method for Fourth Order
Elliptic Problems, Arbaz Khan and Akhlaq Husain, pp.303-328.
Convergence Analysis of Two Numerical Schemes Applied to a Nonlinear
Elliptic Problem, Christine Bernardi, Jad Dakroub and Gihane Mansour,
Farah Rafei and Toni Sayah, pp.329-347.
Mixed Methods for a Stream-Function-Vorticity Formulation of the
Axisymmetric Brinkman Equations, Veronica Anaya, David Mora, Carlos
Reales and Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, pp.348-364.
A Roadmap to Well Posed and Stable Problems in Computational Physics,
Jan Nordstrom, pp.365-385.
Convergence to Suitable Weak Solutions for a Finite Element
Approximation of the Navier-Stokes Equations with Numerical Subgrid
Scale Modeling, Santiago Badia, Juan Vicente Gutierrez-Santacreu,
A High Order Multi-Dimensional Characteristic Tracing Strategy for the
Vlasov-Poisson System, Jing-Mei Qiu and Giovanni Russo, pp.414-434.
A Flexible ADMM Algorithm for Big Data Applications, Daniel
P. Robinson and Rachael Tappenden, pp.435-467.
Volume 71, Number 2, May 2017
Indirect Boundary Integral Equation Method for the Cauchy Problem of
the Laplace Equation, Yao Sun, pp.469-498.
Vertex-Centered Linearity-Preserving Schemes for Nonlinear Parabolic
Problems on Polygonal Grids, Jiming Wu, pp.499-524.
Discontinuous Galerkin Based Isogeometric Analysis for Geometric Flows
and Applications in Geometric Modeling, Futao Zhang, Yan Xu and Falai
Chen, pp.525-546.
Weighted Finite Fourier Transform Operator: Uniform Approximations of
the Eigenfunctions, Eigenvalues Decay and Behaviour, Abderrazek Karoui
and Ahmed Souabni, pp.547-570.
Transformation Methods for the Numerical Integration of
Three-Dimensional Singular Functions, Alfredo Cano and Carlos Moreno,
Polynomial Preserving Recovery for High Frequency Wave Propagation,
Hailong Guo and Xu Yang, pp.594-614.
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Incompressible Miscible
Displacement Problem in Porous Media, Hui Guo, Fan Yu and Yang Yang,
A New Augmented Singular Transform and its Partial Newton-Correction
Method for Finding More Solutions, Zhaoxiang Li, Zhi-Qiang Wang and
Jianxin Zhou, pp.634-659.
Mixed-Type Galerkin Variational Principle and Numerical Simulation for
a Generalized Nonlocal Elastic Model, Lueling Jia, Huanzhen Chen and
Hong Wang, pp.660-681.
Computing Singular Value Decompositions of Parameterized Matrices with
Total Nonpositivity to High Relative Accuracy, Rong Huang and Delin
Chu, pp.682-711.
Parallel Multi-Block ADMM with o(1 / k) Convergence, Wei Deng,
Ming-Jun Lai, Zhimin Peng and Wotao Yin, pp.712-736.
Detecting Edges from Non-uniform Fourier Data Using Fourier Frames,
Anne Gelb and Guohui Song, pp.737-758.
High-Order Numerical Algorithms for Riesz Derivatives via Constructing
New Generating Functions, Hengfei Ding and Changpin Li, pp.759-784.
High-Order Numerical Methods for Solving Time Fractional Partial
Differential Equations, Zhiqiang Li, Zongqi Liang and Yubin Yan,
Highly Accurate Pseudospectral Approximations of the Prolate
Spheroidal Wave Equation for Any Bandwidth Parameter and Zonal
Wavenumber, H. Alici and J. Shen, pp.804-821.
Entropy-TVD Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations in One Dimension,
Rongsan Chen, Min Zou and Li Xiao, pp.822-838.
A Grid-Insensitive LDA Method on Triangular Grids Solving the System
of Euler Equations, Hossain Chizari and Farzad Ismail, pp.839-874.
An Essentially Non-oscillatory Crank-Nicolson Procedure for the
Simulation of Convection-Dominated Flows, B. Lee, M. Kang and S. Kim,
From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: March 25, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 74 (4)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 74, No. 4
A shooting like method for non-Darcian seepage flow problems.
S.-S. Chow, A. Washburn
CurveLP-A MATLAB implementation of an infeasible interior-point
algorithm for linear programming. Yaguang Yang
New error bounds for linear complementarity problems of Nekrasov
matrices and B-Nekrasov matrices. Chaoqian Li, Pingfan Dai, Yaotang
On the convergence of a local third order shock capturing method for
hyperbolic conservation laws. Sergio Amat, Vicente F. Candela
Rapidly computing sparse Legendre expansions via sparse Fourier
transforms. Xianfeng Hu, Mark Iwen, Hyejin Kim
Solving mixed classical and fractional partial differential equations
using short-memory principle and approximate inverses. Daniele
Bertaccini, Fabio Durastante
Alternating direction implicit orthogonal spline collocation on some
non-rectangular regions with inconsistent partitions. Bernard
Bialecki, Ryan I. Fernandes
Numerical methods for computing sensitivities for ODEs and DDEs.
Jonathan Calver, Wayne Enright
An adaptive algorithm for solving stochastic multi-point boundary
value problems. Ali Foroush Bastani, Davood Damircheli
A meshless point collocation method for 2-D multi-term time fractional
diffusion-wave equation. Rezvan Salehi
Comparative study of eighth-order methods for finding simple roots of
nonlinear equations. Changbum Chun, Beny Neta
A matrix formulated algorithm for solving parabolic equations with
nonlocal boundary conditions. A. Borhanifar, S. Shahmorad, E. Feizi
A sufficient condition for the stability of direct quadrature methods
for Volterra integral equations. Eleonora Messina, Antonia Vecchio
The simplified topological epsilon-algorithms: software and
applications. Claude Brezinski, Michela Redivo-Zaglia
End of Digest