From: Bill Gear <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 08:17:36 EST
Subject: A Meta-answer
In NA-digest Vol 94, Issue 7, Arne Raeithel writes:
"What kind of "digest" is this, ... Readers Digest ... had questions
AND answers ... . In contrast, the na.digest is nothing but a medium
to post problems, ... "
Good -- I like it that way. The one question I posed to this audience
brought in several answers, some of which were very useful to me. One
person even mailed me a collection of (paper) papers. I doubt that
many other NA-digest readers would have been interested in these
details, (but a couple who were did email me asking to pass on any
good answers I got to my question).
It always seemed to me that the Readers Digest was for people who
wanted someone to provide somple answers for them without the need to
think. (Years ago, a friend of mine liked to say "The Readers Digest
is to literature as Time is to news.) The NA-digest can be a great
stimulant to thinking, let's keep it that way. (Not infrequently a
problem posed on the net helps to while away an otherwise dull
Bill Gear
NEC Research Inst. Inc.
4 Independence Way
Princeton, NJ 08540
Inet: [email protected]
UUCP: princeton!nec!cwg
PHONE: (609) 951-2500
FAX : (609) 951-2480
From: Richard Luczak <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 94 09:25 CST
Subject: A Matrix Eigenvalue Problem
Let A be a tridiagonal matrix of the form
-2 2
1 -2 1
. . .
1 -2 1
2 -2
Matrix A arises in the following eigenvalue problem
\frac{d^{2} u}{dx^2} - \lambda u = 0
with Neumann boundary conditions
u'(0)=a, u'(1)=b
What is the formula for all eigenvalues of matrix A?
Thank you very much for response.
Richard Luczak
email: [email protected]
From: Manish Malhotra <[email protected]
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 21:25:10 PST
Subject: Spheroidal Wave Functions
The separation of the scalar Helmholtz equation in
ellipsoidal coordinates results in spheroidal wave
functions. I am, in particular, interested in the
prolate spheroidal wave functions.
I would be very grateful to get information about
any existing FORTRAN routines for evaluating the
prolate spheroidal "radial" & "angle" functions.
Manish Malhotra, < [email protected] >
Dept of Civil Engg
From: Jan S. Hesthaven <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 14:01:50 EST
Subject: Relation between Spectrum of Submatrices and the Full Matrix
I am currently facing the following problem, for which I hope somebody can give
me some direction along which to continue.
Consider the following 3 by 3 square block-matrix D B F
I know that each of the block's is square (5 by 5), symmetric and positive
semi-definit. In fact I know the exact spectrum of each submatrix.
My question is now whether it is possible, given these informations, to give
some bounds on the spectrum of full matrix ?
I should think that Weyl monotonicity theorem could be applied repeatedly to
derive some bounds, but I have not been able to find results on this specific
problem. The regularity of the problem leads me to believe that such results
Any directions and references will be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
J.S. Hesthaven E-mail: [email protected]
Division of Applied Mathematics
Brown University
RI 02912
From: Steve Huss-Lederman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 94 16:48:10 EST
Subject: Parallel Matrix Multiplication Routines
I wanted to let people know that there are a number of parallel matrix
multiplication routines available. Below are the ones that I am aware
of that are general, library quality routines targeted for distributed
memory systems. Others are undoubtedly available and I am sorry for
- PUMMA routine. This was developed by Choi, Dongarra and Walker at
ORNL. It uses a 2D block scattered data layout. The current version
runs under PICL and the BLACS so it should run on machines that
support either system. It is available from netlib under scalapack.
(See PUMMA: Parallel Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on
Distributed Memory Concurrent Computers by Choi, Dongarra and Walker
to appear in Concurrency: Practice and Experience. An electronic
version is available from netlib under lapack/lawns/lawn57.shar. A
more recent version should be available from
[email protected])
- BiMMeR routine. This was developed by Huss-Lederman, Jacobson, Tsao
and Zhang at SRC. It uses a virtual 2D torus wrap data layout. It
currently runs on the Intel machines and the IBM SP-1. It is
available from paralib at Caltech or from [email protected] (recommended
source for most recent version). (See Matrix Multiplication on the
Intel Touchstone Delta by Huss-Lederman, Jacobson, Tsao and Zhang to
appear in Concurrency: Practice and Experience. Available via
anonymous ftp from ftp.super.org in pub/prism/wn14.ps)
- PBBLAS routines. Included are matrix multiplication routines. This
is part of the ScaLAPACK distribution available from netlib under
scalapack. (See Level 3 BLAS for Distributed Memory Concurrent
Computers by Choi, Dongarra and Walker in CNRS-NSF Workshop
proceedings, Sept. 1992 for a general overview.)
