From: NA Digest <[email protected]>
Date: August 28, 1994, 12:25:12 EDT
Subject: NA Digest Calendar
NA Digest Calendar
Date Topic Place NA Digest #
Sep. 6-10 Mathematics in Industry Kaiserslatern, Germany 7
Sep. 12 Scottish Computational Mathematics Strathclyde, Scotland 23
Sep. 22-24 Hellenic Mathematical Society Athens, Greece 8
Sep. 25-30 Computers and Mathematics Harare, Zimbabwe 28
Sep. 26 Dynamics of Discontinuous Systems Bristol, UK 20
Sep. 26-27 Acoustics and Electromagnetics Washington, DC 19
Sep. 26-28 Multilevel Methods Meisdorf, Germany 16
Sep. 26-28 Large-Scale CFD Problems Montreal, Canada 35
Sep. 26-30 Total Positivity Jaca, Spain 5
Sep. 28 Parallel CFD Oxford, UK 35
Sep. 30 Parallel Computing Oxford, UK 33
Sep. 30... Algorithms for Macromolecular Modeling Lawrence, KA 28
Oct. 2- 6 Applications of Operator Theory Winnipeg, Manitoba 17
Oct. 3- 4 ICASE/LaRC Industrial Roundtable Williamsburg, VA 33
Oct. 6- 7 Combustion, Environment, and Heating Columbus, Ohio 21
Oct. 6- 7 Large Systems of Equations Wuppertal, Germany 23
Oct. 9-11 European PVM Users Rome, Italy 30
Oct. 12-14 Scalable Parallel Libraries Mississippi State, MS 24
Oct. 13-14 60th birthday of Jean Descloux Lausanne, Switzerland 19
Oct. 17-20 Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Stuttgart, Germany 30
Oct. 18-21 High Performance Fortran Manno, Switzerland 34
Oct. 20-22 Systems, Control, Information Wuhan, China 8
Oct. 21-22 Wavelets and Image Processing Argonne, IL 34
Oct. 21-22 Differential Equations Knowville, TN 33
Oct. 22 Pacific Northwest N.A. Seminar Pullman, WA 31
Oct. 24-25 Finite Element Mesh Generation Albuquerque, NM 35
Oct. 24-26 Computational Molecular Dynamics Minneapolis, MN 19
Oct. 26-28 Singularities in PDEs Bristol, UK 26
Nov. 7- 9 Adaptive Grid Methods Hampton, VA 26
Nov. 12 Matrix Theory Salt Lake City, UT 21
Nov. 18 Parallell Computing Applications Utrecht, Nethelands 24
Nov. 14-18 SuperComputing '94 Washington, DC 6
Nov. 30... Computational Methods in Engineering Belo Horizonte, Brazil 11
Dec. 10-20 Knots&Nodes@Huia Huia, New Zealand 33
Dec. 16-19 Methods and Applications of Analysis Hong Kong 25
Jan 3- 6 Computational Computer Design Maui, Hawaii 17
Jan. 9-10 Conference Honoring Ake Bjorck Linkoping, Sweden 26
Jan. 15-18 Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation Las Vegas, NV 4
Jan. 16-18 Markov Chains Raleigh, NC 7
Jan. 20-22 Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems Kiel, Germany 34
Jan. 23-27 Optimal Design and Control Newport News, VA 31
Feb. 6- 9 Massively Parallel Computation McLean, VA 26
Feb. 8-10 Computational Issues in the Geosciences San Antonio, TX 27
Feb. 15-17 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing San Francisco, CA
Feb. 19-25 Applications of Interval Computations El Paso, TX 16
Mar. 17-18 Krylov Subspace Methods Raleigh, NC 29
Mar. 20-21 Nonconvex Energy Functions Rutgers, NJ 20
Mar. 28... Sci. Computation & Diff. Eqns. Stanford, CA 27
Apr. 2- 7 Multigrid Methods Copper Mountain, CO 30
Apr. 3- 6 Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics Oxford, UK 25
Apr. 24-28 3rd INRIA-SIAM Wave Propagation Conf. Juan-les-Pins, France 19
Apr. 26-30 Numerical Analysis & Applied Math. Constanza,Romania 26
May 21-24 Object-Oriented Numerics Conference Jackson Lake, WY 32
June 5- 9 Control and Information Shatin NT, Hong Kong 33
June 6-10 Inertial Manifolds Xi'an, China 21
June 18-21 Iterative Methods in Linear Albebra Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria 30
June 20-24 Honoring G. I. Marchuk Novosibirsk, Russia 28
July 3- 7 ICIAM, Int'l Cong. Indust. Appl. Math. Hamburg, Germany 23
July 10-12 Linear Algebra and Applications Manchester, UK 19
July 16... Mathematics of Numerical Analysis Park City, UT 5
July 17-21 Distributed Parameter Systems Warsaw, Poland 25
July 17-21 Modelling and Optimization Warsaw, Poland 32
July 31... Rocky Mountain Numerical Analysis Salt Lake City, UT 32
Aug. 27-31 Circuit Theory and Design Istanbul, Turkey 25
