NA Digest Sunday, April 1, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 13

Today's Editor: Cleve Moler

Today's Topics:


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 10:08:05 CST
Subject: Harwell Group Moves to Rutherford


After much negotiation and discussion, arrangements have been
reached for the transfer of the major part of the Harwell
Laboratory Numerical Analysis Group to the SERC Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory (RAL).
For those of you unfamiliar with the local geography, this
means a move of only a few hundred metres although RAL and Harwell
report to entirely different managements and Government
We are very happy with this move since our role in supporting
users and projects on the SERC supercomputers (presently a CRAY
XMP/4 and an IBM 3090/600 VF) will give us much more opportunity
to do research than would have been the case under the
increasingly profit-oriented regime at Harwell.
We are, however, very pleased that we will maintain a
harmonious working relationship with the Harwell Laboratory, in
particular, we will continue our technical support for the Harwell
Subroutine Library.
Several readers of this digest have known something of our
discussions and have provided varying degrees of support and
encouragement. We would like to hereby record our thanks for
their assistance.

On practical matters our new coordinates will be:

Numerical Analysis Group
Central Computing Department
Atlas Centre
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Oxon OX11 0QX

Laboratory number: +44-235-821900
FAX number: +44-235-445808

Those involved in the move (with email addresses and telephone
numbers) are:

Iain Duff [email protected] +44-235-44-235-445803 or ext 5803
Nick Gould [email protected] +44-235-44-235-445801 or ext 5801
John Reid [email protected] +44-235-44-235-446493 or ext 6493
Jennifer Scott [email protected] +44-235-44-235-445131 or ext 5131

Nick, John, and Jennifer will move on April 2nd, and Iain (because of
involvement in a Harwell contract) on June 4th. Iain's email should be
directed to [email protected] until that time.


From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 1990 15:07:38 PST
Subject: Stanford NA Reports Available

The following reports are available though supplies are limited. Please send
you postal address with your request to [email protected].


- Manuscript NA-90-01 February 1990
Line iterative methods for cyclically reduced discrete
convention-diffusion problems, by Howard C. Elman and Gene H. Golub.

- Manuscript NA-90-02 February 1990
The restricted total least squares problem: formulation, algorithm
and properties, by Sabine Van Huffel and Hongyuan Zha.

- Manuscript NA-90-03 March 1990
Fast training algorithms for multi-layer neural nets, by Richard P.


From: Philip Bogdonoff <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 14:08:23 EST
Subject: Parallel FORTRAN Users Group

Dear Gene Golub,

My friend Shahin Khan, one of your subscribers, has, for some time now,
shared with me and others in the Cornell vicinity an editted version of
NA-news. I have appreciated your efforts to produce this newsletter and
have occasionally passed on information gathered from it, informally,
and more recently, through the newsletter I now edit, "Parallel
Dispatches" (the newsletter of the Parallel FORTRAN Users' Group).
I thought you might like to let your readers know of its existence.
If anyone is would like to subscribe they should provide me with both
a hardcopy mailing address and an electronic address. We're aiming to
produce an issue once per month, but we're not quite that frequent yet.

Philip Bogdonoff
PFUG Editor/Moderator
Cornell National Supercomputer Facility
Ithaca, NY 14853-8301 / (607) 255-3985
BITNET: [email protected]
Internet: [email protected]


From: Paul Saylor <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 1 Apr 90 12:29:37 -0500
Subject: Midwest NA Day -- Next Saturday


There will be a Midwest NA Day on the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign campus on Saturday, April 7 from 9:00am - 5:30pm.

The meeting will take special note of the retirement of Bill Gear from
the University of Illinois, where he has been head of the Computer
Science Department since 1985. The conference is open to the numerical
analysis community and other interested researchers.

Midwest NA Day
University of IL, Urbana-Champaign
Saturday, April 7 1990
9:00am - 5:45pm
Beckman Institute, Room 4269
- on University Ave, in Urbana
- between Wright St. and Mathews St.


Gene Golub
Germund Dahlquist
Linda Petzold
Ken Atkinson
Bruce Suter
Walter Gautschi
Dan Boley
Shikang Li
Greg Ammar
Biswa Datta

General Directions:

Wright St. divides the towns of Urbana and Champaign. Beckman
Institute (an enormous building of red brick and pale green glass) is
on the southeast corner of University and Wright intersection --
centrally located between Wright and Mathews.

Send e-mail to [email protected] for additional assistance.


