NA Digest Thursday, February 26, 2015 Volume 15 : Issue 08

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Nilima Nigam [email protected]
Date: February 20, 2015
Subject: Thank you to the NA Digest community

In the NA Digest on Monday, Feb. 09, 2015 v.15 n. 06, I'd written in
about an open letter to the NSF communicating the importance of the
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications in Minneapolis to many
in our community.

There have been over 1000 signatures added to the letter since
then. So, a big 'thank you!' to the members of the NA-Digest
readership who have expressed their support.

The text of the letter, and a list of the signatories, is available

Directions on how to add your signature are here:


From: R. Bradley Shumbera, Ph.D. [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2015
Subject: Adv Numerical Methods in Math Sciences, USA, May 2015

Registration is now available for the workshop "Advanced Numerical
Methods in the Mathematical Sciences." Hosted by the Institute for
Scientific Computation, this workshop will take place at Texas A&M
University in College Station, Texas, on May 4-7, 2015. This workshop
aims to bring together researchers working on different aspects of
finite element discretization techniques and their applications and to
foster interaction among researchers from both industry and academia.

Taking place at the university's campus in College Station, Texas,
this workshop will host a poster session and offer a number of invited
presentations given by a mix of senior and junior researchers. We
particularly encourage workshop participants to present
posters. Additionally, preceding the workshop on May 3, 2015, will be
a day of tutorials on various topics concerning finite element
discretizations. Thanks to assistance from the National Science
Foundation through award number DMS-1438451, we will offer young
researchers and doctoral students financial support on a competitive

To learn more, register, and apply for financial support for this
workshop, visit

Those interested in this workshop may contact
[email protected] for additional information or assistance
with registration, accommodations, etc.


From: Christian Mehl [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: Conference honoring Volker Mehrmann, Germany, May 2015

The preliminary program for the conference

Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations,
and Control Theory, Berlin, May 6-9, 2015,

in honor of Volker Mehrmann on the occasion of his 60th birthday
is now online at

If you plan to attend the conference but have not registered yet,
please note that the deadline for early registration is February
28, 2015.


From: Francesco dell'Accio [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: Deadline Extended, NETNA2015, Italy, Jun 2015

NETNA2015 (18 - 21 June 2015)

The aim of the Conference is to bring together mathematicians, working
in Numerical Analysis and related fields, who will have the
opportunity to share and exchange their ideas and open problems in a
friendly environment. The themes of the Conference will cover all the
aspects of Numerical Analysis, with an emphasis on theory, methods,
algorithms and applications. Topics of interest certainly include, but
are not limited to: Elementary and special functions; Numerical linear
algebra; Interpolation and approximation; Rootfinding for nonlinear
equations; Numerical differentiation and integration; Numerical
methods for ordinary and partial differential equations; Optimization;
History of Computational Mathematics.

Important dates:
Submission of abstracts: February 28, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2015
Conference: June 18-21, 2015


From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2015
Subject: IMA Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths, UK, Jun 2015

IMA International Conference on
Barriers and Enablers to Learning Maths:
Enhancing Learning and Teaching for All Learners
10 – 12 June 2015
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland

This is the first international conference of the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) about approaches to teaching
and learning mathematics. Mathematics should be understood in the
widest possible sense to cover all aspects of mathematics, including
number, pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and the full
range of applications of mathematics.

The conference is organised into the following four tracks, with the
list of topics under each track illustrative rather than exclusive:
- Motivation and maths anxiety
- Inclusive practice and learners’ particular requirements
- Effective practice: what does and does not work
- The use of technology

Submission of papers and proposals for special thematic sessions was
invited to the above tracks. In addition proposals were invited for
working sessions to develop working groups on recommendations on
particular topics related to the conference theme.

Further information:


From: Alexandre Ern [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: New Trends in Compatible Discretizations, France, Jun 2015

The CEA-EDF-INRIA School on "New trends in compatible discretizations"
will take place at INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France, from 29 June to 2
July, 2015.

The School is intended for newcomers in the field as well as for those
interested in further insight into emerging topics. PhD students,
researchers, and engineers from industry are encouraged to attend.

List of lecturers: B. Andreianov (Besancon), D. Arnold (Minnesota),
P. Bochev (Albuquerque), J. Bonelle (Paris), F. Brezzi (Pavia), A.
Buffa (Pavia), S. Christiansen (Oslo), D. Di Pietro (Montpellier),
R. Eymard (Paris), M. Gerritsma (Delft), J.-C. Latché (Cadarache),
J. Schöberl (Wien), E. Sonnendrücker (München)

For further information and registration, please see


From: Martin Stoll [email protected]
Date: February 20, 2015
Subject: Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra, Germany, Jul 2015

The annual GAMM Workshop on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra will
be held in Magdeburg, Germany, July 9-10 2015.