Sep. 17-21 Acoustics of Submerged Structures Boston, MA 22
From: Wei-Pai Tang <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 09:15:30 -0700
Subject: Temporary Address Change for Wei-Pai Tang
Effective immediately until 1 July 1995, my address will be:
Wei-Pai Tang
Mail Stop T20-G 5
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CAA 94035-1000
Email address:
[email protected]
From: Peter Petropoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 12:52:27 -0500
Subject: New Address for Peter Petropoulos
New address for Peter Petropoulos
Peter G. Petropoulos
Dept. of Mathematics
Rm. 208 Clements
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275
Phone: (214)768-3243
Fax: (214)768-3056
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Jane Cullum <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 21:14:40 EDT
Subject: Sabbatical Address for Jane Cullum
As part of the NSF Visiting Professorships for Women Program
from September 1, 1994 through August 31, 1995, I will be on
sabbatical from IBM to the Department of Computer Science,
the Institute for Systems Research, and the UMIACS at the
University of Maryland, College Park.
During that period of time please send correspondence, e-mail, fax
to the following addresses.
Jane Cullum
Department of Computer Science
A.V. Williams Building
Room 3269
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Office Phone: (301) 405-6741
e-mail: cullumj at cs.umd.edu
fax: (301) 405-6707.
From: Mike Osborne <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 09:08:20 -0500
Subject: Temporary Address for Mike Osborne
For the Fall Semester my address will be
Department of Computer Science
Texas A&M University
College Station
TX 77832-3112
email [email protected]
From: Mizanur Rahma <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 23:40:07 PDT
Subject: Seeking Position in CFD/Heat Transfer
I am seeking a research position in CFD, Heat Transfer, Turbulence
modeling and algorithm development in vector and parallel supercomputers.
I finished my Ph.D. in aerospace Engineering from UT at Austin. Presently,
I am working as a post-doctoral fellow at Washington State University.
I would be happy to send my CV and reprints of my published papers to
anybody interested.
My email is : [email protected]
Thanks for your attention.
Dr. Mizanur Rahman
Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept.
Washinton State University
Pullman, WA 99164
Tel:(509) 335-4871 (O)
From: C. G. Broyden <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 1994 10:39:02 +0200
Subject: Seeking Position in Numerical Analysis
Dear Colleagues,
It looks as if my contract with the University of Bologna may
be coming to a premature end. If, therefore, there are any institutions
out there that could use my services for a few years or so, I would be
grateful to hear from them.
Thank you, C. G. Broyden
Professore di Calcolo Numerico at the University of Bologna, Italy,
formerly Professor of Computing Science, University of Essex, U.K.
C. G. Broyden,
Universita' di Bologna,
Facolta' di Scienze MM NN FF,
via Sacchi N.3
47023 Cesena,
Tel. (My office): xx39-547-642809
Tel. (Segreteria): xx39-547-610000
Fax: xx39-547-610100
From: David Watkins <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 94 11:09:39 -0700
Subject: Errata for Watkins Matrix Computations Book
An errata list for the book
Fundamentals of Matrix Computations
by David S. Watkins
John Wiley and Sons, 1991
ISBN 0-471-61414-9
is now available by anonymous ftp from amath.washington.edu.
cd pub/watkins and get fmcerrata.ps.gz.
If you would rather receive a hard copy, I would be happy
to send you one. Contact me at [email protected].
If you know of any errors in the book that are not on the list,
I'd like to hear from you. I'd also like to know if you find
any errors in the list itself.
I plan to revise the book within three years or so, so if you
have any suggestions for improvements, I would be grateful
to hear them.
