The files in this directory are associated with Subroutines for Maximum Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in Nonlinear Regression Models by David S. Bunch (UC Davis), David M. Gay (AT&T Bell Laboratories), and Roy E. Welsch (MIT) which has been submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. For now, you can get Postscript for this paper by asking [email protected] to send 91-13 from research/nam
DOUBLE-PRECISON SOURCE (recommended if your single precision has only 32 bits, particularly if you use finite differences):
SINGLE-PRECISION SOURCE (and corresponding double-precision source file names): smdc.f0 dmdc.f0 sglfg.f dglfg.f sglfgb.f dglfgb.f sgletc.f dgletc.f smadsen.f madsen.f smadsenb.f madsenb.f spmain.f pmain.f smecdf.f mecdf.f smlmnp.f mlmnp.f smlmnpb.f mlmnpb.f smnpsubs.f mnpsubs.f
SAMPLE OUTPUTS, DOUBLE PRECISION (from an SGI computer, with compilation by f2c and cc):
SAMPLE OUTPUTS, SINGLE PRECISION (from an SGI computer, with compilation by f2c and cc):
Website maintained by David M. Gay. Last modified: 22 August 2013.