NA Digest Sunday, April 8, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 14

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Tim Davis <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 5 April 90 10:00 GMT
Subject: Registering for the Training Course in Toulouse, May 2-4, 1990


An Introduction to Parallel Computing

This course on parallel computing will be held at CERFACS, Toulouse
from May 2nd to 4th, 1990 under the auspices of CERFACS in
collaboration with INRIA. Details were posted in the last NA Digest
(Sunday April 1, 1990).

A postal strike in France has led to unpredictable delays in the mail.
Please submit applications for the training cycle by phone, fax, or email,
even if you have already mailed your application:

phone: +33-61-07-96-96
fax: +33-61-07-96-13
email: [email protected]


From: Michael Cohen <[email protected]>
Date: 8 Apr 90 07:47:18 GMT
Subject: Recent Survey of Unconstrained Optimization

I would be interested in recent literature on fast optimation techniques,
for very large numbers of variables. Either literature on recent
progress in using conjugate gradient techniques preferably preconditioned or
one of the truncated Limited Memory Quasi Newton methods would be
Boston University (617-353-7857) Email: [email protected]
Smail: Michael Cohen 111 Cummington Street, RM 242
Center for Adaptive Systems Boston, Mass 02215
Boston University


From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 13:23:51 CDT
Subject: The Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software



In honor of the outstanding contributions of James Hardy Wilkinson
to the field of numerical software, Argonne National Laboratory,
the National Physical Laboratory, and the Numerical Algorithms
Group announce a numerical software prize of US $ 1000.
The prize will be awarded every three years starting in April 1991
for the best submitted piece of numerical software.
Entries for the first award should be sent to the Board of Trustees,
Wilkinson Prize for Numerical software, at one of the following two addresses:

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd Argonne National Laboratory
Wilkinson House Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Jordan Hill Road 9700 South Cass Avenue
Oxford OX2 8DR Argonne, Illinois, 60439
United Kingdom United States

The Board of Trustees of the Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software
will make the award to the entry that best addresses all phases of
the preparation of high quality numerical software. The software
must be written in a widely available high-level programming
language, and must execute on a significant class of computers.
Each author of an entry must be under 40 years of age on the first
of January of the year of the award. Each entry must be accompanied
by a paper describing the software and its implementation. If no entry
meets the minimum standard for the award, the Board of Trustees
reserves the right not to award the prize. The Board of Trustees may
decide that the prize is to be shared by two or more entries.

The timetable for processing entries for the first Wilkinson Prize is:

October 1, 1990 Deadline for submission of entries
October 15, 1990 Acknowledgement of entries
April 1991 Announcement of award winner to entrants
Spring 1991 Formal announcement and presentation of award


Each entrant or group of entrants must supply:

1. Software written in a widely available high-level programming language.
The software must execute on a significant class of computers.
The machines on which the software is executable must be stated.

2. A paper describing the algorithm and the software implementation.
If appropriate, the paper should give an analysis of the algorithm
and the software. Special programming features should be indicated.

3. Documentation of the software which describes its purpose and method of use.

4. Examples of use of the software, including a test program and data.

5. A one or two page summary of the main features of the algorithm and
software implementation.

Submissions must be in English.

Software can be submitted on 9-track ascii tape (1600bpi),
9-track tar tape, cartridge tar tape, or MS-DOS formatted diskettes.

The award will be made to the entrant who best addresses all phases
of the preparation of high quality numerical software. Among them:

Clarity of the paper describing the algorithm, of the software
implementation, and of the documentation of the software.

Portability, reliability, and efficiency of the software implementation.

Depth of analysis of the algorithm and the software.

Importance of application addressed by the software.

Quality of the test software.


From: Herman J.J. te Riele <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 90 15:24:03 +0200
Subject: Symposia on Parallel Scientific Computing


(in collaboration with TUD and UvA)

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (for the meetings of Sept. 7th and Nov. 2nd, 1990) and
PROGRAM (for the meeting of June 8th)

In collaboration with TUD (Technical University Delft), UvA (University of
Amsterdam) and IMACS (International Association for Mathematics and Computers
in Simulation), CWI is organising five one-day Symposia on Parallel Scientific
Computing. Dates are: Febr. 2nd, April 6th, June 8th, Sept. 7th and Nov. 2nd
1990. Place is CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Attention focuses on new developments in numerical algorithms for parallel
computing systems, on software tools for parallel computing (including
libraries) and on applications in science and technology (e.g., fluid
dynamics, mechanics, chemistry).
The organising committee consists of Prof.dr. Th.J. Dekker (UvA),
Dr. H.J.J. te Riele (CWI) and Prof.dr. H.A. van der Vorst (TUD and CWI).


The deadline for submission of abstracts is May 15th, 1990.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 15th, 1990.
Please send abstract to:
Herman J.J. te Riele, CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(email: [email protected]).
A special issue of the IMACS Journal "Applied Numerical Mathematics" will be
devoted to the proceedings of the symposia. Contributions will be subject to
the usual refereeing process of IMACS.

The program for June 8th reads as follows:

O. Axelsson (KU Nijmegen):
Parallel implementations of algebraic multilevel iteration methods
T.L. Freeman (Univ. of Manchester, UK):
A parallel variable metric algorithm for unconstrained optimization
D. Goovaerts (KU Leuven, Belgie):
Parallel implementation of domain decomposed preconditioners
K. Potma (Univ. of Amsterdam):
Implementing Linear Algebra Algorithms on a MEIKO Computing Surface
W. Jalby and B. Philippe (IRISA, Rennes, France):
Stability analysis and improvement of the block Gram-Schmidt algorithm.