DSW [email protected]
From: Robert van de Geijn <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 14:10:07 GMT
Subject: InterCom: Lean Mean Collective Communication Machine
We would like to announce the official release of the Interprocessor
Collective Communications (InterCom) Library, iCC release R1.0.0 for
the Intel family of Supercomputers. This library is the result of an
ongoing collaboration between Mike Barnett (University of Idaho),
David Payne (Intel SSD), Satya Gupta (Intel SSD), Lance Shuler (Sandia
National Laboratories), Robert van de Geijn (University of Texas at
Austin), and Jerrell Watts (California Institute of Technology),
funded by the Intel Research Council, Intel SSD, and the University of
Texas Center for High Performance Computing.
The library implements a comprehensive approach to collective
communication. The results are best summarized by the following
performance table, representative of improvements obtained on a
16 X 32 Paragon, running under R1.1 of the O/S:
vector NX InterCom ratio
Operation length (sec) (sec) (NX/InterCom)
Broadcast 8 bytes 0.0012 0.0013 0.92
64K bytes 0.031 0.012 2.58
1M bytes 0.51 0.10 5.10
Collect 8 bytes 0.42 0.0076 55.3
(unknown len) 64K bytes 0.47 0.017 27.6
1M bytes 1.11 0.080 13.9
Similar, or better, improvement is obtained under R1.2. Attaining the
improvement in performance is as easy as linking in a library that
automatically translates NX collective communication calls to iCC
calls. Furthermore, the iCC library gives additional functionality
like scatter, gather, a number of global combine (summation) variants,
and more general "gopf" combine operations. An MPI-like group
collective communications interface is planned for the next release.
We would like to note that this library is not intended to compete
with MPI. It was started as a research project into techniques
required to develop high performance implementations of the MPI
collective communication calls. We are making this library available
as a service to the user community, with the hope that these techniques
eventually are incorporated into efficient MPI implementations.
The library is available from netlib (shortly) and via anonymous ftp.
Questions about the library should be addressed to
[email protected]
From: Bette Byrne <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 1994 14:23:00
Subject: Parallel CFD Workshop at Oxford University
One-Day Workshop on Grid Partitioning and Parallel Applications
Wednesday, 28 September, 1994
University of Oxford
This one-day workshop will cover a number of related topics in the parallel
computation of numerical approximations of p.d.e.'s in fluid dynamics,
electromagnetics and other similar areas.
- grid partitioning
- parallel libraries
- parallelisation tools
- parallel grid generation
- 'real' applications on 'real' hardware.
Speakers will include
Dr M Berzins (University of Leeds)
Prof M Cross (University of Greenwich)
Dr P I Crumpton (University of Oxford)
Dr Y Hu (Daresbury Laboratory)
Dr J Reed (University of Oxford)
Dr N P Weatherill (University College, Swansea)
It is also hoped to have speakers from RAL and University of Southampton.
Additional presentations are invited. Particularly welcome would be talks
on the use of parallel computing within industry.
The meeting will take place in the Computing Laboratory and is planned
to begin at 10.00 a.m. with coffee. It is hoped to keep the meeting
as informal as possible with a few keynote talks to provide an overview
of current research, the rest of the meeting being available for further
There will be a charge of \pounds20 for academics and \pounds40
for non-academics to cover our expenses which will include coffee,
lunch and tea.
If you require any further information please contact: Bette Byrne, Oxford
University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson Building, Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3QD, Tel: (0865) 273883, Fax: (0865) 273839,
Email: [email protected].
From: Greg Sjaardema <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 94 09:55:13 MDT
Subject: Finite Element Mesh Generation Roundtable
Finite Element Mesh Generation
October 24 & 25
Albuquerque, NM
Sponsored by Sandia National Laboratories
We are announcing our 3rd annual Meshing Roundtable to be held in
Albuquerque, NM, on October 24, and 25th at the Albuquerque Sheraton Old
Town Inn. Mesh generation is an enabling technology for the finite
element, finite difference, and finite volume analysis methods. The
development of automated meshing techniques significantly simplifies the
pre-processing task, and as such is of significant interest to the user
community. This roundtable is aimed at providing an international
technical exchange forum amongst researchers working in the field of
automated meshing algorithms, particularly unstructured meshing
At this roundtable, noted researchers developing meshing technology will
present their most recent work in algorithm development. We are
soliciting additional technical presentations from researchers working
in this field. Although one-page abstracts with an accompanying
presentation are adequate, we encourage full papers. The abstracts,
papers, and copies of the presentation material will be published in the
conference proceedings and in refereed journals as appropriate. Many of
the major vendors of finite element pre-processing codes will be in
attendance and most will be presenting their technical work. This is
not an advertising forum, but a technical forum.
