From: Joseph Traub <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 94 09:10:45 EST
Subject: Scientific American January Cover Story
The cover story in the January 1994 issue of Scientific American
is "Breaking Intractability" by Traub and Wozniakowski. It is shown
that some computationally intractable problems can be solved if one
settles for a good solution on the average. Examples of such problems
are high dimensional integration and approximation.
The current method of choice for computing high dimensional integrals
is Monte Carlo. Preliminary results of software testing by a PhD student,
Spassimir Paskov, indicates that deterministic methods are superior to
Monte Carlo. This testing has been primarily on real-world problems,
of dimension as high as 360, from finance.
We would be grateful to be send other high dimensonal integration or
approximation problems from diverse applications.
From: Charles Tong <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 1994 16:04:21 +0800
Subject: Change of Address for Charles Tong
Effective immediately, my address is :
Charles Tong
Dept. of Mathematics,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon,
Hong Kong
e-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]
From: Tom Coleman <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 12:37:39 -0500
Subject: PhD Abstracts in Numerical Mathematics
The SIGNUM Newsletter, a quarterly publication
of the ACM Special Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics,
publishes one-paragraph abstracts of recent Ph.D. theses
in numerical mathematics. (A recent Ph.D. thesis should have
been completed within the last year.)
If you (or your student) qualifies then you
can submit a one-paragraph abstract, along
with the student's name, advisor's name,
and thesis approval date to:
[email protected]
From: Deepti <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 07 Jan 94 16:39:31 EST
Subject: Help Needed for Coupled PDE and ODE System
I'm looking for a fortran software package/code that can solve a system
of PDEs and ODEs.
The PDE is a parabolic PDE in one space dimension with known initial and
boundary conditions at x=0.1 and x=1.
par(u)/par(t) = par(par(u)/par(x))/par(x) - f(g(x),m(x),g(x=1),m(x=1))
where f is a function .
m(x) = (u/x + a) where a is a constant
g(x) is the solution of the initial value 2nd order ODE:
2 2
g" + ( m(x) - n(n+1)/x )g = 0
where n is known
and the initial conditons are given
x=0.1 : g(x) = 0
g'(x) = 0
The reason I have not been able to use a standard package to solve this
is because the boundary conditions for the ODE for g(x) are not known.
Any help in solving this system of DE's will be greatly appreciated.
Thanx in advance...
From: Edmund West <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 1994 11:59:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Two Canadian Conferences
Preliminary Information about
SS '94
Supercomputing Symposium '94
Canada's Eighth Annual High Performance
Computing Conference and Exhibition
June 6-8, 1994
Sponsored by: Supercomputing Canada (Super*Can)
Hosted by: University of Toronto
* Conference Plans:
The symposium is concerned with all aspects of high performance
computing. World class invited speakers and informative technical
sessions will expose attendees to the latest developments in this
field. There will also be an exhibition of vendor products.
Presentations will be made that describe the hardware, software,
programming tools and techniques, applications, networks and
experiences related to high performance computing.
Topics will include, but are not limited to:
o vector computing technology
o parallel computing technology
o workstation clusters
o parallel programming techniques
o distributed computing
o languages for high performance computing
o experiences with high performance computers
o applications of high performance computing technology to solve
problems in government, academia and industry
o networking and communications
o scientific data visualization
o compiler and operating system issues
* Deadlines:
Call for Papers distributed: January 5, 1994
Registration materials distributed: January 21, 1994
Abstract submissions due: February 14, 1994
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 1994
Camera-ready papers due: May 6, 1994
Early registration: May 6, 1994
* Conference Social Scene
o Ice-breaker Reception (Sunday evening, June 5, 1994)
o Conference Banquet (Monday evening, June 6, 1994)
o Special Entertainment
For more information contact the Conference Chairman:
Dr. Edmund West
4 Bancroft Avenue, Room 202
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1
416-978-4085 * [email protected]
[ftp info at ftp.utirc.utoronto.ca in /pub/SS94]
Some participants in Supercomputing Symposium '94 may also be interested
in the CFD 94 conference, being held in Toronto on the Thursday and Friday
(June 2 and 3) immediately preceeding SS '94.