From: Moody Chu <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 90 18:17:05 EST
Subject: Lanczos Centenary Celebration

As an addition to the recent interest in the pronunciation of
Lanczos's name, and also as a response to Gene Golub's call
for a meeting in honor of Lanczos's 100-year birthday, we
would like to call you attention to the following announcement
that will appear in SIAM News and Physics Today in the near




As a part of the Cornelius Lanczos Centenary Celebration at North
Carolina State University,* the College of Physical and Mathematical
Sciences will publish a volume of the collected published Lanczos
papers, with translations. This volume, scheduled for publication
December 1991, will also include commentaries, historical and
biographical notes, and a biographical sketch. In addition to the
historical value of this volume, the editors intend to make it a
valuable reference for many areas of research in mathematical physics
and computational mathematics. They also hope that it will be a source
of inspiration for both beginning research students and senior
researchers. While most readers will be aware of a number of Lanczos's
contributions to mathematical physics and computational mathematics,**
many may not know of his pioneering works in quantum theory and
relativity. Also, many readers may not be aware of the scope and
impact of some of his later works and some of its implications for
present ongoing areas of research.

The editors of this volume plan to contact researchers in physics,
mathematics, computing, and engineering who can provide commentaries
on the works of Lanczos for this volume. However, the editors will
consider commentaries from anyone who has special knowledge about
Lanczos or the application and extension of his methods and ideas.
Contributions that are primarily biographical and historical should
be sent to Dr. Barbara Gellai at the address given below.


Moody T. Chu, William R. Davis,
Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics,
Box 8205, Box 8202,
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA Raleigh, NC 27695-8202, USA

Patrick Dolan, Barbara Gellai,
Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics,
Imperial College of Science N.C. State University,
and Technology, Box 8202,
Huxley Building, Raleigh, NC 27695-8202, USA
180. Queen's Gate, (On leave from Hungarian Academy
London SW7 2BZ, England of Sciences, Central Research
Institute for Physics
-- July 1990 through May 1991.)

James R. McConnell, Larry K. Norris,
School of Theoretical Physics, Department of Mathematics,
Dublin Institute for N. C. State University,
Advanced Studies, Box 8205,
Burlington Road, Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA
Dublin 4, Ireland

Robert J. Plemmons, Don L. Ridgeway,
Departments of Mathematics Department of Statistics,
and Computer Science, N. C. State University,
N. C. State University, Box 8203,
Box 8205, Raleigh, NC 27695-8203, USA
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205, USA

B.K.P. Scaife, William J. Stewart,
Department of Microelectronics Department of Computer Science,
and Electrical Engineering, N. C. State University,
Trinity College, Box 8206,
Dublin 2, Ireland Raleigh, NC 27695-8206, USA

James W. York, Jr.,
Department of Physics
and Astronomy,
University of North Carolina,
Phillips Hall, CB3255,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3255, USA

In addition to the above project, North Carolina State University will
hold an International Cornelius Lanczos Centenary Conference on
December 13--17, 1993 at Raleigh, NC. This conference will reflect the
wide interests of Lanczos in theoretical physics and applied mathematics.
More detailed information about the conference will be published later
this year. Address any inquiries to:

Professor Robert J. Plemmons Professor James W. York, Jr.
Chairman of the Organizing Committee Chairman of the Organizing
for Computational Mathematics Committee for Physics

Office of the International Lanczos Centenary Conference
North Carolina State University,
Box 8202
Raleigh, NC 27695-8202, USA

* Cornelius Lanczos visited N. C. State University several times during
the 1960's. His book entitled: Space Through the Ages: The Evolution
of Geometrical Ideas from Pythagoras to Hilbert and Einstein, Academic
Press, New York, 1970, was based on a lecture course given at N. C.
State in the Spring of 1968 while Lanczos was a visiting Professor of
Physics and Mathematics. Several faculty members and students were
strongly influenced by the ideas and methods of Lanczos. In particular,
Professor William R. Davis remained in contact with Lanczos from the
mid-1950's until his death in 1974.

** For the benefit of the reader less familiar with the works
of Lanczos, we list the books he published. Some of these
books are well known to students of mathematics and physics:

The Variational Principles Discourse on Fourier Series
of Mechanics (Oliver and Boyd, 1966).
(Toronto, 1949; 4th ed., 1970)

Applied Analysis Numbers Without End
(Prentice-Hall, 1956) (Oliver and Boyd, 1968)

Linear Differential Operators Space Through the Ages
(Van Nostrand, 1961) (Academic Press, 1970)

Albert Einstein and The Einstein Decade: 1905--1915
the Cosmic World Order (Elek Books Ltd., 1974)
(Wiley, 1965)


From: Steve McCormick <smccormi@copper>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 11:20:13 mst
Subject: Multigrid Short Course in Denver


University of Colorado at Denver
May 14-18, 1990

Principal Lecturer: Achi Brandt

Supporting Lecturers: John Adams, William Briggs, Chaoqun Liu,
Steve McCormick, John Ruge

Purpose: To provide an understanding of the principles and
procedures for multilevel methods, especially for partial
differential equations, including new multilevel approaches
in computational fluid dynamics.

