From: Bradley Plohr <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 93 10:38:02 EST
Subject: Singular Volterra integral equations
I am interested in efficient numerical methods for a nonlinear Volterra
integral equation of the second kind with a singular kernel:
u(t) = g(t) + \int_0^t K(t - s) h(s) f(u(s)) ds ,
where K(t) = t^{-1/2}.
Can anyone give me pointers to literature on such problems or, better,
to any available software for solving them? Thanks.
Bradley Plohr [email protected]
Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
State University of New York
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600
From: Martin Brokate <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 16:14:44 +0100
Subject: Change of address of Martin Brokate
My new address is
Martin Brokate
Institut fuer Informatik und Praktische Mathematik
D - 24098 Kiel, Germany
Phone: ++49-431-880-4460 (office)
++49-4348-8468 (home)
Fax: ++49-431-880-4054
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Choi-Hong Lai <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 93 15:31:16 GMT
Subject: Research and reports at Greenwich
Some Recent Reports and Research Work
Recent Numerical Mathematics and Algorithms Reports:
Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis
University of Greenwich
nma001 "An Overview of Domain Decomposition Methods" by C.-H. Lai, July 1993.
nma002 "A Preliminary Study of the Relation Between Domain Decomposition and
Shooting Methods" by C.-H. Lai, October 1993.
Recent research work in coupling techniques and domain decomposition:
A PhD student has recently started a project on the coupling of viscous
and inviscid flow round obstacles. The research will be based on the
design of various interface conditions for viscous and inviscid coupling.
Such design will be largely based on the present domain decomposition
methods. We are interested to look at various acceleration techniques for
the numerical solutions of the interface problems.
Choi-Hong Lai
Aileen Cuffe
From: [email protected]
Date: 1 Nov 93 13:12:01 CDT
Subject: Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics; Volume 48, No. 3
No. 3,
30 NOVEMBER (1993) (contents)
I.T. Dimov and O.I. Tonev, Monte Carlo algorithms:
performance analysis for some computer architectures
L.F. Shampine, Ill-conditioned matrices and the
integration of stiff ODEs 279
D. Noutsos, Optimal stretched parameters for the SOR
iterative method 293
R. Cools and P. Rabinowitz, Monomial cubature rules
since ``Stroud'': a compilation 309
H.A. Van der Vorst and C. Vuik, The superlinear
convergence behaviour of GMRES 327
From: Kearfott Ralph B <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 13:15:50 -0600
Subject: INTERVAL '94
Numerical Calculation and Symbolic Computation both play roles in
solving the problems of applied and theoretical mathematics.
Historically, however, these fields have developed almost independently.
Recognition that it is necessary to consider their interaction is
increasing. As a result, more work is focussed on the boundary between
numerical and analytical methods; to develop techniques for analytical
transformations in systems for numerical processing and techniques for
numerical processing in computer algebra systems. However, the areas of
numerical analysis and symbolic computation are still highly isolated,
and the process of their joining them into a single area of Mathematical
Computation and Applied Mathematics is still in its initial stages.
This conference is designed to stimulate this process.
The initiative to organize this conference originated with researchers
in the area of reliable numerical computations based on interval
analysis. ( Sometimes the terms validated numerics, localizational
computations, or enclosure methods are used). This area has additional
common points with computer algebra other than those common to numerical
analysis as a whole.
The INTERVAL'94 conference continues the biennial tradition of
INTERVAL'XX conferences. Following the custom, talks will be devoted to
development of computing methods, design of computer tools, and
applications in a wide range of areas, in particular, in control theory
and the theory of games. The previous conference was held in September
1992 near Moscow, with impressive success. Papers were presented by 106
participants from 17 countries throughout the world. The INTERVAL'92
conference emphasized the relation of interval computations to
mathematical statistics. (The complete title of the conference was
Proceedings of this conference have been published as two special issues
of the International Journal "Interval Computations".
The following topics will be considered: interval mathematics, hardware
and software for interval and computer-algebraic methods, SC-languages,
use of interval algorithms in computer algebra systems, analytical
evaluations in interval algorithms, organization of symbolic-numeric
interfaces, control problems with uncertainty, games, differential
games, interval and computer-algebraic methods in education, unification
of terminology and notation, and applications in various fields of
science and engineering.
Although the INTERVAL'94 conference will emphasize interdisciplinary
research with computer algebra, neither "purely interval" nor "purely
symbolic" papers will be excluded.
The conference is organized by
- The International Journal "Interval Computations"
- St. Petersburg State University
Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes (PM-PU)
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Control Processes
- Institute of New Technologies (Moscow - St.Petersburg)
The following scientists have been agreed to participate in the
R.B.Kearfott (USA), V.M.Nesterov (Russia),
J.Wolff von Gudenberg (Germany)
G.Alefeld (Germany), B.Buchberger (Austria), B.Dobronets (Russia),
V.Gerdt (Russia), J.R.Johnson (USA), W.Krandick (Austria),
U.Kulisch (Germany), W.Lassner (Germany), R.Lohner (Germany),
G.Menshikov (Russia), E.Musaev (Russia), M.Nakao (Japan),
D.Ovsyannikov (Russia), L.Petrosjan (Russia), H.Ratschek
(Germany), S.Rump (Germany), S.Shary (Russia), D.Shiriaev
(Germany), H.Stetter (Austria), A.Yakovlev (Russia), V.Zyuzin
Responsibility for organizational details lies with the
Organizing committee
V.Zubov (chairman), V.Nesterov, E.Musaev, G.Menshikov,
S.Voitenko, V.Bukarin
Two hard copies of an extended abstract of maximum length 2 pages, sent
via ordinary mail, are requested for selection purposes. It is HIGHLY
DESIRABLE also to send a copy via electronic mail. Files are accepted
either in ASCII or LATEX. The deadline will be December 1, 1993. A
collection of extended abstracts will be printed before the conference.