CFD 94 is the annual meeting of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Society
of Canada. The objectives of CFD 94 are to bring together researchers and
practitioners in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and to promote this
methodology. CFD-94 addresses all aspects of CFD including, but not
restricted to, acoustics, aerodynamics, astrophysics, automotive
engineering, biomedicine, hypersonics, industrial engineering, new CFD
algorithms, process engineering, transport in porous media, and weather
Individuals, companies, vendors and government research labs are invited
to submit scientific presentations.
CFD-oriented companies and consultants are encouraged to participate in
CFD-94 with exhibits of hardware, software and applications.
Abstract submission deadline: 14 January 1994
Preregistration deadline: 30 April 1994
For further information, contact either:
Prof. C. Ross Ethier
email: [email protected]
voice: (416) 978-6728
fax: (416) 978-7753
Prof. James J. Gottlieb
email: [email protected]
voice: (416) 667-7740
fax: (416) 667-7799
From: [email protected] (Patricia K Lamm)
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 11:50:47 EST
Subject: IPNet: Network in Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems
I wish to announce the formation of the IPNet, an electronic network for
researchers working in the areas of Inverse and/or Ill-Posed Problems.
The goal of IPNet is to
- promote communication between scientists interested in
these research areas
- to generate a regular newsletter called the 'IPNet Digest'
for announcements and scientific queries of general interest
- provide a central site for obtaining current e-mail addresses
and affiliations of those working in these areas.
For automated subscription to the IPNet, send an e-mail message to the
address [email protected] with the following in the BODY
of the message:
subscribe <e-mail address>
lastname <Your lastname>
firstname <Your firstname>
institution <Your institution and department>
You should supply the information in the brackets < > without typing
the brackets. The subject line of your message is ignored.
For more help, for examples of how to subscribe, or information on
automated mailing lists, change-of-address, archived files, etc., send
an e-mail message to [email protected] with the following in
the BODY of the message:
E-mail addresses for the IPNet:
[email protected] - automated subscribe, unsubscribe,
help, mailing lists, archive info.,
etc., as described above.
[email protected] - for submissions to the IPNet Digest
[email protected] - for comments/questions needing
human response
From: Kosmo Tatalias <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 94 10:21:21 EST
Subject: Washington/Baltimore Seminar List
Michael Mascagni and I are attempting to revive his weekly digest
listing (non-commercial) mathematics and computer science talks and
seminars in the Washington-Baltimore area. If you would like to be on
the distribution list, please send an e-mail message including your
name, preferred e-mail address, and telephone number to:
[email protected] .
If you would like to have any seminars listed in the first digest,
please send me e-mail by January 14 giving the name of the speaker,
speaker's affiliation, title of talk, date, time, location, sponsor's
name, e-mail address and telephone, and if possible a short abstract
of the talk.
Only e-mail and ASCII files on PC diskette will be accepted for inclusion
in the digest. The first new digest of seminars should be distributed by
late January.
Kosmo Tatalias
Government Systems Inc
14200 Park Meadow Drive, Suite 200
Chantilly, VA 22021
(703) 802-8519
From: Robert Skeel <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 1994 12:35:12 -0600
Subject: Scientific Computation and Differential Equations
First Announcement
SciCADE 95
International Conference on
Scientific Computation and Differential Equations
Stanford, California, March 28--April 1, 1995
This meeting will feature current research in scientific computing with
an emphasis on the numerical solution of differential equations in science
and engineering, particularly ordinary differential equations.
The meeting will close with a celebration of the sixtieth birthday of
C. William Gear. Watch for the second announcement also here in the NA Digest.
Alternatively, send a message to [email protected] with
enquiries and for future mailings.
