NA Digest Sunday, April 15, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 15

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: John Carroll <75003678%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 10:27 GMT
Subject: Software in NA Teaching

I am writing for any pointers which might help me in compiling
material for a talk which I have been asked to give here in Dublin.

The general thrust of the talk is concerned with the use of software
in Numerical Analysis teaching. One immediately thinks of software
libraries such as IMSL, NAG and NETLIB which are widely used in
undergraduate NA teaching. But I would also like to present some
good examples of using software in this way, NA syllabi which reflect
this teaching approach, the kinds of hardware that are in current use
(mainframe / microcomputer and graphics terminals), programming languages
(FORTRAN, Pascal, Ada, Algol), NA textbooks dealing with the `software'
approach, methods of assessment, etc.

I would appreciate any advice that you can offer or information
about members of the NA community who might be able to help.

John Carroll
Mathematical Sciences
Dublin City University
Dublin 9


From: Paul Saylor <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 90 07:24:46 -0500
Subject: Temporary Address Change for Paul Saylor

Cindy and I will be in Zurich from April 19 to Sept. 1. My office address
and e-address will be:

Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
ETH Zentrum
CH-8092 Zuerich
phone : (01) 254-7435 Secretary: (01) 254-7211
e-mail: [email protected]

Paul Saylor


From: Daniel Boley <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 90 10:20:06 CDT
Subject: New Fax Number for Minnesota CS Department

The University of Minnesota Computer Science Dept has a new FAX number:
The old number (1-612-625-4583) still applies for Electrical Engineering,
which is right next door.


From: Bo Kagstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 90 15:22:21 +0200
Subject: Software For Generalized Schur

Software for generalized Schur decomposition of A-zB (regular or singular)

A package of routines for computing the generalized Schur decomposition
of A - zB (arbitrary regular or singular pencil) is now available
on netlib. In order to receive the software you make the following request:

send guptri from misc

The package contains robust software with error bounds for computing
a generalized upper triangular form (guptri) of an arbitrary pencil.
The guptri decomposition is a generalization of the Schur decomposition of
A - zI to matrix pencils A - zB and reveals the Kronecker structure of
a singular pencil.

A standard usage of the package is as follows:

call guptri (...) Compute generalized Schur decomposition of singular A-zB.
call reordr (...) Reorder the eigenvalues in specified order.
call bound (...) Compute error bounds for selected eigenvalues
call evalbd (...) and reducing subspaces.

The following papers describe software, algorithms and error bounds
used in the package:

J. Demmel and B. Kagstrom, "The generalized Schur decomposition
of an arbitrary pencil A - zB: robust software with error bounds
and applications", Report UMINF-170.90, Institute of Information
Processing, Univ. of Umea, S-901 87 UMEA, SWEDEN, January 1990
(submitted to ACM TOMS)

J. Demmel and B. Kagstrom, "Accurate Solutions of Ill-posed Problems
in Control Theory", SIAM J. Matrix Anal Appl, Vol 9, 1988, pp 126-145

J. Demmel and B. Kagstrom, "Stable Eigendecompositions of Matrix Pencils",
Linear Algebra Applic., Vol 88/89, 1987, pp 137-186

J. Demmel and B. Kagstrom, "Stably Computing the Kronecker Structure
and Reducing Subspaces of Singular pencils A-zB for Uncertain Data",
in J. Cullum and R. Willoughby (eds), Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems,
North Holland, 1986, pp 283-323

B. Kagstrom, "RGSVD - An Algorithm for Computing the Kronecker Structure
and Reducing Subspaces of Singular Matrix Pencils", SIAM J. Sci. Stat.
Comp., Vol 7, 1986, pp 185-211

Any comments or questions should be sent to:

Bo Kagstrom
Institute of Information Processing
University of Umea
S-901 87 Umea, Sweden
email: [email protected]
or [email protected]


James Demmel
Courant Institute
New York University
215 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012, USA
email: [email protected]

Before a second generation (production code) of this package is developed
we would like to obtain as much information from users as possible.


From: Kerny McLaughlin <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 1990 11:11:19 EDT
Subject: Special Colloqium by Smale at Columbia


Thursday, April 26
1:10 p.m.
Columbia University
329 Pupin

Mathematics Department
University of California, Berkeley

On the problem is P not equal NP?