Proceedings, including full versions of selected papers, will be
published after the conference in special issues of the International
Journal "Interval Computations", in the International Journal "Symbolic
Computations" and in the International Year Book "Game Theory and
The registration fee for the conference is:
Before 1.1.94 1.1.94-19.2.94 At arrival
Participants 100 USD 130 USD 150 USD
Guests 70 USD 90 USD 110 USD
The registration fee covers the collection of abstracts and other
printing materials, the basic cultural program, coffee and tea breaks
and the ticket for city public transport.
The hotel prices are 60 USD per night for a single room or 40 USD per
person per night in a double room. The charge for the additional
cultural program during the conference is 95 USD.
The charge for the additional cultural program before the conference is
170 USD (including three meals a day and excluding hotel charges). The
charge for transportation from the airport to the hotel for a
participant with associated guests is 25 USD; transportation from the
railway station is 15 USD. Meals in the hotel during the conference
will cost about 10 USD per day, with three meals a day available.
Contact the organizing committee at the following address and telephone
Dr. V. M. Nesterov
Box 52
St.Petersburg, 195256
Fax: (812) 234-4852
E-mail: main - [email protected],
additional - [email protected]
From: Stefano Foresti <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 13:57:15 -0700
Subject: Floating Point Arithmetic In Numerical Methods & Software
I have few comments about the approach to floating point arithmetic in the
development of numerical methods and software in science and engineering.
The discussion on NaNet of the last weeks has focussed on the exceptions,
and whether they should allow to continue the execution and error messages.
I don't want to express whether the default should be one way or the other,
but I recognize the need for a standard behaviour on different platforms,
as well as explicit flags or instructions to overcome the default.
My point though is that who is unaware about the behaviour of exceptions is
very likely to be unaware or careless about the occurrence of certain
computations that are even more destructive, while not involving exceptions.
I think that exceptions and other pitfalls may be predicted and avoided at the
stage of algorithm and code design, not just relying on debuggers.
An example is the so called "catastrophic cancellation" when summing numbers
of very different order of magnitude. However, more negligible errors are
enough for a program to make unexpected decisions by the programmer, such as
in parallel computing when all processors compute the same sum of numbers but
in different order: if the result is a stopping criterion, some processors may
stop while others don't (and deadlock), because of an infinitesimal difference.
Let's consider an example in a previous contribution: r=exp(exp(-1.0/cos(chi)))
The probability that chi == pi/2, hence cos(chi) == 0 is very slim,
because the approximate representation of pi is not = to real value of pi.
However, it is possible to show that in simple precision variations up to 4 %
of chi around around pi/2 would all output r=1. Hence this computation may
forgive a superficial programmer, because it generates stable results.
Nevertheless, that expression is very expensive (1 division and 2 exponentials)
and it is very inefficient and unwise to compute in an incremental loop,
when the result is predictable. Therefore, the confident use of this formula
in the range of exceptions may indicate more laziness then mastery.
Let us consider now the following array operation, where exceptions may occur:
(1) do i = 1, n
a(i) = b(i)/c(i) a = b / c
end do
The following code would be thorough and reliable, because it avoids exceptions:
eps = <opportune tolerance>
(2) do i = 1, n
if (abs(c(i)) .lt. eps) then where (abs(c) .lt. eps)
a(i) = b(i)/c(i) a = b / c
else else where
a(i) = <something> a = <something>
end if end where
end do
but is more inefficient with O(n) more operations;
moreover, it may disable vectorization or parallelization.
This is a situation where one may want to use the dangerous programs (1),
and after the loop (or array computation) replace the meaningless value
in the array locations where exceptions occurred with a value that makes sense.
In summary, it is not dignified for computational scientists and engineers to
declare that the subtleties of floating point arithmetic are esotheric and not
important: they are a primary source of errors. I had read the paper
"What every computer scientists should know about floating-point
arithmetic", David Goldberg, ACM Computing Surveys, v23, #1, pp. 5-48, 1991.
and open my mind to important issues. A "balanced" knowledge of all aspects of
a computational problem, and their interactions, is necessary to compute a
reliable and efficient solution. This includes physical problem, input data,
continuous model, discrete model, numerical algorithms, finite arithmetic,
architecture, language and software. With a balanced knowledge and thorough
design one can overflow memory bounds, generate exceptions, but produce
deterministic and reliable results, and avoid wasting time to debug !
