NA Digest Sunday, August 7, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 32

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Dirk laurie <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 94 20:00
Subject: Typo in "Templates..."

There is a typographical error in the QMR algorithm on page 24 of
"Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for
Iterative Methods" by Richard Barrett et al (SIAM 1994). The matrix M_2
on Line 4 of the pseudocode should be replaced by its transpose.
Correction of this error dramatically improves convergence in the case
where M_2 is upper triangular.

Dirk Laurie


From: Jonathan Shewchuk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 00:35:07 EDT
Subject: Corrected Painless Conjugate Gradient Report

The corrected version of my Conjugate Gradient report is now available by
anonymous FTP:

An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method
Without the Agonizing Pain
(Edition 1 1/4, Corrected)

Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
[email protected]

If you obtained a copy of the original report, please burn it and replace it
with the new one. The new version corrects all errors that I know of, and adds
a few more pages of intuition. Note that the new version is *NOT* available
from the same FTP site as the original version. (The copy at that site is
still the old version with the nasty errors.)

The corrected report is available by anonymous FTP to WARP.CS.CMU.EDU (IP
address in the directory quake-papers/ . You may choose from
the files: (Report; 600 and 300 dpi PostScript)
- or - (Gnuzip-compressed report)
- or - \ (Compressed report broken up into \ four PostScript files for small- / memory printers. 300 dpi; looks / ugly on 600 dpi printers.)

Also in the quake-papers/ directory:

painless-conjugate-gradient.abs (Abstract) (Full-page classroom transparencies) (Gnuzip-compressed transparencies)

Remember to set FTP to binary mode when obtaining compressed files. The report
itself is formatted for a two-sided printer.

Comments and corrections are welcome and encouraged. Many thanks to all of
you who sent me comments about the original version; I can't begin to say how
helpful NA Digest readers have been. For those of you who have been waiting
too long for the corrected version, thanks for your patience.



From: Raghu Machiraju <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 09:18:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Representation Errors for Bandlimited Functions

Any band-limited signal (1-D to begin with) can be resampled or interpolated
using the Cardinal functions S(k,h), namely:

        f(x) = Sum S(k,h)(x) f(kh)
where S(k,h) = sin[pi/h * (x-kh)] / [pi/h * (x-kh)] and the integer k is in the
set [-inf,inf]. So by resampling at a certain number of points one gets a new
grid (vary x).

My intention is to be able to estimate h so that the approximation
of the function f (obtained by truncating the infinite sum) g is within an
error bounds. In other words,

        f(x) = Sum S(k,h)(x) f(kh) + Sum S(k,h)(x) f(kh)
-n<=k <=n abs(k) > n
f(x) = g(x,n,h) + e(x,n,h)

Here g() is the error in question. Frank Stenger at University of Utah has done
work in characterising the error that arises for functions represented as sum
of Cardinal functions. However the estimates are "global".

What I am looking for is the following -

Given a certain value of x at a grid, I would like to determine the value of
such that the error is bounded. Hence, the error estimates should depend on
n and x. The error estimates available in the literature either depend
on x alone or N, but not both.

Is there any published work which attempts to characterize the local error ?.
Such an estimate would allow for the adaptive processing of a given signal.



From: Stan Kerr <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 10:26:29 -0500
Subject: Solution to a Block Toeplitz System

One of my clients sent me the note below, but since I'm not a researcher in
numerical analysis I can't help him very much. If anyone on the list has a
suggestion for him, I would be grateful to hear it.

I have run across the following type of partitioned linear system

      --            --   --    --   --    --
| a b c b | | x1 | | y1 |
| b a b c | * | x2 | = | y2 |
| c b a b | | x3 | | y3 |
| b c b a | | x4 | | y4 |
-- -- -- -- -- --

where a, b, and c are NxN sub-matrices, the xi's are Nx1, and the
yi's are also Nx1. As a whole there are 4*N equations and unknowns.
If N=1, this would be a symmetric Toeplitz matrix, and I know
there are algorithms to solve such a system. Additionally in this
case, the matrix-vector multiplication can be written as a convolu-
tion and the system could be solved using FFT's. But in my case
N is some large number, 500 or more. Do you know of any specialized
method to solve such a system? It seems there should be a way to
take advantage of the symmetry present in the matrix. I would
appreciate any insight you might have.

