From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 93 18:37:37 PST
Subject: Election to National Academy of Engineering
The following persons were amongst the 81 persons recently
elected to the National Academy of Engineering.
Robert Brayton
Carl De Boor
H T Kung
Roger Sargent (Foreign Associate)
Gene Golub
From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 93 8:32:32 MET
Subject: Lech Jankowski
On behalf of the numerical analysts at Danish Computer Center for
Research and Education (UNI-C), I would like to express our sorrow
at the death of Lech Jankowski, and extend our sympathy and condo-
lences to his family. Thank you very much for the several years
collaboration as the vector computer expert of the Amdahl Computer
Yours sincerely
Jerzy Wasniewski
From: Moshe Olshansky <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 08:11:15 IDT
Subject: Software for FFT, etc.
Does anybody know of a public domain (or even commercial) software
doing FFT, convolutions, etc. tuned to have a good performance on
i486 (80486) microprocessor?
Any help will be appreciated.
Moshe Olshansky
< olshansk@vnet > or < [email protected] >
From: Tom Coleman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 10:51:02 -0500
Subject: Thesis Abstracts in SIGNUM
PhD Abstracts in Numerical Mathematics
The SIGNUM Newsletter, a quarterly publication of the ACM Special
Interest Group on Numerical Mathematics, is interested in publishing
one paragraph abstracts of recent Ph.D. theses in numerical mathematics.
A recent Ph.D. thesis should have been completed within the last year.
If you (or your student) qualifies, then you can get good publicity,
and help educate the numerical mathematics community, by submitting
a one paragraph abstract, along with the name of the student, associated
institution/department, advisor's name, and thesis approval date, to:
Thomas F. Coleman, SIGNUM Board Member
725 ETC Building
Computer Science Department
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-0001
[email protected]
Electronic submission is preferable.
From: Evgenij Tyrtyshnikov <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 19:10:17 MSK
Subject: Submatrices with the Best-Bounded Inverse
Lately I came across the next "pure linear algebra" problem.
Suppose we have r columns of an orthogonal matrix
of order n, that is, U is n-by-r and such that U^tr * U = I,
and we want to find an r-by-r submatrix in U which has
the best-bounded inverse.
In other words, let S denote the set of all U as above,
and M(U) the subset of all U's r-by-r submatrices. Let
t(r,n) = 1 / min_{U belongs to S} max_{P belongs to M(U)} s(P)
where s(P) means the minimum singular value of P.
What is a good upper bound for t(r,n)?
I can easily prove that t(r,n) is no greater than the square root
of C^r_n ( the number of r-combinations among n things ).
But I quess that there should be much better estimate like
t(r,n) .LE. n^{1/2}. (*)
We have had some numerical experiments, and saw that (*) was never
violated. Interesting, that we noticed that
t(2,n) .GT. (n-1)^{1/2}.
So a "nice" question arose of whether (*) holds or not.
Even the case r = 2 is not clear.
I will appreciate any advice.
Evgenij Tyrtyshnikov ([email protected] )
From: SISTA <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 14:47:08-0100
Subject: FTP Site at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Now available by anonymous ftp:
Internal reports and (p)reprints of the research group SISTA
(Signals, Identification, System Theory and Automation) of the
division ESAT (Electronics, Systems, Automation, Technology) of the
department of Electrical Engineering of the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (=Louvain), Belgium.
SISTA is the group of Prof. Joos Vandewalle and Prof. Bart De Moor,
and contains some 25 researchers working on topics in numerical linear
algebra, system identification, control system design, neural nets and
nonlinear systems.
1. Create an FTP connection from wherever you are to machine
"gate.esat.kuleuven.ac.be". The internet address of this machine is , for those who need it.
2. Log in as user "anonymous" with your own e-mail address as password.
This is not because we want to monitor you, but because we like to know
when somebody is interested in our reports.
3. Change remote directory to "/pub/SISTA/<author>/reports", i.e. type:
cd /pub/SISTA/<author>/reports
where <author> is the name of the guy whose paper you are interested in.
Of course one can get a listing of the authors by typing:
ls /pub/SISTA
4. Get the report or (p)reprint you are interested in, typing:
get <report>
Here <report> is the name of the report, typically in the format
*.ps.Z (compressed Postscript). One can use the unix command 'uncompress'
to uncompress them.
A listing of the reports of <author> may be obtained by typing:
ls /pub/SISTA/<author>/reports
This directory also contains a file ABSTRACTS, where you find abstracts
and some other info on each report
The exact FTP commands you should use may depend on your local FTP program.
