From: Miguel Anjos [email protected]
Date: September 20, 2015
Subject: Howard Rosenbrock Prize - Optimization and Engineering
The Howard Rosenbrock Prize is awarded each year for the best paper in
Optimization and Engineering (OPTE). The prize is named after Howard
Rosenbrock, a pioneer of modern control theory and practice who
embodied the bridging of the gap between optimization and engineering
that is OPTE's raison d'être.
The recipient for 2014 is Jason E. Hicken of the Department of
Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. His winning article is entitled "Inexact Hessian-vector
products in reduced-space differential-equation constrained
The formal announcement of the prize is published in the September
issue of OPTE:
Both links above are free of access to everyone until October 31,
2015. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
Optimization and Engineering promotes the advancement of optimization
methods and the innovative application of optimization in
engineering. Its Thomson Reuters Impact Factor has increased
significantly in each of the past 3 years, and is 1.233 for 2014.
From: Andreas Stathopoulos [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2015
Subject: PRIMME 1.2.1 is available
We are pleased to announce the release of Version 1.2.1 of
PRIMME: PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver
PRIMME is a C library for the solution of large, sparse, real
symmetric and complex Hermitian eigenvalue problems. Based on a
Davidson/Jacobi-Davidson iteration it can transform to most known, and
even yet undiscovered, preconditioned eigensolvers. At the same time,
it provides a simple but powerful user-interface.
Over the last decade, PRIMME has been used by many users and is
recognized as one of the most robust and efficient eigenvalue
packages. The new version brings several important improvements.
- MATLAB interface (mex) to full PRIMME functionality
- C99 compliance and 64-bit support
- Bug fixes that improve robustness and efficiency
- More robust support for parallel computers
- Fixed issues with F77 interface
- Significantly improved multi-platform support, makefiles, and
example drivers including PETSc, F77, MPI.
- Improved documentation
For questions, bugs, reports please email: [email protected]
From: Paulo B. Vasconcelos [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: New Book, Computational Economics: A Concise Introduction
New Book: “Computational Economics: a concise introduction†by Oscar
Afonso and Paulo B. Vasconcelos
This textbook blends economics with the numerical techniques required
for the solution of problems, providing explained codes. It is precise
and concise, meaning that it balances theory and practice. The book
provides and explains, with detail, the MATLAB/Octave implementation
of the algorithms.
The intuition and central ideas of the numerical methods required to
deal with the mathematical theory underlying the economic problem are
pedagogically provided. The topics covered also prepare the reader to
undertake more complex models and/or to develop new research. They
give economic readers the skills needed to understand the essentials
about numerical methods to solve economic problems and provide more
technical readers with an easy way to cope with economics through
modelling and simulation.
This book is ideal for all students of economics, mathematics,
computer science and engineering taking classes on Computational or
Numerical Economics. Complementary material and related MATLAB/Octave
software can be retrieved at the book homepage.
From: Silvana Ilie [email protected]
Date: September 16, 2015
Subject: East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD), Canada, Oct 2015
ECCAD 2015 to be held at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada,
Saturday October 3, 2015,
The East Coast Computer Algebra Day (ECCAD) is a one-day meeting for
those interested in computer algebra and symbolic mathematical
computation. It provides opportunities to learn and to share new
results and current work in progress. The schedule includes invited
speakers along with contributed posters and software
demonstrations. Plenty of time is allowed for unstructured interaction
among the participants. Researchers, teachers, students, and users of
computer algebra are all welcome!
Online Registration and Abstract Submission are now available. There
is no registration fee. Confirmed speakers: Marc Moreno Maza (Western
University, Canada), Johan S.R. Nielsen (Technical University of
Denmark) and Marni Mishna, (Simon Fraser University, Canada).
Organizers: Silvana Ilie (Ryerson University, Canada) and Arne
Storjohann (University of Waterloo, Canada).
From: Adelia Sequeira [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Data Driven Computations in the Life Sciences, Portugal, Nov 2015
An Autumn School on Data Driven Computations in the Life Sciences
(November 9-13, 2015) and one day Workshop on Innovative Modeling
Techniques for Predictive Medicine (November 12, 2015) will take place
at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon. The aim of the
School and the Workshop is to bring together doctoral candidates,
postdoctoral scientists and graduates in applied mathematics,
bioengineering and medicine, who wish to be involved in the
fascinating research field of computational modeling of physiological
problems and to interact with recognized experts.
Autumn School Speakers:
- Miguel Ãngel Fernández (INRIA, Paris – Rocquencourt, France)
- Alessandro Reali (Università di Pavia, Italy)
- Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta, USA).
