NA Digest Sunday, March 14, 1993 Volume 93 : Issue 11

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Biswa Datta <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 13:17:29 CST
Subject: Daniel Pierce Honored

DANIEL PIERCE of Boeing Computer Services is the recipient of the 1993
Outstanding Young Alumni Award from Northern Illinois University.

Dan received his B.S and M.S degrees from NIU, and wrote his master thesis
under the direction of Biswa Datta. He obtained his Ph.D from North
Carolina University and wrote his Ph.D dissertation under the direction
of Robert Plemmons.
Dan is currently a Senior Principal Scientist at Boeing Computer Services.



From: Chris Skiscim <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 93 18:17:36 EST
Subject: Networks via Mean Value Analysis

If anyone has an efficient implementation for the exact or approximate
solution of queueing networks (open and closed chains) by Mean Value
Analysis, please contact me. I am attempting to implement MVA for
client-server applications involving a large numbers of chains and
customers. Thanks in advance.

Chris Skiscim
[email protected]


From: Alex Stankovic <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Mar 1993 19:54:10 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Numerical Algorithms for Generalized Eigenvalue Problem

I would be very grateful for suggestions and pointers regarding the
numerical methods for the generalized eigenvalue problem (possibly
large scale).

Specifically, I am looking for review and research papers on the topic,
and I am aware of the standard references (Goluv&Van Loan, Horn&Johnson).

Thanks in advance for any help,

Alex Stankovic
[email protected]


From: John Prentice <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 93 18:41:12 MST
Subject: F90 Compiler Performance Benchmark Project

For some months I have been working on a set of Fortran 90 codes for the
purpose of performing a benchmark of the ParaSoft, NAG, and Pacific Sierra
Research Fortran 90 compilers (or translators, if you prefer). The
thrust of this project is to determine the performance of these compilers
on a variety of numerical problems, many of which are actual production
codes. I am performing my benchmark runs on a single processor Sparc 10.

I am nearing completion of my F90 performance benchmark suite and will soon
be running the final benchmark tests and writing up the results. With that
in mind, I am assembling an e-mail list to keep people up to date on this
project and for dissimination of the results. If you are interested in
being on this list, please send me some e-mail letting me know. If you know
of any other people who might be interested in this project, please send me
their e-mail address and I will contact them.


From: Philippe Toint <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 14:34:24 +0100
Subject: CUTE -- Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment

CUTE is now available

CUTE (Constrained and Unconstrained Testing Environment) is a set of Fortran
subroutines, system tools and test problems in the area of nonlinear
optimization and nonlinear equations. Its purpose is to
- provide a way to explore an extensive collection of problems (over 500
different test problems today)
- provide a way to compare existing packages (MINOS, LANCELOT, OSL, ...)
- provide a way to use a large test problem collection with new packages,
- provide motivation for building a meaningful set of new interesting test
- provide ways to manage and update the system efficiently, and
- do all the above on a variety of popular platforms (SUNs, DEC, IBM
workstations, CRAY, ...)

CUTE has been written by I. Bongartz, A.R. Conn (both at IBM, Watson Research
Center), Nick Gould (CERFACS, France) and Ph. Toint (FUNDP, Belgium). A LaTeX
manuscript detailing the package may be obtained by email from any of the
authors. It is also included in the distribution.

CUTE is written is standard ANSI Fortran 77. Single and double precision
versions are available. Machine dependencies are carefully isolated and
easily adaptable. Automatic installation procedures are available for DEC

The package may be obtained in one of two ways. Firstly, the reader can
obtain CUTE electronically (and free of charge) via an anonymous ftp call to
the account at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
(Internet i.d., in the directory pub/cute), or at Facultes
Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix (Namur) (Internet
i.d., in the directory cute). We request that the userid is given
as the password. This will serve to identify those who have obtained a copy
via ftp.

Secondly, the package can be obtained on a floppy disk or magnetic tape at a
minimal price, intended to recoup the costs of media, packaging, preparation
and courier delivery. Potentially interested parties should contact Ph. Toint
for obtaining a suitable order form.

Ingrid Bongartz [email protected]
Andy Conn [email protected]
Nick Gould [email protected]
Philippe Toint [email protected]


From: S. M. Rump <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 1993 14:55:02 +0100
Subject: Guranteed Accuracy in Numerical Linear Algebra

Viktor Kostin reviewed the book "Guaranteed Accuracy in Numerical
Linear Algebra" by S.K.Godunov et al. He mentions that the
methods described over there are almost unknown to English
speaking readers.