Registration Fee: $250 (regular), $75 (student). Includes books
and other course materials, refreshments, and
computer lab access.

Topics: Basic tutorial; advanced methods for PDE's (e.g.,
multigrid procedures for general systems, nonlinearity,
ellipticity/nonellipticity, time dependence, inverse
problems, indefiniteness, discontinuities, singularities,
performance prediction/analysis, constrained optimization,
and time dependence), adaptive techniques, algebraic methods,
and computational fluid dynamics; theory; and an introduction
to non-PDE multilevel techniques (e.g., integral and integro-
differential equations, fast dense matrix multiplication,
many-body interactions, Dirac solvers, large determinants,
global discrete and highly-nonlinear optimization, and
multilevel Monte Carlo in statistical physics).

For further information, including an electronic registration form
and a course schedule, please contact:

Short Course Secretary
Computational Mathematics Group
University of Colorado at Denver
1200 Larimer Street, Campus Box 170
Telephone: (303) 556-4807 or (303) 556-2341
(e-mail: [email protected])


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 10:22:16 CST
Subject: Training Course in Toulouse, May 2-4, 1990


An Introduction to Parallel Computing

This course on parallel computing will be held at CERFACS, Toulouse
from May 2nd to 4th, 1990 under the auspices of CERFACS in
collaboration with INRIA.
The course is aimed at scientists in industry and academia who wish
to learn about parallel computing and familiarize themselves through
hands-on experience with a range of parallel computers.
On the first day, some introductory lectures on vector and parallel
architectures will be followed by a more detailed description of the
parallel computers available to students on the course. These will
include a BBN Butterfly, an Alliant FX/80, a TMC Connection Machine
CM-2, an INTEL hypercube, a CRAY-2, and an IBM 3090/VF.
The second day will examine techniques for programming these
machines and tools available to assist in their use. These lectures
will be followed by a discussion of basic numerical algorithms and
The final day will address more large scale computing on such
architectures, including solution of sparse equations, and will
provide an opportunity for students to run their own codes on the
Throughout the course, there will be a strong emphasis on hands-on
experience and it is the intention that students would finish the
course with a basic knowledge of parallelism and how to appreciate,
compare, and use a range of different parallel architectures.
Instructors for the course are J. Dongarra, W. Jalby, A. Edelman,
D. Levine, I. Duff, T. Davis, M. Arioli, D. Ruiz, M. Bergman and
R. Tilch.

There will be a registration fee of 5,9300 FFr (incl VAT) which
is reduced to 3,558 FFr (incl VAT) for full-time students. This
fee includes all course materials, access to computers, and
lunches as well as all refreshment breaks. It would be helpful in
planning hands-on sessions, if prospective participants could
indicate immediately their interest and could register as
soon as possible.

All registration requests and enquiries should be directed to:

Parallel Computing Programme Committee
42 Ave Gustave Coriolis
31057 Toulouse CX
Tel: +33-61-07-96-96
Fax: +33-61-07-96-13
email: [email protected]


From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 90 10:27:38 CST
Subject: Latest issue of the IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

The contents of the current issue of the IMA Journal of Numerical
Analysis are given below.

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis - Volume 10, Number 2

G Markham Conjugate gradient type methods for
indefinite, asymmetric, and complex

A Ostermann A half-explicit extrapolation method
for differential-algebraic systems of
index 3

I Gladwell and R M Thomas Efficiency of methods for second-order

K Surla and Z Uzelac Some uniformly convergent spline difference
schemes for singularly perturbed boundary
value problems

P D Kaklis and Convexity-preserving polynomial splines of
D G Pandelis non-uniform degree
L Brutman, P Vertesi Interpolation by polynomials in z and z
and Y Xu on an annulus

A C Matos A convergence acceleration method based on
a good estimation of the absolute value of
the error

C Bernardi, C Canuto, Single-grid spectral collocation for the
Y Maday and B Metivet Navier-Stokes equations


From: Baker Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 90 16:00:24 CST
Subject: Opportunites at University of Southwestern Louisiana

I am enclosing the following announcement for interested parties. I would be
delighted to have additional students to work with me on global optimization,
interval analysis, continuation methods, etc. (both theory and software).
Our applied mathematics group also works on quenching phenomena in partial
differential equations, inverse problems in biomedical modelling and
biomedical imaging, etc. We have an IBM3090-200VF, an 80386-based
departmental microcomputer laboratory, various VAX's, SUN's, etc. on campus, a
new Cogent, an Encore Multimax, etc. on campus connected with a single fiber
optic network. The administration has expressed a strong interest in building
computational and applied mathematics.