Workshop Speakers:
- Chandrajit Bajaj (ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Antonio Fasano (Univ. Firenze, Italia)
- Shaolie Hossain (Texas Heart Inst./Houston and ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Willi Jäger (Univ. Heidelberg, Germany)
- Paula Oliveira (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
- Maria Neuss-Radu (Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
- Michael Sacks (ICES/UT Austin, USA)
- Alessandro Veneziani (Emory University, Atlanta, USA).
The Workshop will also include a small number of short presentations.
There is no registration fee. Financial support for hotel expenses is
available to graduate and postgraduate students. Curriculum Vitae,
Motivation and Recommendation Letters are requested for evaluation.
Interested participants should register by sending an email to
[email protected]. Deadline for applications and
abstract submission: October 15, 2015.
All the information is available at
From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2015
Subject: Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, USA, Nov 2015
The Mid-Atlantic NA-Day 2015 will take place at
Temple University, Philadelphia, on Friday 13 November 2015.
The purpose of this one-day meeting is to provide a forum for Graduate
Students and Postdoctoral Fellows, i.e., researchers and practitioners
at the very beginning of their careers, from the Mid-Atlantic region,
to exchange ideas in numerical analysis, scientific computing and
related application areas. More established scientists are encouraged
to attend as well.
Keynote speaker: Misha Kilmer, Tufts University
"Model Reduction for Nonlinear Image Reconstruction Problems"
Abstract submission deadline is October 1, 2015. There will be no
registration fee, but we ask participants to please register.
Submissions, registration, and more at:
Questions? write to us at [email protected]
From: Friedrich Philipp [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: Compressed Sensing and its Applications, Germany, Dec 2015
International MATHEON-Conference on "Compressed Sensing and its
Applicationsâ€, which will take place from December 7-11, 2015, at the
Technische Universität Berlin.
Following the success of the first conference with over 140
participants in 2013, the goal of this conference is to bring together
the leading mathematicians working in Compressed Sensing and the
leading engineers from a number of its application areas such as
Imaging Science, Radar Technology, Tomography, or Communication
Theory. For more information, we refer to
Please note that registration closes on September 30, 2015. To
register, please fill in the electronic registration form at
Our plenary speakers are:
- Emmanuel Candès (Stanford University, USA)
- Michael Elad (Technion, Israel)
- Yonina Eldar (Technion, Israel)
- Andrea Montanari (Stanford University, USA)
- Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
- Thomas Strohmer (University of California, Davis, USA)
- Roman Vershynin (University of Michigan, USA)
- Rachel Ward (University of Texas, Austin, USA)
Furthermore, 20 international experts in this area have agreed to give
an Invited Talk. Each participant will have the opportunity to
present her/his research in the form of a poster.
From: Alex Bespalov [email protected]
Date: September 13, 2015
Subject: Adaptive Algorithms for Computational PDEs, UK, Jan 2016
Workshop "Adaptive algorithms for Computational PDEs"
5-6 January 2016, University of Birmingham, UK
The workshop aims to bring together researchers working on
mathematical foundations, design and implementation of adaptive
algorithms for numerical solution of PDE problems to discuss recent
developments in this field and initiate new collaborations.
Invited speakers:
- Mario Arioli (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
- Gabriel Barrenechea (University of Strathclyde, UK)
- Andreas Dedner (University of Warwick, UK)
- Emmanuil Georgoulis (University of Leicester, UK)
- Paul Houston (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Natalia Kopteva (University of Limerick, Ireland)
- Omar Lakkis (University of Sussex, UK)
- Claudia Schillings (University of Warwick, UK)
- David Silvester (University of Manchester, UK)
- Rob Stevenson (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Kris van der Zee (University of Nottingham, UK)
- Martin Vohralik (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France)
The programme will also include up to 6 contributed talks. Thanks to
the grant from the London Mathematical Society, a limited funding is
available to support travel and accommodation of UK-based research
students. The deadline for registration, funding application, and
abstract submission: 16 November 2015. Detailed information about the
meeting is on the web-page:
From: Konstantinos Zygalakis [email protected]
Date: September 12, 2015
Subject: Opening Workshop (SDBW01), UK, Jan 2016
In the past decades, quantitative biology has been driven by new
modelling-based stochastic dynamical systems and partial differential
equations. Examples from gene regulation, molecular signalling, cell
division and molecular transport, as recently revealed by live cell
images, have shown that many processes in cells and in molecular
biology are inherently driven by stochastic events. One of the biggest
challenges we propose to address in this programme is to develop
methods and analysis, as well as efficient algorithms for simulations,
to bridge the range of different biological scales.
In support of this goal, the programme will focus on
- Analysis of stochastic dynamical systems and applications in
molecular and cellular biology.
- Development of efficient computational methods for simulating
stochastic equations over various scales.
