NA Digest Sunday, April 24, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 17

Today's Editor:
Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Zdenek Strakos <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 14:24:04 CET
Subject: Gene Golub Awarded the B. Bolzano Medal

It is our pleasure to announce that the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic has awarded Prof. Gene H. Golub the Gold Honorary B.Bolzano
Medal for Merits in the Field of Mathematical Sciences. The Medal was
given to Gene on the occassion of his visit to Prague on April 5, 1994.

Miroslav Fiedler and Zdenek Strakos.

Zdenek Strakos
Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep.
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2, 182 07 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Phone: (+422) 798 7262, 6605 3290 Fax: (+422) 8585789
Internet: [email protected]


From: Carrera Erasmo <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 15:28:10 GMT+1
Subject: Request for Lanczos Eigenvalue Code

I am be interested in obtaining a source code for a
Lanczos solver to be used in a f.e. analysis or to find out
where could I obtain such a code.

Thank you
DIAS-Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 - Torino - Italy


From: Lou Ehrlich <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 12:31:33 +0500
Subject: Old Journals Available

I desperately need to get rid of some old journals. These include SIAM Jr.
on Applied Math, SIAM Jr. on Numerical Analysis, SIAM Review, Comm. of ACM,
ACM Journal, Computing Reviews, Math. of Comp., Notices and Bulletin of AMS,
etc., etc. Is there anyone out there who has need or knows of anyone who has
need or can use any of these? My alternative is to discard them.
Lou Ehrlich
[email protected]


From: Vincent Barker <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 09:21:33 DNT
Subject: Textbook Suggestions

A group of teachers at the Technical University of Denmark are
planning two new undergraduate courses. One will treat both theory
and computation for ordinary differential equations, and the other
will do the same for partial differential equations.
Can anyone suggest a textbook for either course? The language
should be English, and it would be desirable if the texts contained
technical applications.

Vincent A. Barker
Institute of Mathematical Modelling
Technical University of Denmark, Bldg. 321
DK-2800 Lyngby
e-mail: nmivab "at"


From: Barak Galanti <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 10:46:53 +0200
Subject: Fast Bessel Transform Software

I am searching for a Fast Bessel+Fourier (forward & backward)
Transform software:

$ A_{m,n} = 2/(c^2 J_1(\alpha_j c)^2 \int_0^c dx \int_0^1 dz
\exp(-2i \pi m z) x J_0(\alpha_j x) f(x,z)$
for : $ -\inf < m < \inf$ and $1 \le n < \inf$
and f(x,z) is be any piecewise continous complex function on the
interval 0 < x < c. \alpha_j are the positive roots of the equation:
$J_0(\alpha c)=0$.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance,

Barak Galanti


From: Christopher T H Baker <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 16:21:56 BST
Subject: Delay Differential Equations

NA-NET recently carried a request for references on delay differential
equations from Heru Suhartanto ([email protected]). This prompts us to
publicise the availability of our Numerical Analysis Report 248,

Issues in the Numerical Solution of Evolutionary Delay Differential
by C T H Baker, C A H Paul and D R Wille

available by anonymous ftp from ( in
pub/narep as This report is based on the talk at
SCADE93 in Auckland, given by Christopher Baker, and is dedicated to
John Butcher.
It includes 75 references to existing work in this area. Incidentally,
the authors would appreciate receiving comments on this report from
others working in the area.
Christopher Baker


From: Gerry Thomas <[email protected]>
Date:Fri, 22 Apr 1994 14:13:06 -0400
Subject: Integrals Involving the Error Function

"Integrals of the form


where a-f are finite, arise in a variety of contexts.

I have used both Maple and Mathematica to find some closed form expressions
for these integrals but drew a blank. The old reliable (pencil & paper) gives


when e=0 and Erf(f)=1. Can anyone help for arbitrary a-f?"

