NA Digest Sunday, March 25, 1990 Volume 90 : Issue 12
Today's Editor: Cleve Moler
Today's Topics:
From: Gerard Meurant <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 90 18:10:46 -0100
Subject: Cholesky
My dear American friends,
It seems to me that as Cholesky was a French citizen (as his first
name Andre-Louis shows), it is likely that his name must be
pronunced in the French way, that is Cholesky with the beginning
like the French word ''chaud'' or the English ''show''.
Anyway, thanks for all this interest about a French applied mathematician.
Gerard Meurant
From: David Kahaner <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 16:17:03 +0900
Subject: Support for Visitors to Japan
Support for Visitors to Japan from ONRFE
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) maintains an office in Tokyo where I
am presently working while on sabbatical from NIST (formerly NBS). My job
is to learn and report on research that is of interest to ONR in the area
of scientific computing, and more specifically high performance
computing. The offical vehicle for this is a journal (Far East Bulletin)
produced quarterly in this office that has a subscription list of about
7,000. Reports are also circulated informally; some of you have already
been recipiants via email, of a few of mine.
If you have research interests that coincide with ONR's and if you are
willing to write an interpretive report describing the scientific
activities here we may agree to partially support a visit. The idea
would be that if you are planning a Japan trip for a meeting, or for
personal reasons, we could support you for about a week. This could be
the time period of the meeting or an additional period, during which time
you would presumably write most of your report. This represents a good
way to amortize the high costs of such a trip by extending it somewhat,
and at the same time perform an important service to the scientific
Interested individuals should contact me directly via email or by letter.
My addresses are
[email protected]
David K. Kahaner
APO San Francisco, 96503-0007
[First class postage gets letters to Tokyo via this address from the USA.]
An excellent report on woking at a Japanese university was recently
published by Prof. David M. Coleman (Wayne State University) "A
Perspective on University Research and Graduate Studies in Japan",
in Applied Spectroscopy, Vol 43, Number 8, pp 1298-1310, (1989).
Sayonara, David Kahaner
From: J. C. Mason <AITCHISON%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 MAR 90 13:46:10 GMT
Subject: Fifth Leslie Fox Prize
Call for Entries
Entries are invited for the fifth Leslie Fox prize competition. Any person
who is less than 31 years old on January 1 1991 and has not already won a
first prize is eligible. Each entry should consist of three copies of a
paper, describing some of the candidate's research, that is suitable for a
40 minute lecture at a numerical analysis symposium. Whether or not the
work has been published or accepted for publication is irrelevant, but no
person may submit more than one paper. Unsuccessful candidates from
previous competitions are encouraged to enter.
A joint paper may be submitted by an individual candidate if accompanied by
a statement by that individual detailing his or her contribution to the
paper, which should be the major contribution.
The entries will be considered by an Adjudicating Committee, its members
being J.C. Mason (Shrivenham), N. Nicholls (Reading) and C.M. Elliott
(Sussex). Particular attention will be given to the originality and quality
of each paper, and to the suitability of the material for a 40 minute talk
to a general audience of numerical analysts. About 5 papers will be
selected by the Committee for presentation at a symposium that will be held
at the University of Dundee on Monday, June 24, 1991 (the day prior to the
Dundee Biennial Conference in Numerical Analysis on June 25-28). Only the
papers that are presented at the symposium will be eligible for awards, but
subject to this restriction, the Adjudicating Committee may award any
number of first and secondary prizes.
Entries should reach Professor J.C. Mason (Applied and Computational
Mathematics Group, RMCS, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts. SN6 8LA, England) not
later than January 15, 1991.
Each candidate should include a statement that his or her year of birth is
not earlier than 1960, and should indicate whether he or she would be
available to present his or her paper at the symposium. The Adjudicating
Committee may allow a deputy to present a paper in a case of exceptional
merit. The receipt of all entries will be acknowledged. It is unlikely that
travel funds will be available to assist candidates who attend the
symposium. Any questions on this notice should be addressed to a member of
the Adjudicating Committee.
From: Anthony D. Klemm <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 90 17:22:00 +1000
Subject: Professorship at Deakin University, Australia
Professor of Mathematics
Applications are invited for appointment to the foundation
Chair of Mathematics in the Department of Computing and
Mathematics within the School of Sciences. The University has
grown rapidly since its establishment in 1977 and this presents
challenging opportunities for educational innovation and
The University is seeking a Professor to provide academic
leadership in mathematics and/or statistics, and to play a
major role in the expansion of research and graduate studies,
in the growth of external funding initiatives, and in
academic development.
The successful applicant is likely to hold a Ph.D. and
will have strong research interests preferably in applied
mathematics, statistics or operations research together
with a commitment to link theoretical development and
industrial applications.
