NA Digest Monday, February 09, 2015 Volume 15 : Issue 06

Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Nilima Nigam [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2015
Subject: Petition in support of the IMA

Dear colleagues,

You may be aware that the NSF has recently decided not to renew
funding to the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the
University of Minnesota.

Here is an open letter to the NSF communicating the importance of the
IMA to many in our community:

If you would like to become a signatory to this, please follow this
link above. You may see a screen requesting a donation to the
IPetition website. Your signature will be recorded even without a
donation. No donations are required for you to sign the petition.

Best Regards,
Nilima Nigam
Department of Mathematics
Simon Fraser University , Canada


From: S.M. Rump [email protected]
Date: February 09, 2015
Subject: INTLAB Version 9 for Matlab and Octave

Version 9 of INTLAB, the Matlab toolbox for Reliable Computing, is now
available for Matlab and Octave on

Given a numerical problem, INTLAB delivers verified bounds for the
solution together with a proof of existence and possibly
uniqueness. Correctness includes all procedural, possible
discretization and rounding errors as well as I/O. The input data may
be afflicted with tolerances.

INTLAB comprises of several separate toolboxes including automatic
differentiation (gradients, Hessians, Taylor expansion, slopes),
affine arithmetic etc. together with problem solving routines for
linear/nonlinear dense/sparse systems, (generalized) eigenvalue
problems etc.

For Octave the INTLAB package is self-contained including Octave
Version 3.8.2.


From: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2015
Subject: Mathematics of Lattices and Cybersecurity, USA, Apr 2015

Mathematics of Lattices and Cybersecurity
April 21-24, 2015
ICERM, Brown University, USA

Lattices are abstractly very simple objects, yet their concrete
realizations contain beautifully intricate problems that are
stubbornly difficult even in low dimensions. For example, our present
day understandings of densest lattice packings and reduction theory
are still plagued with large gaps.

In the 1970's and 1980's lattices entered the world of cryptography as
tools used to break certain crypto systems, particularly those based
on the subset sum problem, and since the 1990's they have become
increasingly important in the building of other types of crypto
systems (thanks to the difficulty in the underlying
mathematics). Their significance has recently been bolstered by
average-case complexity bounds and their present resistance to quantum
computing attacks.

Currently the theory of lattices is a lively research topic among
mathematicians, computer scientists, and experts in
cybersecurity. However, to this date, there has been little to no
interaction between these communities. The goal of this workshop is to
stimulate activity between these different groups interested in
lattice problems. Topics to be covered include, but are not restricted
to, recent results on densest lattice packings, the geometry of
lattice moduli space and its connections with automorphic forms and
algebraic number theory, cryptographic applications of lattices, and
the state of the art of lattice reduction in high dimensions.


From: Roumen Anguelov [email protected]
Date: February 06, 2015
Subject: BIOMATH Conference, Bulgaria, Jun 2015

2015-06-14 - 2015-06-19

BIOMATH 2015: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and
Models in Biosciences, University Centre Bachinovo, South-West
University, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

The conference is devoted to recent research in life sciences based on
applications of mathematics as well as mathematics applied to or
motivated by biological studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting
forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and
computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of
biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering,
environmental science, etc. Contributed talks in any of these fields
are invited.

Abstracts deadline: 30 March 2015.

Proceedings in volume 4 (2015) of the journal BIOMATH. Selected papers
will be published in special issues of other science journals.

More information:


From: Julian Hall [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2015
Subject: EUROPT, UK, Jul 2015

13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization
July 8-10, 2015: Edinburgh

EUROPT2015 is the annual event of the EUROPT continuous optimization
working group of EURO (The Association of European Operational
Research Societies). This is the 13th such workshop and is held in
collaboration with the EURO 2015 conference to be held in Glasgow on
July 12-15 2015.

Talks should be related to continuous optimization theory, algorithms,
software or applications. It is expected that there will be a
particular focus on large-scale optimization and linear algebra
techniques in optimization.

Plenary speakers confirmed:
Sven Leyffer (Argonne National Laboratory)
Lieven Vandenberghe (University of California, Los Angeles)
Serge Gratton (CERFACS-IRIT, Toulouse)

Abstracts (max one page *.pdf) should be submitted to
[email protected] by March 27 2015

Registration will open in due course, with the fees having been set as
£150 (Standard) and £75 (PhD student) before May 15 2015. Afterwards
the respective fees will be £200 and £100.