Organizing committee: Gene Golub (Stanford), Linda Petzold (Minnesota),
Robert Skeel (Illinois), Andrew Stuart (Stanford).
From: Rolf Jeltsch <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 94 17:42:57 +0100
Subject: Positions at University of Zuerich
Applications are invited for two positions as
Professor of Mathematics
at the University of Zuerich, one in Analysis and one in Numerical
Analysis. Applicants are expected to be active in research and to be
willing to participate in teaching at all levels.
Applications, including CV and list of publications, should be sent to
Professor G. Rasche, Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultaet II,
Universitaet Zuerich-Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zuerich,
Switzerland, to arrive by 15th February 1994.
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zuerich, Switzerland.
Teaching Assistant Positions
The Seminar for Applied Mathematics will have two open positions
starting April 1st, 1994.
These are teaching assistant positions
where the successful candidate is supposed to work towards
his PhD in addition to his regular teaching. One position is
funded through a project. The successful candidate should develop
and analyse algorithms to solve time dependent convection
dominated partial differential equations using massively
parallel computers. The other Ph.D. topic will be in one of the
research areas treated currently at the Seminar for Applied Mathematics.
The main research directions
of the Seminar are numerics in partial differential equations,
especially hyperbolic nonlinear conservation laws with applications
in fluid mechanics, Navier-Stokes equations, inverse problems and
approximation theory.
For further information contact
Prof. Dr. Rolf Jeltsch
Semianr fur Angewandte Mathematik
ETH Zurich
CH-8092 Zurich
Phone +41-1-632 3452
FAX +41-1-252 3401
e-mail [email protected]
Applications, with a Curriculum Vitae, should be sent to the above
address before January 31, 1994.
From: M. K. Kwong" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 1994 21:48:40 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Position at Argonne National Laboratory
Postdoctoral Position
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply
for a postdoctoral research position in the Mathematics and Computer
Science Division. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in mathematics,
computer science, or a related area. Candidates must have extensive
experience and knowledge in image and signal processing. A good
knowledge of wavelet theory, parallel programming and algorithms,
computer architecture and computer systems is desirable.
The successful candidate will participate in an advanced large-scale
image processing project within the Mathematics and Computer Science
Division. This program brings together computer scientists,
mathematicians, and image processing experts at Argonne National
Laboratory and other institutions to develop algorithms and software
environment for large-scale image processing on scalable parallel
The Mathematics and Computer Science Division supports an excellent
computational environment that includes access to high-performance
scientific workstations, a scientific visualization laboratory, and
state-of-the-art parallel computers (including the IBM SP-1 and the
Intel Touchstone DELTA).
Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering
the advantages of affordable housing and good schools, as well as
easy access to the cultural attractions of the city.
Applicants must have received their Ph.D. not more than three years
prior to the beginning of the appointment. Applications should be
addressed to Walter McFall, Box mcs-postdoc5, Employment and
Placement, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne,
IL 60439, and must include a resum e and the names and addresses of
three references. For further information, contact M. K. Kwong or
P. T. Peter Tang (open [email protected]).
Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
From: Ian Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 94 16:18:44 +1100
Subject: Position at University of New South Wales
If you think you might fit into the broad range of research positions
advertised below, I look forward to hearing from you, or to receiving an
application. If you want to contact me in the near future, e-mail will be
best, as I shall be in Europe, but in intermittent e-mail contact, until the
end of January.
(Non-Australian residents are probably not eligible for appointment at the
Research Assistant level.)
Ian Sloan
[email protected]
School of Mathematics
Research Associate/Research Fellow (Ref. 022xx)
Research Assistant (Ref. 023xx)
(2 positions, full-time or fractional)
Applications are invited for two research positions on an Australian Research
Council funded project, "Numerical analysis of continuous phenomena", held
by Professor I.H. Sloan and Dr. W. McLean. One part of the project is
concerned with new methods for boundary integral equations, including the
development of software to implement novel methods for 3D problems.