The appointment, at a salary of (A)$65,837 is for a fixed
term of five years which may be renewed for further five
year terms. Additional establishment benefits to facilitate
the Professor's and the Department's research will be
negotiated. The University reserves the right to fill the
post by invitation or not make an appointment.
Enquiries of an academic nature should be directed to
the Chair of the Department, Dr. I. Collings, telephone
(052) 47 1324. Further information about the University,
conditions of employment, and method of application may
be obtained from the Personnel Manager, Deakin University,
Geelong, Victoria, 3217, AUSTRALIA, with whom applications
close on 18 May 1990.
Equal Opportunity is University Policy.
Anthony D. Klemm UUCP: ..!uunet!munnari!aragorn.oz!tony
Department of Computing & Mathematics , ..!decvax!mulga!aragorn.oz!tony
Deakin University, CSNET: [email protected]
Geelong, Victoria, 3217 . AUSTRALIA. BITNET: tony AT
Phone: +61 52 471392 ARPA: [email protected]
From: Rolf Jeltsch <EZ010BR%[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 90 11:33:51 MEZ
Subject: Professur C4 Mathematik, Aachen
In der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet ist am Institut
fuer Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik eine
P R O F E S S U R C 4 F U E R M A T H E M A T I K
(Nachfolge R. Jeltsch)
wieder zu besetzen.
Erwartet wird die Vetretung des Faches Mathematik in Forschung und
Lehre und die Mitwirkung an der Ausbildung von Studierenden der
Mathematik, Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften. Zu den Aufgaben des
Institutes gehoert das Vorlesungsangebot in Numerik sowie
Darstellender Geometrie.
Erwuenscht ist ein Forschungsgebiet aus der Numerischen Analysis, das
Bezug zu Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften hat, z.B. Numerische
Mathematik der Differentialgleichungen oder/und numerisch-geometrische
Verfahren fuer hoeher dimensionale Probleme.
Habilitation oder gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen werden
Die Bewerbung geeigneter Schwerbehinderter ist erwuenscht.
Bewerbungen mit Lebenslauf, Schriftenverzeichnis und wissenschaft-
lichem Werdegang sowie Angaben ueber Lehrerfahrungen sind bis zum
15.5.1990 zu richten an den
Dekan der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen
Fakultaet der RWTH Aachen
Templergraben 64
D-5100 Aachen.
Auch Hinweise auf geeignete Persoenlichkeiten sind erwuenscht.
From: Bruce Simpson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 90 11:22:54 EST
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computation and Ground Water Modeling
The Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research (WCGWR) and the
Scientific Computation project (Scicom) of the Information Tech-
nology Research Centre (ITRC) jointly announce:
A Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Numerical Techniques for
Simulation of Subsurface Contaminant Flow.
The award provides a salary of $31,200 per year for two
years commencing at date suitable to the fellow in the period
June through November, 1990. The fellow will be jointly appointed
in the department of Computer Science and the department of Earth
Sciences of the University of Waterloo. The WCGWR and Scicom are
collaborating on research, particularly in sparse matrix tech-
niques and their application to numerical simulators for hydro-
geological contamination transport.
The fellowship holder will be expected to:
- carry out individual research
- contribute to the collaborative research of WCGWR and Scicom
- provide operational support to these two groups
with roughly equal emphases.
Candidates will be considered who:
- have a strong background in numerical solution of partial
differential equations and numerical linear algebra.
- a knowledge of transport phenomena in porous media would be
- show strong research potential
- expect to fulfill the requirements for a PhD degree
in a related subject during the commencement period for the
Candidates may apply by sending CV's, including identification
for three references, to
Professor R B Simpson
Department of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada , N2L 3G1
I will be happy to provide further information from this
address, or by telephone (519)-888-4469 , or electronic mail -
[email protected]
From: Michelle Jones <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 10:09 EDT
Subject: ICIAM 91
International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics
July 8-12, 1991
Sheraton Washington, Washington, D.C.
Eighteen hundred applied mathematicians and computational scientists from 52
countries met in Paris in June 1987 to take part in the First International
Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Their enthusiastic response
reflected both the large size and the broad interests of the international
applied mathematical and computational community.
In addition to the 16 invited presentations, there were 68 minisymposia, many
comprised of representatives from several countries, and more than 1,000
contributed papers. ICIAM 87 was truly a significant international event.
Now is the time to begin planning your participation in ICIAM 91. Organize a
minisymposium...contribute a paper...and most important, contact SIAM to make
sure you are on our ICIAM 91 mailing list.