The roundtable will include both formal and informal presentations, as
well as panel discussions and informal debates. Technology to be
presented includes automated paving and plastering meshing techniques
for quadrilateral and hexahedral meshes, new logical whisker weaving
hexahedral meshing algorithms, medial axis decomposition methods for
hexahedral meshing, new plastering methods for tetrahedral meshing, and
adaptive meshing techniques.
Date: October 24 and 25, 1994
Place: Sheraton Old Town Hotel
800 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Reservations: 1-800-237-2133
For registration forms and information contact:
Tammy Wilson
Conference Coordinator
([email protected]) MS 0441
phone: (505) 844-0180 Sandia National Labs
fax: (505) 844-9297 Albuquerque NM 87185-0441
For technical information, contact:
Ted Blacker
Conference Chairman
([email protected]) MS 0441
phone: (505) 844-9785 Sandia National Labs
fax: (505) 844-9297 Albuquerque NM 87185-0441
From: G. Guevremont <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 1994 14:42:10 -0400
Subject: Workshop on Large-Scale CFD Problems
International Workshop on
Solution Techniques for Large-Scale
CFD Problems
September 26-28, 1994
Montreal, Quebec , Canada
The Workshop should be of considerable interest to engineers, scientists and
researchers using and/or developing CFD methods for scientific and industrial
applications. The Workshop is structured to promote interaction between
attendees and lecturers. Discussion periods will follow presentations.
In addition to the invited lectures, there will be a Poster Session.
Those wishing to participate should contact as soon as possible:
Dr. M.P. Robichaud
Numerical Methods Group, Mail Stop 01TA4
Pratt & Whitney Canada
1000 Marie Victorin
Longueuil, Quebec, Canada J4G 1A1
Tel: +1-514-677-9411 (ext. 4731) Fax: +1-514-647-2506
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Fezoui, Strategies for Navier-Stokes solvers on MPP machines
T.E. Tezduyar, Parallel finite element computation of 3-D incompressible flows
A. Yeremin, Aggregated iterative techniques for solving 3-D CFD
problems on parallel and massively parallel computers
J-J. Chattot, Parallel implementation of a chemical nonequilibrium flow solver
K. Fujii, Performance of a parallel-vector supercomputer and its application to
large-scale CFD problems
A. Peters, Solving large incompressible time-dependent flow problems on
scalable parallel computers
M.P. Robichaud, Parallel finite element methodology for turbomachinery
N.M. Nachtigal, QMR methods in CFD
J.E. Pasciak, Preconditioning the pressure operator for the time-dependent
Stokes problem
Y. Saad, Preconditioning Krylov subspace methods for CFD applications
H.A. van der Vorst, An introduction to hybrid iteration methods
SESSION 4: POSTERS (Tue, Sept 27)
A. Arnone, On the use of multigrid in turbomachinery calculations
P.W. Hemker, Defect correction and nonlinear multigrid for the steady
Euler equations
Ch. Hirsch, Recent developments on high performance Navier-Stokes solvers
B. Koren, Improving Euler computations at low Mach numbers
H.U. Akay, Efficiency considerations for explicit CFD solvers on parallel
O. Axelsson, Multilevel iteration methods for the Navier-Stokes equations
M.M. Hafez, FE/FV simulations of viscous flows based on a zonal Navier-Stokes
formulation - Part III
O. Widlund, Iterative substructuring methods for spectral elements in 3-D
R.K. Agarwal, Large-Scale aerospace applications of CFD
A. Jameson, Aerodynamic design methods
K. Morgan, Unstructured mesh methods for aerospace applications
All technical activities will take place at the Hotel Ruby Foo's,
7655 Decarie Blvd., Montreal, Quebec (Tel. 1-800-361-5419 or 1-514-731-7701)
Hotel Reservation deadline: Sept 1 (6000-person congress in town same week)
If you need information on registration or local arrangements, please contact:
Dr. G. Guevremont
5160 Decarie Blvd., suite 400
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H3X 2H9
Tel: +1-514-369-5273 Fax: +1-514-369-3880
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Jan Verwer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 1994 11:42:59 GMT
Subject: Postdoc Position at CWI in Amsterdam
Applications are called for a post-doc position at the
Numerical Mathematics Department of CWI (the Center for
Mathematics and Computer Science) in Amsterdam. The postdoc
is to deliver a contribution to the project 'ALGORITHMS FOR
ATMOSPHERIC FLOW PROBLEMS', in which we study numerical
algorithms and develop software for transport-chemistry
PDE problems occurring in air-pollution modeling. The PDE
problems are large systems of advection-diffusion-reaction
equations. The reaction part describes the atmospheric chemistry.
