NA Digest Sunday, August 21, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 34

Today's Editor:
Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee / Oak Ridge National Labs
[email protected]
(Cleve's still away on travel.)

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Data: Fri, Aug 19 16:00:29 1994
Subject: A National Software Exchange for the HPCC

To facilitate the development and distribution of software enabling
technologies for high performance computing we have set up a
National Software Exchange (NSE) for the High Performance Computing
and Communications community.

The project has the following goals:

o Wide availability of high-quality, public-domain software for
high performance computers.

o Promotion of software reuse.

o Collaboration and information sharing between
universities, research laboratories, and industry.

o Active participation by Grand Challenge groups and other
research scientists, both in contributing to and in using the NSE.

o Promotion of technology transfer and software capitalization.

A prototype system is in place and can be accessed through the URL:

As an overview to the system, information is provided on the following topics:
HPCC Programs and Activities
Grand Challenges
Software / Enabling Technologies
Application Level
Library Software
Parallel Programming Environments
Parallel Programming Languages
Performance Visualization
Information Databases
Commercial Vendor Catalog
Reports, Journals, and Professional Societies
Related Network Resources

Please send comments and suggestions to [email protected].

This project is being funded by NASA and is a collaborative effort
coordinated through the NSF S&T Center CRPC by the following individuals:
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University
Ken Kennedy, Rice University
Jim Pool, Caltech
Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory


From: Roger Alexander <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 11:46:05 NZS
Subject: Temporary address change for Roger Alexander

Effective immediately until 1 June 1995, my postal address will be:

Roger Alexander
Department of Mathematics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand


From: Jens Burmeister <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 10:58:44 +0200
Subject: 11th GAMM-Seminar Kiel on Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems

First Announcement

The GAMM Committee "Efficient numerical methods for pde" in cooperation
with the Christian-Albrechts-Universit"at Kiel organizes the

11th GAMM-Seminar Kiel
Numerical Treatment of Coupled Systems

Chairmanship: W. Hackbusch (Kiel), G. Wittum (Stuttgart)

Date: January 20 to 22, 1995

Location: Institut f"ur Informatik und Praktische Mathematik,
Universit"at Kiel (Germany)

Topics: Solving coupled systems of pde, coupling of different
physical processes e.g. multiphase flow or flow around
elastic structures, coupling of different discretiza-
tions (e.g. FEM/BEM, FEM-spectral methods), coupling of
separate local refinements.

Abstracts: Please send abstracts (10-20 lines) of your lecture by
Nov. 15, 1994. Notice of acceptance will be given by
Nov. 30. All participants, whether giving a talk or not,
have the possibility of sending an abstract of their
work on the topic of the conference. The collection
of abstracts will be available at the conference.

Conference fee: DM 50,- (to be paid after arrivel)

The first ten GAMM-Seminars were held at Kiel in 1984, 1986-
1994. The corresponding proceedings have been published
in the series "Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics"
(Vieweg, Braunschweig; vols. 10, 16, 21, 23, 30, 31, 41).

please give notice to

by post : Prof. Dr. W. Hackbusch
Praktische Mathematik, CAU
Olshausenstr. 40-60
24098 Kiel, Germany
or by e-mail : [email protected]
or by fax : ++49-431-880-4054

From: Fred Fritsch <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 94 11:07:58 PDT
Subject: GNU Survey

I thought that some NA Digest readers may wish to respond to the
enclosed survey by Project GNU:

Project GNU of the Free Software Foundation is conducting a survey to
determine the kinds of mathematical software commonly utilized by scientists
and mathematicians. Your answers will help us to determine the programming
tasks we present to our volunteers. This will ultimately result in a more
complete set of math programs and subroutines available as free software.

Please answer the following questions with regard to scientific,
mathematical, and/or statistical software:

1. What packages are commonly used?

2. What programs and subroutines are desired, but not available?

3. What freeware currently exists?

4. Where else can we ask these questions?

Please give as much detail as you can, including package name, author,
language, and where it can be found.

Send responses to [email protected]

Thank you!


From: J.B.GAO <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 94 11:09 GMT
Subject: Seeking Research Assistant or Postdoc Position

Looking for Research Assistant or PostDoc Position

I come from the mainland of China. I obtained my Ph.D in July 1991 in China.
I hope to have a chance to do my research abroad, so I am therefore looking
for a possible PostDoc or Research Assistant position.

Fields of interest for research are:

Approximation theory
Spline interpolation
Wavelet analysis and its application
Finite element methods

I also have an extended practical experiences in computer.

Interested institutions/organizations can contact me by E-mail (RA340805@
HKPCC.HKP.HK) and I will send them an extended CV and publication list

THANKS advance.

Department of Applied Mathematics
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Kowloon, Hong Kong
email: [email protected]
fax: 852-3629045
tel: 852-7666959


From: Ralf Hiptmair <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 14:08:59 +0200
Subject: FTP and WWW site at TU Munich

The Department of Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has
finally established its own FTP and WWW servers:

Files from the FTP server can be accessed via anonymous ftp to (Address: in the directory
/pub/science/math/tum. Eventually all research reports published by
the Department of Mathematics should be available as PostScript documents.
Currently a few papers can be found in subdirectories named after their
respective authors.