Another part of the project is concerned with the analysis, design and
implementation of novel numerical methods for high dimensional numerical
Applicants for the Research Assistant position should have an Honours degree
in some area of the mathematical sciences, have credentials and a strong
interest in scientific computation, and be capable of working without close
Applicants for the Research Associate position should have a PhD degree in
Mathematics, or equivalent qualifications.
Applicants for the Research Fellow position should have a strong record of
independent post-doctoral research and proven analytical strengths, and be
capable of initiating research in a relevant area.
For any of the positions a knowledge of the following areas would be an
advantage: partial differential equations, numerical analysis, applied
functional analysis, number theory, algebra, mathematical physics, finite
elements, vector and parallel computing, UNIX, structured programming,
object-oriented programming.
Persons appointed will have access to and training opportunities on a wide u
range of modern computing equipment, including the Thinking Machines
32-processor CM5 of the Sydney Regional Centre for Parallel Computing,
located at the University of New South Wales, the 2 processor Cray EL of
the UNSW Centre for Advanced Numerical Computation in Engineering and
Science, and UNIX work stations within the School of Mathematics.
Appointment on either a full-time or fractional basis will be countenanced.
Appointment as Research Associate or Research Assistant will be initially
for 1 year, with a possibility of renewal for up to two further years.
Appointment as Research Fellow will be initially for up to 2 years, with a
possibility of renewal for a further year.
Applications close February 25, 1995.
Further information from Professor I.H. Sloan, by telephone 61-2-697-3357 after January 31, or (and preferably) by e-mail, [email protected]
Research Assistant $A27,358 - $A33,868 per annum
Research Associate $A36,285 - $A38,950 per annum
Research Fellow $A41,000 - $A42,538 per annum
Level of appointment and commencement salary are dependent upon
qualifications and experience.
Applicants should submit a written application QUOTING REFERENCE NUMBER.
Include business and private telephone numbers; whether interested in a
full-time or fractional position (or both), a complete vita (with copies of
academic transcript and qualifications where appropriate); and the names,
addresses, and preferably fax numbers of at least two referees to: The
Recruitment Officer, Human Resources, University of New South Wales,
Kensington NSW 2033, Australia, by the closing date.
From: Lothar Reichel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 19:59:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, Volume 1, 1993
1. C. Schneider, Analysis of the linearly implicit mid-point rule for
differential-algebraic equations.
File: vol.1.1993/pp1-10.ps
2. G.L.G. Sleijpen and D.R. Fokkema, BiCGstab(l) for linear equations
involving unsymmetric matrices with complex spectrum.
File: vol.1.1993/pp11-32.ps
3. G.S. Ammar, P. Benner and V. Mehrmann, A multishift algorithm for the
numerical solution of algebraic Riccati equations.
File: vol.1.1993/pp33-48.ps
4. M. Eiermann and R.S. Varga, Zeros and local extreme points of Faber
polynomials associated with hypocycloidal domains.
File: vol.1.1993/pp49-71.ps
5. V. Mehrmann and W. Rath, Numerical methods for the computation of
analytic singular value decompositions.
File: vol.1.1993/pp72-88.ps
6. M. Hanke and M. Hochbruck, A Chebyshev-like semiiteration for
inconsistent linear systems.
File: vol.1.1993/pp89-103.ps
7. G. Csordas, A.M. Odlyzko, W. Smith and R. S. Varga, A new Lehmer pair
of zeros and a new lower bound for the de Bruijn-Newman constant.
File: vol.1.1993/pp104-111.ps
To be included in ETNA's quarterly mailing list of the titles and abstracts
of papers published in ETNA, send an e-mail message to [email protected]
with the subject ``ETNA Registration''.