- Identifying new research areas.
The aim of this opening workshop is to introduce participants to the
different subject areas of the programme. In particular, this workshop
will include a number of mini-courses aimed at senior graduate and
postgraduate students, together with high level overview talks, given
by world experts, which will highlight some of the major open problems
in the field.
Limited funding is available to partially cover the costs of junior
participants from the U.S. and the U.K. Please see the workshop
website for details.

The following introductory mini-courses are planned:
- Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences I
(non-spatial models). David Anderson (University of Wisconsin)
- Stochastic Simulation of Models Arising in the Life Sciences II
(spatial models). Samuel Isaacson (Boston University)
- Narrow escape theory, first passage time to a small hole and
applications to modelling cell biology processes. David Holcman
(Ecole Normale Superieure)
Further workshop details: http://http://www.newton.ac.uk/event/sdbw01
Deadline for applications: 11th October 2016
From: Kirsten Wilden [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: Deadline Extension, SIAM UQ16, Switzerland, Apr 2016
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ16)
SwissTech Convention Center, EPFL Campus, Lausanne, Switzerland
April 5 - 8, 2016
Plenary Speakers:
Daniela Calvetti, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Wei Chen, Northwestern University, USA
Mike Giles, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Tilmann Gneiting, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany
Michael Griebel, Universität Bonn, Germany
Max Gunzburger, Florida State University, USA
Andrew Majda, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
University, USA
Michael Stein, University of Chicago, USA
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMUQ16
October 5, 2015 – DEADLINE EXTENDED: Minisymposium Proposal
October 5, 2015: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts
September 25, 2015: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early
Career Travel Award Applications
From: Josef Weinbub [email protected]
Date: September 17, 2015
Subject: High Performance Computing, USA, Apr 2016
24th High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC'16)
April 3-6, 2016 | Pasadena, CA, USA
Important: Updated Deadlines!
Abstract submission: October 10, 2015 (optional)
Full paper submission: December 15, 2015
Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2016
Camera-ready paper: February 29, 2016
The 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference will feature the 24th High
Performance Computing Symposium (HPC 2016), devoted to the impact of
high performance computing and communications on computer simulations.
Topics of interest include:
- High performance computing issues in Big Data analytics
- High performance/large scale application case studies
- GPU for general purpose computations (GPGPU)
- Multicore and many-core computing
- Power aware computing
- Cloud, distributed, and grid computing
- Asynchronous numerical methods and programming
- Hybrid system modeling and simulation
- Large scale visualization and data management
- Tools and environments for coupling parallel codes
- Parallel algorithms and architectures
- High performance software tools
- Resilience at the simulation level
- Component technologies for high performance computing
From: Bulent Karasozen [email protected]
Date: September 21, 2015
Subject: Geosystems Mathematics, Turkey, Jun 2016
Workshop on Geosystems Mathematics
Middle East Technical University, Ankara-Turkey, 9-11 June 2016
The workshop facilitates communication between scientists of varying
backgrounds and provides a forum for exchange of ideas on the recent
developments in mathematical models and computational methods in
Topics include but are not limited to
Inverse and ill-posed problems: potential methods, acoustic and
elastic seismic tomography, image analysis, sampling and moment
problems, signal analysis and processing of terrestrial and satellite
data; oil, shale gas, and water exploration and improved resource
recovery; uncertainty quantification: Bayesian approach, data
assimilation, earthquake relocation; reservoir mechanics, groundwater
flow, multi-phase flow in porous media; poroelasticity, multi-layered
systems; oceanography, atmospheric modeling, climate change,
volcanism, plumes and hotspots ;energy resource modeling: geothermal
energy, renewable energy; Geoscientific risk managment.
From: Marco Bittencourt [email protected]
Date: September 17, 2015
Subject: ICOSAHOM 2016, Brazil, Jun 2016
ICOSAHOM 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 27th - July 1st, 2016)
The 11th edition of the ICOSAHOM 2016 - International Conference on
Spectral and High-Order Methods will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(June 27th - July 1st, 2016). Detailed conference information can be
found at the conference website:
Please notice that the deadline for submission of minisymposium
proposals is December 15 and for contributed talks is January 15.
If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].
From: Andreas Dedner [email protected]
Date: September 17, 2015
Subject: PDE Software Frameworks, UK, Jul 2016
PDESoft 2016
4-6 July (plus coding days 7-8 July)
We are happy to announce that the next conference on "PDE Software
Frameworks" (PDESoft) will be held at the University of Warwick, UK
4-8 July 2016.