The special emphasis of the workshop is on 'large-scale network
computations'. But all other aspects of applied and numerical linear
algebra are most welcome.

Invited speakers (confirmed):
Michele Benzi (Emory, USA)
Ernesto Estrada (Strathclyde, UK)
Caren Tischendorf (HU Berlin, Germany)

The workshop will consist of three invited talks and contributed talks
of 25 minutes.

More information on deadlines and registration can be found on the


From: Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2015
Subject: Call for Special Sessions, ACA 2015, Greece, Jul 2015

ACA 2015, 21th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra
July 20 - 23, 2015, Kalamata, Greece

The ACA meetings are organized as a series of Special Sessions.
The Special Sessions proposals for the ACA 2015 Conference should
be submitted to the Program Chair of the Conference, Edgar
Martinez-Moro ([email protected]).

A proposal for a Special Session has to include:
- the title of the Special Session,
- a short abstract describing the Special Session,
- contact information of the organizers.

The Special Sessions proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific
Committee (i.e. the ACA working group) as they come.

Early submissions are strongly encouraged, since early acceptance and
publication of the sessions are a big help for people to plan on
attending the session/meeting.

(Extended) Deadline for Special Sessions proposals : February 27,

For examples of past sessions, consult past ACA conferences at

For more details see Instructions for Organizing a Special Session:


From: Ruth Crane [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2015
Subject: ICERM Mathematics in Data Science, USA, Jul 2015

The goal of this workshop is to bring together mathematicians and data
scientists to participate in a discussion of current methods and
outstanding problems in data science. The workshop is particularly
aimed at mathematicians interested in pursuing research or a career in
data science who wish to gain an understanding of this rapidly
evolving field and the ways in which mathematics can
contribute. Researchers currently working in data science are also
encouraged to attend, to share ideas about mathematical methodologies
and challenges. A number of experienced data scientists with a variety
of backgrounds from academics, national laboratories, and industry
(including startups) will be invited. The program will include
overview and technical talks, several panels consisting of
practitioners with different experience levels, and one or more poster

July 28-30, 2015
Hosted by the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in
Mathematics (ICERM) located at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA.

Philip Kegelmeyer, Sandia National Laboratories
Tamara Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories
Randall LeVeque, University of Washington
Aleksandra Mojsilovic, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Linda Ness, Applied Communication Sciences
Alyson Wilson, North Carolina State University

For more details and to apply, go to:


From: Troy Butler [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2015
Subject: Uncertainty Quantification, USA, Jul 2015

Rocky Mountain Summer Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification
University of Colorado Denver
July 15-17, 2015

The University of Colorado Denver is hosting a summer workshop on
uncertainty quantification from July 15-17, 2015. This intensive
three-day workshop will provide hands-on training on the mathematical
theory behind and application of state-of-the-art open source software
and computational tools for the quantification of uncertainty and a
posteriori error estimation in physics-based models. Please visit the
for more details including confirmed speakers and topics.

Participants will have an unique opportunity to personally interact
with several of the leading researchers in this emerging area of
computational mathematics and predictive science. Approximately half
of each day is devoted to the practical application of the theory and
participants will leave this workshop with many computational examples
and software that may serve as a template for future research

We anticipate providing full travel support for up to 20
participants. There are no registration fees, so space is limited to
30 participants. To apply for full or partial travel support and/or to
reserve your spot for this workshop, visit
for more details. The deadline for consideration of travel support is
April 3, 2015.


From: Homer Walker [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2015
Subject: ICERM Num Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems, USA, Aug 2015

The Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in
Mathematics (ICERM) will host a workshop on Numerical Methods for
Large-Scale Nonlinear Problems and Their Applications, August 31 -
September 4, 2015.

This workshop will include mathematicians and computer scientists who
work on algorithm design, implementation, and analysis, together with
disciplinary scientists and engineers who use the algorithms in
applications and have a working knowledge of their capabilities,
weaknesses, and limitations. The major topics of the workshop will be
acceleration methods, in particular Anderson acceleration; methods for
nonlinear problems that have significant stochastic aspects; methods
for nonsmooth problems; and various techniques for improving
robustness, such as nonlinear preconditioning. For more details about
the workshop, including a list of confirmed speakers to date, please
see the workshop web page:

If you would like to participate in the workshop, you are encouraged
to apply through the link provided on the workshop web page. All
approved applicants will be invited to present posters on their work.