Remember to use the binary transfer mode for compressed files.
All of this is also contained in more detail in the file /pub/SISTA/README
From: E. Gallopoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 93 23:51:53 CST
Subject: Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science
A report entitled
Future Research Directions in
Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science
is avalaible in electronic PostScript form by sending e-mail to
[email protected]
using the text body
send 1259 from reports.
The report is also available directly using anonymous ftp from
and obtaining file 1259 from directory
This work was prepared by E. Houstis and J. R. Rice from
Purdue University and E. Gallopoulos from the University of Illinois
reporting on a Workshop on Research Directions in Integrating Numerical
Analysis, Symbolic Computing, Computational Geometry and Artificial
Intelligence for Computational Science, which was held at the
National Science Foundation.
The report is also available in hard copy form from CSRD as
CSRD Tech. Report 1259. Please send mail to
Ms. Judy Reinhart
465, CSRL
1308 West Main
Urbana, IL 61801
E. Gallopoulos
From: Zhao Jin-xi <[email protected]>
Date: 16 Feb 1993 10:19:49 +0000
Subject: New Publication on Numerical Mathematics
New Publication on Numerical Mathematics
A Journal of Chinese Universities
English Series
This journal is an English series of "Numerical Mathematics. A Journal
of Chinese Universities.". The first volume has been published recently.
It is published semiannually in May and November by Editorial committee.
The contents fully differ from that of the Chinese series of this journal,
which is founded in 1979.
Su Yu-cheng, Nanjing University,Nanjing, China
Jiang Er-xiong, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Cao Zhi-hao, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Feng Guo-chen, Jilin University,Changchun, China
Han Hou-de, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Li Rong-hua, Jilin University, Changchun, China
Li Yue-sheng, Zhougshan University, Guangzhou, China
Shen Zu-he, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
Teng Zhen-huan, Peking University, Beijing, China
Xu Li-zhi, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Dalian University
of Technology, Dalian, China
Ying Long-an, Peking University, Beijing, China
Zhang Yuan-ji, Nanjing University, Nanjing,China
I. Babuska, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University
of Marylend, USA;
Ake Bjorck,Institute of Technology, Link\"{o}ping University,
Link\"{o}ping, Sweden
Charles A. Micchelli, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Mathematical
Science Department, New York, USA
Luo Liang-sheng,Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
this journal publishes original research papers dealing with the theory,
methods and applications in the field of numerical analysis. The following
main areas are covered:
.numerical approximation
.numerical methods in complex analysis
.numerical linear algebra
.error analysis
.nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations
.numerical analysis in abstract spaces
.mathematical programming, optimization and variational techniques
.numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations\\
.computational methods for integral equations
.numerical methods in probability and statistics
.computer aspects of numerical algorithms
To obtain much information concerning this journal, please write
to the Managing Editor:
Luo Liang-sheng
Dept. of Math, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China
Prof. Zhao jin-xi( Dept.of Math., Trento University,Trento,Italy)
[email protected]
From: Hans Stetter <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 93 10:02:27 +0100
Subject: SCAN-93
C a l l f o r P a p e r s
S C A N - 9 3
I M A C S / G A M M International Symposium on
Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics
2 6 - 2 9 S e p t e m b e r 1 9 9 3
Technical University of Vienna, AUSTRIA
S c o p e
This conference continues the series of SCAN-xx Symposia which have previously
been held at Karlsruhe, Basel, Albena(Bulgaria), and Oldenburg, under the joint
sponsorship of IMACS and GAMM. These conferences have traditionally covered
the numerical and algorithmic aspects of Scientific Computing, with a strong
emphasis on the algorithmic v a l i d a t i o n o f r e s u l t s and on
algorithmic and arithmetic tools for this purpose.
O r g a n i s a t i o n
Scientific Committee: G.Alefeld (Karlsruhe), G.Corliss (Milwaukee), A.Frommer
(Wuppertal), J.Herzberger (Oldenburg), S.Markov (Sofia), D.Matula (Dallas),
A.Neumaier (Freiburg), S.Rump (Hamburg-Harburg), H.J.Stetter (Vienna).
Organizing Committee: W.Auzinger, J.Schneid, G.Schranz-Kirlinger, H.J.Stetter.
