NA Digest Sunday, October 14, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 35

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Hans Stetter <E115N06%[email protected]>
Date: 01 OCT 90 13:09:56
Subject: Professor Lothar Collatz

P r o f e s s o r L o t h a r C o l l a t z

On 26 September, Professor Lothar Collatz died at the Black Sea Coast
of Bulgaria, where he attended an international Symposium on Computer Arith-
metic, Scientific Computation, and Mathematical Modelling (SCAN-90). After
a first light heart attack, he suffered a second, fatal heart attack at the
hospital to which he had been taken. The previous two days, he had actively
participated in the meeting, given a paper, and asked the last question
after the last lecture on the day before his death which came as a shock to
all of us present at the conference.

This is not the place to review Professor Collatz's achievements; but
it is clear that the scientific community has lost one of the earliest pio-
neers of Scientific Computation and Numerical Mathematics, and a wonderful
person. At the celebrations of his 80th birthday on 6 and 7 July this year
in Hamburg, the numerous speakers wished him many more prolific and enjoy-
able years to come. These wishes have not come true; but he will remain
alive in our memories, and his ideas will continue to stimulate our work.
May he rest in peace.

Hans J. Stetter


From: Gene H. Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 1990 8:09:14 PDT
Subject: Happy Birthday, Pete

Monday, October 1 was the 50th birthday of G. W. "Pete" Stewart. Pete
has contributed enormously to our field through his research in
perturbation theory and numerical algorithms. Beyond his elegant work,
he is a man of style and wit. In my head, Pete is a successor of his
adviser, Alston Householder, and of Jim Wilkinson.

A recent accomplishment of Pete's is his book with Ji-guang Sun,
"Matrix Perturbation Theory", Academic Press. It is a pleasure to
read; it is in the clear and concise style of all of Pete's writings.

So three cheers for Pete. Here's for many more years of productive research;
I'm sure they'll be golden ones.

Gene Golub


From: Roger Horn <RHORN%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 90 08:11 EST
Subject: A Colleague from Kuwait

Dear Colleagues:

Last Thursday I received an unexpected, but very welcome telephone
call from Fuad Kittaneh, a colleague who until August 2 was Associate
Professor of Mathematics at Kuwait University. Fuad and I have corresponded
for a long time by mail, and this last year we collaborated (with Rajendra
Bhatia) on a paper that will appear in the forthcoming special issue of
Linear Algebra Appl. on canonical forms.

Fuad and his wife have four children, two of whom are U.S. citizens.
That may be why the U.S. embassy in Kuwait was able to get them all on one
of the refugee flights that arrived last week in Raleigh, N.C. Although
they are now safe from harm, they have lost everything and need to restart
their lives in the U.S. Fuad recognizes that it may take some time and
luck to find a permanent job, but he is willing now to do anything, anywhere
that will give him an office, phone, library, some income, and a base of
operation from which he can conduct a search for a permanent job.

Do you know of anything that might help Fuad? An unexpected
faculty vacancy due to illness or resignation? A graduate T.A. slot that
is vacant because someone didn't show up or left in mid-year? Some left-
over research support funds in a grant that doesn't require U.S. citizen-
ship? Funds available to pay part-time teaching staff?

I have a copy of his C.V. and graduate transcript, and will be
happy to send a copy to anyone who needs it. He did his Ph.D. at Indiana
University under J.G. Stampfli in 1982; his thesis was in functional
analysis/operator theory and that has been the main theme of his research
work during the last 10 years. He has published 30 papers and has
7 more under submission right now. He has taught a wide variety of
courses--most everything in the usual mathematics undergraduate curriculum.
His English is quite fluent, but accented. He was born in 1955 and holds
Jordanian citizenship.

Please feel free to copy this message to anyone else.

For more information, or if you have any leads you would like me
to pass on to Fuad, please contact me at RHORN@JHUVMS, or phone me at
301/338-7998 (JHU) or 301/561-0579 (home).