There are a number of books on the subject covering numerical
linear algebra, nonlinear equations, global optimization,
differential equations and others. For example

Adams.,E.,Ansorge,R.,Grossmann,Ch.,Roos,H.-G.: Discretization in
Differential Equations and Enclosures, Akademie-Verlag, Vol.
36, Berlin 1987.
Alefeld,G.,Herzberger,J.: An Introduction to Interval
Computations, Academic Press, New York 1983.
Ames,W.F.(Ed.): Numerical and Applied Mathematics, J.C.Baltzer
Scientific Publications, Basel 1989.
Brezinski,C.,Kulisch,U.(Eds): Computational and Applied
Mathematics I - Algorithms and Theory, Proceedings of the 13th
IMACS World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, Elsevier Science
Publishers 1992.
Herzberger,J.,Atanassova,L.(Eds.): Computer Arithmetic and
Enclosure Methods, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam
Klatte,R.,Kulisch,U.,Neaga,M.,Ratz,D.,Ullrich,Ch.: Pascal-XSC -
Language Reference with Examples, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York 1991.
Moore,R.E.(Ed.): Reliability in Computing: The Role of Interval
Methods in Scientific Computing,Academic Press, San Diego
Neumaier,A.: Interval Methods for Systems of Equations,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1990.
Ullrich,Ch.(Ed.): Computer Arithmetic and Self-Validating
Numerical Methods,Academic Press, San Diego 1990.

This is an uncomplete (authors: please, don't blame me for not
being mentioned) list of the newer books, others are cited there.


From: Lyman Hurd <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 16:48:03 EST
Subject: New Book on Fractal Image Compression

I am pleased to announce the arrival of the book:

Fractal Image Compression
by Michael Barnsley and Lyman Hurd.

hardbound 244 pages, 16 color plates ISBN 1-56881-000-8

A sequel to Fractals Everywhere, Fractal Image Compression describes the
mathematics underlying the Fractal Transform an image compression method
discovered by Michael Barnsley and developed at Iterated Systems. Topics

* Iterated Function Systems
* Local IFS and the Black and White Fractal Transform
* The Grayscale Fractal Transform
* Information Theory
* Huffman codes
* Arithmetic Codes
* JPEG Image Compression

Example programs in C are interspersed throughout the text.

Copies can be ordered directly from the publisher by the following methods:

1) Email: send a message to
[email protected]
for price and credit card information.

2) Mail:
AK Peters, Ltd.
289 Linden St.
Wellesley, MA 02181

3) Phone: (617) 235-2210.


From: WSKDPL <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 08 Mar 93 12:45
Subject: South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics

19th South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics

The Nineteenth South African Symposium on Numerical Mathematics,
organized by the South African Society for Numerical Mathematics (SANUM)
and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Natal, Durban,
will be held at the Protea Hotel, San Lameer, near Margate on the South
Coast, on 12, 13 and 14 July 1993. The Symposium offers numerical and
applied mathematicians an opportunity to discuss their research, establish
contacts and exchange ideas with other delegates.

Presentations of 20 minutes duration on any aspect of numerical
mathematics and its applications are hereby solicited. All presentations
submitted will be published in the unrefereed Proceedings after the
Symposium, subject to approval by the SANUM Committee.
The deadline for submission of titles and summaries of presentations
(one A4 page) as well as the necessary registration form and payment
is 17 May 1993.

In order to stimulate research among our younger colleagues, SANUM has
decided that an award will be made for the best paper presented at the
Symposium. This award is limited to candidates under the age of 35 years.

Please direct all queries to:

Dr Shirley Abelman
Secretary: SANUM
Dept. of Computational & Applied Mathematics
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
P O Wits
2050 South Africa

Tel: 27-11-7163298
Fax: 27-11-3397965
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Walter Gautschi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1993 09:12:13 -0500
Subject: Mathematics of Computation 1943-1993


NOTE: This announcement differs from the preceding second announcement
only in the e-mail address to which inquiries with regard to
registration and housing should be directed.

