NA Digest Sunday, May 22, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 21

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Jacob White <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 15:32:04 EDT
Subject: Public Domain Finite-element 3-D Elastostatics Solver

Any clues as to the whereabouts of such a code would be greatly appreciated.

Jacob White
Department of Elec. Eng. and Comp. Sci.
Mass. Inst. Technology
[email protected]


From: Yuedong Wang <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 13:27:29 -0500
Subject: Roommate at San Diego SIAM Meeting

I am looking for a roommate at the San Diego SIAM annual meeting
from July 25 to July 29. Anyone interested may contact me at
[email protected]


From: Maxim Poliashenko <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 08:34:01 -0400
Subject: Seeking Position in CFD/Dyn.Systems

I am looking for a position in Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Stability Analysis or Dynamical Systems/Chaos. My research record
includes 15 articles published or under review on these subjects
including development of direct methods to detect codimension-1
bifurcations. If will gladly mail my CV and reprints on your request.

Thank you very much for your kind attention!

Maxim Poliashenko
Postdoctoral Research Fellow [email protected]
Georgia Tech


From: Brahim Khobalatte <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 May 1994 17:41:29 +0200
Subject: Seeking Position in CFD

I am looking for a position as a Posdoctoral Research in computational
fluid dynamics. If you are interested please let me know and I will send you
a copy of my current resume and my references. My e-mail addresse is:

[email protected]

Present address: INRIA menusin BP 105, 78153 Le chesnay cedex, France.

I look forward to your reply. Thank you for your kind attention in this


B. Khobalatte.


From: Mustafa Pinar <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 May 94 9:33:32 METDST
Subject: Address Change for Mustafa C. Pinar

As of June 1, 1994, I am leaving the Institute
of Mathematical Modelling of the Technical University of
Denmark where I spent two years as a post-doc. My new address
will be as follows:

Department of Industrial Engineering
Bilkent University
06553 Bilkent Ankara

I will continue to read e-mail at my present e-mail address
until I get a local account.

Mustafa C. Pinar


From: Jens Lorenz <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 May 94 12:12:08 MDT
Subject: New Address for Jens Lorenz

New address for Jens Lorenz:

Prof. Jens Lorenz
Numerische Mathematik
RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 55
D--52062 Aachen

++49-241-807973 (tel)
++49-241-8888317 (fax)

[email protected]


From: Rob Corless <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 May 1994 10:12:49 -0400
Subject: Temporary Change of Address for Rob Corless

Till December 1994 I can be reached at
[email protected].

Postal address is

Rob Corless
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P.O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights
New York, 10598


From: Jean Marie Chesneaux <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 May 94 16:08:13 +0100
Subject: CADNA, A Tool for Round-off Error Analysis

CADNA version 1.0

CADNA (Control of Accuracy and Debugging for Numerical Applications) is
a library for FORTRAN 77 codes which is able, during the run of a code, to :
- estimate the round-off error propagation,
- detect the numerical instabilities,
- check the branching,
- provide the accuracy of any intermediate or final result.

This library is based on the CESTAC ( Controle et Estimation STochastique
des Arrondis de Calculs) which is a probabilistic approach for estimating
round-off error propagation. The CADNA library defines new numerical types :
stochastic types (single, double or complex). All their arithmetic operators,
order relations, intrinsic or mathematical functions, have been overloaded.
Consequently, the use of the CADNA library is very easy and only requires
changing very few statements in FORTRAN source codes such as printing

It is also possible with the CADNA library to take into account the physical
data error in the estimation of the accuracy of the results.

Furthermore, since CADNA carries out new concepts such as the stochastic
zero, the user may :
- in iterations methods, use new termination criteria, which allow optimization
of the number of iterations
- in approximation methods such as finite-difference methods, determine optimal

In short, the CADNA library is a powerful tool that helps to achieve
validaty and safety in scientific computations.