There are also many papers available that discuss different parallel
matrix multiplication routines and alternatives. References are given
in many papers. Also, a number of other efforts are underway or
completed that look at other matrix multiplication alternatives. I am
not sure what their status is in terms of code that is available for
current generation parallel systems.
Steve Huss-Lederman
From: David Stewart < [email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 12:26:28 +1100
Subject: Meschach 1.2 Released
Meschach version 1.2a
Meschach is a library of routines written in C for matrix computations.
These include operations for basic numerical linear algebra; routines for
matrix factorisations; solving systems of equations; solving least
squares problems; computing eigenvalues, eigenvectors and singular values;
sparse matrix computations including both direct and iterative methods.
This package makes use of the features of the C programming language: data
structures, dynamic memory allocation and deallocation, pointers, functions
as parameters and objects. Meschach has a number of self-contained data
structures for matrices, vectors and other mathematical objects. It is
publically available under a GNU style copyright agreement.
A new version of Meschach has been developed which has a great many
enhancements, bug fixes, and new features over Meschach v.1.1b.
Meschach is available from netlib, and, for example, the full package can
be obtained by email using
mail [email protected]
send all from c/meschach
Meschach can also be obtained by anonymous ftp from a number of netlib
mirror sites (e.g. ftp.cs.uow.edu.au, ftp.zib-berlin.de, unix.hensa.ac.uk)
as well as from the home site thrain.anu.edu.au in directory pub/meschach.
For netlib ftp sites, the directory is usually pub/netlib/c/meschach.
The netlib sites have the source code in shell archives; thrain also has
tar and (pk)zip (for MSDOS) versions.
New features:
*** Meschach 1.2 has complex dense matrices and vectors, band (real)
matrices as well as real dense matrices and vectors, permutations and
integer vectors. Complex factorisation routines include complex LU,
complex QR and the complex Schur decompositions.
*** There is a new iteration data structure for more flexible use of the
iterative routines, which have been extended to include GMRES and
conjugate gradients for normal equations, as well as conjugate gradients,
LSQR and CGS, Lanczos and Arnoldi routines.
*** Naming conventions have been made more uniform. There is also
a header file for old files which use the old names, for backward
*** The memory routines now keep a track of memory usage for the
different data structures (# structures & # bytes) so that memory leaks can
be detected and traced. There are also new routines to handle static
workspace variables. In version 1.1, static workspace arrays were
inaccessible to the user, which can be a problem if memory is short.
With version 1.2, static workspace arrays can be removed at will so that
the memory can be used for other objects.
*** These extensions to the Meschach memory system can be further extended
to include the user's own data structures (without modifying the Meschach
source, of course!).
*** The error handler is now extendable so that you can add new classes
of errors to those already handled.
*** Some new matrix functions have been implemented: matrix powers,
polynomials and exponentials.
*** A sparse symmetric indefinite factorisation (sparse
Bunch-Kaufman-Parlett) has been implemented using a Markowitz-style
pivoting strategy.
*** There is on-line documentation and a simple tutorial in ASCII as part
of the source code.
The user manual for Meschach 1.2 is available from
Centre for Mathematics and its Applications
School of Mathematical Sciences
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 0200
Fax: Int'l+61+(6)249-5549 from outside Australia
(06)249-5549 from within Austrlia
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Lester Ingber <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 04:47:52 -0800
Subject: Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) version 2.19
Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) version 2.19
Major Changes Since Version 2.14
Please note the change in the Caltech ftp address for this archive.
All files in
ftp.caltech.edu:/pub/ingber []
have been moved to
ftp.alumni.caltech.edu:/pub/ingber []
In response to several complaints, at least for awhile I will attempt
to keep papers in compress (.Z) instead of gzip (.gz) format. Note
that the gzip utility (copies for various machines in
/pub/ingber/UTILS.DIR) will decompress .Z files as well as .gz files.
The latest Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) code and some related
(p)reprints can be retrieved via anonymous ftp from
ftp.alumni.caltech.edu [] in the pub/ingber directory.