Some funds are available to support participant travel. Those needing
travel support can request it on the application form.


From: luca.formaggia [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2015
Subject: Extended Discretization Methods, Italy, Sep 2015

The X-DMS 2015 Conference will be preceded by a short course on
EXTENDED DISCRETIZATION METHODS. The course will be held on Monday 7
and Tuesday 8, September 2015 just before Conference.

The Course flyer can be downloaded at:

PROGRAM: The lectures will focus on advanced topics of computational
mechanics pertaining to discretization techniques such as the eXtended
Finite Element Method and meshless methods. The topics to be covered
include applications to two-phase and free-surface flows, simulation
of fast fracture, multiscale methods for fracture, analysis of
conditioning problems and stabilization techniques, modelling and
numerical aspects of the transition process from damage to fracture,
numerical integration issues arising in the presence of singularities
and discontinuities.

Prof. Alain Combescure, AREVA SAFRAN Chair INSA, France.
Prof. Thomas-Peter Fries, Institute of Structural Analysis, Austria.
Dr. Ing. Stefan Löhnert, Institute of Continuum Mechanics, Germany.
Prof. Nicolas Moës, Institute Ecole Centrale, Nantes, France.
Prof. N. Sukumar, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Davis, USA.


From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: IMA Numerical Methods for Simulation, UK, Sep 2015

Developments in numerical methods underpin simulations in many ways,
for example in any area where high dimensional problems are governed
by differential equations. Computational fluid dynamics has driven
many developments in this area; however there is a wide range of
application areas where the problems, and indeed solution techniques
may be similar. Numerical methods are important in diverse areas such
as geophysical modelling, fluid-structure interaction,
high-dimensional dynamical systems, weather prediction, climate
modelling, oil reservoir simulation, and so on. The conference will
bring together application specialists, applied mathematicians,
numerical analysts and computational scientists who develop and use
numerical simulations. Applications which focus on data assimilation,
inverse problems, uncertainties or control, which contain as a major
component a high-dimensional forward model, will also be represented.

Conference themes: Higher-order discretization methods; Methods for
uncertainty quantification; Multi-physics / multi-material /
multi-scale simulation; High performance computing (including energy
efficient algorithms and algorithms for emerging architectures);
Optimization / control / design / inverse problems; Numerical analysis
/ numerical linear algebra and preconditioning

Abstracts are requested for contributed talks in any area consistent
with the conference themes. Talks will be accepted for either oral or
poster presentation on the basis of a one- page extended abstract in
PDF format, which should be sent via email to [email protected]
by Friday 27 March 2015.

For further information, please see the conference webpage:


From: Sebastian Reich [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: SciCADE 2015, Germany, Sep 2015

Registration for SciCADE 2015 is now open:

SciCADE 2015 will be held at the University of Potsdam, Germany,
September 14-18, 2015.

Those interested in giving a contributed talk should submit an
abstract through the web page of the conference. Important deadlines

Deadline for Submission : May 31, 2015
Deadline for New Talent Award: May 31, 2015
Deadline for Early Registration : June 22, 2015
Deadline for John Butcher Prize: June 30, 2015
Deadline for Bid for SciCADE 2019: June 30, 2015

The confirmed invited speakers are:
David Anderson, University of Wisconsin Madison, USA
Maria Paz Calvo, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain
Omar Ghattas, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Nicola Guglielmi, Universit� degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy
Rupert Klein, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Tony Lelievre, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, France
Enrique Zuazua, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain

The list of accepted minisymposia can be found at


From: Philipp Petersen [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2015
Subject: Compressed Sensing and its Applications, Germany, Dec 2015

We would like to inform you that we are going to organize the
International Matheon Conference "Compressed Sensing and its
Applications", which will take place from December 7-11, 2015, at the
Technische Universität Berlin. This is the second conference in this
conference series; the first meeting was attended by about 150
participants and took place in December 2013

The goal of this conference is to bring together the leading
mathematicians working in Compressed Sensing and the leading engineers
from a number of its application areas such as Imaging Science, Radar
Technology, Tomography, or Communication Theory, to report on recent
developments, to promote a dialogue between applied mathematicians and
engineers, and to foster new developments and collaborations.

The following researchers already accepted to deliver a Plenary Talk
at this conference: Emmanuel Candès (Stanford University, USA);
Michael Elad (Technion, Israel); Yonina Eldar (Technion, Israel);
Andrea Montanari (Stanford University, USA); Holger Rauhut (RWTH
Aachen, Germany); Thomas Strohmer (University of California, Davis,
USA); Roman Vershynin (University of Michigan, USA); Rachel Ward
(University of Texas, Austin, USA)

You can find more details on the conference (incl. the list of invited
speakers, details on accommodation, venue, and scientific and social
program) at where you can also
fill in the electronic registration form starting on March 15, 2015.