From: David Kahaner <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 90 17:18:07 +0900
Subject: Meeting of Japan Information Processing Society

The largest meeting ever of the Japan Information Processing Society
occurred last month. More than 1,000 papers were presented and the
Proceedings fill three books. We have put together a list of all the
papers, authors, and their organizations, arranged by topic. To the best
of my knowledge this is the only such list available in English. The list
fills about 70 printed pages, and the file is too long to conveniently
send by email, but we will mail a copy to anyone who sends us their
complete mailing address.

Papers were presented in the following areas which may be of particular
interest, as well as many other areas.

Numerical analysis
Neural nets
Image Processing
Expert systems
Pattern recognition
Graphic, image recognition
Graphics, 3D procession
Image processing systems
TeX and scientific text processing
Voice processing
Parallel compilers
Parallel processing languages
Parallel processing operating systems
O.S design
Parallel language machines
Parallel reasoning machines
Dataflow machines
Multiprocessing systems
Multimedia voice processing


From: Giuseppe Rodriguez <GPPE%VAXCA2.INFN.IT>
Date: Mon, 9 APR 90 13:31 N
Subject: Conference on Computational and Applied Mathematics, Sardinia

International Conference
Computational and Applied Mathematics

Dipartimento di Matematica - Universita' di Cagliari
15-19 october 1990
Cagliari, Sardinia - Italy

Purpose of the Conference.

The conference will be structured with invited lectures aiming to give a
perspective of mathematical methods related to definite applicative fields of
present prominence.

The Site.

Sardinia is rich in archaeological remains. The "Nuraghi" are among the
oldest and most significant ones. They are round stone towers of cyclopic
dimension, dating back from the Middle Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. In
isolation on the top of hill, or grouped to form a sort of primitive
villages, the Nuraghi were mainly used for defense and strategic activities.
Outstanding nuragic villages are those of Barumini (Su Nuraxi), Abbasanta
(Losa), Alghero (Palmavera) and Torralba (Santu Antine).
The times of Carthaginian domination are also well represented. The
Acropolis of Mount Sirai (Carbonia) and the towns of Karalis (Cagliari), Nora
(Pula), Sulci (Sant'Antioco) and Tharros (Cabras) all date to that age. The
towns survived till the roman domination, and hence they often exhibit an
interesting superposition of Punic and Roman features.
The late imperial Roman domination left is track too. The monumental
ruins of Forum Traiani (now Fordongianus) and those of Turris Lybisonis (now
Porto Torres) are the more important witnesses.

Sardinia can be easily reached by sea and air. Many ferry lines link the
island to the main land. There are daily direct flights connecting Cagliari
with the main italian towns. From April to November various european charter
companies provide weekly services.

Invited Speakers.

The following invited speakers have already confirmed their participation:

A. Bellen Universita' di Trieste
M. Bertero Universita' di Genova
F. Brezzi Universita' di Pavia
P. Colli Franzone Universita' di Pavia
P. De Mottoni Universita' di Roma
W. Gautschi University of Purdue, U.S.A.
F. Gori Universita' di Roma
J.T. Marti University of Zurich
J.C. Mason RMCS Shrivenham, U.K.
F. Natterer University of Munster
D. Pagani Politecnico di Milano
A. Quarteroni Politecnico di Milano
E.R. Pike Great Malvern, U.K.
T. Ruggeri Universita' di Bologna
G. Talenti Universita' di Firenze
V. Vasin U.S.S.R. Academy, Sverdlovsk
F. Zirilli Universita' di Roma

For more touristic and travel information please contact

Viale Trieste, 93
09123 Cagliari - Italy
Tel. 39.70.273470 - 39.70.273249
Fax 39.70.273306

For further technical information please contact

Prof. Sebastiano Seatzu
Dipartimento di Matematica
Viale Merello, 92
09123 Cagliari - Italy
Tel. 39.70.2000404
Fax 39.70.2000467


Dr. Giuseppe Rodriguez
E-mail: GPPE @ VAXCA2 . INFN . IT


From: Reanto Spigler <SPIGLER%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 90 10:55:25 SET
Subject: Mathematical Modelling in Plasma Physics, Venice