Thanks, Roger Horn


From: John N. Shadid <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 90 14:41:19 MDT
Subject: Recommendations Sought for ODE Codes

I would like some recommendations for available software packages
(source code) for the determination of solutions to coupled nonlinear
autonomous ODE's. Relative ease of use is important for this initial
investigation. Presently the existence of multiple stable or unstable
solution branches is unknown. A reasonable initial guess is available.
I would prefer if some type of reasonable graphical output was available.
The ideal platform would be some type of workstation such as a sun4.
Thank you for any helpful recomendations.

John N. Shadid
Sandia National Labs.
Albuquerque, NM 87185

[email protected]


From: Eric Grosse <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 90 14:35 EDT
Subject: Netlib News

It's not time for the next "quarterly column", but a quick summary of
recent additions has been called for. More details later.

"index from c++/answerbook" Hansen's C++ Answers

"dp12 from ode" Cash's extended BDF variant of Hindmarsh solver

"praxis from opt" Brent's 1973 derivative-free optimizer

"684 from toms" Preusser's C1 and C2 interpolation on triangles

"ltexpprt.all from typesetting" LaTeX macos for SIAM book chapters

"gvl.bib from bib" Golub and Van Loan (2nd ed.) bibliography

The bibliography is large (204 kilobytes), so people who just need a
few items may prefer not to download the entire file. Instead you may
send a message like "find paige in linalg".

For introductory information, send the line ``help'' to
[email protected] or uunet!research!netlib.


From: Merrell L. Patrick <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 90 17:47:51 EDT
Subject: New Address for Merrell Patrick

Friends and Colleagues,

During the next year I will be on leave from Duke University serving
at NSF. My address there is

Merrell Patrick
Program Director
New Technologies Program
Division of Advanced Scientific Computing
National Science Foundation
Washington, D.C. 20550

telephone: 202-357-7727
e-mail : [email protected]

Shortly, I will post some information on about the New Technologies

Best wishes,
Merrell Patrick


From: Michael Knorrenschild <[email protected]>
Date: 3 Oct 90 10:21 +0100
Subject: Change of Address for Michael Knorrenschild

My address has changed. Now it reads as follows:

Michael Knorrenschild
Sem. f. Angewandte Mathematik
ETH Zentrum HG G 56
8092 Zuerich
Phone: +41-1-256-3459

E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
knorren%[email protected]


From: Des Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 90 14:16:24 BST
Subject: Change of Address for Des Higham

My new address is:

Des Higham
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University of Dundee
Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, U.K.

Phone 0382 23181

Email; [email protected]
or [email protected]


From: Morven Gentleman <Gentleman%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 90 10:09 EST
Subject: Net Address for Morven Gentleman

Although I moved from the University of Waterloo to the National
Research Council eight years ago, I have still received most of my
email at Waterloo, at net address
[email protected]
The impending departure of that machine, the setting up of good
email arrangements here at NRC, and the administrative
reorganizations at NRC that have given me a new job
(Head, Software Engineering Laboratory) all lead me to want to
change my net address. Henceforth, the best net address for me is
[email protected]
Please change your address list accordingly

Morven Gentleman


From: Zhiqiang Cai <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 Oct 90 09:23:03 GMT
Subject: Changes of Address for Zhiqiang Cai

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The present academic year I'm visiting the Courant Institute of
Mathematical Sciences at the New York University. Here is my
new address:
Zhiqiang Cai
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012

Phone: (212)998-3120

E-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
Zhiqiang Cai


From: Robert Meyer <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 90 16:22:19 -0500
Subject: Call for Nominations for Beale--Orchard-Hays Prize


The Mathematical Programming Society Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize
for Excellence in Computational Mathematical Programming


This award is dedicated to the memory of Martin Beale and
William Orchard-Hays, pioneers in computational mathematical

To be eligible a paper or a book must meet the following requirements:

1) It must be on computational mathematical programming. The topics to
be considered include:

a) experimental evaluations of one or more mathematical programming

b) the development of quality mathematical programming software (i.e.
well-documented code capable of obtaining solutions to some important
class of MP problems) coupled with documentation of the applications of
the software to this class of problems, (note: the award would be
presented for the paper which describes this work and not for the
software itself),

c) the development of a new computational method that improves the
state-of-the art in computer implementations of MP algorithms coupled
with documentation of the experiment which showed the improvement, or

d) the development of new methods for empirical testing of mathematical
programming techniques (e.g., development of a new design for
computational experiments, identification of new performance measures,
methods for reducing the cost of empirical testing).