The problems are highly CPU intensive and one of our
focus points therefore is high-performance computing, in
particular MASSIVELY PARALLEL COMPUTING is of interest.
The position is open for approximately 6 months, starting
at the end of 1994 or early 1995. The postdoc
researcher will be instructed to port a given 3D code,
developed on a CRAY C98/4, to a CRAY T3D (256 processors).
His or her task will be to assess the algorithms in use for
parallelization prospects, to compare the two codes, and to finish
a report on the research at the end of the 6-month period.
The algorithms currently employed are well described in
written reports and research papers.
Applicants should preferably have experience with the Cray T3D
or a machine with a similar architecture. Their background
should be numerical mathematics, numerical software, algorithms
for PDEs, vector and parallel computing. Experience with
atmospheric transport-chemistry problems would be advantageous
but is not strictly necessary. Applicants should have finished
their Ph.D.
The postdoc position is made possible by a EC research grant
associated with the Human Capital and Mobility (HCM) project
'The Equations of Fluid Mechanics and Related Topics'. The CWI
Research Group is one out of 16 research groups participating
in this HCM project, which is coordinated by the Ecole Polytechnique,
Palaiseau, France, under the leadership of Prof. Jean-Claude Nedelec.
The position is open only for CITIZENS FROM THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY
from OUTSIDE the Netherlands. The salary is in accordance with CWI
standards. CWI's personnel department can assist in finding housing.
Please apply to Jan Verwer at the address below. Send a CV,
description of research interests and copy of your Ph.D thesis.
Jan Verwer
Kruislaan 413
1098 SJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel. +31205924095
fax. +31205924199
email: [email protected]
From: Karl E. Knapp <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 94 14:47 CDT
Subject: Positions at NAG in Illinois and Hawaii
Two Position Announcements -- Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc
Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc is the North American subsidiary of
The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), Ltd, based in Oxford, U.K. NAG is
one of the world's premier Scientific Software companies. It is primarily
known for its Numerical Libraries (in Fortran 77, C, and Fortran 90). NAG
also develops and markets programming tools & compilers and a powerful
Computer Algebra package.
Scientific Visualization -- Chicago, IL area
Recently, NAG obtained worldwide marketing and development rights to the
IRIS Explorer Scientific Visualization package from Silicon Graphics, Inc.
NAG Inc is now seeking a qualified individual to work in its Downers Grove,
IL, office to help with development and to provide customer support of
the IRIS Explorer product.
Qualified candidates must have previous training or experience with
Scientific Visualization software, preferably IRIS Explorer or AVS. The
successful candidate must have strong UNIX, X-windows, and C++ programming
skills. Superior communication skills are essential for this position.
A background in an application area utilizing visualization is a plus, as
is any experience in numerical computing. Occasional travel may be required.
Parallel Algorithm Development / HPCC User Support -- Maui, Hawaii
NAG Inc is seeking a Computational Mathematician for a limited-term (2 year)
appointment to the Maui High Performance Computing Center in Kihei, Maui.
NAG Inc is one of the MHPCC's industrial partners and already has one staff
member on location at MHPCC's new complex, which houses an 80-node (soon to
be 400-node) IBM SP2. The duties of this position will split the employee's
time evenly between 1) providing applications consulting for MHPCC users and
2) developing scientific code for a new NAG Parallel Library.
Qualified candidates must have a record of parallel algorithm research and
an advanced degree in some computational science. Familiarity with High
Performance Fortran, IBM SP2 systems, and portable software development
issues are plusses. Previous FFT, numerical linear algebra, or optimization
experience will be useful. U.S. citizenship is required.
Salary for both positions will be commensurate with experience and
qualifications. NAG Inc offers a generous benefits package, including
medical & dental insurance, a liberal 401(k) plan, and four weeks of
vacation per year. Reasonable relocation expenses will be paid by NAG.
