From: NA Digest <[email protected]>
Date: Sun Apr 10 10:12:20 EDT 1994
Subject: Calendar
[The Wavelets Digest, edited by Wim Sweldens ([email protected]),
includes a "Calendar of Events". This seems like a good idea and so here
is the first NA Digest Calendar. We'll include the Calendar in the NA Digest
about once a month, and we'll list all the meetings, conferences and workshops
that have been announced in recent issues. I've compiled this from issues
1-14 of the 1994 Digest, but I may have missed some announcements, and there
are probably other relvant meetings. So, if I missed one, or you have one
that should be included, please drop me a note. -- Cleve]
NA Digest
Vol 94, #
Apr. 13-15 NAG Users Association Oxford, UK 4
Apr. 15 Southern Ontario NA Day Toronto, Canada 15
Apr. 18-22 Multigrid Canberra, Australia 10
Apr. 24-24 Object-Oriented Numerics Sunriver, OR 6
Apr. 24-28 Computational Medicine & Public Health Austin, TX 15
Apr. 24-28 Wave Propagation Juan-les-Pins, France 8
Apr. 25-26 Domain-Based Parallelism Minneapolis, MN 7
May 1-5 Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics Basel, Switzerland 15
May 16-20 Mathematic Problems in Industry Boulder, CO 6
May 19-20 Annual PVM Users' Group Meeting Oak Ridge, TN 15
May 16-18 Spectral Multi-Domain Workshop Raleigh, NC 14
May 23-25 Parallel Numerical Algorithms Hampton, VA 4
June 2-3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Toronto, Canada 2
June 6-10 Applied and Industrial Mathematics Linkoping, Sweden 14
June 6-14 Mathematics Modeling Workshop Claremont, CA 9
June 6-8 Supercomputing Symposium '94 Toronto, Canada 2
June 11-15 Continuous Algorithms and Complexity Mount Holyoke, MA 13
June 15-18 SIAM Applied Linear Algebra Park City, UT ..
June 20-21 Parallel Scientific Computing Lyngby, Denmark 3
June 27-28 5th Stockholm Optimization Days Stockholm, Sweden 6
July 5-7 Simulation of Devices and Technologies Obninsk, Russia 7
July 16... Mathematics of Numerical Analysis Park City, UT 5
July 18-30 Summer Short Courses in CFD Istanbul, Turkey 15
July 22-23 Control Problems in Industry San Diego, CA 3
July 25-29 SIAM Annual Meeting San Diego, CA 3
Aug. 1-4 Computation Physics Lyngby, Denmark 11
Aug. 21-26 Numerical Methods Sofia, Bulgaria 11
Aug. 22-25 Continuum Mechanics Prague, Czech Rep. 6
Aug. 22-25 SVD and Signal Processing Leuven, Belgium 4
Aug. 22-25 Simulation Zurich, Switzerland 9
Aug. 29-31 Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Leuven, Belgium 4
Aug. 29... Mathematical Modelling Prague, Czech Rep. 1
Sep. 6-10 Mathematics in Industry Kaiserslatern, Germany 7
Sep. 22-24 Hellenic Mathematical Society Athens, Greece 8
Sep. 26-30 Total Positivity Jaca, Spain 5
Oct. 20-22 Systems, Control, Information Wuhan, China 8
Nov. 14-18 SuperComputing '94 Washington, DC 6
Nov. 30... Computational Methods in Engineering Belo Horizonte, Brazil 11
Jan. 3-6 Parallel Computational Biology Maui, Hawaii 15
Jan. 9-10 Conference Honoring Ake Bjorck Linkoping, Sweden 14
Jan. 15-18 Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation Las Vegas, NV 4
Jan. 16-18 Markov Chains Raleigh, NC 7
From: Ken Atkinson <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 1994 12:32:42 -0500
Subject: Query on Programs in Scientific Computing
Query on Programs in Scientific Computing
I would like to obtain information on how the general area of Scientific
Computing is fitting into educational institutions. Is it a department,
a special program within a department, an interdisciplinary program?