To get on or off the ASA_list e-mailings, just send an e-mail to
[email protected] with your request. Update notices are
sent to the ASA_list about every month or two, more frequently if
warranted, e.g., in cases of important bug fixes; these notices are the
only e-mail sent to the ASA_list.
Prof. Lester Ingber
Lester Ingber Research
P.O. Box 857 E-Mail: [email protected]
McLean, VA 22101 Archive: ftp.alumni.caltech.edu:/pub/ingber
From: RA340805 <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 20:33 GMT
Subject: Conference on Systems, Control, Information in China
International Conference On
"Systems, Control, Information"
Methodologies and Applications
20--22, October, 1994
Wuhan, China
Sponsored and Organized by:
AMSE, International Association for the
Advancement of Modelling and Simulation
Techniques in Enterprises, France
HUST, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
General methodologies:
1. General theories, mathematical tools
2. System analysis, modelling, identification, simulation
3. Grey systems, fuzzy systems, complex systems, uncertainty analysis,
forecasting techniques
4. Systems synthesis, filtering, control and design, CAD
5. Information processing, communications, images, pattern recognition
6. Computer tools (Hardware and software), including neural networks,
parallel processing, artificial intelligence, expert systems
Examples and applications in all fields of activities:
1. General physics, optics, electronics, eletrotechnics, circuits, instrumenta
2. General solid and fluid mechanics, mechanical systems, robotics, civil
3. Thermal engineering, energy sources and plants, chemistry, chemical
engineering, energetics
4. Earth, resources, biology, environment, agricultural and biomedical
5. Production engineering, manufacturing, management
6. Human and socio-economics problems, world future
Acceptance on the basis of a submission:
Two copies of a "one page summary".
Language: English.
From China: To Prof. Mian-Yun Chen, Dept.of Automatic Control Eng.,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan 430074, China.
Fax: (027)701738
Telex 40131 HBHUT CN.
From other countries:
To Prof. G.Mesnard, President AMSE, 16Av. Grange Blanche, 69160
Tassinla-demi-lune, France
DEADLINES for Summaries: May 15, 1994.
The full texts will be accepted up to the conference, but papers received
before June 30, 1994 & accepted after reviewing will appear in the proceeding
and be available at the conference. The Last Announcement & Provisional
Program will be available on June 10, 1994
From: Hellenic Math Society <[email protected]>
Date: 16 Feb 94 18:29:06 UT
Subject: HERMIS 94: Hellenic Mathematical Society Conference
Second Announcement and Call for Papers
(Hellenic-European Research on Mathematics and InformaticS)
September 22 - 24, 1994, Athens, Greece
The 2nd Hellenic/European Conference on Mathematics and Informatics
(HERMIS '94) will be hosted by the Athens University of Economics and Business
(Department of Informatics) located in Athens, Greece.
The main theme within the Conference will be Computer Mathematics and its
applications and special emphasis will be given to Computational Mathematics,
Operational Research and Statistics, Mathematics in Economic Science.
Invited Speakers of HERMIS '94
International authorities, well-known Academicians and Professors have
been invited to talk on the most recent advances on subjects that are included
in the Conference programme. The following distinguished scientists have
accepted to talk on related subjects of their speciality:
Professor G.H. GOLUB, Member of National Academy of Sciences,
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, USA
Professor A. SAMEH, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
and Center for supercomputing R&D, University of Illinois, USA
Professor L.M. DELVES, Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics
Institute ASC, University of Liverpool, England
Professor G.I. MARCHUK, Academician, President of the CIS Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, CIS
Professor M. GROSS, Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique,
University of Paris VII, Paris, France
Professor V.I. AGOSHKOV, CIS Academy of Sciences, Moscow, CIS
Professor Dr. H. USZKOREIT, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Saarbrucken, Germany
Call for Papers
Those who are interested in participating with oral presentation in the
HERMIS '94 Conference are invited to submit three copies of an extended
abstract not over 3 typed pages (A4 with 1 1/2 spacing) including figures. The
abstract may include the basic ideas, methodologies and the results of the
work that is going to be presented. Emphasis will be given to papers that are
relevant to Computer Mathematics and its Applications, especially in the
following areas: Computational Mathematics, Operational Research and
Statistics, Mathematics in Economic Sciences. Papers in the areas of
Data-Bases, Applications of AI to systems and computation, Expert Systems in
Numerical Computing, Computer Networks are also to be considered.