Stefano Foresti
Utah Supercomputing Institute
[email protected]
From: Peter J. Tonellato <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 03:49:40 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Biomathematics Fellowships
+ +
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The Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science at
Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is pleased to announce the
availability of three Department of Education Patricia Roberts Harris
Ph.D. Fellowships for advanced study in Biomathematics. These fellowships
fully fund suitable women and minority candidates to pursue fulltime
research for the PhD degree. Applicants should have a sound background
in mathematics and a keen interest in applications in the medical and/or
biological sciences. Experience with computer applications is helpful
but not required.
Successful applicants will join one of several research teams exploring
the application of mathematics in the biological or medical sciences.
Potential projects range from the epidemiolgy of AIDS to cancer cell
population dynamics to pulmonary exchange mechanisms.
These fellowships include an annual compensation package of $20,000,
including $14,000 in academic stipend support, $6000 in tuition, plus
travel support to attend professional meetings and workshops. Any woman
or minority member who is a U.S. national, has earned an undergraduate
or master's degree in mathematics (or related field), and shows promise
for original research is eligible to apply.
Application forms and further information can be obtained from:
Peter J. Tonellato
US Mail: Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Marquette University
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Voice: 414-288-5228
FAX: 414-288-5472 (FAX)
Arpa: [email protected]
The closing date for the first round of applications is November
30th, 1993. Interviews (via phone or in person) will be conducted in
the week beginning December 6th, 1993.
From: Piero Morasso <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 14:06:17 +0100 (MET)
Subject: European Neural Network Society I C A N N ' 94 - Sorrento
| I C A N N ' 94 - SORRENTO |
| R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M |
| FAMILY NAME ____________________________________________________ |
| FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL _____________________________________ |
| AFFILIATION ____________________________________________________ |
| MAILING ADDRESS ________________________________________________ |
| ZIP CODE, CITY, COUNTRY ________________________________________ |
| FAX ____________________________________________________________ |
| PHONE __________________________________________________________ |
| EMAIL __________________________________________________________ |
| ACCOMPANIED BY _________________________________________________ |
| MEMBERSHIP (Regular/ENNS member/Student) _______________________ |
| ENNS MEMBERSHIP NO. ____________________________________________ |
| REGISTRATION FEE _______________________________________________ |
| TUTORIAL FEE ___________________________________________________ |
| DATE ______________________ SIGNATURE __________________________ |
| C O N F E R E N C E R E G I S T R A T I O N F E E S (in LIT) |
| MEMBERSHIP | Before 15/12/93 | Before 15/2/94 | On site |
| REGULAR | 650,000 | 800,000 | 950,000 |
| ENNS MEMBER | 550,000 | 700,000 | 850,000 |
| STUDENT | 200,000 | 250,000 | 300,000 |
| T U T O R I A L F E E S (in LIT) |
| | Before 15/2/94 | On site |
| REGULAR | 250,000 | 350,000 |
| STUDENT | 100,000 | 150,000 |
| - Regular registrants become ENNS members. |
| - Student registrants must provide an official certification of |
| their status. |
| - Pre-registration payment: Remittance in LIT to |
| on the Account of "Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica e S.M.S.A." |
| clearly stating the motivation (Registration Fee for ICANN'94) |
| and the attendee name. |
| - On-site payment: cash. |
| - The registration form together with a copy of the bank |
| remittance must be mailed to: |
| Prof. Roberto Tagliaferri, Dept. Informatics, Univ. Salerno, |
| I-84081 Baronissi, Salerno, Italy |
| Fax +39 89 822275, email [email protected] |
| - Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings only if |
| the authors have registered in advance. |
| H O T E L R E S E R V A T I O N |
| The official travel agent is (fax for a booking form): |
| RUSSO TRAVEL srl, Via S. Antonio, I-80067 Sorrento, Italy |
| Fax: +39 81 807 1367 Phone: +39 81 807 1845 |
| DEADLINE for CAMERA-READY COPIES: December 15, 1993. |
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 17:09 GMT
Subject: NASECODE X Announcement and Call for Papers
Dublin, Ireland June 21-24, 1994
With Cooperation Support from the IEEE Electron Devices Society
and under the auspices of Applied Informatics Centre, Dublin, Ireland
These include circuit analysis, code validation against real devices and
processes, computational techniques, device modelling, electrothermal
effects, energy transport models, manufacturing equipment modelling,
mathematical analysis, Monte Carlo simulations, physical aspects,
process models, process simulation, quantum dot, quantum well and
quantum effects, quantum tunnelling, simulation of integrated circuits
and VLSI interconnections, TCAD frameworks, TCAD industrial
applications, transcircuit and interconnection analysis & simulation.
There will be a special session on "Analysis of Transients in Circuits and
Interconnections" organised by Professor Olgierd A Palusinski, of the
University of Arizona, and co-chaired by Dr Claus Baumgartner, of
Bosch Gmbh. This session will deal with the analysis and computer
simulation of electronic circuits and interconnections modeled as
multiple, couple transmission lines.
The session will comprise of both contributed and solicited papers.
Contributed papers should be send to the NASECODE Conference
Secretariat in Dublin.