V e n u e a n d F o r m a t
SCAN-93 will be held at the Technical University of Vienna. SCAN-93 will begin
on Sunday, 26 Sept., at 10:00, with regisration available from 8:30; the scien-
tific program will end in the late afternoon of Wednesday, 29 Sept. The confer-
ence language will be English. There will be plenary sessions of highlighted
papers (40 min.) and parallel sessions of regular papers (25 min.). Facilities
for posters will be provided. Demonstration facilities will be available, but
hardware and software requirements must be specified well in advance.
S u b m i s s i o n o f P a p e r s
You are kindly invited to submit a paper for presentation during the con-
ference. Of each submitted paper, we must receive an e x t e n d e d a b s -
t r a c t of approximately one printed page by 30 April 1993, which must con-
tain sufficient technical detail for refereeing and appropriate scheduling.
The extended abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to
[email protected]
either without special editing or in LaTeX, by 3 0 A p r i l 9 3.
C o n f e r e n c e F e e s
The conference fee is AuS 900 (1 DM = 7 AuS, 1 US$ =appr. 11.5 AuS).
This fee covers the conference materials (the final program, a booklet with all
abstracts, general information, maps etc.), all services of the conference
office, refreshments at morning and afternoon breaks, and the Social Events.
F u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n
For more information and a registration form apply to
e-mail: [email protected]
mail: Organizing Committee SCAN-93
Tech. Univ. Vienna 115.2
Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
A - 1040 Vienna / AUSTRIA
From: Taketomo Mitsui <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 15:30:22 JST
Subject: Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
1993 International Symposium on
Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Hawaii
December 5 - 9, 1993
Call for Papers
The 1993 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications
(NOLTA'93) is open to all the world. Papers describing original works in
all aspects of Nonlinear Theory and its Applications are invited. Possible
topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Nonlinear aspects of:
*Circuits and Systems *Neural Networks *Chaos
*Dynamics *Cellular Neural Networks *Fractals
*Bifurcation *Biocybernetics *Soliton
*Oscillations *Reactive Phenomena *Fuzzy
*Numerical Methods *Pattern Generation *Information Dynamics
*Self-Validating Numerics *Time Series Analysis *Chua's Circuits
*Chemistry and Physics *Mechanics *Fluid Mechanics
*Acoustics *Control *Optics
*Circuit Simulation *Communication *Economics
*Digital/Analog VLSI circuits *Image Processing *Power Electronics
*Power Systems *Other Related Areas
Research Society of Nonlinear Theory and its Applications,IEICE
Dept. of Elect. Engr., Univ. of Hawaii
In cooperation with:
IEEE Hawaii Section
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
IEEE Neural Networks Council
International Neural Network Society
IEEE CAS Technical Committee on Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
Technical Group of Nonlinear Problems,IEICE
Techincal Group of Circuits and Systems,IEICE
Authors are invited to submit three copies of a summary os 2 or 3 pages to:
Technical Program Committee Chairman
Prof. Shun-ichi Amari
Faculty of Engr.
University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan
Telefax: +81-3-5689-5752
e-mail: [email protected]
The summary should include the author's name(s), affiliations(s) and complete
return address(es). The authors should also indicate one or more of the above
categories that best describe the topic of the paper.
Deadline for submission of summaries: August 15, 1993
Notification of acceptance: Before September 15, 1993
Deadline for camera-ready manuscript: November 1, 1993
From: Laura Montefusco <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1993 18:21:56 +0100
Subject: International Conference on Wavelets
Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
Taormina (Italy) - October 14-20, 1993
In collaboration with "Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti",
"Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - C.N.R.", "Gruppo Nazionale
per l' Informatica Matematica del C.N.R. - G.N.I.M.", the University
of Messina and its Department of Mathematics will organize an
International Conference on Wavelets at Taormina (Sicily, Italy)
from October 14 to 20, 1993.
L. Puccio - Department of Mathematics, University of Messina;
L. Montefusco - Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna;
A. Mammano - Department of Mathematics, University of Messina;
C.K. Chui - Center of Approximation Theory, Texas A&M University, USA.
Wavelet theory, applications to approximation theory, linear algebra,
differential and integral equations; multigrid methods; continuous
and discrete wavelet transform; multiresolution analysis; signal
and image processing; medical imaging; frames; wavelet-based fractal
analysis; scalar and parallel algorithms for wavelet problems; general
applications of wavelets to different scientific fields; ...