Registration closes September 30, 2015
Pre-reserved hotel rooms expire September 30, 2015
Submission of the title of poster closes September 30, 2015


From: Alanna Guy [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2015
Subject: Open Positions, UTSCE

United Technologies Systems & Controls Engineering (UTSCE) has
openings for experienced individuals with specializations in numerical
analysis, computational science, robust design, control, optimization,
uncertainty quantification, and design of controlled thermal fluid
systems architectures.

- Graduate degree in Mathematics or Computational Science &
- Five years' post graduate work in numerical analysis, computational
science & engineering with some expertise in numerical solution
techniques for systems of non-linear differential algebraic
equations, solvers, and diagnosis and debugging of large scale
system simulation convergence problems
- Professional programming experience in C++ , Mathcad, Matlab and
Fortran is preferred
- Demonstrated experience solving both linear equations with
direct/iterative methods and non-linear equations with
Newton/quasi-Newton methods
- Excellent communications and presentation skills (oral and written)
- Experience in steady-state and dynamic modeling and computations for
thermal fluid systems, such as vapor compression, air-cycle, and
liquid systems. Expertise in modern numerical techniques for systems
of non-linear differential algebraic equations is desired.

Preference given to candidates with demonstrated experience and some
expertise in numerical methods for one or more of the following areas:
-Control design
-Robust Design
-Uncertainty Quantification
-Controlled Thermal Fluids Architecture Design

United Technologies Corporation –


From: Hans-Christoph Grunau [email protected]
Date: February 24, 2015
Subject: W3-Professor Position, Numerical Mathematics in Applications

The Otto-von-Guericke-University
Magdeburg, Faculty of Mathematics,
Institute of Analysis and Numerics
seeks to appoint as of April 1, 2016 a tenured
W3-Professor for Numerical Mathematics in Applications.

Please see:


From: Jaap van der Vegt [email protected]
Date: February 26, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Numerical Methods for Stochastic Partial Diff

The University of Twente (UT) in Enschede, The Netherlands, invites
researchers to apply for a tenure track position in Numerical Methods
for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations within the Systems,
Analysis and Computational Science cluster of the Department of
Applied Mathematics.

Within the UT Research Institutes the field of Computational Science
is of vital importance in many areas in the (geo)physical, technical
and biophysical sciences. In particular, the accurate and efficient
numerical solution of (stochastic) partial differential equations is
crucial for many research activities in our department.

We are looking for a highly talented research scientist with an
outstanding track record in the development, analysis and application
of numerical methods for stochastic partial differential
equations. The successful candidate is expected to be a pro-active
individual, ready and capable to create links between mathematics and
the multi-disciplinary context at the University of Twente, in
particular the UT MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, which has a very
strong international reputation and offers ample opportunities for
collaboration. The candidate will actively participate in the research
within the Department and develop a profile by collaborating with
colleagues in the MESA+ Institute.

The Tenure Track position is for a maximum period of six years. The
starting position is that of assistant professor. At the end of a
successful tenure track term a permanent scientific staff position as
associated professor will be offered. Criteria for evaluation comprise
a strong track record of publications, evaluation of teaching
capacities and a demonstrated ability to acquire research funding and
to achieve an international network and reputation.

For more information, please visit the website

Your application can also be submitted to this website.


From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader Position, Applied Mathematics, Bath

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Bath
invites applications from excellent candidates in Applied Mathematics.

We particularly encourage applicants in the broad area of the
Mathematics of Networks and Collective Behaviour. We also welcome
applications in related areas which complement and strengthen current
interests at Bath, for example dynamical systems, control theory,
complex networks, and cross-disciplinary research.

The closing date is 15th March 2015.

Full details with links to application procedures are available from


From: Prof. Joern Sesterhenn [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2015
Subject: Teaching Assistant Position, Computational Fluid Dynamics, TU Berlin

Job advertisement: Teaching Assistant (f/m) at the department of
Computational Fluid Dynamics at Technische Universität Berlin

Job description: Research and teaching in the field of Computational
Fluid Dynamics. Our focus is on compressible, turbulent particle laden
flows and their aeroacoustics.