Gerry Thomas <[email protected]>


From: Pieter Wesseling <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 1994 16:00:46 +0200 (METDST)
Subject: Parallel Computing in Fluid Dynamics

Summer school on Parallel Computing in Fluid Dynamics
May 31 - June 3, 1994, Delft, The Netherlands

This summer school is organized by the J.M. Burgerscenter (Graduate School for
Fluid Dynamics) in cooperation with Utrecht University and the Center for
Mathematics and Informatics (Amsterdam). The organizers are P.Wesseling,
H.A. van der Vorst and H.J.J. te Riele.

Speakers include:

F.J. Nieuwstadt (TU Delft)
H.A. van der Vorst (RU Utrecht)
H.J.Sips (TU Delft)
F.X. Roux (ONERA, Chatillon)
H.P. Zima (Un. Vienna)
Th.L. van Stijn (Rijkswaterstaat/RIKZ, Den Haag)
B.P. Sommeijer (CWI, Amsterdam)
G. Horton (Un. Erlangen-N\"{u}rnberg)
D. Drikakis (Un. Erlangen-N\"{u}rnberg)
G. Degrez (VKI Brussel)
H.Friz (Institute for Computer Applications, Stuttgart)
M.L.Sawley (IMHEF/EPFL, Lausanne)
M.J.Neefs (TU Delft)
Th.H. van der Meer (TU Delft)
C.W. Oosterlee, H. Ritzdorf, A. Sch\"{u}ller, B. Steckel (GMD, Bonn)
R. Verstappen, A.E.P. Veldman (RU Groningen)
K. Burrage, B. Pohl (both ETH Z\"{u}rich), J. Erhel (INRIA/IRISA, Rennes)
E. de Sturler (Swiss Scientific Computer Center CSCS-ETHZ)
P. Michielse (CONVEX Computer BV, Utrecht)

Pieter Wesseling
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
Delft University of Technology
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
Tel. +3115 - 783631 Fax +3115 - 787209
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Bruce Char <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 94 13:01:19 EDT
Subject: East Coast Computer Algebra Day

Second Announcement

The first East Coast Computer Algebra day will be held at the Creese
Student Center, Drexel University in Philadelphia, on Saturday, May
14, 1994. The purpose of this meeting is to stimulate interest in and
enhance understanding of the technical aspects of computer algebra, by
providing a forum for researchers, users, and others, to meet and
become more familiar with the work going on in the area.The meeting is
endorsed by ACM SIGSAM.

The invited talks include:

Richard Fateman, UC Berkeley:
``Symbolic Computation and Numeric Problem Solving''

Barry Trager, IBM -- T.J.Watson Research Lab:
``Good and Bad Primes for Computer Algebra''

Robert Corless, Western Ontario University:
``Lambert's W Function: Diverse Applications and a Singular Implementation''

In addition, there will poster sessions and less formal presentations.

Poster topics proposed to date include: applications to
bioengineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering;
sparse polynomial algorithms; wavelets; parallel computer algebra;
human computer interfaces for education; computational geometry, and

DEADLINES To request travel support, Wednesday April 28. For a
poster session proposal, Wednesday May 4. For conference
registration: Wednesday, May 11.

REGISTRATION INFORMATION To indicate interest in attendance, in making
a poster pre sentation/ software demonstration, or to apply for travel
assistance, please contact: Professor Bruce Char , Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science , Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
19104 e-mail: [email protected] phone: (215) 895-2670 . fax: (215)

POSTER SESSIONS There will be two 1-hour poster sessions where
participants can present their work of interest. Graduate students
are particularly encouraged to take part. All those who are
interested in presenting a poster or system demonstration should
submit (email or fax okay ) a title and short (250 word or less)
abstract describing the work. The abstract should state, in a way
accessible to a technically literate but heterogeneous audience, the
purpose, methods and achievements of the work to be presented. If the
poster is accepted then the participant will be scheduled for one of
the two sessions.

Posters should be prepared to be presented on two bulletin boards
approximately 4 feet by 4 feet each (thumbtacks to be provided!). If
computers or other audio visual equipment is required, please describe
your needs in your submission to the organizers.

