From: Alan Edelman <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 93 15:22:32 EDT
Subject: Some Frquently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions:
1) The 1993 linear algebra survey and other observations on
the parallel computing influence may be found in print in "Large
Dense Numerical Linear Algebra in 1993: The Parallel Computing
Influence", International Journal of Supercomputer Applications,
Volume 7, Summer 1993, pp 113-128.
2) The LAPACK manual front and back covers contain matrices
that are inverses of each other, if you assume that the
small and capitol letters are reciprocals of each other.
The matrix is related to Hadamard matrices.
Have fun,
Alan Edelman
From: John Prentice <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 93 22:37:31 MDT
Subject: Updated Fortran 90 Benchmark Suite
Announcing the availability of the Quetzal Fortran 90 Benchmark Suite
The latest version of the Quetzal Computational Associates Fortran 90
compiler benchmark results are now available from anonymous ftp at
unmfys.unm.edu in the directory pub/quetzal. The benchmark codes
themselves are available as well and so is a review of the VAST-90
utility for converting Fortran 77 codes to Fortran 90. Please note
that this ftp site is different from the one used in the past.
This version of the benchmark suite differs in many significant ways
from the original one that was made available earlier this year.
In particular, some codes have been dropped from the suite and
several others have been added. The benchmark results have been
updated to reflect the performance of newer releases of the compilers
on the codes in the new benchmark suite.
Please contact me if you have any problems with the anonymous ftp
directory or other questions.
John K. Prentice
Quetzal Computational Associates
3200 Carlisle N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87110-1664 USA
Phone: 505-889-4543 Fax: 505-889-4598 E-mail: [email protected]
From: Gustavo Montero Garcia <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 93 10:00:46 GMT
Subject: Shallow Water and Short Waves
I'll be so grateful if you send me some information about
I'm interested in references, software and people working
in this field of simulation by FEM.
Thank you.
Gustavo Montero
Prof. Tit. U.
Centro de Aplicaciones Numericas en Ingenieria CEANI
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Campus de Tafira Baja
35017 Tafira ( Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
Islas Canarias -Espa~na-
Tf.: + 34 28 451 917
FAX.: + 34 28 451 921
E-mail: [email protected]
From: James Demmel <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 93 17:49:27 -0700
Subject: Comments on IEEE Arithmetic
Comments on IEEE Arithmetic
Jim Demmel
Computer Science Division and Math Dept.
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720
[email protected]
This is in response to the various comments on IEEE arithmetic in the
last few NA-Digests.
Many user complaints are a result of the IEEE floating point standards
754 and 854 specifying how systems "should appear" to the user, without
specifying any specific language bindings. These binding were not part
of the standard, because the committee members felt that writing a
standard demanding simultaneous changes in hardware, languages, compilers,
and perhaps operating systems (for exception handling) was unlikely to
to be accepted, or if accepted, implemented correctly. This "act of
cowardice" (in the words of W. Kahan) has unfortunately made it impossible
to write portable software which uses features of IEEE like exception
This confusion, which is still much better than the pre-IEEE situation
of different roundings, etc., has motivated some people to try to standardize
language bindings in a proposed Language Independent Arithmetic (LIA) ISO
standard. Unfortunately, I believe the LIA still does not give
adequate access to IEEE features, and indeed it was recently voted down
for this reason by the US/ISO committee. It is currently being redrafted,
and may still be accepted, but this is another story. W. Kahan has designed
his own set of language bindings for exception handling, which is easier to do
than a full set of environmental enquiries. He is interested in exploring
implementations with interested parties.
The IEEE standard specifically requires that the default behavior of a system
should NOT be to trap on exceptions, but to compute and/or propagate infinities
and NANs. One reason for this decision was to force manufacturers to implement
NAN and infinity arithmetic with reasonable efficiency, since otherwise
they would be tempted to take the easy way out (implementation via traps to
software) and so make infinities and NANs so slow that they would be impossible
to use effectively. Some manufacturers have still chosen to use software traps,
and others have not. For a recent paper on how to use infinities and NANs
to speed up numeric codes, and the price one pays for implementing them too
slowly, see the reference by Demmel and Li below [1].
All IEEE machines permit trapping on exceptions, and it should be a
prominently documented feature as to how to do this for any particular
system, either via a system subroutine call or compile line option.