PDESoft provides a forum for the developers of open-source tools
solving the diverse stages of the numerical PDE process to exchange
the latest developments and future ideas. If you develop
- meshing tools;
- HPC tools;
- solvers for large systems of equations;
- numerical PDE solvers;
- visualisation systems for PDE;
- coupling tools with / user interfaces to scientific software for PDEs;
or are involved with any other part of the PDE toolchain, this is the
conference for you.
For more details please keep an eye on http://warwick.ac.uk/pdesoft2016
The Scientific Committee, PDESoft 2016
From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Bath invites
applications from excellent candidates for two positions in Applied
Mathematics. Applications are welcome in any area of Applied
Mathematics which complements and enhances existing activity at Bath.
We particularly welcome candidates whose work lies in one or more of
the areas:
- Networks and Collective Behaviour
- Mathematical Control Theory and Applications
- The intersection of Applied Mathematics with Statistics
Appointments will be at Lecturer (Assistant Professor) or Senior
Lecturer/Reader (Associate Professor) level.
Closing date is 1st October 2015, for more information please refer to
From: Suzanne Shontz [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: Multiple Faculty Positions, EECS, Univ of Kansas
The Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Kansas
has multiple faculty positions available at the Assistant/Associate
Professor level. The positions are in data science,
bioinformatics/health informatics/biomedical informatics, and power
Exceptional applicants in other closely related areas to the above
topics may be considered.
A complete description of the faculty positions (including information
on how to apply for the positions) can be found at
http://www.eecs.ku.edu/news/empl-opps/2015/09/2015-faculty-ad/ .
For more information on:
- the EECS Department, see http://www.eecs.ku.edu/
- the School of Engineering, see http://engr.ku.edu/
- the University of Kansas, see http://www.ku.edu/ .
From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Rice Univ
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Rice University
The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
(www.caam.rice.edu) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, seeks
outstanding candidates for a tenure-track professorship beginning July
1, 2016. Candidates at the assistant professor level are preferred,
although outstanding candidates at all levels will be considered.
The Department offers and excellent research environment and hosts
research programs in optimization, numerical linear algebra, control
and inverse problems, partial differential equations, and scientific
computing. Interdisciplinary work is a fundamental aspect of the
Department’s program. Preference will be given to candidates who are
engaged in large scale computing and whose research complements
existing strengths of the Department.
Candidates must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics or a related field,
in addition to an exceptional record of research and teaching in
Applied Mathematics. Applications consisting of a letter of
application, current curriculum vitae containing a list of
publications, a description of research, and a statement on teaching
should be submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition,
candidates should arrange for at least three letters of
recommendations, which may be submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by November 1, 2015, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer: Females / Minorities / Veterans /
Disabled / Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity.
From: Gloria Prothe [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2015
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Computational Math
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas invites
Applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Computational
Mathematics. Candidates must demonstrate an outstanding record of
research and must be strongly committed to excellence in teaching.
Requirements for the positions include a PhD or ABD in mathematics or
a closely related field is expected by the start date of the
appointment (August 18, 2016).
For a complete announcement and to apply online, go to
https://employment.ku.edu and click “Search Faculty Jobs†or search by
“COMP MATHâ€. In addition, at least four recommendation letters
(teaching ability must be addressed in at least one letter) should be
submitted electronically to https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/,
position #7572. Initial review of applications will begin November 1,
2015 and continue as long as needed to identify a qualified pool.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V. KU policy on discrimination:
The University of Kansas is especially interested in hiring faculty
members who can contribute to four key campus-wide strategic
initiatives: (1) Sustaining the Planet, Powering the World; (2)
Promoting Well-Being, Finding Cures; (3) Building Communities,
Expanding Opportunities; and (4) Harnessing Information, Multiplying
Knowledge. For more information , see
From: Alastair Spence [email protected]
Date: September 18, 2015
Subject: Open Positions, Applied Maths/Statistics, Univ of Bath, UK
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath, UK,
is advertising two positions in Applied Mathematics with a closing
date of 1st October, and one position in Statistics with a closing
date of 11th October.
For the positions in Applied Mathematics we particularly welcome
candidates whose work lies in one or more of the areas:
Networks and Collective Behaviour
Mathematical Control Theory and Applications
The intersection of Applied Mathematics with Statistics
The Department intends that one of the two appointments should be in
Networks & Collective Behaviour.
For details of the positions in Applied Mathematics see:
For the position in Statistics applications are welcome in any area of
Statistics that complements and enhances existing activity at
Bath. For details see:
Alastair Spence
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Bath
([email protected])
From: Stefan Turek [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Junior Professorship Position, Numerical Cloud Computing, Germany
The Department of Mathematics at TU Dortmund University is seeking to
fill the position of a Junior Professorship in Numerical Cloud
Computing with immediate effect. We are interested in hiring a young
scientist whose research focus lies in the numerical solution of
partial differential equations and hardware-oriented numerics.