TRAVEL SUPPORT The meeting organizers can provide limited travel
support to individuals who will present research work of interest at a
poster session. Priority will be given to graduate students located on
the U.S. East Coast who are concentrating in computer algebra. Those
wishing travel support should submit their title and abstract as soon
as possible in order to receive full consideration. Graduate students
seeking travel support should send a letter of support from their
advisor to the organizers. The letter can be sent electronically.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Bruce Char, Jeremy Johnson, and Lakshman Y.N., of
Drexel University.


From: Jose Mas <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 8:42:45 UTC-0400
Subject: Summer School on Numerical Parallel Algorithms

Summer School on Numerical Parallel Algorithms
Penyiscola, Spain, May 30 - June 3, 1994

This school will present advanced material on models and techniques
for algorithm design and complexity analysis and illustrate their
application to a number of basic numerical problems: An overview of the theory
of parallel computations. Bulk Synchronous Parallel Computing. Applications:
Parallel iterative methods for linear systems, eigenvalues, and singular
value decomposition.

The school is targeted to Ph.D. students and young researchers.

Additional information:
Bruno Codenotti, Email: [email protected]
Jose Mas, Email: [email protected]


From: Ridgway Scott <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 15:50:32 -0500
Subject: Computational Computer Design

Call For Papers and Referees

Grand Challenge Computation in Computer Design

A Minitrack in the Architecture Track of the
28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-28
Maui, Hawaii - January 3-6, 1995

* This Minitrack will bring together specialists in the use of *
* parallel supercomputers and computer architects who are using *
* extensive amounts of computing in computer design. *

The Architecture Track provides a forum to discuss new advances in
theory, design, implementation, use, application, and performance
evaluation of computer architectures. Papers are invited that may
be theoretical, conceptual tutorial or descriptive in nature. Those
papers selected for presentation will appear in the Conference
Proceedings. HICSS-28 is sponsored by the University of Hawaii in
cooperation with the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.

All papers are by submission only and will be carefully refereed.
The Conference Proceedings are published by the IEEE Computer
Society. A collection of the accepted papers will be considered
for inclusion in a separately bound volume to be determined
(publishers and exact dates of publication) at a later time.

Papers are solicited which discuss the use of high-performance
computation to design computer systems, including
-- Process, device, circuit, logic & register models of chip functions.
-- Relations between different modeling levels, mixtures of levels.
-- Optimizing the placement of components and routing of wires.
-- Testing a final design for correctness.

o Eight copies of the manuscript by June 1
o Notification of accepted papers by August 31
o Camera-ready copies of accepted manuscripts are due by October 1

Instructions for Submitting Papers and Abstracts
Prospective authors are strongly encouraged to submit an abstract to
the Minitrack Coordinator well in advanced of a full paper. Minitrack
Coordinators will provide initial feedback based on the abstract.

Manuscripts should be 22-25 typewritten, double-spaced pages in
length. Please do not send submissions that are significantly
shorter or longer than this. Papers must not have been previously
presented or published, nor currently submitted for journal
publication. Each manuscript will be subjected to a rigorous
refereeing process involving at least five reviewers. Manuscripts
should have a title page that includes the title of the paper, full
name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), complete postal and
electronic mail address(es), telephone and FAX number(s), and a
300-word abstract of the paper.

L. Ridgway Scott e-mail: [email protected]
Department of Mathematics
691 Phillip Guthrie Hoffman Hall Fax : +713-743-3505
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-3476 Phone : +713-743-3445


From: P. N. Shivakumar <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 15:06 CDT
Subject: Applications of Operator Theory

Oct. 2-6, 1994. International Conference/Workshop on
Applications of Operator Theory, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada, organized by the Institute of Industrial
Mathematical Sciences (IIMS), University of Manitoba,