We use Direct Numerical Simulation of the forward and adjoint
equations as well as model order reduction to understand and control
these flows, We are particularily interested in jets and boundary

Requirements: University degree in the area of numerical fluid
dynamics (Diploma, Master or equivalent degree); excellent skills in
mathematics, fluid dynamics / continuum mechanics and numerical
simulation. Experiences with Turbulence, adjoint-based methods for
optimization and Unix / Fortran / Matlab are an advantage, but can be
aquired on the job.

Duration: Five-year contract. Pay group E13 TV-L, with possibility to
pursue a doctorate.

Deadline for application is March 8, 2015. Please send your
application as a PDF-File to [email protected].


From: Milan Mihajlovic [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Univ of Manchester

We are seeking to recruit a postdoc for 36 months to work on a project
related to thermal stability of power distribution networks in 3D
integrated circuits. The candidate should have (or about to obtain) a
PhD in Numerical Analysis, Scientific Computing or a related
discipline, with suitable experience in the finite element method,
time integration schemes and sparse iterative solvers (including
multigrid). Any experience with C++/MPI programming is beneficial. The
post is a part of a larger project and the successful candidate is
expected to work as a part of a small research team with 2 academics
and 2 researchers. Further particulars about the post can be found at:

Any formal inquiries are welcome at [email protected] (Milan
Mihajlovic, School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester).


From: Serafim Kalliadasis [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dynamics of Moving Contact Lines

Imperial College London
Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Associate in Dynamics of Moving Contact Lines
Salary: £33,410 to £42,380 per annum
Fixed term appointment until 31 March 2016

Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for a 13 month
Postdoctoral Research Associate position funded by the ERC Advanced
Grant "Complex Interfacial Flows: From the Nano- to the Macro-Scale"
under the supervision of Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis. The project
concerns the theoretical analysis of the dynamics of moving contact
lines. The ultimate aim is the development of a rigorous methodology
for the treatment of moving contact lines based on first principles.

The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in Applied
Mathematics, Engineering, Physics, or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling, mathematical techniques
(analytical and numerical). A good knowledge of theoretical fluid
mechanics including interfacial/low-to-moderate-Reynolds numbers flows
is highly desirable.

He/she will join a highly interdisciplinary team working on a wide
variety of exciting projects at the interface between applied
mathematics and engineering science fundamentals. If you would like
to discuss the project, please contact Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis at
[email protected], Telephone: +44-(0)-20-7594-1373, postal
address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College, London
SW7 2AZ, UK.

Additional information and application details are given in


From: Felipe Pereira [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Flows Through Porous Media, USP-Brazil

The Institute for Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMC - of the University of São Paulo at São
Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, seeks to fill a Postdoctoral Research
Associate Position in Flows through Porous Media starting immediately
with duration of one year with a possibility of extension for two
years upon performance review.

Requirement: PhD in Mathematics or closely related field. Preference
will be given to candidates with experience in the following topics:
(i) Numerical methods for partial differential equations; (ii) Code
development in C++; (iii) High performance computing; (iv) Multiphase
flow simulations in porous media; (v) Computational fluid dynamics.

This position is funded by the Science Without Borders (SWB) program
( and
the research work will be performed at the ICMC in close collaboration
with Professor Felipe Pereira, in the Department of Mathematical
Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas. Funding for international
travel for the postdoctoral research associate is also provided by the
SWB program.

Applicants should provide a letter of intention, a curriculum vitae
and three letters of recommendation to Professor José Alberto Cuminato
([email protected]) or Professor Felipe Pereira
([email protected]). Review of applicants will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.


From: Suzanne Shontz [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Parallel Dynamic Meshing, Univ of Kansas

Applications are invited for a full-time postdoctoral position with
the Information and Telecommunication Technology Center (ITTC) at the
University of Kansas. The initial appointment will begin in May 2015.
The postdoc will join a project developing parallel dynamic meshing
algorithms and software for simulation-assisted medical interventions
and will be supervised by Dr. Suzanne Shontz. This research is partly
in collaboration with researchers at The Pennsylvania State University
and Penn State Hershey Medical Center.

This position requires a PhD degree in computer science, applied or
computational mathematics, mechanical engineering, or a related
discipline, in a scientific computing area, strong background and
research experience in one or more of the following areas:
unstructured mesh algorithms, numerical optimization algorithms, or
high performance computing; excellent programming skills in C, C++, or
Fortran, and strong written and oral communication skills.

A full position description, required and preferred qualifications,
and application instructions will be posted at For more information on the
project, see More
information on Dr. Shontz’s research group and the ITTC can be found
at and,
respectively. Review of applications begins 3/25/15, and will
continue until the position is filled.