Is it located in the College of Engineering, a College of Liberal Arts,
or where? Is it just a graduate program, or are undergraduate programs
being developed? What kind of faculty are associated with formal
institutional programs in Scientific Computing? What kinds of curriculum
are being developed? Is Scientific Computing being combined with other
areas, e.g. general applied mathematics, CFD, etc?
I would welcome any information you have. Because of local interests, I
will try to develop a summary of what I receive, to give some kind of
Ken Atkinson
Dept of Mathematics
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
From: Jonathan Shewchuk <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 04 Apr 94 13:07:32 -0400
Subject: Conjugate Gradients Made (Almost) Easy
Now available by FTP:
An Introduction to the Conjugate Gradient Method
Without the Agonizing Pain
Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
[email protected]
55 pages, >> 62 illustrations <<
This technical report is the most intuitive, figure-filled introduction to the
Conjugate Gradient Method I am capable of writing. I've designed it both for
interested people who want a good basis for understanding iterative methods and
their convergence analysis, and for teachers who want to include CG in their
courses. This report is being used in graduate courses in the Computer Science
and Civil Engineering departments here at Carnegie Mellon. A separate file
is available that contains full-page copies of the figures, suitable for
The idea of quadratic forms is introduced and used to derive the methods of
Steepest Descent, Conjugate Directions, and Conjugate Gradients. Eigenvectors
are explained and used to examine the convergence of the Jacobi Method,
Steepest Descent, and Conjugate Gradients. Other topics include
preconditioning and the nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Method. I have taken
pains to make this article easy to read. Sixty-two illustrations are provided.
Dense prose is avoided. Concepts are explained in several different ways.
Most equations are coupled with an intuitive interpretation.
The report is available by anonymous FTP to REPORTS.ADM.CS.CMU.EDU (IP address under the filename 1994/CMU-CS-94-125.ps .
Comments and corrections are welcome.
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 13:55:51 -0400
Subject: Bessel Function Suite for MATLAB
A new suite of routines for computing Bessel functions is now available
for MATLAB. The core of the suite is a Fortran MEX file based on a
Bessel function library written by D. E. Amos at Sandia National
Laboratory several years ago. Several M-file functions provide access
to the Fortran core.
Bessel functions of complex argument are fully supported. Both the
index and the argument can be arrays, so entire tables or basis sets
can be generated with one statement.
The primary functions in the suite are:
BESSELJ(NU,Z) Bessel functions of the first kind,
BESSELY(NU,Z) Bessel functions of the second kind,
BESSELI(NU,Z) Modified Bessel functions of the first kind,
BESSELK(NU,Z) Modified Bessel functions of the second kind,
BESSELH(NU,K,Z) Hankel functions,
AIRY(K,Z) Airy functions.
BESSELMX(...) The Fortran MEX file core library.
The Bessel suite is distributed via anonymous FTP from
ftp.mathworks.com (
in directory
-- Cleve Moler
[email protected]
From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 13:56:14 -0400
Subject: Harwell-Boeing Connection to MATLAB
New software is available which facilitates MATLAB access to sparse
matrices in the Harwell-Boeing Sparse Matrix collection.
The Harwell Boeing collection is available via anonymous FTP from
the CERFACS research laboratory in France:
orion.cerfacs.fr (
The collection is in directory
A compressed, postscript file contained a detailed user's guide is
The new conversion software is available via anonymous FTP from
the MathWorks:
ftp.mathworks.com (
There are two files in directory
The first file is hbo2mat.f, Fortran source code for a stand alone
program which reads Harwell-Boeing data files and uses the MATLAB
External Interface Library to convert them to .mat files. The second
file is hbo.m, a MATLAB function which loads one of the .mat
files and completes the conversion.
-- Cleve Moler
[email protected]
From: Joke Blom <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 1994 13:17:06 GMT
Subject: Adaptive Grid Solvers Available
To solve time-dependent partial differential equations often a
straightforward Method of Lines approach is used. The PDE is discretized
in space and the resulting system of ODEs is solved in time with a robust
`off-the-shelf' solver. The spatial grid used can be either uniform or
nonuniform but is invariable for the time interval.