(For my own reference, the client is James Bowen <[email protected]>)

Stan Kerr <[email protected]> University of Illinois
Fax:217-244-7089 Phone:217-333-5217 Computing & Communications Services
Gayly Onward 1304 W. Springfield Urbana IL 61801


From: John Mathews <[email protected]>
Date: 01 Aug 1994 06:24:17 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Numerical Methods: Matlab Programs

M-files now available from the MathWorks ftp site.

The unabridged: Numerical Methods: Matlab Programs 1994

To accompany: Numerical Methods: for Math, Sci & Engr
Prentice Hall, 1992 by John H. Mathews
ISBN 0-13-624990-6 P-H North America
ISBN 0-13-625047-5 P-H International

The M-files are available from: []


From: Keh-Ming Shyue <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 15:31:56 CST
Subject: Change of Address for Keh-Ming Shyue

Dear Colleagues,

Effective August 1, 1994, my new address is:

Department of Mathematics
National Taiwan University
Room 308, Old Math Building
Taipei, Taiwan
R. O. C.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (8862) 362-0643 Ext 148
Fax: (8862) 391-4439

Sincerely yours,
Keh-Ming Shyue


From: Fred Roberts <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 21:31:53 EDT
Subject: Mathematical Support for Molecular Biology


DIMACS, the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical
Computer Science, a Consortium of Rutgers and Princeton Universities
and AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore, is planning a 1994-95
"special year" on the topic Mathematical Support for Molecular
Biology. The program will start in August 1994 and run through August
1995, with some supplementary activities scheduled for the 1995-96

The Special Year will focus on those topics in molecular
biology that seem especially amenable to treatment using the methods
of discrete mathematics and the related algorithmic approaches of
theoretical computer science. It is intended to expose a large
portion of the community of discrete mathematicians and theoretical
computer scientists to the problems of molecular biology that seem to
be fundamentally problems of their field; to provide an opportunity
for intensive collaboration to those discrete mathematicians and
theoretical computer scientists who have already discovered these
problems; to introduce some outstanding young people in the
mathematical sciences community to the field of
mathematical/computational biology in a very concentrated way; to
forge lasting partnerships between mathematical scientists and
biological scientists; to involve biologists in a primary role in
defining the agenda of computational biology; to introduce molecular
biologists to a community of mathematical scientists who are
interested in helping them solve their problems; and to develop a
long-term base and model for interdisciplinary research in this field.

The DIMACS Special Year will be chaired by Joachim Messing and
Fred Roberts of Rutgers University. It will be co-chaired by Lawrence
Shepp of AT&T Bell Laboratories and Michael Waterman of the University
of Southern California.

Further information about the special year can be obtained
from any of the chairs or co-chairs or by sending a message to
[email protected].


From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 18:32:35 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Conference on Modelling and Optimization

First Announcement and Call for Papers

Warsaw, Poland, July 17-21, 1995
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences


The conference is coordinated with the 17th IFIP Conference on System
Modelling and Optimiization, Prague (The Czech Republic), July 10-14,
1995. It is the next one in the series of the conferences sponsored by
the IFIP Working Group WG 7.2 "Computational Techniques in Distributed
The aim of the Conference is to present the newest results and exchange
the ideas between people working on theoretical and numerical aspects
of modelling and optimization of distributed parameter systems and
those interested in engineering applications (with emphasis on
mechanical engineering and environmental problems).


1. PDE's and variational inequalities with applications.
2. Inverse problems in PDE's.
3. Approximation and regularization methods.
4. Numerical methods and algorithms.
5. Control and optimization.
6. Sensitivity and stability analysis.
7. Shape optimization.
8. Modelling of behavior of nonlinear materials
(e.g., hysteresis, memory and shape memory effects) in DPS.