Under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), and
in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the journal Mathematics of
Computation, an international conference

A half-century of computational mathematics

devoted to all aspects of computational mathematics will be held on
the campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,
August 9-13, 1993, immediately prior to the joint AMS/MAA/CMS Summer
Meeting. As part of the meeting there will be a two-session
minisymposium on Computational Number Theory dedicated to the memory
of D.H. Lehmer. Invited speakers will be presenting survey and state-
of-the-art lectures in plenary sessions. In addition there will be
poster sessions and 15-minute talk sessions for contributed papers.
The invited (and confirmed) speakers are:

James H. Bramble, Cornell University
Johannes Buchmann, Universitaet des Saarlandes
Margaret Cheney, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Bjorn Engquist, University of California at Los Angeles
Donald Goldfarb, Columbia University
James N. Lyness, Argonne National Laboratory
J.C. Nedelec, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau
Andrew M. Odlyzko, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Frank W.J. Olver, University of Maryland
Linda R. Petzold, University of Minnesota
Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia
Larry L. Schumaker, Vanderbilt University
Hans J. Stetter, Technical University of Vienna
G.W. Stewart, University of Maryland
Roger Temam, Indiana University

The deadline for submission of contributed papers is April 1, 1993.
Abstracts should be prepared on AMS abstract forms (available at most
universities or obtainable from the AMS upon request) and should
indicate whether they are submitted for a poster session or for a short
talk session. They should be sent in duplicate to the Chairman of the
Organizing Committee. Decisions on acceptances will be made by May 1,
1993. All invited lectures and contributed papers are to appear (subject
to the usual reviewing procedures) in a Proceedings volume published
by the American Mathematical Society.

The deadline for registration/housing is June 6, 1993. Registration
and housing forms can be obtained from the Mathematics Meetings Service
Bureau, P.O. Box 6887, Providence, RI 02940-6887. There will be a
registration fee of $50.00. Inquiries with regard to registration and
housing should be directed to that address, or by e-mail to
[email protected], or tel: 401-455-4143. Other inquiries should be sent
to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Sponsorship by the National Science Foundation is pending; additional
funds for travel and support are sought from the National Security
Agency and the Department of Energy.

The Organizing Committee: James H. Bramble
Walter Gautschi (Chairman)
Department of Computer Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Eugene Isaacson
Vidar Thomee
Hugh C. Williams


From: Heinz W. Engl <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1993 10:42:15 MEZ
Subject: Inverse Problems Conference in Austria

Between June 26 and July 2, 1994, a conference on
Inverse Problems will be held on Lake St.Wolfgang,
Austria. This conference will be the first one in a
series of conferences on inverse problems to be
organized for SIAM and GAMM by D.Colton (Delaware),
H.W.Engl (Linz), A.Louis (Saarbruecken), and
W.Rundell (Texas A&M). The local organizer for
the St.Wolfgang conference will be H.W.Engl.
More detailed information will follow later.

Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl E-Mail: [email protected]
Industriemathematik or [email protected]
Institut fuer Mathematik secretary: [email protected]
Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Phone: +43-(0)732-2468; ext.9219 or 693,
Altenbergerstrasse 69 secretary: 9220; home: +43-(0)732-245518
A-4040 Linz Fax: +43-(0)732-246810, attn.:Prof.Engl
Oesterreich / Austria Telex: 2-2323 uni li a


From: Valerie Fraysse <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1993 19:01:30 GMT
Subject: Workshop on Reliability Computations

Centre Europ\'een Institut National
de Recherche et de de Recherche
Formation Avanc\'ee et de en Informatique
en Calcul Scientifique et Automatisme

New trends in the assessment of quality for
numerical linear algebra software and algebraic processes.

Second Announcement
March 30--31, April 1 1993, TOULOUSE (FRANCE)

For an engineer or a researcher, having confidence in the results obtained
from large-scale computational codes and the robustness of the underlying
models is of the utmost importance. Indeed, the widespread availability of
supercomputers has replaced physical experimentation by intensive numerical
simulations, even for problems at the edge of instability.

Unfortunately, tools for obtaining information on the quality and the
reliability of computer results are rarely used in industrial environments.
However, there exist some new tools, developed in the framework of linear
algebra, which can offer the best possible solution to a given problem.
One has to discover and learn how to use them.

The aim of the workshop ``RELIABILITY OF COMPUTATIONS'' is then twofold :
* to present an overview of the new concepts influencing the design of
LAPACK, the Linear Algebra Library released in 1992,
* to show how the user can get meaningful information even from results
where all the digits can be wrong. Such computational problems are
considered so difficult that they are called ``impossible''.

List of speakers:

M. Arioli, IAN--CNR Pavia and CERFACS
J. C. Berg\`es, CNES
J. P. Boujot, CISI Ing\'enierie
T. Braconnier, CERFACS
J. Cullum, IBM Yorktown
V. Frayss\'e, CERFACS
S. Hammarling, NAG
N. Higham, University of Manchester
I. Ipsen, Yale University
B. K{\aa}gstr\"{o}m, University of Ume\aa

Organizing Committee: M. Arioli, IAN--CNR Pavia and CERFACS
F. Chatelin, THOMSON--CSF and CERFACS, I. S. Duff, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS, V. Frayss\'e, CERFACS.