For more information, you may contact the company which markets CADNA :

AERO Society
3 avenue de l'Opera
75001 Paris, FRANCE
Phone : (33) 1 44 55 30 80
Fax : (33) 1 40 15 95 54

or send your questions to the E-mail address :

[email protected]

Jean-Marie Chesneaux and Jean Vignes
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Laboratoire MASI
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE
Phone : (33) 1 44 27 71 34


From: Moti Mittal <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 11:15:19 -0400
Subject: Combustion, Environment, and Heating Technology

Combustion, Environment, and Heating Technology
-- The Role of High Performance Simulation

- A meeting in cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society
(Scientific Supercomputing Subcommittee) and the Society
of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity
Group on Supercomputing.


In light of the emerging advances in combustion
technology and its benefit to United States industry and
science, the Program for Computational Reactive
Mechanics (PCRM) at the Ohio Supercomputer Center has
organized this meeting in Columbus, Ohio, on October 6-
7, 1994.

Nationally recognized participants from academia,
industry, and national laboratories will report on the
state of the art in combustion technology, heating
equipment technology, environmental impact of
combustion, and advances in high performance computing.
The participants will share ideas and explore the role
of high performance simulation to advance the technology
for combustion, environment, and heating.

Topics for the meeting include but not limited to:

-- High Performance Computing
-- Computing Reactive Flows on High Performance Computers
-- Computing Combustion Kinetics on High Performance Computers
-- Computing Energy Transport on High Performance Computers
-- High Performance Simulations for Heating Equipments (Furnaces)
-- New Combustion Technologies
-- Two sessions for contributed presentations in poster format.

+++ A partial list of invited speakers include:

Dr. Martha A. Krebs (Director, Office of Energy Research),
C. W. Garret (DOE Fossil Energy), Don Hardesty (Sandia Combustion Lab),
L.A. Ruth (Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center),
Tom O' Brien (Morgantown Energy Technology Center),
P. J. Smith (U of Utah), R.H Essenhigh (The Ohio State University),
C.W. Westbrook (LLNL), Bernie Alder (LLNL),
W.A. Fiveland (Babcock & Wilcox), Charles H. Koelbel (Rice University),
and Software Vendors for Reactive Mechanics

Selected papers will be considered for publication in
The Journal of Supercomputing. Abstracts and highlights
of presentations will be available, in both hardcopy and
electronic versions, to attendees and the combustion

+++ How to Contribute:

Contributed presentations in poster format are invited
in areas consistent with the conference theme. A 1-page
abstract typed single-spaced on 8-1/2" x 11" bond paper
must be submitted, including title of presentation,
author(s) names and affiliations, postal and e-mail
addresses, telephone and fax numbers.

For more information, write to
"[email protected]", or use the PCRM Mosaic Server
(URL: You may also
call: Dr. Moti Mittal, 614-292-9248 for information.


From: S. Margenov <NMA94%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 May 94 17:44:34 BG
Subject: Bulgarian Numerical Methods Conference

Third Announcement
3rd International Conference on
Numerical Methods and Applications
NM&A - O(h^3)
August 21-26, 1994, Sofia, Bulgaria

Organizer: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Co-organizers: University of Sofia, Technical University-Sofia

The conference provides a forum for presentation and discussion of recent
results in numerical methods and applications. The subject of the
conference ranges from basic research to applications in physics,
mechanics, engineering, environmental science and other areas.

There will be plenary sessions of highlighted talks (key lectures of 40 min
and invited lectures of 30 min) and parallel sessions of regular talks (20
min including discussion).

Key Lectures
O. Axelsson - The Short Length Multilevel Method II
J. Bramble - A Least Squares Approach Based on a Discrete
Minus One Inner Product for First Order Systems
T. F. Chan - Multigrid and Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Unstructured
A. Donchev - Finite-Difference Approximation to a Controlled Boundary Value
R. Ewing - Superconvergence of the Mixed Finite Element Approximations to
Parabolic Equations
R. D. Lazarov - Preconditioning of Nonconforming Finite Element
Approximations of Second Order Elliptic Problems
G. V. Milovanovic - Summation of Slowly Convergent Series via Quadratures
O. Spaniol - Parallel Processing of Communication Protocols
V. Thomee - On the Numerical Solution of an Evolution Equation with Memory
M. Vajtersic - Two Classes of Efficient Hypercube Orderings for SVD
Z. Zlatev - Optimizing Large Air Pollution Models on High Speed Computers
L. Xanthis - The Method of Arbitrary Lines: Recent Advances in
Computational Mathematics and Mechanics
D.J. Evans, G.A. Mikhailov, I. Mysovskih, K.K. Sabelfeld, A.A. Samarskij,
M. Sapagovas, R. Vaccaro - to be announced later