Chairperson:I. Lasiecka (Charlottesville, USA)

A. Bermudez (Santiago de Compostela), A. Bogobowicz (Waterloo),
G. Da Prato (Pisa), M. Delfour (Montreal), L. Demkowicz (Austin),
M. Dryja (Warsaw), R. Glowinski (Houston), K.-H. Hoffmann (Munich),
W. Krabs (Darmstadt), A. Kurzhanskii (Moscow), G. Leugering (Bayreuth),
K. Malanowski (Warsaw), Z. Mroz (Warsaw), M. Niezgodka (Warsaw),
J. Puel (Palaiseau), J. Simon (Aubiere), J. Sokolowski (Nancy),
F. Troeltzsch (Chemnitz), J. Wasniewski (Lyngby), A. Wierzbicki (Warsaw),
J.-P. Yvon (Compiegne), J.-P. Zolesio (Sophia Antipolis).


P. Holnicki, K. Malanowski (Chairman), A. Myslinski,
Z. Nahorski (Vice-Chairman), R. Ostrowski,
M. Peszynska (Secretary), A. Zochowski.


Dr. Malgorzata Peszynska
IFIP Conference
Systems Research Institute
Polish Academy of Sciences
Newelska 6, PL-01-447 Warsaw

tel. (+4822) 364414, 370521
fax (+4822) 372772
e-mail [email protected]


Authors wishing to present papers are requested to send a copy of an
enlarged abstract (1-2 pages in English) to the Secretary prior to
February 28, 1995 for reviewing by the International Program
Committee. Notification on acceptance will be mailed before April 30,
1995. Materials of the Conference shall be published after the


From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 1994 22:18:33 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: A Workshop on Sparse Matrices

U N I - C & I M M S E M I N A R

The Danish Computing Centre
for Research and Education
Numerical Analysis Group of the
Institute for Mathematical Modelling
of the Technical University of Denmark
DTU, Bldg. 305, Room Nr 205
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Wednesday, August 10, 1994
Between 10.00 (10am) and 15.00 (3pm)


Iain Duff from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and
CERFACS, France; "A block projection method for the
solution of large sparse unsymmetric linear equations"

Zahari Zlatev, National Environmental Research Institute;
"Solving large and sparse linear least squares problems"

Iain Duff from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK and
CERFACS, France; "A review of frontal methods for solving
linear systems"

Hans Bruun Nielsen, Numerical Analysis Group, IMM, DTU;
"Solving augmented systems arising from piping networks"

The abstracts are available by anonymous ftp.

ftp (or
<your email address>
cd denet/para/sparse

The workshop is free of charge but you should register by sending email
to me.

Host: Jerzy Wasniewski, UNI-C
Tel: (+45) 42 88 39 99 + 2426
Fax: (+45) 45 93 02 20
Email: [email protected]


From: Benito Chen <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 94 14:22:02 -0600
Subject: Rocky Mountain Numerical Analysis Conference


The Rocky Mounatain Numerical Analysis and Applications Annual Conference
will be held on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City
during the days of July 31 to August 2, 1995. The object is to have an
informal meeting of interested people to give talks, discuss problems,
share ideas and have a good and productive time with colleagues. The
presentations should be of about 30 minutes in length, with the possibility
of some longer talks. There will also be two special workshops, one on
Sinc functions and the other on simulation of flow in poroue media.
We are in the process of obtaining funds for local housing.

If you are interested in participating, please send a short abstract,
including your e-mail address to one of the co-organizers.

For more information, please contact:

Benito Chen Frank Stenger
Math Department Computer Science Department
P.O. Box 3036 4017 Engineering
Laramie, WY 82071 Salt Lake City, UT 84112
(307)766-2280 (801)585-SINC
[email protected] [email protected]


From: Margaret Chapman <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 1994 08:59:11 PST
Subject: Object-Oriented Numerics Conference

The Third Annual Object-Oriented Numerics Conference
Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyoming
May 21-24, 1995


Ian Angus, Boeing Computer Services
Kent Budge, Sandia National Laboratories
Paul Dubois, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Charlie Finan, Cray Research
Dennis Gannon, Indiana University
Ronald Goossens, National Semiconductor
Wouter Joosen, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Al Vermeulen, Rogue Wave Software
James Wiley, University of Texas
Margaret Chapman, Program Coordinator, Rogue Wave Software

Scientific application software continues to grow in complexity due
to increasing functionality, evolution of codes, the use of
parallelism, and other factors. As a result, more and more time is
spent writing and maintaining computer code, and less time is spent
on the application itself. Object technology offers a way to break
this cycle. Structuring applications as assemblages of software
objects, rather than as monolithic programs, may pave the way for
more efficient and complex applications by making software reusable,
distributable, and modular.