This workshop is organized by CERFACS with the support of INRIA and IBM.

Registration fees:
Regular participants : 2500 FF
Students : 1000 FF
The registration fees include : participation at the workshop,
breakfasts, lunches, coffee-breaks, a cocktail and relevant documentation.
Possibility for accomodation on the campus (47 FF per night).

Scientific coordination and registration :
Val\'erie Frayss\'e Tel : (33) 61 19 30 18
42 ave. G. Coriolis Fax : (33) 61 19 30 00
31057 Toulouse CEDEX Email : [email protected]


From: Piet Wesseling <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 93 10:13:30 MET
Subject: European Multigrid Conference


July 6-9, 1993
The Netherlands

Call for Registration

Following earlier conferences in 1981, 1985 and 1990, EMG'93, the fourth
European Multigrid Conference will be held in Amsterdam, July 6-9, 1993.
The conference aims at providing a forum for the presentation and
discussion of recent research in the general area of multilevel methods.
Participation will be worldwide.
Themes of the conference will range from basic research to industrial
applications, including but not limited to the following subjects:
* computational fluid dynamics,
* reservoir engineering,
* statistical physics,
* parallel computing,
* adaptive computing,
* numerical analysis of multigrid methods.

The program of the fourth European Multigrid Conference will consist of
invited lectures in plenary sessions and some 50 selected presentations
in 2 parallel sessions. Program chairmen are P.W. Hemker (CWI/University
of Amsterdam) and P. Wesseling (Delft University of Technology).

Invited lectures will be given by:

D. Braess (Bochum, Germany), Multigrid for nonconforming finite elements
A. Brandt (Rehovot, Israel), Multiscale computations in physics and chemistry
C. Douglas (New Haven, USA), A generalized multigrid theory
L. Fuchs (Stockholm, Sweden), Multigrid methods for calculation
of flows in multi-components geometries
W. Hackbush (Kiel, Germany), The frequency-decomposition multigrid method
P. Lauwers (Bonn, Germany), Multigrid algorithms in lattice gauge theories
K. Stueben (Sankt Augustin, Germany), Adaptive multigrid on distributed
memory computers
S. Vandewalle (Leuven, Belgium), Multicomputer solution of parabolic problems
C.H. Venner (Enschede, The Netherlands), Multilevel solution of integral
and integro-differential problems
G. Wittum (Heidelberg, Germany), On robust multigrid methods

The program of contributed papers will be made available through
anonymous ftp from "" (Conferences/EMG93) and mgnet
( If you don't have ftp-facilities you may contact the
conference administrator (Beau) at fax +31-20-5924199 to get the program.

P.W. Hemker
F. Snijders
P. Wesseling
S. van der Wolff

EMG'93 - European Multigrid Conference 1993
c/o CWI
Ms. Simone van der Wolff
P.O. Box 4079
1009 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31-20-5924189
Fax. +31-20-5924199
email: [email protected]


Available via e-mail from:
[email protected]


From: Lois Mansfield <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 93 14:02:46 EST
Subject: Position at University of Virginia

The Department of Applied Mathematics in the School of Engineering and
Applied Science at the University of Virginia has a tenure-track opening
for an assistant professor in the area Numerical Analysis/Scientific
Computing/Mathematical Modelling. We seek candidates who are willing and
able to work with colleagues throughout the School of Engineering &
Applied Science in applying mathematics to the understanding of real-world
phenomena, especially to those problems that arise in modern technology.
That is, we seek candidates who demonstrate an interest in and potential
for mathematical modelling and the development and application of efficient
numerical methods for predicting the behavior of such models. Finally,
we seek candidates with a strong commitment to the education of both
undergraduates and graduates within an environment dedicated to engineering
and applied science.

Please send resumes and supporting materials to:

Chair of the Search Committee
Department of Applied Mathematics
Thornton Hall, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903

The University of Virginia does not discriminate on the basis of race,
creed, gender, or physical disability. Applications from underrepresented
minorities are especially encouraged.


From: Dugald Duncan <dugald%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 08:28:47 GMT
Subject: Position at Heriot-Watt University

Research Associateship in Nonlinear Systems

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associateship
sponsored by the UK SERC. The research associate will work on
computational problems arising in the study of phase transformations in
solids under the direction of Professors J M Ball & O Penrose and
Dr. D B Duncan. A background in scientific computation or numerical
analysis is essential, and experience in partial differential equations,
solid mechanics or statistical physics would be an advantage.