2) It must have appeared in the open literature.

3) If the paper or book is written in a language other than English, then
an English translation must also be included.

4) Papers eligible for the 1991 award
must have been published within the years 1987 through 1990.

These requirements are intended as guidelines to the screening
committee but are not to be viewed as binding when work of exceptional
merit comes close to satisfying them.

Frequency and Amount of the Award:

Previous recipients of the award were Michael Saunders (1985) and
Tony J. Van Roy and Lawrence Wolsey (1988).
The 1991 prize of $1500 and a plaque
will be presented in August, 1991 in Amsterdam
at the Awards Session of the International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming sponsored by the Mathematical
Programming Society.

Judgement Criteria:

Nominations will be judged on the following criteria:

1) Magnitude of the contribution to the advancement of computational
and experimental mathematical programming.

2) Originality of ideas and methods.

3) Clarity and excellence of exposition.


Nominations must be in writing and include the title(s) of the paper(s)
or book, the author(s), the place and date of publication and four
copies of the material. Supporting justification and any supplementary
materials are welcome but not mandatory. The awards
committee reserves the right to request further supporting materials from
the nominees.

Nominations should be mailed to:

Professor Robert R. Meyer
Computer Sciences Department
1210 W. Dayton Street
The University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706

The deadline for submission of nominations is November 1, 1990.


From: R. Spigler <SPIGLER%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 90 10:47:18 SET
Subject: Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Here are the abstracts of the five articles "of numerical interest" in
the KLUWER volume "Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Venice-1,1989",ed.
by R.Spigler,to appear in November 1990.
1. "The Hamiltonian way for computing Hamiltonian dynamics",by Feng
We present a survey of a recent comprehensive study on the numerical
methods for Hamiltonian systems based on symplectic geometry,together
with the motivations for the research,justification for the symplectic
approach adopted,some of the main results,their ramifications and their
2. "The speed of waveform methods for ODEs",by C.W.Gear and Fen-Lien
This paper considers iterative solution techniques for ordinary
differential equations and investigates the speed of convergence of
various processes. The iterates are defined as solutions of a sequence
of differential equations. The solutions are the "waveforms". Waveform
iterations are superlinearly convergent so a measure of the speed of
convergence is defined and this is used to compare the value of various
waveform methods. This measure is the rate of increase of the order of
accuracy. The speed of the waveform Gauss Seidel method depends on the
numbering of the directed graph specifying equation dependencies. We
show how to compute the rate of order increase from the structure of the
numbered graph and hence the optimum numbering,that is,the one which
maximizes the speed of convergence.
3. "Computational methods for the Boltzmann equation",by
F.Gropengiesser,H.Neunzert,and J.Struckmeier.
This paper contains the basic ideas and practical aspects for numerical
methods for solving the Boltzmann equation. The main field of
application considered is the reentry of a apace shuttle in the
transition from free molecular flow to continuum flow. The method used
will be called Finite Pointset Method,approximating the solution by
finite sets of particles in a rigorously defined way. Convergence
results are cited while practical aspects of the algorithm are
emphasized. Ideas for the transition to theNavier-Stokes domain are
shortly discussed.
4. "Theory and application of Steklov-Poincare' operators for
boundary-value problems",by A.Quarteroni and A.Valli.
This paper deals with interface operators in boundary-value problems.
How to define them,which is their meaning in both mathematical and
physical sense,how to use them to derive numerical approximations based
on domain decomposition approaches.
5. "Numerical analysis for compressible viscous isothermal stationary
flows",by C.BernardiM.O.Bristeau,O.Pironneau,and M.G.Vallet.
In this paper we address the problem of approximation of viscous
compressible flows by the finite element method. Should one use the same
approximation for the density and the velocity as in Euler flows,or
should one use two different spaces as for the Stokes problem ? When the
pressure is a function of the density (isothermal flow as an academic
example),we show theoretically and numerically convergence of the
approximations if the density and the velocity are approximated as in
the Stokes problem,with two different grids or if artificial viscosity
is used in the equation of conservation of mass.