Baker Kearfott
[email protected]


Invites Applications


Louisiana Board of Regents Graduate Fellowships
University Fellowships

These are duty-free fellowships to be offered to highly qualified students who
wish to pursue a Ph.D. in mathematics at USL.

STIPEND For the fiscal year, each Louisiana Board of Regents Graduate
Fellowship pays $16,000, and each University Fellowship pays
$12,000. In addition, all tuition and fees are waived.

HOUSING Priority for housing will be provided by the University. Two-
bedroom apartments for married students and dormitory style rooms
in USL's Conference Center for single students are available.

TERM The fellowships are awarded for a fiscal year, and are renewable
for up to four years, provided that satisfactory progress is made
toward the Ph.D.

ELIGIBILITY Applicants must have: A strong background in mathematical
sciences, bachelors or masters degree, a high grade point average,
a high graduate record examination (verbal and quantitative) score,
and strong letters of recommendation. Qualified black students are
encouraged to apply.

APPLICATIONS Interested persons should contact (as soon as possible):

Professor C. Y. Chan, Graduate Coordinator
Department of Mathematics
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Lafayette, LA 70504-1010
Telephone: (318) 231-5288

Persons may also informally contact

Baker Kearfott
[email protected]
(318) 231-5270 (office)
(318) 981-9744 (home)


From: John Holt <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 90 13:40:51 EST
Subject: Lecturership at University of Queensland


The Mathematics Department here at the University of Queensland, located
in Brisbane, Australia, has a vacancy for a Lecturer in Computational
Mathematics for the 1991 calendar year.

The person should be in one of the areas of mathematical programming,
numerical analysis or operations research, and have had experience teaching a
range of undergraduate courses in computational mathematics. The minimum
academic qualification would be a Ph.D. in mathematics.

The salary available is (in Australian dollars) around $32,000 p.a.

The teaching requirement would be 5 hrs lecturing plus associated tutoring
per week during each semester, as well as setting and marking the associated
exam papers.

Each teaching semester involves 14 weeks of lecturing.

As well as people interested in coming for the full year, we would
consider applicants interested in one semester. This may appeal to people
with study leave entitlement. We may be able to find support for two
people during first semester, and one during second.

In the first instance please contact:-

John Holt
([email protected])
([email protected])


From: Naren K. Gupta <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 90 15:52:20 PST
Subject: MATRIXx Fellowship in Computer-Aided Engineering

Integrated Systems, Inc, (ISI) developers of the MATRIXx(TM)
Computer-Aided Control Engineering (CAE) software system, is pleased
to announce the continuation of the MATRIXx Fellowship program.

The MATRIXx Fellowships in CAE will be awarded on a competitive basis
to students who submit the best written proposal by the proposal deadline.

ISI is a developer of commercial CAE software for control system design
and analysis. ISI introduced of MATRIXx in 1981. Our current products
include SYSTEM_BUILD, a graphical block diagram editor and simulator for
nonlinear systems analysis. AutoCode an automatic C, FORTRAN, and Ada
code generator for embedded real-time microprocessor control systems
from the SYSTEM_BUILD graphical description.

Terms of the Fellowship:

Duration: 3 Months, full-time.

Stipend: USD $10,000 for the duration.

Location: All work will be performed at ISI's headquarters
in Santa Clara, California, USA.

Transportation: ISI will pay for roundtrip air transportation
to Santa Clara for selected Fellows living outside of the
San Francisco bay area.

Housing: Responsibility of the Fellow.

Software Rights: The rights to any software developed under this
stipend will remain with ISI. The Fellow will be given
a copy of the software he/she develops for his/her own
personal use.

The fellowship will only be available to students who have completed
at least one year of graduate school. Consideration will also be
given to those who wish to pursue this fellowship on a part-time basis
during the academic year. This consideration will only be extended to
students currently enrolled at a university in the San Francisco bay

Depending on the proposals received, ISI may grant more than one fellowship
or none at all.

Students who wish to be considered for this award must file a proposal
with ISI by April 27, 1990. ISI will award the fellowship by May 15,
1990. For more details, contact:

Jeff Bach, Manager of University Programs
Integrated Systems Inc.
2500 Mission College Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95054-1215

Tel: (408) 980-1500, Fax: (408) 980-0400, Telex: 559631


End of NA Digest
