NA Digest Monday, August 6, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 27

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Horst Simon <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 90 09:30:28 -0700
Subject: NASA Symposium on Parallel Methods in Engineering

Symposium on Parallel-Vector Methods for
Large-Scale Engineering and Scientific Applications

February 5-6, 1991.

NASA Langley Research Center,Hampton, Virginia

NASA, United States Air Force and other organizations have
research and development programs targeted at the solution
of large-scale structural analysis and physics problems.
Research is required on methods which exploit both the parallel
and vector capability of high-performance computers. The
purpose of this symposium is to identify practical and efficient
parallel methods which address the following technical issues:
load balancing, problem decomposition, robustness and generality
of the algorithm, efficient use of processors and memory and
problem and processor scalability. The emphasis is on
parallel-vector methods demonstrated in the solution of
Large-Scale Engineering and Scientific Applications.
Papers are invited in the following areas:

- Static/Dynamic Structural Analysis - Composite/Thermal Analysis
- Linear/Nonlinear Analysis - Optimization/Aeroelasticity
- Interdisciplinary Analysis - Hydrodynamics
- Numerical Solution Methods - Magneto-Hydrodynamics
- Particle Transport, Particle-in-Cell - Electromagnetics

Authors should submit five copies of a 1500-word extended
abstract by July 4, 1990 to Olaf Storaasli (address below).
Abstracts should include author's name(s), affiliation, address,
phone number, E-mail address, a description of the large-scale
application addressed, the parallel-vector techniques used and
preliminary results (including sample figures) showing the merits
of the method. Notification of acceptance will be given by
September 21, 1990. The final paper, complete with original
drawings or glossy prints is due December 21, 1990. A volume
of proceedings will be published following the meeting. An
award will be presented for the best paper based on its technical
merit. For more information, please contact:

Dr. Olaf O. Storaasli,Mail Stop 244, NASA LaRC, Hampton, VA 23665-5225
(804)-864-2927 or [email protected]

This symposium is organized in cooperation with the U. S. Department
of Energy (Sandia and Oak Ridge National Laboratories),
Old Dominion University, IBM and Cray Research,

Keynote Speaker: John Rollwagen, CEO, Cray Research, Inc.
Invited speakers: Andy Mera, Janush Kowlik and John Lewis, Boeing Comp. Services
Horst Simon, NASA Ames Research Center,
Robert Benner, Sandia Labs.,
Dawson Deuermeyer and Greg Clifford, Cray,
Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University, and
Gary Montry, Myrias Computer Corporation.

Location: H. J. E Reid Conference Center, NASA Langley Research Center

Sponsors: NASA Langley, USAF-Kirtland Supercomputer Center

Publication: in special issue of Computing Systems in Engineering

Addendum by HDS: The deadline for abstracts has passed already, but you
may want to check with Olaf Storaasli at the above address, what the
policy for late submissions will be.


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 90 16:41:00 PDT
Subject: Giovanni Sacchi Landriani Numerical Analysis Prize

Istituto Lombardo
Accademia di Scienze e Lettere
Milan, Italy

Competition Announcement, year 1990

Giovanni Sacchi Landriani Prize

To honour the memory of Giovanni Sacchi Landriani, who tragically died
while he was at the height of his scientific activity, a competition
for a prize of the value of 10.000.000 Italian Liras is announced.

Applicants should have given original important contributions in the
field of "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations", field
to which Giovanni Sacchi Landriani dedicated his research.

In order to be considered for the competition, the papers that will be
submitted by the applicants should have been accepted for publication
in a journal of international standards after January 1st, 1985 but
not later than the deadline of this announcement.

The application should be directed to:

Presidente dell' Istituto Lombardo
Palazzo di Brera
via Borgonuovo 25
20121 Milan, Italy.