It is unfortunate that compiler and system library writers do not
document this more clearly.
[1] Demmel, J. and Li, X., "Faster Numerical Algorithms via Exception Handling",
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic,
IEEE Computer Society Press, E. Swartzlander, M. J. Irwin and G. Jullien, eds.,
June 29 -- July 2, Windsor Canada, 1993.
Available as all.ps.Z via anonymous ftp from toe.cs.berkeley.edu,
in directory pub/tech-reports/cs/csd-93-728; software is csd-93-728.shar.Z.
An extended version is to be submitted to IEEE Trans. Computers.
[2] Demmel, J., Underflow and the Reliability of Numerical Software,
SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 1984, v. 5, n. 4, pp 887-919, December
From: Dean Schulze <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 1993 14:24:24 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Division by Zero is OK in Many Cases
Mike Peterson writes (Na Digest Volume 93, Issue 37):
>Why anyone would want a default behaviour to allow a program to
>continue executing after dividing by 0 (either integer or floating
>point), or creating a NaN by whatever means (e.g. fp overflow), is
>beyond me. In my many years of programming, I can't think of one
>case where I would want this to happen. Performing such operations
>is a clear indication of a program(mer) error,
You've got to be kidding! Your programming experience through
those many years must have been restricted to a very limited class of
problems. One common example of when you would want to continue
execution after dividing by zero is when computing trigonometric
functions. Here is one example where IEEE arithmetic is a godsend:
This is not a contrived example. It is used when computing Chapman
functions which are used in the theory of planetary atmospheres.
The ability of IEEE arithmetic to correctly compute trigonometric
functions when the argument is a multiple of pi/2.0 is what made a
fan of IEEE arithmetic.
Dean Schulze
From: John Butcher <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 93 11:26:18 +0000 (NZS)
Subject: Use of STRIDE for Initial-value PDEs
Use of STRIDE for initial-value PDEs
The code STRIDE, based on singly-implicit Runge-Kutta methods,
is at present undergoing further testing and development
especially for its possible use to solve PDEs with 1 space
dimension using either finite difference or finite element
discretizations. At present we have managed to solve some
classical problems such as Burgers equation and the KdV
equation. Part of the success of our method is the stability
of the underlying numerical methods but we have also found
great advantages in the flexible calling sequence used in our
integrator. This makes it possible, for example to solve
problems of the form My' = f(t,y), where both M and the
Jacobian of f have banded structures, without throwing away
this structure in the integrator.
We would like to hear about other codes that have been used for
this type of problem with some indication of successes or
difficulties that might have been encountered. We would also
like to extend our range of test problems and we ask for examples
of some reasonably challenging time-dependent PDE problems.
Many thanks,
John BUTCHER [email protected]
MAI Ying, [email protected]
From: Fred Hickernell <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 09:12:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Corrected Email Address for Hong Kong Baptist College
The email address in last week's notice of positions at HKBC should
be [email protected] (not .edu). My sincere apologies.
From: Eric de Sturler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 93 18:25:00 +0100
Subject: Change of Address for Eric de Sturler
Dear Colleagues,
I recently changed jobs. My new address is:
Eric de Sturler
Swiss Scientific Computing Center CSCS/ETHZ
Via Cantonale, CH-6928 Manno, Switzerland
Telephone: +41-91 50 82 65
Fax : +41-91 50 67 11
Email : [email protected]
the old address was:
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
P.O.Box 5031
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
From: Brian Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 10:43:27 -0600
Subject: Position at Univ. New Mexico and Hawaii
Job Classification: Director, High Performance Computing Center
Job Description: Director of Maui High Performance Computing Center,
Kihei, Hawaii
Position Description:
The University of New Mexico (UNM) seeks a director for the new Maui High
Performance Computing Center to be located in Kihei, Hawaii. Director
will lead the Maui Center installing high performance computing equipment
and communications services, establishing education, user services,
outreach, economic development, and technology transfer programs, and
seeking enhanced funding for the Center.
Minimum qualifications: PhD in scientific or engineering discipline. At
least ten years experience operation/administration of high performance
computing center; at least two of these years assisting or directing a
high performance computing facility.
Desired qualifications: National reputation in high performance computing
with membership on national committees and boards, and recognized in the
field of high performance or scientific computing.