C.K. Chui - Texas A&M University, USA;
R. Coifman - Yale University, USA;
I. Daubechies - Rutgers University, USA;
I. Galligani - University of Bologna, Italy;
A. Mammano - University of Messina, Italy;
Y. Meyer - University of Paris-Dauphine, France;
L. Montefusco - University of Bologna, Italy;
L. Puccio - University of Messina, Italy.
INVITED SPEAKERS (preliminary list)
C.K. Chui - Texas A&M University, USA;
W. Dahmen - Institute fur Geometrie und Praktische Math.,Aachen,Germany;
M. Farge - LMD/CNRS Paris, France;
A. Grossmann - CPT/CNRS Luminy Marseille, France;
S. Mallat - Courant Institute New York, USA;
C. Micchelli - IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA;
L. Montefusco - University of Bologna, Italy;
D. Trigiante - University of Firenze, Italy;
M.V. Wickerhauser - Washington University, USA.
They will be held at Jolly Hotel in Taormina.
We expect to have 12 invited hour lectures, as well as several sessions
of contributed papers in formats of twenty-five minutes talks, posters,
and software exhibition.
Titles and abstracts of contributed papers (including posters and
software exhibition) must be received by JUNE 15, 1993. The abstracts
should be typed double spaced, not to exceed one page, and they will be
directly reproduced in a booklet to be handed out to all the partici-
pants at the conference.
We will publish all invited papers as well as some selected contributed
papers. All papers will be refereed and carefully edited.
Registration fee is Lit. 320.000 UNTIL JUNE 15, 1993. Late
registration is Lit. 370.000. Information about hotel accomodation
and registration will be included in the next announcement. Please,
fill out the enclosed information form to request for registration
material BEFORE MARCH 30, 1993. The registration fee will cover six
lunches, all coffee breaks, the abstract book and the edited volume of
conference papers.
L. Montefusco,
Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita' di Bologna,
Piazza di Porta S. Donato, 5
40127 Bologna, Italy.
Tel. : 39-51-354439
Fax : 39-51-354490
Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita' di Messina,
Via Salita Sperone, 31 - Contrada Papardo
98166 Messina, Italy
Tel. : 39-90-6763066
Fax : 39-90-393502
G. Cusumano, M. Chui, V. Calderone, M. Cotronei, D. Lazzaro, M.Piraccini
Tel. : 39-90-6763068 Fax : 39-90-393502
Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita' di Messina
Via Salita Sperone, 31 - Contrada Papardo
98166 Messina, Italy.
From: Xian-He Sun <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 13:04:31 -0500
Subject: Special Issue on Scalability of Parallel Algorithms
Special Issue of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing on
Scalability of Parallel Algorithms and Architectures :
Papers are solicited for a special issue of the Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing on scalability of parallel algorithms and
architectures planned for April 1994. The issue will publish about
eight regular papers (about 35 double-spaced manuscript pages) and
upto four research notes (about 15 double-spaced manuscript pages).
The objective of this special issue is to bring together the research
done by theoreticians, application developers, and designers of
architectures and system software on scalability analysis of large-
scale parallel systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited
to Scalability metrics, Scalability analysis of parallel algorithms,
applications, and architectures, Cost effectiveness of scaling parallel
architectures in terms of performance, Software tools for scalable
parallel systems.
Authors should follow the JPDC manuscript format as described at the
end of each JPDC issue. Five copies of complete manuscript should be
sent to one of the guest editors by April 5, 1993. The authors will be
notified of the decision by September 1, 1993 and the final manuscript
ready for publication will be due by October 1, 1993.
Guest Editors:
Prof. Vipin Kumar Dr. Xian-He Sun
Department of Computer Science ICASE
200 Union Street S.E., Rm. 4-192 Mail Stop 132C
University of Minnesota NASA Langley Research Center
Minneapolis MN 55455 Hampton, VA 23681-0001
Tel: (612) 624-8023 Tel: (804) 864-8018
Fax: (612) 625-0572 Fax: (804) 864-6134
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
From: Walter Gautschi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 15:42:21 -0500
Subject: A Half-Century of Computational Mathematics
Under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), and
in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the journal Mathematics of
Computation, an international conference
A half-century of computational mathematics
devoted to all aspects of computational mathematics will be held on
the campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,
August 9-13, 1993, immediately prior to the joint AMS/MAA/CMS Summer
Meeting. As part of the meeting there will be a two-session
minisymposium on Computational Number Theory dedicated to the memory
of D.H. Lehmer. Invited speakers will be presenting survey and state-
of-the-art lectures in plenary sessions. In addition there will be
poster sessions and 15-minute talk sessions for contributed papers.