Experience in scientific computing or scientific cloud computing on
parallel and heterogeneous hardware platforms while taking energy
efficiency into account is desirable. Prerequisites are an excellent
Ph.D. thesis and publications in peer-reviewed journals.
In addition to conducting basic mathematical and algorithmic research,
we expect the successful applicant to be willing to collaborate with
the developers of FEM software packages working at the Institute of
Applied Mathematics and participate in joint research projects with
other faculties at TU Dortmund University, in particular, the
Faculties of Engineering and Computer Science. Experience with
interdisciplinary collaborations would therefore be of benefit. We
also expect the future Junior Professor to participate in common areas
of mathematical research and play a prominent role in acquiring
external funding. A commensurate level of participation in teaching
activities and lecturing is required, as is the assumption of certain
academic administrative tasks.
For detailed information, please visit:
From: Zhen Wang [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2015
Subject: R&D Position, Matrix Solver, ANSYS, Pittsburgh, PA
ANSYS is seeking a Research and Development Engineer responsible for
development and support of new and existing high-performance parallel,
highly-scalable algorithms for direct sparse matrix solvers and eigen
solvers to be used in existing ANSYS products. An ideal candidate must
hold Ph.D in Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or Computer
Science, or closely related discipline with research experience in the
area of high performance computing and specialization in the area of
matrix and eigen value solvers. Solid knowledge of C/C++ and object
oriented design with a sound technical math background and knowledge
of data structure and parallel algorithm design are also
required. ANSYS is the global leader in engineering simulation and we
help the world’s most innovative companies deliver radically better
products to their customers. By offering the best and broadest
portfolio of engineering simulation software, we help them solve the
most complex design challenges and engineer products limited only by
More details can be found at
From: Fran Moshiri [email protected]
Date: September 15, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Instructorship Position, Rice Univ
Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAAM)
Rice University
The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
(www.caam.rice.edu) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, invites
applications for a Pfeiffer Postdoctoral Instructorship. All
postdoctoral instructors in the Department are appointed for two
academic years, with possible extension for a third year. The term of
appointment may begin at any time after July 1, 2016. Candidates must
have a recent PhD in Applied Mathematics and have demonstrated
potential for excellence in both research and teaching.
Instructors teach one lecture course each semester, and conduct
research in collaboration with a faculty mentor. The Pfeiffer
Instructorships honor Professor Paul Pfeiffer (1917-2012), a founding
member of the department.
Interdisciplinary work is a fundamental aspect of the Department's
program. The research interests of the Pfeiffer Postdoctoral
Instructors should align with the research programs of the Department.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and
descriptions of research plans and teaching experience should be
submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition, candidates
should arrange for at least three letters of recommendations, which
may be submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by December 1, 2015, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer: Females/Minorities/Veterans/
Disabled/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity.
From: Lianjie Huang [email protected]
Date: September 16, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Geophysics, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Geophysics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking
outstanding candidates for a Postdoctoral Research Associate position
to develop novel seismic imaging and inversion methods for subsurface
characterization and monitoring. The postdoc will conduct research in
one or more of the following areas: elastic-waveform inversion in
isotropic and anisotropic media, elastic-wave reverse-time migration,
wave scattering analysis, microseismic imaging, and ambient noise
tomography. Research will include development of novel seismic
imaging and inversion methods, implementation of the algorithms on
super-computers, and applications to field active and passive seismic
Minimum Job Requirements:
- Research experience in imaging/inversion using acoustic-/
elastic-waves or in numerical modeling of wave propagation.
- Proficiency in programming using Fortran/C.
- Demonstrated ability to work creatively and independently and in a
team environment.
- Demonstrated ability to plan and organize assignments to meet
project deliverables.
Desired Skills:
- Experience in parallel computing using MPI.
- Knowledge of GPU computing.
- Experience in signal processing and real data analysis.
- Hands-on experience in designing and conducting laboratory experiments.
Education: A Ph.D. in Geophysics, Applied Mathematics, or in a
relevant field completed within the last five years or soon to be
completed is required.
Notes to Applicants: In addition to applying on-line (search for job
IRC44635 at http://www.lanl.gov/), please submit a cover letter and a
CV to Lianjie Huang at [email protected]. The cover letter should briefly
address how you meet the minimum job requirements and describe the
desired skills. CV should include educational background with degree
dates and GPAs with scale, experience and expertise, a list of
peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, competitive
honors/awards, and contact information of four references.