If you are interested in either of these positions, please write, email,
or fax (no phone calls please) your resume or questions to:
Karl E. Knapp, Technical Manager
Numerical Algorithms Group, Inc. email: [email protected]
1400 Opus Place, Suite 200 fax: 708-971-2706
Downers Grove, IL 60515-5702
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 10:23:17 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Applied Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Volume 54, Number 6, December 1994
Geometrical Aspects of the Diffraction of Critically Incident Bulk
Waves and Gaussian Beams
R. H. Tew
The Gunn Effect: Instability of the Steady State and Stability of
the Solitary Wave in Long Extrinsic Semiconductors
Luis L. Bonilla, Francisco J. Higuera, and Stephanos Venakides
Resolution and Stability Analysis of an Inverse Problem in
Electrical Impedance Tomography - Dependence on the Input Current
David C. Dobson and Fadil Santosa
On the Dynamics of a Closed Thermosyphon
J. J. L. Velazquez
Resonant Mode Interactions and the Bifurcation of Combustion-Driven
Acoustic Oscillations in Resonance Tubes
Stephen B. Margolis
Pseudospectra of the Convection-Diffusion Operator
Satish C. Reddy and Lloyd N. Trefethen
A Generalized Secondary Frost Heave Model
Andrew C. Fowler and William B. Krantz
Numerical Simulation of Uniaxial Compression of a Granular Material
with Wall Friction
Carl L. Gardner and David G. Schaeffer
Algorithms for the Nonclassical Method of Symmetry Reductions
Peter A. Clarkson and Elizabeth L. Mansfield
Stable Rotating Waves in Two-Dimensional Discrete Active Media
Joseph E. Paullet and G. Bard Ermentrout
Exact and Asymptotic Solutions for the Time-Dependent Problem of
Collective Ruin I
Charles Knessl and Craig Steven Peters
Heavy Traffic Asymptotics for a Gated, Infinite-Server Queue with
Uniform Service Times
Xiaoming Tan and Charles Knessl
Variance Reduction for Simulated Diffusions
Nigel J. Newton
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 14:01:13 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Computing
SIAM Journal on Computing
Volume 23, Number 6, December 1994
A Grammar-Based Approach Towards Unifying Hierarchical Data Models
Marc Gyssens, Jan Paredaens, and Dirk Van Gucht
Selecting Heavily Covered Points
Bernard Chazelle, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Leonidas J. Guibas, John E. Hershberger,
Raimund Seidel, and Micha Sharir
Distributed Algorithms for Unidirectional Networks
Yehuda Afek and Eli Gafni
Simple and Fast Algorithms for Linear and Integer Programs with Two Variables
Per Inequality
Dorit S. Hochbaum and Joseph (Seffi) Naor
Computing the Order of a Locally Testable Automaton
Sam Kim and Robert McNaughton
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Perfect Phylogeny Problem When the Number
of Character States is Fixed
Richa Agarwala and David Fernandez-Baca
Priority Queues and Permutations
M. D. Atkinson and Robert Beals
A Model for Asynchronous Shared Memory Parallel Computation
Naomi Nishimura
Tight Bounds on Oblivious Chaining
Shiva Chaudhuri
Requirements for Deadlock-Free, Adaptive Packet Routing
Robert Cypher and Luis Gravano
On Languages Reducible to Algorithmically Random Languages
Ronald V. Book
A Fast Algorithm for Optimum Height-Limited Alphabetic Binary Trees
Lawrence L. Larmore and Teresa M. Przytycka
Improved Algorithms for Linear Inequalities with Two Variables Per Inequality
Edith Cohen and Nimrod Megiddo
From: Carlos Moura <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 20:37:39 EST
Subject: Contents, Computational and Applied Mathematics
(Matematica Aplicada e Computacional)
Published by Birkhauser and SBMAC - Brazilian Society
for Computational and Applied Mathematics
Vol.13 n.1 1994
ANDREI BREAZNA Generalizations of Bendixson's
Negative Criterion
S. BERTOLOLUZZA and G. NALDI Some Remarks on
Wavelet Interpolation
ZHIJIAN HUANG A New Method for Solving Nonlinear
Underdetermined Systems
Convergence Theorem for Nonlinear ABS Algorithms
Y. EBIHARA and M. KUROKIBA On Some Degenerate
Quasilinear Wave Equations with Time
Dependent Linear Damping
M. C. VIEIRA and T. N. RABELLO Unilateral Problem
for the Navier-Stokes Operators in
Noncylindrical Domains
Vol.12 n.3 1993
J. BAUMEISTER and E. R. von STOCKERT On an Integral
Related to an Inverse Problem in
J. DOUGLAS, Jr. and J. WANG A New Family of
of Mixed Finite Element Spaces over Rectangles
J. M. STERN and S. A. VAVASIS Active Set Methods
for Problems in Column Block Angular Form
convergent Scheme on Irregular Grids for
Systems of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
End of NA Digest