Complete applications will include the following:
(1) A cover letter
(2) A full curriculum vitae
(3) A two- to three-page statement summarizing your research
experience and achievements (including publications and software)
and future research plans
(4) Up to two research publications and/or preprints
(5) The names and addresses (including phone number and emails) of
three references

For further information about this position, please contact Prof.
Suzanne M. Shontz at [email protected]


From: Martin Wild [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2015
Subject: PhD Fellowship Positions, Biology-related Mathematics

16 PhD Fellowships in Mathematics, Life and Natural Sciences
Muenster, Germany

The International Max Planck Research School – Molecular Biomedicine
(IMPRS-MBM) and the Cells in Motion Excellence Cluster (CiM) offer 16
PhD Fellowships in Life and Natural Sciences. More PhD positions
financed by work contracts may be offered depending on availability.

The CiM Graduate School and IMPRS-MBM - jointly run by the University
of Münster and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine -
offer interdisciplinary approaches to biomedical research with a
strong emphasis on imaging. PhD projects range from the analysis of
basic cellular processes to clinical translation, from the generation
of mathematical models to the development of new imaging-related
techniques and compounds.

Research areas: Cell and Molecular and Biology ; Developmental and
Stem Cell Biology; Vascular Biology ; Immunology; Microbiology ;
Neurobiology; In vivo Imaging ; High Resolution Optical Imaging;
Biophysics ; Chemical Biology; Label Chemistry ; Mathematical
Modelling and more.

Applications for the 3-year PhD program can be submitted from 10
February – 15 April 2015. Projects start in October 2015.
Applications can only be submitted via our online system.

For online application and further information go to

The program offers excellent scientific and transferable skills
training, a competitive tax-free fellowship and support with
administrative matters, accomodation, visas etc. There are no tuition
fees. The program language is English.

Contact: [email protected]


From: Peter Arbenz [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Science, ETH Zurich

PhD position in the Parallel and High Performance Computing research
group of the Computer Science Department at ETH Zurich on the topic of

Large scale shape optimization for accelerator cavities

The design of Radio Frequency (RF) cavity structures is a complex
optimization process. RF cavity structures are elements in which
charged particles are accelerated by an oscillating electric field
which is generated by exciting the proper eigenmode of the accelerator
cavity. The eigenmodes as well as their frequencies are determined by
the shape of the cavity.

The proposed work consists in developing a highly parallel tool for
the optimization of the shape of the accelerating cavity structures
and of the beam dynamics, based on multi-objective PDE constrained
optimization and uncertainty quantification.

Profile and requirements:
- Master in Computational Science and Engineering, Applied
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or similar, with excellent
study results.
- Strong background in computational mathematics or computational
physics and some proven track record in implementing numerical
algorithms on HPC hardware.
- Fluent in English; willingness to work on an interdisciplinary

For more information see

Applicants are invited to send a motivation letter, detailed CV
(including courses, grades, publications) and contact info of at
least two references (including email addresses and phone numbers)
to Prof. Dr. Peter Arbenz ([email protected]).


From: Kris van der Zee [email protected]
Date: February 21, 2015
Subject: PhD Positions, Math for a Sustainable Society, Nottingham, UK

Applications are invited for Leverhulme Trust Doctoral (PhD)
Scholarships in Mathematics for A Sustainable Society (MASS), an
interdisciplinary doctoral training centre at the University of
Nottingham that aims to tackle the ongoing global problems of food
shortages, water scarcity and insufficient clean energy. Many
projects have a strong numerical analysis component!

For more information go to:
See also:

The scholarships cover PhD tuition fees for UK/EU students, plus a
tax-free stipend of £13,863 per annum (2014-2015 rate). For any
enquiries, e.g., regarding non-EU applications, please email: pm-pg-
[email protected] Closing date for applications:
Monday 2 March 2015.

(sent on behalf of Prof Markus Owen)


From: Tony Nance [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: 2015 MBI Undergraduate Summer Research Program

2015 MBI Undergraduate Summer Research Program
June 8 - August 14, 2015

The goal of this MBI NSF-funded program is to introduce students to
exciting new areas of mathematical biology, and to involve them in
collaborative research with their peers and faculty mentors. The
program consists of three parts - each including a mix of educational
and social experiences:

One-week Introduction at MBI (June 8-12, 2015): Tutorials, computer
labs, and team efforts designed to introduce students to a variety of
topics in mathematical biology.

REU Program (June 15 - August 7, 2015): An 8 week individualized
research experience as part of a research team at one of the
participating host institutions.

Capstone Conference at MBI (August 10-14, 2015): A student centered
conference featuring talks and posters by students doing research in
mathematical biology, keynotes by prominent mathematical biologists, a
graduate studies recruitment fair, and other special features
including a conference dinner and social event.