Applications, resume, and names of four references (include mailing and
e-mail addresses) must be received by 10/22/93. Send application material
to Director Search Committee, Maui Project, Math Annex, University of New
Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. Reference position announcement 0893-93A.
UNM is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
From: Omar Hamed <f40m001%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 93 11:48:27 +0000 (SLT)
Subject: Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences
Second Announcement
for the First Annual Meeting of the
Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences
24-26 ahawal 1414 a.h.
5-7 April 1994 a.d.
venue: King saud university,riyadh, saudi arabia
topics: pure and applied mathematics, mathematical physics,
statistics & O.R.,mathematical education.
language: arabic & english
deadline for recieving papers: 15 december 1993
papers should be sent to:
the annual meeting committee
department of mathematics
college of science
king saud university
p.o.box 2455, riyadh 11451
saudi arabia
participants will bear their own accomodation and travel expenses.
nationals of countries outside the arab gulf cooperative council are
required to have visas for entering saudi arabia. sams will help to
facilitate visa procedures for such participants to the extent possible.
From: H.A. van der Vorst <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 93 11:15:54 +0100
Subject: Position, Utrecht University, Netherlands
The Astronomical Institute in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
at Utrecht University in the Netherlands has a postdoctoral position
available for two years for research on parallel computing applied
to time dependent magnetohydrodynamics of astrophysical and thermonuclear
The successful candidate will work in a group of four postdocs. Two
are working on time dependent magnetohydrodynamics calculations applied
to astrophysics and plasma physics and two will work on parallel computing
applied to time dependent magnetohydrodynamics. The group is divided
between the Astronomical Institute, Utrecht University and the FOM
Institute for Plasma Physics located just outside Utrecht. This work
is a cooperation between the two Institutes and is under the direction
of Professor J.P. Goedbloed, Professor A.G. Hearn and Professor M. Kuperus.
The research into parallel computing is in cooperation with Professor
H.A. van der Vorst, Mathematics Institute, Utrecht University.
At present there is a Parsytec GC 512 and an IBM SP1 at Amsterdam,
and a Thinking Machines CM 5 at Groningen. These computers are accessible
through the computer network. The Utrecht University Computer Centre
has a Meiko MK200.
Applications are invited from astrophysicists, physicists and
computational scientists who have or will shortly obtain a Ph.D.
Experience with the numerical methods of time dependent (magneto)hydrodynamics
and/or parallel computing is an advantage. The salary will be according to age
and experience from Hfl 4100 up to a maximum of Hfl 4600 gross per month
( US $1 ~ Hfl 1.80 ). The starting date for the appointment is flexible.
Further information may be obtained from Professor A.G. Hearn, preferably
by email.
Applications should reach Professor A.G. Hearn before 31st October
1993. They should contain a curriculum vitae, list of publications,
and a short description of research interests, together with the names and
addresses (with email addresses if possible) of three persons who may be
asked to write a reference on the suitability of the applicant for the
position. Applications may be submitted by email, fax or letter to :-
Professor A. G. Hearn
Sterrekundig Instituut
Postbus 80000
3508 TA Utrecht
The Netherlands
Email [email protected]
[email protected]
Fax intl +31 30 535201
Tel. intl +31 30 535202
From: Roland Sweet <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 93 13:44:06 -0600
Subject: Positions at the University of Colorado at Denver
Department of Mathematics
Contingent upon funding the Department of Mathematics anticipates up
to three tenure-track and/or visiting positions for the Academic Year 1994-95.
Two positions will be in computational mathematics--one possibly senior
position at the full or associate professor level and one junior position at
the associate or assistant professor level. The person filling the senior
position will be expected to exercise leadership in the Center for
Computational Mathematics. The third position is a junior position in one
of the areas of discrete mathematics, operations research, or probability
and statistics.
The University of Colorado at Denver is an urban university located
in downtown Denver, which is at the center of the scientific and business
corridor of the Colorado Front Range. The Mathematics Department offers BS
and MS degrees in Mathematics and a PhD degree in Applied Mathematics. The
faculty consists of nineteen full-time members.
Applicants are expected to have strong research records or the
potential for strong research and to have a strong commitment to teaching.
Applicants must have, or be about to receive, a Ph.D. degree. Applicants
should send a current vita, list of publications, statement of current and
planned research, statement of teaching philosophy, and arrange to have three
letters of recommendation sent to: Mathematics Faculty Search Committee,
Campus Box 170, University of Colorado at Denver, P.O. Box 173364, Denver,
CO, 80217-3364. The deadline for applications is January 31, 1994.
