From: Scott B. Baden <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 22:24:30 -0700
Subject: LPARX Software Available
I'm happy to announce that v1.0 of the LPAR-X system is now
available. Included are C++ application codes, among
them, multigrid.
LPARX provides efficient run-time support for dynamic,
non-uniform scientific calculations running on MIMD
distributed memory architectures, and is intended for block
structured and multilevel applications involving structured
meshes, and for particle methods.
LPARX applications are portable across a diversity of MIMD
machines, and may be written in a form that is partially
independent of the problem dimension. They may be debugged
on a workstation simplifying code development.
The LPARX software is implemented as a C++ class library.
It currently run on the Intel Paragon, the CM-5, KSR-1,
nCube/2, networks of workstations under PVM, single
processor workstations, and on the Cray C-90 (single
processor at the moment). LPAR-X will soon run on the C-90
in multitasked mode, and on the T3D.
The LPARX distribution is available via anonymous ftp on
site ftp.sdsc.edu. Look in directory pub/sdsc/parallel/lparx.
The distribution is also available on anonymous ftp site
cs.ucsd.edu in directory pub/baden/LPARX. Technical reports
are also available in subdirectory "reports."
Technical questions should be sent to Scott Kohn at
[email protected].
Scott Baden
Scott Kohn
From: Bruno Stoufflet <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 94 15:55:56 +0200
Subject: Automated Design Synthesis and Aerodynamic Software
I am looking for optimization software called A.D.S. It is described as
a Fortran program for Automated Design Synthesis. It has been developped
by G.N. Vanderplaats and I have no idea how to contact him or people in
charge of distributing this package. Has anyone some information about
this package?
I am also looking for aerodynamic software packages able to give aerodynamic
coefficients for 2D (and if possible for 3D) profiles or configurations based
on profiles. I am looking on computing programs based on fast methods (as
pannel methods) in order to evaluate the static and dynamic performances of
some configurations. These programs are to be used for a use within an
association and not for professional use. I am looking for packages available
in freeware or which are commercialized. I would appreciate any information on
that subject.
Thank you
Bruno Stoufflet
[email protected]
Durun-Durun association
Thank you
Bruno Stoufflet
scetasto%[email protected]
From: John Prentice <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 94 08:39:17 MDT
Subject: Looking for 3-d Grid Generation Algorithms
Quetzal Computational Associates, in collaboration with Sandia National
Laboratory and Alliant Tech Systems has developed a linked Lagrangian
finite element/Eulerian finite difference methodology for modeling solid
mechanics problems which have large deformations in some regions and small
deformations in other regions where you also need high fidelity calculation
of the structural response. Applications include advanced manufacturing
such as forging where you want to be able to model the metallurgy of the
process, as well as problems involving impact and penetration such as
automobile crashes or impacts of debris on airplanes or spacecraft.
During the last two years, we have concentrated on the development and
validation of the numerical methods for this process. We currently have a
code for modeling both 2 and 3 dimensional problems of this type, running
on everything from Sparcs to MPP systems. Our attention is now focused
on developing input generators that eliminate the need to understand
how to set up the particular inputs for the various codes involved in these
calculations. One aspect of this intelligent front end for this code
is the generation of 2 and 3 dimensional finite element grids on fairly
complex objects. It is this part of the problem that is the point of this
We have some experience with grid generation, but we are not experts at it
by a long shot. We have 2d grid generation fairly well in hand, but 3d grid
generation is another issue altogether. I am therefore surveying the
community to see what 3d grid generation software (or algorithms) are
available for doing 3d griding of finite element meshes. Note that we are
griding volumes, not surfaces. The intent of this whole project is to make
this software available to qualified users at minimal cost, so we are anxious
to make use of as much software and algorithms in the public domain as
possible. So, if you can point us at references or software, we would much
appreciate it!
John K. Prentice
Quetzal Computational Associates
3200 Carlisle N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87110-1664 USA
Phone: 505-889-4543 Fax: 505-889-4598 E-mail: [email protected]
From: Heru Suhartanto <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 94 10:08:22+070
Subject: Delay Differential Equations
Dear Na-Net members,
I'll be working on delay differential equation but in my country it's
difficult for me to find references which covers the subject .
If you know the references (books or articles) and any public domain
subroutines on DDE, could you please let me know by sending the messages
directly to me? I'm not a regular member of na-net. I thank you very much
for the cooperation.