(R. Spigler)


From: Ian Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 90 11:34:59 +1000
Subject: Positions at University of New South Wales


Later this year we expect to fill several math positions (four or more),
to start some time in 1991. The offical advertisement follows.
I will be happy to give further advice.

Ian Sloan.


Equality of employment opportunity is University Policy



2 Positions (Tenured/Tenurable Appointment) (Ref. 614)
(Fixed Term Appointment) (Ref. 616)

Appointments in the areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics
or mathematical computer science are envisaged.

Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent qualification and proven
research achievement in an area that reinforces and extends existing
strengths in the School. The School currently has research strengths
in many areas of pure and applied mathematics and statistics, and is
committed to further developing its involvement in mathematical
computer science. One appointment in algebra, discrete mathematics
or related areas would be favoured.

Although appointment at the level of lecturer is preferred,
appointment at senior lecturer level may be considered for an applicant
with exceptional qualifications.

An appointee with interests in the commercial or industrial applications
of mathematics could be seconded for a fixed term as Director of the
School's Industrial Mathematics and Statistics Group.

The positions will be available from February, 1991. Appointment to
one position will be either with tenure or on the basis of a contract
with provision for conversion to tenure. Appointment to the other
position will be for a fixed term of 3 years. Applicants should
indicate the type of appointment for which they wish to apply.

Salary: Senior Lecturer $Aust.43,984 - $Aust.51,015 per annum
Lecturer $Aust.33,163 - $Aust.43,096 per annum

Commencing salary according to qualifications and experience.

Applications close 31 October, 1990

Further information from Professor I H Sloan, Head of School on
Telephone 61 2 697 2957, or Fax 61 2 6626445

PLEASE QUOTE Ref. 614 (Tenured/Tenurable Appointment),
Ref. 616 (Fixed Term)

Please submit written application, QUOTING REFERENCE NUMBER and
indicate business and private telephone numbers, together with
the names, addresses (and preferably facsimile numbers) of two referees,
curriculum vitae and transcript of academic record to: The Recruitment
Officer, Staff Office, PO Box 1, Kensington NSW 2033, Australia


From: George Corliss <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 90 6:27:29 CDT
Subject: FORTRAN-SC is available

FORTRAN - SC is a programming language for scientific/engineering
computation on IBM s/370 architecture machines. It is particularly
suited for the development of numerical algorithms delivering
highly accurate and automatically verified results. It includes an
extensive library to support interval arithmetic. I used a
predicessor to write a package for numerical quadrature with
guaranteed bounds. The new product is more extensive, easier to
use, and better documented. You might want to contact your IBM
salesperson for more details. I have not seen a price list, but I
understand that it is inexpensive, at least for universities.

The IBM program number of ACRITH-XSC is 5684-129 .
General Information is available as IBM publication GC33-6461-01 .
There is a hot-line number: (Germany: +49) 7031 / 16-4052 .
Feel free to ask for the IBM demonstration package GK2T-0108-00 .