The conference will take part in the beautiful resort Bankja well known
with its curative warm mineral springs and climate. The town of Bankja is
nicely situated on the hills of the Ljulin mountain in the surroundings of
Sofia (about 10 km) and provides all necessary conditions for conferences.

The mailing address of the Organizing Committee:

Acad. G. Bonchev str., bl. 25A
BG - 1113 Sofia, Bulgagia
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: (+359 2) 70 72 73


From: Jie Shen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 May 1994 11:50:13 -0400
Subject: Symposium in China on Intertial Manifolds

First announcement and call for papers


JUNE 6-10, 1995
Xi'an, CHINA

The Symposium on Inertial Manifolds, Approximate Inertial Manifolds
and Related Numerical Algorithms is scheduled to take place at the
Research Center for Applied Mathematics of Xi'an Jiaotong University
during the period of June 6-10, 1995.

In recent years, the concept of Inertial Manifold, which is a smooth
finite dimensional invariant manifold attracting exponentially all
orbits, has emerged as an important tool for the study of the long
term behavior of dynamical systems. In parallel to the study of
Inertial Manifolds, extensive research has also been conducted on
Approximate Inertial Manifolds and related numerical algorithms,
namely the Nonlinear Galerkin Method and the Incremental Unknown
Method. These multiresolution algorithms, taking into account the
interaction law between the large scale and small scale components of
the underlying flow, are especially attractive for long-term
integrations of dissipative evolution equations. The aim of this
symposium is to bring together active researchers with different
backgrounds to discuss recent and prospective advances in this area.


The themes of the Symposium will range from basic theoretical research to
scientific applications, including:

Theory of inertial manifolds and approximate inertial manifolds

Numerical Analysis of the Nonlinear Galerkin method and of the
Incremental unknown method

Implementation of the Nonlinear Galerkin method and the Incremental
unknown method

Implementation on parallel computers, Domain decomposition

Applications to meteorology, Slow manifolds


Shui-Nee Chow (Georgia Tech, USA), Ciprian Foias (Indiana, USA), David
Gottlieb (Brown, USA), Daqian Li (Fudan, China), Kaitai Li (Xi'an, China),
Jacque-Louis Lions (Chair: College de France), Jie Shen (Penn State, USA),
Roger Temam (Cochair: Indiana, USA), Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard, USA).


Boling Guo (IAPCM, China), Aixiang Huang (Xi'an, China) , Kaitai Li
(Chair: Xi'an, China), Jie Shen (Penn State, USA), Zhong-Qin Xu
(Cochair: CNSF, China).


We anticipate to have about 20 invited lectures and a number of
selected contributed lectures. The proceeding of the Symposium is
expected to be published by The World Publishing Company.


Potential contributors should submit, no later than Feb. 1, 1995,
an abstract of no more than one page to :

Professor Jie Shen or Professor Kaitai Li
Department of Mathematics Research Center for Applied Math
Penn State University Xi'an Jiaotong University
University Park, PA 16802, USA Xi'an 710049, China
Tel: 814-863-2036 Tel: (86) 29-335011 ext. 3116
Fax: 814-865-3735 Fax: (86) 29-3237910
Email: [email protected]

Submission by e-mail is encouraged.


Updated information may be obtained
a) via anonymous ftp to ( in the
directory pub/shen_j/im-aim.
b) through World Wide Web at URL:


From: Roger Horn <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 May 94 12:50:57 MDT
Subject: Southern California Matrix Theory Conference

First Announcement

November 12, 1994
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

The 1994 Southern California Matrix Theory Conference, the oldest
established floating matrix theory meeting in the world, will be
held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on the beautiful campus of the
University of Utah on Saturday, November 12, 1994. Valley and
mountain vistas abound; the scenic environment is a stunning
stimulant to mathematical discourse and discovery.