Heru Suhartanto
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Jiangping Zhu <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 94 11:48:25 CDT
Subject: New Book, Solving PDEs on Parallel Computers
I am pleased to announce the publication of the book:
by Jianping Zhu
The book is intended to quickly bring researchers and graduate
students, who are working on numerical solutions of partial
differential equations with various applications, into the area
of parallel processing. The level of discussion is introductory.
More than two hundred references are included to direct interested
readers for more detailed and in-depth discussions of specific
Contents: Introduction, parallel algorithms for solving partial
differential equations, implementations, applications,
parallel time stepping algorithms, future development.
Copies can be ordered directly from the publisher:
World Scientific Publishing
ISBN 981-02-1578-9
USA: 1-800-227-7562
Europe: 44-81-4463356 (fax)
Jianping Zhu
From: Stephen Vavasis <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 12:12:08 -0400
Subject: International Symposium on Math Programming
The 15th International Symposium on Math Programming will be held in
Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 15-19, 1994. The General Chair of the
meeting is John Birge. Further information may be obtained by sending
email to [email protected].
-- Steve Vavasis
From: Vladik Kreinovich <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 Apr 94 17:22:20 MDT
Subject: Applications of Interval Computations
International Workshop, El Paso, Texas, week of February 19--25, 1995
High-quality papers on all areas of applications of interval
computations are sought, especially applications to manufacturing and
(broadly understood) quality control.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR solutions, methods, open problems, and raw ideas
related to applications (real or potential) of interval processing.
* A. Bernat (editor of Interval Computations);
* R. Baker Kearfott (the representative of the Interval
Computations Journal in Western Hemisphere);
* V. Kreinovich (a co-editor of a special issue of Interval
Computations devoted to parallel processing);
* Th. McLean (a specialist in applying interval methods in
* G. N. Solopchenko (Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Metrological
DEADLINE: September 1, 1994. Send an abstract of 4 pages or less to
Vladik Kreinovich, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas
at El Paso, El Paso, TX 79968, USA, email [email protected],
fax (915) 747-5030, phone (915) 747-6951. Ideally, abstracts should be
in a version of TeX (AMS-TeX, TeX, or LaTeX), but ASCII, WP, and other
formats are acceptable. Refereed Proceeding will be published. Best
papers will appear in the international journal Interval Computations.
Contact Kreinovich for additional information.
SUGGESTIONS of tutorials and panel topics are welcome.
From: Lutz Tobiska <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 13:04:11 +0200 (MESZ)
Subject: Workshop on Multilevel Methods
The Institute for Analysis and Numerical Mathematics of the
University Magdeburg in cooperation with the GAMM Committee
"Efficient numerical methods for pde" organizes the
GAMM - Workshop
Multilevel Methods
Chairmanship: D.Braess (Bochum), U.Langer (Linz),
L.Tobiska (Magdeburg)
Date: September 26 to 28, 1994
Location: Parkhotel "Schloss Meisdorf", Meisdorf (Harz)
Topics: theory and applications of multilevel
methods, parallelization aspects, subspace
correction methods, hierarchical basis
techniques, adaptive refinement
Conference fee: about 80 DM
Invited Speakers (preliminary list):
S.C.Brenner, W.Hackbusch, S.V.Nepomnyaschikh,
A.Reusken, V.Shaidurov, J.Xu
Registration: until April 15, 1994
Abstracts: 10-20 lines, deadline: May 15, 1994
Accommodation: you can be accommodated in the Parkhotel
"Schloss Meisdorf". The price for single
and double rooms ranges between 40 and 115 DM
per night
Contact address: F.Schieweck
Department of Mathematics
University Magdeburg
PSF 4120
D-39016 Magdeburg
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49-391 5592-2236 Fax: +49-391 5592-2758
From: Jan Verwer <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 12:13:55 GMT
Subject: One-day symposium at CWI
To promote collaboration in research in Environmental Mathematics,
CWI organizes a series of symposia on topics of interest to
mathematicians and environmental scientists from various fields.
The next meeting in this series will be devoted to
transport-chemistry problems arising in atmospheric air pollution
research. The focus is on numerical algorithms and applications.