The following documents should be enclosed:

a) short curriculum vitae of the applicant
b) brief description of the research conducted
c) list of the publications presented
d) off-prints of the publications presented (a typescript can
be accepted only if accompanied by a formal letter of
acceptance for publication on a journal, signed by the

The deadline for the admission to the competition is November 15th,
1990. The applications that will arrive at the Cancelleria of Istituto
Lombardo after the deadline will not be considered, whatever will be
the reason for such a delay.

The applications will be examined by a committee formed by three
members, two chosen by the Class of Mathematical, Physical and Natural
Sciences within the members of such a Class, and one chosen by the
family of Giovanni Sacchi Landriani. In case the family would resign,
the third member of the committee will be chosen by the Head of the
Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia, where Giovanni
Sacchi Landriani worked as CNR researcher.

The prize will be awarded to the elected winner in the occasion of the
cerimony for the beginning of the 188th Academic year of the

The prize can not be assigned to more than one person. In case the
prize is not assigned, its amount will be used for a subsequent

Milan, May 1990

The Chairman
Giancarlo Bolognesi


From: Hans-Christian Hoppe <[email protected]>
Date: 1 Aug 90 07:30:43 GMT
Subject: Third European Conference on Multigrid Methods and Parallel Computing

Invitation to the


OCTOBER 1 - 4, 1990


Organized by: Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverabeitung (GMD)

Chairmen: W. Hackbusch and U. Trottenberg

The conference, continuing the sequence of conferences in 1981 and 1985,
will again bring together specialists and others with interest in the
general area of multilevel methods.

THEMES of the conference will range from basic research to industrial
applications, with special emphasis on
- adaptivity
- parallel computation
- applications

The following invited lectures will be given:
A. Brandt: General PDE systems at vanishing ellipticity
E. Dick: Multigrid methods for steady Euler- and Navier-Stokes
equations based on polynomial flux-difference splitting
P. W. Hemker: A multigrid approach for the solution of the
two-dimensional semiconductor equations
A. Jameson: to be announced
P. G. Lauwers:Efficient applications of deterministic and stochastic
multilevel methods in the Monte-Carlo simulation of
quantum field theories and models in statistical mechanics
O. McBryan: New developments for parallel multigrid
J. W. Ruge: A multigrid approach for turbulent flow problems
K. Stueben: Parallel multigrid for general, block-structured grids
P. Wesseling: A survey of Fourier smoothing analysis results
H. Yserentant:Fast solvers based on different multi-level splittings
of finite element spaces
Beyond that, more than 70 contributed papers will be presented in
concurrent sessions and in a poster exhibition.
The invited papers and selected contributions will be published as full
papers in the conference proceedings (to appear in the Birkhaeuser
Verlag, Basel).

of the conference will be the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, situated in
the 'government quarter' of Bonn-Bad Godesberg. All conference
sessions will be held there.

will be provided at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI). The prices
for accomodation including meals (full board) are DM 115,- for
1-bed rooms and DM 95,- for 2-bed rooms per person and day. Each type
of accomodation will be available in limited quantities on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Full accomodation starts with dinner on the day of arrival, the last
meal is lunch on Thursday. For participants not staying at the GSI,
meals are available there (lunch for approximately DM 15,-, for

Please make your (binding) reservation by sending the registration form
(which may by ordered from the same address) to the conference
The conference fee is DM 400,- for advanced registration (to be payed by
August 1st) and DM 480,- after August 1st. Confirmation will be given
after receipt of the registration form.
For a limited number of students conference attendance at reduced fee is
possible. Students interested shall send a written proposal to the
conference chairmen.
The fee covers conference material (including a booklet of abstracts),
coffee breaks and the social events.
The registration desk at the GSI will be opened on Sunday, September 30,
4-8 p.m. and during the conference. On Monday, October 1, it opens at 8

Gustav - Stresemann - Institut
Langer Grabenweg 68
D-5300 Bonn 2
Registration desk during the conference:
Tel. ++49-228-8107-126