For problems with steep and moving fronts this can be an inefficient
approach since too much grid points are needed at areas where the solution
(no longer) has large spatial gradients.
For this class of problems we have developed at CWI the software package
VLUGR, a (vectorizable) adaptive-grid finite-difference solver for
time-dependent PDEs in 2 or 3 space dimensions. The PDEs should be defined
on an arbitrary domain bounded by right-angled polygons (2D) or
polyhedrons (3D). The spatial operator may contain at most second-order
derivatives (including mixed derivatives).
To resolve the steep gradients in the solution Local Uniform Grid Refinement
has been employed. At each time level the domain is covered by a, uniform,
coarse base grid and nested finer uniform subgrids are recursively created in
regions with high spatial activity. The corresponding initial boundary value
problem for each grid level is solved with an implicit time integrator (BDF2).
The packages VLUGR2 (for PDEs in 2D) and VLUGR3 (3D) are written in
ANSI Fortran 77.
1) Via World-Wide Web. Open the URL
and then select the package you desire.
2) Via anonymous ftp at
ftp.cwi.nl (
Change directory to pub/gollum/VLUGR2 or pub/gollum/VLUGR3
The directories contain a README file, the compressed shar file of the
source, and the compressed postscript files with the papers describing
the algorithms, the code, and how to use it.
Joke Blom, NW, M267 / CWI / Kruislaan 413 / 1098 SJ Amsterdam / the Netherlands
email: [email protected] phone: +31 20 592 4101 fax: +31-20-592 4199
Jan Verwer, NW, M257 / CWI / Kruislaan 413 / 1098 SJ Amsterdam / the Netherlands
email: [email protected] phone: +31 20 592 4095 fax: +31-20-592 4199
Joke Blom, NW, M267 / CWI / Kruislaan 413 / 1098 SJ Amsterdam / the Netherlands
email: [email protected] phone: +31 20 592 4101 fax: +31-20-592 4199
From: Raymond Mejia <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 18:32:42 -0400
Subject: Change of (Postal) Address for Raymond Mejia
Dear Friends:
The Mathematical Research Branch has relocated across the street from its
prior location in Bethesda. In the process my phone number and address for
snail mail have changed. All else remains the same.
Best regards,
Raymond Mejia
9190 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 350
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: (301)496-9972
Fax: (301)402-0535
Internet: [email protected]
[email protected]
(uucp) : uunet!ray%alw.nih.gov
From: Ken Jackson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 15:41:59 -0400
Subject: Southern Ontario NA Day
15 April 1994
Computer Science Department
University of Toronto
The Twelfth Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day will be held
in the Computer Science Department, University of Toronto, on Friday,
April 15, 1994. The distinguished speaker for the day is Professor
Larry F. Shampine, Mathematics Department, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, Texas. In addition to the distinguished speaker,
there will be contributed talks of 20 or 30 minutes.
The schedule for the meeting is appended below. All talks are in the
Sandford Fleming (SF) Building, Room 1105. The poster session and
reception are in the Galbraith (GB) Building, Room 202.
If you need directions or have other questions, please contact one of
the organizers: Christina Christara ([email protected])
Tom Fairgrieve ([email protected])
Ken Jackson ([email protected])
The speakers include:
Lawrence F. Shampine
Southern Methodist University The Savvy Solver
Robert F. Enenkel and DIMSEMs - Diagonally IMplicit
Ken Jackson Single-Eigenvalue Methods for
University of Toronto the Numerical Solution of Stiff
ODEs on Parallel Computers
Min Hu and W. Enright An Interpolation Algorithm for
University of Toronto Vanishing-Lag Delay Differential
Victor H. Sun and An Overdetermined Schwarz
Wei-Pai Tang Alternative Method for Elliptic
University of Waterloo PDEs
P.Y. Li, D. Xu and P. Taylor Application of the NLMSFD Model
York University on Wind-Wave Generation
T. E. Hull Exception Handling in
University of Toronto Scientific Computing
Fadi Malek and Polynomial Zerofinding
R. Vaillancourt Iterative Matrix Algorithms
University of Ottawa
Khakim Ikramov Some Matrix Inverse Eigenvalue
University of Waterloo Problems Are Not Finitely Soluble
Hong Jiang A Polynomial Preconditioning
University of Waterloo for Nonsymmetric Systems
George Wan The ULLV Decomposition for
McMaster University Array Signal Processing
Igor Tsukerman Finite Element Method for
University of Toronto Low Frequency Maxwell's Equations
Nathan Konrad Illustration Techniques for
University of Waterloo Unstructured 3-D Meshes
H. Hayashi and W. Enright Order of Global Error for Numer.
University of Toronto Solution of Delay Diff. Equations
Peter Forsyth Visualization of a Simulation of a
University of Waterloo Groundwater Remediation Process
Yimin Kang Convergence Analysis of
Clarkson University Combined Numerical methods
A. Karoui and R. Vaillancourt Computer Solutions of State-Depend-
University of Ottawa ent Delay Differential Equations
Patrick J. Mann Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
University of Western Ont. in Relativity
Andrzej Pajak A Taylor-Series Method for Solving
New Jersey Inst. of Tech. ODEs Using Newton Iteration
From: Matthew Witten <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 1994 14:44:34 +0600
Subject: Computational Medicine and Public Health
24-28 April 1994
Hyatt on the Lake, Austin, Texas
The final program for the First World Congress On Computational
Medicine and Public Health has now been set. Over 200 speakers
will be presenting work in a variety of applications areas
related to medicine and public health. Registration is still
open for attendees. Registration details and/or a copy of the
schedule at a glance, schedule-in-detail may be requested by
sending an email request to
[email protected]
or by calling
or by faxing
There is no ftp form of the conference schedule due to the
size of the file. We will be happy to fax/send a copy to anyone
who requests it. The conference proceedings will appear as
a series of volumes published by World Scientific. If you are
interested in possibly submitting a paper for the proceedings,
please contact
[email protected]
or call
The overwhelming response to this congress has already
justified having a second world congress in the future. The tentative
schedule is to have in in 3 years. If you are interested in
participating at the 2nd World Congress On Computational Medicine
and Public Health, please contact
Dr. Matthew Witten
Congress Chair
[email protected]
From: Timothy Mattson <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 94 09:58:25 PDT
Subject: Parallel Computational Biology
Call For Papers and Referees
Computational Biology and Parallel Computing
for the
BioTechnology Track
of the
28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-28
Maui, Hawaii - January 3-6, 1995
The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences traditionally
attracts leading researchers in the both the biotechnology and
parallel computing disciplines. This minitrack takes advantage
of this unique overlap by creating a forum for papers that discuss
the use of parallel and distributed computers in the biological
sciences. This includes a wide range of problems, some of
which are:
* protein folding
* sequence analysis
* linkage analysis
* molecular modeling
* computational chemistry
These papers will be carefully refereed, so please let us know if
you are willing to referee -- even if you can't submit a paper.
Contact either of the organizers if you have any questions.
Timothy G. Mattson (Tim) L. Ridgway Scott
Intel Supercomputer Systems Division Department of Mathematics
Mail Stop CO6-09 University of Houston
14924 N.W. Greenbrier Pkwy Houston, TX 77204--3476
Beaverton, OR 97229
Phone: (503) 531-5627 Phone: 713-743-3445
FAX: (503) 531-5501 FAX: 713-743-3505
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
From: Michel Bercovier <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 1994 10:18:52 +0300
Subject: Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
Basel World CFD User Days 1994
Second World Conference in Applied
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Sunday to Thursday, May 1 to 5, 1994
Convention Center Basel
Prof. Michel Bercovier, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Scientific Committee of the Conference
Prof. Michel Bercovier, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Wagdi G. Habashi, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Prof. Olivier Pironneau, University of Paris VI, France
Prof. Robert L. Sani, University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA
Prof. Enrico Sciubba, University of Rome, Italy
Prof. L.E. Scriven, University of Minneapolis, MN, USA
Patronage of the Conference
The conference is under the patronage of the World User Association in
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (WUA-CFD), which has members from
over 20 countries and 85 industrial corporations.