The annual OONSCI conference (formerly known as OONSKI) promotes the
use of object technology for constructing numerical applications.
OONSCI provides a forum for computer scientists and scientific
programmers, in both academe and industry, to learn about issues
related to object-oriented programming and discuss their experiences.


Examples of appropriate topics include:
* experiences with object technology
* use of non-programming language specific objects - for
example, CORBA or Visual Basic controls.
* object-oriented languages and environments
* object-oriented design
* reusable software objects
* performance issues related to object-oriented programming

Application domain specific papers should focus on the
object-oriented techniques used. Sample application domains of
interest to OONSCI are:
* image processing
* computer graphics
* PDE solvers
* engineering


December 16, 1994
* Tutorials

January 16, 1995
* Papers
* Survey papers
* Panels
* Posters

For submission guidelines contact:

Margaret Chapman
Program Coordinator
Rogue Wave Software
FAX:(503) 757-6650
Email: [email protected]


From: Akis Lagaris <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 94 12:03:20 +0300
Subject: Positions at Univ. of Ioannina

Positions at the Computer Science Department- University of Ioannina - Greece.

The university of Ioannina invites applications in order to fill two
positions in the newly founded Department of Computer science.

I) One position at the level of Lecturer,
in the area of "Information Systems" with emphasis on:
Computer architecture, parallel processing, computer networks,
operating systems, data bases.

II) One position at the level of assistant professor,
in the area of "Theory of Computation and Programming languages"
with emphasis on:
Automata, computability, complexity, algoritms,
Data structures, computational linguistics, programming languages,
symbolic manipulation.

The above are tenure track positions.
The deadline for application submition is the 24th of October 1994.
For more information please contact:

M. Ntaflou (CS- Secretary)
Fax/Phone: +30 (651) 42914
Address: Domboli 30
45110 Ioannina


From: Chris Petrie <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 1994 17:31:05 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Position at University of Newcastle


Applications are invited for a two year temporary Lectureship which is
available from 1st September 1994. The position has been created in
connection with the impending retirement of Professor Alan Jeffrey. The
person appointed will be expected to contribute generally to the wide
range of courses in Engineering Mathematics provided for students in the
Faculty of Engineering, from Foundation Year level to postgraduate. An
interest in course development is desirable as changes in the content of
degrees in different engineering disciplines frequently requires
corresponding initiatives in Engineering Mathematics. A major
initiative at present involves the implementation of semester-based
modular teaching from October 1994. Opportunities for research include
involvement with other Departments in the Faculty in areas of mutual
interest, whether in the form of collaborative projects or in the joint
supervision of research students, and this is reflected in the fact that
the staff establishment of the Department has always included both
engineers and mathematicians.

Salary will be at an appropriate point on the Lecturer Grade A scale:
#14,756-#19,326 p.a., according to qualifications and experience.

No forms of application are issued. Further particulars may be obtained
from the Director of Personnel, Registrar's Office, University of
Newcastle, 6 Kensington Terrace, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, with whom
three copies of applications, including a full c.v. with present salary
and the names and addresses of three referees, should be lodged not
later than 19th August, 1994.

E-mail enquiries to [email protected] or [email protected]

Department of Engineering Mathematics,
University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.
Telex 53654 UNINEW G
FAX +44 - 91 - 261 - 0191


From: Alastair Wood <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 1994 11:20:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Positions at Dublin City University

School of Mathematical Sciences
Senior Lectureship
Contract Assistant Lectureship (10 months)

The School has built up a strong record in basic and contract research in the
areas of applied and numerical analysis and stochastic processes and has
attracted a substantial group of research students. It is responsible for the
B.Sc. in Mathematical Sciences, including the new option in Financial and
Actuarial Mathematics, and the M.Sc. in Industrial Applied Mathematics.
There is an extensive service teaching role throughout the university.

For the senior position, preference will be given to candidates with a
substantial teaching and research record in Numerical Analysis.
They will be expected to provide academic leadership and supervision of
research students in this area.