The HERMIS '94 Congress will include several related topics that will
make the Conference of interest to a wide audience of Mathematicians, Computer
Scientists, Economists and many others who wish to become acquainted with the
underlying ideas, concepts and potential applications of the scientific
subjects. The papers presented at the Conference will be published, subject to
refereeing, in the Proceedings of the HERMIS '94 Conference by HMS. The
current plan is to publish post-conference Transactions. Details about the
more formal Transactions, to be published at a later date, may be obtained
from the chairman of the conference Prof. E.A. Lipitakis, Department of
Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Business, 76 Patision str.,
Athens 104 34, Hellas (Fax: +01-82 39 4 39).
Important Dates
Submission of Abstracts: March 21, 1994
Notification of acceptance: April 22, 1994
Camera-ready Manuscripts: June 30, 1994
The submitted abstracts and manuscripts should be sent to the HERMIS '94
scientific programme committee:
Department of Informatics
Athens University of Economics and Business
76 Patision Street
Athens 104 34, HELLAS
FAX No: (01) 82 62 204 / (01) 36 41 025
From: Jean Roberts <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 15:46:54 +0100
Subject: 3rd INRIA-SIAM Wave Propagation Conference
Call for Papers
Sponsored by: INRIA and SIAM
Dates: APRIL 24-28,1995
The third in the series of INRIA - SIAM Conferences on Mathematical and
Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation will be held in Juan-les-Pins, France
in April 1995. As in the previous meetings, (in Strasbourg, 1991, and
Delaware, 1993), the major objective is to bring mathematicians and engineers
up to date on new developments, in various domains, concerning methods for
solving mathematical and numerical problems issuing from wave propagation
phenomena. Original work, both mathematical and numerical, is solicited from
mathematicians, scientists, and engineers.
o Waves in homogeneous, heterogeneous, layered or random media, homogeneization
o Guided waves, surface waves, scattering, resonances
o Inverse problems and imaging, control theory, optimal control
o High and low frequency asymptotic analysis, ray methods, paraxial methods
o Absorbing boundary conditions, artificial boundary coditions
o Finite difference methods, finite element methods, spectral methods
o Integral equations, boundary element methods
o Multigrid methods, domain decomposition, wavelets
o Vector and parallel processing
o Waves and kinetic equations
o Linear algebra and fast algorithms
Domains of Application:
o Acoustics -o Elastodynamics -o Electromagnetics -o Water waves and
hydrodynamics -o Linear and nonlinear optics -o Geophysics -o Fluid-
structure interaction -o Nondestructive testing -o Tomography
Invited Speakers (having already accepted):
o Patrick Gerard (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France)
o Alexander Kometch (Moscow State University, Russia)
o Donald J. Koury (University of Houston, U.S.A.)
o Peter Markowich (Technical University of Berlin, Germany)
o Paul A. Martin (University of Manchester, England, U.K.)
o David W. McLaughlin (Princeton University, U.S.A.)
o Christian Pichot (CNRS - University of Nice, France)
o John Sylvester (University of Washington, U.S.A.)
Deadline for submissions of FULL PAPERS (10-page maximum) or abstracts of
poster or video contributions: May 20, 1994
For More Information (including instructions for authors) Contact:
Inria-Rocquencourt, Bureau des Cours-Colloques, B.P. 105,
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France
tel: 33 (1) 39 63 56 00 fax: 33 (1) 39 63 56 38
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Bruce Hendrickson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 13:21:23 MST
Subject: Position at Sandia Labs
Sandia National Laboratories is seeking an outstanding senior
researcher to fill a leadership staff position in scientific
computation. Preference will be given to candidates in the areas of
high performance computation, applied mathematics, numerical analysis,
or computational biology but other specialties will be considered as
well. The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an active
research program, collaborate with junior staff and computational
scientists, and assist in recruiting and developing future research
Sandia provides an excellent environment for interdisciplinary
research in applied mathematics and computing. The laboratory
maintains world-class computing facilities, provides a ready
source of interesting research questions and supports a large
research staff with varied backgrounds and interests.
Applicants must hold U.S. citizenship, have earned a Ph.D. degree or
the equivalent, have a strong research record in applied mathematics
or related area and have experience directing young researchers.