The URL of the WWW home page of the Department of Mathematics is It provides an entry point
from wich a variety of information about the Department of Mathematics
can be accessed. However, most contributions are in German thus far.


From: Leopoldo Franca <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 1994 16:53:53 -0600
Subject: New Address for Leopoldo Franca

Leopoldo P. Franca
Center for Computational Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Colorado at Denver
P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box 170
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Phone: (303) 556-8460
Fax: (303) 556-8550
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Karsten M. Decker <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 09:04:38 --100
Subject: High Performance Fortran Workshop


High Performance Fortran (HPF) - Four-Day Workshop
October 18 - 21, 1994
At the Swiss Scientific Computing Center, CSCS-ETHZ
Manno (Ticino), Switzerland

Applied Parallel Research (APR), in cooperation with the Swiss Scientific
Computing Center (CSCS-ETHZ), offers a four-day workshop on High Performance
Fortran (HPF). This will be an intensive training session with hands-on
experience using APR's HPF compilation system, xhpf. Attendees are encouraged
to prepare their own application codes for parallelization over a distributed
memory workstation cluster during the workshop.

This workshop will feature a programming tutorial on MPP systems and HPF, and
offer an opportunity to gain experience parallelizing real Fortran
applications using APR's newest parallelization tools. Ample time has been
allocated to allow each attendee, working at their own pace and with the
instructors and CSCS staff, to parallelize and evaluate real benchmark
programs and their own application codes. CSCS will provide access to MPP
systems on which to run parallelized codes.

The instructors will be John Levesque and Richard Friedman of Applied
Parallel Research. The workshop languages will be English and Fortran.

Workshop Outline:

Day 1 Morning
o Distributed Memory Parallel Architectures Overview
o Data vs. Task Parallelism
o SPMD Programming Paradigm

Day 1 Afternoon
o The Fortran 90 Subset in HPF
o HPF Data Distribution Directives
o Extrinsics

Day 2 Morning
o xhpf Batch Parallelizer
o FORGE 90 Distributed Memory Parallelizer (DMP)
o APR's Extensions to HPF

Day 2 Afternoon
o Using APR's Analysis and Parallelization Tools over
CSCS's Parallel Cluster on Tutorial Example Codes

Day 3 Morning
o Data Parititioning and Loop Distribution
o Data Storage Considerations
o Inhibitors to DO Loop Parallelizations

Day 3 Afternoon
o Parallelization of a Simple Grid Relaxation Code

Day 4 All Day
o Parallelization of Attendee's Codes or Other Examples
Using APR's Parallelization Tools.

Spaces in this workshop are limited and will be available on a first come,
first served basis. It is recommended that you reserve a place by contacting
APR as soon as possible. The tuition fee for this four-day workshop will be
$1500 US. A reduced fee of $1250 applies to organizations with active FORGE
licenses. Full payment must be received at APR by September 16, 1994 to hold
a place.

Requests for further information and advanced registration should be directed
to APR at the addresses given below. CSCS will provide lists of recommended
hotels in the area.

Applied Parallel Research, Inc., based in California, is a leading developer
of Fortran analysis and parallelization tools for supercomputing
applications. Its FORGE family of tools include interactive FORGE 90 and
Explorer, and the batch automatic parallelizers DPF and XHPF. APR is an
active participant in the High Performance Fortran Forum (HPFF). Further
information about APR and its FORGE products is available over the Internet,
via finger [email protected] | more

The workshop host, CSCS, the Swiss National Scientific Computing Center, is
part of the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), and is located in
Manno, near Lugano in the Ticino region of Switzerland. Its basic mission is
to provide computing services and consulting to Swiss universities, research
institutes, and commercial companies. CSCS contributes its own research and
development and education projects in High Performance Computing. This
workshop is part of CSCS' Parallel Computer Systems and Education Laboratory,

Please direct all inquiries regarding this workshop to:

Postal Address: CSCS Workshop 94
Applied Parallel Research, Inc.
550 Main Street, Suite I
Placerville, CA 95667 USA

Phone: + 916/621-1600 FAX: + 916/621-0593
Email: [email protected]


From: Kearfott R. Baker <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 14:54:34 -0500
Subject: Change of IP address -- Interval FTP site

The address of the anonymous FTP server that contains information about
conferences, preprints, etc. concerning interval computations, as well as
the working version of the Fortran 77 package INTLIB, has been changed.

The old address was:

The new address is:

Please report questions or problems.