ICIAM 91--July 8-12, 1991, Washington, D.C., USA
Invited Presentations
Dynamic Energy Minimization and Phase Transformations in Solids
John M. Ball
Department of Mathematics
Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
Intermediate Asymptotics in Micromechanics
Grigorii I. Barenblatt
Institute of Oceanology
USSR Academy of Sciences, USSR
Mathematical and Computational Models of Vision
Michael Brady
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford, Great Britain
Aspects of Constrained Optimization
Andrew R. Conn
Department of Combinatorics and Optimization
University of Waterloo, Canada
Modulation Equations Arising in the
Mechanics of Continuous Media
Wiktor Eckhaus
Mathematisch Instituut
Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, The Netherlands
Some Industrial Problems Solved in the Framework of the
European Consortium of Mathematics in Industry
Antonio Fasano
Istituto Mathematico "U. Dini"
Universita Degli Studi (Firenze), Italy
Numerical Solution of Linear Algebraic Equations
Arising from Convection-Diffusion Equations
Gene H. Golub
Department of Computer Science
Stanford University, USA
Discrete Mathematics in Manufacturing
Martin Groetschel
Institut fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Augsburg, West Germany
Computational Methods for Chemically Reacting Flow
Thomas J.R. Hughes
Division of Applied Mechanics
Stanford University, USA
Interior Point Methods in Optimization
Narendra K. Karmarkar
Mathematical Sciences Research Center
AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA
Forced Nonlinear Surface Waves
Klaus W. Kirchgassner
Institut fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Stuttgart, West Germany
Optimal Control and Viscosity Solutions
Pierre-Louis Lions
Universite de Paris Dauphine, France
Wavelets and Applications to Numerical Analysis
Yves F. Meyer
Universite de Paris Dauphine, France
Dynamics of Patterns, Waves and Interfaces from the
Reaction-Diffusion Aspect
Masayasu Mimura
Department of Mathematics
Hiroshima University, Japan
Generation of Biological Pattern and the Formulation of
Morphogenetic Flows
James D. Murray
Center for Mathematical Biology, University of Oxford, Great Britain, and
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, USA
Radar Architectures--From Microwave Processing to Computational Power
Gabriel Ruget
Defense and Control Systems Division
Thomson CSF, France
Advances in Strongly Polynomial Linear Programming Algorithms
Eva Tardos
School of Operations Research and Industrial Engineering
Cornell University, USA
Applications of Massively Parallel Computing
David J. Wallace
Department of Physics
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Computational Modeling of Flows in Porous Media
Mary F. Wheeler
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston, USA
Hierarchical Finite Elements and Related Preconditioners for
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Harry Yserentant
Fachbereich Mathematik
Universitaet Dortmund, West Germany
(*Titles of presentations tentative.)
Minisymposia Proposals
The ICIAM 91 Program Committee invites you, as a potential organizer, to
submit a proposal for a minisymposium.
A minisymposium is a session of 3-5 speakers focusing on a single topic.
Sessions may be scheduled for two or three hours. The organizer of a
minisymposium invites the speakers and decides on the topics they are to
address. If you would like to organize a minisymposium, you must submit a
proposal on an ICIAM minisymposium form. Acceptance of proposals will be by
decision of the ICIAM 91 Program Committee.
To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a minisymposium proposal,
please contact SIAM.
Deadline date for minisymposium proposals: July 31, 1990
Contributed Papers/Poster Presentations
Participate in ICIAM 91 by submitting a paper, which you may present in a
contributed paper session or as a poster presentation.
Authors will have approximately 15 minutes to present contributed papers, with
an additional 5 minutes for questions. Alternatively, they may elect poster
presentations, interactive discussions with individuals interested in their
work illustrated with flip charts and/or other visual aids.
If you desire to contribute a paper or a poster presentation, you must submit
a summary not exceeding 75 words on an ICIAM 91 contributed paper/poster
presentation form. Papers will be reviewed by the program committee.
Depending on the number of papers submitted, scheduling considerations may
necessitate that some contributed papers be presented as posters. Everyone
who submits a paper will be notified by mail as to whether it was accepted or
To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a paper, please contact SIAM.
Deadline date for submission of contributed paper/poster presentation forms:
September 30, 1990
Exhibitor Information
Booths and combined exhibits will be available to companies wishing to display
their products and/or services.
Sponsoring Societies
Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM)
Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (IMA)
Societa Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI)
Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles (SMAI)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
With the cooperation of:
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA)
Hosted by SIAM
To obtain future announcements as well as ICIAM 91 abstractt and proposal
forms, please write to:
ICIAM 91 Conference Manager
c/o SIAM
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688, USA
E-MAIL: [email protected]
FAX (TELECOPY): (215) 386-7999
PHONE: (215) 382-9800
Michelle Jones, Marketing Manager, SIAM
End of NA Digest