There is also a vacancy for a temporary assistant lecturer in numerical
analysis from 1 September 94. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in the area
and some teaching experience. Application should be made as soon as
possible to Dr. Alastair Wood, Head of School (e-mail [email protected],
Fax +353 1 704 5786).

Salary Scale:
Senior Lecturer: 29,444 - 38,810
Assistant Lecturer: 16,749

Salaries are Irish pounds p.a.. The Irish pound is currently at par with
sterling and worth $1.53.

Closing Date: 23 September 1994 for the senior position
As soon as possible for the contract position.

Application forms for the permanent position and further details are available
from The Personnel Office, Dublin City University, Dublin 9.
Tel: +353 1 7045149.


From: Will Sawyer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 1994 16:36:15 --100
Subject: Position in Ticino, Switzerland

Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico (CSCS), located in Manno,
Ticino, part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich, has an immediate opening for a full-time


Swiss Scientific Computing Center
Centro Svizzero di Calcolo Scientifico

in the Section of Research and Development (SeRD). SeRD conducts
an application-oriented research and development program in the
fields of computer and computational sciences.

This work concentrates on porting existing scientific
applications onto parallel systems, as well as developing new
parallel distributed algorithms to support a wide variety of
scientific codes. Applicants must have a high level of
competence in Fortran and C/C++, a successful track record in
parallel programming with message passing paradigms and/or data
parallel languages, experience in Software Engineering in large
projects, and exceptional teamwork abilities. Background in
Numerical Methods, in particular Linear Algebra, is an asset.

All applicants should have two to four years of working
experience with parallel computer systems, a relevant degree in
Computer Science, physical sciences, or Mathematics.

An appointment will be initially for one year, but can be
extended. None of these positions involve teaching duties. CSCS
offers excellent working conditions.

Applicants should send a CV, and a letter of introduction to:

Swiss Scientific Computing Center
Galleria 2
Via Cantonale
CH-6928 Manno
attn: Ms. Carla Parini

The closing date for applications is Aug. 26, 1994.

Applications through recruitment agencies or by electronic mail
will not be considered.


From: Marcin Paprzycki <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 5:19:39 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Position at U. Texas, Permian Basin

One-year visiting position starting September 1, 1994

One year sabbatical leave replacement (at the level of Assistant
Professor) is available at the Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin.
The candidate should specialize in PARALLEL COMPUTING. The
department already has two faculty members interested in parallel
real-time systems and parallel numerical linear algebra. The
duties will include research and teaching of undergraduate
courses in mathematics and possibly computer science. The
teaching load is 3 courses per semester. The salary will be no
more than $30,000 (non-negotiable) and will depend on
qualifications. The candidate must have permission to work in
the U.S. prior to submitting the application. UTPB is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.

Since the time is short, please e-mail immediately your resume,
description of your research interests and a statement describing
your teaching philosophy to:

Marcin Paprzycki
[email protected]
(or [email protected])


From: Cliff Addison <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 94 09:11:05 BST
Subject: Position at the University of Liverpool

Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral Research Position
funded by the UK EPSRC in the Institute of Advanced Scientific
Computation at the University of Liverpool, UK. The start date is 1st
October, or as soon as possible thereafter.

The project concerns the development of effective parallel
preconditioners for the iterative solution of nonsymmetric, sparse
linear systems. The work will involve a) theoretical analysis, b)
consequent development of efficient and reliable mathematical software
and c) testing the methods on systems which arise in real applications
on a variety of parallel platforms.

Applicants should have, or shortly expect to receive, a PhD in
Computational Mathematics or an allied subject. In addition, they
should have some experience with parallel computing and a solid
foundation in linear algebra.

The Salary is on standard UK academic scales, up to a maximum of around
16,600 pounds. The work will be carried out in cooperation with NAG
Ltd. and the Department of Computer Science, Newcastle University.