The scientific program will be conducted all day Saturday, November
12 at the Mathematics Department, and will be followed by a dinner
for all speakers and participants at the Horn home near campus.

Friday, November 11, 1994 is Veteran's Day. Participants may wish
to use the long weekend to enjoy Utah's many wonders.

The organizing committee is:

Wayne Barrett, Brigham Young University, [email protected]
LeRoy Beasley, Utah State University, [email protected]
Roger Horn, University of Utah, [email protected] (Chair)
Kent Kidman, Weber State University, [email protected]

In keeping with the long traditions of this conference, there will
be no registration fees, no expenses or honoraria will be paid, no
proceedings will be produced, and the dinner is free. Competition
between regional and national airlines has made $59 airfares
available between Salt Lake City and many western cities.

Please contact Roger Horn by email if you would like to attend or
speak. A preliminary program will be included in a future
announcement with a list of local accomodations in various price


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 May 94 13:52:47 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Discrete Math

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Volume 7, Number 3, August 1994

On Systematic Codes Obtained from Linear Codes Over GF(q2)
C. Mouaha

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra I: Balanced Induced Subgraphs
and Acyclic Subgraphs
Francisco Barahona and Ali Ridha Mahjoub

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra II: Stable Sets
Francisco Barahona and Ali Ridha Mahjoub

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra III: Graphs with No W4 Minor
Francisco Barahona and Ali Ridha Mahjoub

Compositions of Graphs and Polyhedra IV: Acyclic Spanning Subgraphs
Francisco Barahona, Jean Fonlupt, and Ali Ridha Mahjoub

The All-Pairs Min Cut Problem and the Minimum Cycle Basis Problem
on Planar Graphs
David Hartvigsen and Russell Mardon

Random Set Partitions
William M. Y. Goh and Eric Schmutz

Predicting Cause-Effect Relationships from Incomplete Discrete
E. Boros, P. L. Hammer, and J. N. Hooker

Random Resource Allocation Graphs and the Probability of Deadlock
James F. Lynch

Even Cycles in Directed Graphs
F. R. K. Chung, Wayne Goddard, and Daniel J. Kleitman

On the Size of Weights for Threshold Gates
Johan Hastad

Domination, Fractional Domination, 2-Packing, and Graph Products
David C. Fisher

Normal and Self-Dual Normal Bases from Factorization of cxq+1 + dxq
- ax - b
Ian F. Blake, Shuhong Gao, and Ronald C. Mullin

Routing Permutations on Graphs Via Matchings
Noga Alon, F. R. K. Chung, and R. L. Graham


From: Kearfott Ralph B <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 May 1994 22:52:39 -0500
Subject: Contents, Interval Computations



Vladik Kreinovich, Anatoly V. Lakeyev and Sergey I. Noskov
Optimal solution of interval
linear systems is intractable (NP-hard) 6

R. B. Kearfott and X. Shi
A preconditioner selection heuristic for efficient
iteration with decomposition of arithmetic expressions
for nonlinear algebraic systems 15

L.D. Petkovic and M.Trajkovic
On some optimal inclusion approximations by discs 34

V.A. Perepelitsa and G.L. Kozina
Interval discrete models and multiobjectivity. Complexity estimates 51


Y. Akyildiz and M.I. Al-Suwaiyel
No Pathologies for interval Newton's method 60


International conference INTERVAL'94 73


Review of the Book (N.A.Khlebalin) 78


International Congress on Computer Systems and Applied
Mathematics (CSAM-93) 88

Report on the IMACS-GAMM International Workshop on Validated
Computation 94

International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Scientific
Computation 95

International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer
Arithmetic and Validated Numerics "SCAN-93" 99

Announcing special student issue of the international journal
Interval Computations 102


Bibliography of Soviet works on interval computations. Part IV 103

* * *

Requirements for manuscript preparation 116
Addresses of editorial board members 118
Contents 120


End of NA Digest