Potential authors should submit, to the NASECODE Secretariat in Dublin,
three copies of a camera ready abstract (two pages, 297 x 210mm,
1000 words maximum) by March 31st 1994. If accepted, this will be
published in the informal Book of Abstracts.
Authors must clearly state the purpose of the work, the specific
original results obtained and their significance. Authors should also
indicate if they prefer an oral or poster session and they may suggest
the title(s) of appropriate session(s) for their contribution. Submission
of an abstract will be considered as representation by the author of
original, previously unpublished work.
The decision on acceptance will be advised by Dublin on April 15th.
Authors are then required to reconfirm to Dublin by May 15th their
intention to attend the conference and present their paper.
Abstracts received after March 31st 1994 may be presented, if
accepted, at the Conference but will not be included in the Book of
Abstracts. They may, however, be submitted for inclusion in the Book
of Proceedings.
The fee covers morning and afternoon refreshments plus fork buffet
lunch on the four days, Conference Dinner on June 23, also a copy of
both the informal Book of Abstracts and formal Book of Proceedings.
Please note that each registered delegate may only present one paper.
Additional paper(s) may be presented by co-authors who are also
registered delegates.
IR#260 IR#285
A Special Discount of 20% applies to Each Additional Delegate From the
Same Organisation.
The Early Fee applies to all fees received in Dublin by April 30th, 1994.
Please note that an administration charge of Ir#25 will apply to
cancellations received, in writing, before April 30th, 1994. After this
date no refunds can be made.
There is no charge for associates of delegates. Associates, however,
may not attend any of the technical sessions or appear as joint authors
on papers. They may attend the Conference Dinner, on June 23rd, at a
cost of IR#25.00 per person.
For futher information please contact:
NASECODE X Conference, 26 Temple Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland
Telefax: (+353-1) 679 2469 Telephone: (+353-1) 679 7655
E-Mail: CompuServe 73173, 1245
From: Herb Keller <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 13:23:12 PST
Subject: Announcing One-day Short Course by CRPC
A one-day short course, presented by the Center for Research
on Parallel Computation (CRPC) at Caltech
The NSF Science and Technology Center for Research on Parallel
Computation (CRPC) presents a one-day short course on "Parallel
Computation: Practice, Perspectives and Potential", followed by
demos and tour of parallel processing facilities, January 24, 1994,
in Ramo Auditorium at the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA. Speakers: K. M. Chandy, J. Dennis, J. Dongarra,
G. C. Fox, K. Kennedy, D. Meiron, P. Messina. For more information,
or to request brochure and registration forms, contact JoAnn Boyd,
email: [email protected], telephone: 818-395-4562,
Fax: 818-683-3549.
From: A Ramage <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 10:17:48 GMT
Subject: 27th European Study Group With Industry
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
21-25 March 1994
The 27th European Study Group with Industry will be held at the
University of Strathclyde in Glasgow from Monday, March 21st to
Friday, March 25th 1994.
The meeting will take the form of a week long workshop where researchers
in applied mathematics, engineering and numerical analysis study a
selection of current industrial problems. Most of the first day will
be spent on the presentation of the problems to the audience of academic
researchers. The problems are then studied intensively during the
rest of the week in informal parallel workshop sessions. A summary of
the progress made in each case will be presented on the final day and
followed in due course by a written report.
The meeting is intended to be of benefit to both the industrialists
and academics involved. Academics have the chance to participate
in a working environment where their mathematical skills are applied
to non-standard but topical industrial problems and opportunities for
interactive and collaborative research projects result.
Another significant feature of the Study Group will be a training
course on various topics relevant to the mathematical modelling of
industrial problems. This will take place on Wednesday, 23rd March.
It is hoped that financial support will be available for academic
participants in the form of grants towards accommodation costs.
For further information please contact
Dr Stephen Wilson, Secretary
27th ESGI
Department of Mathematics
University of Strathclyde
Livingstone Tower
26 Richmond Street
Glasgow G1 1XH
United Kingdom
email: [email protected]
telephone: 041 552 4400 x3820
fax: 041 552 8657
From: Ralph Byers <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 09:38:36 CST
Subject: Position at University of Kansas
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at the
assistant professor level and for a visiting position at the
assistant professor level (pending funding) beginning August 16,
1994 or as negotiated. For the tenure-track position preference
will be given to candidates first in numerical analysis or
stochastic adaptive control, then to candidates whose specialties
mesh well with those already represented in the department, then
to all other areas of mathematics. For the visiting position,
preference will be given to candidates whose research interests
mesh well with those of our faculty. Candidates must have a
Ph.D. or its requirements completed by August 15, 1994.
Postdoctoral experience for tenure-track position is preferred
but optional.
Application, detailed resume with description of research, and
three recommendation letters should be sent to C.J. Himmelberg,
Chairman, Department of Mathematics, 405 Snow Hall, University of
Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045-2142.
Deadlines: Review of applications will begin on December 1, 1993
and will continue until the positions are filled.
EO/AA Employer.
From: Kazufumi Ito <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 12:29:33 -0500
Subject: Applied Analysis Position at NCSU
The Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University expects
to make a tenure-track/tenured faculty appointment in applied analysis.