The appointment will commence on 1 October 1993 and will be for a
period of 2-3 years at a starting salary of between 13,400-14,962
pounds on the RA 1A scale. The position will involve a small amount
of teaching duties.

Application forms, and further particulars, are available from the
Director of Personnel, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh,
Scotland, EH14 4AS to whom completed forms should be returned by 10
April 1993. Overseas applicants can instead send a curriculum vitae
and names of 3 referees, if desired by FAX (44-31-451 3249) or e-mail
([email protected]). Please quote reference number 08/93.


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 93 18:20:09 GMT
Subject: Conttents: IMA Numerical Analysis

Contents of IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.
Volume 13 Number 2.

Govaerts W and Pryce J D
Mixed block elimination for linear systems with wider borders

Papamichael N, Soares M J and Stylianopoulos
A numerical method for the computation of Faber polynomials
and starlike domains.

Atkinson K and Flores J
The discrete collocation method for nonlinear integral equations.

Pickering W M and Harley P J
FFT solution of the Robbins problem

Hoppe R H W
A globally convergent multi-grid algorithm for moving boundary
problems of two-phase Stefan type

Zhao N and Dai J
Uniformly third-order accurate TVNE interpolation

Humphries A R
Spurious solutions of numerical methods for initial value problems.

Torelli L and Vermiglio R
On the stability of continuous quadrature rules for differential
equations with several constant delays

Weiner R, Arnold M, Rentrop P, and Strehmel K
Patritioning strategies in Runge-Kutta type methods


From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 93 07:29:29 CST
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

Contents Volume 184

Chjan C. Lim (Troy, New York)
Nonsingular Sign Patterns and the Orthogonal Group 1

Vlastimil Ptak and Zdenek Vavrin (Prague, Czech Republic)
Bezout, Hankel, and Loewner Matrices 13

Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming)
Convertible, Nearly Decomposable, and Nearly Reducible Matrices 37

Daniel Hershkowitz (Haifa, Israel)
The Relation Between the Jordan Structure of a Matrix and Its Graph 55

Roy Mathias (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
An Arithmetic-Geometric-Harmonic Mean Inequality Involving Hadamard Products 71

Jiang Zeng (Strasbourg, France)
A Bijective Proof of Muir's Identity and the Cauchy-Binet Formula 79

Bernard F. Lamond (Quebec, Canada)
An Efficient Basis Update of Asymptotic Linear Programming 83

Robert E. Hartwig (Raleigh, North Carolina) and Michael Neumann (Storrs,
Bounds on the Exponent of Primitivity Which Depend on the
Spectrum and the Minimal Polynomial 103

Zhe-xian Wan (Lund, Sweden)
On the Orthogonal Invariants of a Subspace of a Vector
Space Over a Finite Field of Odd Characteristic 123

Zhe-xian Wan (Lund, Sweden)
On the Orthogonal Invariants of a Subspace of a Vector
Space Over a Finite Field of Even Characteristics 135

W. Hasselbarth (Berlin, Germany) and E. Ruch (Gottingen, Germany)
On the Extension of Linear Contractions: Some Results
of the Hahn-Banach Type 145

Roland W. Freund (Murray Hill, New Jersey) and homas Huckle (Wurzburg, Germany)
A Restricted Signature Normal Form for Hermitian Matrices,
Quasi-Spectral Decompositions, and Applications 165

Scott McCullough (Gainesville, Florida)
Minimal Separators of 2-Chordal Graphs 187

Michael I. Gil' (Beer Sheva, Israel)
On Inequalities for Eigenvalues of Matrices 201

Wang Xinmin (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Generalized Stein-Rosenberg Theorems for the Regular
Splittings and Convergence of Some Generalized Iterative Methods 207

LeRoy B. Beasley (Logan, Utah) and Larry J. Cummings (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
The Structure of Generalized Permanent Semigroups 235

Bo-Ying Wang and Ming-Peng Gong (Beijing, People's Republic of China)
Some Eigenvalue Inequalities for Positive Semidefinite
Matrix Power Products 249

Cheng Wang, Dao-Sheng Zheng, Guo-Liang Chen, and
Shu-Qin Zhao (Shanghai, People's Republic of China)
Structures of p-Isometric Matrices and Rectangular Matrices
With Minimum p-Norm Condition Number 261


End of NA Digest