The invited (and confirmed) speakers are:
James H. Bramble, Cornell University
Johannes Buchmann, Universitaet des Saarlandes
Margaret Cheney, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Bjorn Engquist, University of California at Los Angeles
Donald Goldfarb, Columbia University
James N. Lyness, Argonne National Laboratory
J.C. Nedelec, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau
Andrew M. Odlyzko, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Frank W.J. Olver, University of Maryland
Linda R. Petzold, University of Minnesota
Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia
Larry L. Schumaker, Vanderbilt University
Hans J. Stetter, Technical University of Vienna
G.W. Stewart, University of Maryland
Roger Temam, Indiana University
The deadline for submission of contributed papers is April 1, 1993.
Abstracts should be prepared on AMS abstract forms (available at most
universities or obtainable from the AMS upon request) and should
indicate whether they are submitted for a poster session or for a short
talk session. They should be sent in duplicate to the Chairman of the
Organizing Committee. Decisions on acceptances will be made by May 1,
1993. All invited lectures and contributed papers are to appear (subject
to the usual reviewing procedures) in a Proceedings volume published
by the American Mathematical Society.
The deadline for registration/housing is June 6, 1993. Registration
and housing forms can be obtained from the Mathematics Meetings Service
Bureau, P.O. Box 6887, Providence, RI 02940-6887. There will be a
registration fee of $50.00. Inquiries with regard to registration and
housing should be directed to that address, or by e-mail to
[email protected], or tel: 401-455-4143. Other inquiries should be sent
to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
Sponsorship by the National Science Foundation is pending; additional
funds for travel and support are sought from the National Security
Agency and the Department of Energy.
The Organizing Committee: James H. Bramble
Walter Gautschi (Chairman)
Department of Computer Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Eugene Isaacson
Vidar Thomee
Hugh C. Williams
From: Tim Kelley <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 09:56:47 GMT
Subject: Special Session on Numerical Optimization at AMS meeting
A special session on ``Numerical Methods in Optimization'' will be
held during the AMS meeting in Knoxville, TN, on March 26--27, 1993.
This session is in connection with the invited talk on "The Historical
Development of Computational Optimization" to be given by Richard
Tapia at that meeting.
Twenty speakers will present results from many areas of numerical
optimization. We're looking forward to an interesting meeting
and hope some of the NA-DIGEST readership will be there.
Tim Kelley
From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1993 10:51:08 +0100
Subject: Call for Post Docs and PhD Students for CERFACS
CERFACS is one of the world's leading research institutes working on
efficient algorithms for solving large-scale scientific problems.
This involves the evaluation of existing, and the development of new,
tools which exploit high-performance serial, vector and parallel
computers. CERFACS is also heavily involved in advanced training in
scientific computation. Based in Toulouse, France, CERFACS has
researchers and engineers from many countries in Europe and elsewhere.
CERFACS offers, for October 1993,
Post-Doctorate and PhD grants.
* Parallel Algorithms and numerical computation
* Network supercomputing
* Direct Simulation on Instabilities and Turbulence
* Modelling and Direct Simulation of Turbulent Reacting Flows
* Computational Aerodynamics and Numerical Physical Modelling of
* Computational Electromagnetism
* Visualization Methods especially for computational fluid mechanics
* Global Climate Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Ocean-Atmosphere
* Computational Chemistry
Candidates should submit :
* a cover letter indicating the research theme of interest to you, your
motivations for applying and the way in which you will be able to
contribute to the research in the theme that you choose
* a Curriculum Vitae with a detailed description of your training in
maths, applied maths, computing (especially in supercomputers) applied
mechanics and applied physics and chemistry
* copy of qualifications and transcript : either a Masters in Science or a
Masters in Engineering (or equivalent)
* Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three persons who will write a
letter of reference
Candidates should submit :
* a cover letter indicating the research theme of interest to you, a
statement of a specific problem you would like to work on, your motivations
for applying and the way in which you will be able to contribute to the
interdisciplinary nature of CERFACS
* a Curriculum Vitae highlighting experience and results obtained in
numerical analysis and parallel algorithms and/or fluid mechanics (in
particular in aerodynamics and turbulence); candidates must have relevant
experience in computing (especially supercomputing)
* a one-page summary of your PhD thesis and a copy of your thesis and list
of publications
* a transcript of your graduate course work
* a copy of your qualifications (PhD or equivalent)
* Names, addresses and telephone numbers of three persons who will write a
letter of reference
* the duration of the PhD grant is 2 years (with a possibility of
extending it for 1 year) and the monthly net amount is 8700 FF (before
income tax).