Strong preference will be given to candidates in applied functional
analysis, partial differential equations, or applied probability and stochastic
processes. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor or above,
and will start July 1, 1994. The applicant should have substantial experience
beyond the Ph.D. (i.e., tangible records of significant research contributions
and outstanding teaching).
In addition to strong representation in pure mathematics, the department
has an outstanding group of applied mathematicians in the areas of control
and optimization, numerical analysis, ordinary and partial differential
equations, and probability and stochastic processes. Much of the research
in these areas is analysis/functional analysis-based, and the successful
applicant will be expected to interact with members of the applied
mathematics group.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to become a member of
the Center for Research in Scientific Computation, which facilitates
interaction between the faculty in the Mathematics Department and other
research institutions and industry.
Applicants should send a vita and have three letters of recommendation sent
to Professor H.T. Banks, Director, Center for Research in Scientific
Computation, Box 8205, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-
8205. Phone: 919-515-5289. E-mail: [email protected]. On January 15,
1994, we will begin to select candidates from the pool of complete
North Carolina State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative
action employer. In its commitment to diversity and equity, North Carolina
State University seeks applications from women, minorities, and the disabled.
From: Matthew Witten <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 93 11:38:59 CST
Subject: Deadline Change For World Congress
24-28 April 1994
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Austin, Texas
***** (Feel Free To Cross Post This Announcement) *****
Due to a confusion in the electronic distribution of
the congress announcement and deadlines, as well as
incorrect deadlines appearing in a number of society
newsletters and journals, we are extending the abstract
submission deadline for this congress to 31 December 1993.
We apologize to those who were confused over the differing
deadline announcements and hope that this change will
allow everyone to participate. For congress details:
To contact the congress organizers for any reason use any of the
following pathways:
ELECTRONIC MAIL - [email protected]
FAX (USA) - (512) 471-2445
PHONE (USA) - (512) 471-2472
GOPHER: log into the University of Texas System-CHPC
select the Computational Medicine and Allied Health
menu choice
ANONYMOUS FTP: ftp.chpc.utexas.edu
cd /pub/compmed94
(all documents and forms are stored here)
Compmed 1994
University of Texas System CHPC
Balcones Research Center
10100 Burnet Road, 1.154CMS
Austin, Texas 78758-4497
SUBMISSION PROCEDURES: Authors must submit 5
copies of a single-page 50-100 word abstract clearly
discussing the topic of their presentation. In
addition, authors must clearly state their choice of
poster, contributed paper, tutorial, exhibit, focused
workshop or birds of a feather group along with a
discussion of their presentation. Abstracts will be
published as part of the preliminary conference
material. To notify the congress organizing committee
that you would like to participate and to be put on
the congress mailing list, please fill out and return
the form that follows this announcement. You may use
any of the contact methods above. If you wish to
organize a contributed paper session, tutorial
session, focused workshop, or birds of a feather
group, please contact the conference director at
[email protected] . The abstract may be submitted
electronically to [email protected] or
by mail or fax. There is no official format.
If you need further details, please contact me.
Matthew Witten
Congress Chair
[email protected]
From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 93 17:12:18 CST
Subject: Position at Wichita State University
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications
for a tenure-eligible position starting August, 1994. Special
consideration will be given to persons having expertise in
numerical analysis or geometric analysis. We seek someone whose
research interests are consonant with those of our faculty.
Senior candidates should have distinguished research records.
Junior candidates are expected to have excellent research
potential. All candidates should have a strong commitment
to excellence in teaching and the ability to participate in and
contribute to our doctoral program in Applied Mathematics.
Salary and rank negotiable. Ph.D. in Mathematics is required.
Women and minority candidates are especially urged to apply. Send
application letter, detailed resume, and arrange to have three
reference letters sent by January 20, 1994 (or monthly until the
position is filled) to:
The Wichita State University
Professor Stephen W. Brady, Search Committee Chair
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Wichita, Kansas 67260-0033
e-mail: [email protected] fax: 316-689-3748
From: Steve McCormick <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 05:30:10 -0700
Subject: NSF Graduate Research Traineeships
The Program in Applied Mathematics invites applications for National
Science Foundation Graduate Research Traineeships (GRTs). The GRTs provide
financial support during a student's PhD study, including tuition for up
to 5 years. Four traineeships will be available for the academic year
beginning fall 1994. Traineeships are available for US citizens only.
Women and minority students are encouraged to apply.
The Program in Applied Mathematics has 11 core faculty members and over
25 affiliated faculty whose research areas include Nonlinear Phenomena,
Physical Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Discrete and
Statistical Mathematics. The traineeships also include possible summer
positions as interns at one of two national labs: NCAR (in Boulder,CO)
and CNLS (in Los Alamos, NM).
The application deadline is Feb 1, 1994.
For further information, please contact:
Janet Glasser, Graduate Secretary
Program in Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0525
email: [email protected]
phone: (303)492-4668
From: Graham de Vahl Davis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 15:58:32 +1000 (EET)
Subject: Position of Research Assistant at the University of New South Wales
Applications are invited for the position of Research Assistant to work
on an ARC-funded project entitled
Effects of Gravity on Natural Convection and Crystal Growth with
Application to the Processing of Electronic Materials.