The University of Colorado at Denver is committed to enhancing the
diversity of its administration, faculty, and staff and invites and strongly
encourages nominations of and applications from women, members of ethnic
and racial minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities. Alternative
formats of this ad or job description are available upon request for people
with disabilities.
From: Elizabeth Smith <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 93 10:37 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Announcing ONE day Course on Mathematica 17 Nov 1993
=== One day Course ===
MATHEMATICA: a tutorial introduction
17 November 1993
Applied Mathematics and Operational Research Group, Royal Military
College of Science.
The course is specifically designed for scientists, engineers and
lecturers who either use routine numerical/matrix calculations in
their specific application area or teach the subject at various
levels. No specialist knowledge of programming or computer science is
required, but participants are expected to have basic knowledge of
computing and to be educated to degree level.
Every participant will receive a comprehensive set of lecture notes
illustrating various features of MATHEMATICA.
The course provides hands-on experience of the MATHEMATICA package
which will be followed by a selection of case studies from scientific
and engineering applications. Lectures are accompanied by several
tutorials where the participants will have ample opportunity to work
on a topic of their own choice.
The course lectures will be given by the teaching and research staff
of the Applied Mathematics and Operational Research Group under the
direction of Dr. Venkat V.S.S. Sastry.
To reserve a place on the course please write to Mrs. E. Smith,
Applied Mathematics and Operational Research Group, RMCS, Shrivenham,
Swindon, Wilts., SN6 8LA or Tel: (0793) 785317 or Fax: (0793) 782179
or e-mail: [email protected]
From: Jinchao Xu <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1993 10:31:03 -0400
Subject: Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
This is to remind that the Seventh International Conference on Domain
Decomposition Methods will take place during October 27--30, 1993 at
the Keller Conference Center at Penn State University, State College,
Pennsylvania, USA. The conference will begin at 9:00am Wednesday,
October 27 and will end around 4:00pm on Saturday, October 30. The
conference banquet will be held on Friday evening, October 29 at
7:00pm. Those who arrive early will be able to register at a reception
on Tuesday, October 26 at 6:30pm (at Nittany Lion Inn, State College).
More detailed information relevant to the conference may be obtained via
anonymous ftp to ftp.math.psu.edu ( in the directory
pub/ddm7. A tentative list of contributed presentations and invited
talks can be found by "finger [email protected]".
For further Information, contact:
Dr. Jinchao Xu (Conference Chair)
Ms. R. Manning (Conference Secretary)
Department of Mathematics Tel. 814-865-7527
Penn State University Fax. 814-865-3735
University Park, PA 16802-6403 e-mail: [email protected]
For Registration and hotel information, contact:
Mr. J. Sinclair (Conference Coordinator)
Penn State University Tel. 814-863-1744
409 Keller Conference Center Fax. 814-865-3749
University Park, PA 16802-1304 e-mail: [email protected]
From: Moody Chu <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 93 16:09:50 -0400
Subject: Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary Conference
December 12-17,1993
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA
Colleagues interested in attending the Lanczos Conference are cordially
reminded to register for the meeting before NOVEMBER 1 in order to take
advantage of the reduced registration fee.
A Preliminary Program has been sent out by regular mail according to our
mailing list. If you have not received the preliminary program, or if
you would like to receive e-mail versions of the information, please
send an e-mail to
[email protected]
by including one of the following lines in the SUBJECT line of your
send registration material
send hotel information
send program schedule
We are looking forward to an exciting gathering in Raleigh and hope
you are there.
From: Bob Voigt <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1993 10:45:59 -0400
Subject: NSF Postdoctoral Research Associates
NSF 93-150 Postdoctoral Research Associates in Computational
Science and Engineering:
Program Announcement
Effective October 25, 1993, the new mailing address will be:
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22230
CISE Postdoctoral Research Associates in Computational Science and
The Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
Directorate of the National Science Foundation plans a limited
number of grants for support of Postdoctoral Research
Associateships contingent upon available funding. The Associates
are of two types:
- Associateships in Computational Science and Engineering
(CS&E Associates) supported by the New Technologies Program in the
Division of Advanced Scientific Computing (DASC) in cooperation
with other NSF CS&E disciplines (CS&E Associates). The objective of
these Associateship awards is to increase expertise in the
development of innovative methods and software for applying high
performance, scalable parallel computing systems in solving large
scale CS&E problems.