Apply for the REU program at: A complete
application will require:
- Two letters of reference
- A ranked list of the three projects that you want to participate in
- A statement indicating your reasons for wanting to participate in
this program

For full consideration, completed applications must be received by
Monday March 2, 2015. Applications for the CAPSTONE CONFERENCE ONLY
will be due in June. For inquiries, please consult the MBI website or
contact Rebecca Martin [email protected] .


From: Hans De Sterck [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2015
Subject: Call for papers, SISC Special Section for CSE15: Software and Big Data

Submissions are open for a Special Section of the SIAM Journal on
Scientific Computing (SISC) in association with the 2015 SIAM
Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE15).

The Special Section will focus on two themes – CSE Software and Big
Data in CSE – and will feature high-quality scientific computing
papers in either of these two areas (or their intersection).

Please check out the call for papers at which gives
detailed information about the scope of the Special Section.

Manuscript submissions will be accepted beginning February 1, 2015,
and until May 31, 2015.


From: Shan Zhao [email protected]
Date: February 20, 2015
Subject: CfP: Ion Channels and membrane: modeling, analysis, and computation

The journal Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB) will be
editing a special issue entitled “Ion Channels and membrane: modeling,
analysis, and computation”. We cordially invite you to contribute a
research article to this special issue.

The purpose of this special issue is to create a medium for
researchers from mathematical and biological sciences and other
related disciplines to report novel mathematical models, computational
algorithms, and theoretical analysis for those problems arising from
physiology and biology.

MBMB is a recently established journal, whose aim is to promote the
mathematical study of biological processes at the molecular scale.
Mathematical research findings which are related to other biomolecular
processes, such as biomolecular structures, function, dynamics and
transport, are also welcome. Original papers and high-quality review
articles on the aforementioned topics are solicited for this issue.

Before submission authors should carefully read over the Author
Guidelines, which are located at All manuscripts are subject to
the standard peer review process before publication. Please note the
publisher has waived the Article Processing Charges for this special
issue, but articles will be open-access in accordance with the overall
goals of the journal. Prospective authors should submit their
manuscript online at

We are looking forward to your submission. If you have any question,
please contact Dr. Chiun-Chang Lee at [email protected]

Manuscript Due: April 1, 2015
First Round of Reviews: May 15, 2015
Anticipated Publication Date: August 1, 2015


From: P. Vasant [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: Special Issue, Computational Intelligent Algorithms and its Appl


SPECIAL ISSUE ON Computational intelligent Algorithms and its
application to real world problems, IJEOE

The objective of the special issue is to bring together researchers
working on the development of innovative and novel original techniques
and methodologies to improve the performance of current development on
the advanced algorithms related real world practical problems with
modern artificial computational intelligent techniques.

RECOMMENDED TOPICS: Imperialist competitive algorithm; Black Hole
algorithm; Biogeography Based Optimization; Teaching and Learning
Based Optimization; Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm; Shuffled Frog
Leaping Algorithm; Gravitational Search Method; Fire Fly Algorithm;
Harmony Search Algorithm; Quantum-Inspired Binary PSO; Chaotic PSO

Real Word Applications problems: Power Systems; Financial Engineering;
Mathematical Economics; Plug-in-Hybrid Electrical Vehicle; Thermal
optimization; Economic dispatch; Production planning; Robotics,
Mechatronics and Control; Distribution Generation ; Process
optimization; Manufacturing industrial problems; Scheduling problems;
Computer Science; Oil and gas industrial problems; Energy efficiency
problems; Solar and wind energy problem; Petroleum, Electrical,
Chemical and Mechanical Engineering



From: P. Vasant [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: Special Issue, Innovative Computing Algorithms: Applications in Engine

GJTO 2014-2015, SPECIAL Issue Innovative Computing Algorithms:
Applications in Engineering and Applied Sciences

To share the experiences and knowledge of research, development,
deployment and maintenance, this special issue invites worldwide
research scholars across the palnet to present their contributions in
(but not limited)

Methods: Mathematical programming; Linear and Non-linear programming;
Evolutionary algorithms & Population based techniques; Robust
optimization & Chaotic optimization; Swarm intelligence optimization &
Machine learning; Fuzzy optimization & Artificial neural network;
Cuckoo search algorithm & Bat algorithm; Simulated annealing, Local
search & Tabu search; Hybrid optimization & Innovative computing;
Meta-heuristics techniques

Applications: Mathematical finance & economics; Science, Software,
Hardware & Information technology ; Supply chain management,
Scheduling, production systems ; Robotics & Mechatronics systems;
Valve design systems, Industrial & manufacturing problems; Power
systems, Energy Systems & Control systems; Bio-medical systems &
Intelligent Control; Electrical Drive Systems, Power Electronics,
Sensors & Industrial Automation; Civil, Petroleum, Mechanical &
Chemical engineering

April 23, 2015: Paper submission due.
June 6, 2015: Notification of acceptance.
July 25, 2015: Final camera ready submission.