If you have questions, you can contact me
George Corliss
Department of Mathematics
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI 53233
[email protected]
[email protected]
or a member of the development team:
Wolfgang Walter
Institute for Applied Mathematics
University of Karlsruhe
Kaiserstr. 12
D-7500 Karlsruhe
[email protected]


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 90 11:09 EDT
Subject: SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing

January 1991 Volume 12, Number 1


Limits on Parallelism in the Numerical Solution of Linear Partial Differential Equations
Patrick H. Worley

A Parallel QR Factorization Algorithm with Controlled Local Pivoting
Christian H. Bischof

A Theoretical Comparison of the Arnoldi and GMRES Algorithms
Peter N. Brown

The Fast Gauss Transform
Leslie Greengard and John Strain

Recursive Least Squares on a Hypercube Multiprocessor Using the Covariance Factorization
Charles S. Henkel and Robert J. Plemmons

Algorithms for Generating Discrete Random Variables with a Given Generating Function or a
Given Moment Sequence
Luc Devroye

The Reformulation and Numerical Solution of Certain Nonclassical Initial-Boundary Value
Graeme Fairweather and Rick D. Saylor

Programming Abstractions for Dynamically Partitioning and Coordinating Localized Scientific
Calculations Running on Multiprocessors
Scott B. Baden

A Fast Algorithm for the Evaluation of Legendre Expansions
Bradley K. Alpert and Vladimir Rokhlin

The Riemann Problem for Longitudinal Motion in an Elastic-Plastic Bar
John A. Trangenstein and Richard B. Pember

Timely Communications

A Note on the Parallel Efficiency of the Frederickson-McBryan Multigrid Algorithm
Naomi H. Decker

Normalized Convergence Rates for the PSMG Method
Paul O. Frederickson and Oliver A. McBryan

For additional information, please contact Vickie Kearn, Publisher, SIAM, 3600 University City
Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688; telephone: (215) 382-9800; fax: (215) 386-7999;
e-mail: [email protected].


From: Phuong Vu <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 90 18:39:13 CDT
Subject: Positions at Cray Research, Inc.

The Mathematical Software Group at Cray Research, Inc.
located in Eagan, Minnesota has immediate openings for
two numerical analysts to conduct algorithm development
and implementation of numerical software for both current
and future Cray machines. One of the position will be for
the section leader who should provide a pro-active technical
leadership role for a group of 5-6 analysts.

Preference will be given to candidates with a Ph.D. or equivalent
experience in computer science / mathematics with experience in
computations on vector/parallel computers in one of the following
areas (numerical linear algebra, sparse matrix methods, numerical PDE,
signal processing, optimization) and a working knowledge of UNIX.
Previous management experience is desirable but not required for the
section leader position.

Cray Research offers a competitive salary and benefits package along
with an excellent working environment.

Interested candidates should send a resume, letters of recommendation,
salary history and other supporting documents to, or call

Phuong Vu - Email: [email protected] Tel: (612) 683-5615
or Mark Furtney - Email: [email protected] Tel: (612) 683-5554
Cray Research, Inc.
655F Lone Oak Drive
Eagan, Minnesota 55121


From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 90 21:33:41 CDT
Subject: MINPACK-2 Positions at Argonne and Minnesota


The Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) at the
University of Minnesota and the Mathematics and Computer Science Division
at Argonne National Laboratory have initiated a collaboration for the
development of the software package MINPACK-2. This package will provide
state-of-the art optimization software for high-performance computers.

As part of this collaboration, the University of Minnesota will hire
three postdoctoral fellows/research assistants (PDF/RA) for a period
of two years (one-year appointments, renewable for one year) for the
development of MINPACK-2. The University of Minnesota will assign two
PDF/RA to work with the optimization group at Argonne National Laboratory,
in coordination with the third PDF/RA at the AHPCRC.

Applicants for the PDF/RA positions are encouraged to contact Jorge More'
([email protected]) at Argonne or Ben Rosen ([email protected])
at the University of Minnesota. Applicants with a Ph.D. in applied
mathematics or computer science will be given preference; however,
outstanding candidates with M.S. degrees will be considered.
The position requires extensive knowledge of computational mathematics
and advanced computer architectures.

The PDF/RA will have access to the computing facilities at the
Minnesota Supercomputing Center, and at Argonne's Advanced Computing
Research Facility. These facilities include a network of advanced
scientific workstations, a 4-processor CRAY-2, an 8-processor Alliant FX/8,
a 45-processor Butterfly TC2000, a 64-processor NCube-2, a 16K-processor
Connection Machine CM-2, and a 32K-processor Connection Machine CM-2.