From: Kirsten Wilden [email protected]
Date: February 09, 2015
Subject: SIAM Geometric and Physical Modeling, USA, Oct 2015

SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (GD/SPM15)

This conference is sponsored by the SIAM Activity Group on Geometric
Design and in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH, incorporating the 2015
SIAM Conference on Geometric Design and the 2015 Symposium on Solid
and Physical Modeling.

Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
October 12-14, 2015

Twitter hashtag: #GDSPM15

March 20, 2015: Abstract submissions for proceedings
March 27, 2015: Full paper submissions for proceedings
June 12, 2015: Revision deadline for conditionally accepted full papers
July 10, 2015: Camera ready copy of accepted papers deadline

May 11, 2015: Minisymposium proposals
June 8, 2015: Abstracts of all contributed and minisymposium

Please visit
for detailed submission information.

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department
([email protected]).


From: Long Chen [email protected]
Date: February 05, 2015
Subject: Faculty Positions, Beijing Center for Scientific and Engineering Computing

BJC-SEC invites applications for positions at various levels including
postdoctoral fellows, tenure-line assistant, associate and full
professors for research and graduate student education in the center.
The salary, start-up funds, and fringe benefits for these positions
will be competitive by both domestic and international standard and
they will be commensurate with each applicant’s research credentials
and working experiences.

Available Positions: The center plans to fill in numerous positions of
different types including sixty permanent faculty positions within the
next five years. In the coming academic year, the following three
types of positions will be available:
1. Ten postdoctoral fellow positions with annual salary up to 180,000
RMB. Some of these postdoctoral fellows will be trained abroad
(Europe and USA) in which case salary will be competitive by the
standard in the respective country.
2. Eight tenure-line assistant professor positions (details on these
positions can be found in the web site There is a deadline for
this line of positions: March 5, 17:00.
3. A number of associate professor and professor positions with
competitive salary and benefit by both China and international

More detailed information on any of the above positions will be
available to interested applicants upon email request via
[email protected]

Qualifications: Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree. Preference for
tenure-line positions will be given to those with at least three years
of research experience abroad, excellent research record, strong
motivation, good communication skills, and adequate teaching

Deadlines: Review of applications will begin immediately, and will
continue for the next five years. Deadline only applies to the
tenure-line assistant professor position: March 5, 2015.


From: Paul Patiagyon [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2015
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Appl Math, Cornell Univ

Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, College of Engineering

Cornell University’s College of Engineering seeks to fill two
tenured/tenure-track faculty positions in Applied Mathematics for its
Ithaca campus. One of these positions is in the School of Operations
Research and Information Engineering (ORIE), and the other in the
Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
(MAE). Successful applicants should, by the start of the appointment,
have a Ph.D. in mathematics, applied mathematics, operations research
or statistics, or in an engineering field where mathematics is central
to their research. Applicants at the level of Assistant or Associate
Professor are preferred. Salary and rank will be commensurate with
qualifications and experience.

Requisite are strong research interests in areas of Applied
Mathematics aligned with ORIE or with MAE. Successful applicants are
expected to be active members in Cornell’s Center for Applied
Mathematics. Applicants should show exceptional potential for
leadership in research and education, and an ability and willingness
to teach innovative Applied Mathematics classes at all levels. In
particular, the successful applicants will join a substantial faculty
team periodically sharing calculus, differential equations, and linear
algebra teaching for engineering students.

Please apply online at
with a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and research
interests, sample publications, at least three reference letters and,
for junior applicants, a doctoral transcript. All applications
completed by March 4, 2015 will receive full consideration, but
candidates are urged to submit all required material as soon as
possible. Applications will be accepted until the positions are

Apply Here:


From: Xavier Vasseur [email protected]
Date: February 09, 2015
Subject: Researcher Position, Parallel Algorithms, CERFACS, France

A researcher will be recruited at CERFACS to strengthen the Parallel
Algorithms Project in one or more of the areas : numerical
optimisation and/or linear algebra algorithms for direct and inverse
big data problems. A PhD in applied mathematics with a strong interest
in numerical linear algebra, numerical optimisation, big data
direct/inverse problems is required. A solid experience in research in
at least one or two of these topics is expected.