- Associateships in Experimental Science (ES Associates)
supported by the Office of Cross Disciplinary Activities (CDA) .
The objective of the ES Associateship awards is to increase
expertise in CISE experimental science by providing opportunities
for associates to work in established laboratories performing
experimental research in one or more of the research areas
supported by the CISE Directorate.
These awards provide opportunities for recent Ph.D.s to broaden
their knowledge and experience and to prepare them for significant
research careers on the frontiers of contemporary computational
science and engineering and experimental science. It is assumed
that CS&E Associates will conduct their research at academic
research institutions or other centers or institutions which
provide access, either on site or by network, to high performance,
scalable parallel computing systems and will be performing research
associated with those systems. It is assumed that ES Associates
will conduct their research in academic research institutions or
other institutions devoted to experimental science in one or more
of the research areas supported by the CISE Directorate.
Additional Information:
If you wish additional information, please contact Dr. Robert
G.Voigt, Program Director, New Technologies, DASC, at 202-357-7727
(e-mail: [email protected]) for CS&E Associates or Dr. Tse-Yun Feng,
Program Director, CDA at (202) 357-7349 (e-mail: [email protected]) for
ES Associates. After November 19, 1993, the phone numbers are
respectively 703-306-1962 and 703-306-1980.
Copies of most program announcements are available electronically
using the Science and Technology Information System (STIS). The
full text can be searched on-line, and copied from the system.
Instructions for use of the system are in NSF 91-10 "STIS Flyer."
The printed copy is available from the Forms and Publications Unit.
An electronic copy may be requested by sending a message to
"stis@nsf" (bitnet) or "[email protected]" (Internet).
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1993 10:13:15 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: LAA Now Accepting LATEX Files
LATEX files for accepted LAA papers.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co. is now accepting LATEX files for
publishing papers in LAA and a LATEX macro file has been created
specifically for LAA. We hope that authors obtain and use these macros
for composing their papers. This reduces proof reading to a minimum,
among other advantages to authors, editors and the publisher. Below we
give a description of the process involved.
First, it should be noted that until final acceptance of a paper, the
editorial process is unchanged. Authors should continue to submit three
hard copies of their typescript to an editor. An electronic file is
not desired at this stage; although an author may vary this procedure
by agreement with individual Associate Editors. A LATEX file is
desired only at the time of final acceptance of the paper.
If an author wishes to submit a LATEX file if his/her paper is
accepted, he/she should inform the editor of this in the letter
accompanying submission. The author will then be asked to send the
LATEX file to the editor-in-chief either by the editor who recommends
acceptance or by the editor-in-chief who accepts the paper. The LATEX
file may be on a disk (preferably) or it may be sent by email. This
file must be identical to the hard copy of the paper accepted for
publication. It is essential that a diskette is clearly labeled with
the following information: the name of the authors, the email address
of the corresponding author, title of the paper, the LAA number, RFP
number (found in the letter of acceptance, if known). If the file is
sent by email, the same information should be commented in near the
beginning. The RFP (or LAA) number should also be included in the
"Subject" line.
Additional information on what this file should contain and on LAA
macros can be found in the LATEX guidelines available from IIC as file
LAA LATEX-G and the LAA macros themselves are available from IIC as
file LAA LATEX-M. Note that these files were revised in September
1993. The LAA macro codes should not be modified. If an author
believes that some modification is needed for his paper, he should
consult the editor-in-chief. Questions about the LAA macros should be
addressed to the LATEX Editor - Elsevier Publications, see the email
address below.
Authors should note that the copy editor will work from the accepted
hard copy only (and that is one reason why no changes should be made in
the LATEX file subsequent to acceptance). Authors will receive proofs
as usual. Corrections made by the copy editor and by the author at
proof stage will be incorporated in the LATEX file by Elsevier.
E-mail addresses:
Richard A. Brualdi [email protected]
Hans Schneider [email protected]
LATEX editor - Elsevier Publications
Charles Hurley [email protected]
IIC [email protected]
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1993 11:06:43 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Special Issue of LAA Honoring Fiedler and Ptak
Special Issue Honoring Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak
(Second announcement, note the new submission deadline below)
In view of their major contribution to linear algebra and to this
journal, LAA will publish a special issue in honor of
Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak
to mark the occasion of their retirement.