From: J. C. Mason <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 8 OCT 90 10:17:47 BST
Subject: Fifth Leslie Fox Prize


Second Call for Entries

Entries are invited for the fifth Leslie Fox prize competition. Any person
who is less than 31 years old on January 1 1991 and has not already won a
first prize is eligible.

Each entry should consist of three copies of a paper, describing some of
the candidate's research, suitable for a 40 minute lecture at a
numerical analysis symposium that will be held at the University of
Dundee on Monday, June 24, 1991 (the day prior to the Dundee Biennial
Conference in Numerical Analysis of June 25-28).

The Adjudicating Committee may award any number of first and secondary
prizes. Previous first prize winners include L.N.Trefethen, J.W.Demmel,
N.I.M.Gould, N.J.Higham, M.D.Buhmann, B.L.R. de Moor, and A.M.Stuart.

Entries should reach Professor J.C. Mason (Applied and Computational
Mathematics Group, RMCS, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts. SN6 8LA, England) not
later than January 15, 1991. Contact him for any further details.


From: Michael Osborne <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 1990 14:10:43 EST
Subject: Positions at Australian National University

at the Australian National University

It is expected that the School of Mathematical Sciences will shortly be
advertising positions to augment its existing research programs in
areas of Advanced Computation. These include active programs in the solution
of partial differential and integral equations, optimization, computer
intensive statistical methods, and symbolic and exact computation, which
stress the development both of algorithms appropriate to innovative computer
architectures and of data visualisation techniques. These activities are
well supported by the University with computing facilities which include a
Fujitsu VP100 supercomputer (expected to be upgraded shortly) and several
parallel machines in addition to medium scale machines and workstations. The
University through its Centre for Information Sciences Research is an
affiliate of the Argonne ACRF and is receiving a prototype Fujitsu CAP
machine for joint development work.
These positions will be full time research positions at the level of
Postdoctoral, Research, and Senior Research Fellow with salaries in the
(approximate) range $30,000 to $55,000 depending on qualifications and
Enquiries and requests for further information can be addressed to Dr. M.R.
Osborne (email [email protected] or na.osborne...,FAX 61-06-2490759).
Mike will be in the USA from October 11 to November 8, and will be attending
the SIAM Linear Algebra meeting in San Francisco.


From: Rachid Touzani <[email protected]>
Date: 11 Oct 90 14:32 +0100
Subject: Position at EPFL (Switzerland)

Position at the Department of Mathematics
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne (Switzerland)

The Department of Mathematics of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
is offering a pre or post doctoral position for research in the field of
numerical analysis of Maxwell's equations. This position is available for
at least two years from the beginning of April 1991.
Experience in Maxwell's equations and/or mixed finite element methods
will be appreciated.
Applicants should send their curriculum vitae to

Rachid Touzani
Departement de mathematiques
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
1015 Lausanne

or send an e-mail to the address:

[email protected]


From: David Levine <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 90 13:47:46 CDT
Subject: Argonne Parallel Programming Class

The Advanced Computing Research Facility (ACRF) at Argonne National Laboratory
is offering an introductory course on parallel computing December 5-7, 1990.
The course is intended to familiarize potential users with the ACRF
multiprocessors and parallel programming in general. The course is limited to
22 people on a first come first serve basis.

Topics to be covered include:

1) Parallelizing compilers.
2) The Monitor package for portable parallel programming.
3) Programming the BBN TC2000.
4) Programming the Intel iPSC/860.
5) Programming the AMT DAP.
6) Programming the TMC Connection Machine-2.
7) Introduction to the LAPACK project.
8) The STRAND programming language.
9) The VecPar interactive parallelization tool

The format of the course is alternating lectures and hands-on work with the
parallel computers in the ACRF. All examples will use the Fortran programming
language. Knowledge of Fortran and Unix will be assumed. Attendees can
work on either class exercises or their own particular projects.