June 18-30,1990, Venice,Italy.
There will be three intensive,moderately advanced parallel Courses as
1. Marco BRAMBILLA,EURATOM,Max Planck Insitut fuer
Plasmaphysik,Garching,FRG -" Wave Propagation in Plasmas",
2. Reinhard ILLNER,University of Victoria,Victoria,Canada -" Numerical
Simulation of the Boltzmann equation",
3. Harold WEITZNER,Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,New York
University,New York,U.S.A. -"Topics on Transport Theory in Fusion
Send applications with a CV and a list of publications to
Professor Reanto SPIGLER,
Dipartimento di Metodi e Modelli Matematici,
Universita' di Padova,
Via Belzoni,7 - 35131 Padova (Italy)
(phone 0039 49 831914 , fax 0039 49 831995 ,e-mail SPIGLER at
For Hotel reservations,please contact immediately "Venezia
Congressi",Dorsoduro 1056,30123 Venezia (Italy) (phone 0039 41 5228400,
fax 0039 41 5238995)
There will be a fee of 310 US $ ( 400 000 Italian Lire ) for the whole two-
weeks Seminar. Some reductions will be made in some special cases.
The Lectures will take place in a beautifully frescoed room at the Ateneo
Veneto,Campo San Fantin 1897-30124 Venezia,in Venice downtown. Renato SPIGLER


From: Bo Kagstrom <BOKG%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 90 09:03 EDT
Subject: Nordic Workshop on Visualization

First announcement of The Nordic Workshop on

Visualization and Analysis of Scientific and
Technical Computations on High-Performance Computers


The first Nordic Workshop on Visualization in Scientific
Computing is going to take place in Umeaa between the 25th
and the 28th of September, 1990. The workshop is organized by Umea
University and the SuperComputer Center North (SDCN) and is financed
by the Nordic Council of Ministers.

SIAM Nordic section supports the workshop.


The workshop will cover areas like basic research in
visualization, graphics tools in scientific computing, and the
state-of-the-art use of visualization in Physics, Chemistry,
Biotechnology, Medicine, Civil engineering etc.

The following areas will be covered

* Workstation-driven use of Supercomputers
* Graphics-oriented programming environments
* Interactive steering of simulations and calculations
* Vectorized and parallelized algorithms for graphics
and image processing
* High performance architectures for graphics and visualization

The workshop will include invited talks, contributed talks, poster
sessions, demonstrations and some hands-on exercises. There
will also be demonstrations of hardware and software from
different vendors.

The official language of the workskop is English.

Invited speakers:

So far thefollowing invited speakers have accepted our invitation:

Martin Berggren
Cornell National Supercomputer Facility,
Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering
Cornell University, Ithaca, USA

Brian Collins
IBM UK Scientific Centre, Winchester, UK

Pirjo-Leena Forsstrom
Center for Scientific Computing, CSC, Helsinki, Finland

Robert Haber
National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA),
Univ of Illinois, USA

Per Kraulis
Biomedical Center, Univ of Uppsala, Sweden

Joergen Moth
The Danish Computing Centre for Research and Education,
UNI*C, Lyngby, Denmark

Ake Nordlund
Observatory of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

We have also invited speakers from CERN, Regnecentret -
NTH/SINTEF Trondheim, Centre National Sud de Calcul
CNUSC Montpellier and Arizona State University, Phoenix USA.

Invitation for contributed talks and poster presentations:

We invite you to submit an extended abstract for a con-
tributed talk or a poster presentation. The abstract should summarize
recent results in research in e.g. Tools and Methods for Computer
Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing or
Graphics Computing and Visualization in Scientific Computing
with an emphasis on applications from Biology, Biotechnology,
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine etc.

Abstracts must be recieved by the 15-th of May 1990. Send the abstract
by email or fax (see adresses below).

We would like to know what kind of equipment is needed -
overhead-projector, slide-projector, video/data-projector,
workstation etc ? We have Sun 3-80, Sun Sparc-station 1, Apollo
and IBM 6150 at the university. We are connected to a
IBM 3090-600 J/VF-system via a 2Mb-link and we have on the
university an Intel iPSC/2 hypercube with 64 nodes (16 with
vector facility) and are about to aquire a shared-memory multi-
processor system with advanced graphics and visualization facilities.

Further information:

The registration fee of 150 US$ is due September 1, 1990.
This fee includes conference reception, conference dinner,
lunches and coffee and a special social event. Accomodations are
not covered by this fee.

If you plan to attend the workshop and submit a paper for
presentation please contact professor Bo Kagstrom (see below).
If you plan to attend but will not submit a paper please contact
Torbjoern Johansson (see below).

Hotel rooms are preliminary booked for the workshop. There are
regular flights from Stockholm to Umeaa every 70 minute.

The final program of the workshop will be published later.

Contact persons for the workshop:

Torbjoern Johansson
Umeaa University
S-901 87 Umea
Phone: +46-90166585
Email:[email protected]

Bo Kagstrom
Dept of Computing Science
Umeaa University
S-901 87 Umea
Phone: +46-90165419
Fax: +46-90166126
Email: [email protected]


End of NA Digest