Members of the WUA-CFD Advisory Board
Prof. Graham de Vahl Davis, University of New South Wales,
Kensington, Australia
Prof. Charles Hirsch, University of Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Mutsuto Kawahara, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Roland Maria-Sube, Renault, S.A., Rueil-Malmaison, France
Prof. Michael Niggemann, FH W
From: Ali Ecder <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 15:25:24 -0400
Subject: Summer Short Courses in CFD
July 18-30 1994
Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul
Organized by:
The Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering
of Bogazici University
The Graduate Institute of Sciences of Istanbul University
The Institute for Graduate Studies in Science and Technology
of Yildiz Technical University
The Yildiz Technical University Foundation
Sponsered by:
Arcelik A.S.
The Bogazici University Foundation
Steering Committee:
Prof. Ruhi Kaykayoglu (Istanbul University)
Assoc. Prof. Osman Borekci (Bogazici University)
Assoc. Prof. Yalcin Yuksel (Yildiz Technical University)
The Summer Short Course Series on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
has the aim to introduce participants to CFD and to more popular
techniques employed and to provide an environment where students,
engineers and researchers interested in CFD can interact to learn
and exchange ideas.
The Summer Short Course Series on CFD has been developed primarily
but not exclusively for graduate students with engineering or
science backgrounds. The participation of practicing engineers
employed by government agencies and the industry is encouraged.
The working language of the short courses has been selected to
be English.
Short Course Topics and Lecturers:
CFD 101 Introduction to CFD (Prof. Theodore Fedorchenko of Moscow
Institute of Thermo-Fluids and Prof. Ruhi Kaykayoglu of
Istanbul University)
CFD 102 The Finite Difference Method in CFD (Assoc. Prof. Cem Avci of
Bogazici University and Assoc. Prof. Yalcin Yuksel of Yildiz
Technical University)
CFD 103 The Finite Element Method in CFD (Assoc. Prof. Haluk Ors of
Bogazici University)
CFD 104 The Boundary Element Method in CFD (Assoc. Prof. Osman Borekci
and Asst. Prof. Jurgen Friedrich of Bogazici University)
CFD 105 Modern Methods in CFD (Asst. Prof. Ali Ecder of Bogazici
CFD 106 Industrial Applications with CFD (Prof. Ruhi Kaykayoglu of
Istanbul University and Engin Dirik of Arcelik A.S.)
Please address all inquiries to:
CFD Yaz Kursu Organizasyon Komitesi
Yildiz Teknik Universitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Sekreterligi
Yildiz, 80750 Istanbul, TURKEY
FAX: Turkey (212)-227-44-70
From: Al Geist <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 94 00:12:29 EDT
Subject: Annual PVM Users' Group Meeting
1994 PVM Users' Group Meeting
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
May 19-20, 1994, Garden Plaza Hotel, Oak Ridge, TN
Sponsored by
Department of Energy University of Tennessee
with support from Cray Research, Convex, and Intel
The second PVM Users' Group Meeting will be held May 19th and 20th,
1994, at the Garden Plaza Hotel, Oak Ridge, TN. The meeting
will provide an opportunity for users of PVM to meet each other,
share ideas and experiences, and meet the members of the PVM Team.
The conference will include:
* Invited talks by: Norris Parker Smith
Bill Shelton, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Marco Annaratone, DEC
Giorgio Richelli, IBM
Vaidy Sunderam, Emory University
* Contributed papers from the PVM user community.
* Technical presentations by the developers of PVM.
(Including a feedback session on future directions and features)
* Vendor presentations on supported PVM products.
* Social activities.
There will be Conference Registration/Reception Wednesday evening
from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the conference hotel.
The registration desk opens at 7:30 AM on Thursday
and the Future Directions session ends at 4:00 PM Friday.
Consider Staying over the weekend - visit the Smoky Mountains
- then attend the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference (SHPCC)
in Knoxville Monday thru Wednesday May 23-25.