Ute Gaertel, GMD
e-mail address: [email protected]

Christine Harms
GMD, P.O.Box 1240
D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1
Telephone ++49-2241-142473
Telefax ++49-2241-142618
Telex 889 469 gmd d

Bayer AG, Dornier GmbH, Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH,
Stardent Computer GmbH, Sun Microsystems GmbH, SUPRENUM GmbH


From: Ruediger Esser <ZDV003%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 90 14:00:13 MES
Subject: 1991 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing


1991 ACM International Conference on

June 17-21, Cologne, Germany

Sponsored by ACM-SIGARCH in association with AICA, CSRD, CTI, CWI, GI,

Conference Co-Chairmen
Edward S. Davidson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Friedel Hossfeld, Research Center Juelich (KFA), Germany

Program Director
Yoichi Muraoka, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

The fifth International Conference on Supercomputing is soliciting
papers on significant new research results in the development and use
of supercomputing systems. Contributions should emphasize the novel
aspects of the work being reported and should discuss their implications
for future supercomputer development. Papers are solicited in the
following areas:



Conference Proceedings will be published by ACM. Authors should send
five copies of the full manuscript to the program chairman of their
region. The deadline for submissions is DECEMBER 1, 1990. Authors will
be notified of acceptance by February 20, 1991. Final versions of
accepted submissions will be due by March 20, 1991. The addresses for
submissions are:


Ulrich Trottenberg Elias Houstis Toshitugu Yuba
GMD/F1 Dept. Computer Science ETL 1-1-4 Umesono
Schloss Birlinghoven Purdue University Tukuba, Ibaraki
D-5205 Sankt Augustin W. Lafayette, IN 47907 305 Japan
Germany USA

Inquiries can be directed to: Ruediger Esser, KFA-ZAM, D-5170 Juelich,
Germany; phone: +49-2461-61-6588; fax: +49-2461-61-6656;
email: zdv003 at djukfa11.bitnet


From: R. Beauwens <BEAUWENS%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 90 14:24:05 +0200
Subject: IMACS Symposium on Iterative Methods in Linear Algebra

April 2-4, 1991

Second Call for Papers

SCOPE. Recent advances in the analysis and implementation of
iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear
equations and for determining eigenvalues , eigenvectors and
singular values of large sparse matrices.

TOPICS. Matrix analysis (convergence, conditioning), imple-
mentation (on vector and parallel computers), software deve-
lopments (sparse linear systems, sparse eigenproblems), ma-
thematical applications (partial differential equations,
systems theory).

INVITED LECTURES. The Arnoldi-Chebyshev iterative method for
the stability of evolution equations (F.Chatelin), Second
degree iterative methods (D.R.Kincaid), The convergence
behaviour of conjugate gradients in various situations (A.
van der Sluis), Conjugate gradient type methods for unsymme-
tric systems (H.A. van der Vorst), Consistent sparse factor-
ization (E.L.Wachspress) ... and more to be confirmed (by O.
Axelsson and H.Yserentant).

SPECIAL SESSIONS. Coupled inner-outer iteration methods (O.
Axelsson), numerical methods for the analysis of Markov mod-
els (P.Courtois and G.Latouche), spectral methods (M.Deville
and E.Mund) , complex variable methods for non-positive def-
inite systems (M.Eiermann and W.Niethammer), vector and par-
allel iterative methods (D.Kincaid and C.Wu), iterative sol-
ution of nonsymmetric systems (H.A. van der Vorst), the Lya-
punov equation (E.L.Wachspress).

SUBMISSION. Please send your abstract by email (if possible,
in Latex format) to beauwens at bbrnsf11.bitnet , no later
than September 15, 1990.