From: P. Vasant [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2015
Subject: Special Issue, Meta-Heuristics Optimization for Real World Applications


Meta-heuristics optimization has been successfully applied to many
aspects of Applied Mathematics and Science. For example, as reported
in the literature, Gravitational search algorithm GSA), Genetic
algorithm (GA), Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Ant colony
optimization (ACO), Bat Algorithm (BA), Fire Fly (FF), Evolutionary
algorithm (EA)and several hybrid swarm evolutionary algorithms have
been adopted to handle complex and uncertain real world optimization
problems. This special issue aims at providing a forum for adopting
the state-of-the-art meta-heuristics optimization techniques in
Applied Mathematics and Science, developing the cutting hedge
optimization techniques by using meta-heuristics approaches, as well
as exchanging of related ideas and discussing the future
directions. We invite researchers to submit their original and
unpublished work related to, but not limited to, the above topics.

Submission for Review: May 4, 2015
Acceptance/Rejection Notification: June 6, 2015
Final Version and Registration: July 4, 2015
Tentative Publication Date: September 6, 2015

Prospective authors should submit high quality and original
contributions that have not appeared in any other journals or
proceedings. Submissions should follow the guidelines of Applied
Mathematical Sciences, which can be found at:

Authors are invited to submit papers by e-mail to the Guest Editor at:
[email protected] and to the editorial office at: [email protected]


From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: February 25, 2015
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 14 (1)

Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.14, No.1, February 2015


Peter Benner, Lihong Feng, Model Order Reduction For Coupled Problems
(Survey), pages: 3-22

Larin V.B., Tunik A.A., Fault - Tolerant Strap-Down Inertial
Navigation Systems with External Corrections, pages: 23-37

Arab R., Rabbani M., Mollapourasl R., The Solution of a Nonlinear
Integral Equation with Deviating Argument Based the on Fixed Point
Technique, pages: 38-49

Bozkurt F., Abdeljawad T., Hajji M.A., Stability Analysis of a
Fractional Order Differential Equatin Model of a Brain Tumor Growth
Depending on the Density, pages: 50-62

Shokri A., An Explicit Trigonometrically Fitted Ten-Step Method with
Phase-Lag of Order Infinity for the Numerical Solution of the Radial
Schrödinger Equation, pages: 63-74

Saka B., A Quartic B-Spline Collocation Method for Solving the
Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation, pages: 75-86

Petkov P., Slavov T., Mollov L., Kralev J., Real-Time Implementation
of H∞ and μ -Controllers, pages: 87-100


From: Aliev Fikret [email protected]
Date: February 24, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 6 (1)

Turkic World Mathematical Society Journal of Pure and Applied
ISSN 2076-2585
Volume 6, No. 1, 2015

Some Inclusion Relationships for Certain Subclasses of p-Valent
Meromorphic Functions Associated with the Generalized Hypergeometric
Function, M.K. Aouf, E.E. Ali

On a Homotopy Based Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations,
J. Saeidian, E. Babolian, A. Azizi

Some Sequence Spaces and Matrix Transformations in Multiplicative
Sense, .A.F. Çakmak, F. Başar

Spline Collocation Method for Solution of Higher Order Linear Boundary
Value Problems, J. Rashidinia, M. Khazaei, H. Nikmarvani

On the Existence of Solutions in Coupled System of Non-Linear
Fractional Integro-Differential Equations on the Half Line, A.

Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideal Extensions in Semigroups, S.K. Sardar,
M. Mandal, S.K. Majumder

Application of the Laplace Adomian Decomposition and Implicit Methods
for Solving Burgers' Equation, A. Naghipour, J. Manafian

On Closed Mappings of Uniform Spaces, A.Chekeev, T. J.Kasymova,
A.I. Chanbaeva

On the Norms of Circulant Matrices with the Generalized Fibonacci and
Lucas Numbers, M. Bahşi

On the Restoration Problem with Degenerated Diffusion,
M.I. Tleubergenov, G.T. Ibraeva

System with Two Independent Variables, K.K. Hasanov,
T.S. Tanriverdiyev

Numerical Solution of System of Linear Fredholm Integral Equations
Based on Degenerating Kernels, S. Karimi, M. Jozi

End of Digest