From: Olaf Schneider [email protected]
Date: September 11, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Karlsruhe Inst of Technology (KIT)
The Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) at KIT is seeking applicants
for a position in the Simulation Lab NanoMikro. As part of the
Helmholtz research program "Supercomputing and Big Data" you develop
new simulation models for nanoscale and multiscale systems. You use
and implement HPC codes for pre-existing models for electronic
structure calculation, Monte-Carlo simulation and molecular dynamics.
You are expected to publish your results in scientific journals and
conferences. In doing so, you can enhance your personal network and
establish yourself in the scientific community. Furthermore your
active help is requested in measures to disseminate science to the
general public. Likewise, you assist the head of the Simulation Lab in
acquiring third party funding. As successful candidate you have a
university degree in natural sciences and recently completed your PhD.
You want to achieve international recognised research results in the
area of scientific computing and strive for a successful scientific
career. Experiences in using parallel and distributed computer systems
with the appropriate software and tools are desirable.
The contract is limited to 3 years. Remuneration shall be based on the
Collective Agreement for the Public Service Sector. Further
information (in German) are available at:
Please apply online or send your application referring to the
identification number 150/2015 to Mrs. Meinel, Personalservice,
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen,
KIT prefers to balance the number of female and male employees. We
therefore kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.
From: Robert Speck [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Methods for HPC, Juelich SC Centre
The Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) is looking to recruit a
postdoctoral researcher in the field of mathematics and scientific
computing, see
In JSC’s cross-sectional team "Mathematical Methods and Algorithms"
you will work on highly scalable algorithms and software for numerical
and stochastic simulations on different HPC architectures. We want you
to establish your innovative field of research at JSC to complement
our interdisciplinary team and to work together with domain scientists
from e.g. JSC’s Simulation Laboratories.
We are looking for candidates holding a university degree in the field
of mathematics or scientific computing followed by a doctoral
degree. Scientific expertise in numerical methods for partial
differential equations or stochastic simulations as well as practical
programming experience on parallel computers is essential.
In our cooperative and interdisciplinary research setting, you will be
able to further expand your personal strengths and expertise. We offer
options for flexible working hours, support with childcare and
solutions suited to your individual situation. The position is
initially limited for 3 years.
We look forward to receiving your application. For a detailed
description of the position and the recruiting process, see
JSC.html .
From: Russell Luke [email protected]
Date: September 16, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Variational Analysis, Uni-Goettingen
Research Project `` Statistical multi-scale analysis for photonic
imaging" within the Collaborative Research Center 755 ``Nanoscale
Photonic Imaging" at the Georg-August-University Goettingen is seeking
candidates for a postdoctoral research position beginning on or soon
after November 1, 2015. The salary is in accordance with the German
public service salary scale (E13 TV-L) with 100% of the regular
working hours (currently 39.8 hours per week) for one year, renewable
for a second. We are looking for a candidate holding a PhD and wishing
to deepen his or her expertise in mathematical and numerical
optimization while also wanting to open new research horizons at the
interface of statistics and optimization. The Georg-August University
of Goettingen is an equal opportunity employer and places particular
emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women
are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as they are
underrepresented in this field. Disabled persons with equivalent
aptitude will be favored. Detailed information on the research center
and the PhD study program are available at
http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/85746.html. Applications will be
considered until the position is filled. For further information
please contact Prof. Russell Luke, [email protected].
From: Sander Rhebergen [email protected]
Date: September 17, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Waterloo
Applications are invited for a one-year post-doctoral research
position with the possibility of renewal for another year in the
Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Waterloo,
Canada. You must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Scientific
Computing, or similar. Demonstrated background and expertise is
required in discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods and
significant experience in C++. This position is part of a project on
space-time Hybridazable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) finite element
methods for incompressible flows on deforming domains.
Candidates should submit a cover letter and CV to
[email protected]. Applicants should also arrange for two letters
of recommendation to be submitted directly to
[email protected]. The application deadline is October 1, 2015.
The preferred start date is January 1, 2016.
From: Felipe Pereira [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Texas at Dallas
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Texas at
Dallas (UTD) seeks to fill a Postdoctoral Research Associate position
in numerical methods for flows through porous media, starting
immediately with duration of one year with a possibility of extension
upon performance review. We offer a competitive wage and an excellent
package of benefits.
Requirement: PhD in Mathematics or closely related field. Preference
will be given to candidates with experience in the following topics:
(i) Numerical methods for partial differential equations; (ii) Code
development in C++; (iii) High performance computing; (iv) Multiphase
flow simulations in porous media; (v) Computational fluid dynamics.
Applicants should provide a letter of intention, a curriculum vitae
and three letters of recommendation via the online application form
available at: https://jobs.utdallas.edu/postings/2578 Review of
applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position
is filled. UTD is an AA/EO employer. For further information about the
position, please contact Professor Felipe Pereira
([email protected]).