The purpose of this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue.
The deadline for submission is 31 December 1993 and the issue is expected
to appear about 15 months later.
Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its
applications, and its interactions with graph theory or functional
analysis. All contributions will be subject to the normal reviewing
Submissions should be sent to one of the special editors of this
Wayne Barrett
Department of Mathemtics
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
Email: [email protected]
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Universitaet Bremen
Postfach 33 04 40
D-W-2800 Bremen 33
Email: [email protected]
Nicholas Young
Department of Mathematics
Fylde College
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YF
Email: [email protected]
From: Daniel Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 13:38:21 +0100
Subject: Contents: Advances in Computational Mathematics
Advances in Computational Mathematics
Contents Volume 1, issues 3 & 4
W. Dahmen, S. Prossdorf and R. Schneider:
Wavelet approximation methods for pseudodifferential equations II: Matrix
compression and fast solution, pp. 259 - 335
K.A. Cliffe, T.J. Garratt and A. Spence:
Eigenvalues of the discretized Navier Stokes equation with application to
the detection of Hopf bifurcations, pp. 337 - 356
J. Williams and Z. Kalogiratou:
Least squares and Chebyshev fitting for parameter estimation in ODEs, pp.
357 - 366
C.T.H. Baker and C.A.H. Paul:
Parallel continuous Runge-Kutta methods and vanishing lag delay
differential equations, pp. 367 - 394
Advances in Computational Mathematics is an interdisciplinary journal of
high quality, driven by the computational revolution and emphasising
innovation, application and practicality. This journal is of interest to a
wide audience of mathematicians, scientists and engineers concerned with
the development of mathematical principles and practical issues in
computational mathematics.
Publication areas of Advances in Computational Mathematics include
computational aspects of algebraic, differential and integral equations,
statistics, optimization, approximation, spline functions and wavelet
analysis. Submissions are especially encouraged in modern computing aspects
such as parallel processing and symbolic computation and application areas
such as neural networks and geometric modelling.
All contributions should involve novel research. Expository papers are also
welcomed provided they are informative, well written and shed new light on
existing knowledge. The journal will consider the publication of lengthy
articles of quality and importance. From time to time special issues
devoted to topics of particular interest to the reader will be published
with the guidance of a guest editor. Ideas for special issues can be
communicated to the Editors-in-Chief.
Software of accepted papers is tested and made available to the readers.
Short communications, a problems section and letters to the
Editors-in-Chief are also featured in the journal at regular intervals.
Advances in Computational Mathematics is being published quarterly.
Authors are cordially invited to submit their manuscripts in triplicate to
John C. Mason, Applied & Computational Mathematics Group, Royal Military
College of Science, Shrivenham, Swindon SN6 8LA, UK, E-mail:
[email protected]
From: Marijcke Haccou <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1993 13:23:37 +0100
Subject: Contents: Computational and Applied Mathematics
29 OCTOBER (1993) (contents)
Special Issue
Proceedings of the Seventh Spanish Symposium on
Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications (SPOA VII)
Granada, Spain, 23--27 Setember 1991
Invited papers
J.S. Dehesa, Preface 1
R. Askey, Problems which interest and/or annoy me 3
D. Bessis and G. Mantica, Orthogonal polynomials
associated to almost periodic Schr\"{o}dinger
operators. A trend towards random orthogonal
polynomials 17
B.M. Brown, W.D. Evans and L.L. Littlejohn,
Orthogonal polynomials and extensions of Copson's
inequality 33
A. Bultheel, P. Gonz\'{a}lez-Vera, E. Hendriksen
and O. Nj{\aa}stad, Moment problems and orthogonal
functions 49
W.N. Everitt, L.L. Littlejohn and S.C. Williams,
Orthogonal polynomials and approximation in Sobolev
spaces 69
T.H. Koornwinder, On Zeilberger's algorithm and its
{\it q}-analogue 91