A computational study is to be made of gravitational effects in
buoyancy-driven flow in a Bridgman apparatus, a device used for the growth
of crystals of microelectronic materials. The work involves the
development of a computer code in CM Fortran for the solution of the
Navier-Stokes and energy equations applied to a solidifying liquid, and is
being conducted in parallel with ground-based experiments at NASA Lewis
Research Center, Cleveland and with a US-French experiment to be flown in
a series of flights of the US Space Shuttle. Gravitational effects,
including the effects of g-jitter, are to be explored.
Applicants with a good degree in applied or computational mathematics or
an appropriate branch of engineering, and with experience or an interest
in computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer, are invited in the
first instance to contact the project supervisors Professor G. de Vahl
Davis (61-2-697-4099; email: [email protected]) or Associate
Professor E. Leonardi (61-2-697-5162; email: [email protected]).
The position is available for two years from January 1994. The salary
will be in the range $Aust 28,000-$33,400 depending on qualifications and
Applications, including a resume, academic transcript, nationality and/or
Australian visa status and the names, postal addresses, email addresses
and phone numbers of two referees, should be sent to Professor G. de Vahl
Davis, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of
New South Wales, PO Box 1, Kensington, 2033 no later than 3 December 1993.
From: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 93 10:31:21 EST
Subject: Table of Contents SICOMP 23-1
FEBRUARY 1994 Volume 23, Number 1
1 Computational Complexity of Sparse Rational Interpolation
Dima Grigoriev, Marek Karpinski, and Michael F. Singer
Tight Upper and Lower Bounds on the Path Length of Binary Trees
Alfredo De Santis and Giuseppe Persiano
Unique Binary-Search-Tree Representations and Equality Testing of Sets and
Rajamani Sundar and Robert E. Tarjan
A Complexity Index for Satisfiability Problems
E. Boros, Y. Crama, P. L. Hammer, and M. Saks
The Set Union Problem with Unlimited Backtracking
Alberto Apostolico, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Giorgio Gambosi, and Maurizio
The Profile Minimization Problem in Trees
David Kuo and Gerard J. Chang
Modifications of Competitive Group Testing
D.-Z. Du, G.-L. Xue, S.-Z. Sun and S.-W. Cheng
The Complexity of Decision Versus Search
Mihir Bellare and Shafi Goldwasser
Homeomorphism of 2-Complexes Is Graph Isomorphism Complete
John Shawe-Taylor and Tomaz Pisanski
On Collision-Free Placements of Simplices and the Closest Pair of Lines in
Marco Pellegrini
Fat Triangles Determine Linearly Many Holes
Jiri Matousek, Janos Pach, Micha Sharir, Shmuel Sifrony, and Emo Welzl
Three-Dimensional Statistical Data Security Problems
Robert W. Irving and Mark R. Jerrum
An NC Algorithm for Scheduling Unit-Time Jobs with Arbitrary Release Times
and Deadlines
Greg N. Frederickson and Susan H. Rodger
Broadcasting and Gossiping in de Bruijn Networks
Jean-Claude Bermond and Pierre Fraigniaud
From: Inst. of Adv. Sci. Comp. <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 11:14:44 GMT
Subject: 2 day Symposium Organised by ACT-UETP
International Developments in Parallel Computing
2 day Symposium Organised by ACT-UETP and the
Institute of Advanced Scientific Computation (IASC)
University of Liverpool
An update on the latest developments in Parallel
Computing with speakers from academia,
including Universities in Liverpool, Manchester,
Southampton, Barcelona, Patras, and
industry, including Cray Research, Meiko, Parsys
and Telmat.
For more details contact [email protected]
The Institute of Advanced Scientific Computation,
Victoria Building,
Liverpool University. L69 3BX
Tel: 051 794 4552 Fax: 051 794 4754 E-mail: [email protected]
From: Hiro Miura <[email protected]>
Date: 4 Nov 1993 11:42:58 -0800
Subject: WCCM III Call for Abstracts
Makuhari Messe (Suburbs of Tokyo), JAPAN
August 1 - 5, 1994
Following the highly successful WCCM I (Austin, 1986) and WCCM II
(Stuttgart, 1990), WCCM III will be held at the Makuhari Messe,
near Tokyo, Japan on August 1-5, 1994. The Third Congress is
organized to provide a comfortable environment to communicate and
discuss wide variety of this rapidly changing subjects across the
discipline and background boundaries. The number of participants is
expected to be over 1,000 and the Congress will become a rare
opportunity to interact with people from very wide spectrum of
industrial as well as from academic institutions from all over the world.
Submission of extended abstracts is invited in the following areas:
-- Mathematical Modeling
-- Numerical Methods and Computing
-- Solid and Structural Mechanics
-- Fluid Mechanics
-- Electromagnetic and Related Fields
-- Materials Science
-- Computational Physics
-- Nonlinear Dynamics
-- Inverse Problem and Optimization
-- Smart Algorithms and Adaptive Methods
-- CAD, CAM and CAE
-- AI and Expert Systems
-- Environmental Science
-- Robotics and Control
-- Scientific Visualization
-- Process and Chemical Engineering
-- Geomechanics
-- Others
Participation from wide variety of industrial and research community
will be expected, including:
Steel and Metal Shipbuilding
Electricity and Electronics Aircraft and Aerospace
Computer Hardware and Software Chemical, Food and Textile
Computer and Civil Engineering Energy
Automotive Transportation
Machinery and Equipment Communication
Authors are encouraged to submit a camera-ready original extended
abstract of not more two typewritten pages together with
two sets of photo-copies by December 1, 1993 to the Congress
Secretariat, Prof. T. Kawai, whose address is:
Professor Tadahiko Kawai
c/o International Communications Specialists, Inc.