Applications should be directed to Richard C. Allen, Mail Stop 1110,
Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM
87185-1110 and should include a resume, a copy of three research
papers, and the names of three references. Further inquiries can be
made by phoning Ernie Brickell at (505)-845-7655 or by sending email to
[email protected]. Resumes sent by email to [email protected]
in LaTeX or ASCII are acceptable.
From: Rik Littlefield <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 94 11:46:50 PST
Subject: Position at Pacific Northwest Laboratory
I am looking for prospective candidates to fill a postdoctoral position
at DOE's Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Analytic Sciences Department.
If you are aware of any student who might be interested and qualified,
please let both of us know. Feel free to forward this message to your
The successful candidate will investigate and implement parallel
numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic equations. The target
applications are for computational fluid dynamics on MIMD scalable
parallel platforms. This project is interdisciplinary in nature and
interfaces with efforts in numerical analysis, parallel computing,
and large-scale simulation of physical processes. Project members
have access to state-of-the art computing facilities, including
Intel Paragon, IBM SP-1, and KSR. Nominal requirements include a
Ph.D. in computer science, applied mathematics, or an applied
science or engineering discipline. A good algorithms background and
hands-on experience in some aspect of parallel scientific computing
is required.
The appointment is initially for a one-year term, and may be
renewed for a second year.
Applications may sent to Rik Littlefield, Pacific Northwest
Laboratory MS K1-87, P.O.Box 999, Richland, WA 99352, or via
e-mail to [email protected]. The application must include a
resume and the names and addresses of three references.
For further information, contact Rik Littlefield,
[email protected], phone 509-375-3927, fax 509-375-6631.
Battelle is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Legal right to work in U.S. is required -- U.S. citizenship
preferred. Pacific Northwest Laboratory is a U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) laboratory.
From: Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 10:38:28 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Position at University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
Very likely a position of Maitre de Conferences (= assistant professor) will be
opened in OPTIMIZATION (in the broad sense of the word) at the University
Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France, next October. The official annoncement
will be made by the end of April, and the selection and interviews will take
place in June. Potential applicants can send, from now on, c.v. to
J.-B. Hiriart-Urruty, Department of Mathematics, Universite Paul Sabatier,
118, route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex, France.
From: Richard S. Falk <[email protected]
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 94 11:31:18 EST
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Rutgers University
We seek a postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary
research team working on the application of electrical impedance tomography
to detect and quantify corrosion damage in aircrafts. Qualifications
include a solid background in partial differential equations, computational
methods and modeling of physical phenomena. Some material science experience
would be desirable. The appointment will be for 2 years, the start date
is negotiable. Salary may possibly be supplemented through teaching duties.
The appointee, whose research will be supervised by Michael Vogelius and
Fadil Santosa, will be in residence at Rutgers University. He/she is
expected to collaborate with mathematicians and material scientists at
the University of Delaware and Rutgers.
Interested parties should send letter of application and CV to:
Postdoc Hiring Committee
c/o Ms. Pam Irwin
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Delaware
110 Rees Hall
Newark, DE 19716
The search will be open until the position is filled.
From: Paul Concus <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 10:36:58 PST
Subject: Clipper Petition
Sender: Dave Banisar <[email protected]>
Electronic Petition to Oppose Clipper
Please Distribute Widely
On January 24, many of the nation's leading experts in cryptography
and computer security wrote President Clinton and asked him to
withdraw the Clipper proposal.
The public response to the letter has been extremely favorable,
including coverage in the New York Times and numerous computer and
security trade magazines.
Many people have expressed interest in adding their names to the
letter. In response to these requests, CPSR [Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility] is organizing an
Internet petition drive to oppose the Clipper proposal. We will
deliver the signed petition to the White House, complete with the
names of all the people who oppose Clipper.
To sign on to the letter, send a message to:
[email protected]
with the message "I oppose Clipper" (no quotes)
You will receive a return message confirming your vote.
Please distribute this announcement so that others may also express
their opposition to the Clipper proposal.
CPSR is a membership-based public interest organization. For
membership information, please email [email protected]. For more
information about Clipper, please consult the CPSR Internet Library -
FTP/WAIS/Gopher CPSR.ORG /cpsr/privacy/crypto/clipper
The President
The White House
Washington, DC 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to you regarding the "Clipper" escrowed encryption
proposal now under consideration by the White House. We wish to
express our concern about this plan and similar technical standards
that may be proposed for the nation's communications infrastructure.