F. Marcell\'{a}n, M. Alfaro and M.L. Rezola,
Orthogonal polynomials on Sobolev spaces: old and
new directions 113
P. Maroni, Variations around classical orthogonal
polynomials. Connected problems 133
A. Moussiaux, CONVODE: a REDUCE package for solving
differential equations 157
M.E. Muldoon, Properties of zeros of orthogonal
polynomials and related functions 167
F. Peherstorfer, Orthogonal and extremal polynomials
on several intervals 187
W. Van Assche, Christoffel functions and Tur\'{a}n
determinants on several intervals 207
W. Van Assche (Edito), Open problems 225
List of talks 245
List of participants 249
From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 17:46:16 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
volume 194
Daniel Sweet (College Park, Maryland)
Quadratic Characterizations for Reciprocal Linear Difference
Equations 1
Chiou-Ming Huang and Dianne P. O'Leary (College Park, Maryland)
A Krylov Multisplitting Algorithm for Solving Linear
Systems of Equations 9
Lawrence A. Harris (Lexington, Kentucky)
Computation of Functions of Certain Operator Matrices 31
Yasuhiko Ikebe, Yasushi Kikuchi (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan),
Issei Fujishiro (Tokyo, Japan), Nobuyoshi Asai,
Kouichi Takanashi, and Minoru Harada (Tsukuba City, Ibaraki, Japan)
The Eigenvalue Problem for Infinite Compact Complex
Symmetric Matrices With Application to the Numerical
Computation of Complex Zeros of J0(z)_iJ1(z) and of
Bessel Functions Jm(z) of Any Real Order m 35
Adolf Rhodius (Dresden, Germany)
On Explicit Forms for Ergodicity Coefficients 71
Dragomir Z. Dokovic (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Factorization of Hermitian Matrix Polynomials With
Constant Signature 85
Jacob C. Engwerda (Tilburg, the Netherlands)
On the Existence of a Positive Definite Solution of the Matrix
Equation X=ATX_1A=1 91
Li Ping and Feng Yu Yu (Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China)
Criteria for Copositive Matrices of Order Four 109
Allen D. Ziebur (Binghamton, New York)
The Chain Rule for Functions With a Matrix Argument 125
E. Neely Atkinson (Houston, Texas)
Computing ATA_BTB=LTDL Using Generalized Hyperbolic
Transformations 135
Jaspal Singh Aujla (Jalandhar, Punjab, India)
Matrix Convexity of Functions of Two Variables 149
G. Alefeld and G. Mayer (Karlsruhe, Germany)
The Cholesky Method for Interval Data 161
Alex Pothen (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Predicting the Structure of Sparse Orthogonal Factors 183
Werner Kratz (Ulm, Germany)
A Limit Theorem for Monotone Matrix Functions 205
Author Index 223
Volume 195
J. P. Milaszewicz and L. P. Moledo (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
On Nonsingular M-Matrices 1
T. L. Hayden (Lexington, Kentucky) and P. Tarazaga (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
Distance Matrices and Regular Figures 9
J. J. McDonald (Madison, Wisconsin), M. Neumann (Storrs, Connecticut),
and H. Schneider (Madison, Wisconsin)
Resolvents of Minus M-Matrices and Splittings of M-Matrices 17
Sonia P. Coelho (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
The Authomorphism Group of a Structural Matrix Algebra 35
William F. Trench (San Antonio, Texas)
Interlacement of the Even and Odd Spectra of Real
Symmetric Toeplitz Matrices 59
Kee Yuen Lam (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
and Paul Yiu (Boca Raton, Florida)
Linear Spaces of Real Matrices of Constant Rank 69
Kresimir Veselic and Ivan Slapnicar (Hagen, Germany)
Floating-Point Perturbations of Hermitian Matrices 81
Vjeran Hari (Zagreb, Croatia) and Noah H. Rhee (Kansas City, Missouri)
A Matrix Pair of an Almost Diagonal Skew-Symmetric
Matrix and a Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix 117
William D. O'Neill (Chicago, Illinois)
M-Matrices and Bounds for Reliable Transmission of
Information in Communication Systems and Economic Markets 145
D. J. Hartfiel (College Station, Texas)
Results on Limiting Sets of Markov Set Chains 155
A. A. Ebiefung (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
and M. M. Kostreva (Clemson, South Carolina)
Generalized P0- and Z-Matrices 165
William C. Waterhouse (University Park, Pennsylvania)
The Degrees of the Cyclotomic Extension Fields 181
Jianming Miao and Adi Ben-Israel (New Brunswick, New Jersey)
Minors of the Moore-Penrose Inverse 191
Author Index 209
End of NA Digest