Kasho Bldg., 2-14-9, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103, JAPAN
Tel. +81-3-3272-7981 Fax +81-3-3272-2445
Fax can be used for communication purposes only. Submission
of the extended abstract via FAX will not be accepted.
Author(s) will be informed of the decision on acceptance
for presentation at WCCM III by February 26, 1994. The accepted
extended abstracts will be published as a bound book available
at the Congress. Authors are encouraged to submit complete full
papers to appropriate journals.
Within the North America, more information on WCCM III
including conference brochures, the specific format of the
manuscript and other arrangements may be obtained by
Dr. Tom Muraki
Advanced Technology Transfer, Inc.
2255 Morello Ave., Suite 203
Present Hill, CA 94523
Tel. 510-798-7417 Fax 510-932-4038
Dr. Hiro Miura
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Tel. 415-604-5888 Fax 415-604-6996
e-mail [email protected]
Deadline for submission: December 1, 1993
Notification of acceptance: February 26, 1994
From: Haesun Park <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1993 10:55:24 -0600
Subject: Positions at University of Minnesota
The department of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota seeks
highly qualified faculty members at all ranks. Areas of primary interest
are computer architecture, software engineering, multimedia and distributed
systems, and geometric and symbolic computing. Exceptional candidates in
all areas of Computer Science will be considered, however. A Ph.D. in Computer
Science or related disciplines, commitment to teaching, distinguished research
experience, and a demonstrated ability to define new and innovative research
directions are required.
The Minneapolis-St. Paul area is a major center for advanced technology and
computer industry. Faculty in the Department of Computer Science have access
to outstanding computer facilities both within the Department and at the
various high performance computing centers on campus, including the Minnesota
Supercomputer Institute, the Geometry Center, and the Army High Performance
Computing Research Center.
Applicants should send curriculum vitae (including publications), research
summary, and the names of at least three references to : Chair, Faculty
Recruiting Committee, Department of Computer Science, 4-192 EE/CS Building,
University of Minnesota, 200 Union Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Anticipated starting date is September 16, 1994. Salary and rank are open
and are based on qualifications. Applications must be received by January 14,
1994. Interviews may take place before the closing date, but final decisions
will not be made before January 14, 1994.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
From: Nodera Takashi <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 93 16:20:08 +0900 (JST)
Subject: International Symposium PCG'94 on "Matrix Analysis and Parallel Computing"
Keio University
Yokohama, Japan
March 14th---16th, 1994
International Symposium PCG'94 on ``Matrix Analysis and Parallel
Computing'' will be held in Keio University, Yokohama, March
14th-16th, 1994. The aim of this symposium is to give an overview
of the state of the art of the development, application and future
trends in large sparse matrix analysis and parallel computing.
The symposium will attract engineers, physicists, mathematicians,
and researchers from academe, industory and goverment working on
the theory and applications. Free and stimulated discussion will
be expected.
1. Symposium Committee
Makoto NATORI (Tsukuba University)
Takashi NODERA (Keio University) (Chairman)
Satoshi SEKIGUCHI (Electrotechnical Laboratory)
Umpei NAGASHIMA (Ochanomizu Womens' University)
JYoshinari FUKUI (Toshiba Corporation)
2. Sessions
The scientific programme will consists of about 25 invited talks.
At present, we have no plan to take contributed papers and posters.
3. Proceedings
The proceedings of the symposium will be published after the
symposium in the series Advances in Numerical Methods for Large Sparse
Sets of Linear Equations.
4. Site
The symposium will be held at Keio University's Yagami Campus
(Faculty of Science and Technology) in Yokohama, Japan. The location
is within 40 minutes of center of Tokyo and within 20 minutes of
Yokohama railroad station.
5. Preliminary Programme
The preliminary programme will be published in mid-December 1993.
6. Official Language
The official language of the symposium is English.
7. Further Information
Registration forms and other information on fee, programme will
be available in mid-December, 1993. To ensure receiving your copy,
complete the attached form and send it to:
Takashi Nodera
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hoyoshi Kohoku Yokohama 223, Japan
Tel: 81-45-563-1141 Fax: 81-45-562-7625
email: [email protected]
8. Speakers
Speakers who have already agreed to give lectures dealing with recent
developments in large sparse matrix analysis and parallel computing.
[Special Invited Talk]
Prof. Anne Greenbaum
Courant Institute of Mathematics, New York University, U.S.A)
Prof. Beresford Parlett
(University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.)