The current proposal was developed in secret by federal agencies
primarily concerned about electronic surveillance, not privacy
protection. Critical aspects of the plan remain classified and thus
beyond public review.
The private sector and the public have expressed nearly unanimous
opposition to Clipper. In the formal request for comments conducted
by the Department of Commerce last year, less than a handful of
respondents supported the plan. Several hundred opposed it.
If the plan goes forward, commercial firms that hope to develop
new products will face extensive government obstacles. Cryptographers
who wish to develop new privacy enhancing technologies will be
discouraged. Citizens who anticipate that the progress of technology
will enhance personal privacy will find their expectations
Some have proposed that Clipper be adopted on a voluntary basis
and suggest that other technical approaches will remain viable. The
government, however, exerts enormous influence in the marketplace, and
the likelihood that competing standards would survive is small. Few
in the user community believe that the proposal would be truly
The Clipper proposal should not be adopted. We believe that if
this proposal and the associated standards go forward, even on a
voluntary basis, privacy protection will be diminished, innovation
will be slowed, government accountability will be lessened, and the
openness necessary to ensure the successful development of the
nation's communications infrastructure will be threatened.
We respectfully ask the White House to withdraw the Clipper
From: Daniel Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 09:33:35 +0100
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics
Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 2, No.2, 1994, ISSN 1019 7168
Editors-in-Chief: John C. Mason & Charles A. Micchelli
pp 155-184: Numerical solution of eigenvalue problems for Hamiltonian systems
M. Marletta
pp 185-214: Continuous two-scale equations and dyadic wavelets
C.K. Chui and X. Shi
pp 215-222: Some remarks on completely vectorizing point Gauss-Seidel while
using the natural ordering
C.C. Douglas
pp 223-234: A lacunary interpolation algorithm on arbitrary points
E. Venturino
pp 235-250: Wachspress type rational complex planar splines of degree (3,1)
H.P. Dikshit, A. Ojha and R.A. Zalik
Software note
pp 251: RTable-based teste for Bessel function software
A.J. Macleod
Submissions of articles and proposals for special issues are to be
addressed to the Editors-in-Chief:
John C. Mason
Applied & Computational Mathematics Group Royal Military College of Science
(Cranfield University) Shrivenham, Swindon, SN6 8LA, England
E-mail: [email protected]
Charles A. Micchelli
Mathematical Sciences Department
IBM Research Center
P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA E-mail: [email protected]
Requests for FREE SPECIMEN copies and orders for Advances in Computational
Mathematics are to be sent to: E-mail: [email protected]
J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers
Asterweg 1A
1031 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31-20-637 0061
fax. +31-20-632 3651
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Daniel Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 10:41:12 +0100
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms
Numerical Algorithms, Volume 6, No. 1-2, 1994, ISSN 1017 1398
Editor-in-Chief: Claude Brezinski
pp 1-35: REGULARIZATION TOOLS: A Matlab package for analysis and solution
of discrete ill-posed problems
P.C. Hansen
pp 37-62: The semilocal convergence of a generalization of Brent's and
Brown's methods
Z. Huang
pp 63-88: Approximating the zeros of analytic functions by the exclusion
J.-C. Yakoubsohn
pp 89-101: Circulant preconditioners for Toeplitz-block matrices
T.F. Chan & J.A. Olkin
pp 103-117: Norm estimates for the l2 - inverses of multivariate Toeplitz
B.J.C. Baxter & C.A. Micchelli
pp 119-135: Well-defined determinant representations for non-normal
multivariate rational interpolants
H. Allouche & A. Cuyt
pp 137-168: Singular values for a multivariate quotient-difference algorithm
H. Allouche & A. Cuyt
pp 169-200: Algorithms for ordering unorganized points along parametrized curves
J.-P. Dedieu and Ch. Favardin
pp 201- 203: Book reviews
Submissions of articles and proposals for special issues are to be
addressed to the Editor-in-Chief:
Claude Brezinski
Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique et d'Optimisation
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
E-mail: [email protected]
postal address:
Paris Drouot BP 18
75433 Paris Cedex 09
Requests for FREE SPECIMEN copies and orders for Numerical Algorithms are
to be sent to: E-mail: [email protected]
J.C. Baltzer AG, Science Publishers
Asterweg 1A
1031 HL Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31-20-637 0061
fax. +31-20-632 3651
e-mail: [email protected]
End of NA Digest