From: M.K.Kwong <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 11:45:53 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Workshop on Wavelets and Large-Scale Image Processing

October 21 -- 22, 1994

MCS, Argonne National Laboratory
Dept of Maths, Stat & CS, U. of Illinois at Chicago

(Partially sponsored by the Institute for Mathematics and
Applications, Minneapolis, MN)


The purpose of the workshop is to bring together leaders in
wavelet theory and different aspects (methods and applications,
academia and industry) of very large scale image processing:

o to present the current state of the art in applying wavelet
theory to image processing,

o to explore the application of large-scale scientific
computation, especially massively parallel supercomputers

o to process and compress huge image data,

o to investigate new challenges demanded by new technologies
in medical imaging, HDTV, virtual reality, multimedia, 3D
images, etc.

The expectation is that new research ideas, motivation, appli-
cations, and collaboration will be generated by this meeting.


The meeting will be held in the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division, Argonne National Laboratory.

Partial List of Speakers:

Dr. David Colella, the MITRE Corporation
Dr. Peter Heller, Aware, Inc.
Professor Maryellen L. Giger, University of Chicago
Dr. Guy Nason, University of Bristol
Professor Gilbert Strang, MIT
Professor Gilbert Walter, University of Wisconsin
Professor Victor Wickerhauser, University of Washington

Contributed talks:

We will accommodate a limited number of contributed talks of 20
minutes each. Please send title and a 1-page abstract before 10/1.

Registration Fee:

Prepaid: 80 (refreshments, Saturday lunch, proceedings)
After 10/15: 100
(Speakers will be reimbursed.)

Organizers: Dr. Man K. Kwong [email protected] (708) 252-7486
Dr. P.T. Peter Tang [email protected] Fax: (708) 252-5986
MCS, Argonne National Laboratory

Prof. Tom Bielecki [email protected] (312) 996-0752
Prof. Stephen S.T. Yau [email protected] (312) 996-3065
Dept of Maths, Stat & CS, U. of Illinois at Chicago

For registration form and further information contact [email protected]


From: Martin H. Gutknecht <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 20:08:03 --100
Subject: Postdoc position in numerical analysis at IPS / ETH Zurich


At the Interdisciplinary Project Center for Supercomputing (IPS)
of the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland,
we anticipate the availability of funding for a two-year postdoc position
linked to a project on iterative methods for solving very large (linear or
nonlinear) systems of equations. We have a special interest in Lanczos-type
methods, but other approaches may be considered too. Principal investigator
is Martin H. Gutknecht, the head of IPS.
The project aims at both theoretical work and at the production of
reliable state-of-the-art software. Applicants should be qualified and
interested in both these aspects of the project. The earliest possible
starting date is October 1, but a postponing of several months is possible.
Partial funding for a graduate student working in the same area may
also become available.
The Interdisciplinary Project Center for Supercomputing (IPS)
was founded in 1988 to support and promote supercomputing at ETH Zurich.
Its service duties include the individual support of supercomputers users
and software developers at ETH, and the occasional organization of courses.
Besides, research in numerical analysis, computational chemistry, computational
physics, and other application areas is performed, partially in cooperation
with other institutes. IPS also has a well equipped visualization lab.
A wide variety of high-performance and parallel computers are
accessible: NEC SX-3, Cray Y-MP, Cray T3D, Paragon, Parsytec, MasPar,
workstation clusters, etc. However, the US Department of Commerce imposes
restrictions on the usage of some of these computers. In particular, accounts
cannot be opened for citizens of the People's Republic of China, Iran, Iraq,
Lybia, North Korea, Syria, Vietnam, countries from the former Soviet union,
and a number of other formerly communist countries.

Applicants should submit their resume by Aug. 31 to

Dr. Martin H. Gutknecht
IPS, ETH-Zentrum
CH-8092 Zurich
[[email protected]]

They can also submit it by fax: (+41) (1) 632-1104
or by email to: [email protected]
Please do not have letters of recommendation sent without request.


From: Deb Mazur <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 94 16:57:05 EDT
Subject: Wayne State University Department of Computer Science Faculty Positions

Wayne State University Department of Computer Science Faculty Positions

The Wayne State University Department of Computer Science invites
applications and nominations for several tenure-track positions: two
in computer graphics and one in high performance computing. Candidates
from related areas in computer science or computer engineering will
also be considered.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer science/engineering or a
closely related field, a strong interest in and commitment to both
research and teaching and the potential for obtaining external research
funding. Applications from minority and female candidates are
especially encouraged.

Wayne State University, located in Detroit's Cultural Center, is an
urban, comprehensive research university serving 35,000 students. The
Department of Computer Science has fourteen faculty members,
approximately 75 Ph.D., 350 Masters and 350 undergraduate students.
The faculty have many ties to local industries. Several research
projects are currently being funded by these industries and federal

Applicants should send a letter of intent, a statement of research and
teaching interest, a resume with the names of at least three
references, their addresses (including e-mail address) and
telephone/fax numbers to:

Dr. Narendra S. Goel, Chair Department of Computer Science Wayne State
University 431 State Hall Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: (313) 577-2478 FAX:
(313) 577-6868 e-mail: [email protected]

For full consideration applications should be submitted by November 1,
1994. However, applications will be accepted until the positions are

QUEST Wayne State University - People working together to provide
quality service.

Wayne State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action


End of NA Digest