Prof. Per Christian Hansen
(UNIC, Danish Computing Center Denmark)
Dr. Horst D. Simon
(NASA Ames Research Center, U.S.A)
Prof. Howard C. Elman
(University of Maryland, U.S.A)
Dr. Iain S. Duff
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England)
Dr. Joseph F. Grcar
(Sandia National Laboratory, Livermore, U.S.A)
Prof. Thomas A. Manteuffel
(Universirty of Colorado, U.S.A)
Prof. Tony F. Chan
(University of California at Los Angels, U.S.A)
Prof. Youcef Saad
(University of Minnesota, U.S.A.)
[Invited Talk]
Prof. Hideharu Amano
(Keio University, Japan)
Dr. Hikaru Samukawa
(IBM Japan Ltd.)
Prof. Hisashi Okamoto
(Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Kazuo Murota
(Kyoto University, Japan)
Prof. Kouji Fujiwara
(Okayama University, Japan)
Prof. Reiji Suda
(Tokyo University, Japan)
Dr. Satoshi Sekiguchi
(Electrotechnical Lab., Japan)
Prof. Shao-Liang Zhang
(Nagoya University, Japan)
Prof. Taisuke Boku
(University of Tukuba, Japan)
Prof. Takashi Kako
(The University of Electro-communications, Japan)
Dr. Takumi Washio
(NEC C & C Information Technology Res. Lab., Japan)
Dr. Yoshimasa Obayashi
(Matsushita Electric Co. Ltd., Japan)
Dr. Yoshinari Fukui
(Toshiba Corporation, Japan)
Prof. Yoshio Oyanagi
(Tokyo University, Japan)
Prof. Yoshitaka Beppu
(Shotoku Gakuen Womens' College, Japan)
Application Form
PCG'94 - Matrix Analysis and Parallel Computing
Please return completed form before December 20, 1993 to:
Takashi NODERA
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science and Technology
Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi Kohoku Yokohama 223
Tel: 81-45-563-1141 Fax: 81-45-562-7625 \\
email: [email protected]
I wish to recieve further information (preliminary programme)
in mid-December 1993.
From: Zahari Zlatev <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 93 15:33:06 +0100
Subject: Workshop on Chemical ODE's
Dear colleagues,
This is the second annoncement and the tentative schedule of
LARGE AIR POLLUTION MODELS. RIf you want further information,
then contact me please.
Best regards, Zahari Zlatev
Date: November 19 1993
Place: National Environmental Research Institute
Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Organizer: Zahari Zlatev
8:30 - 9:00 - Registration
9:00 - 9:10 - Opening
9:10 - 9:15 - Technical messages
9:15 - 9:30 - D. Simpson: "The QSSA scheme in practice: Experience
(Oslo) with the EMEP MSC-W Ozone Model"
9:35 - 10:00 - A. Strand: "The use of a Quasi Steady State
(Bergen) Approximation scheme in a 2-D
global tropospheric ozone model"
10:05 - 10.20 - J. Wasniewski: "Performance of chemical algorithms
(Lyngby) on parallel machines"
10:25 - 10:45 - Coffee break
10:45 - 11:10 - Chr. Kessler "Calculation of atmospheric dispersion
(Karlsruhe) and transformation of air pollutants
in the range from 20 km to 200 km"
11:15 - 11:40 - O. Knoth: "A fast chemical kinetic solver based
(Leipzig) on low order BDF formula"
11:45 - 12:10 - R. Berkowicz: "New numerical scheme for use in atmospheric
(Roskilde) transport-chemistry models"
12:15 - 14:00 - Lunch
14:00 - 14:25 - P. G. Thomsen: "An environment for the solution
(Lyngby) of large systems of ODE's"
14:30 - 14:55 - M. Berzins: "Reliable parallel finite volume methods
(Leeds) for time dependent PDEs"
15:00 - 15:25 - U. Nowak: "Extrapolation techniques in large chemistry
(Berlin) and adaptive methods of lines"
15:30 - 15:55 - J. Verwer: "Towards a fast solver for stiff ODE problems
(Amsterdam) from atmospheric air pollution modelling"
16:00 - 16:30 - Coffee break
16:30 - 17:30 - Common Discussion
17:30 - 17:35 - Conclusions and closing the meeting
In the breaks Jesper Christensen and Jxrgen Brandt will demonstrate
several animation and visualization programmes for some of our air
pollution models and/or for some important modules of the models.
1. Splitting is commonly used when large air pollution models
are to be treated numerically. Is this unavoidable? Is it
possible to design an efficient numerical method by which
a large air pollution model can be applied without splitting?
2. How to design a cheap and efficient accuracy control?
3. Switching off and on the photochemical reactions causes
problems (some species change very quickly when this happens).
Is it necessary (or at least desirable to apply some special
numerical devices during the periods when the chemical reactions
are switched on (off)?
4. What numerical method or classes of numerical methods are
suitable for the chemical part of a large air pollution
5. There are other physical processes that are involved in the
air pollution models (advection, diffusion, deposition).
How to design a good set of numerical methods for the
different physical processes?
If anybody has answers to some of these questions, it
would be nice if he could send me these answers in written
form. If I receive some answers I shall disseminate these
among the participants in the workshop. This will, hopefully,
be helpful for the Common Discussion. Also if anybody have
other questions, let me know about this.
End of NA Digest