ETNA is running a gopher server. Its hostname is:
If you are running gopher on your system the command
gopher etna.mcs.kent.edu
will connect you directly to ETNA. Provided your system is suitably
configured, keyword searches and the on-line-graphical display of
papers will then be available. The ETNA directory, ``viewers'', contains
the source files for programs that will provide most UNIX workstations
with direct-display and keyword-search capabilities. Contact your system
administrator about installing these programs.
Papers can be obtained at any time from ETNA via anonymous ftp from
etna.mcs.kent.edu. A paper's location will always correspond to
its reference. For instance, a paper which is referenced as
``...,Elec. Trans. Numer. Anal., Vol 1, 1993, pp. 11-32'', will be stored
in the directory ``vol.1.1993'', and its file name will be ``pp11-32.ps''.
To obtain that paper using ftp:
a) ftp etna.mcs.kent.edu
b) login as anonymous
c) enter your e-mail address as your password
d) cd to vol.1.1993
e) get pp11-32.ps
To obtain only the list of titles and abstracts for the papers published
is volume 1 of ETNA, repeat a)-d) above but change e) to
e) get index
ETNA is using a mailer program which will scan incoming e-mail messages
for requests and then e-mail the requested file to the sender. The program
was written by Eric Grosse for netlib and modified slightly by Arden
Ruttan for ETNA.
A PostScript file of any paper published in ETNA may be obtained by sending
an e-mail message to ``[email protected]'' containing a phrase of the
form ``send pagenumber.ps from vol.number.year''. For instance, to use
ETNA's mailer to obtain a paper which is referenced as
``...,Elec. Trans. Numer. Anal., Vol 1, 1993, pp. 11-32'',
send e-mail to ``[email protected]'' containing the phrase
``send pp11-32.ps from vol.1.1993''.
To obtain only the list of titles and abstract for the papers published
in volume 1 of ETNA, send an e-mail message to ``[email protected]''
containing the phrase ``send index from vol.1.1993''.
The requested paper will be e-mailed to you in several pieces. The subject
of each piece of e-mail indicates the number of that piece. To
reconstruct the original file,
a) Edit each piece deleting all lines that are not strictly between
the two occurrence of the phrase ``CUT HERE............''
including the lines containing those phrases.
b) Using the file containing piece 1, successively append
the remaining pieces in order to the END of the that file.
Unix users can also re-assemble the paper by removing the mail headers.
The resulting files are ``sh'' scripts which can reassembled by
issuing the commands (here we are assuming that the various parts
of the papers are stored in ``file1'', ``file2'',...,``filen'').
sh file1
sh file2
sh filen
Unix users may also use the following script which will automatically
reconstruct the original PostScript file.
# This is a shell script which will re-assemble the PostScript file
# mailed to you by ETNA's mailer program. To use this script
# 1) Copy this script to a file in an empty directory and name it reassm.
# 2) Save each mail message from ETNA with a unique name in the
# directory which contains this file.
# 3) Change to that directory and execute the command
# sh reassm
# or alternately you can
# 1) Change to a directory containing this a script in a file.
# 2) Save each mail message from ETNA with a unique name but with a common
# prefix shared by only the ETNA files. For example, you could save the
# respective ETNA files in ff1, ff2, ...
# 3) Assuming the name of this file is reassm, execute the command
# sh reassm ff
ls $1* | grep -v $0 > .f$$
for file in `cat .f$$`
echo $file
awk 'BEGIN{i=0};$1=="#!/bin/sh" {i=1};{if (i>0) print $0}' $file > .awk$$
/bin/sh .awk$$
rm .f$$
rm .awk$$
To obtain information as to how to submit a paper to ETNA, ftp the file
``info-for-authors'' which is located in the directory ``etna-info''.
Alternately you may send an e-mail message to ``[email protected]''
containing the phrase ``send info-for-authors from etna-info''.