PROGRAM: The purpose of the meeting is to provide an
opportunity for the presentation of recent developments
in pure and applied research involving the use and
development of operator theory. This conference will
provide a forum in which mathematicians, engineers,
theoretical physicists, and other scientists can
exchange ideas and experience. Six topics will be
emphasized: 1. Optimal and Robust Control 2. Hankel
Operators and Balanced Realizations 3. Interpolation
of Rational Matrix Functions 4. Infinite Matrices and
Projection Methods 5. Schrodinger Operators
6. Indefinite Inner Product Space and Their Applications.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: P. Lancaster (Chair), M. Dahleh, P.
A. Fillmore, B. A. Francis, F. Ghahramani, K. Glover, I.
Gohberg, T. Kailath, H. Langer, P. N. Shivakumar, A.
Shkalikov, B. Simon, H. Widom.
F. Ghahramani, P. McClure, W. Pedrycz, J. J. Williams,
Q. Ye, N. Zorboska.
INVITED SPEAKERS: V. M. Adamjan, T. J. Azizov, D. Z.
Arov, J. A. Ball, E. Basor, T. Chen, R. F. Curtain, M.
Dahleh, J. Derezhinski, R. V. Duduchava, H. Dym, E.
Gesztesy, A. Gheondea, K. Glover, I. Gohberg, W.
Hunziker, M. A. Kaashoek, T. Kailath, N. Krupnik, H.
Landau, H. Langer, A. Markus, R. Menniken, A.
Mingarelli, S. A. Molchanov, B. Najman, A. A. Nudelman,
R. Ober, J. Owen, V. V. Peller, A. B. Rantzer, L.
Rodman, A. H. Sayed, A. Shkalikov, I. M. Sigal, B.
Silbermann, V. Straus, B. Simon, A. Tannenbaum, H.
Widom, N. J. Young, G. M. Zhislin.
CALL FOR PAPERS: Titles and Abstracts of invited and
contributed papers should be received in Winnipeg by
July 31st, 1994.
INFORMATION: All enquiries regarding the meeting,
including those on contributed papers and support,
should be addressed to P.N. Shivakumar, Director,
Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences, 420
Machray Hall, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2, Canada, Tel: (204) 474-6724, Fax: (204) 275-
0019, e-mail: [email protected]


From: John Lewis <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 94 16:34:39 PDT
Subject: Fifth SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Conference

The Fifth SIAM Applied Linear Algebra conference, to be held in June
in Snowbird, Utah, is planned around 19 scheduled common interest
sessions. We are attempting to schedule these sessions to minimize
conflict, using a discrete optimization algorithm. The data we need
for the scheduling program is part of the SIAM Registration card.
So, if you haven't registered yet, you haven't participated in
scheduling the common interest sessions either.

We will construct the schedule based on preregistrations that we
receive by May 1st. (We'd rather wait to perform the scheduling after
everyone's preferences are in, but some attendees have asked us to
finish earlier to allow them to tune travel plans to the final
schedule.) So, please register early! You can still preregister at
the reduced price until June 1st, but scheduling data received after
May 1st will be ignored.

We encourage those of you who have not yet registered to do so as soon
as possible. If you really intend to attend the meeting, but cannot
submit your registration to SIAM by the May 1st deadline because of
bureaucratic barriers, please communicate directly with John Lewis
([email protected]).

If you are undecided about attending because you missed the deadline
for submitting a paper to the proceedings, please remember that each
common interest session will begin with a half-hour poster session, at
which you can present your work, and if you wish, distribute preprints.

John G. Lewis | [email protected]
Boeing Computer Services | [email protected]
Mail Stop 7L-22 | tele: (206) 865-3510
P.O. Box 24346 | fax : (206) 865-2966
Seattle WA 98124-0346 |


From: Adam Wheeler <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 13:03:00 +0100
Subject: Position at University of Southampton

University of Southampton
Faculty of Mathematical Studies


Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Applied Mathematics in the
Faculty of Mathematical Studies to commence on 1 September 1994 or as soon
as possible thereafter.

The successful candidate will be an active researcher who will interact
collaboratively with members of an existing six-strong Industrial Applied
Mathematics group and enhance its growing international reputation. This
group has recently been augmented by a new Chair which is to be taken up at
the end of 1994. Research interests are diverse and currently include
semiconductor modelling, cliff blasting, liquid crystals, phase transitions,
multi-phase flow, antenna design and modelling of finance. The group also
mounts both BSc and MSc degrees in Industrial Applied Mathematics.