May 18, 1994
Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam
Room M279
The Speakers include:
David Simpson (The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo):
Application of Numerical Methods in Long Period
Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling
Jan Verwer (CWI):
Explicit Methods for Stiff ODEs from Atmospheric Chemistry
Christoph Kessler (Institut fuer Technische Thermodynamik,
Universitaet Karlsruhe):
Application of a New Solution Algorithm for Chemical
Reaction Models Included in a 3D-Dispersion Model
Cees Beets (IMAU: Institute for Marine and Atmospheric
Research, University of Utrecht):
Large-Eddy Simulation for Turbulent Reacting Fluids
Han The (RIVM: National Institute of Public Health
and Environmental Protection, Bilthoven):
Experiences with QUICKEST in MOGUNTIA
Willem Hundsdorfer (CWI):
Dimension Splitting for Advection on a Sphere
Preregistration is not required.
For information contact Jan Verwer, [email protected], (tel. 020 - 5924095)
or Willem Hundsdorfer, [email protected], (tel. 020 - 5924096).
From: Mark Ainsworth <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 94 16:22:57 BST
Subject: SERC Numerical Analysis Summer School
SERC Numerical Analysis Summer School
Leicester University
18 - 29 July, 1994
The sixth SERC sponsored Numerical Analysis Summer School is to be held at
Leicester next summer. The meeting will comprise two one-week modules each
of which can `stand alone' though it is hoped that many participants will
stay for longer periods. SERC will contribute towards the subsistence costs
of a limited number of participants each week. The meeting is open to all
interested researchers, but only those currently employed in the UK will be
eligible for SERC support.
In each week there will be three five-lecture courses given by the invited
instructors, additional activities organised by the local expert and a
programme of current research seminars given by participants. The outline
programme for the meeting is:
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (18 - 22 July)
Claes Johnson (Chalmers) Adaptive Finite Element Techniques
Ian Sloan (New South Wales) Boundary Integral Methods
Andrew Stuart (Stanford) Dynamics of Numerical Methods
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations (25 - 29 July)
George Corliss (Marquette) Guaranteed Error Bounds
Linda Petzold (Minnesota) Differential Algebraic Equations
Marino Zennaro (Italy) Delay Differential Equations
The lectures will take place from Monday to Friday each week and there will be
a substantial amount of time available for research and discussion with the
assembled experts. The aim of the specialist courses is to enable people with
initially only a nodding acquaintance with a topic to concentrate on it and end
up feeling quite competent in it, thus broadening their research horizons. It
is hoped that a participant with a good initial knowledge may be enabled to
work on significant problems in the area.
It is expected that there will be exhibitions of books and of computer
equipment during the meeting.
Further details and application forms are available from
Mark Ainsworth, Department of Mathematics, Leicester University,
Leicester LE1 7RH, UK.
Email: [email protected]
From: Computer Science Workshop <[email protected]>
Date: 15 Apr 1994 19:30:23 GMT
Subject: Los Alamos Computational Science Workshop
Advanced Computing Laboratory / EECE Department
Los Alamos National Laboratory / University of New Mexico
Computational Science Workshop
Call For Participants
Summer 1994 Session --- August 1-5, 1994
The Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory and
the University of New Mexico Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
invite scientists and engineers to participate in the summer session of the
1994 Los Alamos Computational Science Workshop. The workshop,
which will be held on the campus of the University of New
Mexico in Albuquerque, NM, provides an opportunity for professionals
to explore the application of high performance computing to current
scientific problems.
The research environment at Los Alamos National Laboratory fosters
high performance computing methodologies and innovative multi-
disciplinary collaborations. Los Alamos has always been a leader in high
performance computing; many of the nation's scientific "grand challenge"
problems -- fundamental problems with broad economic and scientific
impact -- are being addressed by researchers at the Laboratory.
The Workshop is a seminar on high performance computational methods,
environments and tools. It will consist of a one-week intensive overview
presenting the technologies, the methodologies and the applications of high
performance computing.
Specific topics that will be addressed will include:
* Advanced Computer Architectures * Distributed Computing
* High Speed Networking * Models of Parallel Programming
* Performance Measurement * Scientific Visualization
* Parallel Numerical Methods * High Performance Computing
Those registering for the workshop should have:
* Fortran or C programming experience or coursework
* familiarity with UNIX
There are no registration fees associated with the workshop.