For further information please contact, as soon as possible, either:

Dr. C. Addison or Dr. R. Wait
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 051 794 4738 Phone: 051 794 4740
FAX: 051 794 4754 FAX: 051 794 4754


From: E. B. Saff <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 94 16:53:10 EDT
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation

Volume 10, Number 3, 1994

301 Doron S. Lubinksy and Vilmos Totik
Weighted Polynomial Approximation with Freud Weights

317 Clemens Markett
Linearization of the Product of Symmetric Orthogonal Polynomials

339 S. Bloom and G. S. De Souza
Weighted Lipschitz Spaces and Their Analytic Characterizations

377 D. P. Dryanov
Polynomials of Minimal L_{\alpha}-Derivation, \alpha>0

411 P. Borwein and T. Erd\'{e}lyi
Markov-Bernstein-Type Inequalities for Classes of
Polynomials with Restricted Zeros

427 L. Frerick and J. M\"{u}ller
Polynomial Approximation and Maximal Convergence on Faber Sets


From: Heinz W. Engl <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 1994 14:50:10 EDT
Subject: Contents, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry

Surveys on Mathematics for Industry
(Springer-Verlag Vienna/New York)

Table of Contents, Vol.4, Issues 1 and 2

B.Benninghofen, Image processing and numerical methods for the
approximation of terrain data

G.H.Meyer, D.B.Singleton, Front tracking for the supercooled Stefan problem

T.A.Foley, H.Hagen, Advances in scattered data interpolation

V.I.Mazhukin, A.A.Samarskii, Mathematical modelling in the technology
of laser treatment of materials

Heinz W. Engl, Managing Editor


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 94 12:16:44 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Math Analysis

SIAM Journal on Math Analysis
Volume 25, Number 5, September 1994

The Influence of Domain and Diffusivity Perturbations on the Decay of End
Effects in Heat Conduction
Changhao Lin and L. E. Payne

Elliptic Equations in Divergence Form Geometric Critical Points of Solutions,
and Stekloff Eigenfunctions
G. Alessandrini and R. Magnanini

Approximation of Attractors by Algebraic or Analytic Sets
C. Foias and R. Temam

Investigations of Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations with a Small
Nonlinearity and Applications
A. Lada

Nonlinear Perturbation of Boundary Values for Reaction-Diffusion Systems:
Inertial Manifolds and Their Applications
Yoshihisa Morita, Hirokazu Ninomiya, and Eiji Yanagida

A Free Boundary Problem Modeling Thermal Instabilities: Well-Posedness
Michael L. Frankel and Victor Roytburd

On a Nonlinear Integrodifferential Drift-Diffusion Semiconductor Model
Jin Liang

The Stability of the Equilibrium of a Nonlinear Hill's Equation
Rafael Ortega

Matched Expansion Solutions of the First Order Turning Point Problem
L. A. Skinner

Discrete Spline Filters for Multiresolutions and Wavelets of L2
Akram Aldroubi, Murray Eden, and Michael Unser

Wavelet Analysis of Refinement Equations
Lars F. Villemoes


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 94 16:53:44 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Volume 7, Number 4, November 1994

Predicting Cause-Effect Relationships from Incomplete Discrete Observations
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and J. N. Hooker

A Coding Approach to Signed Graphs
Patrick Sole and Thomas Zaslavsky

Generalized Hamming Weights of Melas Codes and Dual Melas Codes
G. Van Der Geer and M. Van Der Vlugt

Ramanujan Diagrams
Moshe Morgenstern

On Path-Tough Graphs
Peter Dankelmann, Thomas Niessen, and Ingo Schiermeyer

A New Class of Pyramidally Solvable Symmetric Traveling Salesman Problems
Jack A. A. Van Der Veen

Drawing Graphs on Surfaces
Arjana Zitnik

On Universal Cycles for k-subsets of an n-set
Glenn Hurlbert

Further Results on T-coloring and Frequency Assignment Problems
Arundhati Raychaudhuri

A Linear-Time Algorithm for Isomorphism of Graphs of Bounded Average Genus
Jianer Chen

Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Straight-line Grid Embeddings of Planar Graphs
Ming-Yang Kao, Martin Furer, Xin He, and Balaji Raghavachari

Treewidth of Circular-Arc Graphs
Ravi Sundaram, Karan Sher Singh, and C. Pandu Rangan

New 3/4-Approximation Algorithms for the Maximum Satisfiability Problem
Michel X. Goemans and David P. Williamson

Homomorphic Zero-Knowledge Threshold Schemes over Any Finite Abelian Group
Yvo G. Desmedt and Yair Frankel


End of NA Digest