Conference address.
R.Beauwens,IMACS International Symposium.
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, C.P.165.
50, Av.F.D.Roosevelt, 1050 Brussels, BELGIUM.
E-mail: beauwens at bbrnsf11.bitnet


From: SIAM Publications Department <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 90 13:59 EDT
Subject: SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Vol. 3, No. 4, November 1990

Table of Contents

Irregular Assignments of Trees and Forests
M. Aigner and E. Triesch

The Random Walk Construction of Uniform Spanning Trees and
Uniform Labelled Trees
David J. Aldous

A Characterization of an Extension of the Banzhaf Value to
Multicandidate Voting Games
E. M. Bolger

Binary Probabilities Induced by Rankings
Peter C. Fishburn

Thickness of Ordered Sets
Peter C. Fishburn

Integer Polyhedra Arising from Certain Netwok Design Problems
with Connectivity Constraints
Martin Grotschel and Clyde L. Monma

Vertex Transivity and Super Line Connectedness
Yahya Ould Hamidoune and Ralph Tindell

The Domatic Number Problem in Interval Graphs
Tung-Lin Lu, Pei-Hsin Ho, and Gerard J. Chang

Polynomial Algorithms for Finding Cycles and Paths in Bipartite
Y. Manoussakis and Z. Tuza

Cycle Lengths and Graph Orientations
Oliver Pretzel and Dale Youngs

A Minimax Arc Theorem for Reducible Flow Graphs
Vijaya Ramachandran

Generating Permutations with k-Differences
Carla D. Savage

On the Number of Distinct Forests
Lajos Takacs

A Simplified Anomaly and Reduction for Precedence Constrained
Multiprocessor Scheduling
Craig A. Tovey

River Routing with a Small Number of Jogs
Tai-Ching Tuan and S. Louis Hakimi

For additional information, please contact Vickie Kearn,
Publisher, SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688, 215-382-9800; fax: 215-386-7999; e-
mail: [email protected].


From: Linda Petzold <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 90 15:08:22 PDT
Subject: Postdoctoral Position at LLNL

Postdoctoral Position at LLNL

A postdoctoral position in scientific parallel algorithms
research is presently available in the Numerical Mathematics
Group (NMG) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Candi-
dates should be well versed in parallel computation; particular-
ly, distributed memory machines and issues. Experience with
large-scale parallel scientific algorithms and applications is
strongly desired. In-depth experience with the Unix operating
system and the C language is also desired. Candidate will parti-
cipate in the growing NMG research effort in parallel computa-
tion, but also will enjoy freedom to explore his or her own al-
lied research interests. A one year position is offered, renew-
able for a second year if both NMG and the fellow concur. Candi-
date must have completed his or her Ph.D. in an appropriate dis-
cipline prior to October 1, 1990. Starting date is on or after
October 1, 1990. US citizenship is required. Send three letters
of recommendation, resume, and publications list to Dr. Linda
Petzold, LLNL L-316, PO Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550.


From: Robert [email protected]
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 90 22:19:26 PDT
Subject: Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

The fourth annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
will be held on Saturday, September 22, 1990, at Oregon State
University in Corvallis, Oregon. The speakers and their topics
are as follows:

Michael L. Barton and David S. Scott (Intel Scientific Computers,
Beaverton, Oregon), ``The iPSC/860 and Matrix Calculations''

Richard Beyer (University of Washington, Seattle),
``A Computational Model of the Cochlea using the Immersed Boundary

Michael Bieterman (Boeing Computer Services, Seattle),
``Adaptive Grid Methods for Two- and Three-dimensional Transonic

V. S. Manoranjan (Washington State University, Pullman),
``Computational Methods for Reaction-Diffusion Problems''

James Varah (University of British Columbia, Vancouver),
``Accuracy and Error Estimation in the Numerical Solution of
Linear Equations''

Andre Weideman (Oregon State University, Corvallis),
``Spectral Methods for Unbounded Domains''

For a schedule of events, information on registration and
lodging, etc., contact:
Robert L. Higdon
Department of Mathematics
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331
(503) 737-5150
[email protected]


End of NA Digest