From: Josef Weinbub [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Science, TU Wien, Austria
A PhD position (3 years, 40 hours/week) at the Institute for
Microelectronics, TU Wien is available. The area of research is high
performance numerical methods and software approaches for accelerating
three-dimensional simulations in the area of micro- and
Candidates should have a strong background in developing parallel C++
code (e.g. Pthreads, OpenMP, MPI); previous exposure to numerical
simulations for micro- and nanoelectronics is not required.
Starting Date: As soon as possible
More information:
From: Julio R. Banga [email protected]
Date: September 16, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Optimization in Systems Biology, CSIC (Spain)
(Spanish Council for Scientific Research), Vigo (Spain) .
Applications are invited for two Early Stage Researcher Positions in
computational systems biology under the supervision of Prof. Julio R.
Banga, IIM-CSIC (Spain), starting in early 2016.
Position ESR6: novel optimization methods for systematic development
of dynamic models of biological systems.
Position ESR7: optimal control methods to explain and predict
operating principles in biochemical pathways.
Duration: 36 months. These Early Stage Reseachers (ESRs) will be hired
for 36 months each and will be expected to pursue a PhD. Candidates
must be in possession of a relevant Masters degree (or very close to
obtaining it) at the time of appointment.
Other benefits: the ESRs will be involved in a Marie-Curie network
with excellent opportunities for scientific and personal development,
including funding for short stays at top-class research groups in
Germany and the UK, plus regular training events and meetings across
FURTHER INFORMATION (including HOW TO APPLY): https://goo.gl/85Op8t
From: Hans De Sterck [email protected]
Date: September 14, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Scientific Computing, Monash Univ
Applications are invited for PhD positions in scientific computing in
the research group of Prof. Hans De Sterck at Monash University,
Melbourne, Australia (School of Mathematical Sciences), for a start in
Jan-Mar 2016.
Topics of interest include:
- Distributed algorithms for linear algebra and big data analytics
in Spark
- Nonlinear preconditioning for nonlinear optimization
- High-order methods for CFD on parallel adaptive cubed-sphere grids
(with applications in geophysics)
- Parallel multigrid in time for large-scale PDE simulation
Requirements: strong background in applied mathematics/computer
science/engineering, good programming skills, interest in numerical
algorithm development and parallel computing.
Expressions of interest are due (via email to
[email protected]) no later than October 10, 2015. Please
include in your email: CV, statement of interest, transcript
information, and (preferentially) two letters of recommendation.
More information: http://users.monash.edu.au/~hansd
From: Ed Saff [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2015
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 42 (2)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 42 Number 2
Table of Contents
Exact Recovery of Dirac Ensembles from the Projection Onto Spaces of
Spherical Harmonics, Tamir Bendory, Shai Dekel, and Arie Feuer, Pages
Extremal Functions with Vanishing Condition, Friedrich Littmann and
Mark Spanier, Pages 209-229
Entropy and Sampling Numbers of Classes of Ridge Functions, Sebastian
Mayer, Tino Ullrich, and Jan VybÃral, Pages 231-264
Christoffel Functions for Weights with Jumps, Paul Nevai and Vilmos
Totik, Pages 265-280
Fast Subspace Approximation Via Greedy Least-Squares, M. A. Iwen and
Felix Krahmer, Pages 281-301
sin(ωx) Can Approximate Almost Every Finite Set of Samples, Gilbert
H. Harman, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, and Hariharan Narayanan, Pages 303-311
Robust Localization of the Best Error with Finite Elements in the
Reaction-Diffusion Norm, Francesca Tantardini, Andreas Veeser, and
Rüdiger Verfürth, Pages 313-347
Volume 42 Number 2 of Constructive Approximation is now available on
the SpringerLink web site at http://link.springer.com/journal/365
From: Majid Amirfakhrian [email protected]
Date: September 16, 2015
Subject: Contents, Intl J Math Model Comput, 5 (3)
Application of Differential Transform Method to Solve Hybrid Fuzzy
Differential Equations, M. Paripour, H. Heidari, E. Hajilou
Solving Nonlinear Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equations of the
First-Kind Using Bivariate Shifted Legendre Functions, S. Nemati,
Y. Ordokhani