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 94 13:00:10 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Math Analysis
SIAM Math Anal. March 1994
A Hypergeometric Analysis of the Genus Series for a Class of 2-Cell Embeddings
in Orientable Surfaces
G. E. Andrews, D. M. Jackson, and T. I. Visentin
On Connection Coefficients for Q-Difference Systems of A-Type Jackson Integrals
Kazuhiko Aomoto
Group Theoretical Interpretations of Special Function Identities: Two Examples
L. C. Biedenharn and K. Ciftci
Asymptotic Approximations for Symmetric Elliptic Integrals
B. C. Carlson and J. L. Gustafson
Uniform Airy-Type Expansions of Integrals
A. B. Olde Daalhuis and N. M. Temme
Uniform Asymptotic Solutions of Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Havin
a Simple Pole and a Coalescing Turning Point in the Complex Plane
T. M. Dunster
On the Derivative with Respect to a Parameter of a Zero of a Sturm-Liouville
Arpad Elbert and Martin E. Muldoon
Remez- and Nikolskii-Type Inequalities for Logarithmic Potentials
Tamas Erdelyi, Xin Li, and E. B. Saff
On Necessary Multiplier Conditions for Laguerre Expansions II
George Gasper and Walter Trebels
Scattering Theory, Orthogonal Polynomials, and q-Series
Jeffrey S. Geronimo
On the Asymptotics of the Tricomi-Carlitz Polynomials and Their Zero Distributio
William M. Y. Goh and Jet Wimp
Watson's Basic Analogue of Ramanujan's Entry 40 and Its Generalization
Dharma P. Gupta and David R. Masson
Some q-Beta Integrals on SU(n) and Sp(n) That Generalize the Askey-Wilson and
Nasrallah-Rahman Integrals
Robert A. Gustafson
On the Struve Transformation
P. Heywood and P. G. Rooney
Asymptotics of Pollaczek Polynomials and Their Zeros
Mourad E. H. Ismail
Asymptotic Remainders
D. S. Jones
Application of Szego Polynomials to Frequency Analysis
William B. Jones, Olav Njastad, and Haakon Waadeland
Models of Q-Algebra Representations: The Group of Plane Motions
E. G. Kalnins, W. Miller, Jr., and S. Mukherjee
Some Results on Co-Recursive Associated Laguerre and Jacobi Polynomials
Jean Letessier
Bounds and Monotonicities for the Zeros of Derivatives of Ultraspherical Bessel
Lee Lorch and Peter Szego
Best Weighted Polynomial Approximation Via Jacobi Expansions
Doron S. Lubinsky and Vilmos Totik
The Cl Rogers-Selberg Identity
Stephen C. Milne
Positivity of Integrals of Bessel Functions
Jolanta K. Misiewicz and Donald St. P. Richards
Generalized Jacobi Weights, Christoffel Functions, and Jacobi Polynomials
Thomas Erdelyi, Alphonse P. Magnus, and Paul Nevai
Regularization of Nonlinear Differential-Algebraic Equations
Leonid V. Kalachev and Robert E. O'Malley, Jr.
A Generalization of Pearcey's Integral
R. B. Paris
The Pearson Equation and the Beta Integrals
Mizan Rahman and Sergei K. Suslov
The Classical Umbral Calculus
G.-C. Rota and B. D. Taylor
Specializations of Generalized Laguerre Polynomials
R. Simion and D. Stanton
Discrete and Continuous Liouville-Green-Olver Approximations: A Unified Treatmen
Via Volterra-Stieltjes Integral Equations
Renato Spigler and Marco Vianello
Truncation Error for Limit Periodic Schur Algorithms
W. J. Thron
Asymptotic Analysis of Some Associated Orthogonal Polynomials Connected with
Elliptic Functions
Galliano Valent
On the Relative Extrema of the Jacobi Polynomials Pn(0,-1)(x)
R. Wong and J.-M. Zhang
Towards a WZ Evolution of the Mehta Integral
Doron Zeilberger
End of NA Digest