This person is expected to take part actively to a starting long-term
project on constrained inverse problems with applications to
petrophysics and well log interpretation in collaboration with an
industrial partner. He/she is expected to undertake both academic and
applied research activities at an international level in relation to
the project and with all the other Cerfacs shareholders. He/she will
also take an active part in the supervision of two PhD students.

Development of parallel software (distributed computing, use of
versioning and non-regression tools) is targeted in this project and
any prior related experience is particularly welcome. Criteria for
selection include demonstrated research ability in applied
mathematical sciences, strength in verbal and written
communication. The position is open as a postdoctoral position that
will (shortly, depending on experience) be turned into a permanent

Interested candidates should send applications containing a cover
letter, a CV (with a list of publications), the names and contacts of
at least two referees before March 15th 2015 to Serge Gratton
([email protected]) and Xavier Vasseur
([email protected]).


From: Fayssal Benkhaldoun [email protected]
Date: February 05, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Finite Volume Methods, Univ Paris 13

Postdoc Position, Finite volume methods for free-surface
flows on GPU, LAGA university Paris 13

The LAGA department at university Paris 13 invites applications for a
Postdoctoral Associate with an anticipated start date of March
2015. This is a non-tenure-track, benefits-eligible up to 10 months.

Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. or equivalent by the time of
appointment in the mathematical sciences, engineering, or a closely
related field; and the potential for excellent parallel programming on
GPUs. Desired qualifications include knowledge of finite volume
methods, reacting fronts in plasma, and a solid background in
computational PDEs, in particular developing finite volume methods on
unstructured meshes. Knowledge of mesh adaptation, linear solvers, and
numerical analysis is also desirable.

Applications must be submitted directly to Professor Fayssal
Benkhaldoun at:
Fayssal Benkhaldoun, LAGA, Université Paris 13,
Tel: 06 42 33 69 33 - 01 49 40 36 15
email: [email protected]


From: Pavel Bochev [email protected]
Date: February 09, 2015
Subject: Postdoc Position, Sandia National Laboratories

The Computational Mathematics Department at Sandia National
Laboratories conducts research in computational and applied
mathematics motivated by science and engineering applications of
interest to Sandia National Laboratories and the U.S. Department of
Energy. Members of the department interact and collaborate with a
broad range of Sandia and DOE staff and also maintain a research
presence in the external professional community by collaborating with
universities and industry, publishing peer-reviewed literature,
participating in professional societies, and refereeing and editing
for journals. To learn more, visit

Postdoctoral Appointee. The selected candidate will join in efforts
supporting staff members in pursuing leading edge research in the
development and analysis of new feature-preserving numerical methods
for the coupling of disparate mathematical models from a wide range of
disciplines including but not limited to solid mechanics, fluids,
electromagnetics and climate applications. Work will involve software
development and numerical experimentation. The selected candidate will
be expected to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team and to thrive
in an expanding, fast-paced technical environment. This position
requires interaction with other staff members in the department and
communication skills are important. Some travel will be required.

For more information, see the SANDIA Careers site at

Posting 648353. For more details about this position, please see


From: Oswald Knoth [email protected]
Date: February 05, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Germany

The Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research e.V. (TROPOS) in
Leipzig (Germany) is seeking a PhD student or a postdoctoral scientist
in the field of coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling. The major task
will be to construct a high-resolution regional coupled
ocean-atmosphere model with focus on consistent simulations of air-sea
fluxes. This will be carried out in close collaboration with another
PhD student located at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research
(IOW) in Warnemünde. The PhD student or postdoctoral scientist at
TROPOS will implement the atmospheric component while the other
student will concentrate on the ocean model component. A main focus
will be an energy-consistent two-way coupling at the air-water
interface. Further research areas are mass consistent grid
interpolation, optimized grid generation and handling of models with
different timescales.