The appointment will be made on the Lecturer Grade A salary scale (UK Pounds
13,601-18,855) but for exceptionally strong candidates an offer may be made
on the Lecturer Grade B scale (UK Pounds 19,642-25,107).

Application forms and further particulars may be obtained from the
Personnel Department, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton,
England SO17 1BJ, telephone (0703) 593793 or 594047.
Quote reference number L/262.

Informal enquiries are welcome and should be addressed to the Dean,
Professor C J S Clarke, Faculty of Mathematical Studies, University of
Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ (telephone (0703) 593685, fax (0703)
593939, email [email protected]).

Closing date: 11 May 1994. Working for Equal Opportunities

Dr A. A. Wheeler.

Postal Address: School of Mathematics, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TW, U.K.

Telephone: +272-303318 (direct)
Fax: +272-303316
Email: [email protected]


From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 1994 13:44:58 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Position at University of Surrey

Dept of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Guildford, Surrey, U.K.


Applications are invited for the post of Reader in Mathematics.
The post is available now, in anticipation of a Professorial retirement
in 1996. Mathematicians with a strong research background in areas such
as dynamical systems, chaos, bifurcation theory or other branches of
nonlinear pure and applied mathematics will be considered. The appointee
will lead the activities of the expanding nonlinear dynamical systems
research group and implement the Department and Faculty of Science's
plan for a significant development in this area.

Salary will be on the Senior Lecturer scale (26,359-29,788 pounds)
depending on age, qualifications and experience. Applications in the
form of a Curriculum Vitae (2 copies), including the names and
addresses of three referees, should be sent to

Personnel Office (CVC)
University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 5XH

quoting reference number 251 by 31st May 1994. Further particulars
can also be obtained by writing to the above address or by telephoning
0483-259279. Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. R. Shail on
0483-259196 or by email to [email protected]

The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy.


From: Nick Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 94 15:15:12 BST
Subject: PhD Studentship in Numerical Analysis at Manchester

Department of Mathematics and
Manchester Center for Computational Mathematics

Applications are invited for an SERC Earmarked PhD
Studentship in Numerical Analysis on the topic

Block Jacobi Methods for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem and SVD

supervised by Dr N. J. Higham.
Applicants must be European Community nationals, and in the case of
non-UK applicants it is likely that only tuition fees will be covered.
Applicants should have a background in numerical mathematics.
The tenure of the award is for three years from October 1994.

For further information and applications please contact, as soon as possible,
N. J. Higham
Department of Mathematics
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL
tel: 061 275 5822
fax: 061 275 5819
email: [email protected]


Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 17:09:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rik Littlefield <[email protected]>
Subject: Postdoc Position at Pacific Northwest Laboratory

I am looking for prospective candidates to fill a postdoctoral position
at DOE's Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Analytic Sciences Department.
If you are aware of any student who might be interested and qualified,
please let both of us know. Feel free to forward this message to your

The successful candidate will investigate and implement parallel
numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic equations. The target
applications are for computational fluid dynamics on MIMD scalable
parallel platforms. This project is interdisciplinary in nature and
interfaces with efforts in numerical analysis, parallel computing,
and large-scale simulation of physical processes. Project members
have access to state-of-the art computing facilities, including
Intel Paragon, IBM SP-1, and KSR. Nominal requirements include a
Ph.D. in computer science, applied mathematics, or an applied
science or engineering discipline. A good algorithms background and
hands-on experience in some aspect of parallel scientific computing
is required.

The appointment is initially for a one-year term, and may be
renewed for a second year.

Applications may sent to Rik Littlefield, Pacific Northwest
Laboratory MS K1-87, P.O.Box 999, Richland, WA 99352, or via
e-mail to [email protected]. The application must include a
resume and the names and addresses of three references.

For further information, contact Rik Littlefield,
[email protected], phone 509-375-3927, fax 509-375-6631.