(For additional information on the SHPCC meeting see netlib;
send index from shpcc)
General Chair: Al Geist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
[email protected] 615 574-0680 (fax)
Program Committee: Jack Dongarra, Oak Ridge Nat Lab and Univ of Tennessee
Adam Beguelin, CMU and Pittsburg Supercomputer Center
Bob Mancheck, Univ of Tennessee
Weichen Jiang, Univ of Tennessee
Call For Papers/Posters
We invited everyone with PVM ideas or experiences to submit abstracts
of papers and posters for possible presentation at the Users' Group meeting.
Please submit abstracts to:
Rita Bilbrey
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
P.O. Box 2008, Bldg. 6012
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6367
Phone: 615-576-0962, Fax: 615-574-0680
or to: [email protected]
From: Andy Grace <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 11:26:48 -0400
Subject: Position at The MathWorks
Position in Optimization Software
The MathWorks, Natick, MA
This person would be responsible for maintaining and improving
the algorithms and user interface for MATLAB's Optimization Toolbox.
The candidate should have knowledge on the implementation of gradient
based optimization techniques, linear programming, and discrete algorithms
such as genetic algorithms. MATLAB programming experience is required
and C programming experience would be beneficial.
For more information, contact:
Andy Grace
The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 508-653-1415
fax: 508-653-2997
From: Dave A. Voss <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 16:45:38 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Position at Western Illinois University
Department of Mathematics
Mathematics Department invites applications for a visiting
position in Applied and Computational Mathematics for the 1994-1995
academic year. Applicants with a Ph.D. and a strong commitment to
teaching and research are encouraged to apply. Department offers
Bachelors and Masters degrees; teaching load of three courses per
Send vita, copies of graduate transcripts and at least three letters
of reference to: M. Scott, Chairperson, Department of Mathematics,
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455. Selection process
begins May 2 and continues until position is filled. WIU is an
EOE/AA employer.
From: E. B. Saff <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 12:48:37 EDT
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation
Volume 10 Numbers 2 1994
145 N. A. Shirokov and V. Totik
Polynomial Approximation on the Boundary and Strictly Inside
153 Kirill A. Kopotun
Pointwise and Uniform Estimates for Convex Approximation of
Functions by Algebraic Polynomials
179 Rudolf Wegmann
Crowding for Analytic Functions with Elongated Range
187 M. Streng and W. Wetterling
Chebyshev Approximation of a Point Set by a Straight Line
197 Andras Kroo
On Approximation by Bivariate Incomplete Polynomials
207 Hans-J. Runckel
Solution Formulas for Linear Difference Equations with
Applications to Continued Fractions
235 A. L. Levin and E. B. Saff
Optimal Ray Sequences of Rational Functions Connected with
the Zolotarev Problem
275 E. H. Kaufman, Jr., and G. D. Taylor
Approximation and Interpolation by Convexity-Preserving Rational Splines
285 G. Nurnberger
Strong Unicity in Nonlinear Approximation and Free Knot Splines
From: Panos Pardalos <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 94 22:35:08 EDT
Subject: Contents, Journal of Global Optimization
Table of Contents
Vol. 4 No. 2 (1994)
Special issue: Advances in Computational Chemistry and Protein Folding
co-editors: Panos M. Pardalos, and Guoliang Xue.
Panos M. Pardalos, David Shalloway, and Guoliang Xue,
Optimization Methods for Computing Global Minima of Nonconvex Potential
Energy Functions, pp. 117-133.
Costas D. Maranas and Christodoulos A. Floudas,
Global Minimum Potential Energy Conformations of Small Molecules,
pp. 135-170.
Thomas Coleman, David Shalloway, and Zhijun Wu
A Parallel Build-Up Algorithm for Global Energy Minimizations of Molecular
Clusters Using Effective Energy Simulated Annealing, pp. 171-185.
Guoliang Xue,
Molecular Conformation on the CM-5 by Parallel Two-Level Simulated Annealing,
pp. 187-208.
David M. Ferguson, Amanda Marsh, Thomas Metzger, David G. Garrett,
and Keith Kastella,
Conformational Searches for the Global Minimum of Protein Models, pp. 209-227.
Andrew T. Phillips and J. B. Rosen,
A Quadratic Assignment Formulation of the Molecular Conformation Problem,
pp. 229-241.
End of NA Digest