The open position is limited to three years. The salary level is
according to the German public service regulation (TV-L 13) at 65%
full-time-equivalent if the position is filled with a PhD candidate or
at 75% full-time-equivalent if the position is filled at postdoctoral
level. The position will start ideally on 1 May 2015 or soon

Applicants should have a background in atmospheric physics,
meteorology, numerical mathematics, or fluid dynamics. A specific
interest in numerical mathematics and scientific computing is
advantageous. Good English language skills and the willingness to
work in a collaborative environment are required.

Please send your application including your CV until 31. March 2015 to:
Dr. Oswald Knoth
Leibniz Institut für Troposphärenforschung e. V.
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Email: [email protected]


From: Brynjulf Owren [email protected]
Date: February 04, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, NTNU, Norway

There is a position available as a PhD student at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Applications are due
on February 27, 2015. The position is funded by the Norwegian Research
Council under the project Structure Preserving Integrators, Discrete
Integrable Systems and Algebraic Combinatorics.

Applications must be submitted through the website:

For more information, see

Applications by email are not accepted. Questions related to the
research issues of the project ca be directed to Brynjulf Owren
([email protected]). All other questions should be asked to Wenche
Olsen ([email protected]).


From: Jan Giesselmann [email protected]
Date: February 02, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerics for PDEs, Univ of Stuttgart

Applications are invited for a PhD student position at the Institute
of Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of Stuttgart,

The appointee will conduct fundamental research in numerical methods
for compressible multiphase flows. A focus will be on the
construction and implementation of all-Mach-schemes as well as on the
derivation of a posteriori error estimates for these schemes.

The highly motivated candidate should have a background in modeling or
numerical methods for PDEs. Particular knowledge of discontinuous
Galerkin schemes as well as good programming skills (MATLAB or C++)
are beneficial. The position with the designated salary bracket TV-L
E13 (50\% ) has a limited tenure of three years.

Applications with the usual documents (letter of motivation,
curriculum vitae, certificates, contact information of two persons,
who are willing to provide a letter of recommendation) should be sent
electronically as a single PDF file to Dr. Jan Giesselmann (
[email protected] ).

The position is open until filled. First review date of applications
is February 28, 2015.


From: MathUniGraz [email protected]
Date: February 03, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Numerics, Optimization or Analysis, Univ Graz

The international research training group "Optimization and Numerical
Analysis for Partial Differential Equations with Nonsmooth Structures"
(IGDK 1754), funded by German Research Foundation (DFG) and Austrian
Science Fund (FWF) associated with the four universities
- Technische Universität München
- Universität der Bundeswehr München
- Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- Technische Universität Graz
invites applications for doctoral positions (75%) in Graz, Austria

Applicants should hold a master's degree in mathematics or related
areas with a strong background in one of the fields of numerics,
optimization, or analysis.

Applicants are asked to submit a curriculum vitae, copies of
certifications of academic qualifications held, a copy of a degree
thesis or of a peer-reviewed publication (if available) and two
letters of recommendation. Applicants are additionally asked to give a
short written explanation for their interest in at least two of the
Core Research Areas of the IGDK within the application letter.

The IGDK 1754 aims at increasing the proportion of female staff and
especially encourages women to apply. This policy applies also to
disabled persons. Female applicants are especially welcome for this
call to act as role models for future women in mathematics.

To ensure full consideration, all information should preferably be
received by March 15, 2015. Applications should be sent by email to
the co-speaker of the IGDK 1754 in Graz Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch (
[email protected] ) and Prof. Olaf Steinbach (
[email protected] ).

For further information about scientific topics covered and conditions
for application, please visit our website


From: Trond Steihaug [email protected]
Date: February 09, 2015
Subject: PhD Position, Optimization, Norway

At the University of Bergen (Norway), Department of Informatics a
4-year-position as

Research fellow (PhD candidate) in optimization

is available. This position belongs to the Optimization Group. The
goal of this project is to establish new results on theory,
applications and numerical solution methods for nonlinear optimization
problems. Furthermore, the modeling of real-life problems by using
mathematical optimization tools may play a role. The successful
candidate will be expected to cooperate in an interdisciplinary
setting and to work in different research areas of mathematical

Applicants must have completed a master's degree or equivalent in
mathematics or informatics, or have submitted your master's thesis for
evaluation before expiry of the application deadline.