Parallel computers currently in the ACRF are:

4-processor Ardent Titan
8-processor Alliant FX/8
8-processor Intel iPSC/860 hypercube
20-processor Encore Multimax
26-processor Sequent Symmetry
45-processor BBN TC2000
1024-processor Active Memory Technology DAP
16384-processor Thinking Machines CM-2

Those interested in the class should contact:

Teri Huml
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4844
(312) 972-7163
[email protected]

There will be a $25.00 registration fee per person for universities,
federal laboratories and government organizations and $100.00 for
commercial organizations.


From: D.F.Griffiths <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 90 13:35:59 BST
Subject: Fourteenth Dundee Conference



25 - 28 June 1991

Address for correspondence

The Organising Secretaries
Numerical Analysis Conference
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University, Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK

Telephone: 0382-23181 Ext 4467/4468/4471/4474
email: [email protected]
[email protected]

The 14th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis will be
held at the University of Dundee from Tuesday 25 June - Fri-
day 28 June 1991 inclusive.

The conference will celebrate the 70th birthday of A R
Mitchell and, to mark the occasion, there will be a special
invited lecture in his honour to be presented by G H Golub.

The other Principal Speakers will include

A Bjorck A Iserles H Schwetlick
J W Demmel J Lorenz I H Sloan
J Dongarra K W Morton V Thomee
N I M Gould M J D Powell L N Trefethen
J A Gregory J M Sanz-Serna J G Verwer

Brief Communications
A limited number of short (20 minute) papers will be
accepted for presentation. Prospective contributors
should submit a title and short abstract as soon as
possible and no later than 24 May 1991. Please indi-
cate on the registration form whether or not you wish
to present a paper.

Registration Fee
The registration fee will be #40.00 (# = Pounds
Sterling). This includes the cost of morning coffee and
afternoon tea.

The proceedings of the invited talks only will be pub-
lished. Copies may be ordered on payment of #14.00 at
the time of registration. Later requests for copies
should be made to the publisher.

Accommodation for the conference will be provided in
West Park Hall, a student residence which consists
mainly of single study bedrooms. Full board (bed,
breakfast, lunch and dinner) is available from Monday
night to Friday evening at a cost of #90.00. Please
note that this does not include dinner on Thursday
night, when the conference dinner will be held.

In addition, bed and breakfast will be available on the
nights of Sunday 23 June (#15.00) and Friday 28 June
(#13.00), as will dinner on Monday night (#6.00).

Information on local hotels can be provided on request.

Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will be held on the Thursday
evening in West Park Hall. The cost, inclusive of wine
will be #15.00. The number of places available at the
conference dinner is limited and will be allocated
according to the date of booking.

We would like to acknowledge financial support from the
European Research Office of the US Army.

Leslie Fox Prize
The Conference will be preceded by a one day meeting on
Monday 24 June at which talks will be given by those
shortlisted for the Leslie Fox Prize. Please indicate
on the Registration Form whether you plan to attend. A
charge of #6.00 will be made to cover the cost of

For more information, including an electronic registration
form, contact [email protected].

A R Mitchell Fund

The 1991 Dundee Numerical Analysis Conference will celebrate
the 70th birthday of A R Mitchell. In addition to his
distinguished contributions to numerical analysis extending
over many years, Ron has been known for the outstanding
encouragement he has given to young numerical analysts and
the Organizing Committee therefore felt it appropriate to
mark his birthday by instituting a special fund to provide
assistance to young numerical analysts to attend this and
subsequent Dundee meetings.

We extend an invitation to all numerical analysts to
contribute to this fund and cheques should be made payable
to "The University of Dundee: A R Mitchell Fund". It is not
intended that there should be any formal means of applying
for support from the fund but the organisers welcome
enquiries from anyone who feels that they may be eligible.
Allocation of funds will be made on the basis of need, and
also on the basis of abstracts of papers intended for
presentation at the conference.


End of NA Digest