From: Karsten Decker <[email protected]>
Date: 03 Apr 90 11:02:06+0200
Subject: Summer Course on Parallel Architectures and Applications


European Physical Society
Computational Physics Group

3rd Graduate Summer Course on Computational Physics

Parallel Architectures and Applications
to be held at
Cret-Berard Puidoux Switzerland
September 3 - 7, 1990


R.W. Hockney, Reading Parallel Architectures
G.C. Fox, CALTECH Hypercube Architectures and Applications
K.C Bowler, Edinburgh Transputer Machines and Applications
J. Richardson, TM Connection Machine and Applications
I. Guyon, AT&T Bell Labs Neural Networks and Applications
R. Gruber, EPFL Software Development Strategies for Parallel
Architectures with Distributed Memory


Parallel architectures

The course will present an overview on parallel architectures in general
with special focus on parallel machines with distributed memory.
Strong and weak points of the different types of architectures are critically
discussed and compared. Software development environments and tools for
parallel architectures are presented and the importance of these tools for
the strongly application oriented user is explained. Models describing
the performance of parallel architectures with shared and distributed
memory architectures are discussed.

Software development strategies for parallel architectures

After presenting an introduction to numerical modelization in general,
the course will discuss the different phases, starting from real experiment,
switching to physical and numerical modeling. Special focus is on the
adaptation of numerical approaches to modern parallel architectures.

Neural networks

The course will describe the current state-of-the-art in neural computing.
It will not assume prior expertise in neural networks. The six lessons
presented will cover machine learning and biological computation, learning
rules and implementations for adaptive artificial neurons, neural network
systems, applications like pattern recognition and signal processing, and
a review of existing software design tools, hardware implementations, neural
network journals, books, and conferences.


A major fraction of the course is dedicated to the presentation of the
successful implementation of a broad spectrum of applications drawn from
physics, engineering, computer science and other areas. The usefulness of
the distinct types of parallel architectures for a collection of very
CPU-intensive applications is compared, and, depending on the type of
architecture, concrete techniques are presented, by means of which these
applications can be mapped to the hardware in an optimal fashion.


During the five days of the course, there will be six hours of lectures
each day, supplemented by informal discussion sessions during the day and
in the evening. A detailed program and abstracts of the lectures will be
issued to those attending. The full collection of the written versions of
the lectures will become available at the time of the summer course. The
proceedings will be published in a special issue of Computer Physics


Fee: Sfr. 350.- for EPS members
Sfr. 400.- for others
Sfr. 250.- for students

Accommodation and boarding: Sfr. 80.- per day
Number of participants: Maximum 60
Deadline for application: End of June 1990
Address for application: Karsten M. Decker
University of Berne
Laenggassstr. 51
CH-3012 Berne
[email protected]


From: D. F. Griffiths <dfg%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 08:56:28 BST
Subject: Dundee 91 Conference

14th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis
University of Dundee, Scotland UK
25th - 28th June 1991

The next in the series of numerical analysis conferences at
Dundee will take place from 25th to 28th June 1991,
inclusive. The occasion celebrates the 70th birthday of A.
R. (Ron) Mitchell who instigated these meetings some 25
years ago.

Further details will be available in the near future and
those interested in participating should contact either
Professor G A Watson or Dr D F Griffiths:
The Organizing Secretaries
Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University
Dundee, DD1 4HN
Scotland, UK Tel: 0382 23181 ext 4467/4474

e-mail: [email protected]
or : [email protected]

The Conference will be preceded by a one day meeting on Mon-
day 24 June at which presentations will be given by those
shortlisted for the Leslie Fox Prize.


From: University of Dortmund <UMA005%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 90 11:55:38 SET
Subject: Position at University of Dortmund


Im Fachbereich Mathematik ist umgehend eine

Professur der Besoldungsgruppe C3,
Angewandte Mathematik/Numerik

wieder zu besetzen. Dabei ist an das Gebiet

Numerische Behandlung partieller


Es wird die angemessene Beteiligung an den an einer
Universitaet mit technischem Kern anfallenden Aufgaben
erwartet, insbesondere auch die Abhaltung von Lehrver-
anstaltungen fuer Nichtmathematiker sowie die Mitwirkung
an der Selbstverwaltung der Hochschule.
Habilitation oder habilitationsadaequate Leistungen werden
vorausgesetzt. Im uebrigen richten sich die Einstellungs-
voraussetzungen nach Paragraph 49 WissHG des Landes NRW.

Bewerber werden gebeten, ihre Unterlagen (Lebenslauf mit
wissenschaftlichem Werdegang, Schriftenverzeichnis,
Verzeichnis der bisher gehaltenen Vorlesungen) bis zum
01.06.1990 an den

Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik
der Universitaet Dortmund
Postfach 50 05 00
4600 Dortmund 50

zu richten.

Die Universitaet Dortmund strebt eine Erhoehung des Anteils
von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb
Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdruecklich um ihre Bewerbung.

(Bitte benutzen Sie nur den brieflichen Weg fuer Ihre
Bewerbung, der Dekan.)


End of NA Digest