* the post doctoral grant covers a period of 1 year (with a possibility of
extending it for 1 year) and the monthly net amount is 12000 FF (before
income tax).
* The geographical location is at the premises of CERFACS in the Meteopole
in Toulouse
* All applications which do not have the information mentioned above will
be refused
* Final applications must be received before the 30th March 1993 at:
42 Avenue Gustave Coriolis, 31057 TOULOUSE Cedex (France)
Tel.: (33) 61 19 31 31 - Fax: (33) 61 19 30 30
E-Mail: [email protected]
From: Bruce Suter <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 93 17:31:36 EST
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at AFIT
Post-Doctoral Research Position
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Air Force Institute
of Technology(AFIT) is inviting applications for a post-doctoral research
position. The appointment is available in the fall of 1993. The successful
candidate will participate in the development of extensions to the theory of
variable-length signal processing in the context of Fourier and wavelet analyses
to achieve more powerful and flexible options for discrimination, detection,
speaker identification, anti-jamming, etc. Computational facilities are of the
highest caliber and are continually being expanded.
Minimum requirements are (1) U.S. citizenship; (2) a Ph.D. in electrical
engineering, mathematics, or computer science; and (3) knowledge of Fourier
analysis, wavelet analysis, and signal processing. Salary is commensurate
with qualifications.
AFIT is located in southwestern Ohio, just outside Dayton, offering the
advantages of affordable housing, good schools, and access to the Air Force
Laboratories at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Applicants should: (1) send a curriculum vitae, including a list of
publications; (2) send reprints of best publications; and (3) ask three
people to send letters of recommendation to: Dr. Bruce W. Suter, Dept. of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology,
AFIT/ENG, 2950 P Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7765.
AFIT is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.
From: Nick Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 93 15:10:19 GMT
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at Manchester
Numerical Analysis Postdoctoral Position at Manchester
The Science and Engineering Research Council are funding a three
year Research Assistantship for a project titled
``Parallel Eigenvalue Computations''.
The successful applicant will join the Numerical Analysis group at the
University of Manchester, and will work closely with grant holder
N. J. Higham.
The aim of the project is to develop parallel algorithms
for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue problem.
Excellent computing facilities are available, including a MasPar
MP-110 in the Department of Mathematics, and a Kendall Square KSR1 in
the Centre for Novel Computing.
The appointment will be made at the RA 1A level, with a current
starting salary of 14,962 pounds sterling per annum.
The start date is no more than six months after 1st June 1993.
Applicants should hold, or expect to complete before the start date,
a PhD, and should have a strong background in numerical analysis
and linear algebra, preferably with parallel computing experience.
Applications and requests for further information should be sent
as soon as possible to
Dr N. J. Higham
Department of Mathematics
University of Manchester
M13 9PL
Phone: 061 275 5822
Fax: 061 275 5819
email: [email protected]
Applicants should send a CV and the names and addresses (postal mail
and electronic mail) of two people from whom references can be
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 93 11:03:23 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Computing
SIAM Journal on Computing
Linear-Processor NC Algorithms for Planar Directed Graphs I:
Strongly Connected Components
Ming-Yang Kao
Linear Processor NC Algorithms for Planar Directed Graphs II:
Directed Spanning Trees
Ming-Yang Kao and Gregory E. Shannon
Blocking Small Cuts in a Network, and Related Problems
Daniel Bienstock and Nicole Diaz
Floor-Planning by Graph Dualization: 2-Concave Rectilinear Modules
Kok-Hoo Yeap and Majid Sarrafzadeh
A Quadratic Time Algorithm for the Minmax Length Triangulation
Herbert Edelsbrunner and Tiow Seng Tan
Inverting Polynomials and Formal Power Series
K. Kalorkoti
Nondeterminism Within P
Jonathan F. Buss and Judy Goldsmith
Parallel Complexity of the Connected Subgraph Problem
Lefteris M. Kirousis, Maria Serna, and Paul Spirakis
Finding Triconnected Components by Local Replacement
Donald Fussell, Vijaya Ramachandran, and Ramakrishna Thurimella
Improved Parallel Polynomial Division
Dario Bini and Victor Pan
The Complexity of Processing Hierarchical Specifications
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz and Harry B. Hunt III
Learning in the Presence of Malicious Errors
Michael Kearns and Ming Li
Regular Resolution Versus Unrestricted Resolution
Andreas Goerdt
End of NA Digest