Battelle is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Legal right to work in U.S. is required -- U.S. citizenship
preferred. Pacific Northwest Laboratory is a U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) laboratory.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 15:30:37 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Applied Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Volume 54, Number 4, August 1994

Plasma Carburization of an Axisymmetric Steel Sample
M. Gegick and G. W. Young

Long Time Evolution of Wavefronts in Random Media
Pawel Lewicki

Structural Reliability Analysis for One-Dimensional, Two-Phase
Miscible Flow
David A. Coker and W. Brent Lindquist

Analysis of a Conservation PDE with Discontinuous Flux: A Model of
J.-Ph. Chancelier, M. Cohen De Lara, and F. Pacard

Dynamics of Slender Viscoelastic Free Jets
M. Gregory Forest and Q. Wang

On the Dynamics of Aeroelastic Oscillators with One Degree of
T. I. Haaker and A. H. P. Van Der Burgh

Computation and Stability of Fluxons in a Singularly Perturbed
Sine-Gordon Model of the Josephson Junction
David L. Brown, M. Gregory Forest, Brian J. Miller, and N. Anders

Reconstruction of Semiconductor Doping Profile from
Laser-Beam-Induced Current Image
Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito

Subharmonic Hysteresis and Period Doubling Bifurcations for a
Periodically Driven Laser
Ira B. Schwartz and Thomas Erneux

A Sequence of Period Doublings and Chaotic Pulsations in a
Free-Boundary Problem Modeling Thermal Instabilities
M. Frankel, V. Roytburd, and G. Sivashinsky

Competition for a Single Limiting Resource in Continuous Culture:
The Variable-Yield Model
Hal L. Smith and Paul Waltman

Random Generation of Stochastic Area Integrals
J. G. Gaines and T. J. Lyons

Asymptotic Approximations for a Queueing Network with Multiple
Jing-Dong Mei and Charles Tier


From: P.M. Pardalos <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 15:52:02 EDT
Subject: Contents, Global Optimization

Table of Contents
Vol. 4 No. 3 (1994)

H. Tuy, A. Migdalas and P. Varbrand,
A Quasiconcave Minimization Method for Solving Two-Level Programs,
pp. 243-263.

T.X. Ha,
On the Existence of Efficient Points in Locally Convex Spaces,
pp. 265-278

H. Gunzel, R. Hirabayashi, H.Th. Jongen and S. Shindoh,
On the topological complexity of DC-sets,
pp. 279-284.

H.-D. Chen, D.W. Hearn and C.-Y. Lee,
A New Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Single Item Capacitated
Dynamic Lot Size Model,
pp. 285-300.

P.M. Pardalos and J. Xue,
The Maximum Clique Problem,
pp. 301-328.

W. Baritompa and A. Cutler,
Accelerations for Global Optimization Covering Methods Using Second
pp. 329-341.

Open Problems

Book Review

A.A. Zigljavskij and A.G. Zilinskas,
Methods of Search for the Global Extremum (P. Neumann)


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 94 13:21:22 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Computing
Volume 23, Number 4, August 1994

A New Approach to Stable Matching Problems
Ashok Subramanian

Wait-Free Consensus Using Asynchronous Hardware
Benny Chor, Amos Israeli, and Ming Li

Inferring Evolutionary History from DNA Sequences
Sampath K. Kannan and Tandy J. Warnow

Dynamic Perfect Hashing: Upper and Lower Bounds
Martin Dietzfelbinger, Anna Karlin, Kurt Mehlhorn, Friedhelm Meyer
Auf Der Heide, Hans Rohnert, and Robert E. Tarjan

Measure, Stochasticity, and the Density of Hard Languages
Jack H. Lutz and Elvira Mayordomo

Finding k Disjoint Paths in a Directed Planar Graph
Alexander Schrijver

Finite Automata Computing Real Functions
Karel Culik II and Juhani Karhumaki

On the Complexity of Bilinear Forms Over Associative Algebras
Nader H. Bshouty

A New Lower Bound Technique and its Application: Tight Lower Bound
for a Polygon Triangulation Problem
Prakash Ramanan

On "Axiomatising Finite Concurrent Processes"
Luca Aceto

The Complexity of Multiterminal Cuts
E. Dahlhaus, D. S. Johnson, C. H. Papadimitriou, P. D. Seymour, and
M. Yannakakis


End of NA Digest