For more information, including a registration form, contact
EECE, Robert Luke
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1356
or email to: [email protected]
Voice: (505) 277-2883
FAX: (505) 277-1413, Attn: Robert Luke
From: Stephen Wright <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 13:52:59 -0500
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at Argonne
Postdoctoral Position
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
The Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National
Laboratory invites applications for postdoctoral research posi-
The successful candidates will become part of a team effort aimed
at improving the numerical algorithms used in the National Energy
Modeling System (NEMS). This system, which has been developed by
the Energy Information Agency of the Department of Energy, is a
model of the energy sector of the U.S. economy. It is used to
forecast future patterns of energy consumption and provides an
important tool for policy analysis in both government and indus-
We seek candidates with expertise in one or more of the following
areas: analysis and implementation of algorithms for nonlinear
optimization and complementarity problems; implementation of
interior-point methods; implementation of algorithms for sparse
linear algebra; and tool development for scientific computing ap-
plications, particularly in parallel computing environments.
Project members have access to a state-of-the art computing en-
vironment, including an IBM SP1 and an Intel Touchstone DELTA.
Nominal requirements include a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, com-
puter science, or engineering. Applicants must have received
their Ph.D. not more than three years prior to the beginning of
the appointment.
Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering
the advantages of affordable housing and good schools, as well as
easy access to the cultural attractions of the city.
Applications should be addressed to Walter McFall, Box mcs-
postdoc1, Employment and Placement, Argonne National Laboratory,
9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, and must include a
resume' and the names and addresses of three references. For
further information, contact Jorge More' (708-252-7238;
[email protected]) or Steve Wright (708-252-7847;
[email protected]).
Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
From: Jocelyne Erhel <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 1994 16:15:32 +0200
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at INRIA/IRISA
Scientific computing group
Rennes, France
Applications are called for a post-doctoral position in
parallel scientific computing. The position will be open
in September 1994 for 10 months.
This award is funded by a european grant (Human Capital and Mobility)
and is available only for EUROPEAN but french CITIZENS.
Applicants must have a Ph-D in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science
or a related field.
IRISA is a joint institute of INRIA-Rennes (the head is at Rocquencourt),
CNRS (associated laboratory), the University
(Computer Science department) and INSA (Computer Science department).
The group called "Advanced Algorithms for Scientific Computing"
studies numerical algorithms which should be both parallel and
numerically reliable. The domains of interest cover linear algebra
on sparse matrices and differential equations. Of special concern
are the projection methods using Krylov subspaces.
The algorithms are applied to large numerical simulations as
for example Computational Fluid Dynamics. The project is also
interested in programming environments for scientific computing.
The team is leaded by B. Philippe and is composed of about
10 persons.
The HCM contract is coordinated by the CERFACS (Toulouse, France)
and involves 9 institutes from France, Italy, GB, Switzerland,
Belgium, Sweden. It is entitled
"A modular approach to research in computational fluid dynamics,
iterative methods and high performance computing."
The IRISA (INRIA-Rennes) part is devoted to the application
of the Newton-GMRES algorithm to discretisations of the steady
Navier-Stokes equations as well as to implicit time-stepping
schemes. The procedure can be seen as an approximate Newton
algorithm which is matrix-free.
The candidate selected will work on this subject and related issues.
Salary : 14,764 French Francs per month.
Applicants should send their CV, the names of 2 referees and a
brief description of research interests.
Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
Electronic submission is preferred. Letters should be addressed to
Jocelyne Erhel
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex
e-mail : [email protected]
tel : (33) 99 84 73 39
fax : (33) 99 84 71 71
From: Daniel Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 1994 16:18:49 +0200
Subject: Contents, Advances in Computational Mathematics
Advances in Computational Mathematics, Volume 2, No. 3, 1994, ISSN 1019
7168 Editors-in-Chief: John C. Mason (E-mail: [email protected]) &
Charles A. Micchelli (E-mail: [email protected])
pp 261-277: A parallel implementation of the restarted GMRES iterative
algorithm for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
R. Dias da Cunha and T. Hopkins
pp 279-317: Time-marching numerical schemes for the electric field integral
equation on a straight thin wire
P.J. Davies and D.B. Duncan
pp 319-341: Acceleration property for the E-algorithm and an application to
the summation of series
M. Prevost
pp 343-355: Hankel operators and best Hankel approximation on the half-plane
X. Li
Requests for FREE SPECIMEN copies and orders for Advances in Computational
Mathematics are to be sent to: E-mail: [email protected]
End of NA Digest