Furthermore, applicants should have strong competence in the
theoretical background and numerical application of mathematical
optimization and should be able to work independently with good
collaborative skills. An adequate command of English is expected.

Deadline: 22 February 2015

Further information /Apply here:


From: Chi-Wang Shu [email protected]
Date: February 01, 2015
Subject: Contents, Journal of Scientific Computing, 62 (3)

Journal of Scientific Computing

Volume 62, Number 3, March 2015

A Frequency-Domain Approach for the P1 Approximation of Time-Dependent
Radiative Transfer, Mohamed Addam, Abderrahman Bouhamidi and Mohammed
Seaid, pp.623-651.

Convergence Analysis of a Minimax Method for Finding Multiple
Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equation: Part I -- On Polyhedral
Domain, Xudong Yao, pp.652-673.

Design of Loop's Subdivision Surfaces by Fourth-Order Geometric PDEs
with G1 Boundary Conditions, Guoliang Xu and Qing Pan, pp.674-692.

KdV Equation and Computations of Solitons: Nonlinear Error Dynamics,
V.M. Ashwin, K. Saurabh, M. Sriramkrishnan, P.M. Bagade,
M.K. Parvathi and Tapan K. Sengupta, pp.693-717.

Numerical Algorithms for the Forward and Backward Fractional
Feynman–Kac Equations, Weihua Deng, Minghua Chen and Eli Barkai,

Compact Crank–Nicolson Schemes for a Class of Fractional Cattaneo
Equation in Inhomogeneous Medium, Xuan Zhao and Zhi-Zhong Sun,

Runge–Kutta Residual Distribution Schemes, Andrzej Warzynski, Matthew
E. Hubbard and Mario Ricchiuto, pp.772-802.

The Entropy Satisfying Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Fokker-Planck
equations, Hailiang Liu and Hui Yu, pp.803-830.

A Level Set Approach Reflecting Sheet Structure with Single Auxiliary
Function for Evolving Spirals on Crystal Surfaces, T. Ohtsuka,
Y.-H. R. Tsai and Y. Giga, pp.831-874.

Numerical Treatment of Interfaces for Second-Order Wave Equations,
Florencia Parisi, Mariana Cecere, Mirta Iriondo and Oscar Reula,

Numerical Investigations of an Implicit Leapfrog Time-Domain Meshless
Method, Guido Ala and Elisa Francomano, pp.898-912.

High-Order Flux Reconstruction Schemes with Minimal Dispersion and
Dissipation, Kartikey Asthana and Antony Jameson, pp.913-944.


From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: February 06, 2015
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorothms, 68 (2)

Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 68, Issue 2.

A double-projection-based algorithm for large-scale nonlinear systems
of monotone equations, Keyvan Amini, Ahmad Kamandi, Somayeh Bahrami

Accelerated Landweber methods based on co-dilated orthogonal
polynomials, Wolfgang Erb

A new class of three-point methods with optimal convergence order
eight and its dynamics, Taher Lotfi, Somayeh Sharifi, Mehdi Salimi,
Stefan Siegmund

A derivative free iterative method for the implementation of
Lavrentiev regularization method for ill-posed equations, Vorkady
S. Shubha Santhosh George, P. Jidesh

A new three-term conjugate gradient algorithm for unconstrained
optimization, Neculai Andrei

An efficient two-parametric family with memory for nonlinear
equations, Alicia Cordero Taher Lotfi Parisa Bakhtiari, Juan
R. Torregrosa

High phase-lag order trigonometrically fitted two-step Obrechkoff
methods for the numerical solution of periodic initial value problems,
Ali Shokri, Hosein Saadat

A homotopy method for nonlinear second-order cone programming, Li
Yang, Bo Yu, YanXi Li

Systems of nonlinear algebraic equations with unique solution, Anca
Ciurte, Sergiu Nedevschi, Ioan Rasa

A parallel strategy and performance analysis of the EM-like
reconstruction method for diffuse optical tomography, Caifang Wang

An introduction to the Hilbert-Schmidt SVD using iterated Brownian
bridge kernels, Roberto Cavoretto, Gregory E. Fasshauer, Michael

Numerical integration of multi-dimensional highly oscillatory
integrals, based on eRPIM, S. Mohammed Hosseini, Samira Smaeili

End of Digest