An M/G/1 Queue with Regular and Optional Phase Vacation and with State
Dependent Arrival Rate, R. Kalyanaraman, Shanthi R
A Note on "A Sixth Order Method for Solving Nonlinear Equations",
P. Assari, T. Lotfi
A Strong Computational Method for Solving of System of Infinite
Boundary Integro-Differential Equations, M. Matinfar, A. Riahifar,
H. Abdollahi
Non-standard Finite Difference Method for Numerical Solution of Second
Order Linear Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations, P. K. Pandey
Optimum Generalized Compound Linear Plan for Multiple-Step Step-
Stress Accelerated Life Tests, N. Chandra
Effect of Counterpropagating Capillary Gravity Wave Packets on Third
Order Nonlinear ‎‎E‎volution Equations in the Presence of Wind Flowing
Over Water, A. K. Dhar, J. Mondal
From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2015
Subject: Contents, Intl J of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10 (2)
Contents, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Vol. 10, No. 2:
1) Meitner Cadena, A note on Tauberian Theorems of Exponential
2) Wei Sheng Zeng, Ziqi Sun, A Method for Searching for Prime Pairs in
the Goldbach Conjecture
3) Colin Defant, Unitary Multiperfect Numbers in Certain Quadratic
4) Andreas Boukas, Anargyros Fellouris, On the Higher Order n
Sylvester quaternion equation q^n+q^nb=c
5) Alexander Begunts, Dmitry Goryashin, Diophantine Approximations and
the Convergence of Certain Series
6) Chris Buhse, Peter Johnson, William Linz, Matthew Simpson, Two
Conjectures About Recency Rank Encoding
7) Nelson A. Carella, Least Prime Primitive Roots
8) Majeid Eshaghi Gorgy, Fatemeh Amoee Arani, I2-statistical
convergence of double sequences in 2-normed Spaces
9) Edna Jones, John Ryan, Theoretical Friends of Finite Proximity
10) Johan P. Hansen, Forms and Linear Network Codes
11) Ishani Barua, Golomb-Lempel Construction of Costas Arrays
12) Doyon Kim, 2-Variable Frobenius Problem
From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 65 (1)
Journal of Scientific Computing
Volume 65, Number 1, October 2015
Sharp A Posteriori Error Estimates for Optimal Control Governed by
Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations, Wanfang Shen, Liang Ge,
Danping Yang and Wenbin Liu, pp.1-33.
Discrete Helmholtz–Hodge Decomposition on Polyhedral Meshes Using
Compatible Discrete Operators, A. Lemoine, J.-P. Caltagirone,
M. Azaiez and S. Vincent, pp.34-53.
Towards Smooth Particle Methods Without Smoothing, Martin Campos
Pinto, pp.54-82.
A Maximum-Principle-Satisfying High-Order Finite Volume Compact WENO
Scheme for Scalar Conservation Laws with Applications in
Incompressible Flows, Yan Guo, Tao Xiong and Yufeng Shi, pp.83-109.
Construction of Convergent High Order Schemes for Time Dependent
Hamilton–Jacobi Equations, Kwangil Kim and Yonghai Li, pp.110-137.
A Robust Residual-Type a Posteriori Error Estimator for
Convection–Diffusion Equations, Shaohong Du and Zhimin Zhang,
Simulation of SPDEs for Excitable Media Using Finite Elements, Muriel
Boulakia, Alexandre Genadot and Michele Thieullen, pp.171-195.
Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Infinite-Dimensional
Birkhoffian Systems, Hongling Su and Shengtai Li, pp.196-223.
Role of Time Integration in Computing Transitional Flows Caused by
Wall Excitation, Tapan K. Sengupta, V.K. Sathyanarayanan, M.
Sriramkrishnan and Akhil Mulloth, pp.224-248.
Numerical Approximation of the Fractional Laplacian via hp-finite
Elements, with an Application to Image Denoising, Paolo Gatto and Jan
S. Hesthaven, pp.249-270.
Strong Stability Preserving General Linear Methods, Giuseppe Izzo and
Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, pp.271-298.
A New Lax–Wendroff Discontinuous Galerkin Method with
Superconvergence, Wei Guo, Jing-Mei Qiu and Jianxian Qiu, pp.299-326.
A Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Reduced Stabilization,
Issei Oikawa, pp.327-340.
The Superconvergence Phenomenon and Proof of the MAC Scheme for the
Stokes Equations on Non-uniform Rectangular Meshes, Jichun Li and
Shuyu Sun, pp.341-362.
A Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method for the Maxwell Equations, Lin
Mu, Junping Wang, Xiu Ye and Shangyou Zhang, pp.363-386.
H-matrix Accelerated Second Moment Analysis for Potentials with Rough
Correlation, J. Dolz, H. Harbrecht and M. Peters, pp.387-410.
Second-Order Stable Finite Difference Schemes for the Time-Fractional
Diffusion-Wave Equation, Fanhai Zeng, pp.411-430.
An Enhanced Particle Reseeding Algorithm for the Hybrid Particle Level
Set Method in Compressible Flows, Ki-Hong Kim, Min-cheol Gwak and Jack
J. Yoh, pp.431-453.
End of Digest